Newspaper Page Text
Misunderstood— A Faithful
—The Basis of a Reputation —
Horry She Asked — Much
More Terrible, Etc., Etc.
An owlet into the garden flew.
A And maiden perened roamed high 'mid over the the flowers gate; and dew,
Although it was late and lonely too.
Alas, she knew.'
She warble! a dity so sweet and .dear, true;”
She sang: *‘fo thee my heart is
And the owl leaned over, the better to near,
And murmured tliscreeciv "To whoo,
To whoo—to whoo?”
Then the maiden shrieked, as maidens will,
And in haste withdrew;
But the stared nud smiled in bis bill.
And said very •To blandly—he’s saying it
whoo—to whooP’
— A. hi. Philadelphia Ledger.
“What sort of a fellow is he?”
“He’s a friend who would be willing
to share your last dollar with you.”—
“Were you afraid of the judge’s
“No, but I was scared to death by my
lawyer's charge.”— Munsey's Weekly.
She—“Do you love me for myself
He—“Yes, and when we're married I
don’t want any of the family thrown in.”
— Epoch,
Scribbler—“I have just lots of fun
writing my jokes.”
Friend—“Then that explains it. I
wondered where the fun came in.”— De¬
troit Free Press.
She—“is she a brilliant conversational
He—“Well, from what I saw of her, I
should say that she could hold her owu
in soliloquy.”— Puck.
“Do yon believe in cures effected by
the laying on of hands?”
“I certainly do. There is nothing
like spanking to make a child behave
himself."— Munsey's Weekly.
De Garry—“Is that girl across the
street who plays the piano familiar with
Gills—“She must think so, she takes
Buch liberties with him.”— Life.
Miss Bussey—(on receiving her first
kiss;—“I’m surprised at your audacity,
Mr. Brace—(giving her nnothcr)—
“I’m a little bit surprised at it myself;
but I guess it all right.”
I take tkuse shoes, said the one
.?U Shall 1 uT' I send All them?” asked the clerk. , ,
“Yes. bend the right shoe to J. IV.
Binks, 3611 Vanderbilt avenue, and the
left one to me, J. IC. Smithcrs, Y’oakers,
N. Y .”—New York Sun.
Dashaway _ , “Eue other night I went
to an amateur theatrical performance,
and then I went home and had a terrible
dr !f"!'
“Cleverton—“What . . did ... you dream?” . „„
Dasha way “I dreamt I went to it
again. Aew York Sun.
Di8ArroiNTED norEs.
Mr. D. P. Works (Christmas Eve)—
* ( Well, I got the sack, after all.”
Mrs. Works—“Oh, you dear! Did
you get the sealskin or the other?”
Mr. Works—“I got the other—the sack
job—understand?”— —the bounce—discharge 1 I've got no
He—“And now, darling, let’s fix the
time right away.”
She—“Oh, don't press me just now.”
He—“Y'es, dearest, say what day you
will be mine.”
She—“Well, then the—the day after
your salary is raised.”— Epoch.
“And now,” said tho teacher, “we
come to transparent objects. Miss Sophie,
give me an example.”
“A pane of glass.”
“Good. Miss Anna, please give an
* ‘A—a—key hole. Texas Siftings.
Mr. Wrcdink (tho old bookkeeper)_
“To-day marks my fortieth year of serv¬
ice with you, sir.”
Mr. Hides—“I was aware of it, Mr.
Wredink, and I have arranged a little
surprise for you. Take this alarm clock,
with my best wishes for your continued
rater (severely)— “My rod, this is
disgraceful condition of affairs. This
report says you arc the last boy in a class
of twenty-two.”
Henry—“It might have been worse.
Pater—“I can’t see how.”
Henry—“There might have been more
boys in the class .”—Brooklyn Life.
Mr. Billus—“There no use laying all
the blame on me, Maria, whenever we
have a fuss. It takes two to make a
Mrs. Billus—“I know it, but it takes
only one to apologize, and I want you to
understand I am tired of doing all tbs
Apologizing. After this, John Billus,
it’a going to take two to make upl”—
Chicago Tribune .
' dips’*
like the proswct.
“Is this a healthy neighborhood?”
asked the poor tired little woman.
“Healthy I’’ ejaculated the landlord’s
wife. “I guess it is. Why, when I
came here I was run down just like you,
and now I do all the housework for my
husband and six children.”
“Then I don’t think we’ll come.”
“Why not?”
“I too hare a husband and six chil¬
dren.”— Harper'» Bazar.
Bliflers—“There has been another
ocean race, I hear, and it was a wonder¬
ful success, wonderful.”
YVhiffers—“Which steamer beat?”
Bliflers—“I didn't learn.”
Whiffers—“What was the time?”
Bliflers—“I didn't ask.”
Whiffers—“But you said the raco was
a great success.”
Bliffers—“It was. Nothing smashed
and nobody drowned .”—Good Kens.
He had been courting her a long time
—so long that she began to get tired;
so one night she said to him:
“John, who is the author of the
phrase, ‘Man proposes?’ ”
“I’m sure I do not know,” answered
John. “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, I merely wanted to know who
he was.”
“For what reason?”
“Because he didn't know what he
was talking about.”
Five minutes later the wedding day
was set .—Spare Moments.
When she opened the door she found
a man on the steps whose iips were blue
with the cold, and before he had time to
ask for old clothes or a bite to eat, she
“Why, you poor fellow! You are al¬
most frozen!”
“Yc-yes'm,” he gasped.
“The first thing to do is to come in
and get warm.”
“Yes’in; but right here I would like
to ask a question. Do you mean that I
shall sit by a stove and absorb ^artificial
heat, or will you place an axe in my hand
and tell me to warm myself up by exer¬
Ashe went into the kitchen, it is prob¬
able that she hnd reference to an easy
job .—Detroit Free Press.
Particular Customer—“I want an oys
* or ste ' v ftn< * * don 1 want the oysters and
liquors and milk all mixed in a mess and
j merely heated. I want the milk care¬
fully boiled first, then the oysters added,
uext the liquor, and finally, after it is
taken off, the seasoning. Be very par¬
ticular about the milk. It must be sweet
and rich, and above all things be care¬
ful to get good butter. Only the best
uud freshest gilt-edge dairy butter should
be used. As for the oysters, I want the
very finest to he obtained anywhere; no
i common oysters for me. Now, don't
; forget.”
Waiter—“Yes, sah. Do you wish the
^oysters with or without, sah?”
! Customer—“With or without what?”
AY alter-“Pearls, sah."—Aw Tori
I j Yttkly
, lie was a Western bustler and his seat
j from mate the was East. a quiet looking gentleman
“Y'ou carry on a manufacturing busi
| ness> perhaps,” said the Westerner,
j “Well_yes, I_”
“Use a good deal of coal, eh?”
uy eg a „ re at deal ‘the ”
“Ever compared cost of coal with
the cost of natural gas?”
, “Well, sir, do you know that you
| could Ohio, move and your establishment thousands out here
j to save of dollars
every year just by using natural gas?
Why, we use it for heat, power, illumi
nation—everything. Just stop off at
Toledo and look into that matter, and I
guarantee we'll have you settled there ia
side of a year.”
“I hardly think it would be worth
while," answered theEastemer. “Don’t
think my business would benefit at all
by the change.”
“Y*ou don't know anything about it,
my friend,” exclaimed the Westerner,
with enthusiasm. “Why, I know it
would save you money. It couldn’t help
saving you money. Why, you could
produce your—er, see, what do you man¬
“Gas,” replied the quiet man, in an
ordinary tone of voice.— Puck.
Ifoiv Chloroform Kills.
Dr. Horatio Wood shows that contrary
to the general belief, chloroform kills by
paralyzing the respiration as well as the
heart, and that ether kills by paralyzing
the heart before respiration has ceased,
lie regards nitrous oxide as the safest
anesthetic, only one death having oc¬
curred out of 50,000 administrations.
Ether is probabty safe - than chloroform
in the ratio of one to three or one to five,
and the best method of administering it
is to use the inhaler made of cloth
stretched across the wire frame, which is
surrounded by rubber or leather. Plenty
<>f fre bhair should be mixed with the
rthcr , ' Chloroform is probably more fatal
™ Jt Iles accouo< i o! lu ‘ Ls greater and specific gravity,
ln the ng* mixes slowly
" lth tbe air ’ “ mpU iy P oiso “ iD S tbe
ncrve centers before oxygen can gain ad
mission to the blood. It is less danger
ous in hot climates, where it is more
readily volatizcd. Ether is more volatile
and, therefore, less dangerous .—Chicago
Blinders were invented by an English
nobleman to cover up the defect of a
wall-eyed horse, and then they were
found to be good places to put on the
coats of arms of the nobility, and so they
came into fashion
A little face In the window,
Two lit le feet tiptoe';
Eyes open wide ns they peer ontside
In search of a form they know.
A face of weary wonder,
A little tongue all dumb,
V hilc to and fro the peop'e go,
But the right one doesn’t come.
A little face transfigured,
A cry that is low and sweet.
And a merry laugh to telegraph
The joy to the tiny feet.
The face is gone from the window,
And, toddling over the flaor,
He laughingly goes, for thebahy knows
That somebody’s at the door.
—[Columbus Dispatch.
A goose over in Harrison county,
Miss., was trying to hatch out a set¬
ting of eggs. Some of the eggs were
precocious, it seems, and brought fortl.
tile goslings a day or so in advanco of
the others. And here was a dilemma.
The young birds, most naturally, hav¬
ing just escaped from t'iO coniines oi
the shell wanted to go abroad and
look among the (all grasses and then
take a glance at the pond, but whaj
could Mother Goose do; should slic go
forth with the hafe.ied and neglect the
coming generation of geese that were
still within the shell? AVhat did she
do? Why she just slipped off her nest
and took the impatient goslings to tlio
gander, left them in his paternal care
and returned to the eggs. Let us hope
that they hatched, and that the goslings
grew to be geese worthy of such a
mother. However, our knowledge of
the story ended before there was ftir
th tj^jcvolopmcnt.—[Picayune.
Of all the odd-looking parrols in the
world the puffi.i, or sea parrot, is cer
laiiilv the oddest. raffias are mem¬
bers of the Auk family and live in
holes which they burrow in lho edges
of sandy cliffs beside the s - :a.
They are while-breasted, and black,
backed, and have red ami blue beaks,
and red feet which give them a most
singular appcaranco when they aro
All puffins aro great, fishers. They
hover down along tlio water's edge and
scoop up in their beaks the little tish
which swim in shore.
As fast as a puffin gels a beak full
lie lakes the fish up to the sand hole,
wlieic lhe little brood is waiting.
When the puffins arc not raising young
they carry their prey just the same,
from force of habit, probably, to their
nests, and there devour it.
It is a comical sight to see hundreds
of them waddling ashore with little
fish hanging from their beaks.
As the puffin generally has Ids month
full, ho has no time to practice saying
bad words, like bis more civilized
brothers.— [Now York Journal.
A bear is an extremely awkward
and ungainly looking creature, but
when it starts after any one it wishes
to ca'.clt it displays a quickness of mo¬
tion w' ich Lhoso w ho have been
limited by it declare to be amazing.
And when it wants to get beetle-grubs
out of the ground, ants out of their
homes, honey out of a bee-free, fruit
from a slender bough, or bird’s eggs
out of a nest it shows itself to be as
smart and skillful ns any oilier animal
(hat has to livo by its wits. To get,
for instance, at the beetle-grub, it
scratches off the upper earth and sucks
them up out of tho ground.
When it wishes to empty an ant
liivc it knocks the top off with its paws,
applies its niottih to the ceulra! gallery
of Lite nest, draws in its breath forci¬
bly, thereby setting up such a current
of air that all the unfortunate nuts
and their eggs come whirling up into
its mouth like packets through a
pneumatic tube. When robbing bees
it does not get stung, and when after
wild fruit or acorns it balances itself
as cleverly on the branches of lhe
(roes .as a rope-walker balances him¬
self on a rope. Nor does it ever try
to conceal what it is about. On the
contrary, when sucking at an aul-hill
or grub-hoic, it makes such a noise
that on a still evening it can be beard
a quarter of a mile off', and when up a
tree it goes smashing among the
boughs, as though it thought bears
owned all the trees in the world.—
[Detroit Free Press.
Guatemalan Tomatoes.
A Los Ange’.es (Cal.) paper de¬
scribes a tomato tree growing in that
city. It is a native of Guatemala, and
the fruit grows in clusters, the toma¬
toes being smooth and perfectly oval
in shape. They aro now g een, but
they will turn first yellow and then go
to aglowing red, when they will be
ripe. They taste very much like the
ordinary tomato
All Sort*.
Tm name of Wayne is the title or United part
of States the title of more other. placet in the
Dallas, Texas, has an Artesian well
one thousand feet deep. Its flow is
about one million gallons a day.
Experience in electrically welding
projectiles shows that the metal is
strengthened at the point of welding.
of The public Francisco, baths presented to the James city
Ban by the late
Lick, are completed. They cost $250,000.
Platinum can now be drawn into wire
strsnds so fine that 27 twisted together
can be inserted into the hollow of a hair.
A luminous cat, made of tin, and
painted with phosphorus, has been pat¬
ented. It is intended to frighten away
rats and mice.
It is estimated that in Paris 1 in 18 of
the population ol 150,000 live on charity,
with a tendency toward crime; in London
this class ii 1 m SO.
Take in your hand a crystal of quartz,
a stick of deal, a daisy, an acorn, and
you will not find in tnem a single element
of matter that is not also fouud in your
physical frame.
Official statistics show that the yearly
income from fowls in France is 337,100,
000 francs, of which 153,600,000 francs
represent the value of the flesh, and
183,000,000 francs that of the eggs.
When men arrogate to themselves a
sublimated type ol po itical virtue and
honor; and ho d up superior standards
for the measurement of others; t e ques
tlon rises uubldden—have these meu
never violated any J of the ordinary *•. stand
ards , Of , public . ,. private . obligation■.— , • .
Cotton J lant.
DENMARK _ IS dotted all over With . , , but
ter factories, all turning out butter of the
finest „ . and most uniform quality. ,.. Highly , ,
educated experts act as teachers and eon
suiting dairymen, being employed by the
various fai tones to correct any faults and
keep up the quality of the butter pro
Japan is about to enter the field as a
producer of island bdigo. The soil and cli¬
mate of the are -tated to be favor¬
able to the cultivation ol the shrub, and
the Japanese govirument is inaugurating
experimental measures for its cultivation.
A supply the of island, Bengal indigo seed has been
sent to and it is to be tried in
certain parts of the country.
If this Union was worth a million valu¬
able lives and six thousand millions of
dollars in 1861; how much more is it
worth the lesser saernfice of time to vote
to save it again to the great common p o
ple this fall as against the conscienceless
vampire corporations who »re sucking its
life blood ?—Kansas Commoner.
If G. d in the beginning had given
Adam a salary of $25,000 a year, and hnd
continued his life and salary until the
present time, and Adam hud hoarded
every cent of his salary, he would yet be
$50,000,000 poorer than William II.
Vanderbilt. $25,000x6,005 is $150,
000,000; Vanderbilt’s wealth, $200,000,
000.— Exchange.
The Boy of the Period.
A boy of the period, who understood
his own value and knew what was ex¬
duty pected of him, when asked what was his
to his father and mother, answered
“ To take them out for a walk on Sun¬
days, anl not let them know how much
more I know than they do.”— Chambers'
SI00 Reward. 8100.
The readers uf this paper will be pleased to
learn that tneieis atlea-i one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
slaves, and that is Catarrh, halt’s Catarrh
l uro Is lho only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh beintj a con¬
stitutional di e iso, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hail's . aiarrh Cure is lasen in¬
ternally, actin; directly upon the blood a,.d
mucous sunaics of tile sys.em, thereuy de¬
stroying the lhe loundation ot the disease, anl
givintt .stitution patient strength by building up ihi
co its work, lhe and assisting the nature in doing
prop, ieiors have so much faiin
in us curative powers lhat they oiler One
hunaicd uo lars for a. iy case hat it f.ilsto
cure, bend for list of testi nonUls. Address
w- s .id JittKSS'*'“•
The submarine telegraph system of the
world consists of 120,070 nautical miles of ca
The climate hero did not agree with me and
1 was sick with malaria most nil the time.
1 he least exposure gave me a severe cold nn<l
my health was miserable. I grew weaker un¬
til I began a nse of Dr. Bull's Sarsaparilla,
when I gained health and strength. 1 reeom
mend it us the very best strengthening medi
cine.—Sarah Walton, Wabash, hid.
There are over 7,000,000 pores in the human
Mamma, thin your little girl grows more pnle
and each day. It needs Dr. Bull’s Worm
Destroyers. Get her some before it is too late.
There are 3,061 languages and over 1,000 re¬
Mart persons household are broken down from over¬
work or cares. Brown’s Iron Bit¬
ters rebuilds Cue system, ai is digestion, re¬
moves excess ot bile, anl cures m&Iaiia. A
splendid tonic for women and children.
One-third of the land surface of the earth la
covered with forests.
Do Yon Ever Speculator
Any person sending us their name and ad¬
dress will receive information that will lead
to a fortune. Benj. City, Lewis Mo. & Co., Security
Building, KansaB
Lee Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harm
itssin t fleet, quick riceipt and positive of SI in action, bottle
bent Adelir&to.,622Wyandotte prepaid en st.,Kan8asCity,Mo per
FJTS stopped free by On. Kline’s Gbeac
Kxhvk Restorer. No Fits after first day's
nee. Marvelous cures. Treatise and *2 trial
Lottie tree. l)r. KliDe. C31 Areli St., Philo., " Pa.
Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches
in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas,
Longht and sold. Tyler* Co., KansasOity.Mo.
OklahomaUuido liook and .Mapsent Kansas any City, where
en receipt of 6ocU.Tyier * Co.. Uo.
If afflicted with pore eyes use Dr. Isoro Thomp¬
son's Eye-w iter.Druorgista sell at26e per bottle.
Beechbam’s Pill* e ure Sick-Headache.
Is of tVO kinds, acute and chronic. The former Is
acoompanted by high fever, and In the swollen Joints
there le Intense pain, which often suddenly chmngee
from one peri of the body to another. Chronic
rheumatism is without fever and not to severe, but
more continuous, nnd liable to oome on at every
sunn or after slight expotwe. Rheumatism Is
known to bo a disease of the blood and JLsod '» Sar¬
saparilla hashed great snoceas In curing it This
medicine poaseeses qualities which neutralise acidity
and ptulfy, enrich and vitalise the blood.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
■aid by all druggbm. $1; six for *X Prepared only
by a L MOOD * OO., Apotheceriee, Lowell, Mate
IOO Doses One Dollar
Caatle Garden Change* Hands.
Meyers, At noon last Wednesday under instructions Comptroller from
the sinking acting fund commission
ing the city of New York, received represent¬ from
the state board of emigration the keys of
Castle Garden, and that historic pile of
bricks and masonry, with its many an¬
nexes, became city property. The old
garden will not wholly lapse turned into obscu¬
rity. The piopertv will be
to the park commission. It was built for
a fortress in 1807. It was intended to
guard the outlets of both North and
Ea'-t rivers, but it was never equipped
as a place of defence.
About the year 1850 it was fitted up
with seats and converted into a concert
hall. In ’52, when P. T. Barnum
brought Jenny Lind to this country, he
secured Castle Carden in which to intro¬
duce her to the American public, because
of its proximity to the elite quaiters of
the metropolis.
In the year ’47 the legislature of New
York, established May 5th, the state
board of emigration. It was in ’54 that
Castle Garden was secured as a general
the landing time place for emigrants. During
the Gar-len was usi-d as a land¬
ing bureau the mimes of 0,720,667 im¬
migrant* were recorded upon its books.
Of these people 8,000,000 wire Irish,
3,0 0,000 Germans and the remainder
divided among ail other national.ties.
The Battle *f Life.
ro St%me^a™d’tothtseSd constitution. V the t flr“ Like a Mns good t id
eration is a robust a
himself in fortifications, so he, when disease
lB lathe atmosphere or hovering in ambush
amid climatic changes, will fortify h.s system
against every encroachment lhe grand grim monel-er
may seek to make. Many a life has
ended for want of timely precaution in the
hour of need. When fever and influenza are
abroad, w hen the when d imp effuna chilly days and touch the
marrow walk hand bones, hand, that the malaria,
in then it is system
should be fortified by a use or that sup rb
Buirfla^panlu!? and whichthe regulated, that blood dis
pure the tunctions so
ua8e canllot enter the citadel of life,
’’’here are now 7.0C0 millionaires In the
Uuited States, where, in 1860, there were only
Ladies neetllnt a tome, or children who
want building up, hhouhi take Brown’s Iron
Bitters. It is i leasaut to ta o, cures Malaria,
lmligestloiijBibousuess makes the Blood rich and and purs. Liver Complaints,
n S>onooroino ° f lhe worM “ #8t ‘*
mated « at $29,01.0,0(0 (XX).
led® iv.
Both the method and results when
Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
to the taste, and acts
gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, on the Kidneys,
cleanses the sys¬
tem aches effectually, and fevers dispels colds, head¬
and cures habitual
only constipation. Spun of Figs is the
duced, remedy of its Kind ever pro¬
ceptable pleasing the to the taste and ac¬
Its action to stomach, prompt in
and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy its and excellent agreeable substances,
mend many it all and have qualities com
to made it
the most popular remedy k nown.
Svrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬
gists. Any have reliable druggist who
may not it on hand will pro¬
cure wishes it promptly it. for Do any one who
to try not accept
any substitute.
HI. new ronit, N.r.
free. COUCH 4k l.IIGENltUEL, Senoip, Ga.
BAGGY M KNEFS ESS uFcciy rdiii aireicuer
Ad-pled t»v btudenlH at Harvard. Amherst, and otb»r
Collegeg, irhere. If also by f'»r professional in and basme-ts 8«nJ men 21-3c* «t try- £3
not sai« your tow i
B. .T. GHBELY. 71* Washington Street Bwton.
hhorti uud, ,on. d to C; u i.tmi'."shurt l)»ml School,
hi h..C. catannuean Crichton, Pri read it-it t Whit, costs bs you I 3t., nothing. Atlanta, A t!».
., ts!k
EJ K AMR MIRK '•>'*'C O V , Boon-keeping, Business Forma
■ ■ thoroughly Feamansnip, AritumeUu, by siA.lL* Short-hand,etc, Circulars
Bryant’s Cel taught 437 Math BWalo. tree, Y.
esc, Ob. H.
V zh ; Lv Mill I pigfe
■X y--'' ThM
k BLV BBQTHES3. M Wwm» New York. Price co
seven scvcntf CURE Biliousness,
» Sick
mm Headache,
This Picture, Panel size, mailed for i casta. Malaria*
Makers ot “ Bile Beww,”
2 53 t 257 Gre enwich St., N. Y. Cit y.
TDISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH,—Rest. Btsiett to use. Bn
-l Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For
Cold in the Head it has no equal. ,
11 IE V*'
•p ^ ^ Diamond Brand
f <
,V V/ y 8M *
•352 Su
is lUJd
This question is a “pert” one, but wa
mean it. Will you sacrifice a few paltry
dollars, and save your life? or will you
allow your blood to become tainted, and
your system run-down, until, finally, you
nre laid away in the grave? Better bo
in lime, and “hold up” your hands for
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery,
a guaranteed blood-taints, remedy for all scrofulous
and other from whatever
cause arising. Ulcere, It cures all Skin and
Scalp kindred Diseases, Sores, Swellings
and ailments. It is power¬
fully blood-cleansing, tonic as well in as alterative, or
its effects, hence It
strengthens the system and restores
vitality, thereby dispelling all those
languid, by debilitated. “tired feelings” experienced
manifested the its Especially curing has it
potency in Tetter,
Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils,
Carbuncles, Neck, and Enlarged Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick
Glands. World’s
Dispensary Medical Association, Mak¬
ers, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
FOR A ON E-DOLLAR Rl I.I. sent us ti* man
we will deilv r, free o sll charges, to any person la
the Unit d sutot, all of the foUowlug articles, onre
ru,I 7 packs :
One iwo-ounoe bottle of Pure Vaseline, . - B855S5S eta
One two-ou ce bottle ol Vaseline Poiands, . «
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