Newspaper Page Text
North Georgia Times.
Subscription Bate:
One ye*r,fl (»« Six months, 50eents;Thre
months, 25couts. Payable in advance.
Address alt eemmunicstioas t > Tbs Ttxts
Boring PDe», G».
Growing crops.
Paint your houses.
Advartiss in’ tha Times.
Farm hands in demand.
‘ Plant more corn nud^eas cotton.
2 spools thiead 5c N Y store Dalton.
For pure fresh d,uga go to F 0
Trevitt Dalton Ga.
Guoss who pulled tbe'cow]out of
the well by her tail?
Our young friend Will Terry of
Decora is up on a visit.
The'young paople are talking of
having a picnic atjan early] day,
DoiVtC forget: to call on FfO
Trevitt when „in ; Dalton.^ Drugs
and Jewelry. *
Miss Hattie Ratcliff of this]eoun
tv“has been visiting friends] near
Chickanuuga Tenn.
Col. Starr' of Dalton
spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives and friends iu Spiing
~ -m
Guess who went to s.e 1 his best
girl Sunday and walked homo in
the night, a dir tau<:e]of seveu mile*?
F O Trevitt is tho druggist o>
North Georgia—see him at D-dtcn,
Mr. Sim Hassle r of Roan counly
Tennessee is visiting relatives in
tbs vicinity of' a Hassler M’-Ts, ibis
Deputy U. S- Marshal.Ira Camp¬
bell was in the city this week.
Look out.boys ho is after some¬
If you want your prescriptions
accurately filled taka them to
Trevitt Dalton Ga,
If you have a cow given'to lay¬
ing off: jus*. give her a dose of
sugar anct that"' will.bring her up
Ifcis^not necessary to mention
that wo have jbeen enjoying the
finest] of Spring weather,;for. the
past week.
Wonder whatsis the'attracti in in
Spiing Place for a certain young
gentleman from up on the' creek?
Notice the ’‘ad 1 ’ of C V Bost*
wick, barber at Dalton, iu this is¬
sue. He is a pleasant gentleman
aud will treat you right.
Read the' li ad“ of Wilson & Oo..
Photographers at Dalton, in this
issue. They are the only artists
in Dalton and do first class work.
From the present indications
■ some of the young people ot Spring
Place wilt be trotting down life's
highway in double harness pretty
A new and stylish line of import
ed French hats for the Radies, }ust
received at the New York Store in
Dalton. Call and>xamfne]them.
Come up gentlemen and have
your name* placed] on the
scriptton list of the Times. It
''©sts a dollar a year and/gives
the latest news.
Seaborn Fincher of the Red ‘ rent
Brewrv «rew»y went e out on tha creek on
a flsluns expidition the first ol Ike
week weeK. His riis general ge ™ app i p 9 arance.\s
sufficient proof 1“ had tbe
nsu.i run of look.
We spent,Saturday h Dalton in
thefintereat ot the Times and found
tbe merchants at that place doing
a rushing business. There are “no
flies on*’ Dalton or any of her
ImainesB men.
Col. W (3 M ar da and a party of
Daltonians were guesls at tbe
Tempie Douse Sunday. These
Daltoti people know where lo coao
for a day of pleasure and a rqtiare
meal, for Judge Temple has a rep¬
utation not confined to North La
C. N. King is authorized to re¬
ceive and receipt for subscription
to the Traits, So if- yon owe us
anything and happen oa Ibis gen
tlemaa yon will do ns , a tavor by
handing him the amount yon are
due. %
Miss May Johnson presented
the Tihes with a niee biquet of
rare and b aMijfni flowers on
Thursday of last week. Miss May
is a charming little lady and knows
how to arouse a fow pleasant
thoughts in the mind of a news
pap^r man. Nexil
Camp & Co : have their Planing
Machine in working order and are
now prepared to do all kinds ol
planing as cheap as be done
in Dalton, (jive them a trial when
you have anything in their line;
they Will give youjsatisfaclion.
Notice your receipts and'if they
do not say you hate paid your
subscription to the Times for 1890
be sure you bring along the change
when you como to town.
We ore requested by Prof C H
Humphreys to announce that the
Murray County Singing Conven¬
tion will bo held at Piegah church
on Saturday beforo the second
Snnduy in May. Prof It-belts
will be there and a grand time is
We rro informed that the
Spring Place Amateurs will give
a public entertainment in.the near
future. Preparations are being
made for the repetition tf quite a
number of splendid pieces and the
peop'e may expect te bo highly
ent< rtaiued when]the society de¬
cides to “come out.”
We are uot given to'suggestionB,
nor do we with lo dictate, but would
it]uot be a goodjdeajor the dra¬
matic society to give au eittertain
ment when‘they have sufficient
practice and charge a email ad¬
mission fee to be used toward the
impr vemont of the grave yam?
T1 is would be time weil spett (or
a public necessity aud would not
cost any one person but a'small
Every eaterprifingcit/z-n iu the
county should subscribe for the
Tires, A paper is au enterprise
depending solely upon Ibe people
fora support, ft:<1 is what they
make it; if it has a* good support
it gives the newspaper man a now
lita and enc-ura-cs aim to throw
hU'every Jacultyitoward his.w@rk
in order to return the interest
shown by his patrons. So come
up gentlemen and show a williug
interest in the leading advocate ]of
jour county for it will be to your
advantage as well aa ouib.
Worccoive a communicaiion^oc
oocasionally that is too _much on
the form of an advertisement to be
published without charging regu¬
lar rales for such work. We]; have
a rule as to what we publish »s
local matter and never deviate
from it. It. would give us much
pleasure could we do ourselves jus¬
tice by giving \ space lor these
communications free of charge but
WO cannot and hope our friends
will take no exceptions .at their
non-appearance for we feel that
they would not knowingly ask us
to print auything'in this line when
it is contrary to an established
rule to do so.
Spring Placa needs a school
building and the people should go
to work to] have one built. I here
is not another town in North Geor
gir the size of this place]but has a
public ac hool house.and we must
g e t jjnt of the alleys and come to
j, on t. Don't let us be atffex
ccption especially one of (his kind,
Spring Place was thrown into
qalte a levee of excitement on Sat
urday last. The residence of Co .
J J J > Bates caught a * on fire and bad it
not 06611 1 1 ,
hands it would soon have been ,
ba ,„ od t0 lh . gro „„a. Bot . In*,
crow(1 of lne „ boy. responded
to^helalarmand soon extifiguished
the hungry flam as with but little
damage to the building,
Around and About Cisco.
As this is my first: I will
givtt- you a few brief lines
from our lural distr ct.
We have been having some
weather for the past week that
made us think of summer.
Harve Hannah would make
farming a specialty if he could
get enough sleep without sleep*
iDg tour hours at DOOll.
M's. Maggie Bates'ot Dunn
Ga. spent Saturday and
fit her old home near here .
Will Muckey and Nannie
Me Jin tire attended the aingitig
t G ibson's Chapel last Sunday.
Charlie Adair ot Cohutta
Springs was orer Sunday. We
were glad to see him out and
looking so well— “come again”
Charlie Optimates likes tj see
Mr. A Martin will begin a
Sabbath achool at Gibson’s
Chapel next Stluday, all are in¬
vited to atteud.
I will now 1-id you ‘ aurevoir.”
We want 100 coops of
Spring Chickens at once,
and will pay highest
cash p ice for x >' em.
DeJournette & ~o.
Notice To The Laihf.s.
We are bouud to suit, the
ladies’ fancy regardless of
what it costs. Uave received
a beautiful stock of ladies’
hats and would like to stress
the fact that they ate of the
vei y latest style and fashion.
A coidiai invitation to all.
T. J. Oybf.y.
We sell the Spence; Optical
Company’s Spectacles and eye
glasses They are very fine
glasses and you should try
them before purchasing else
whete. S. J. McKnights New
Drug Store, Dalton Ga.
1891—Clothing Clothing!—
Something we can’t do with¬
out and wt ate loundto keep
We have received aud are re¬
ceiving the largest line of
Olo thing ever brought to
Spring Place. We have culled
the rmuket lor bot»fc goods that
could be had, arid buying in
large quantities, enables us to
sell at Rook,BQttom p ices.
T. J. Qvbey
By George] lltat's a pretty, suit
—Yes, got it‘«t O ?bey's
I am now receiving a complete
line of imported dress goods and
invito llt-e ladies to examine them
before dealing elsewhere. Ovbey.
German millet seed at
DeJourngtte & o Dalton
For tombs'cites and utor.umenlol
wofk call on C N King.
T. J. Ovbey will sell you
clothipg ns cheap as it can be
bought in Ga.
_—;—_—*--» ■■ - m- ' --
G W Oglesby, at Kenner’s
Wa’eliouse, Da\ton G \, tVdll
sell provisions and farm sup¬
plies on time payable in the
fall for good Dotes.
Mar ty Persons
Are broken do .rn from overwork or household
•Ares Broun /s Iron Bitters
rebuild;, the f/stjm, aids malatia. digestion, Get the removes genuine. ex¬
cess of Aile, jnd cures
if rotrjt hack aciihs
Or you BKo^jvwrnti.v'jsjrTi’JKKS. are allwom out, realty good for nothing
It will curejou^iUHl ^Ivo a good appetite. Sold
na-PSi fei ckt
B j S5^ IS pt-g la
to u 7 p<*ypo Li w'no will pbovr it to their
1 » a Ht)a aud *cii<l us oi <2 r?.
per MoniZi
eela'VMid i-jr*»i?jy cxjicnscn p*id tuO r.cjtl:tir -' wt-o pre
»al u) cpmm'bSlon,
ry ruiac to
i)70 po? third, 1'Zon.tU am! ^?
lav •'
pes* MotstSa
thc.'jXth month tlii-sr’aio with tu,' :f they
prove proficient salt emeu.
Frii mf rraotion Trill ho s< nt you free
a’oouiwo ft that youcandoand live at ..ome,
wherever \ oil sre eitnu cci, 1 ii»t will pay you
from SS to 510 per day. A number have
earned < ver i.S iu Both nxcs, a!t
tfiatima. ages. Ihe ciinpco cf allfo tims. Now is
Fo inr-.s am absolutelyanrefor Oilco
tbo rvoricra. yoor Fort barer aod
E pressjutilrcs*. and state v;tin.*' yon
raw t 1 is aivvitisemcnuiu. i.ddris?,
Standard Silver Ware Co,-
8« Wuchington St,
BODTdK, ra.Ri.tS3: ■
lb ,av ou e CATAR
Kold in the Head, Throat, or Lungs, we ciq
Vire At. yon by our new method. Remedy pleas
tr\mail Cost moderate. Send for sample, whlol /
FREB! Address,
Oviiey is leading i 1 clothing,
When you arc in Dalton dont
forget that L Bucholz keeps the
the standard.confectionaries and is
always ready <c w’ait on the Murray
boys. A good square meal will be
furnished for only 25 cents. Re
meinbgr Mr Buck, first door below
Trevilte & Bryant's drug store.
Of course I got my suit at Ov
bey‘s, no better goods can be had
in the market.
tleo rgia Murrey County
C. C. IIowoll Executor of ostae of I, D
Ilartly represents to the court in his petition
duly filed,that lie has fu'ly administered
said L D Hartly estato according to Ills
will. This is therefore to c (e all persons
concerned, heirs and ciedito f, to show
cause if any they cun, why said Executor
etion.d not be discharged from adiu nistra
tion and receive letters of dismission on the
1st Monday ia May 1881. This i'eby. 4!h
1801. IV. Ii.UiMSET, Oldinary.
Geo gia Murray Conn'y
M A Koislor, Administratrix of R B lvois
ter, represents to the Court in her petition
duty filed, ihst eho has fully administered
said estate. This is therefore to cito alt per¬
sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if ary they can, why said Adtnx.
should not bo discharged from her Adminis¬
tration and receica totters of dismission the
first Monday iu June 1891. This Mardh 3d
1891. IT. II. RsjtSEr, Ordinary,
mm f I
pricer ^SOCTS.
The Best Household Modioine,
Once or twice each year the sys¬
tem needs purging ciog of the impuri¬
ties which the blood. From
childhood to old age, no remedy
meets all cases with the same cer¬
tainty of good results aa
W. C. McGauhcy, Webb City, Ark., writes.
“ B. B. B. has done me more good and for less
money I the than comfort any other of blood life to purifier it.” I ever.used.
owe Shepherd, Norfolk, my Va., August 1888
P. A. io, ,
writes: “ I depend on Ik B. B. for the preservation
of my health. 1 have had it in my famil y now
nearly two years,, and in all that time h ave not had
to have a doctor.’*
lar* Write for Illustrated “Book of Wonders,"
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Go. Sent free.
A pamphlet of Information and ab
Istractof Obtain the Patents, laws,Showing Caveats, How a-rade/S to/
aa\ '®\A.Wre Marks. Copyrights, MUNN A tent CO.My free.em
J^Kk I .
361 Broadway,
WBaBMfc-. New Tort.
Gronota Mckray Coukty
Whereas UN King Admr of
Fickney t Howell deceased, Las in
due loun applied to me lor IclvoIo
sell the lands belonging to the es¬
tate of said deceased end said ap¬
plication will be heard on I he first
Monday in June next. This April
30th 1891. W II Kamsty, Ordinary.
fi® 'k
Commsiclal College mumSSi:
Cheapest & DestRusine:s College in the World.
l»Bbwht ll-mur "uA <IUd »vw u’d mKff M
\V«;rJdV HxnoAltiou. tor t* s stem '•( plBff “fd
(Jcnw'itl Ituwlno^H Fdiiont'ou- 10,0Pfl 4 *ratiu.itit
Itu«1ucwi !.■«?>•* | ft ! - o uvratcmi i :y.
cJ.'f Fall Csiin-^e*. T-.-tunn «i.:.
, Vpjwwu wjgn WUhwr U. 9i»Hh, hate***, »■»*
Millinery (*eod§.
Just Received at the Mlltnerj Slur* ol
J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street/ ,
Dalton, Georgia.
A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and P Straw (, 00 f E ■***;*’,
Bonnets slid Ladies’a r d Children e lints rl “ ,a qjjj,, Satins, »
and SashRibbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet .
Velvets and Crapes, Flower*. Feathers, Ornamen.sAc. X K .
were bon -lit uf thelargestand best importing House sin _
and Not Yorr, and will be sold at very low
more cash.
joes for
1891 . 1891
T. J. Of BE Y,
Spuing Peace, Georgia
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!!
I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready
made clothiug, on the market.
{g^**Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Ilats, Caps, 1, ..Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries etc., and will sell at low prices, fof cash.
■{ DEALER IN '[■ *
Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci
** gars, Hats, Etc.
The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Cofl’e
New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii VFaetory Thread and a select stock
of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold
at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter.
Hemstreet & Leek,
Marble and Granite.
Coping, and General Cemetery Work.
SrEcuL Pricks Given On Application
19 West Montgomery Are.
(Tiattav'cga, Tknk,
C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia.
1891 1891
Robinson & Fincher,
Spuing place, GEORGIA
... .Dealers In. ...
Groceries, Prov'sions, Cot fectiouerie?, Cigars, Tofcaooo, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Ooffea,
Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens'and Till war*| Also a select
Stock of NOTIONS.
.WU1 buy all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn »• • •,«
peas and anything in the produce li.-.e. and pity the
Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce
or buy '-our’groceries &c. '
County Dir cto y.
Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Fcby,
nd August. Jndgo.
Hon. T. W- Milsib.
Hon. A. W. Fitb. Solicitor General,
g. H. Fimoheb, Clork Superior Court.
Court of o rdinnr y meets 1st Monday in
each month.
W. H. Rabs v, Ovdinsty.
J. C. McENTtBE, Sheriff.
M. H. BaiUEi.RTTK, Tax Receiver,
M. M. Witcu, Tax Coileotor.
J. A. Dicxson, Treasuror.
M. Romrms, Surveyor.
H. V. Tockkr, Corencr.
Court of County Commissioncts meets on
Wednesday after 1 st Tuesday ip each month.
W. Lt'FEMtN Chairman—W. E. Coyino
S. A. Gkegory, A. B. Weaver, J*s
W. Mackey, Commissioners. ,
Town District 2nd Monday.
Ball Ground.Dist. 3rd Satur ay.
Eighth 2 nd
DoMittte “ 4th “
Tenth “ 3rtf ”
Alaculsa “ 2 nd “
Sh lek Pen “ 2 nd “
! Balt ft n “ 4th "
1013th “ 1 st »
| .
: County’ School B aril— cf <*•
Ks W. RMjB»mr, T.j. Brvaxt, a . » 3
l ••
J, A. McK»«T, A. T.WfiAVlS.
E. T. V & V. R’YJME; ( Du ll.
Oorreclod to May 11th, ’90.
Trains From Dalton
No. 1. 9:06 p. m., for Rome, Selma, Mo¬
bile, New Orleans* Texas and California
No. 11. 12:44 ni ht for Rome, Atlanta,
Macon, Savannah, Brunswi ft and Jackson¬
No. 13. 2:37 r. it., for same as No; II.
No. 2. 3r4fl p. m , for Knoxville, Bristol,
Washington, Philadelphia end New York.
No. 14. 4:05 p. it., for Chattanooga,
Memphis, Littie Rock, Ft. Worth, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago.
No. 12. 4:47 a. u., For sums peintE re
No 14. 4
No. 16 11:30 A. M. ” ”
Through Sleepers to Nlcw Orleans, Flor¬
ida, New Yerk, Philadelphia, Washington,
Cincinnali and Memphis,,,
B. W. Wresn, G. P £;T. I A. Knoxville,
Tenn. J. L. SsiiTH, Jit W. E. Soitox,
T. P. A. Dalton, Ga«
!?»•' flrmvn'H Iron Ttiitcrs.
dealers I’hystotans reconinicmt ft.
. Ait .keep 1*. Hi.Oii tier bottle. Genirin*.
fca» usflfr mark ami crossed iv.l tines on wntpper