Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times
S. B. Cartel *, J. C. JJearimll,
Publishers & Pro¬
Tlie ofileial Paper »r tlie County.
ptrannuBU everv tiu/rsdat,
•nd Altered in the Post Office at Spring Place
Qa., M seeoni elan matter.
We this week tip car sombiero
and bow to the reading public.
’Though wo feel flattered by the
valedictory of the former editor,
il shall be cur chief motive to give
you a paper worthy of your pat
roDsg*. as it has been in the past,
dealing out justice to friend and
foe alike and at the samo time
striving to snake for ourselves an
houorablo^npport bv'doiog all in
our sway to pram'do the upbuilding
and advancement of Murray coun-
1y and North Georgia. -We fully
appreciate the responsibility im
posed iu us and will endeavor to
gratify the most expectant, but in
tho meantime we feel sufficiently
able to manage cut own affairs and
seek nothing from our readers
more than a continuance of their
liberal patronago anil good will.
The Times is as it has always been
a Democratic paper from center (o
circumference, from tlie ''mild¬
eyed devil’’ to tho more sedate
1 ,oking “quill driver”. So you
have nothing to fear from politi¬
cal, religious or personal feeling,
as wo love you all, are in sympa
thy with all God-loving people and
have stated our adhesiveness to
tho principles ot democracy and
tlie ne*xt in order is to show your
appreciation by your works.
Gome-up, pile-up, anyway so you
get-up. Open up your hearts a
long with'your pocket-books and
don't squeeze tho eagle so tight for
God hates a stingy man. ‘■Oast
your bread upou the waters and
before many days you shall reap
the full benefit thereof.”
To the press gang and ‘‘faber
pushers” Shake- We are with
youj and hope that it wo add noth
ing to, we will detract nothing
from the craft-, which it shall be
romft'ns to bo proven. We
vour good will; you nave ours.
J. G Hearts ell.
The grand jury of !Floyd county
has recommended tbnt a new court
house be built in that county.
Monday was Veterans Day and
was celebrated iu (lie highest
throughout.Georgia and the South.
< lotion is still going into Dalton
and soiling at. the enormous price
p| about eight cents. That's right
hold it and pay taxes and grow
G'cvernor Hogg, of Texas, named
Ins daughti is Ima Hogg. Ura Ilogg
nnd Moore Hogg.—Constitution.
But, like fhe the bod-bug, he
gets there all the same and is mak¬
ing the best governor Texas has
ever had. u
Women are growing notabley
prominent as criminals. The lat¬
est case is that of Mrs Martin of
Birmingham who is accused of
shooting lt«r brothu- in-law. Eel
Governor Northern has called a
convention of tho people of Geor¬
gia to be bold in Atlanta on May
6th, lot the purpose of securing
an exhibit for the Columbian Ex¬
position in 1892- 1
General Be;\ Rutler, the noted
spoon thoif of the, late war also a
pro minent barrist of Boston was
bounced from a oonrt at that place
the other day for running ut>
against the Judge in a way that
didst! exactly suit Dm,
This will add greatly to the ap¬
pearance of Da!too. A fine hotel
and court house with her large
amount of basiuess makes Dal¬
ton one, if the best cities between
Atlanta and Chattanooga.
S* nato'r John H. Ii’eagan of Tex¬
as has res'gned and will acc*pL * |
position on the railroad tointnis i
sion of that elate. Thus Tex is j
loses one of her ablest reprevm I j
ativee at the national Capitol bui ]
he will not centre to wield his ii.fl'
one ? for-good.
- - -- . — —......
We acknowledge with tLaiilioj
an invitation from Editor Seals
of the tiuimy South to be prenctu
at a banquet to be given by th it
paper at its home on May 1st At
that lime this Journal enters upon
its 18th volume as an 84 column
weekly. Tiic occasion will be one
of much enjoyment among “the
craft'* and we regret our inability
to attend
To the North Georgia Press:
What Gay you to meeting at some
convenient point and organizing a
North Georgia Press Association^
We don't want to dictate but sim¬
ply suggest that this be done, yi
order to form a uniform rate, get
on our hustling pants for the ad
vertisement of our resources and
advantages lo 'the outside world
and to have a good time generally
---*- • <-
fhe historic city of Pome, Italy,
was thrown into a,fever of excile
ment on the 23,by the explosion
ot a powder magazine. Much
damage was done to the entire
city and the nerves of tho wiley
organ-grinder, df so small an_ac
cider.t as this'sorves to kuock them
off tho Christmas-tree, they had
better net monkey : with Uncle
Sam's government.
Murders are getting to be so
common that they are scarcely no
ticed all from too free a use of‘red
eye’, the little ‘hip-pocket* pistol
and the manipulation of the‘paste¬
boards*. If the authorities would
enforce the laws as they should do
this kind of business would soon
bo on the decline. Give the Jaw¬
breakers the fullest penalty of the
law and see hoWitliey take it.
An editor werks 385 1 4 days in
the year to get out 52 issues u! a
papei; that's labor. Occasionally
some tender hearted being comes
along and pays for a years sub¬
scription iu advance, - that's money.
And onco in a while a heartless
wretch takes the paper a year, then
skips out to some other country
and lcfuses to pay: that’s anarchy.
But there is a placed prepared for
this last named creature where
later on justice will overtake him
and he will receive his just deserts:
that's h l.
The public free school system is
growing weaker each year and
there should be some decisive
steps taken in this matter. As it
now is almost any one with a
spoonfull of brains c?u secure a
certificate to teach a free school
and tha consequence i3 that the
country is flooded with incompe
tent teachers with the poorest
method of instruction imaginable.
It is just ns essential to have a
first class teacher for beginners as
it is tor those in advanced studies;
“as the child is so shall the man
or woman be”, this is especially
true of the ftrst principles instilled
in tho nfind cf the young pupil,
hence, tho conclusion that a good
teacher is indispensible in every
country school. Let us have good
teachers and it will follow th .1
wo will have good schools and a
country noted for intelligence,
A serious shooting affray occur¬
red in the upper end of this coun¬
ty on Sunday (he 26th, in which
Greed Iiipps was shot and fatally
wounded by Bill HodrL-k. The
difficulty arose over a gvme of'
cards and a good supply of whiskey.
Hipps was shot in three different
places, two of which are said to
be fatal. Both arc young men of
this county and tho affair is re
grot ted by the friends of both par¬
ties. Hedrick es'eaped and is sup
pjsed to havo left the country.
docks, A
-Watches i :*iL jl.y v \
and y K. / f
J e w e 1 i* y i \ X f
A i
Old Men Ride Twenty miles
To have their eyes tested, delicts corrected, and to he
suited in Glasses, b r.
• ef.lA.TAPP,
Jeweler and Optician,
Dalton Ga,
LISTEN? Wilson
& Co M
ton, (successors to
Hurd & Delany) will
tor the next 30 Days give
with each DOZEN CABI¬
NET PHOTO’S one 14x17
Crayon Picture , all for $4.00:
or the Cabinets without Cray¬
on for $3.00. Work guaran¬
teed in every lesjieet. Bring
in your old pictures if you
want them enlarged.
Call atthe NEW BARBER SHOP for a
first cl»s3Sha%c or a 'Stylish II tlr Cut.
Shompooingife Dying done in wmkinan-Hko
manner, Nuno but White B ajt> era
Our Dandruff Eradicator is a dead shot for
Shop opposiue Henry WratLcrly ’i Shoe
G. V. Bostwick Pm p.
Statk or Georgia Murray Cocky,
W‘d be sold bdme the court
house door in tho town of Spring
Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬
lic out Csy between tho li-gal hours
of sale on the 1st Tuesday m Jane
next, the following described prop
trfy to wit:
On all that portion of lot ofland
excepting No. 265, lying -the North of mill Holly- and cretdr.
saw gin
property, includin'; about three
acres of hind. Also fifty rods off
of the Souln’side ot lot No 260. nil
in the 20th D:st. and 2od Sect, of
said county, by virtue of and to
satisfy a Justice court il J'», from
tlie 1013th Djst. G 'll said county,
in f l vor of the B«cifio Guano Go. VS
WJ Peeples. Leiicd on as the
property of the defendant. *
Also at tho fame time anti [AlCO
one steam en«ine.nud boiler (m-ide
, by 1 M Niggle) , T i \ a ud 1 saw j mill and
fixnjres thereto. Said engine bo
ing 25 horse power, lllO boiler |ji0
horse power. Said raw m 11, en
gltll', . '•> llcl ‘Il'i. ix-Mi-i I ..ett-to
located about 2 rniit!.- west of Spiing
Placo near tlie residence of W W
Mauldin. Levied on by virtue i f
and to satisfy a mortgage fi fa is
sued from the Superior 1 court of
Whitfield county . favor of , G _ W
Hdl vs. V Jlj Ban & Go. Property |
in p&tsessiou ol U H & B F Jones
and will he.sold where it now s:andr.
This April 29th If91.
J. G. UcEntire, Shot iff.
State or Groroia, ,Vu ray County
Mary L Leonrtrd, widow of Ji !Vf
Leonard deceased, having applied
for twelve months support for her
self and minor children out i t the
estate of said deceased, and ap¬
praisers appointed to their set apart the
same having mtAde return.
This is to cite all persons concern:
ed to show cause if any they eah
why said return of said appraisers
slyitild not la set aputto srid
widow nnd cbildren ns a twelve
months support, ou the 1st Mon
day it dun . v< \i •Fhi* thp 30th
duy A | til I'D!- VV 11 Ha rn c f t.
” # O d
% on ty.
If you are going west or
south west and want Cheap
Tickets and Quick Time ad¬
dress or call on W. E Sutton
or J. L Smith general emigrant
ticket agentf Dalton Ga.
Special Notice!
Having lost by death my cele
brated Native Jack, Maringo
Mammoth, I concluded that Mur¬
ray county should have a first c’as.s
Jack. I visited the Woodward
cdmbiuaiion sale at. Lc-x'iigtt.n Kv.,
where 700 horses nml a large num¬
ber t f Jacks were for sale, but did
not get suited. After looking over
quite a large teritory, I purchased
“GALLO” a thorough bred Span¬
ish Jack of tho Berry and Murray
importation, sa d by many to be
the finest Jack of his age in Kento 7
Des cription.
GALLO is a bkek Jack with
mealy points, 15 hands high. 4 years
old, remarkably large boue and
foot and with a style of neck, Irea I
ami ear unsurpassed by any Jack in
America. He is high lived, and at
foT1 of action ns a tilt tine horse.
Nothing but block slock con be
legist erod in the American Jack
GALLO will make the season of
1891, at the Cohutta Stock Farm,
Drums Murray county Ga.. at $10
for mares and $25 for Jennetts, by
insurance. Stock from a distace
kept at reasonable rates,
Dfnnis Johnson.
WillBe sold before tho Court House d'or
in ihc town of Spring Place Ob. to the highest
t)l<lj*r at public outcry between the legal
hours of sa'o on -the first Tuesday iu May
next ,ho following property towit:
Forty /h'e.tCr s more or !e?s, of lot of
No * 308 * ,n tho 27th District ana 2nd
Seolion of £a ’ d C0 ” My nnd beins u,e E0Utb
west corner of said pit. Levied in rs the
ropef . y fJ . w , Valker Jr . by virtuo of
end to satis y a Justice c mt fi fa issued from
Dio lOllth District O. M. ill favor of j. W.
Brow icr for Ills use of S II. Hart lay v.,. said
Walker, freperty pointed cut by S. H.
Hartley. I.ov-j- made and returaed tornoby
R.3. l’arkv.L. c.
At?o at (Itasatne time and place 9 acres
more or U-sain the South ««»t corner of lot of
,jn ' 1 Xo2 ‘ fii ,!f 8|b I'i-urioiand 31 s*eti«a
V f r«m spring to T Farter* ° f Ui; Qerrter. rHad cd onami.c property of Ed Buhop by
Virtue efard to ,* tii% a justice court fi fa
from the S2*£th Pi^t 0-. M. raid county in
favor t f W . C- Martin vj. Kd Bifhop princi¬
pal, Araos Bishop socty and J. A. Dickson in¬
dorser. Levy made and returned to mo by
J . M. Campbell L. C.
Also at the same time and place tho East
half of fbt of land No. 18S in tho, 8th Hist and
3d Section of sai d county. Levied on rs the
property of J. D. E!rod by virtue of a fi fa
from tbo R24th Ttist G. M- inTjvor of.A. W.
Fite against J, 1>, Elrod and others. Said
fi fa coitroiled by E E Daniel. tho same time end p'sco ten acres
of Uni in the South west corner rf lot No
sr;,irr.:;;rr.;‘ h
on as the property of A, J. ^laughter by' virtue
Ufa fi fa from the justices const of the* 1 1639th
'Distiict G, M. in favor of Trammell Sta
vs. W. M. llicbBrd8 td A. J. Slaughls
makers and A. V. Beck indorser. Levy run e
and returned to me by j. b. Bat d L. '.
This April 1st 1891. J. C. McKktiri
Shc if.
■" Dentist.
Office over National Bai.k
Dalton Ga.
'’''i sB aB -'g;,*; ’ ••.'Smr. ... j'W"’"
TeoJli pa traded without
pain, a specialty.
II, H. Anderson
Attorney at Law
Sreiiia Black, Gxorcia.
Prompt attention given to all le¬
gal business and tho collection of
—: CHAS. N. £ING:
Spring Hace, G:.
Ca’.houn, 0». Spring Place,Qa
Attorneys at Law,
Prompt attention given to all legalbusines
J. J. Bates,
Spring Place, Gforgia.
Special attention given to collec¬
tions and criminal x>ractice
Gates, Posts, Stairs, Verandas, Roof
Cresting, Tower Finials.
Steel Jail Okies.
Builders’ Iron Fronts, Columns, Sills,
S4W niLLS L ‘”?s
Write us for Pictures and Prices.
Manly Manufacturing Co.,
Dalton, Gsorgln.
S* sura you mention this papor.
If you are going t.o the West,
Southwest, or Northwest-,
time and money by calling on
or writing to John L. Edmotui
-on, Dalton Ga., traveling pas -
senger Agent of the <; Qld Re ¬
liable W. & A. R. R. Spe
cial accommodations for Texas
and Arkansas trav 1
Dr. B. S. lie S KA h.
Physician and burgeon
Ramsey ~Y-- Ga.
8i ™ '°
Oilicj at the residence of
Jo n Ii. Kmth.
The Xew
L. N. Tinsley!
First class meals for only 25
Fourth door North of Dr,
Gain’s Drag Su>:e, Dalton, Ga
F. L. Keith,
- J , Dealer In )
Whiskies, B/audi es, i ad
___ lOF SaCfainehtal
103 Ilast Eighth Street,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Oil or ™ Efn(«. ,*$<■ to Hit*, I Will
ailtee mj’gO.-lls t« be «8 l'i pti-Stin ltd
j i My ^ coni whiskey is the best
p Ibis market. I invite my old
Murray county friends to call and
see mo. Let cash accompany or
der. 4 IS Iy
Calaway & Longest,
/in i
Ttalton Ca.
We desiJi to call the attention of the pnh,
lie. and the eople of Mar ay, especially
tbalwe are now wide awake in the LIVEUT
BU ;INESg; haring purchased theentire bat
incss of Mr. S. l>. Poaroh. Wagon yard in
eorneotion with Stable.
Tvmmo (
j mmomL > : 186
Reside,ice, ’ Cemetery. Church,
[I Ch Roof Cresting,
witching Fusts.
iron Verandas.
•ail Cells AND
Saw Mills and
ii a t Machinery,
Writs for Price*.
Bo <urt you mention this papor.
j ^otropolitan ' Hotel. i
! *- ianta, G eorgia.
1 ' v V1 “ 3 ' :C,,10 “ Pi) 8 Sen 8 er
jj j
Coraoi- of Alah&ma & Pryor Streets.
-- Rates Reasonable. -
^ p - * Proprietor,
[Late of Cannon House.]
^ *
STEEL Lintels, Cast Columns, Sills, etc,
TRADE mew sooth
WRITE for Pictures and
you need In
METAL, we can send It promptly.
Be eure you mention this paper. i
Western & Atlantis Railroad.
Close Connections i n Union Passenger
Depots. See that your Tickets to
... .......... A^I>
—Read via—
Western & Atlantic R. R.
PASS® e DE ra potA?l^t nil S n 0 . -
gusta. Charleston and Florida points.
1 or Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, *
write to or call upon
I S. L. Rooebs, City Pass. Agent,
Fbank SaviEB, Ticket Agent,
C. B. Wat.kot, Chattanooga.
K. _ D. Mann. T-Ag’t, Union Depot.
No. 4 Kimball House,
Atlanta. -
Genera! CHAS. E. HARMAN,
Passenger Agent, Atlanta.
J. W. THOMAS, General Manager.