North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, December 18, 1890, Image 4

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    A Mammoth Flay House.
The exteftdre structure, Nilsson Pell,
adjoining he* been purchased the big Academy, by Messrs. New Gilmore York,
and Tompkins, tha owners of the Acad¬
emy. enlarge They propose to Academy’* use the eite to
the scope of the stage,
making depth it the largest in the world, with
a of 101 feet and a width of 226 J
feet, for com ng The*business years of “The Old
Homestead.” for the first
fortnight of the fourth year by has the been play
equal to the prosperity won
former seiaons.
The Wheelbarrow is Ancient
At present the wheelbarrow is known
to be at least 001 years old, and uot two
centuries, as was at one time supposed.
The next step is to show thit William
the Conqueror carried wheelbarrows with
him when he moved his quarters across
the channel from Normandy to England
in the eleventh century.
Vou have heard about men who look
a-; thoiiiih they were every inch a soldier.
Well, there is one of that kind in Atchi¬
son, and his wife has to go to the door if
any one knocks in tho night .—Atchison
The Atchison, Kan., factory recently
turned out a pair of overal.s that were 60
iuches around the belt line, and 28 inches
up and down.
A Pirn.I de Seme
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and comfort follows tho use of Syrup of Figs,
ns it acts In harmony with nature to effectu¬
ally cleanse the system when costive or bili¬
ous. For sale In 60c and $1.U0 bottles by all
lending druggists.
An Inch of rain means one hundred tons of
water on every acre.
There never was a remedy that gave so good
satisfaction Physicians always as Ur. Hull’s Worm De¬
stroyers. recommend them.
An has orange measuring a foot In circumfer
tn vAi been Ion ml in Starke, Fla.
Malania cured and eradicated from ih»
sy.tom rlctios tho by blood, Brown's Irou Bitters, wliich en
tones tho nerves, aids (ligos
tlou. Acts hko a charm on persons in general
ill ktaUu, giving new energy and strong.h.
When the shark money lender closes it chat
tel mortgage, he won't even let a sick man
keep his lied.
FITS stopped free by Dit. Kline’. Great
Serve Kkstoiieil No Fits after tlrst day’s
use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $3 trial
bottle tree. Ur. Kline, Kll Arch St., Phila., Pa.
Lee Wa’s Chinese Headache Cure. Harm¬
less in effect, quick and positive in action.
Sent prepaid on receipt of SI per hoi tie
AdelcrACo.,522Wyandotte st.,KHnsasCi«y,Mo
Ho Vos Kver Speculate (
dress Any will person sending informstion us their name end ad¬
receive tlmt will lead
Building, to a fortune. Bcnj. Lewis A Co., Security
Kansas City, Mo.
Not a Local
Because catarrh affect* your head. It la not there¬
fore a local disease, If It did not exist In your b ood,
it could not manifest It eir In your uoae. The blood
now in your bruin is before you finish reading this
•r lcle, back In your head a;aln aud noon tibiirib
uted to your liver, atom ch # kidneys, and no ox
Whatever Impurities the blood doo* not carry away,
cause what we call diseases. Therefore when you
have catarrh of tt.c l ead, a snuff or other inhalant
can at moat give only temporary relief. The only
way to efTt et a cure Is to atiack the dlgeasa In the
blood, by taking aoonatitut otiai remedy Ilka Hood •
faraaparllla, which eliminates all Impurities and
thus lermanently cures catarrh. Tho success of
Hood* i Mursaparl 1* an a remedy for catarrh is
vouched tor by many people It has cured.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold sUI druggist*. It; 111 for Si I’rejared onlr
bj C. 1. UOOD A CO.. liowell, SUvl
100 Doses One Dollar
$1,000 REWARD!
The above reward will be paid for proof of
the exiarence of a better LINIMENT than
TABIsETS. Remedy fc>ol«l than MERCHANT’S WORM
Merchant’s Gargling Oil Uo.,
Lockport, N. Y., U. s. a.
Ad' Greely Pant Stretcher
Cnileguu, pt«d bv MuduntH at Harvard. Amherst and other
also by professional and busine-s men evory- ►
where. If w»t, f .r mum i»i your tow »«fu d 25 «?. to
It. vl. GREKLY. 715 Wasliiiijiton Stieet, Boston.
5SE •**Tr I) k . Ik»ok-ko«>pinir, MusincM Forma,
runl a i.ol rge, 457 3ium at.. Butfuio. N. Y.
> E.\\isQ.’t6accoi.’Bstok Ry m
ELY THE BKOTHEK9, POSITIVE Watrea St. Kow York. CURE. ITtco M cts.1 m
■ P55L aCCCHAMc pills mAw
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
ACTING! LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the
muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health
The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame.
Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE
FEMALES to complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Prepared only by TH06. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England.
B. K ALI.F.\ CO., Sol* Apmt* for I'nitnl Sintra. OBo & .10? Cnn„J St., Tfeio
York, utho (If ifour rfriif/fffnf itttptire fimt. <lo*n uot kn ji them) u-Ul limit Itrrchani’n 1‘illton
receipt of jrricis—but '-*■ this
m. T?] TS* todea paiTOom* «! Dnif*t*l ter Chickttfr English Diamond Brand ?u5® to lied Oold mctalila 4 \y
f / VJ b*x«« *«al«d with blue ribbon. Take a other kind. Rtfw* Substitution* led and Imitations. v
\ no
1 V 4e. . AU ytlta ia j>a»t*boar<l box**, pink wmpy«r*. *re “Itrlief dangeroua for eonnterfriu. Ladlea,** At Oruggttu, or trad Mall* n»
mV it ttavr* for particular*, t^UmooUla. and in Uttar, by return
Talking know of patent medicines
—you the old prejudice.
And "the doctors—some of
them are between you and us.
They that what’s would like you to think
cured thousands
won’t cure you. You’d be¬
lieve in patent medicines if
they didn’t profess to cure
everything —and so, between
the experiments of doctors,
and the experiments of patent
medicines that are sold only
because there’s money in the
“ stuff,” you lose faith in every¬
And, you can’t always tell
the prescription that cures by
what you read in the papers.
So, perhaps, there’s no better
way to sell a remedy, than to
tell the truth about it, and
take the risk of its doing just
what That’s it professes to do.
what the World’s
Dispensary tion, of Buffalo, Medical N. Y., Associa¬
Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery,
Favorite Prescription,
Pleasant Pellets, and
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.
If they don’t do what their
makers say they’ll do — you
get your money back.
turaimUoitfiUl* ^1.000 IV«en pain Igidiei ^lllf.'ri Fall and
heavy, Jura, warm, wall made, fathionaMe. aolid
striae*, churka. all tha popular enadaa
cardinal, nary blue. *cul brown,
black. «laU>, tan, in fart style an,]
-olors to suit all tantMi. Don't pry 8u to
?6cta. for a pair of Fall and winter hone
when you can get a doteu for nnlhluL'. The ,0
old reliable HOME UIKHT, of N>w e
iork, is a complete family paper, richly
•tori*-*, I lluatrated, coatabitas serial and short I P
fashion, romances, household hints, sketches, wit, humor,
Ac.,Ac. stories for children ss
dozen) Positively thceutlre lot (LOCO
to be given away during the next 60
days. We also send the'HOMF. GITRnT
•It month* free to I OOO penratwho
will anewsr this silvertlarmeut and asnd tia
the address of *0 newspaper reader* from
different families. To the club raitter of the
list of SO subscribers w# send 1
pairs or these beautiful and useful articles.
VVe are determined to isad the race In prem- J
lunj. hemo thb liberal Inducement. It is a ''to
• roHMaal offer and will not appear again.
If yon want a dosen fashionable, fine hosiery
lend loot a. in silver or stamps, to help pay
postage, readers, packing. Ac., and names of #0 news¬
paper and yon will rootle* naper 8
f» JiiwiT’Stwt! New Yo?b.
l rr too wihh * p ...... t „
(jooii (SHITS t turnon ^ \
purchaae brateil SMITH one of ft tha WE 88 cele- ON 'S
xrma. The small arms (t U
»ver manufactured and tha
first choice of all expert*!. ____
Manufactured in calibres 32, aeanrt 44 -luo. 81n
gle or double action, Safety HammcrlcM and
Target models. Conutrueted entirely of keel nun , I.
Ity wrought etock, at eel. they carefully invpected for work*
manah i> and are unrivaled for finish*
• dnrnblllfy iind nceiirncv. Do not be deceived by
cheap often mu Hold lien for hie the ctiMt-M genuine on Imitation* wbien
onlv are unreliable, but dangcroua. article anti are not
WESSON Revolver* ail I’he SMITH At
rel* with firm's name, are adrtreas Htamjud and dates upon o? the bar¬ nta
and guaranteed perfect in detail. pab In*
are every
slat upon having tho yenuine article, and If your
dealer cannot supply you at) order Rent to addreea
below will receive prompt and careful attention.
Deecrptivecataloinm pucuton. an I oricoa furnlshol uoon »p
Mk 1 Mention this pa|>er. Sprin gllol d, Din —j
(Exerciser Complete $5) .
Is Best or All. Circular Frer. Sy
Books; For “An Ideal Complexion € S
& Complete Physical Development,” ^wr\
jo Ills 50 eta. “Health A Strength in
Physical Culture,” 40 Ills <;o cts. Chart of tj
! •>,!) Ills for Dumb Bells A Pulleys, 25 cts. ml
j vulture Ad. J!\I0. E DOWDS Vocal & Physical W\ 1
| school, 116 Monroe St. Chicago jf'- -
Our Well Machines are them n<'8t 1 MONEY!
Kiri.IXUI.K.yi’RAlU.K.Sl'ct’lCS" rur. •
They do MOKK \VOlilv and «
They FlNl»ll Well* where f
•fliers FAIL! H Inches Any dmtnctcr. sire. 2 I II
Inches to Catalogue
PENSIONS Great is Tho Passed PENSION 1 Soldier*, Widow*. H*tA- (Mf BIO
titled to $19 Lsia’i or* and Fat hero are •»
0 ^ Mi A
■!.»k fj-u 1
____________ _
Agents wanted. VXiiht.MfgCo , Minno .11 po in. Minn,
Dost Cough Mwlirinc. Rooonnncndfd liy Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant anti agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
Cooknsg Eeeipes.
o*re not to scorch it. Butter »thcr lft>
eally, and *erve hot.
Hominy Griddle Cakes.—T o two te»
cupsful of warm boiled hominy add two
teacupsful of sifted flour, of milk or water, two cupsful
a level Jteaspoonful of salt
and two.welJ-beateu eggs. Bake on hot,
weli-grea9ed griddle.
Potato Ptjddino. —Boil one half dozen
potatoes and mash them through a sieve.
Beat up the whites of two eggs and stir
into the mashed potatoes, add a teaspoon¬
ful of Scotch marmalade. Steam in a
pudding bag for four hours.
W iiite Cake. —The whites of five eggs
well beaten, one cup of white sugar, one
third cup of sweet milk, two cups of
flour, one teavpoonful cream tartar and
half teaspoonful soda. This batter was
baked in loaves, and also used for
Cmn Sacce. —Four large green pep¬
pers, four ripe chopped fine, seeds onions, out, twenty
tomatoes, two two cups
of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one
tablespoonful each of clover, allspice, of
nutmeg and ginger, and one quart
vinegar. Cook 2$ hours, Bottle and
keep in a cool place.
Stewed Cranberries.— Wash end
drain one quart of cranberries, add %
pint of cold water, cover closely and set
to boil for ten minutes, then add one pint
of granulnted sugar and stew tor ten
minnt. s longer, keeping them covered
all the time. Cook in porcelain and stir
with a wooden spoon to a preserve the
color of the hemes.
Oil Pickles. —One hundred small
cncumbei8 sliced, as for the table, but
unpeeled, to be covered witn a salt water
three or four hours; three pints peeled
onions, one cup celery seed, one cup mus¬
tard seep, one-half cup pepper k>rnels,
two cupsoliv-5 oil. Drain the cucumbers;
then mix all the ingredients; put in the
jar and cover with good vinegar.
Green Tomato Sweet Pickles. —
Take 8 lbs. green tomatoes and slice
them; boil 4 lbs. sugar and 1 qt. of good
vine ar together; mace,cinnamon flavor with a heaping
teaspoonful of and cloves,
or allspice if preferred; can be. substituted tho in mixture place of
mace when
boils put in the sliced tomatoes and boil
20 minutes, or until ten ter; let cool and
put in jars or seal in cans.
Crab Apple a la Mode. —With a
sharp penknife, crimson remove the cores from
some large, crab-apples, fi.l tho
holes with raisins, sprinkle thickly with
sugar, add a little water and cook
quickly. A cupful of raisins may be
sprinkled among the fruit. dish When and cool
and thick pits- e in a glass cover
with the whites of two eg»9, beaten stiff
with a cupful of confectioner’s sugar.
Plain Boiled Pudding. —1 cup sour
milk or cream 1-2 cup sugar, or molasses,
1-2 cup butter melted, 2 1-2 cups flour, 2
tenspoonfuls soda, a little salt. Mix sug .r
and butter and beat till very light. Stir
in the cram and salt; make hole in |,he
flour and pour in the mixture. Stir down
the flour until it is a smooth batter. Beat
in the soda water and boil at once, in a
buttered mould, leaving room to swell.
It should be done in 1 1-2 hours.
It is no sign because a man is an “old
salt” that he wasn’t fresh when he was a
Weak Nlcn and Weak Women.
Men and women both suffer from weakness
and loss of strength. Women, however, suffer
lucre than men. Men don’t have those bear¬
ing down pains, Both,, the bane of a weak woman’s
existence. however, have their dizzy
snolls, their both bemoan their joss of appetite,
lack of energy, that feeling of weariness
and constant fatigue. Both become languid
insipid, living. and Their life kidneys to either hardly seems worth
are weak and seem
wasting away. Their livers are inactive, their
stomachs Ohl foolish, disordered, foolish their bowels irregular.
men and women! why will
you not seek the way to health and strength.
Others as miserable as yourselves are now in
the full enjoyment of happy, Joyous life, sim¬
ply because they put prejudices aside and be¬
gin amse of that excellent alterative known
as J)r. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. Ask your
neighbors about who have used it what they think
it. Ask your druggist for a bottle, aud
don’t take any other.
The high price of ico provokes so many
jokes that you will find an ice wag-on nearly
every paper.
State or Ohio, t ity of ioledo, i ^
Lucas County, t 88 *
Frank Cuknky makes oath tliat he Is tho
senior partner of tue iirm of F. J. lukkey 4 c
C o, doing business n the t ity of ioledo,
County and suite aforesaid, and that taiu
firm will pay he sum ot Oue Hu died Dollars
for each and every case of Cataiikh that can¬
not bo cured by the use of Ball’s Catakkh
_ , Frank J. t neNEr.
Sworn to before me aiul anbacribed in my
presence, this 6 th day of December, A. D., 1666.
■jsKAL t-‘- I !• A. W. tat.EASON,
Halt ,,, Catarrh ^ v Cure is taken internally Notary Public. and
acts « irectly on the blood and mucous sur¬
faces of the system. S nd for testimonials,
f. ee.
F -, J -Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold , , by Ur gnists, 75c.
An nnpopular gait—the walking dele-gate.
Brown’s Iron Bitters care, Dyspepsia, Ma¬
laria, Biliousness an t General Debility. Gives
strength, Dtrengtn, aides awes ingestion, Digestion, tunes the nerves—
cron Mothers, ea appetite. weak Tho oont tonic _____ for Nursing
women and children.
wait.__ A messenger boy is in training for a man of
I never was strong and I married a delicate
little lady. We traveled much in search of
health but we remained invalids until we be¬
gan a use of l)r. Hull’s Sarsaparilla- We both
are now in better health and feel stronger.—
II. A. Mathew, Harrisburg, Pa.
There arc at least ten million nerve fibres in
the bumun body.
K *2.50 Paper For *1.75.
The Youth's t'OMi’ANiON gives »o much for
the small amount that it costs It is no wonder
it is taken already m nearly Half a Million
Families. With its lino paper and beautiful
illustrations, and its its Double Weekly Holidiy llhistrated Number-, Supple¬ it
ments, if the publishers could do enough
seems as not
to please. it free By seudin; January, $1.7.» and now for you full may oo
t&in to a year
from that date to January, 1892. Address,
The Youtu’s Companion, Boston, Mass.
Lrie Railway.
This popular Eastern Line is running solid
vestibuleo trains, consisting of beautiful day
roaches, Pullman sleeping and dining cars,
lietween Cincinnati, Chicago, New York and
All trains run via Lake G'hnutauq holding ua
through during the tickets season, privileged and passengers to stop off at this
world-famed resort. Be sure your tickets read
via N. Y.. L. E. & W. R. It.
Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches
in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas,
bought and sold. Tyler & Co., Kansas City. Mo.
“Woman, her diseases and their treatment.”
A valuable illustrated book of Beventy-two
pages free, on receipt of 10 cts. for cost of mail¬
ing, etc. Address P. O., Box 1068, Phila., Pa.
Oklahoma Guide Book and Map K sent any where
eo receipt of U) ou. Tyler t. Co. s n » M City, Mo.
0 -*■ TILE
quality To convince and everybody, of before Beautifully subscribing, Illustrated of the journal High
interest our
in its new form, we will send to any address
Vtae© Wee Vis
SEND TEN CENTS for a trial subscription, and we will send you three
numbers, including our CHRISTMAS NUMBER, with an artistic cover; also
our Calendar Announcement for 1891 , with a painting by J. G. L. Ferris. *
These . *
three numbers contain the following reading-matter.:
( 1 ) Mrs. Amelia E. Barr’s new serial, “The Beads of Tasmer.” Mrs.
Barr is the author of that most successful serial, “ Friend Olivia,” just
completed in The Century ; but hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively
for The Ledger.
( 2 ) Uon. George Bancroft’s description of “ The Battle of Lake Erie/’
( 3 ) Margaret Deland’s latest story, •• To What End ? ”
(4) James Russell Lowell’s poem, “My Brook,” written expressly for
The Ledger, beautifully illustrated by Wilson de Meza, and issued as a
( 5 ) Mrs. Dr. Julia Ilolmes Smith starts a series of articles giving
very valuable information to young mothers.
( 6 ) Robert Grant’s entertaining society novel, fl^fland, “Mrs. Harold Stagg."
( 7 ) Harriet Prescott Spofford, Marlon Maiupice Marquise
Lanza, Josiah Allen’s Wife, Thompson and
George Pi'eUeric Parsons contribute short stories.
(8) James Par ton, M. W. Hazeliine and Oliver Dyer (author of
“ Great Senators ” ) contribute articles of interest.
In addition to the above, SPARKLING EDITORIALS. Illustrated Poems, Helen
Marshall North’s chatty column, and a variety of delightful reading of interest to all
members of the household.
The fore going is a sample of the matter which goes to make up the most perfect National
Family Send Journ^^|r Ten^^Bs offered for these to the three American numbers people. and judge for yourself, send only Two
Dollars for a subscription to
Cm* THBV _
r £ “EmSS*' Stem Wind a Stem Set,
Pfliq - I ONLY $1.00.
/ A Fullern Tb» t.m Am.rtnui Hunting Cose, in HandMme Shell
a correct illus¬
tration of which m e show in this advertise*
ment, largo order is now ready hav« and secured by placing the exclunive a very
sale for the UniU4 States and Canada.
It haaii'in winder and stem setter
with patent Adjustment, and IstUtcd v. 1th
>SM a found new patent stem other. winding It is hunting arrangement
on no case,
shell beautifully pattern, enwroYert in of the plated new Htylo with
as suowu out.
purest old on solid yellow metal ( 8 ome
uines calietl aluminium), and in up pear*
Alice usiiuilarton wold wntcli. The crys¬
tal is double thick pidished french glass,
I and all the cog w heels, pinions and bear
^ i i fiJ liilEs impiored mty perfectly and expemdve made machinery, by the moat
VV fa each and
'L pmt Is carefully fitted by skilled
workmen. Each one is carefully Inspected,
ilia factory, reguiated and d fully tested WArrantetl before leaving by the for
SO si u*
<- ’■1 live yen rail' used w it!k reasonable care.
WTHderand Special Btcm Offer Setter, K ',ass
with a henut i.
fill c< Id p'ntod drain nud chm in,
XW! ail packed receipt in of an only elegant 91.00 satin bill, lined case,
on order, postage postal note, money
vided thepem-nrocelvlngif stamps or will faithfully pro¬
promise to stu d us ss many oidera from
r !3 their nbicnn locality of Watches, as possible. representing OmKcuCaL of
p the larpewtlimsto bo found in any Cat¬
alogue v ill bo Font * ith each order. We
wai t, tho ono good for agent tho in every of town lablo to
takc* agency which sale our rel
watehea w e illustrate In Our Cut •
nlosriie at prices from $2.00 upward. W*
semi them to all parts of the United States
by mall and express. SEND 91 -OO AT
CW’E and we will forward theNewAmeri
I * can by malt, post-paid. * V«ar oi r«li»r
ft* M Wo peftind the of - will be tilled 91.00by the day we pec civs
will money any dlaantipfled customer, send registered letter,__ N. r. posl Y.
Babcock & Co., 25 & 37 Fmkfort St.,
I ' F-: ■:
Za a Poeltive Care tor
And all Disorder* of tha
S Comte™ or
tie. Dr. Schenck’e New
•a Lung*, Liver and
mailed free. Addr#-**,
Dr J.H.Schenck & Son,
SJ.’ Lovely drccratcd (66 piece) Tee
a given absoluteJy Home free aabocribera. to introduce
Country to new fcacn
•et cuntoins 60 pieces of richly decorated
ware Each piece is richly decorated in col¬
ii! or* *n tasteful leaf and flower pattern*. The
shape* are modern and artistic. Our ( ou n
try llotuo stands tixlay as one of the lead*
ing and must popular farm and home paper*
in America. Every one to deilirbted with it.
FoaltlTOly theentire lot ( 1 . 00 *) to be given
of advertioinr, and remember we send every club rnleor, or for a list *f 14 •"••■•flltor*. * Uvely
M andrake P ills
Curs Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heart¬
burn, Flatulency, Colic, and all DUeaies of
the Stomach; Coativeneaa, Inflammation,
Diarrhoea, Piles, and Diseases of the Bowels;
Congestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Nanaea,
lleadacbe, Giddlnett, Nervousness, Wan¬
dering Pains, Malaria, Liver Complaint,
and all Diseases arising from a Gorged ana
Slnggiih Liter. They clean the mucoua
coate, i educe gorged or cougeeted condi
give tlie eyetem » chance to recover tone
and atrength. They are
For Sale by all Druggist*. Price 2& ct».
per box; 3 boxee for Co ct*.; or tent by
mail, postage free, on receipt of price,
Dr. J. U. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia, Pa.
a <3
P ulmonic
Will Cure
co h? s>
And A11 D, ”‘ Me * of
It i* pleasant to the taste,
•nd doe* not contain a particle
of opium or anything injuri¬
ous. It Uthe Best Cough Med
per bottle. Dr. 6chenck’* Book
on Conanmption and it* Curt,
mailed free. Addreee
Dr. J.H Sc’tenck & Son,Phila.
At the Head
of Young People’s Magazines.
i MdeA’ TTEMLARGEb \ M? Q Qjf
®Ai 1 \ 1 V 1 TINS MONTH/* PA 6 E 3 A r
Stories, By
Articles, ^\20 ck/ j ~ Best /
Poems, etc, Author*, i
Five Little Pe^pSTS Grown Up.
Notable By Margaret Sidn ey.
Strial] : Cab and Caboose? the Rise of ft
Railroad Boy. By Kirk Monro*
SUBSCRIBE SOWS Cut *nt an<t s»n«J with
82.40 to II. I.othrni) Co., ami rrrplre CHRIST.
has nuubku or wide aw ikk free.
a ytar.
Specimen of any one, 5 cents; tof the fbur, 15 cent*.
D. T.otviwow Cok»xny, Boston.
FOR A ONE-DOleLA II ft I f, I* aent ns by mall
we will df ilr r, free o all charges, to any person to
the Unit d States, oil of the Hollowing artlclea,
fully packe .:
One tvro-ounoe bottle of Pure Vaseline, - * lOots.
One two-out oe bottle of Vaseline Pomade, - IS *
One Jar of Vaa line Cold Cream, - - - - - IS u
One il ke of Vasell ie Cam, hor Ice, ---•io * 4
One Cake of Vaseline taap, unaoent<Hi. . . io«
One Cake of Vaseline Soap, extqutattely scented.25 *
Orfb two-ouace bott e of White Vaseline^ - - 23 u
Orfor pottag. efamp. a»v tingle article at Bwprtc.
named. On no aocount be persuaded to aaeept A__
lainlv receive an imitation which hat Httle or novalus
6VAfflior FURNITURE .M 1
.iaa? frNVALiDA_^ .
JP ^ i AKg —
1C WHEEL m •'ski, i
We retail atthw imeeut w lirMi
%eh •Irnale factory prices
and ship goods to bo ai WBX1L
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X.CUI7SG MFO. CO.. 14*KsSl■»
i*_EI,ItV Don’t Fail to Stop at BLUR’S JEW.
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Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in the Citu,
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Send mo $1.50 and get a Solid Gold Pin
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----nod B*t te 1 G. H. INGRAHAM, M.
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Mriealyty the
StuiCUbIosICl ra&. y 2sur 1 jjsz
Ohio. Dje ' DT TO^
Int. ■ t
Bold bv Prngglstfc
am. u. «••*•••*• MMi