Newspaper Page Text
Postal Figures.
The postal appropriation bill, rewntly
approved by the hove of representatives, Some
carries a little beyond $77,000,000.
of the items that go to make up this
princely sum are interesting. The amount
estimated for the transportation of the
trails is $39,711,000, divided as follows:
Inland by mil routes, $32,550,000; star
routes, $5,803,000; steamboat mail service, routes,
$525,000, and for foreign
$753,000. of
The salaries of all the postmasters
the United States cqml $14,900,000, and
that sum is given. The largest salary,
$8,000. is awarded to the postmaster at
New York, and the smallest, 29 cents, to
a cross road official in the state of North
Carolina. All the clerks in all the post
offices cost $8,000,000 per annum, and
the thousands of mail carriers, $10,092,
000 more. The cost of the railway postal
system is $2,731,000 for car service alone,
and $0,853,000 is necessary to pay rail¬
way postal clerks.
The sum of $203,000 is appropriated
to pay for the manufacture of postage
stamps. Stumped envelojies and news
paper wrappers cost $933,000 more, and
jiostal cards $214,000 more. Mail bags
and mail bag “catchers” cost annually
$260,000, while wrapping twine calls for
$145,000. These are big figures, but
great as of they the are.they postolfice do department not cover the in
Washington with its hundreds of offici¬
als, clerks, messengers, etc. That is
provided for in the sundry civil bill.
Fob Impure or thin Blood, Wen knees, Ma¬
vrin, Neuralgia, Indigestion, and Biliousness,
lake Brown's Iron Hitters—it gives strength,
making old persons fool young—and young
persons strong; pleasant to take.
The Kansas b -gislnturo has passed a bill to
provent the holding of lands by aliens.
I»« Yon Ever Sitcrnlalitf
Any person sending us their name and ad¬
dress will receive information that will lead
Building, lo a fortune. Kansas BouJ. City, Letvia Mo. & Co., Security
/A "
jL ft,
EMEE V’.' Sr « 1 GIMTOR ..iMiUIui»ifnil^
f ( H .. u .aM.^Mtj..^f | tit.iiu H
My (laughter suffered for years with Female Disease and had the best medical attention
without relief. I was persuaded to let her try ono bottle of Jirtulfield’s Female Regula¬
tor, and alio began to improve at once. Knowing what I do of the remedy, X would have it if
its cost was 50 dollars per Dottle. It cured my daughter sound and well after all other reme¬
dies had failed. H. 1>. Feathebstone, Springfield, Tenn.
Write Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga., for particulars. Sold by druggists.
CREAM BALM d-anses the Nasal WLptin rtSSg
•flfeito I’aiHagcs, Allni’ii 1’aln ami Iuunmniation. and Heals
Wnr Sores, ite*.tores Taste nml Smell, Oures
lives Keller at oueo for (.'old in Head. j
Apply iiruggiata into the Nottrils. - It U Quickly Absorbed. N.Y.]
60c. or by mail ELY BltOS., 66 Warren
•CVCN severer* 3CVCMTV
This Picture, Panel size, mailed for 4 cents.
«l. F. SMITH &. CO •f
Makers of “ Bile Beans,”
255 & 257 Greenwich Si., N. Y. City,
How does ho feel ?—He feels
cranky, and is constantly experi¬
menting, dieting himself, adopting
strange notions, and changing the
cooking, the dishes, the hours, and
manner of his eating—August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel ?—He feels at
times a gnawing, voracious, insati¬
able appetite,wholly unaccountable,
unnatural and unhealthy.—August
Flower the Remedy.'
How does he feel ?—He feels no
desire to go to the table and a
grumbling, fault-finding, over-nice¬
ty about what is set before him when
he is there—August Flower the
How does he feel ?—He feels
after a spell of this abnormal appe¬
tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,
and detestation of food ; as if a
mouthful would kill him—August
Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel ?—He has ir¬
regular bowels and peculiar stools—
August Flower the Remedy. ®
A :■» S3 a
for Is. lHd., and in
for 25 cents a bottle.
^>1* /
Token away
—sick headache, bilious headache,
dizziness, constipation, and ali indigestion,
bilious attacks, derange¬
ments of the liver, stomach and
bowels. It’s a large contract, but
the smallest things in the world do
tho business—Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets. They’re effective. the They smallest, but
tho most go to
work cleanse in and the right way. tho They
renovate system
thoroughly—but they do it mildly
and gently. You feel tho good
they do — hut yon don’t feel
them doing it. As a Liver Pill,
they’re unequaled. take, and Sugar in - coated, vials,
easy and to hermetically sealed, put up and thus
always fresh and reliable. A per¬
fect vials, vest-pocket and only remedy, in small for
one necessary cathartic. a
laxative or three for a
buy, They’re the they’re cheapest guaranteed pill yon can
because to
give satisfaction, or your money is
You only pay for the good you
That’s tho peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierce’s medicines are sold on,
through druggists.
It is thebest medicine I ever bought. My
wik has been sick for more than five years,
and your remedy has done her more good all
than a}! the physio she ever took, and
the duclors that ever attended her.
Bzv. S. M. WALKER, Johnson’s Station, Ga.
CURE Biliousness,)
Sick Headache,
Malaria. 4
C3 £50
0 -
■Sv: .M <
!jk .V 5 q.?5 ®, Boys
S3 SHOE centleLien.
Mt.OO (•oiiaino « an elegant :vtnl
v stylish dross Shoe which commends itself,
04.00 •if llaml-Hewed Welt. A line calf Shoe un
IFo.50 equalled for style and durability.
a# Shoe fiaodycnr Weft ifi the standard dree*
8n.50 l’oliccman’K at a popular price.
for railroad Shoo Is cepeclaUy adapted
w All mode in Congress, mo n, farmers, etc.
50*00 Hutton and Lace.
lor LaUien, is the only litiud-aewed Shoe
v Hold at this popular price.
$0.50 DongnUi Slior for L.ndlo», Is a new de
pari ure and promises to become omo very for^isset popular.
*2'”ui?xenni snee for $1.75 style, etc.
All goods war ran led and stamped with name on
bottom. If advertised lo xsal agent cannot supply yon,
send direct to fact ory enclosing advertised price or
a pasta) for order blanks.
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. TVIaoo*
M'ANTEII'--SIkm> dealer in every niv and
I All own not occupied tidvei-tiHed to lake local exclusive agency. Send
uuentH in paper.
lor iiltiHinited cutnlogur.
The imivereni favor ho-
8 corded Tilunghast’s Fnarr
Sound CuMmue Seeds leads
mo to offer a P. H. Grovtic
k Onion .the finest Yellow Glob*
A in rorisfence. To Introduce It
■'and show Its capabilities I
will pay $100 for the belt
yield obtained from 1 ounce
ot seed which I will mall for
UO cis. Catalogue free.
.1 Isaac F. Tf lit askant.
■ La Plume. Pa.
CrttJcJjons on two mwnt Memory Syutom/L Roadj
shout April mt. Pull Tables of Contents forward^
only to those who send stamped directed envelops.
Also Prospectus POST FREE of the Loiaottlan Arf
Of Never Korgettini?. AddreM
Prof. IA)iaETT£, 237 Fifth Ave^ New York.
PENSIONS I BwlilWimm iSPS-a I*rBSSBuiwu^iBik.
^ir'w WSXh
Gnlleovn, Aoupted bv students at Haivard. Amherst and other
nlso by protenaioual and busineM men every
Atlanta. I.n. . vVkk'k;-''H treett
I). A. Slaght. of Buffalo, N. Y.,ha#
a cat which weigh*
Within sixty-two years Mexico has
had fifty-four Presidents, one regency
and one empire.
It is a curious fact that all of the
girls in Wellesley College who lead
their classes are blondes.
Dalmio persimmons weighing eigh¬
teen ounces heve been grown on the
place of Colonel Church, just east of
Orlando, Fla.
In England’s Australian properties
the sale of opium to the aborigines
and kanakas is very large, and the
drug is even given in wages.
Sidney Ann Wilhite of Sednlia,Mo.,
is one hundred and six years old,
weighs 250, and was a slave to
George Boone, a brother of Daniel
Reading cars, fitted out with the
most popular periodicals and books,
will bo attached to tlio passenger
trains of the St. Petersburg & Warsaw
Railroad, in Russia.
‘•Limited” as applied to partner,
ships and placed after the name of a
firm means that the members compos
jug the firm are not responsible foi
more than the amount of shares ot
stock that they hold.
According to the Chinese legend,the
virtues of tea were discovered by the
mythical emperor Chiming 2737 B.C.,
to whom all agriciiltuml and mechan¬
ical knowledge is traced.
A Maine debtor has been lying in
jail several years, the creditor being
resolved, as alleged, to pay iiis board
and extend his term to imprisonment
for life, if necessary, the man being
unable to pay.
Constable Julian of Kearney, Neb.,
had an unpleasant experience the othei
week. He rode 70 miles to serve q
summons on a man, mid after huntiug
for him two days learned that he had
been dead two years.
Ilenry Wrighter, a blind veteran,
who was lately allowed a pen¬
sion of $72 a month and nearly $1.6,
000 arrears oV payment, promptly ac¬
quired a $5000 farm with the money,
and proceeded to stock it with twenty
two liorses. He has a weakness for
tho animals.
The Carthusian monkB, who make
the famous liquor, lead most abstemi¬
ous lives. They are not allowed to eat
meat. Eggs and cheese form their
food on two days of the week, boiled
herbs on three others and bread and
water on Wednesdays and Fridays.
One meal a day is their allowance.
The cost of a grave in Hie Paris
cemeteries is uniform, and has been
raised of late fo $145; this, of course,
is iu perpetuity. At most of the
cemeteries ground can be rented for
five years at a charge of $10 for the
term and can generally ho renewed at
the end of this period for at least a
second term.
There are some interesting figures
about the liorses of the United States
army. Those of the cavalry average
about 10 1-2 years, stand 15 1-2 hands
high, with a girth of 6 feet and weigh
about 1010 pounds. The artillery
horses average about half a year older
and 150 pounds heavier, with corres¬
ponding increase in height and girth.
Canine Ferocity Conquered.
A good method of conquering dogs
Was exemplified in the presence of a
correspondent, who tells the story as
“While staying at a country house,
the conveisation turned on the ferocity
of a dog, half bull-dog, half mastiff,
that was chained up in the yard. A
small, delicate-looking man, who was
one of the guests, 6miled contemptu¬
ously at our host’s description of the
hound’s savageness, and offered to bet
that lie would go down to the kennel
and take a bone from under his nose.
The bet was taken and wo all ad¬
journed to the court-yard to witness
the feat. The small man, who had
vanished for a moment, reappeared,
and strolled up to the kennel with his
right arm outstretched.
“The dog rushed at him with open
mouth, then stopped, turned tail and
slunk into his hutch. The man fol¬
lowed, put his hand inside, pulled the
dog out by the collar, and then, after
permitting it to crawl back again,
cooly took up the bone it had been juij
enjoying, and throw it away witlioift
any protest on the part of the animal.”
The secret of his success was that he
had rubbed his hand with a solution of
ammonia. A dog cannot bite without
drawing in its breath, and the inhala.
tion of this pungent odor was too much
for it. Spirits of camphor, eau de
cologne and other powerful perfumes
of the kind, are laid to be almost us
. ®i« Inducement ito founlM.
“•kb* .The druggists throughout the eonntrr ere
tallized 2 Lenses. ®P*ciaJt T ot handling Hawks*’ Crys¬
more in They write that they tale make line
than anything money, else proportion, they out in stock. of These
one glasses have been advertised carry extensively
nor many years, and have received the en
dorsement and approval of thousands of the
best citizens of Uie United States. They are
eagerly everywhere, sought after by spectacle-wearers
and It will pay druggists and gen¬
eral merchants to put in & stock of these goods.
Exclusive The sale is given to one firm in each town.
trade can be built up, and the entire
spectacle bnsiness of a large section can be
monopolized 1 with there goods. Factory, De
P* lanta, ®* S?" Ga. and For salesroom, terms and Whitehall prices address St., At¬ A.
K - Hawke s, 13 Whitehall St, Atla nta.
We take pleasure in calling the attention of
our readers to the advertisement of theChese
brough Manufacturing Company, which ap¬
pears file in another column. This company are
turers original Vaseline, discoverers and only manufac¬
of which is known all over
the world as the best emollient, and the most
valuable family remedy in use. Their goods
are sold by druggists throughout the country,
but we wish to caution our readers, when buy¬
ing, labeled to accept only goods in original packages,
and Chesebrough Manufacturing Com¬
pany, as sometimes unscrupulous dealers try
value to substitute preparations wi'ieh are of little
when compared with vaseline, and some
ore By injurious and unsafe to use.
the sender sending will the company a dollar by mall,
ment of these beautiful receive free and quite valuable an assort¬ goods
without any charge for delivery. We know
whereof we write when we say the "Vaseline"
Soap is a revelation.
A movement is on foot in Paris against cost¬
ly funerals^_
Fob Dyspepsia, indigestion and Stomach
Tonio, disorders, it use Brown's Iron Bitters. Tho Best
and rebuilds the system, cleans the Blood
ic for strengthens ate muscles. A splendid ton¬
weak, and debilitated persons.
issued During the past year 3533 now books were
by tho American publishing houses.
Here Is a Chance la Make Money.
1 hou-lit a maibino for plating gold, silver
and heard nickel, and it works splendid. When peo¬
ple about it they brought raoro spoons,
forks and jewelry than! could plate. In a
week 1 ma le $33. and in a month $97. My
daughter made $18 in live days. You can get
a Plater for Ill. $3 from the Luke Electric Co.,
Englewood, and will, we trust, be bene¬
fited ss much as 1 have been. A Kzadeu.
FITS stopped free by Dit. Ktisi's Great
Nerve Ukbtorer. No Fits after first day’s
use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $3 trial
lottlefree. Dr. Kline. 931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Wa’s Chinese Headache Cure. Harm
.Vrsin effect, quick and positive in action,
f-'ent prepaid on receipt of SI per bottle
Adeler&Co. ,522Wy andotte st..KnnsaeCity,Mo
Oklahoma Guide Book and Map sent any wher*
on receipt of Stlcts.Tyler <& Oo., Kansas City,Mo.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬
son’s Eye-water.Druggists sell at25c per bottle.
Beecham’b Pills cure Bilious and Nervous
k &
) rr
Both the method and results when
and Syrup refreshing of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
to the taste, and acts
gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, on the Kidneys,
cleanses the sys¬
aches tem effectually, and fevers dispels and colds, head¬
constipation. Byrup cures habitual
only remedy of its kind of Figs is the
duced, ever pro¬
ceptable pleasing the to stomach, the taste and ac¬
to prompt in
its action and truly beneficial fo its
effects, healthy prepared only from the most
and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular Byrup remedy Figs known. 50o
of is for sale in
and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Louisville, ky. NEW YORK. N.r.
I % IS.
rou know that we are the only direct import
in's in tlio South? Do you know that we evade
altogether (he New York importers’ profit and
ijivo our customers tho benefit of this advan
-atf o ?
o ran .sell you a fine stone at the same
price that many others charge for imperfect
goods. Wo keep only flawless diamonds.
Como end see us about it. J. P. Stevens &
I'ro., 17 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Send for
Owing to the hearty support and the Urge trade we have received from members of the Farmer*’ Alliance, we will hereafter allow
On all orders received from members of tho Farmers’ Alliance. To secure this discount in sending us orders alw&vs have the Secretary President ot
your Lodge certify to yonr membership. J or
55 .g kbb
that SSS.OS onr*Worid'^Kmowned^'jtfMrrnt/ Buggieu have with. They
have stood met
the test of rough roods, hard cl 1 .
mate and tough driving, and now
Without a known competitor.
IS B ft W a dra rA of OT Imitntnra 'Uinarors
that Of oar Murray Briery Bnitgics has and Oarnees.
yonr U, oar name plate and
ernarantee on and
WZX039ZT Bi. JWCTTJEUfKwa.'Y 3»aCA»r u Ji’js».xp-X‘jjrjsixjtir<3r OO., CINCINNATI, QHfQ.
■-i i’CjN
there How are who many regard people the liege
coming of winter as a con¬
stant state of siege. It seems as if the elements sat down
outside the walls of health and now and again, led by the
north wind and his attendant blasts, broke over the
ramparts, spreading colds, pneumonia and death.. Who
knows when the next storm may come and what its
effects upon your constitution may be ? The fortifica¬
tions of health must be made strong. SCOTT’S
EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold
out against Coughs , Colds , Consumption , Scrofula,
General Debility , and all Aneemic and Wasting
Diseases, until the siege is raised. It prevents wasting
in children. Palatable as Milk.
SPECIAL.—Scott’s Emulsion is non-secret, and is prescribed by the Medical Pro¬
fession all over the world, because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
* LAUTION.—Scott’s Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored Be and
wrappers. sure
get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Manufacturing Chemists, New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
Have You a Cough?
Have You a Cold?
dk Or Consumption?
Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein
Ask your Druggist or Merchant for it. Take nothing else.
Write us. We will 8END our
giving valuable Information. Wo
make It easy to deal with us
We take OLD PIANOS In Exchange,
antee satisfaction, or Plano to be
returned to us AT OUR EXPENSE for
_ CO.,bSston.m'4«:
'1. K. \
|.. iii,” .._ J.
.‘ I
, "I
v 10) CWCHfSTf ^
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The onlj Safe, Sure, and rtiiable Pill for uta '
m Lfid lea, ask Druggist for Chichtstor’t English Diamond kind. Brand JUfute la Substitutions He4 and Gold metallic
boxes sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other and Imitations.
Mr All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are don veroue counterfeit*. At Draggista, or send tut
S]r Kkf 4v. in stamps for particulars, testimonials, and **KcUef far Badfe*** in letter, by ret am Mftll*
10,000 Testimonials. Name Paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL PHILAI*KJLPH1A, Co., Mod Ison 6oo»re»
r Sold by *11 Local Uruaalsts. i*A.
EB;LHniTLn’*S?,." jivo mrtveraal satiRfaction. 5 SIT 5
llcmen’s Why should you pay mid
profits when you can buy direct from us, th«
aiamif/tcturers J Send us #10 and the following measures
xnd wo w ill guarantee to fit and please you or refund
your money. Rules for measurement; breast measure,
3ver vest, closo up under arms, waist measure orei
pants at waist, and Inside leg measure from crotch to
heal. Haul Hlx Cents for j* samples of our Ho Men’s
3uits, fashion plato and tape measure. Boys' Suit*, 1J5.60;
whildren’s Suits. !«3. ED. I„ HUNTLEY &*CO.
Wholesale Taller*. 181 Eiut Hadlsoa Street, Ckleaso, IM.
Buy or sell your Cotton JONES
A II tfa5-Ton Cotton Scale.
0jS U ■ For terms address
mm Atlanta, Ga. Office l(H>i Whitehall St
only. NOSgHSSScss Sample *
AMERICAN copy, loc. No free copies.
_ PRESS CO., Baltimore, Md,
TACOMA I<* tS5°»SSIur»M tSkSi'S 1001
m. Tree is isvutTax.vr to., tscoma wash.
mMWMWi* lf|»llifII|lnlpc& 0 Msl enough d beeclifnl to cover Bilk* 560 bq. Satin Inn
»c.; best. 23c. Lsharik'sS on Kill* LittteFerry H.X
® ^ ™
O 1 Y .S LK. , .
/ Jug 1 \\/S toSgHnPV .
^ i
* v i
Adki L l I_I I t-»—JH hSEBF,
Vy/lmSSl \//U\ \y \//in 1 IdfcS^ --wmUBM
v)l \ m
XI wTi i' ^
piHUH Cheapest, KKJ1KD1' belief bun is immediate. CATAuitu..—best, A cure Is busiest certain. to use. Fur
Cold in tiro Head it has no equal.
a A
It is au Ointment, of which a small oartiele is applied to the
nostrils. Brice, 60c. Sold by druggists or sent by mail.
Address. E. T. H Aznr/rtxB. Pa.
folly packed:
One two-ounce e t»ofVtosltnePbmSd*, of Paine Vaseline, - - 10 e«
One twotHivce - il“
One „ .„ :: : !»•
One - »«
One Coke of V»«>Une Soap, UnKonted, - . 10 “
one Coke of Vazeline Soap, ekqajataly scented,* -
one two-ono* betae of wait* Vueline, - . 23 «
OrjtorjM^^afaniptanv rtngle artiaie at ISey***
your imlem druopUtany labelled with VascUne or preparation tStefpom
talntynative imitation our name, because Htfic you t utu o0r
Ofc—brtnyfc an fgfr. which ha« ornovatm
Coa, State St., N« Y,
The SAUFAGLEFA! Indian Herb Romedy.
Nature'* great can to.
Indlzeetkm, Attacks and nH Sick Troubles Headache, of Conettpntkm, Billon.
Bowels. For tins herb the has Stomach, been the only Liver and
edy used by years celebrated rem¬
the Mesealaro Indian*,
noted strength, throughout vigor and the length country for their remarkable
testimonials of life. Thousands of
great household on file. remedy. Only For 25 oents sale for a box of this
by SALAFASEbFA Ml druggists,
or sent oa receipt at price by the
HERB CO„ Eddy, Now Mexico. (No postage stamps
ac cepted.) Reference, First National Bank.
and a Rubber Shield for 30c. Confidential. Addreu
Maa. W. L. Lawsor A Co., 58 State St., Chicago, IU.
A. N. 0 Ten, 1891.
!5 -= naff
Withont a donbt the excellent quality of
onr Celebrated has “j Vurrav” SHIM reedved Har
caused more comment and
moro praise than anything that has pl^ been
themarketlor year,. Oto
Selling Direct to the Consumer
Anii declaring ocreelves openly and above
has hoard also made ft» P««u and Trust.
ns many friends,
II rite . at once tOT _ out* tree .
fWldeacHpllon * alalof/ae, containing
and net ^aah price, of our
E u} 7‘7 i“ y F