Newspaper Page Text
Auction Bargains In
• • •- *vl *
fUaVCiothiag, Shoes and Hati. Wa will sell yon Clothing, Halt
t, aid flhoei Cheaper than aajr House in Cleveland* Don't
- •" ftil to J fiv*'u<i a eall as it is a pleasure to ahow oar good*.
Roger8 & Hambr^ht,
-Cleveland r Tennessee.
- - ■ ■ >
B M Herron ia-g&saacd to an-|
Mines to hie old customers, and
Mid to Bnamair <m»s: Gtalj he is sure
te hay*—that he h,as purchased
the largest and bast selected stock
•f Dr&tfojpda, Boota. apd Sljo/w,
Hats and! Capa, for tbit fall add
w»tMa,»*de. that ha 8 ever been
MenloIWttoh: Be especially wish
•MffflTiMjKRtten-ttati Dnis goods and trimmings, to his; ^bckjhlt which
Itlhw tneat, most stylish-and taake
fnl that could be found ip the
■Mlorif market. He desires also
l« eaH the Attention 61 the ladies
WWkuiej te tha fact that he has
aaenrsd the services of Miss Nora
Lots, as saleswoman. The expe
riea»< tad- taste of .Miss Love is
«^&iogMnt4 mfHj.'kaawp to-many in the sur
*jBhe #111 b« on
%amd to aTd'the Ladies in selecting
4r*8M* snd trimmings to match, to
H4«JR^nbiuahons oITgoods aud
SMtelt » eharming efifset &c Ac.
Call and set for tyoumelv es.^
> « sa. rn n «w jgil is getting highe
Ter tM^Mk^'ee.Md mopumeatal
vrerk isali on ON King.
* 8 ^fhe candidatcs keep | hands
warm these days.
, - ea,..«
the sale fat H. fl.
l Il RM s i nbiwt fh%>^istmM.
on Chifo inowf i f ve‘nigtstl wU'd ■ ;
Get your CfaifrtMtl fc^iekj?e^ ,
1. 0. MeKntire has moved into
the old family raaidenee of his fath
Burl Brooks !wbo was placed in
day* ago^tas been - re
laasad aa >bb4 .. .
For Raisins, Banannas and
Gtspg eall.Gn"Hobinson^A F.<rich
Mr, Joseph fC9rd‘ and danghter
Msry^of Cohntla Springs
•pent suqday in town.
Fresh groceries, new groceries,
aad cheap groceries, just, received
4*8 W Gipson's.
A little ehild’of Mr Baifoy]8wan
•MLOfHeaelerMills, died on Thurs
dsy ot leet weeks
Benscmbcr the new grocery store
Just open&dftTt the Keister Drug
store by 8 W Gipson.
i* -
Mr William Smith, who lives
•ear tewiu.accidentally shot
self through T the foot one day last
..r ^
W« sm?MI ledhrrribers (m) prond if. po ( ,Qne
wf .oar would
th«r snbecriptfon to remain.
•ftw fhe first;of January 1^91.
- ekOMfc frL S T r£ for
Mr Frank Stewa t and family
«ffil«ffiro for the Panhandle, in the
Wt mm, onto days lhnrsdav.
Onr hdet wiehee go wtth them, and
EM? they be prosperous in their
Say your sweat th’ngi from S
Fbkhar* His stock of Candies,
. JtatoMdFruits ia very large and
* *
If you want reliable shoes, such
as Zeigler's, Bay State or Slribley's,
go to Herron'B, Dilton Ga.
Dr W W Anderson is erecting
a new barb-___ scalded her
Mrs J D Tuesday. Temple
hand badly
The mountains are white with
snow. /.
J$ e careful boys where yon
}j 00 t your Christmas guns
shoul(1 be dam „
j b y
It is now a certainty that we
to have a school, with Dr.
at its head. The Baptist place
has been granted as a
to teach and all will be ready we
judge by the first of January.
Mr William Tyson and family
of Woodlawn, have moved to town.'
are always ready to welcome
^ tanijlieB in Qur midgt . Wa
re „ r8t to j earn thst Mr Tyson is
^ fee|)le j ust now.
Jhe Young^Udies and Young
(jrentlemen should call and sec
Fincher's stock of nice Uhristmoa
We are requested to. announce
that Rev. S H Henry w^J, preach at
the Baptist church, in gtown,. op
tomorrow,.Friday,|night. : Kctnem
ber tbe appointment, Mr Henry aj«
?*■ jl
• -• .8U INGLES
Yellow' d pine' ’^hifigles
; . v... .*^ 8p.flb ; . FIgce llj
i laet 'ssde
, We anaouneed in our
twin babies of Mr and Mrs
sttn h'Hng. i
*Is ifposaible tfiip'i^wln
to advertise for) a candidate
Surveyor? What has become
onr office keekers? Como
gentlemen and give us your >u
Rev J £ Hudsofc h*. accepted
the call of the Baptist church
this place, and will serve tbe
dnring the ensuing year. Onr peo¬
ple should congiatulate
on seeafisg bis services.
Men and women who want
comfort in the way ot good
der-wear can find the
stock at Herrou’s, Daltou
Joel Etheredge and wife took
their departure last week for Tex
as, where they txpect to remain
ono yeftrsSnd.if they like, will per¬
haps make that their future home.
Joel is one of our energetic yc ung
men and *we r gret to give him
np, but hope) that he may pros¬
per iu his new home.
T A A'S E Berry have on hand
and will keep in stock, a first clsss
lire ef stoves. Call and see them
purobasing elsewhere.
Of course I got my suit at Ov¬
bey's, no market, betjer goods can be had
in the
J ' R Terry and family,
Has^ler Mills, bid adieu to their
“V "pictfoit M ??' n r lr** ° ! t*
home. We trust that M r Terry
may continue his labors iu the
vineyard of the Lord, and that
much good may be the result ol
his work for the master.
TUe , le8 t wui c^^TiToneg..
AU-n.l lie Oonmi.-n ial CMI.p
ofKenfuckT t]».iversify, tmxinsc
ton Ky. It reeeiytd Uio Gold
MedaT at World's Exposition—
■" Head ; Adverufeowst* ;■
George, T* Hall & Bro.
* -» f
Wm Salei and Retail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceriss. Bacon, Flour, Sack
Salt Ac. v.
Field Seed of alTk^H SpectBltyi
XL, good. o6e«p «od
ty ,t the Now Yott otbos 000 -
oiotiog ot ‘OWkUeM
Fancy Article, aod .upetior
novelties. Call and aeo thoro.
Uncle Hardy Pate, on* of the
inmates of the-Paopw f«ra died
on last Thursday. -Hr- Pate wa»
very old, perhaps 85, was a good
old man and loved by all who knew
: vY*
When you need anything in this
line, send your orders to MoNelly
& Heartsill, Cleveland, Tennessee.
They will do you right. AH work
done promptly. Send for prices
Died. '
Mr Milliard Hame, one of the
oldest men in the county passed
away on Sunday night of last week
and is now numbered with the
innumerable host beyond the
MrHairis had been a resident
of Murray county for a great
many years, was well known to all
the old citizens, who will remet io
learn ot his death. The relatives
of the deceased have onr sympa
thies in their loes.
Mbs Db Jounscn Is Dead
Mis Theiesa Johnson, widow of
Dr William Johnson, who crossed
the Jordon of death years ago,
died—at the home 'of;Mr Will -
iaiu j-tJohnson in . town, on „ Mon
day , morning. Her r, death j ,1 was a
surprise to most of the villagers as
she short had time, not b^^seriously bad been ill sfflipt- hut a
edfor of the seyei^Hlars, old foment ladies , She of was one
Place, was profound aHny Ipr ^5ne
one had lespec^
had been a consistent and humble
follower oi the Wnsed Redeemer
for mo* fifty yeaU—weaslwsys until the hand^ et
herp-rttot affliction duty laid her.'
waa upon one
was quiet, unaesinmng apd 'won old
the love and esteem of both
.and young, and, her life.peas ode
wot thy of emulation.
•Wrlliam Bcs'vir whieh oeourred on
Tuesday night of list weak" at hi.
homa n.'ir HaSsler Mills, Mr
B^vdl^adibicn' afflicted for sevsr
a)^a|Mt^*Dd bia death was not
wholly unexpected. He leaves
a wife and coildren to mourn his
death, wboin We profoundly sym¬
pathize with in their 1 ss,
on rekl estate, in amounts not less
t han $300, cheaper than can be got
nt \ home. Apply through
C. N. King.
We are bound to lead tbe
market on Clothing this season.
We have received and are re
ceiviug the largest liqg, of
Clothing- ever brought to
Spriug Place. We have tsplled
the market lor best goods that
could l*t* had, and buying in
large quantity, ♦•imbles ua to
sell at Rock Bottom p iccS,
T. J. Ovbey
By George J ihaft. a pretty snit
—Yes, got * *t Ovbey's,
When you are in Dalton, dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standatd confectionaries nnd is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 26 cents. Re¬
member Mr . Ruck, first door below
Travitte k Efryant’e drug store.
T. J. Ovbvy will sell ycu
clothing as chvap as it can be
boqght io Ga,
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine them
b *° K dM "" C 0 ' b ^
I have enlarged my store loom
which enables me to cany a Jar
ger line of general merchandise
that* ever h«for«‘ T J Ovbey,
W**?ll the Sponoor Option
Comply’. Specuele. .od eye
*!**«•■ *“
?!««• and you should try
‘bom twfoto put^aatng «1 m
g J. McKmghts New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
y?e have replenished our stock o
ladies hats trimmings Ac in the
latest designee and know no better
way of advertising than to ask ike
ladies to eall and examine for them
seine, Our prices are reasonable
New York Store
. V.i Murray County
pi tea-HaVeSItVP *f -tho Estate of 0.
C. MoLoin deed.. r«rr»r,pH to tha Court In
hfe pettties dpty Siud. that ho hoi fatty .*d
mlniete/e.4 5*iil D C McLain's aatate. This
In thnrofoi* t« oil* *11 petseae concerned,
heir* and eredltora I* skew onnn if nny thoy
can, why Mid Rxeoutor ihonld not b* die
eharged from hlf Kxeouterahip nud rtoolvn
lotion of dimliiloB os th* lot Monday in
Mnreh 1891. Thll Deo 3d ISIS.
W. H. Kimost, Ordinary.
fl.orgia Murray County.
Nolle* is hereby given to all persona con¬
cerned, that William L Laekty lata of Mar
ray eounty departed this Ufa inteatate and
no p.raon has applied for administration on
th* estate of said dead, in laid state; that
administration.will be ratted in the Clerk
of the Superior Court or tome other fit and
proper peraon, after the pablieatiou of this
citation, unless valid objections is made to
hia nppoiatmeat.
Given under my band and official siguitnre
this the 3d day Dee. 1890. W. H. Bausnr,
Gnonou Mnnnav Covnvv.
whoicaa c N King Admr of D L r.ttitt
r » pr „. n ta to tb* court in bia potiUon duly
fi i e d ( t at h* baa fully admiulstarad said
e ,t.,te. Thii is therefore to oite all persons
ooncernad, holra and croditors to ahow sans*
U ny ^h*y ean, why aaid;Admr. should not
i;*cfcarged irem bia administration and
reeeW* liat«ra of dUmiailos on tk# 111 .
Monday March mi. W. H. Rauanv,
^ Ordikory.
— a
Mauldin, roproaenta to tk* Court in hi. po
d »*^i« ‘ y iB M !#tt.rtardiwl..Uk '” h l#M ‘ W * «tko^^Moaj
Stivi or Gioaeii uonniv counvV.
Will bo sold bafor* the Court flfouai.^djtr
in the town of Spring PiseeG*. to thoWghOat
bidder at publio outery betweau tb* legal
hour* of pa e on tb* firat Tuoaday in Janu
ry non tlh# following p oporly lowlt:
One spotted h«ra* mule about 19 years
aid, no* bay tou!« ahoutlJ year* id. aau
brio din cow about'8 year, aid, and Oil U#
hhrss wagon ‘'Milbnrn”, tank*. Levied o*
as th* property of J W Deal by virtu* of a
lapOrloA court mor* gag* fi fa from said
county in favor of JohiA,Montgomery ngain.t
•aid J W Deal. Property mow in paesoiaioa
of said defondaut. IW'Dee. 3d 1890. '
Also lot *f laud No 191, in th* 8th DisU
and Sdaoet if said oounty. Levied on ai th*
property ef Sarah B Bag'oy by virtue of e
Sfa from tk* juatlcoa court of tie 891 Diet
G M taid ooaaty ia fkvor ef Trammell Starr
agaias BEaadlW Baglay. Levy made
aad returned t* me by J T Gilbert L C.
Tbia Dee lad lSt«.
Also forty aero* of laud it tha South Bant
corner of lot of toad No 41, ia th* Stb Diat.
aad Sd hsat. of said ooanty. Levied an ns
tb* property of .If H Book and Nathan Rob
insop by vittuoof ajaat^oos court S f* from
<1991*3 Diat. G M amid eouaty in favor of
B JH; Finehor against J E Rook aed Nathan
Robinson, Lory made and returned to m*
by J L Robinson L. C.
Also at tha tins time and place on* hull
.dred and twenty aerea off the 8outh aid* r-f
lot of land No 207 in the Eighth Diatri.t
and 3d aactiiin of laid county. Levied on by
virtu* of and to satisfy a justice eourt fi fa
from tha 984th DistG M 'Said county ia favor
of Dr 3 A Craven re. Tern Briadle. Property
poinlod.out by pla'ntlff.
Levy mad* and returned to me by J M
Fox L* C.
Alee at the same time* and place on* Un¬
divided half interest in of laud No 148
in the 8th Di»t and 3d section of Murray
oaunty Go. Levied .on as the property of
D M Elrod to satisfy a juaticea court fi fa is¬
sued from tha 8B4th Diet G. M. In favor of
John A Berry, against D M Elrod as principle
aud J L Robinson security. This Dso 3rd
1899. J. C. McErtiui, Sheriff.
Georgia Murray County.
P II Pita, Jr., has applied for exemption
tton of per* n* ty and setting apart and
valuation of homestead, and I will past
upon the same at 12 o’clock M ou th*
Deoamiw 1899 at my offiea.
W. H. RanaxT, Ordinary.
New York. Store*
• yv
New Goods, Latest Styles,
Millinary and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimming^!
Udise of Murray county eall and examina our niaaly aalaated Goods
Bata, Bonnets, Ac, Dalton Ga* 4-18*ly
Harris & Davis 9
s •*
Woodlawn, Georgia
-( DRALRR 8 in }•
* • ■■ - •». - . .
General Merchandise and Country Produce.
Millinery Goods,
Juni Received at the Milluery Stere ef
J. A J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton St real,
Dalton, Georgia.
A naw endslogantauertmantof Mllinory nnd Straw Seeds,eanalitUg of Slrae
B.nn.toaud Ladi.o’ **i Children’* Uato [trimmed and uatruumad] Book
end Sash Rlbhans, Vllvat R.lbb*na, Noth Tiao, Bonnot Bilka, Botin.,
VotTOto and Crapoa, Flaworo, F#atU#ro,Ornam*nt» *a. Our (ooda
wore bought of the largoatand heat importing Hoaaoain Balti¬
more and Sow Torn, and will b* laid at very low
priootfor oath.
1890 . 1890 .
T. J. O Y B E Y,
Spring Placb, Gboboia
Clothing!] Clothing! Clothign!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the.beatjline 'of Gents'rcidy
rnade clothing, on the market.
t3TAlso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Capa,” Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries'Ac., and will sell at low prices, for cash.
Spectacle For bate By
Dr. John F. Harris,
Spring Place, Gaor|ia.
( —Deali* In—
e • e . Drugs, Medicine,^Chetpicals,....
.>?.«* fancy : ■ and Toilet ArtUUtt, }«» -.ii,
■M, :ii VfAfc.;'
•••' .f '
-- w* ■bin ...
■.-twi'i’d* .a* .'»4 ci ssv ^ . • i. SO'. *!;' S ,-t . • :• 'i
■ • OHlSOJf __
W. J. J ... _ mt __ tit
Groceries, Provisions, Confectioneryi Ci
..V 1. - 1 gars, Hats, Etc.
i'* '
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
■ t
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-wgre^
Wedding Presents, Christmas Presents and Presents,
the Old and the Young. /
e ***iar
• e * ••^39.
% ■ Vi,.
....... ‘
- • m
Or any affect in vision that can be remedied by refract
ive power, accurately and skillfully corrected. Call at
■ y.
J.L.TAFP’S Jewdlry Storh, next door to Lord^V ¥?
T*0 ohnvffi' 9 a- 1 ■ < ' f* v ►