North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, November 06, 1890, Image 2

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    0- 8. B. CABTEll
rth yeor^ia Aimes
ing * CARTER PuMUncr*.
Paper »r the County,
id eatend la the Posi Offiee at Spring Place
k, a* Moond class matter.
Tax Collector.
ft P. are requested to ann uoce the name
M. WELCH ai enn^idate for ra-aiee*
b to the office of Tax Coi.i.*cto» of Mur-ay
Fnty. Election lat. Wednesday in January
After the •olicititloa of many friend*, I
hare decided to an no once myielf a* a candi
date for Tax Collector. Election first
Wednesday in January 1891.
B. A. Gregory.
We ere author’ied to announce the name
of GEO. H. BATES Rs a candidate for Tax
Collector. Blection, Brit Wedneiday in Jan¬
uary 1891.
We are autboriiel to announce the name
of JAMES L. MCKNTIRE as a candidate
for Tax Collector. Election first Wednesday
in January.
We are autborlied to announce the name
of JOHN S. ADDINGTON a* a candidate
for eounty Treaaurer. Election first Wednea
day in January 1891.
We are autboriied to announce JAMES
A DICKSON for County Treaaurer, election
firat Wedneaday in January 1891.
We are authoriied to announce Her. JOHN
H. PRILLIPPS as * candidate for County
Treasurer, election first Wednesday in Jan
i ary 1891.
Fon SnERirt'.
ith thanks to the people for their suffrage
■ patt, 1 announce myself as a candidate
Selection to the office of Sheriff, and
Ihat I may hare a liberal patronage in
■Nn on 1st. Wednesday in January
Sjfi^B J.C.EcEntirr.
lljjBnauUini' JgK with my frionda I have
become a candidate for rheriff.
to tho office whir l I seek, I
■Band impartially perform the
Ifttbc beat of my ability.
W. C. Grovih.
■nlicitationa, I hat <• dcrid
Ip Hndidato for the office of
^Klection ^■tly po licit the support of
' first Wednesday in
|jj Respectfully,
C. L. Tkkkt.
Foi. Tax Ricriyir.
At due deliberation, I have decided to
announce myself as a candidate for election
to the office of Tax Receiver and solicit the
rote of the people. Eloction 1st. Wednes¬
day in January 1891.
Be F. C. Loud HB1 DOB.
For Cl«ek,
We are authorized to announce li. H.
AansBHoN as a candidate for Clerk of the
Superior Court. Election first Wednesday in
We are authorised to announce Samuel H
Fikchkr as a candidate for Clerk of the
Superior Court. Election first Wedneaday in
January 1891.
Wa are authorised to announce the tame
ofM. P. BATES as a candidate lor Clerk cf
the Superior Court. Eleotiou 1st Wednesday
in January’ next.
After. .the solicitation of my many friends,
I have tjeclded to announ co myself u as a iban
didate fi r Clerk ol the Superior Court. R
loctiun first Wednesday in January .189V,
M. M. Lkon.hi>.
Spring Place Ga. Oct 25, '90:—
John B. Gordon Camp Con¬
federate Veterans of Murray
county met in regular session.
Maj, R. £. Vilsou, Vice
commonder iu the chair.
J. F. Nolan, Co. A. 37th Ga
anff*J. T. Kuhn, Co. A. 2nd
Tenn. cavalry admitted as
The following preamble and
resolution was adopted unani
moudy, viz:
Whereas Gov. John B. Gor¬
don, our beloved Commander
in Chief of “The United Con¬
federate Veterans association ot
the U. S,,*’ whose h story dur¬
ing the war between the states
and since as l\ S. Senator and
Govenor of our state, has en¬
deared him to us and challenges
our highest admiration, and who
is now a candidate for U S Senator,
Resolved that rur senat ir, Hon
J M Harlan and Hon E VV Rem
borl. our Resresentalive. are here¬
by requested to t-upport Gov John
B Gordon for U S Senator and use
all honorable means to secure hisj
election, feeling that oor interests
cannot, be ontrasted lo toler hands.
On motion, this meeting was
adjourned Nov., until Saturday the Sth
when the presence of all
our members is requested.
J. A. McKamv, See.
Special Notice to the Ladies.
R M. Herron, Dalton Ga., has
added tc his business, an ex¬
tensive Dies« Making Depart¬
ment, in which eight or t* 11 ex¬
perienced skillful and tasteful
Ladies are employed, so that'
AU ' who wish a dress made upi
in the best and latest style can
he accommodated.
1500 Dollars worth of Clolh
ing received and must be solo
by 1st. January. T. J. Ovbey.
Normal School.
The Teachers Normal School of
eonnty will be held at Su¬
beginning Nov the 19th, and
m continue two weeks. No pro¬
teacher in Muirsy eonnty
affoid to miss this school. The
ia the programme for the
fi„ t w< * k; _
First day, forenoon—School will
bo opened by prayer and singing.
Address of welcome by C H
Humphreys—Response, by Prof
M P Bates.
Address by the County Superin
tendenf, Rev S H Henry.
Afternoon—Discussion on Or
thography by Ptof M P Bates.
„ . _
biueslion t>OX.
^nd day, forenoon—DisCU8Sion
on Reading,’opened by PrOl W L
Henry. Question Box.
Afternoon—Discussion on wiit
ing opened by Prof W A Campbell
Question Box.
3rd day, forenoon—Discussion on
school government opened by Prjl
M King.
Miscellaneous exeicises.
Afternoon—Discussion on Ge¬
opened by Prof G C In
How to interest little ones by
Miss Sullie Leonand.
4th day, forenoon—Discussion
on Arithmetic opened by Prof D C
Trimmier. Question Box.
Afternoon—Discussion of Gram¬
mar opened by Prof T J Harris.
Music in the Public schools by
Miss Onie Henry.
5lh day, foienoon—Discussion
on the Public school system of
Georgia by Prof J T McEutire.
Miscellaneous exercises.
Afternoon—How to imj rove our
teaching methods, by M'ss Aggie
Numerous Class Drills will be
given, and lectures delivered by
teachers ol this and other counties.
During the first week a programme
will be arranged for the second
Public debate Wednesday night.
Question: Resolved, that a compul¬
sory system of Education would be
expedient for th® South.
Affirmative; M P Bates and Mrs
M Wells. Negative, 0 II Hum¬
phreys and Miss Jenny Gilbert.
C S Pangle is .agent lor the
celebrated Black Hawk corn
slieller. Best on the market
at the price. They get there
on the corn—see him before
you o der. Satisfaction guar
Nov. 4, (’lection-day) 1890:—
Gathering corn. Picking cot¬
ton. Gone to the Jleetidl):
“Wire working,” taking
“Affidavits,” writing, printing
and distributing circulars, are
after to day things of the past
—at least for a while. Maybe
we’li get a short lesl.
Look here farmer—alliance—
men, the other fellows say you
have been deceived; and al¬
though, a man is the regular
Democratic nominee, yet he
was first endorsed by the Al¬
liance—a “Secret caucus” and
that disqualifies him for office.
They say: O what democracy!
—to elect a farmers man! -
Won’t do, won’t do!
Cotton pickings have been
in order for some time down
Rev. W. A. Ellis has re¬
from a two weeks stay
Haralson county.
Frost. Ice. Cold wind.
Ovbey ia leading in clothing,
M^nkt To loan,
am prepared to negotiate loans
improved farm lands in sums
300$ and upwards on very eascy
and low rates of interest,
desiring to borrow will
well to-call and see me.
Trammell Stair. Atty. >
Spring Place.'
7 r*-, >
-------r a .
Herron's stock of corsets and
gloves is extensive and superb.
I propose to suit the old. young
and middle aged in shoes, Ovbey.
Dots From North Corner
of Murray.
Hughes Ga. Oct. 30th. 1890:—
We are still here every man
to his post. We have men of
almost every profession—such
as farmers, merchants, doctors,
millers, black smiths, carpet
ters, shoe makers, school teach
ers, Christians, hypocrites, tat¬
tlers, liars, grumblers, dead
beats and also we have some
wonderful hunters, who ex¬
plored the Cohuitns last week
and had wonderful success.
After about a week’s prepara¬
tion, the following to wit: Will
Waterhouse, Joe Smith, Robt.
Batts and son, Lee, with Cal
Boyd and Rube Cooper, left
their homes, families and
friends for a week or ten days
hunt in the mountains. They
ai l ived at the old Barclay pWe
on Monday evening—some of
them went one mile and sonie
ot them went half a mile from
the camp and some of them g6t
scattered and tha whole thing
Income deranged and back
they came with about three
pecks of chestnuts and two
g. ound squirrel sli ihs. Water
house and Cooper happened to
get out of hallowing distance
anil got left. When they found
the camp vacated—wagqn
gone ami everything lonely,
they pulied their freight for
home, walking a distance of
about twenty five miles, in a
bout three hours, or they say
they walked it. Well Rube
says they didn’t run over one
mile but they beat the wagon
home some time. Joe says he
bad about three hours the start
of the boys, and dfrove under
whip all the way. v Will and
Rube can walk*- eau’tOt&y?
They get there Eli.
They were all nien of fami¬
lies nnd Joe Smith, Lee
and Cal boyd beard something
run through the bushes and
they are very considerate men
and thought they had better
get to their little families. So
there was joy and baby
and a great hand shaking
they got back home. They
had been gone about forty
Well our coin, cotton, and
sweet potatoes a e very good,
but still it rains, and we can’t
gather and the jack host on the
morning of the 28th warns us
that winter is coming. Some
of cur farmers are trying to
imp ove tlieii lands, while
ors are impoverishing theirs.
haf, can the farmer do to bt
saved is the cry i When they
have anything to sell, it won’t
bring anything. Cattle are
not worth anything, mules a.e
not worth anything, corn and
are low, but beet I .floor,
flour m.d every thing th it .we
have to buy is high.
Weil the Bible i-ays 1 Trust
in lira Lord and do good, so
ill the
vei'dy th u shalt be
the only plan l know
\ toil's,
Level Head.
Tom Wolf oik was h«Dged on
last Thursday the 29th. Be
plead innocence to the last.
If you are going to the West,
{Southwest or Northwest, save
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmond
son, Dalton Ga., traveling pas¬
senger Agent of the “Old Re ¬
liable” W. A. R. It. Spe*
ciaj accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas travel
If you are going West or
Southwest and want. Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time, ad¬
dress or call on T. C. Smith,
general emigrant ticket, agent,
Dalton, Georgia.
Fine work in all
branches of PHOTOGRA¬
Gallery two doors north of
Dr. Main’s drug store.
Remember we do not work
in a tent.
Bring this advertisement to
out-gallery and get lour Gem
pictures for 35 cents.
Be sure to bring this card.
IIdrd & Delany,
Dalton Ga.
Calaway & Longest,
Dalton Ca.
We desiro to oall the attention of the pub.
lie and the people of Mar ay, especially,
that we are now wide awake in the LIVERY
BU INESS; having purchased tho entire bu -
ineas of Mr. S. D. Poarch. Wagon yard ir
connection with Stable.
J. J. Bates,
Spmko Plack, UroRuiA.
Special attention given to collec¬
tions and criminal practice
H. H. Amlerson
Attorney at Law
SPRING Pl.tCR, Gaonoia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and tho collection of
o.N. 8 TAKH, tbarmrllbysrr
-Calhoun, Ga. Spfrlng Place,Ga
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalbusines
Metropolitan Hotel.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fifty yards from Union Passenger
C»rnor ol' Alabama Ac Pryor Streets.
- Hates Reasonable. -
R- P- KEITH, • - Proprietor.
[Late of Cannon House.]
THE refill
DULY m 1/
* i■
Ma: iy Persons
t^*nrrZ’TirZrmttc i £T hM
rebuild' the ‘/Asm. ai«ls digesti on. removes ox
cess of Jile. md cures mabtria. Get Ihegcuuine.
roa Tin : in.oois.
BilioustiCWi, Weakness. take Mnlnria, to<iigj$tton and
immvN s moi\ hittkrs.
(uediciuc. It curt*..- quick If. the For Kale by all dealers j 1
Get geuuluc.
John (1. I* e a VJI
• • • • DEALXB IN. . • •
Cotton Planter, 7 Attention!
■ '' -
■ . j#
Howel Cotton Co. of Rome Ga. has sent a representative to
Cleveland Tennessee.
To remain during the Cotton season. He goes there:-, under
guarantee to Ihe Business men of
Cleveland Tennessee,
pay the highest Rome Ga. Prices for all the Cotton ta¬
ken to that market this year.
look to your interest
. ■ I.
And Market Your Crop in Cleveland Tenn.
Where you are tendered, Free Stables, free
house room and free wood
for all those who lernain over night in the City. r
Come where you will be treated right in every particular-
Ask the opinion of those of youi neighbors who sold their
crops he: e last year.
North Georgia and Alabama
Rome, Georgia,
Wednesday, November 5th, and Close S .turday, November 15
$10,000 in Premiums!
Embracing ArtKes of H usebold and Mechanical Manufacture, Ag
ricultura) Products and Impbraents, Fine Arts, Lite Stock,
Poultiy, Ores. Minerals, Forestry and Ladies* Needle Work. 1
Competition open to all!
$2650’00 In Racing Purses.
Send to the Secietary for a Premium L ; st
The Directors guarantee Amusements and Com fort for Ex¬
hibit is and Visitors.
A. W. Walton, President. J II Allen, Vice President.
E. T. McGhee, Tieasurer. J. F. Shanklin, Secretary.
All Roads Lead to Rome. - >
, .
1890 « 1890
Robinson Sc Fincher Xi
SPRING " ’ '.1
.... Dealeiis In. ...
Groeerias, Prov siuns, Co: fectio. erics, Cigars, Tobaeoo, Flour, Meal, Lard. Sugar, Ceffee.
Syrup and In fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tia ware: AtlotseUei
Stock of NOT I0XS. ȣե .
f ■
....Will buy all kinds ol produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn,..
peas and anyt ling in the ^
produce line, and pay th®
Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or buy -our groceries &c.
Hem street & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemeterjr Work,
Special Prices Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Cdattav -oga. Tank
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
“No, Boss— rl’ll work no mow, 'less
mm* yon weigh yoar Cotton on aJONES
Wi 6-Ton Cotton Scale
x ;ft Beam Box,
Tare Beam,
Freight Paid.’*
1 JONES For Of terms BINGHAMTON, address,