Newspaper Page Text
Mosers I Hambiiglit 3
Auction Bargains Xr
Men's Clothing, Shots and Hats, We will Bell you Clothing, Hats
and Shoes Cheaper than any House in Cleveland - Don’t
fail to give us a call as it is a pleasure to show cur goods.
Rogers & Ham bright,
Cleveland, Tennessee
Spring Place has two flouiishing
Sunday schools.
J LCole visited his brother, Jeff
Cole, in Giltner county this week.
Dont forgot the Old Peliable
Hardware Store of T A &. S K Ber
r y.
Guess who take a cat, with him
to set birds when lie goes hunting? I
I propose to suit the old. young
and csiiddleaged in shoes, Ovbey
The roads between Spring Place
and Dal ten are getting consider¬
ably cut up
For tombstones and uicnnsnental
work calt on C N King.
Judge J D Temple is improving
his hotel by building a two slory
veranda on Hie front.
Get your fall a ad winter suit
at Ovbevbs.
Mr Homy Pincher. of near town,
in making arrangements to go to
Texas—Thinks he will get off about
the 15th of February.
Fllijay has a spoka factory in
operation with a capaoity of 25,000
spokes daily.
Mr William M Morgan, of this
county, has received an appoint¬
ment ns U. S. Store Keeper, and has
been consigned to Rising Fawn,
Dade county.
T. J. Ovbey will sell yen
clothing as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
Mrs G. A, Stvawn, who lifts been
very sick for sevei al days, we are
glad to lean, is improving.
The contract has been let for
erecting a now court house in Dal¬
ton, which is to bo a handsome
building after modern plans. It
is to co t about 828 200
We omitted in oar last issue
giving o. c-nrt of the election re
turns which by rrquest, we give
Iton. (Fool) Dan Dunn of the
Tenth District received for the
office of Coroner a total of three
(3) votes; for which Dan leels
complimented and desires to return
thanks to his friends.
AH parties who are indebted to
roe by note or account will please
make setlement by the 15th of
January oi your acconnts will be
placed in tlie hands of an attorney
for collection. T. J. OVBKY.
James A Dickson, county
Treasurer, has taken Iho oath of
offica and entered upon his du
ties. He received from former
Treasurer $3 427 27, which shows
that the llice la in a healthy coc"
dition at tho beginning of the new
Sam Wood) who has been visit¬
ing relatives at Hassler M'H 9 for
several weeks, took bis departure
for bis home in Mexico, cn Tues*
Mrs J B Johnson, who has
oiently managed the postoffice at
Calhoun, has been displaced by a
roale subject who is supposed to
fit fhe character of sycophants -re¬
quired bv the Farrison adminis¬
tration. He is so repnenant, how¬
ever, to the community, that an
united effort is being made to
prevent his commission.—Dalton
The price of cotton is quoted
to have advanced from 30 to 49
points since the 5th of January.
We advise those who are not abls
to hold their cotton to sell now, as
tho market will in all probability,
not be belter in 3cme time:
The annual meeting of John B.
Gordon Camp of Confederate Vet'
ernns will bo held at tho court
house in Spring Place on Baku day
the 24th inst at 11 o’clock a, tu
Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected. Let every
attend, and ail confederates who
are not members are cordially ill'
riled. Jan 19th 1893.
J. A. McKamy, Ada] and Sec.
If there is one abominable law
in Georgia, it is the divorce law.
At least seven-eights ot it should
be repealed. It it were generally
understood when the marriage
contract, is bemg made that it is
an obligation for life, there would
be more serious meditation on the
congeniality ot contracting parties,
and tho real object for the nnion
would be more seriously contcm
plated. The state of South Caro¬
lina has no divorce law in her stat¬
ute books
I have enlarged my store room
which enables me to carry a lar¬
ger line of general merchandise
than ever before. T J Ovbey.
Mr S. II. Fincher look (he oath
of office on Tuesday end entered
his duties as clerk of the superior
conrt. Sam is a young man of line
worlh and will make an efficient
I nm now receiving a complete
lino of imported dress-goods and
invito the ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere Ovbey.
Messrs T. A. & S. E Berry of
Dalton, On., have rrte-red into ft
copai tai-rship with Dr Blossar for
the mannfreture of his great rem
erly for catarrh, which is a perma¬
nent cure for Catarrh, Bronchi
tis, Colds &o. It b very pleasant
to use, not being a snuff or douche
or anything of that kind. A trial
sample will be mailed bee to .'.ny
applicant. Address Dr J. w.
Blossar & Co., Dalton, Ga.
Below we give a list ot’ the
Traverse jurymen who were
drawn to serve at the Februa¬
ry Term of Murray Superior
court 1891:
Sam II. Henry
Solomon B. Mat tin
Thomas J. Bryant
Columbus M. Anderson.
John R. Leona d ,
Joseph < ’. Linn j
David M. Pedon
John II. Whittle
John D. Carnes
Robert R. Baber
Joseph R. Mathis
Elisha B. Warmack
William L. Waterhouse
Russell T. Bond
Moses W. Williams
Thomas M. Winkler
Thomas C. Hill
John H. Graves
James W. Ridlev
William II. Whittle
Wm. D. Douglas
James M. Campbell
John A Beaver
Oliver M. Barton
John II. Tankersley
Edga r Jackson
Joseph N. Welch
James F. Smith
Wm. J. Ilogan
Anderson Miller
James C. Ellis
James W. Learn on
Loranzo D. Covington
Francis M. Jones
Joseph B. Cor
Jonas Dunn,
» ft T. Hall & Hr©.
Wqole Sale and Retail
Dealers In all kinds Family Groceries. Bacon, Flour, Sack
Sait <fcc.
gpField Seed of all kinds a Specialty.
Send tlie Times t no local
ol your settlement
A fence around the court
TO y 10 Ike apperanec
Send your Children to school in
Spring Place
The Civil docket of Murray
superior court is lighter for the Feb
Term than it has been for several
Yo .1 IpH
To subscribe lor tilt
Of course 1 got my suit at Ov
bey‘s, no bo’.lor gouils can be had
in the market.
T A & S £ Berry have on band
and will keep in stock, a first class
lir e of stoves. Call and set) them
before piuchasing elsewhere.
A large cow with high horns,
about 9 years old whit * back, black
aided; branded Z on rach hip. and
S on right jaw. S has grown
nearly straight, marked—split in
the right, and two maker Lils in
the left ear. Wouhl calve about
29t,h Dec, ‘90—any information
will be greatly aj premia toil.
J. N IlAYbE, Loughridge G.r.
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
Whan you need anything in this
lino, send your ciders ('■ ftJcNoJly
A Hearts!!!, Cleveland, Tennessee.
They will do yon right. All work
done promptly. tknd for prices
on real ostoto, in amounts not Jess
than §300, cheaper tinin o«n be got
at home. Apply through
C. N. King.
Wo are bound to lend the
market on Clothing this season.
We have received and arc re
y'V'fS tl ‘° W * ? r t 'r J
Clot fang ‘.ver brought to
Spring Place. Vv e have culled
the nnuket lor best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom p ices.
T. J. Ovbey
p.y CjeorgfJ that's a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at Ovbey’s.
When yon are in Dalton d< nt
lorgcl that L Bucholz keeps the
Gib standftid confectionaries and is
always ready to wait on the !uurvnj
boys. A good sqanre rntu! will he
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr lyiick, first door below
Trevitte & Bryunt’n di ng aiore.
.: >..- :1: -..'v‘_ MERICAN M. ‘21,,
‘v“*.'&?;'~';:'«:’~§‘$’.‘.‘E’&ék‘Sflfiurfififi$1Fb'éfig “ ~‘~" "Mm": M] n v; " ‘. WT"! ' 1
-“ v :
the 0mm and most popular scientific nsd 1
ls mocmmicnl pnvcl‘ publish“; and has the lame.“ ‘
cirnuluflon of any paper of xts cl_nss in the worm,» * ‘
Fully ilhwh-umd. Best class M Wood Enurav
ings. Pnhlished weeklr. Sand for trjnl, specimen 51. ‘
copv. Price $3 0. year. ‘mn' montlxa’ N.\‘. \
MUNN a (70.. L’Unusnmw. 3m Broadway,
A Edition of Scientific American. 3
A meat succosn. Each issue conmms co‘nrod
luhmzmvmc plates of country nml city resldun
cna or public bulldlmzs. Numerous engravings u!
uul fun plans mu] specmcations fur the use
$10le contemplate hgndmgz. I'ricn $2.50 a your,
ms. acopy. MURN A: 60., Punmmms.
z 3?: ' 2'!“ mayhomcnh 31w”
, 1‘?“ ‘ ‘ rd by PNN
:..~ “i 3;; ing to
‘ «3' who
»"I-'-‘ ' if, A h (‘u., had
‘ huvn nmr
,5 ‘5 .sn yvnm’ oxpgrmucn um! have mndn over
“.41“: 100.4“) applications for Amerwm um! FM
emu pnmmw. finnd fur Handbook. curren
pundence strictly confidential.
In can your mar}; 1.: not mustered in the
em 0mm». apply to MUNN & Cu.. handbook. and prom
immediate promotion. Semi for
COPYRIGHTH for books. charts. maps
ate“ quickly procured. Address
DlUPéN Ga (30,, Patent S-nlioflofl.
sznxmn 01mm: an BROADWAY. R. 11
“1“7‘1 -
can bo rnwio
In six months
For S6 page catalogue, ftce,
address, JS. C. GUiJflSON,
Cincinnati, O., >T. Y. City,
Jwlwosynie, W., Otast,, Neb.
Icompuny’s We sell the Spencer Optical
Spectacles and eye
They arc very fine
; gla8ses aU( ] you should tr
before purchasing else i
'where. S. J. McKniglits New
Drug Stor.-, Daltou Ga.
Georgia Murray County
M. M. Bates Executor of tho Estate of G.
C. McLain deed., represents to tho Court in
bis petition duly that he has fully »-d
miv.isto.ed said D 0 M rLain’s estate. This
is therefore to cite mil persons concerned,
he rs and creditors to show cause if any they
can, why said Executor should not be dis- I
charged from his Executorship and receive
letters of dismission on the 1st Monday in
March 1S91. This Deo 3d 1890.
W. IT. Ramsf.y, Ordinary.
Gwop.gta Murray County.
Whereas C N King Admr of D L Fettitt
j represents to tho coU' t in his petition duly
filed, t h t be has fully administered said
eptite. This is therefore to cite nil persons
concerned, heir * and creditors to show enu^e
if ay they can, why said Admr. should not
be discharged rom his administration and
receive letters of dismission on tho 1st.
Monday March 1 SOI. \V. H. Ramsby,
Ordiua ry.
Georgir.. Murray County
W he re as C N King Admr. of K inbeth
Mauldin, represents to the Court in his pe¬
tition duly filed that ho has fully ndminis
* red said Estate. This ’’a to eitoall persons
co cettiod, heirs and creditors to show cause
if any thoy eat why said Admr. should not
be discharged fro c hi? admiuistrntion and
receive letters of dismission on tho 1st Mon¬
day iu M. rch 1891. W. ti. Ramsey,
Statk op Georgia Murray coubty.
Will be sold before the Court House d or
in the town of Spring Place Ga. to the highest
bidder at public outcry between the legal
hours o>f sa’o on the first Tuesday in Febru¬
ary next the following p operty towit:
0no bL/ok maro, with blaze face, ten years
old, ar d ci.e black horse three years old.
Levi *d on as tho property of J. W. Paper
by virtuo of a*mortgage ti fa f oni Murray
Superior court in favor of John Silvers Sr.
against J IV Rnpcr. This Dec 30th 1890.
Ala© at tho same time and place, two
ten lbs undivided interest* in the north h a IF
o lot of land JJo in the 9rh Dist and 3d
section of said county. Levied on as tho
prope rty of A G and D M Yining—one tenth
as tho property of each by virtuo of a S fu
from the county court of Murray county iu
favor of Clayton Webb vs. A G and I) M
Vi ’j,mua.
7 th 8 »,ai8'ft.
John C. McEntip.e, Sheriff.
& ==ss [improvedI
ResidGwce, Church,
& b Roof Cresting,
ditching Posts.
Iron Verandas.
'ail Cells AND
Saw Mills and
I n r Machinery,
Write (or Prlcet.
Be sure you mention this paper.
ffl laov’s > a ^
Blood Purifier
Cures Boils, Old Sores, Scrofulous tricers. Scrof¬
ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous
diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary diseases Coti- of
tageous Blood poison, Ulcerous Sores,
the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches, pustules. Pimp¬
les, Itch, 1 Tetter, Ring- worms, Scald-Head, Eczema*
Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood poison, Mer¬
curial Rheumatism, Disease. - , of the Bones, Gen¬
eral Debility and all diseases arising from impure
Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug¬
gists. $1 per bottle, koy Remedy Co., Atlanta,
•onpipaui n(^p ip iq
Pi°3 po<)3 d oa; 8 piH) 'tioj ojno iji» }1
sun.hxnr mom s'iMmouu
Xj.i, ’AJ!i!q3ir nuouaS s> 1 ! noi
Salmon ioj poo8 au«.u 'mo ujoa: u xi 1f oro
v riiov HL>v>ti aaox
Ma T iy t’ersons ho’.tschola
Are broken do st) from ovsiwOTk or
cares Jlro’Vi i’a I ton Hitters
rebuikj* tho • /stjrn. aids digestion, removes cx
aessofbile, rud cures malaria. Get the gcnuiQti.
JV e w Y © pi Store.
Sew Goods, Latest Styles,
! Millinery and Fancy Goods! Notions and Trimmings!
Ladiso of Murray county call aad examine our uirely selected deeds
Hats, Bonnets, &e. Da'ten Ga. 4-18-ly
* f
Just Received at the Milliter} Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegan t apartment of Milinery and Straw Goe^s .consisting of 8 trail
Bonnets and Ladics'a^d Children’s Hats [trimmed find untrimmed] Neck
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet llibbons, Neck Ties, Bonnot Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments £c. Our goods
were bought of the largestaiid best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Yotk, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
1891. 1891.
© el*" ® © V II E T,
Spring Brack, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing'!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
pyvHso a lull stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries etc., and will sell at low juices, for cash.
Spectacles For Sale By
Dr, John F. Harris,
Spring Place Georgia.
—Dealer In—
....Drugs, Medicine, Chemicals,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Spunges, Brushes, Perfumeiy Ac. Kceps alao a tulljm
of Tobacco, Cigars. Stationary, Paints, Oils, Varnishes tfec. *
A choice selection of family Groceries,
cheap for cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoh’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
% I J • TAPP
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-wan^
Wedding P.eseuts, Christmas Presents and PresetiU
for the Old and the Young.
Or any den ct in vision that can be remedied by lefract
ive power, acctrately and skillfully corrected. Call at
J . L . TAPP’S Jewelry St<>r n , r.ext door to Lovemtrft
No charge for sling the i
a t yes.
BOOK-KiEPiHQ, SIJ3RT-JAKD, T. PE?i83Aftov.« 1.10.
/ (
V / fp / « - : ' l r .+ A ' - : • ' J :
'•tu : ic ‘ 4