Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Safetcriptiou Rate*:
Ob. tear, $1 OB Six montha, 50«ents;Thr«
moBthi, 25oents. Payable in advanoe.
Address .11 communication! t) Thb Tikes
B ering Pises, Ga.
Notice To Tiie Ladies.
We are bouud to suit the
ladies’ fancy regardless
what it costs. Have received
a beautiful stock of ladies’
hats and would like to stress
the fact that they are of the
very latest style and fashion.
A coidial invitation to all.
T. I Oybf.y.
fcitili it laius.
Advertise your spring Ijcods.
Talte your county paper.
Col. W H Tibbs was over this week.
J usticcs court’in town Mon¬
For tombstones and monumental
work call on C N King.
It seems that this.'^is no longer
the “Sunny.South.”
iVfftrck so far, is windy as
2 spools thi ead 5c N Y store Dalton.
Notice the] professional .card of
Dr. D H Harris in this ist-uo.
Hair Ornaments at the New
York Stole Dalton.
It our paper isolate this week at¬
tribute it to.lhe high water,
T. J. Ovbey will sell ycu
«lothii'g as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs
Tom Wright died on last Wednes¬
day night.
Don't despair on the railroad
question, we will yet hear the
whistle blow.
It is thought by some that the
frost Monday night killed the fruit
in its infancy
Wm, Know Is of near town! has
been very siek' a for several days.
Garden makingtwiH be late,
this seasou judging from the
present outlook.
Corn is commanding a goon
price. Our farmers should plant
more corn and less cottoD.
Our merchants are put to a
good deal of inconvenience in
getting their goods from Dalton
We would like to see the va¬
cant store houses in town oc¬
We have had no mail since Sat¬
urday until today, Wednesday, on
the account of high waters.
Drummers have been scaice in
town of late. Look out for a rush
when the sun shines'
For Bargains in Clothing go to
Baltimore Clothing Co. f Kenner
corner Dalton Ga.
There has a leak or two sprung
in the roof of the court house which
should be Io >ked after at once lest
serious damage be the result.
Mrs. Lula Ogletree of Villa R'ca
Georgia has been visiting her rela¬
tives at this place for the past week,
Mr. I albert the jail contrac¬
tor got to put m one day this
week on the building.
Baltimore Clothing Co. Re¬
tails Clothing at wholesale
Rev. Mark mathews of Calhoun
Ga. will begin a aeries of services
at the Presbyterian church in town
on next Tuesday- Mr. Mathews is
able in the pulpit and our people
should take notice of this an¬
nouncement and hear him.
Rev. H W Morri9, who is teach¬
ing at «'t. Mountain Academy, and
who is esteemed highly by that set
tlement as a teaober, tailed to reach
his school on last Fridav on the ac¬
count of sickness.
A boy who can read and write,
desiring to learn the printers trade,
who will come np to onr require¬
ments, can get a position in this
office. His dosn‘t refer to very
small boys
For new Soring goods cail at the
New York Store Dalton Ga.
Boys send your sweet-heart
the Times and show them that
you are not too small to spend
a dollar for their enjoyment.
Wanted- —The consent ot 10,000
Smokers,—to send each, a simple
lot of 150 “NJtCKEJLi'' Cigars aud a
20 year gold filled Watch, by Ex¬
press C. O, D. $5 00 and allow ex¬
amination, Havana Cigar Co.
Winston, N. C.
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
Warehouse, Daltou Ga., will
sell provisions aud farm sup¬
plies on time payable in the
fall for good notes.
We will keep on hand and for
rale. Stone Wall, J M Green's Alli¬
ance High Grade and the,, Bawker
Guano at Kenner's old stand Dal¬
ton Ga. J D Graham.
By George! that's a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at Orbey's.
A Large* stock of sample
Shoes and Boots at Manutact
ures cost at Baltimore Cloth¬
ing Co.
Lewis Keys, charged under a bill
ot indictment for malicious mis¬
chief, was arrested by sherift Me
Entile one day last week and on
lailuro to £give .the required bond
was placed in jail.
When you visit Daltou^look
for the big sigu, “Baltimore
Clothing Co ’.
Mr. E H Dickson of this place
happened to a right serious acci¬
dent on last Friday. lie was as¬
sisting about the cut-off 3aw at
the mill of Camp & Go. when his
hand was caught bv tho saw and
three of his fingers were badly
mangled. It will be some lime be
fore he will have tho use of his hand.
The largest stock of shoes
and Boots.
l'be largest stock of Neck
The largest stock of furnish¬
ing goods.
The largest stock of Hats.
At Baltimore Clothing Co.
Fenner corner Dalton Ga.
Mr. E L Morrison, ot Dennis
died of La Grippe on last Friday,
He was sick only one week. j
A good crowd ot Alliancemen
were in town on Saturday to hear
the Alliance Lecturer, but he fail¬
ed to arrive.
E B Smith who is in bad health,
gave up the school that he was
teaching near lown and has gone
to Florida where ho hopes^to be
restored, to some extent His
many friends are anxious that the
zephyrs of *the balmy land may be
beneficial and that he may be able
to return iu a short while.
The crop of wild onions on the
Missionary lot is putting forth and
there is a fine stand of them. So if
you don't care fo have your milk
and butter flavored with onions
you had.better keep up your cows.
If the roads don't get better,
there will be but little guano
hauled from market. Farmers
should look to the importance ot
preparing their fertilizers at home.
We sell the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles aud eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else
wheve. S. J. McKmghts New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
-» + -
The Weekly Press Association
will meet at the Albany Chautau¬
qua on the 31st in*-t.
The accommodation train that
runs from Dalton ro Chattanooga
wilt not bo discontinued as was
reported some time ago.
at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr Andy Goswick, fourth
Sunday morning, Hev I E Wofford
officiating, Mr Bill Casey to Miss
Yic Goswick.
Mr Jack Green and Mr James
Fox Jr , who moved to Florida a
few months ago, have made their
return to this section
February went out and March
came in with a 6now.
A great deal of sickness is re¬
ported in the settlement just be¬
low here.
Farmers are not getting to do
much toward preparing their land
lor a crop. Eff.
1891—Clothing! Clothing!—
Something we can!t do with¬
out and we are bound to keep
We have received aud are re¬
ceiving the largest line or
Clothing ever brought to
Spriug Place. We have called
the market lor best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom pi ices.
T. J. Ovbey
The ''Mt Carmel Aeronautic
Navigation Company,” of Illinois,
seem to be ‘‘terribly in earnest”
in their project to navigate the air
by their balloon-ship/ 1 . It is an¬
nounced that 10 per cent., or $2i"
000,000 of tho $20,000,000 of their
capital stock, has been paid in, and
the directory is composed of mon¬
eyed men of Loth this country- arid
England This certainly indicates
great confidence iu the success of
the project.
The t »tal appropriation made by
the fiftieth congress were: During
the fii'Ht session, $3^5,337.516, anil
during the second session, 422,626,-
343, or an aggregate of $817,965,-
859, while Urn appropriations tor
tho first session of Ihb fifty-first,
congress were $460,627,697, and
those of the second session will
probably bring the total appropri¬
ations for this congress to $2,000,
000 , 000 .
Georgia, Murray Co unty
To all whom it may concean.
ON King has io due form applied to mo
for permanent letters of administration on
the estate of 1'inkuey F llowoll, late of said
county deceased, and I will p iss i pon st-id
application on the Vfirst Monday iu April
1891. ThiiMarch 3d, 1891.
W. H..Ramsky, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray County:
To ail whom it may cuncern:
Jas. VV Mackey Guardian lor C
i«'. 1* Summerour applies to me
for letters of dismission from said
Guardian, and I will pass upon his
application on the 1st Monday in
April 1891. This March 4th 1891.
W, 11 } amsey Ordinary.
MON PENCE Residence, Church,
Caiss, Poets, Stairs, Vcrantfa3, Roof
Cresting, Tower Finialo.
Steel Jail Cases.
Gufidera’ Iren Fronts, Columns, Sills,
Lintels, Straps, Boils, Rods, Anchors,
Roof 3 , Window Guards and Shutters.
Write us for Pictures and Prices.
Manly Manufacturing Co.,
Dalton* Georgia*
Do sure you mention this paper.
'7va nuurmumua 00., ‘
“L" mumpma sun: '57?
Many Iversons
Arc broken do*D from overwork or household
wires Brown's Iron Bitters
rebuildf ceBsofVle tho T/stjm, aids digestion, Get the removes genuine. cx
iud curia mahiiia.
every description.
Write for
Catalog-’* 1 "
gold In tho Head, Throat, or Langs, we ca\
atire At. you by our new method. Remedy plena'
Cost moderate. Send lor sample, whig)!
wet mail FREE! Address,
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
When you arc in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Of course I got my suit at Ov
bey‘s, no better goods can be had
in the market.
State of Georgia Mbrray Cooky
Wifi he sold before the court
house door in the town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out Cij between the legal hours
of sale on Lfie 1st Tuesday in April
next-, the following described prop¬
erty lo wit:
One fifth undivided interest in lot of land
No. 229 in the 9th Dist. and 3rd Sect, of
said county. Levied on as the property of
Emily Springfield by virtue of a Justices
court fi fa from the 824th Dist. G M of said
county m favor of W W Anderson pgaiust
said Springfield. Levy made and returned
to me by John Childers L C.
Also at tho samo time a nd place one hun
dred and hirty acres more or loss of lots! 0 ^
land Nos. 261 and 262 in the 9t district and
3d aeo Hon, said parts of lots of land being
the northeast portion of said lots and lying
cast of the Spring Plaoe and Carters Quarter
road. Levied on as tho property of A
Bishop by virtue of a Justice Court fi fa is¬
sued from the 824th district G. M., of said
county; in fivor of Anderson A Coffey.
Levy made and returned, to me by
J, M. Campbell, L. C.
Also at the same time and place lots of
land Nos. 22, 14, 15 and 23, all of said land
being and lying in the 13th district and 3d
section of said county. Levied on as tho
property of Elizabeth Holland, liy virtue of
aud to satisfy a tax fi fa issuod from tho Tax
Collector’s office of said county in favor of
stato and county tux for the year 1890.
Also at the same time and place
five sixth undivided interest in
one huudred and fifty four acres of
laud in the 9th district anti third
section ot said county, being all of
lot No. 150, except six acres in the
southwest corner. Also tho same
interest in thirty acres of lot No.
139, in the 9th district and 3J sec¬
tion of said county, said thirty
acres being divided by the CVnna
sauga river, a portion being in each
of the counties ot Murray and
Whitfield and described as follows:
Commencing at the S W coinerof
lot No 139 and running N E so as
to make seven acres more or less
on tho west side of said river, thence
up said river to M<fi creek. I hence
up said creek to west line of let No
138, thence south along said line
to the corner of said lot, thence
west to the beginning point. Levied
on by virtue ot and to satisfy a fi fa
issued from the superior court, of
said counl v in favor of O VV Hill
vs. C 0 Hallman, as tho property
of defendant in fi fa,
Thi< Marc 11 4U. 1891.
J.‘0. MoEntiiik, Sb IF
Georgia Murray County
C. C. Howell Executor t ostue of L D
Hartly represents 1* tin: -curUi*> bin petition
duly filed, Oiat be !>?<> ib-ly Administered
«aid L I) n«riiy white according to his
will. This is tbctfciore to c to i»lJ ps-rson*
concerned, heirs*creditor, to show
cause if any they car?, why taid Executor
etwiiid not be discharged from atlin nietra
tion arid receive letters of dismission on the
1st Monday in Slav 1891. This Foby. 4th
1801. W. H.RamsKT, Ordinary,
Georgia Murray County
M A Keister, Administratrix of K B Keis¬
ter, represents to the Court in her petition
duly filed, that she hag fully administered
said estate. This is therefore to cite ail per¬
sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show oause, if any thoy can, why snid Adrnx.
should llot be discharged from her Admillis
trotion and receive tetters of dismission the
first Monday in Jnuel891. This Mnrdh 3d
1891. W. H. Ramset, OrJinary,
P %
CONSUMP^ Fo^ 1 0^
It lias permanently enroll thousands
of eases pronounced by doctors hope¬
less. If such you have Cough, premonitory Difficulty symp¬ of
Breathing, toms, as don’t delay-, but
PISO’S for
immediately', liy Druggistf, "15 cents.
Millinery €r©o«!s.
Just Received at the Milluery Store uf
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegantasgortmentof MiHneiy and Straw Goo^s,consisting of Straw
Bonnets and Ladies’and Children's llats rtriwmed and untrimmed] Noek
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowere, Feathers, Ornaments Ac. Our goods
were bought of the l&rgestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and New Yora, and will bo sold at very low
prices for cash.
1891 . 1891 .
T. J. O V B E T,
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing.
I have ou hand, and will keep the best line id Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
j£2jf"Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,'[Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries tfcc., and will sell at low prices, for'eash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Hem§treet & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work. ,
Special Prices Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Ave.
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
1891 1891
Robinson & Fincher,
spring place, GEORGIA
.... Dealers In ....
Groceries, Prov'siom, Cotfectioaeries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Ceffee,
Syrup and in fact everything in the grooery line; Quocns [and Till ware; Alee a seicot
Stock of NOTIONS.
• • • .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn ?•••♦)
peas and anything in the produce lit.e. and pay the
Call and see onr goods and get prioes before you sell your produce
or buy "our groceries &c.
County Dir cto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday ia Feby,
nd August.
Hon. T. W. Milner, Judge,
lion. A. W. Fite, Solicitor Genoral.
S. H. Fincher, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in
each month.
W. H. Rams;t, Ordinary.
J. C. McEntire, Sheriff.
M. H. Brahblettk, ’lax Receiver,
11. M. Welch, Tax Collector.
J. A. Dickson, Treasurer.
M. RoBKRTS,*Surve>or.
H. F. Tucker, Corener.
Court of County Commissioners meets on
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month.
W. Luffhan Chairman —W. E. Coving
ton, S. A. Grrobev, a. B. Weaver, Jas
W. Mackey, Commissioners.
Town District 2ud Monday.
Ball Grouud.Dist. 3rd Satur lay.
Eighth II 2nd “
Doolittle a 4th <f
Tenth a 3rd it
Aiacnlsa n 2nd tt
Sh iek Pen u 2nd ««
Bull Pen it 4 th It
1013th Tf 1st a
County’School B?ard—S. II. IlENer, CSC.
E. W.Rkkbeet, T.J. Bryant, C. D Gilbert
J. A.McKauy, A. T. Weaver.
Corrected to May 11th, ’90.
Trains From;Dalton
No. 1. 9:06 p. M., for Romo, Solma, Mo¬
bile, New Orleans' Texas and California
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunswick and Jackson¬
No. 13. 2:37 p. m., for same as No. 11.
No. 2. 3:49 p. u , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia nnd New York.
No. 14. 4:05 r. M., for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Little Reek, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 12. 4:47 a* m., For same points na
No 14.
No. 16 11:30 a. v. If M
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnati and Memphis.
B. W. Wrenn, G. P A T. A. Knoxville,
Tenn. J. L. Smith, Ac W. E. Sutton,
T* P. A. r>aIto3,Gfw
Neuralgic fereons
And those troubled wit): nervousness resulting
from care or overwork will be relieved by taking
1 Brown’s Iron liitters. iw-tiyper*
has trade mark and crossed red lines on