Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Subscription Bate*:
0«. year, $1 60 Six moathi, 50«anti;Thra
aaatlM, 25ceuti. Payable iu advance.
Address all eommanioatioaa t> The Tikes
Soring Plane, Ga.
Notice To The Ladies.
We are bouud to suit the
ladies’. fancy regardless of
what it costs. Have received
a beautiful stock of ladies’
hats and would like to stress
the fact that they are of the
very latest style and fashion.
A cordial invitation to all.
T. J. Ovbey.
A good many made garden Mon¬
O C Goins is doing some first
class fencing.
2 spools thi ead 5c N Y store Dalton.
The jail is almost ready for t&e
tin roofing.
For tombstones and monumental
werk call on O N King.
Esq B F C Loughridge made a
business trip to Eliijay last week.
Hair Ornaments at Ihe New
York Stove Dali on.
The Blue bird and thu Wren
can be heard in the early morning
For new Soring goods call at the
New York Store Dalton Ga.
If you have got a horse for sale,
why don‘t yon advertiso it in the
Lewis Keys who was placed in
jail a few days ago was released ot>
bond Saturday, last,
T.J. Ovbey will sell ycu
clothing as cheap as it ean be
bought iu Ga.
Mrs King, mother of our friend
James King, of Holly Creek, is
quite sick ot fever.
Mr. Dock Byrham, of Gordon
county, attended the justice court
rt the Eighth Saturday.
For Bargains in Clothing go to
Baltimore Clothing Co., Kenner
corner Dalton Ga.
If any of the merchants have
garden seed for sale they should
tell it through the Times.
Prof James M King has a flour
ishing school at Casey Camp
Baltimore Clothing Co. Re¬
tails Clothing at wholesale
qp—-a m .......
Mr. Yannoy Cleveland of Green¬
ville S. C. spent Sunday in town
with his cousin Mrs. CN King.
Ool. W O Martin, of Dalton, is
having some improvement made on
bis premises in Sp-ine Flare,
Cur wood is getting short, and
we will be glad if some of our sub¬
scribers will bring us in a load or
When you vis't Dalton look
for the big sign, “Baltimore
Clothing Co’.
Mrs Harve Ellis has been quite
ill for several days with La Grippe.
We are glad to learn that she is
Esq. E E Etheredge has just fin¬
ished working a board tree that
made 5592 two f ot boirds four
inches broad.
We are looking every day to
see Oapt Kenner shoulder his fish
mg tackle and go in search of some
Mr. William Shields a highly re¬
spected citizen of the Northern por
lion of the county died in his 89th
year, on last Thursday.
Wanted- —The consent ot 10,000
Smokers.—to send each, a sample
lot of 150 “NICKEL* 1 Cigars and a
20 year gold filled Watch, by Ex¬
press O. O, D. $5 00 and allow ex¬
amination, Havana Cioaii Co.
Winston, N. C.
T M Hemphill of Dennis, this
county has been right sick for sev¬
eral davs and our lust information
that he was no better.
A boy who can read and write,
desiring to learn the printers trade,
who will come up to our require¬
ments, can get a position in this
office. This dosn‘t refer to very
small boys
S E King and larnily, of Pleasant
Valley, this county, moved to Chat¬
tanooga this week and will make
that city their intone home.
We want a correspondent from
each district of the county who
will give the local happenings and
notsa of interest. No, lengthy epis¬
tles, remember.
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
Warehouse, Dalton Ga., will
sell provisions] aud farm sup¬
plies on time payable in the
fall for good notes.
We have often remarked before
that we positively do not publish
communications unless we are
furnished with the name of the
There was quite a crowd iu at¬
tendance at the justice's court at
the Bloody Eighth, Saturday
Esqrs J H Kuhn and G W Conch
were presiding.
We will keep on hamd and for
sale, Stone Wall. J M Green’s Alli¬
ance High Grads and the} Bawker
Guano at Kenners old stand Dal¬
ton Ga. J D Graham.
Mr. W A. Addington, D, S. Sol¬
dier of the artilery batery *C* of At¬
lanta is out on a 20 days vacation
and is speuding the time with his
parents of this place.
The protracted rervice that was
to have been conducted by Rev.
Mark Mathews at the Presbyterian
charch in town this week has been
postponed to some fnture day.
A Large stock of sample
Shoes and Boots at Manufact¬
ures cost at Baltimore Cloth¬
ing Co.
Rev, ,f E Hudson, weather per¬
mitting, will preach in town on the
5th Sunday. He was not able to
reach his appointment ou the 2od
Sunday owing to bad weather.
Theie was old hustling among
the farmers Monday morning in
getting the agricultural machinery
in operation. It was the fust, suit¬
able day for farming this season.
The largest stock of shoes
and Boots.
The largest stock of Neck
The largest stock of famish¬
ing goods.
The largest stock of Hats.
At Baltimore Clothing Co.
Kenner corner Dalton Ga.
Mr Carter, of the Times, received
on Tuesday three fine blood-hound
puppies as a present from Oapt W
S Tyson, of Graysville, Georgia.
We will see now if we can't catch
our delitquent subscribers.
Miss Melia Hartley, of near town
has bad one of the severest cases of
the la grippe of any one in this
community. Her physician fears
that she has lost one of her eyes
We soil the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before ptr chasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
•-»■ +- « -
The old hens have been laying
in a ‘‘storm” for the past month and
now they are laying in the sunshine
—baskets and even wagons come
in loaded with the production of
these industrious litrle fowls.
Bull Pen Dots.
The Rtv. H. Boyd filled his
first appointment at Hipp’s
Chapel on the 15th iust. at 11
a. m.
William Walker is visiting
relatives in Atlanta.
Mrs, L A. Dillard is quite
sick with la grippe.
Rev. R. R. Hooker, is very
ungaily, from being crushed
b\ a train on the W. & A. R.
R., though not ser ously iu
jnred, W.
Uc X 5 Qvbey received the
news of the death of hit father
day last week. He was a
of of Tout age- T l nd hale was and ninoty
until just a short time previous
his death.
1891 —Clothing! Clothing!—
Sometbirg we can’t do with
out and we are bound to keep
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line of
Clothing ever brought: to
Spring Place. We have culled
the market lor best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom prices.
T. J. Ovbey
A Sad Death.
On Sunday morning, the sad
news of the death Mrs.of Her. H W
Morris was rapidly Bpread over
our village, which carried a thrill
of the deepest sorrow to the hearts
of our people who had learned to
love her so much during the short
period she had been among us.
She had been complaining for a
few days with the la grippe and
on Wednesday took her bed and
at about half past 3 o'clock Satur¬
day night, the Bnmmons came and
her gentle, loving spirit took its
flight and the home that was so
happy and pleasant a fortnight be
tore was all gloom und darkness
and is now desolate. A husband
and no companion -a precious lit¬
tle sou without a mother. Sad to
think of. Yet there is sweet con¬
solation to Mr Morris in knowing
that all was well with his loved one.
When she realized that death was
near, site gaye expressions that
her future was bright anti that her
only regtets were that of leaving
her family.
Mr Morris lett with her remains
on Sunday, fir Washington Ga,
her old Home, for interment. He
will remain about two weeks and
then return to his charge in this
By George! that’s a pretty snit
Yes, got it at Ojbev's.
frornwreTorov’enrortwiii'be'reUe^Sbyteklnf Neuralgic fersona ■
Brown’s Iron Bittera. Genuine
turn trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.
Georgia, Murray County
To all whom it may oonoetn.
CN Ki g bag in due form applied to me
for permanent letter, of adminiatration on
the estate of Pinkney F Howell, late of said
oounty dooeased, and I will p*«i < pon stid
application on the first Monday in April
1891. This March 3d, 1891.
W. H. Ramsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, Murray County:
To all whom it may concern:
Jas. W Mackey Guardian lor 0
F. P Summerour applies to me
for letters of dismission from said
Guardian, and I will pass upon his
application on the 1st Monday in
April 1891. This March 4th 1891
W. H 1 amsby Ordinary.
1ZE A.
IRON FENCE RttMtnCS, Church,
Gates, Posts, Stairs, Verandas, Roof
Cresting, Tower Finfats.
Steel jaw. Cages.
Builders’ Iron Fronts, Columns, Sills,
LintSiS, Straps, Bolts, Rod8, Anohors,
Roofs, Window Guards and Shutters.
Writ# lit for Pictures and Prices.
Manly Manufacturing Co.,
Be our. you mention this paper.
.13 IAILV 'AWFAMM“ 60., ,4.
4 -A W" +1 ,_3
. utmtunnmnwnn.i#g “:‘C
every description.
Write for
gold in the Head, Throat, or Lungs, we
aura a\it. you by our new method. Remedy pli
Coat moderate. Send for sample, wl
w& mail FREE 1 Addreaa,
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard confectionaries aud is
always ready to wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Of course I got my suit at Ov¬
bey *s, no better goods can be had
in the market.
State or Geoeoia Mcrrat Cocny
Will be sold before the court
house door iu the town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out ciy between the legal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday m April
next, the following described prop¬
erty to wit:
One fifth undivided interost in lot of land
No. 229 in the 9th Diit. and 3rd Sect. o (
said county. Levied on as the property of
Emily Springfiold by virtue of a Justioes
court fi fa from the 824th Dist. G M of said
county in favor of W W Anderson ugaiust.
said Springfield. Levy made and returned
to me by John OhildemL C.
Also at th« same time and place one hun¬
dred and thirty acres more or loss of letsl of
land No.. 261 and 262 in the 9t district and
3d sec lion, said parts o‘lots of land being
the northeast portion of said lots and lying
east of the Spring Place and Carters Quarter
road. Loried on as the property of A
Bishop l>y virtue of a Justice Court fi fa is¬
sued from the 824ih district G M., of said
county; in favor of Anderson Ic Coffey.
Levy made and returned, to me by
J, M. Campbell, L. C.
Also at the same time and place lots of
land Nos. 22, 14,15 and 23, all of said land
being and lying in the 13th district and 3d
section of said county. Levied on as the
prop erty of Elizabeth Holland, by virtue of
and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued from tboTax
Collector’s office of said oounty in favor of
state and county tax for the year 1890.
Also at the same time and place
five sixth undivided intorest in
one hundred and fifty four acres of
land in the 9th district and third
section of said county, being ali of
ot No. 150, except six acres in the
southwest corner. Also the same
interest, in thirty acres of lot No.
j n i), e district and 3d sec
ti 0 n of said county, said thirty
being divided by the Cenna
suuga river, a portion being iu each
of the counties of Murray and
Whitfield and described as follows:
Commencing at the S W comer of
| ot No 139 and running N E so as
to make seven acres more or less
on the west side of said river, ibeDoe
tl p paid liver to Mid Creek, thenco
Q uj-gefc to West line oflct No
138, thence south along said line
to the corner of said lit, tli mca
west to the beginning point. Levied
on by virtue ol ami to satisfy a fi fa
issued from (be superior court of
said count v in favor of G W Hill
vs. C C Haliman, ns the property
of defendant in fi fa.
This March 4tit 1S9|.
J. (J. McEntirk, ShiT.
Georgia Murray County
C. C. Howell Executor of cstae of L D
Hartly represents to the court in hi* petition
duly filed,that ho ban fu»ly administered
said L D Hartly estate according to his
will. This is therefore to c te fill person*
concerned, heirs and credifo p, to show
cause if any they car, why said Executor
pfionid not be discharged from adiu nistra
tiou and receive letters of dismission on the
1st Mundny in May 1891. This Feby. 4th
1891. W. H. Kahsry, Ouliuiiry.
Georgia Murray County
M A Keister, Administratrix of R B Keis
ter, represent! to the Court io her petition
duly filed, that she has fully administered
stid estate. This is therefore to cite all per
song concerned, kindred nod creditor*, to
• how cause, if any • h« y c an, why a-tld Adtnx.
should Hot be discharged from t c*r % Adtriillis
trotion and receive letters of disuiinaiou the
first Monday ii? Julie 1891. This Mnrdh 3d
1891. W. H. IUmskt, Ordinary,
s*» ■ COnsumP F 0F t 1 ^ 1 oH'
It has permanent) r eurefl thousands
of cases pronounced by .lectors hope¬
less. If you have premonitory Difficulty symp- of
toms, such us Coni'll, don’t delay, lmt
Breathing, CUKE &<•., CONSUMPTION use
I>ISO\S von
immediately. By Dniggiste, 25 cents.
Millinery G«>ds,
Just Received at the Mlllnery Store ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A now nod al.ganta.sortm.otof Milinery and Straw GooJs,consisting of Straw
Bonnots and Ladies’ and Childr.n's Hats ftrimmed and oatrimmed} Nook
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvot Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Oar goods bought of the largestand best importing Houses in Balti¬
more and N.w Yorx, and will be told at very low
prices for oash.
1891 . 1891 .
Spring Place, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the beat lice of Gents ready¬
made clothing, on the market.
g^T Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,* ; Shoe», Hard¬
ware, Groceries <fcc., and will sell at low prices, for’cash.
rr . rr~- _-r. rTEST.
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Cofi’e
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select slock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
He in street & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Vork,
Special Prices Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Ave.
ClUTTAV ■'OGA, Tent*.
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
1891 1891
Robinson & Fincher,
Spring place, 1 GEORGIA
... .Dealers In. ...
Grooeri.!, Prov’sion*, Cotfectiooeriae, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard. Sugar, Coffee,
Syrup apd in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens Jand Till ware; Also a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
• • • • Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn, • Ml
peas and anything in the produce like, and ptiy the
Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce
buy ’•our groceries &c.
County Dir ctoiy.
Superior Court rneeti 3rd Monday iu Feby,
nd August.
Hon. T. W. Milner, Judge.
Hon. A. W. Fits, Solicitor General.
S. H. Fikchkb, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of ordinary meet! let Monday in
each month.
W. H. Kajistr, Ordinary.
J. C. McEntisk, Sheriff.
M. H. Bkahblktte, Tax Beeeiver,
M. M., Tax Collector.
J. A. Dicksox, Treasurer.
M. Roberts, JSurvejor.
H. F. Tucker, Corener.
Court of County Commiesionere meete on
Wednesday after let Tueeday in eaeh month.
W. LbppuaH, Chairman—W. E. Covino
TON, S. A. Greoory, A. B. Weaver, Jas
W. Maoksy, Commissioners.
Town District 2nd Monday.
Ball Ground.Dist. 3rd Saturday.
Eighth ii 2nd ii
Doolittle a 4th it
Tenth a 3rd
Alaeulsa a 2nd a
ShiokPen “ 2nd “
Bull Pea a 4th a
1013th a 1st it
Connty^Sohooi B rard—S. H. Henry,
E. W, Rrkrrrt, T.J. Bryant, C.D Gu.Rkrt
J. A.McKamy, A. T. Weaver.
E. T. V & G. R»V TME CDKAl.
Correoted to May 11th, ’90.
Trains From Dalton
No. 1. 9:06 r. ii., for Rome, Selma, Mo¬
bile, New Orleanz' Texas and California
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunswijk and Jackson¬
No. 13. 2:37 r. u., for aame ae No. 11.
No. 2. 3:46 P. M., for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia and Now York.
No. 14. 4:05 p. x., for Chattanooga,
Memphie, Little Reek, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louie, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 12. 4:47 a. u., For same points as
No 14.
No. 16 11:30 a. X. tt tt n
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New York, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincirirnti and Memphis.
B. IV. Wrknn, Q. P Sc T. A. Knoxville,
Tenn. J. L. Smith, Je W. IS. Sutton,
T» P. A. Dalton, GMu
r»e Brown’s Iron Bitters.
Physicians recommend it.
AH dealers keep it. $1.08 per bottle. Genuine
has trade-murk and crossed rod lines on wrapper,.