Newspaper Page Text
igers ADN Hambright,
Auction Bargains In
Men's Clothing, Shoes and Hats. We will sell yon Clothing, Hats
and Shoes Cheaper than any House in Cleveland* Don't
fail to give u>> a call as it is a pleasure to show oar goods.
* Rogers & Hambright,
B M Herron is pl eased to an¬
nounce to bis old customers, and
and to the new ones that he is sure
to have—tlwfc he has purchased
the largest and b*et selected stock
cf Dry Goods, -Boots and Shoe*,
Hats and Caps, for this fall and
winters tradei that has ever been
seen in Dalton-. He especially wish¬
es to call client ion to his stock of
Dress goods and trimmings, which
is the finest, most stylish and taste¬
ful that could be found in the
Eastern market. He desires also
to call the attention of the Ladies
of Murray to the fact that he has
secured the services of Sliss Nora
Love, as saleswoman. The expe¬
rience and taste of Miss Love is
well known to many in the sur¬
rounding country. She will be on
hand to aid the Ladies in selecting
dressev and trimmings to match, to
make combinations of goods and
colors to a charming effect &c &c.
Call and see for yourselves.
Get your fall and wiuter suits
at Ovbev‘9* ,
Col W H Tibbs brought a fioe
drove of cattle off the mountains
last week.
For tombs)ones and monumental
work call on C N King.
J C Morris has just oompletcd
a handsome dwelling for our young
friend William M- uldin.
Dont forget the Old reliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
T -T
The buzz of the cotton pin of
famp & Co can bo heard at all
times oi the night
Uev II M Bates has been re¬
called to serve the Pleasant Valley
church during the ensuing year.
Farmers seem to be surprised a t
tbe way their cotton is turning
out. It is so much better than
they expected a short time ago.
Henry Gain, of Pleatant Valley,
has rented out Ins farm for . next
year and is going to t y Texas a
Jeff Brown and family, who have
been living at Chattanooga tor sev
eral months are down on a'visit.
Thoseof our subserbers desiring
Vo pay their subscription in wood
will please see ns at once and
make arrangements to that affect.
Sheriff J C McEutire, attended
the Grand Lodge at Macon last
week as a representative from the
Sum -ok Lodge.
Mr tV J Black, of near town who
has been suffering with a sprainod
ankie several days is able to be
out again.
Mrs. Rowan moved tug
week to the residence of Dr.
Hair is, which was recently va¬
cated by T. B. Camp.
Hev James Pendlrion, an evau
aelist cf East Tennessee, preached
at I icasTnfc Valley on Saturday
,uid Sunday, last and Ins sermons
were greatly appreciated by the
people of that community.
■TVe call attention to the an
nonneement of M M Leonard, for
clijrk of the Superior court, in this
iesiie. Mr Leonard has served the
people in this capacity heretofore,
and if elected, promises to make
asTfaithful a servant as in the past.
Mr. ' John McKamy is the
champion potato grower oi the
sua^on. presented us with
f) sample of the Peerless, which
were planted about tbe t nth
ot August and they ar. far a
bead of anything we have seen
Eon. E. W. Rembert, Murray's
representative in the Georgia
Legislature, took his departure
for the Gate City, Tuesday.
Herron carries the best stock
of hats and caps iu the market.
If sometimes, your title (Mr-)
doen‘t appear before your name
please don’t feel slighted, as it is
not a fault of oars but caused by
an insufficiency of cap M‘s.
The best and cheapest .leans and
Cashmeres are to be found at Her
ron‘s, Dalton Go
We have Bomo accounts dne us
on advertising and subscription,
that must be settled at once. We
dislike very much to put any one
to cost or trouble, but vte most
make these collections. Be sure
to see us at your earliest conven¬
If you want reliable shoes, such
as Zeigler‘8. Bay State or Stribley's,
go to Herron's, D ilton Ga.
Lester Spiingfield who has been
in Texas for n few months, re¬
turned one day last week and is
the happiest boy you ever sau—to
gel back. He says there are lots
of people in Texas that would
come back if they could only gel
the money
Men and women who want
comfort in the way of good un¬
der-wear, can find the best
stock at Herron’s, Dalton Ga.
Col F T Reynolds, of Dalton,
informs us lhat the Dalton apd
Spring Place R R will be a certain¬
ty, and that, all that will be asked
of Murray people will be the right
of- way, aud good will towards the
T A & S E Berry have on hand
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Farmers are getting from $2.50
to $500 more per bale on their
cotton in Cleveland and Tilton than
they can get in Dalton, and the
( oj.sequence is, most of the cottcn
is going lo these points.
Of course I got my suit at, Ov
bey‘s, no better goods can be had
in the market.
(VtrLlV Burolt, county Treas¬
urer of Whitfield ccuiitv is one ol
the most accommodating officers
we know. At the last Term
Whitfield Superior court, the
county had no funds tc* pay off the
juries and Mr Barrett furnished
the money and paid them oB
without expense to tho county.
“Cousin Lank’" says he will get
them the next time “Tariff or no
tariff,” and we believe it.
• •-
Sad Death.
Etnma, nirayoar old daughter of
the widow Hughes, who lives near
Hpssler l/ills, was burned to death
on last Friday'morning. She had
come info the house from the cot
f on W arm and whilo stand
\ n „ \, y the fire< her dothing took
fire, and in a moment of time ihe
flames had enveloped her person
and soon she van in the grim mon
seer's arms restling in the deepest,
agonies of deahi. Her little br th
er who was stilt vonnger than she,
wag her only help to suppress the
flames, and he fouirht manfully,
lil) he singed the hair Jrom bis
hepl1 and ruin ®' 1
I for li e. but to no av .il the litt'e girl
lay a charred- corpse in less than
twenty four hours.
Srefindigestion.Biiiouancss, MBT BROWN'S IRON BITTERS
Dyspepsia, Mala.
ria, Keri-ousiiess, aud General Debility. Pbysi
clans recoiuiueutl it. All dealers sell it. Genuine
has trade murk and crossed red lines on wrapper.
Creorge T. Hall &. Bro.
Whole Sale aid Retail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. Bacon, Flour, SacK
Salt Ac.
SfField Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
We are bound to lead
market on Clothing this season-;
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line oi
Clothing ever brought to
Spring Place. We have culled
the market for best goods that
be had, and buying in
quantities, enables us to
at Rook Bottom prices.
T. J. Ovbey
By George! that's a pretty B«it
got it at Ovbey's.
When you are in Dalton dont
that L Bucholz keeps the
standard confectionaries and is
ready tc wait on the Murray
A good square meal will be
for only 25 cents. Re¬
Mr Buck, first door below
& Bryant’s drug store.
T. J. Ovbey will sell ytu
as cheap as it can be
in Ga.
Iam now receiving a complete
of imported dress goods and
the ladies to examine them
dealing elsewhere Uvbty.
I have enlarged my store loom
enables me to carry a lar¬
ger line of genei'i'-l merchandise
than ever before. T 9 Ovbov
Tuesday’8 Election
The following is the reporl by
Dr-t of the Congressional election
Tuesday: Town Biat; Everett 16G.
Felton 13L Hargroves G- Ball
Ground; Everett G5, Belton GG.
tenth District., Everett. 53, Felton
23. Doolittle. Everett 76, Felton
18. Eighth, Everett 51. Felton
27. Alaculsu, Everett 40 “elton
5. 1013th.. Everett 80, Felton G3,
Hargroves 1. shuck Pen, Everett
38, Felton 50. Bull Pen, Everett
59, Felton 9. Total, Everett. G30,
Fell on 394, Hargroves 7, Ever¬
ett's majority 23G,
Everett's majority iD tbe district
as repotted in the Coi-sti’ution is
on real estate, in amounts not less
than $300, cheaper than cun be got
atjhome. Apply through
C. N. King.
® EASIEST to use.
PVl 1 Manly Manf g Co.,
STEEL Lintels, Cast Columns, Sills, eto.
yia 1 Khul, /ItKffg BEST IN THE
hew south
WRITE for Pictures and
Prices or anything
you need In
METAL, we can send It promptly.
Be sere you mention this paper.
Advice to Mother*. '
Mrs. Whtslow's Soothing SYaupahonM alwtrt
be used *hea tdiikiren are cutting itproduceauaUitaL lit*
lieve» the little Buffererufconc** “brigM
quiet Mieep, and ihe litfcle cherub awakes as
m a buttou/* It is very pleasant to taste. It
soothes the chii.iesoftcnsthegums.siiaysaiipoiii, bowels, andis the best known remedy
regniatesthe diarrhoea, whether nrisjn^ from teething
for bottle. oi
ethwcau.ea. T^ty-Ove m-uU a
ip touk aciik*
a ° lMZ>g
It will w C’Jre bjall you, and deters give iu a medicine. good rpputite. Sold
New York St©^
JVcw Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and TriraminS
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected GcodoB
Hats, Bonnets, &e, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davi S
WoODLAWN, -oo:o<
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery fioods.
Just Received at tbe Mlllueiy Store ef
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goode, consisting of Straw
Bonnetsand Lndi j’ a*>d Children’s Hats [trimmed and untrimmedl Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Heck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our good*
were bought of tbe largest and best importing House sin Balti¬
more and New Tom, and will be sold at very low
prices for oasb.
1890. 1890.
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! [Clothign!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best Hue of Gent
made clothing, on the market. 1
|3^*Also a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shod
ware, Groceries «fec., and will sell at low prices, for am
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Ha
Spring Place, ▼V ia"
—Dealer In—
. ...Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,....
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumeiy <fec. Keeps also a full lin
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints,|Oils, Varnish es"<fcc.
A choice selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Canpany’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
thjm before purchasing else
S. J. McKnights New
Store, Dalton Ga.
We have replenished our stock o
hats trimmings &c in the
designeB and know no better
of advertising than to ask the
to call and examino for them¬
Our prices are reasonable
New York Store
By virtu* of an order from the Court of
of Murray county Ga. wilt bo «old,
tb* lit Tuesday in December 1890 at the
IIouso door 111 said county, between
legal heurs of sale, one store house and
in the To wn of Spring Place, lying west
th > Court house equate, and known as tb*
drug store property” sold as the
of E. II. L. Keister, dec. Terms
Oct. 29th 1890. M V Hale,
Ad i x. E HL Keister deed.
Georgia Murray County
To the Superior Court of Said County.
The petition of 8. E, Berry, R, I, Peak,
Starr,C. N. King, J. F. Harris, T, J,
T. J. Bryant, J. A. Bryant, G. W,
N. C, Cole, S. P. Maddox and W.
Martin and their associates and success¬
shows that they desire to be incorporat¬
under the name and style of the Cohutta
Tbe object of the company shall he pecu¬
gain to the members, and the business
be that of building, operating and do
gcneral hotel business, the
Con anil ranting of cottages, the
ing and operating of hacK lines
Dalton, Ga , or other points from
which they may desire to Cohutta Springs
y county Ga., tho carrying on of
kind of mercantile businessthe buying
selling of real estate, the selling and
sliipp’ng o‘water and tho privilege of doing
necessary or desired to be done in
running and operating a summer resort
watering place. Tho capital stock shall
$10,000, all of which has been paid in,
they desire the privilege of increasing it
any stint in tlieir discretion not to exceed
Thepiincipal offioo of said corpora¬
tion shall bo in Dalton, Georgia, Whitfield
county, with the privilege of establishing
offioes in any county in said State.
petitioners piny an order of the
incorpo rating them for tbe term of
years, with the privilege of renewal
the expiration of that time.
Joxics <fe Martix,
and S. P. Maddox,
Petitioners Attorneys.
Filed in office this 28th day of Oo . 1890.
C. N. Kino, Clerk S. C.
A true'extract from the minutes of Mur
Court. This 30th day of Out.
C. N. Kiso, C S. C.
* 5 ?
Commereial Camp SiMRKEf:
Chtaptil A feet iutimt* Colltgt in the World. '
Jfrntfoi »W* fOftr,
___ , .. - .
Blood Purifier
Cure. Boils. Old Sores. Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof¬
ulous Sores. Scrofulous Humor and nil scroful Otis
diseases. Primary. Secondary and Sores.diseasesof Tertiary Con
tafreous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Pustules, Pimp¬
the Scalp. Salt Klieum. Blotches.
les, Itch,fetter,Ring-worms.Scald: Head. Rcietna,
Rheumatism, Constitutional Diseasesof Blood Poison, Mer¬
curial Rheumatism, the Bones, Gen¬
eral Dehilitynndall disensesnrisintr Sold from retail impure drug
Blood '“sts. or Hereditary Taint. Remedy by Atlanta, Ga.
$1 per bottle. Roy Co.,
F. li. Keith,
-{ Dealer In }■
Whiskies, Brandies, f ad
WINES, tor Sacramental
1<>.) Cast Eighth street,
Ch At 13.1100 £3-) Tenn.
When want 4 WI118kieS, % . ..
* VOU i pure r
Call Oil OT 560(1 to IPO, I Will guar
aiiioe , to . . be as represented. . ,
ray ^ cfo* 'us
My Whiskey . , . . th6 .. . D03t *
1 tiffs Wet. I lUVlte my J, old
M t 'irray County . friends to . call n and ,
SCO Dll!. Let Ca»h HCCOmpany or
tier. , 4 18 ly
•{ DEALER IN )■ •
Provisions, Confectionery, .Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
Summer Hats ct the latest styles, all of which will be 6old
Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver»ware 1
Wedding P.esents, Christmas Presents and Presents,
for the Old and the Young.
! latent
ASTIGMTISM, 1 } • •n
Or any defect in vision that can be remedied by infract
ive power, accurately anti skillfully corrected. Call at
J . L . T A P P ’ S Jewelry Store, nest door to Loverr tli
Yo charge for testing the eyes.