Newspaper Page Text
Rogers i Hambright,
Auction aargains In
Men's Clothing, Shoes and Hats, We will sell you Clothing, Hat a
and Shoes Cheaper than any House in Cleveland* Don’t
fail to give u-> a call as it is a pleasure to show oar goods.
Rogers & Hambright,
Cleveland, Tennessee.
E M Herron is pleased to an¬
nounce to his old customers, and
and to the new ones that he is sure
to have—that he has purchased
the largest and best selected stock
of Dry Goode, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, for this fall and
winters trade, that has ever been
seen iu Dalton-. He especially wish
as to call attention to his stock ot
Dress goods and trimmings, which
is the finest, most stylish and taste¬
ful that could be found in the
Eastern market. He desires also
to call the [attention of the Ladies
of Murray to the fact that he has
secured the services of Miss Nora
Love, as saleswoman. The expe¬
rience and taste of Miss Love is
well known to many in the sur¬
rounding country. She will be on
hand to aid^the Ladies in selecting
dresses and trimmings to match, to
make combinations of goods and
colors to a charming effect &c &c.
Call and seej for [yourselves.
Today, Thursday, is Thanksgiv¬
A party of Dalton fans was over
Get your fall and winter suits
at Ovbey's.
Mrs 3 vV Henly of J asper, Ga.,
is visiting in town.
Lumber wagons continue to pass
through to Dal'on.
For tombs'ones and monumental
work call on C N King.
The wedding bells are slow to
ring in Muriay this season.
Legal advert'seinents for next
month must appear in next isgue.
I propose to suit the old. young
and middle aged in shoes, Ovbey.
Mrs Monroe McGhee has been
quite feeble for the past few weeks.
We learu that Sum Gypson has
sold his farm and is going to Texas.
Dont forget the Old Feliable
Hardware Store of T A & S E Ber
Col and Mrs H H. Ai-derson are
the recipients of a fine girl At their
We have neverl'seen the roads
in a finei condition at this ’season
of the year.
From Fincher's stock of Toys,
You can suit both girls and boys.
Those who attended the Normal
school at Shmach^report a very in¬
teresting session.
Pro!. Stansberry has been up
visiting Ins daughter,? Mrs W H
The finest lot of Toys and Can¬
dies ever brought to Murray is
now in S T Fincher's Store*
Rev F R Smith preached nis
forewell sermon in town Sunday
and left Monday morning for
As Christmas approaches with
jts excitement, remember your
vows made during the summer.
You should go to S T Fincher's
and buy your Chiistinas
eatly and thereby get first cho.ce
from his large and beautiful assort
Tom McGhoe and family took
their departure last week f r Texas
where they will make their future
All who are indebted to mo by
aonount hr otheiwise will please
make settlement by December t-e
ICth or they will find their
in the hands ot Col S«arr lor
lection. J. L Smith, Dalton Ga.
V* >
Murray county has the name
away from home as being a non¬
law abiding people, yet our county
jail hasn‘t had an occupant for
Mr H H Uregory returned from
South Georgm'.on last Friday where
he has been with a drove of cattle,
He reports low prices.
Our citizens are getting anxious
for the weather to turn cold so
fattening hogs cau be killed.
Dr Hill Harris who is attending
Dental college in Atlanta spent
Saturday and Sunday with his
family in town.
Col H Heartsill and Judge J D
Temple have gone this week to
visit relatives in Cleveland and
Daisy Tenn.
Maj R K Wilson is tbo happiest
man over tho election of John B.
Gordon to the United States sen¬
ate, we have Been. Maj says he
feels 25 years younger than he did
before the election.
If you want reliable shoes, such
a? Zeigler‘8, Bay State or Stribley's,
go to Herron's, Dalton Ga.
The mail route from Spring Place
to Connasauga Tenn-, has beeu
discontinued above Loughiidge.
So the route now is .SprioglPUcc
to Loughridge.
Santa Clause has began to evolve
and revolve in the minds of the
children. Only one month from
Tuesday to^Christmas.
Men and women who want
comfort in the way ot good un¬
der- ivear can find the best
stock at Herron’s, Dalton Gn.
Hon Green Treadwell one of our
energetic and enterprising citizens,
has moved from his farm near town
to Tilton.
T A & S E Berry have on hand
and will keep in stock, a first class
line of stoves. Call and see them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Of course I got my suit at Ov¬
bey's, no belter goods can be had
in the market.
William Steed got his buggy
torn up Sunday evening. His
horse slipped tho bridle where he
had him hitched and m inming
through the'timber demolished the
bugty completely. This is a com.
mon accident where horses are lefl
hitched tj the buggy.
Little Willie: is at Rest.
Willie, the little daughter of Mr
and Mrs SB Carter, whovasso
painfully burned three weeks ago.
was called from her sufferings on
last Friday morning, just as the
sun glided above the eastern bills.
Her death was a surprise to many,
ns it was thought that she was
doing well up to a few days before
her death. WiUio was a favorite
child of many, whose hearts were
bleeding while the precious little
girl was in ngenies caused by the
cruel flames. VVe are made sad
w hen we think of her death of
torture, but we have great cause of
rejoicing when we think of that
b'essed eternity which awaits the
innocent children. The onl
consoling thought for the parents
in a death like liltle Willie's, is
that all is joy after death, and that
the Father's hand is in all things.
Mr Aaron N x, Hie miller at
Patterson & Johnson's mill, baB a
bell attached to the hepper of the
corn mill, that can be hoard from
any part of the house, when the
graiu is about ground out. 1 his
is a good idea, and Mr Nix should
apply for a patent on his invention
George T. Hall & Hr©#
Whole Sale and Retail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. Bacon, Flour, Sack
Salt &c.
Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
We learu that the Cedar
marble qaarry, of Mrs Maddox, ii;
Whitfield, bas been purchased by
a nortnern company and will be
operated on an extensive plan »o
the near future. They will per¬
haps use three hundred hands and
a large number ot teams.
We are bound to lead the
market on Clothing this season.
We have received and are re¬
the largest line ot
Clothing ever brought to
Place. We have culled
market tor best goods that
be had, and buying in
quantities, enables us to
at Rock Bottom p? ices.
T. J. Ovbey
By George! that’s a pretty suit
got it at 07bey‘8.
When you are in Dalton dont
that L Buoholz keeps the
the stand aid confectionariesand is
ready tc wait on the Murray
A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
Mr Buck, fir6t door below
& Bryant’s drug store.
T. J. Ovbey will sell ytu
clothing as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere Ovbey.
I hnve enlarged my store loom
which enables me to carry a lar¬
ger line of general merchandise
than ever before. T J Ovbey.
on real estate, in amounts not less
than 8300, cheaper than can be got
at home. Apply through
C. N. King.
Georgia Murray County*
The letting out of the Pauper farufand the
the care of paupers per capita, for the years
1891 and 1892, will be let to the lowoit bid¬
der on 1st Wednesday in fleoeiaber next
before the Court House door in Spring Place
The eon'raotor will be required to give good
bond and seourity for the faithful o mpliauce
ofbiscont act. Stock, wage, tools Ac. sro
not to be included in the letting. By order
County Board. Nov 5, 1899. W L'.'fvuah,
i ... EASIEST TO cheapest, USE.
‘i ' i- ' a THE r
? ii T IRON
Residence, Church,
4 i » Roof Cresting.
Hitching Posts.
Iron Verandas
Jail Cells AND
Saw Mills and
Write for Prices.
fie tun you mention this paper.
Or you arc all ts tvorn out, debility. really good Try for nothing
it general
It will cure you, all and givo a good appetite. Sold
by dealers in medicine.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Sybup should always
be uaed when children are cutting teeth. It re¬
lieves the little sufferer little at cherub once; it awakesas produoes natural, "bright
quiet button." sleep,and It the is pleasant to taste. It
as soothes a child.softans very the allays all pain,
the gums,
regulates the bowels, andis the bestknown remedy
for diarrhoea, whether Twenty-live arising from bottle. teething Or
other causes. cents a
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses. They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them liefore purchasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
We have replenished our stock o
ladies hats trimmings &c in the
latest designes and know no belter
way of advertising than to ask the
ladies to call and examine for them¬
selves. Our prices are reasonable
New York Store
By virtue of an order from the Court of
of Murray county Ga. will be sold,
the 1st Tuesday in December 1890 at the
House door In said county, between
the legal bcurs of sale* one store house and
in the Town of Spring Place, lying west
of tbd Court bouse equate, and known as the
drug store property” sold as the
property of B. II. L. Keister, dec. Terms
cash. Oct. 29th 1890. M VHalk,
Ad i x. E H L Keister deed.
Georgia Murray County
To the Superior Court of Said County.
The petition of S. E, Berry, R, I, Peak,
T. Starr, C. N. King, J. F. Harris, T, J,
Ovbey, T.J. Bryant, J. A. Bryant, G. W,
Bryant, N.C, Cole, S. P. Maddox and .W.
C. Martin and their associates and success¬
ors shows that they desire to be incorporat¬
ed under the name and stylo of tho Cchutta
Sarin ga Company.
The object of the company shall be pecu¬
niary gain to tho members, and the business
shall bo that of building, operating and do¬
ing a genoral hotel business, the
erection and ranting of cottages, the
runring and operating of hacK lines
from Dalton, Ga , or other points from
which they may desira to Cohutta Springs
in Murray county Ga., tho carrying on of
any kind of mercantile business the buying
and soiling of real estate, the selling aud
shipp'ng of water and tho privilege of doing
anything socessgry or desired to be done in
tho running and operating a summor resort
or watering place. The capital stock shall
be$IO,OOS, all of whioh has been paid in,
and they dosiro the privilege of increasing
to any sum in discretion not to exceed
$50,009. The principal office of said corpora¬
tion shall be in Dalton, Georgia, Whitfield
county, with the privilege of
branch oifioesin any aounty in said
Wherefore petitioners pray an order of
Court incorpo rating them for the term
twenty years, with the privilege of
at the expiration of that .time.
Jones & Mxbtin,
and S. P. Maodox,
Potitionor8 Attorneys.
Filed in cfiice this 2Sth day of Oo*. 1890.
C. N. Kino, Clerk S. C.
A true extroot from the luinutea of Mur¬
ray Superior Court. This 30th day of
1890. C. N. Kino, C S. C
Gommercial College
Cheapest & Best Business College in the World.
HlghMt Hsnor *nd Gold Medal over all other Colleges, at
World’* Exposition, for System of Bnok-keeplnc Graduate# Md In
General Business Ednoatloa. 10,000
Blood Purifier
Cu»esBoils, Old Sores, Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof¬
ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous
diseases. Primary, Secondary and Sores.diseases Tertiary Con
tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous of
the Scalp, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Pustules, Head, Pimp¬
les, Itch.Tetter, Ring-worms, Scald- Eczema,
Klieumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer
curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen¬
eral Debility an d all diseases arising from impure
Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail druK
**ts. $1 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga.
------ — --a —---- Z:X"
F. L. Keith,
1 i Dealer In
Whiskies, Brandies, f nd
WlNES, for Sacramental
103 East Eighth Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
When von want pure whiskies,
rail on or send to nae, 1 will guar¬
antee my gO'»d8 to. bis as represented.
My corn whiskey is the
in this market. I invite my
Murray cunty friends to call and
see me. Let ca^li accompany
der. i 13 ly
Jew York Store.
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladise of Murray county call and examine our nicely selected Goods
Hats, Bonnets, &c, Dalton Ga. 4-18-ly
Harris & Davis,
Woodlawm, oo:oo Georgia
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods,
Just Received at the Mllinery Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goo^a .consisting of Straw
Bonnetaalid Ladiea’»"d Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck
' and Sash Ribbons, Vllvot Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments io. Our goods
were bought of the largestand beat importing IIonseBin Balti¬
more and New Yorx, and will be sold at very low
prices for cash.
1890 . 1890 .
T. J. ©THE Y,
Spring Place, Georgia,
Clothing! Clothing! [Clothign!!
I l>ave on haml. and will keep the best line of Geuts'ready
made clothiug, on tbe market.
|W °Also a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries\fcc., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Spectacles For bale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place, Georgia.
—Dealer In—
. ...Diugs, Medicine, Chemicals,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes,’Perfumeiy tfec. Keeps also a full lin
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints,JOils, Varnishes’Aic.
A cho ice ,select ion of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
i ff ew Orleans Syrup, Lenoh’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats ot the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
J . I J • TAPP
I)KAT.Ell IN--
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-ware^
Wedding P.esents, Christmas Presente and Presents,
for the Old and the Young. ,
? ,i'l
r T /
Or any defect in vision tbat can be remedied by refrao**,
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call at
J . L . T A P P ’ S Jewelry Store, next door to Lovcm: sf }
No charge for testing the eyes.