North Georgia times. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1879-1891, March 12, 1891, Image 4

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    Bit* of knowledge.
Hu largest circulation of p money
i* that of the United States, 700
millions, while Russia has 670 millions.
The laigest body of fresh water on the
globe is Lake Superior,400 miles long, 160
miles wide. Its greatest depth is 200
fathoms. Its surface is 685 feet above
the level of t>-e sea.
The largest suspension bridge is the
Brooklyn. The length of the main span
1,595 feet 6 inches. The entire length of
the bridge is 5,980 feet.
The largest inland sea is the Caspian,
between Europe and Asia, being 700 miles
long and 270 miles wide.
The largest cavern in the world is the
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.
The most remarkable echo known is
that in the Castle of Simonetta, two
miles from Milan. It repeats the echo
of a pistol shot sixty times.
The highest monument in the world is
the Washington monument, being COO
feet from its base.
The highest denomination of United
States bills legal tender notes is $10,000. No
of the value of $100,000 have ever
been issued in this country.
The aggregate of land in the United
States owned by members of the House of
Lords and British syndicates is 20,941,666
acres, a greater area than all Ireland,
2,000,000 more than Scotland, and over
half as much as in England and Wales.
The longest tunnel in the world is St.
Uothard, on the line of the railroad be¬
tween Lucerne and Milan, being 9* miles
in length.
Tho loftiest mountain is Mount Everett
of the Himalayas range, having an eleva¬
tion of 29,002 feet.
The greatest cataract in the world is
Niagara, the height of the American Falls
being 105 feet. The highest fall of water I
in the world is that of the Yoscmito in
California, being 2,550 feeb
Things to Remefcber.
At present there are 218,000,000
Catholics in the world, according to the
figures furnished by Home.
This country has 1,000,000 miles of
telegraph wires; enough to reach forty
times around the globe.
Of the white population in America 8
per cent is unable to either read or
Farm lands in tho United States, taking
the country as a whole, occupy only 289
acres to every 1000.
To complete their growth, the nails
of the left hand require eight or ten days
more theu those of the right.
A healthy adult, doing an ordinary
amount of work, of will require from ten to
twelve ounces meat a day.
England has more women workers than
any other country, in proportion to pop¬
ulation; 12 per cent, of the industrial
classes are women.
A grain of fine sand would cover 100
of the minute scales of the huniau skin,
and yet each of these scales in turn cov¬
ers from BOO to 500 pores.
From 90.000 to 120,000 hairs grow in a
• human scalp.
Nine hundred and fifty submarine tele¬
graph cables are now in operation, most
of them in Europe; their total length is
over 89,000 miles.
There are about 105 women to every
100 men; one-quarter of the population
of the world die before the age of stven
tcen years; only one in one thousand
lives to be one hundred years old, and
only six in ono thousand icach seventy.
A German biologist says that the two
sides of a face arc never alike; in two
cases out of five the eyes arc out of line;
one eye is stronger than the other in seven
persons out of ten, and the right ear is
generally higher than the left.— Ladies'
Nome Journal.
How to Fold a Shirt;
Few things put a man in a temper more
than a badly folded shirt, no matter how
well it is laundered. There is a certain
art in the method of “folding” that if
carefully followed insures stiff cuffs and
an unruffled front. Spread the shirt on
a table or bed, fold over the two sides
lengthways, so that they lie one over the
other upon ihe bosom. Turn the sleeves
back half way from the shoulders, doub¬
ling the sleeve lie gussets ill half and allow¬
ing them to straight down on the
folded body. Theu take the whole and
give it a cross fold upward, so that the
lower part of the shirt which is turned
over shall cover the upper part of the
sleeves and bosom.— Yankee Blade.
There are thousands and thousands of
wives and mothers in New York who
make ends meet by sewing on overalls
that pay 75 cents, shirts 60 cents, vests
95 cents, trousers $3, flannel shirts $1 a
dozen. They are obliged to find their
own thread for the overalls and shirts,
and carry the work to and from the shop.
If they take a street car one-tenth of
their earnings is gone.
Kerosene will make tin tea kettles as
bright as new. Saturate a woolen rag
and rub with it. It will also remove
stains from varnished furniture.
Bin Inducement for liriuiiliu.
Tlie druKKists throughout the country are
making a lrfOBes- specialty They of handling that Hawkes they 1 Crys¬
tallized write make
more anything money, in proportion, out of this line
thsn else they carry in stock. Those
fine glasses havo been advertised extensively
for Riany years, and havo received the en¬
dorsement and approval the of thousands of the
best citizens of United States. They are
eagerly sought after l>y spectacle-wearers
everywhere, and it will pay druggists and gen¬
eral merchants to put in a stock of these goods.
Exclusive sale is given toone firm in each town.
The trade can be built up, and the entire
spectacle business of a large section can bo
monopolized with these goods. Factory, De¬
catur St., and salesroom, Whitehall St., At¬
lanta, Ga. For terms and prices address A.
K. llawkes, 13 Whitehall St., Atlanta.
The largest English foreign landholder In tiio United
States is the Syndicate No. 1, in Texas,
with 4,500,000 acres.
Bbown's Iron Bitters cures Dyspepsia, Ma¬
laria, BUIousnessand General Debility. Gives
Strength, aides Digestion, The tones tho nerves —
creates Mothers, appetite. weak best and children'. tonlo for Nursing
London, the largest city in the world, con
tainlnga population of 4,764,312 persons.
Lee VVa’s Chinese Headache Cure. Harm¬
less in effect, quick and positivo in action,
Adeler&Co.,52EWyandotte i-ent prepaid on receipt sL.KansasClt of SI per liottlo y.Mo
Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches
in Missouri, Kansas, Tyler Texas Kansas and Arkansas,
bought and sold. & Co., City,Mo.
Oklahoma Guide Book and Mapsent any where
«o receipt of 40 cte. Tyler 4k Oo„ Kansas City, Mo,
ov Lsoaa Osio, Coobtt, Uirr os Teuso, i f**- _
^°*wy firm will *nd par State the sum aforesaid, of One Hundred aad that
for each and every cose of Cava ukh that
not be cured by the use of Haix s Catabm
Sworn „ to . before FWavk J. Chkxxt.
this 6th day me ajid subscribed A.D.,lSii is ay
pieeenoe, of December,
A. W. OMUtom.
acts HeU’s directly Catarrh on Cure the blood le taken aad internaUy'and
fe^es of the system. S.nd mucous sur
for testimonials,
F-J. CacnuT A Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold _ ,, by Druggists, 74c.
There is only one sadden death among wo¬
men to every eight among men.
Mitaw a eared and eradicated from the
system the by blood, Brown's Iron Bittern, which en¬
riches tones the nerves, aide diges¬
tion. ill Acts like a charm on persons in general
health, giving new energy and strength.
The estimated population of ihe world is
Do Yon Ever Speculator
dress Any will person sending us their name and ad¬
fortune. receive information that will lead
to a Beni. Lewis & Co., Security
Building, Kansas City, Mo.
FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. No Fite after first day’s
use. Marvelous cures. Treatise ami *2 trial
1 ol tie free. Dr. Kline. 031 Arch St., Phfla.. Pa.
You Ready
For tb«* change of season now so near, when Impari¬
ties to the blood are liable to manifest themselves in
most unexpected ways, reduce your general health,
or bring on that tired feeling ? Hood’s Sarsaparilla
will do you an enormous amount of good Just now
by purifying your blood and building up your sys¬
tem so that you will “tide over” the depressing
•ifecta of milder weather. Try it.
hold by all druggists. $ 1 ; six for $3. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD Jt CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa
IOO Doses One Dollar
ylli y
V .
If you were to find a diamond you would
scarcely feel more fortunate than ir you had
bought it from us. We havo these goods at
such low prices, that you scarcely miss the
money in paying for them.
Tho same remark applies to our watches; we
carry an immense stock and Bell only reliable
timekeepers. Before purchasing call and see
us. J. P. Stevens & Bro., 47 Whitehall 8t.,
Atlanta, Ga. bend for catalogue.
Bermuda Bottled.
“You must bo to llcrinufla. If
you do not I will not be responsi¬
ble lor the consequences.” “ But,
doctor, lime I the ran a (lord neither the
nor money.” “ Well, If
Hint Is Impossible, try
I snmetlmes call it Bermuda Bot¬
tled, and ninny cases nf
Bronchitis, CONSUMPTION, Cough
or Severe Cold
I have CL'HEIt with it; and the
advantage Is that the most sensi¬
tive stomnch ran take It. Another
tliliiR which commends It is the
stimulating properties of the lly
iioplinsphites You will which It contains.
find It for sale at your
Druggist's hut sec you get the
original (SCOTT'S EMULSION.”
Applied Absorbed, Into Nostril* la Quickly
Cleanses the Head.
Heals the Sores and Cures
Restores Taste and Smell, Head quick-
3 Relieves Cold In and
eaduehe. 50c. at Druggists.
ELY BROS., 56 Warren SL N. Y. H|3£&2S2g|£j
Greely Pant Stretcher
Adopted by also Btudents at Harvard. Amherst and other
where. If by professional and business men every¬
not for sine in your town send 2.5c. to
B. J. GREELY, 715 Washington Street Boatoa.
We Offer You a Remedy which Insures
Safety to Life of Mother and Child.
“jVIothep’s Friend”
Robs Confinement of Its PAIN, HORROIt
and IilSK, as Thousands Testify.
Haelowe, N. C., January, 1880.
Too much can't bo said In praise of
“ Motber'E Friend.” My wife need only
bottles before confinement, and was
labor only twenty minutes. She Is doing
Thanks to " Mother s Friend.”
sent ly Express, Claries Pre-pald, on Eeseijt of Price, $1.50 sir Mle. " Bool: to Mottos,” Mallei Free.
•os.D 3»w jlx-x. BirtraraunTn.
SAM. & •evcMTY I i CURE Sick Malaria. Headache, Biliousness*
This Picture, Panel size, mailed for 4 cents,
Makers of “ Bile Beans,”
255 A 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown,
Wis. This is the opinion of a man
who keeps a drug store, sells all
medicines, comes in direct contact
with the “patients and their families,
and knows better than anyone else
how remedies sell, and what true
merit they have. He hears of all
the failures and successes, and can
therefore judge: “I know of no
medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat,
or Hoarseness that had done such ef¬
fective work in my
Coughs, family as Boschee’s
Sore Throat, German Syrup. Last
winter a lady called
H oar se n ess, at my store, who was
suffering from a very
severe cold. She could hardly talk ;
and I told her about German Syrup
and that a few doses would give re¬
lief; but she had no confidence in
patent medicines. I told her to take
a bottle, and if the results were not
satisfactory I would make no charge
for it. A few days after she called
and paid for it, saying that she
would never be without it in future as
a few doses had given her relief. ’ ’ ®
for la. lHd„ and in
for 26 cents a bottle.
t tastes c
This celebrated Planter, of which there are
over 8,000 now in use, has been before the pub¬
lic for twelve years, and 1ms given entire sat¬
isfaction. The simplest and most effective and
reliable implement of the kind made. Free
from draft, complication in its mechanism, light
strong and durable. It will plant with
perfect accuracy, thick or thin, as may lie de¬
sired. 'Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Re¬
tail price $8.00, f. o. b. cars Lnuriuburg, N. C.
Send for circulars. Agents wanted. Address
manufacturer. D. C. LYTCH,
Laurinburg, Richmond Co., N. C.
Tho universal favor so
eorded Tilunohast'b Puorr
Sound Cabbage Seeds leads
■kjBK. me O nion, to offer the finest a P. Yellow S. Grown OlobB
% V iVl in existence. Bhow its To '. capabilities Introduce It I
JctM'Jlwlll >/| MfSyleld ff, pay obtained $100 from for the 1 ounos best
seed which I w ill mall for
30 el*. Catalogue free.
Isaac F. Tillinghnst,
La Plume, P«.
Criticisms on two went Memory Systems. Reed)
shout April 1st. Full Tables of Contents forwarded
only to thoso who send stamped directed envelope.
Also Prospectus POST FREE of the Loisettien Art
of Never Forgetting. Address
Prof. LOISETTK, 237 Fifth Aye., New Tort
PENSIONS oTeat is Passed Bill PENSION J Soldi*r», Widow*,Het*. the!* Bill
mu»d »mo.' F •pn and
Wonka free. JOSEPH
nmuu^mse^ I ■ IU nlScuK 0 ^^
W Atlanta, Ua. Office 104}£ Whitehall St
MW IftNTIP Ipwlfs!
Atlanta, (da. \\'JsKKy>128 VI arieVta &$£
HawBass aaB
Lamas, Mo., Jan. 16, 1801 .
After nslng one bottle of '* Mother’s
Friend," before confinement, I suffered but
little palm, and did not experience that
weakness afterward, usual In such cases.
My recovery wa« rapid.
Some one suggests that a very good
way to give a bath to a delicate infant
is to lay a small blanket in the bottom
of the bath, and wrap it around the
child before lifting him oat of the
warm water. In this way he can feel
no chill whatever from the outside air.
The nurse should havo on a large tow¬
eling apron in which to wrap the baby,
wet blanket and all. The head can
then be dried and the upper extrem¬
ities, keeping him well wrapped up all
the time. Pat on a warm skirt, slip
off the wet apron and wrap the little
one in a warm, big Turkish towel and
dry and rub him thoroughly.—[Brook¬
lyn Citixen.
Broiled bacon, dusted slightly with
eayeune peper, will often tempt a tick
person to eat, when nothing else will.
The old prejudice against it is dying
out, as physicians say that bacon, well
cooked, is an easily digested form of
fat. When buying canned tomatoes
to make dishes for the sick, be sure
and get the best. Most sick persona
will relish tomatoes, especially when
nicely served on toast Soups made
with cream or milk are generally said
to be best for invalids. Sometimes
salt fish will be relished by an invalid,
if very carefully prepared as follows:
Pick a small piece of tho thickest part
of salt fish into long flakes. If very
salt soak a few minutes in cold water.
Brown over hot coals. Spread with
butter and serve hot. Smoked salmon
or halibut may be prepared in the
same manner. But, whatever you
prepare for the sick room,be sure that
the tray is covered with the whitest of
napkins, and that the dishes are pretty
and neatly arranged. Nothing, how¬
ever, is so consoling in a sick room as
cleanliness. Have everything spotless,
clean and neat.— [New York News.
The most perfectly baked meats are
cooked as follow*: Heat the baking
pan on the top of the stove untij
smoking hot; lay the roast on it and
let the cut surface sear and slightly
brown; turn, and sear and brown the
other side also. Put in a hot oven and
baste only with its own gravy. Salt
toughens the meat and has a tendency
to extract the juices, and should not be
added until just before the meat is
done. If the temperature of the oven
is just right, whan the oven door is
opened a gentle simmering and spat¬
tering will go on; if it is too hot the
drippings will burn and the oven will
be filled with smoke. An even, steady
heat must be maintained to bake a
piece of meat properly.
The best ribs of beef are the third
and fourth for a roast from seven to
nine pound*, and the third, fourth and
fifth for a larger roast. Never have
the bone taken out and the meat
rolled; the meat loses in sweetnes*.
Let your butcher saw across the undei
pnrt of the rib* in one or two places,
so that after the meat has been scared
on the cut aides it can stand in the
pan, with the rim of fat upward.
The searing process hardens the out¬
side and thus retains the juice*.—
[American Agriculturist.
Cream Pie.—Beat the white* of four
eggs until they will romain cn an in¬
verted spoon, then add four table
•poonful* of white sugar. Beat all
together in a basin or di«b holding a
quart; fill tho dish with cream, or very
rich milk if you have no cream,, and
flavor with lemon, vanilla, or any ex¬
tract you prefer to use. Bake with
one crust.
Black Pudding.r—Use for this one
cupful of warm water, one cupful of
molasses, one and a half cupfuls of
stoned raisins, one teaspoonful of
soda, two and one half cupful* of
flour. Mix all the ingredient* to¬
gether and boil in a pudding-bag
Add a little more flour if the pudding
seems too thin as you put in the bag.
Boil it three hours.
Potato Soup.—-Peel three medium
sized potatoes and boil them until they
can be pressed through a colander,
then stir in one cup of cream or rich
milk and return to the water the pota¬
toes were boiled in. Beat an egg and
itir it into a pint of flour; then
sprinkle this into the boiling soup.
Add butter, salt and pepper to taste
and let the small egg dumplings boil
about fifteen minutes, then serve very
G* West.
Mother—Now that you have become
a chiropodist, where are you going to
Ambitions Youth—I think, mother,
I will go to Nebraska. All the pa¬
per* say that is a great i corn State.—
[Good New*. t
Vanderbilt’s Millions.
Mr. Vanderbilt was worth $200,000,000;
If this sum were in standard silver dol¬
lars it would present such features as this:
Put lengthwise, dollar after dollar, it
would stretch a distance of 4,673 miles,
making a silver streak from New York
across the ocean to Liverpool.
Piled up, dollar on dollar, it would
reach a height of 355 miles.
Laid fiat on the ground, the dollars
would cover a space of nearly sixty acres.
The weight of this mass of silver
would be 7160 tons.
To transport it would require 858 cars,
carrying twenty tons each (this is the
and capacity of the strongest freight cars),
one-half making a train just about two and
miles long.
In one dollar bills this $200,000,000
fortune would assume such shapes as
The bills stretched lengthwise would
extend 23,674 miles, or nearly the cir¬
cumference of the earth at the equator.
Piled up one on another, close as leave*
in a new book, they would reach a height
of twielve miles.
746 8pread out on the ground they cover
Central acres, Park, or nearly the whole surface of
in New York City, includ¬
ing ponds and reservoirs.
Whether on pleasure bent or business, should
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as
it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the
kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers,
headaches and other forms of sickness. For
sale in 60c and $1.00 bottles by all leading drug¬
On July 6th the earth is farther away from
the sun than at any other time.
If troubled with any Female Complaint,
write me, describing case. Home treatment.
Cure certain and quick at small expense.
Particulars by mail sealed. 100 page book on
Female Diseases ten cents. Mrs. Dr. Mary A.
Brannon, 16 Washington St., Atlanta, Ga.
How Is Your Appetite.
If it is not good
you need a tonic.
Hunger is a sauce
that gives your food
a flesh-making and
strengthening pow¬
er. S. S. S. is fa¬
mous for its health
giving and building
up qualities. It is
the best of all tonics.
Such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Meaie,
Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills,Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite,
Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed
Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Ac.
BEEOHAM’S pills taken as directed restore females to compute health.
For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
they Digestion, ACT LIKE MAOIC, C.onstipation, Strengthening Disordered Liver, long-lost etc.,
the muscular System, restoring Com¬
HEALTH plexion, bringing back tho Keen edge of of appetite, and arousing with tho ROSEBUD OP
the whole phyeloal energy the human trams. One of the bsst guarantees
to the Nervous and Debilitated Is that BEECHAM’S FILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF
Sold Prepared by nruggtstegenerally. only by T1IOS. BEECH B. AM, 8t. Helem, Lnneavhlre, England.
F. ALLEN CO., 366 and 367 Canal St, New York,
Have You a Cough?
Have You a Cold?
Or Consumption?
Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein
Ask your Druggist or Merchant for it. Take nothing else.
Brand A jV
taMr »e»»br—kk reeetue am, MS70a.7 tmefaMan wMeA has Mile or iw> •ala,
»4 *M«, Bt.» K, Y.
Ml N11••'hole HUP ManislBe nuke, home happy a
U br !5 li i’ ,r year for *1.00. Alway,
IS * 8h ttnd interesting. Articles ao
only. ", ^ Sample oepted oopy, on loc. their Nofneeopise. merit* from subscribers
_AMERICAN PRESS 00., Balt)n.i
cactus eflasHSc
There’s a good deal of
guarantee business in the stone
keeping of to-day. It’s too
excessive. Or too reluctant.
Half the time it means noth¬
ing. This Words offer —only words.
to- refund the
money, or to pay a reward, is
made under the hope that you
won’t want your money back,
and that you won’t claim the
reward. Of course.
So, whoever is honest in
making it, and works—not on
his own reputation alone, but
through the local dealer whom
you know, must have some¬
thing he has faith in back of
the guarantee. The business
wouldn’t stand a year with¬
out it.
What is lacking is confi¬
dence. Back of that, what is
lacking is that clear honesty
which is above the “average
practice.” Pierce’s
Dr. medicines are
guaranteed to accomplish what
they are intended to do, and
their makers give the money
back if the result isn’t ap¬
Doesn’t it strike you that
a medicine which the makers
have so much confidence in,
is the medicine for you?
$. $. $.
you enjoy
what you
and CUrS8
you of
Cures Beat Cough all Medicine. else fails. Recommended Pleasant by Physicians.
where and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
Oar Well Uaohine* * re the most
They FAIL! Welle where
other* Inches Any sis*. I
inches to U diameter.
LOOMIS & NYMAN, Cataiocu*
TIFFIN, - OHIO. frbbi
■fisafsswss Bryant's Cilla», 43* Mato at. aSSK
dorfe*Mg b G *£? t?a“ «5y
vramysytlw We have add Big 6 fee
miioitaiMiOe. any yean, tbabeat and It has
given at fat in
Sl.OO. Bold by BregrUto
N. D I I Mine, 1191,
Gained 44 Founds,
Mr. James J. McGalley, of
Monet, Mo., says he had
dyspepsia for eight years,
which made him a wreck,
siok and suffering daring
the whole time. After try¬
ing all the remedies, Includ¬
ing all the doctors in reach,
he discarded everything and
took Swift’s Specific. He
increased from 114 to 168
pounds and was soon a
sound and healthy man.
g5 c'TS‘