Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Subscription nates:
One year, $1 #0 Six months, 50ceots;Thre
months, 25ceuts. Payable in advance.
Address all oommunieetioos t> Tbs Tints
Soring Pises, Oa.
Wasted: 500 new subscribers.
Wanted: You to pay up your
old subscription.
David Kittles was quite sick the
first ot the week.
Ye scribe attended singing at
Gum Spring Sunday eve.
Ask S. 1. Fincber if he would
like to go fishiug up on Mill Greek
some time when it is opt to rain.
Corn and Cotton planting is the
order of tie (lay.
Quite a refreshing rain fell oa
Saturday evening.
Tiie new jail i3 nearing comple
Sheriff McEntire was in the city
Mr». 0. O Goins spe.nt the latter
part of last week with relatives in
Mr. Robert Peeples, of Chatta¬
nooga, was dawffto sye his mother
l”.st Saturday and Sunday.
Marion Moreland says he can
show tt> e oldest dog track of any
man in the county,
Taylor Stafford wlro has been
quite sick for some time is able to
be up.
Blessed is the business man
who advertiseth not. He wanteth
no trade and ho shall not be dis¬
Tho roads to Dalton are greatly
improved rains ceased.
Nick Peeples of Hassler Mills
was in town Sunday.
Bob Hill of Dalton was over to
see his parents on Saturday.
Dr. IVJcNeal of Ra-msey was in
the city tho fiist ot the wce ! ;,
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for tho Times.
Mrs. Bramblelt, mother of our
Tax Receiver, is quite sick.
Oscar Arnold sports a gold #klch
this week.
Rev. Hudson has gone into the
cattle business ns ho passed
through town Tuesday driving a
cow and calf.
Legal adds for next month mnut
appear in our next issue.
Small gram crops are looking
veil, *
T J Ovbey is making some de¬
cided improvements on his dwell¬
ing. Tim is a hustler and will keep
up with the times.
Col. H Heartsill received a nice
pipe through the mail Monday as a
present from his little grandson of
Morrison Bluff Ark., a son of Dr.
Will Heartsill.
—__-•+ —♦
Spring Place is soon to he the
home of quite a number of ama¬
teur actors’
J LTffpp, jeweler, at Dalton has
purchased a fine Marine Chronom¬
eter and is prepared to, bring watch
es to perfect time. He employs
the best of workmen and guaran¬
tees all work.
$1 would look as big as a
wheel to ns about this lime of
year. Who will be the first to
prise us?
Bill Smith says he is going
Albia Tf-xis protty soou for
purpose of starting a
establishment. , . .
We want 100 coops
Spring Chickens at
and w.Il pay highest
cash pice fort em
Defournette & 7o.
John Bumate and Mr. Walker,
the First National Bank, ot Dalton
accompanied by two young ladies
of'that place took dinner at the
Temple House Sunday.
■ ■ i ■ » - » * 1 ■ —
Miss Lizzie Morn's, accompanied
by Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Miss May,
Mr. Monroe McGhee and Mrs.
Keister, spent Sunday with her pa¬
rents out on the river.
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
Warehouse, Dalton G:l, will
sell provisions and farm sup¬
plies oB-titne payable in the
fall for good Dotes.
----— » m - ----
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invite the ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey.
Fishing is the chief sport of the
season. Two silver sides and four
largo “suckers*’with the usual ex
perisnee if the common luck.
Any shortcomings in this week's
paper are due to tbe severe illness
of a favorite pup. His pupship
needs to have attention for we know
not what the future has in store
German millet seed
DeJournette & 4 o
2 spools thiead 5c N Y store Dalton.
Hair Ornaments at the New
York Stoie Dalton.
The sanitary regulalions around
the public square are in a veiy poor
condition', in fact there are scarcely
any. This matter should have at¬
For tombstones and monumental
work call on C N King.
.For new SDriag'goods cail at the
New York Store Dnltou (la.
T. J. Ovbey will sell yen
clothing as cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
Our readers will do well to pat¬
ronize those who advertise with us
besides being of advantage to us.
We depend upon the patronage of
a liberal public for our support and
itshpll bo our aim to give you a
live, newsy paper in return, but it
is wholly impossible to make a sue
cess of any business without u fol¬
1891 —Clothing!. Clothing!—
Something we can’t do with*
out and we are bound to keep
We have received and are re¬
ceiving the largest line of
Clothing ever • brought to
Spring Place. We hove culled
the market lor best goods that
could be had, and buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rock Bottom p- ices.
T. J. Ovbey
By George! (hat's a pretty suit
—Yes, got it at O /bey's.
Miss Fannie Venable of RoA
creek is making preparations to
start to Texas on a visit to relatives
in a short time.
Henry Addington of the W & A
is spending a few days with his
parentB uear town. He is greatly
improved from the severe injuries
received on that rad a. few weeks
, Mrs. Wright ofMfc. Zion school
was in town Monday.
Mrs. A L Moore is visiting rela¬
tives in Spring Dace,
Col. O, N. King is off for a trip to
We soil the Spencer Optical
Company’s Spectacles and
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before pu- chasing else¬
where. S. J. McKnights
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
The M D‘s ail lepcrt
dull in l heir line
of business. This
f hat the health of the county
uouiuahy aoooJ
Sumach Dots.
“All's qaiet along the > > 6tomac ,< ’
News ot interest is very scarce a!
present as nearly ev6rv ono seems
to be staying at home and attend¬
ing strictly to his or her own bu i
Farmers are busy planting corn,
cotton and etc.
Rev. Henry (Jilbett of Whitfield
county preached a good sermon to
a large congregation at Union
Spring school house Sunday Apr-
Prof. Humphreys spent last week
in the northern part of Murray m
the interest of Mason & Hamlin
and other oigan companies.
Mr. H B McEntire and wife of
Rock Creek visited relatives in
the neighborhood, two or three
days ot last week.
Mr. James Glass of Chattanooga
spent last Saturday and Sunday
with his m. ther, at his old home
near Sumach
Sabbath sihool was organized at
Zion Hill April I2lh with flattering
prospects for a good school.
Dots from Lough idge
Newsisaca co as hens’ teeth.
We aie glad to chronicle the
rapid improvement of Mis. S
T Tye who has beeu seriously
ill fo'.* the past two weeks.
As I write I cau plainly hear
the woodman’s axe and plow¬
man’s voice which speaks ol
the industry ot our country.
The farmers are striving to
gain an independence by their
la bo: s.
There is a young gentleman
m our vicinity who is so lazy
that he has to get a sick k‘t
ten t j breathe tor lrm.
Miss Narcis McOatny of
Loughridge is visiting friends
and relatives in the lower end
of the county this week. Hope
her visit may be one of pleas¬
Miss Claim Howcli spent the
night with her aunt, Mrs. Car
rell, near Cisco Saturday n’ght.
Misses Ellen Howell, of Gis
co, and Addie Gregoiy of
Loughridge spent the day with
..liss Sallie Hams at her home
last Monday.
Mrs» M. S. Hall is having a
barn put on her premises near
Harris <fe Morton’s stoic. A
Martin has - the cont act for
building it.
Mr. J. R. Harris lost a fine
calt‘‘by death 0 last- wtek, the
exact Joss unknown.
John Harris aDtJ Wesley
Petty didn’t go to see their
best girls last Sunday. We
dont know the reason.
Mr. Charlie Adair was on
the old road Sunday, ‘Blue
eyes,” was the attraction.
We would be glad to hear
more iron) Teh.iacana Tex.
correspondent. »
Success to the Times, Prof.
M. P. B—, and “Frisky Jim.”
Youis, Ignorance
Boqttq* and June apples will be
leceivcd at this office on Mocd iys.
Tuesdays and tVedcesdats
xf Yozrn hack aciiks for
Or you are all worn out, really good nothing
it is general debility. JilTThlRS. Try
JtrtOll'ti’S UlOff Sold
It willcure you. all and devtera givt in a good medicine. appetite.
PRICE^^- 1 - 1 50 CTS.
IT IS^ THE BEStT ‘ \ fc
eol3 in tho Ilead, Throat, or Lungs, we cal
aura t\t. you by our new method. Remedy pleas
Cost moderate. Send for sample, whid
mail FREE! Address, /
Ovbey is leading in clothing,
When you are in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standatd confectionaries and is
always ready tc wait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re¬
member Mr Buck, first door below
Trevitte & Bryant’s drug store.
Of course I got my suit at Ov
bey‘s, no better goods can be had
in the market.
Georgia Murray County
C. C. Howall Executor of estae of L D
Ilartly represents to the court in his petition
July filed, that ho has fully administered
said L D Hattly estate according to his
will. This is theseforo to c te all persons
concerned, heirs and ciedito s, to show
cause if any they can, why said Executor
shonld not bo discharged from adrn ifistra
tion and receive letters of dismission on the
1st Monday in May 1891. This Feby. 4th
1891. lV. H. Ramsey, Oidinary.
Georgia Murray Conn’y
M A Iieis/er, Administratrix of R B Keis¬
ter, represents to tho Court in her petition
duly filed, that *he has fully administered
said estate. This is therefore to cite ail per¬
sons concerned, kindred and oreditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admx.
should not bo discharged from her Adtnillis
trotion and receive letters of dismission tho
first Monday in Julie 1891. This Mardb 3d
1891. IV. II. Ramsey, Ordinary,
It appearing to the court, by tho petition
of D 11 Loughridge that G B and Mary Jane
Gentry on or about t o 10th of November 1889
executed nnd delivered to said D II Lough
ridgo a mortgage on oigh'y acres off tho
North portion of lot of land No. 188, in the
8th Dist. and 3rd Sect of Murray oounty Ga.,
for tho pnrprse of securing said D II Lough¬
ridge ngainst loss as surety for tho said G B
and Mary Jano Gentry oh a promtsory nota
executed by them to John Hill, ditod Janu¬
ary 27th 1887, for Thirty dollars principal,
with eight per cent per anum and duo Deo. 1st
1887, on which said note judgement has been
taken in favor of said Joint Bill against said
D 11 Loughridge which said 0 B and Mary
Jano Gentry refuses to pay. It is therefore
ordered that tho said G B and Mary Jar.e
Gentry pay into this court on or beforo the
next term thereof the sum $30. and Int. at 8
par cent from date of said note, and tho cost
of this suit or in default thereof tho court
will prooeed as to justico shall appertain and
it is therefore ordered that this rule bo pub¬
lished in (he North Gtiontm Times, a nows
paper published in said county of Murray,
once s month for four months, or served cn
the said G B and Mary Jane Gentry, or tlleir
special agent or attorney throe months pre¬
vious to tho next torm of this court.
Jones & Martin, Thos. W. Milker,
Potr. At’ys. «T« S, C# C. P«
I horeby certify that tho above is a true ex
traot from th miuutes of court, Foby Term
1890. S H FinCiisb, Clerk S C
Mary Farrar Vs Wit Farrar.
Application to sot aside nunittgo contract
in Murray Supeiinr court, Feby Term 1891.
It appearing tn the court by tho return of
IheSherffia the above stated case that the
defendant docs not reside in said county and
it further appearing that lie does not reside
in this Eta o. It is therefore ordered ly the
court that service bo porfected oa tho defend¬
ant by the publication of this order ftfcco a
month for four months before the next term
of this court in tho North Georgia Times a
news paper published iu Murray county Ga.
Thos. W. Miutxa,
Jones Sc Mahtin. J S C C C.
Petrs. Attyi.
I certify that the above 's a true copy of
tho order from tho minutes of court. This
Apr. 15th 1891. S H Eincher, CSC.
Mrs. Georgia Murrow o' al vs. AS Vining
ct al; Petition for Partition of lot of land No.
65 and north half of lot No. 80 9 h Dist. and
3rd section Murray Co. Ga.
It nppoaring to tho court that Benjamin
Vining Sr., one of tho defendants and ton
ants ix common in this cose resides < ut of
the state. It is ordered by the Court that
said Vining be served by pub'icafon in
terms of tile statute—open court Feby. Term
1891. Thos, W. Milnes, J. S. 0. C. O.
I certify that above is a true oopy cf the
order from the minutes of court. This Apr.
15lh 1891. S. H. Fincher, C. S. C,
Neuralgic Jfet'sons
And those troubled with will nervousness relieved by resulting taking
Horn caro or overwork be
Brown's Iron Bitters. Genuine
has trade mark and crossed red linos on wrapper.
A pamphlet of Information and ab¬
stractor jh Patents, the laws, showing How Traded t ah
SkMarks, Obtain Caveat,. hct,/M
Copyrights, MUNN sent CO.Mf
yprlbvSBl &
wfS®^*** Broadway, York..
Millinery Good
Just Received at the Mllluerj Store of
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegan t assortment of Milinery and Straw flood;, consisting of Straw
Bonnetsaud Ladies’ a^d Children’s Hots [trimmed and untrimmed] Nee*
and Sash Ribbons, Vilvot Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins,
Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods
wore bought of thoi argestand best importing Iloasetsin Balti¬
more and New Yorit, and will be sold at very low
iees for cash.
1891. 1891.
T. J. OT BE Y 5
Spuing Place, Georg i a
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have ou hand, and will keep the best Hue of Gents ready¬
made clothiug, on tbe market. . ,
gWA Iso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,' Shoes, Hard
ware, Groceries &c., anil will self at low pi ices, foi’cash.
Groceries, Provisions, Confection
gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard,'Sugar, Coffe
New Orleans Syrup, Lcnoii’s Factory Thread and a select
of Summer Hats ef the latest styles, all of which will be
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
He in street & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
Special Prices Given On Application-
19 West Montgomery Ave.
Chattanooga, Tunn.
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
1891 1891
Robinson & Finchers,
Spring place, GEORGIA
.... Dealers In ....
Groceries, Provisions, Cotfeotioiories, Cigars, Tobaeoa, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee,
Syrup and in fact everything in the grooery lir.c; Queens "and Till ware; Alsoaseieet
Stock of NOTIONS.
« • • .Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn }• • t •
peas and anything in tbe produce li;-.e. nnd pay the
Call and see our goods and get prices before yea sell your produce
or buy ’ ourigroceries &c.
County Dir cto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby,
nd August.
Hon. T. W. Milner, Judge.
lion. A. W. Fite, Solicitor General.
S. II. Finches, Clerk Superior Court.
Court of o r di tal Y meets 1st Monday in
W. H. Rams y, Ordinary.
J. 0. McEntire, Sheriff.
M. H. Bramblettk, Tax Receiver,
M. M. Welch, Tax Collector.
J. A. Dickson, Treasurer.
M. Roberts, {Surveyor.
H. F. Tucker, Coroner.
Court of County Commissioncis meets on
Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month.
W. Lufvsun, Chairman— W. E. Coving¬
ton, 8. A. Gseojry, A. B. Weaver, Jas
Mackey, Commissioners.
Town Distriot 2nd Momday.
Ball Ground.Dist. 8;d Satur "ay.
Eighth <*■ 2nd "
DoAittlo <4 4th “
Tenth “i "H 3rd “
Alacuisa 2nd ? 1 ‘
Sh ick Pen. “ 2nd i*
Bull Pen “ *th <1
1013th “ 1st’
County School B ard—S. H. Henry, CSC.
E. W. Rkkrert, T. J. Bryant, C. D Gilbert
J. A McKamy, A. X. Weaver,
Correotod to May lltb, ’90.
Trains From Dalton
No. 1. 9:06 p. M., for Rome, Selma, Mo¬
bile, Now Orleans' Texas and California
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunswi k and Jackson¬
No. 13. 2:37 p. m., for same as No. 11.
northeast and west
No. 2. 3:49 r. M , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia nnd New York.
No. 14. 4:05 p. u for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Little Rook, Ft. Worth, Karsas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati nnd Chicago.
No. 12. 4:47 A. a., For same points as
No 54.
No. 16 11:30 a. u. ft
Through Sleepers to New Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New Ycrk, Philadelphia, Washirgton,
Cincinnati and Memphis.
. I). W. Wrkns|<J. P Sc T. A. Knoxville,
Term. J.^Ir Smtn, At W. E. Sutton,
T. P. A. Dalton I**
r»e lironrn’a Iron Biuers.
Physician, recommend it.
All dealer, keep it. El.00 per bottle. GcnnlnB
has trade-mark crossed red5iues on\vrapper.