Newspaper Page Text
Pill your head with good purposes,
your with stomach honest with good and food, your pock
»t» money, your
of happiness will be reasonably full.
take Brown* old Iron Bitter*—it gives strength,
m iking persons pleasant reel young—and take. young
persons strong; to
It is best not to dispute when there is no
probability of convincing.
Oeamess Can’t be Cared
HHBHt Ton have a rnnibllas sound imper¬
fect hearing, and when it fa or
deafness is the result, and unless entirely the inflam¬ closed,
mation can bo taken out and this tube re
K&ftKIS caused by catarrh, 1 which
^im is nothing but an In
B i °oni Hundre^bottarf'for
of deafness giv B any
case (caused Hafi by catarrh! that we
SSS 0 C Sim b ^ k f^. '' *****
tor 0 J/cbimt*
Soid _ F. Co.,T oledo, o.
. by druggist . IS cent-.
Lteht Heart, and Plenty Ueaer.
"SEJW&TOST I har/e completed my first week ?r»V with my
ater *cheap from the/ocmM° the Lako Electric set? a** PlaterT*and^how cp..Knglew°od,
JJ"* amonnfof taXwaro m G k There ?«* t*
and jewelry
plenty money. --:- _
PnttaoN al—F mi—To all persona who are
bald: We will send free information howto
grow a luxuriant suit of hair, no matter what
For Loasjs ^ucuia^ud^tT^outeifwriteP^fi * Co. Box 536, Lexington, Ky.
To Am upon a determination made In anger
k like embarking in a vessel during a atorm.
Fob Dyapepaja, Indigestion and Stomach
disorder*, Tonic, it rebuilds uae Brown’s the Iron Bitters. cleans the The Blood Beat
and strengthens the muscles. system, A splendid ton*
to for weak and debilitated persons.
Tiibhk is a sufBclent^recoinyenMB in the very
FITS Stopped free by Du. Kmnb’s Great
l ottle Dr. Kline. fM’SJSTwtffi Philo.,
tree. KJI Arch St., Pa.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp
t on’s Eye-water.Druggists sell at25c per bottle.
For a disordered liver try Beecham's
Mo Wa RS’Friend mso^
Ml ft
4 ? Lessens pa
MothersC fflL&i
If a price can be placed on pain, “ Mother’s Friend ” Is worth Its weight In
gold. My wife suffered more In ten minutes with either of her other two
children than she did altogether with her last, having previously used
bottles of ” Mother's Friend^ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be¬
come a mother. Geo. F. Lockwood, Carml, III.
Writs The Bradfield Reprnlator Cn., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sent by express, charges
paid, on receipt of price, <tl.50 per bottle. Bold by druggists.
1 "ii m 1 m
& I
£S If
s ■*«'
ffl Up] Jpg
A cough or cold
is a spy which has
stealthily come inside
the lines of health
and is there to dis
cover some vulner¬
able point in the fortification of the constitution which is
guarding your well-being. That point discovered the spy
reports it to the enemy on the outside. The enemy is the
changeable winter climate. If the cold gets in, look out
for an attack at the weak point. To avoid this, shoot the
spy, kill the cold, using SCOTT’S EMULSION
of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites
of Lime and Soda as the weapon. It is an expert cold
slayer, and fortifies the system against Consumption ,
Scrofula, General Debility , and all Ancemic and Wasting
Diseases (specially in Children'). Especially Palatable helpful for
children to prevent their taking cold. as
SPECIAL.—Scott’s Emulsion is non-secret, and is prescribed by the Medical Pro¬
fession all over the world, because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such •
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
CAUTION.—Scott's Emulsion is put np in salmon-colored wrappers. Bo aura and
get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott A Bowne, Manufacturing Chemists, New York.
Bold by all Druggists.
Have You a Cough?
Have You a Cold?
Or Consumption?
V*, ^ tvTayl° r,s Cherokee Remedy of
^ ■
<• Sweet Gum and Mullein
Ask your Druggist or Merchant for it. Take nothing else.
i^EW, the Sores, Kestorea A R.MSriSSS5u, Taste and SnaeM, the Nasal Heal* Cnrea m
N m
Both the method and faults when
by d run ,»fre»hing of FlgS 18 taken the ; it IS and pleasant
“ to taste, acts
gently Liver ind yet promptly Bowels, cleanses On the Kidneys,
the sys
aches tem effectually, and fevers dispels aid colds, habitual hefld
Constipation. Svrup of FigS is the
only autid, remedy P^g of its the kind ever and pro
to taste ao
ceptable to the stomach, benefit prompt 4 in
it* action and truly its
healthy prepared agreeable only from substances, the most its
to all and have q ualit made j es it ««-«“ the most J
popular H remedy known. f 1. In BOn
vrun n 01 f I?;™, i R or m
and $1 bottles , by all leading drug- j
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro*
cure it promptly for any one whs
wishes to try it Bo not accept any
np ftl A t A1IA Great The PENSION Bill
lallOlUllMj fftjlR&r__..... Ssldkn, (Mr
1 uahResssta&sBR wu.-s, IMS
M°tr\i. fl
- - --
IIPIUPPsp wi^WhRehaU
WAUsnt*,ea Office «'
u Ihvoboen-nidaifofotmyymnd cums " 3““ on:- $$mmm“ m.
in etch one when “ KW: Mud“
hm baa: used ithu amplified wonder:
mmody mdnliovodnglch fortiungof cumulus. mebmknown, Itinthabat and
worth 3110 price for um. Alone.
Mal. M. K. Banana. Montgomery, Ah.
There were only two little boys la the class,
Two fat little fellows with eyes of bine;
And one was Johnny, oh, listen to this,
The other was Johnny, too.
-SSpell ‘pie,’ ” said the teacher, with smiling
"Now, Johnny Jones, yon must.try.”
He looked very solemn and wise and good,
And he spelled it “F-i, pie.”
"Come, Johnny Smith, I will listen to you,
WhlleJohnny Jones has his cry.”
A gleam of triumph in two blue eyes,
And he straightway spelled “P-y.”
Together the Johnnies came out from school,
Their brave little spirits quelled;
They sr* wondering, woudering,wondering,
What p-i and p-y spelled!
_—[St. Nicholas.
- A music-loving pigeon.
Not far from the writer’s home
there is a little gray pigeon who is a
great pet with his fair young mistress,
and who has shown a great fondness
for music. When his mistress prac¬
tices or takes her piano lesson, so
soon as the first note is struck a gentle
tap-tap is heard at the window, and
there stands the pigeon, begging to
come in. When admitted, he walks
straight np to the piano and lies at the
player's feet, and|all during the music
expresses his admiration in a gentle
cooing. The little creature is affection¬
ate and fond of petting, but will leave
any one to listen to music.—[New
Orleans Picayune.
A traveler mentions that, iu crossing
a plain in Africa, far distant from
any stream of water, where no cool
shade refreshed him, and, as far as the
eye could reach, nothing was to be
seen but heaps of saud, he met with
many creeping plants of luxurious
vegetation. They were covered with
large berries, each berry containing
nearly as much as three teaspoonfuls
of water. On inspecting them more
closely, ho was astonished and de¬
lighted to observe a number of mice,
the only inhabitants of that inhospit¬
able spot, busily employed in nibbling
off the berries and carrying them to
their homes, as seamen would convey
casks of water to their ships.—[De¬
troit Free Press.
lie was only a little bfrd, Little
Tom, and a small one at that; but
when liis owner lost him, she found
that ho had a big place in her heart.
He was ft canary, but instead of bo.
ing a uniform yellow color, he was
beautifully marked; bright yellow
and green wero his colors, exquisite¬
ly shaded, his head being adorned
with a bright green cap.
Little Tom was never confined to
his cage, he had full liberty to roam
about the house, and confidence begot
coniidenee. I think he was fond of
his mistress, at any rate he looked on
her attentions as his proper right, and
did not hesitate to take liberties with
Did she sleep too long in the morn¬
ing, Little Tom would alight on her
bead and try to raise the heavy eye¬
lashes, or in some way impress her
witli the importance of ministering to
bis needs, for he was a great advocate
of early breakfasts.
Seated on her shoulder and picking
»eed from her hand or between her
lips he was happy; but he sometimes
became very angry. At such moments
he would frown, drawing his green
cap down over his eyes, flap his wings,
screech and prepare for battle, and
when thus roused none of the family
cared to meddle with him. A11 knew
by experience what a powerful sharp
little beak he had, and liow ready he
was to use it when aroused by a sense
of wrong to vengeance.
Yes, Little Tom was part of her life
in those days, his cunning ways en¬
deared him to her, and she never
thought of losing him, nor of the blank
in her heart his loss would create, but
his hour camo; the litfle bird with his
exquisite grace and cunning ways and
gush of melody was lost in death.
Years liavo passed, bat Little Tom
is not forgotten, and to his influence
upon his owners the Easton (Penn.)
branch of the Audobon Society owes
its origin. Tlris branch will ere long
have a numerical strength of 1000,
thanks to the organized activity of its
boy members with Albert M. Tomson
at their head.
Uncle Sam’s Fighting: Men.
The United States have a small reg¬
ular army—probably net above 20,000
men, the limit being 26,000. Bat the
uation as a military power is not in¬
consequent. In the states are enrolled
as militiamen 106,269. Behind these,
as a reserve, ave 7,695,242 freemen
who are available for military duty.
In the event of an attack Unci® 6am
would make a pretty big fight before
giving up.— [Cincinnati
Bojra, Tip Your Hat*
Do our boys ever think, as they raise why
tbelf hat* to a lady or girl friend,
respect should bo shown in this way!
Here is the explanation of the custom:
The custom of lifting the hat had its
origin during the age of chivalry, when
it was customary public for knights in full never to It
appear in except armor.
became a custom, however, for friends, a knight,
upon entering an assembly of to
remove his helmet, signifying, “I am safe
in the presence of my friends.” The
age of chivalry passed away with the
fifteenth century, but, among the many
acts of courtesy which can be traced back
to its influence, none is more direct in its
origin than that of lifting the hat to ac¬
knowledge the preface of a friend
Producing Rain by Science.
We may be considered visionary when
we assert that the dime produced is coming when will
copious rains will be at the
of man, and droutbs will hence be the
misfortunes gated of an unenlightened age rele¬ of
to the past by the progress
science. This problem of producing rain
by scientific methods is not a new one.
It has engaged the minds of our scientists
in the past, and it is every day getting
nearer to a practical solution. A few
millions spent by the government in ex¬
periments in this direction will not be
wasted, and the when benefits success will is attained, be simply as
it will be,
incalculable .—Western Plowman.
The most until perfectly he developed and horse trained, is
of no use is broken
and the most brilliant and powerful
mind lies dormant until trained by a
practical education.
i *XF
i. Sk
'AM- tC
Too large
—■the old-fashioned pill. Too
reckless in its way of doing
business, too. It cleans you
out, but it uses you up, and
your against outraged it. Dr. sy§tem rises up
Pierce’s Pleas¬
ant Pellets have a better way.
They do just what is needed
—no ijiore. thorough—nothing Nothing can be
more is as
mild and gentle. They’re the
smallest, cheapest, the easiest
to take. One tiny,' sugar
coated granule’s a genfle lax¬
ative—three to four are ca¬
thartic. Sick Headache,
ious Constipation, Attacks, Indigestion, Bil¬
and all derange¬
ments of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels are promptly re¬
lieved and permanently cured.
“August Flower”
I had been troubled five months
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. I suffered fre¬
quently from a Water Brash of clear
matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick¬
ness at the Stomach would overtake
me. Then again I ♦would have the
terrible pains of Wind Colic. At
such times I would try to belch and
could not. I was working then for
Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor.
Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny
City, Pa., in whose employ Finally I used had
been for seven years. I
August Flower, and after using just
one bottle for two weeks, was en¬
tirely relieved of all the trouble. I
can now eat things I dared not touch
before. I would like to refer you to
Mr. McHenry’, for whom I worked,
who knows all about my condition,
and from whom I bought the medi¬
cine. I live with my wife and family
at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa.
Signed, John D. Cox.
G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
Boy or sell your Cotton 00 JONES
$60 5-Ton JOKES N01 BINGHAMTON, For CHEAPEST OF terms Cotton BINGHAMTON, address BUT N. Scale. BEST. Y.
MU> At Money 0 to Loan policie.
ter cent, on
m/VSg by Order. thi. Anybody first class fraternal act
-J0lV Active ean as
UNION SO? JaSL an well, agent. ladies also. farnisrs 8300 do to
- .
.-J.'MmL 'giP during *4,900 in life, from ud 8 *7 to 7 *o years *49
wwkiyin sickness. Mention
8 Union «. feifeakoB, Square, Hew York
Critic lam. on two recent Memory Content, By. terns. Read?
shout April let. Full Table* of
only to thote who tend stamped directed envelop*.
Ako Proepeotu. POST FREE of the Loleottlan
** r ^r5tSo^TO 1 ^R«h Aval New Totfc
Spring Medicine \
Is so important that great care should be
used to get THE BEST. Hood's Sarsaparilla
has proven its superior merit by its many
remarkable cures, and the Tact that
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
has a larger sale than any other sarsaparilla
or blood purifier shows the- great confidence
the people have in it In fact
The Standard Spring Medicine
Is now generally admitted to be Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla. and It speedily cures all blood diseases
that, iniparte such strength to the whole system
anew.” as one Be lady puts it, “I seem to be made
sure to get
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by an druggist*. *1; «i* for *5. Prepared only | Sold by all druggist*, fi; alx for ti Prepared only
by 0. L HOOD k 00, Apothocarlre, Lowell, Xaaa by O. h HOOD k CO., Apothecaries Lowell,
too Doses One Dollar I 100 Doses One Dollar
Don’t say you cannot get it till you
know how we will furnish you one.
Ask by postal card and we will send
■■ you FREE, A CATALOGUE, tell you
our prices, explain our plan of EASY
, PAYMENTS, and generally post you
jj writing You may save $50.00 by
IVERS & POND PIANO CO., l M3g r H5f r ’
■■ W| piSO’S A REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best. Easiest to use. —
MM Cold cheapest. In Uie Head Relief it has is immediate. A cure Is certain. For I
no equal.
o < r < I
nostrils^ ST 110 ^
Address. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren. Pa.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Saffey Sure* and reliable Fill fbr sate.
, Ladles, ask Druggist fbr Chichester't English Diamond Brand in Ked and Gold metallie \ V
boxes sealed with blue ribbon. Take ao ether kind. Refute Substitutions and Imitation «. V
All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dangerous counterfeits. At Druggists, or send as
T 39
for Is* lHd«t and In
for 85 cents a bottle.
& >1
m >4
-J V
To the Indian Territory we have shipped a
good mauy of our watches. It is thing a (act that
the people out there know a good when
they see it makes it—aqd such wherever one of our itself watches that
goes, other orders a reputation follow. for
are sure to
In this way t he demand for the “Stevens
Watch" comes from every part of the sonth
and most west, they are watches the strongest, in the simplest, market, and, end
considering witch quality, the lowest price. P. Stevens See the
Stevens Whitehall before St., buying. J.
& Bro., 47 Atlanta, Ga. Send
for catalogue.
FOR. A ONB-DOLLAB BILL status by aaS
w. W1U United deliver, StatM, firm oU or of all UM ohorgea touoariag to oay artbUo parsoate aw¬
fully pockoai
On. twoonnoe bottle of Pore VaoMlns. • . 10 cte
One twosranoe bottle of Vaseline Vemod. • 1} *
One jar of of yaoaUne VoMllne Cold Camphor Cream,.....J* loo, M " “
One Vurelln. uMceated, • ■ • • V) •
One Cake of Soaps exqukiietynsatod,* - - “
OnoOaksof VawUnaSoap, Wutw VaseUnsi- *1 —
Ona tvre-ounea botuaof •
Or for postage tKtmve any ttnrfie arilele at the print
named. On no oooonnt be persuade! to aotsp f from
yonrdrnmiet oay Vaetltne or preparation there will fr- at
win labelled Kith ear name, twoalua StOe yon mi
tain/y receive an imitation which hat or no mint
CkoMferoagk alls, to,, 14 Stott 81., N, X.
Cured by Dr. O. P. Brown’s Herbal Remedy* the
Restorative Assimilant. A Treatise free, describing
Grand Kpjleney Street, and Jersey its cure, City, on N eppiioation- J. Established Address 1850. 47
students Harvard, Greely Pant Stretcher
Colleges, Adopted »ho by by profession*} at and business Amherst and other
men every¬
where. If not f<»r sale in your town send 25c. t J
0. J. GREELY. 715 Washington Street Boston.
*?• o r i„ %iat
m nas UoTes
$fo° yf *1.75
MR Sts
fefc.Oo C*cuiiine Laml-scwod, an elegau t iu>d
v gtylish dress Shoe which commeuds Itself.
9 J.00 IIamt-Bewed Welt- A fine calf Shoe un
94m10 equalled Goodyear for style Welt and durability.
is the standard dreei
*3 u .50 Shoe PolicemanN al a popular price. Shoe Is
for railroad farmers, etc. especially adaptei
All made In Congress, Button and Lace.
94.00 sold for this Lndiei, popular is the price. only hand-eewed Shoe
w at
94.50 Dongola Shoe for Ladled, Is a new de»
os parturc and promises to become very popular.
99.00 * Shoe for Ladies* and for 91.75 for Misses
still retain their excellence style, etc.
All goods warranted and stamped witli name os
bottom-. IX advertised local agent cannot supply you,
■end direct to factory enclosing advertised price or
Brockton. Itltua.
WASTED—Shoe dealer iu every oily and
town not occupied to i ake excl naive agency.
All agents advertised catalogue. in local paper. Send
tor illustrated
Every Farm own Roofer
CHEAPER than Shingles, Tin or Slate.
Reduce* Tour INSURANCE, and Perfectly
Fire, Water and Wind Proof.
imm* E«D Our (lew
\ .. . . .. iv.'ci.
Our Roofing is ready formed for the Building,
and Roofing can be applied till write by any one. for Do not De.crlp. buy
any you toue our
Uva Catalogue. Series B. AGENT* WANTED.
H 9 Requires PATfcTT,
"livdRggtasg addition Of xr
tVhero we have no Agent will rrnng.
with any active merchant.—1,. & M.--N.Y.
SEEDS. i&*^MArjS^bo^^
d.TLTr #
garden teed Try (3W> papurs) IW at $3 per case, beats consign¬
ments. Grass, Herds one. Clover, Orchard Grass, Blua
G.over Grass. Timothy. Johnson Grass, Lucerae,
and Tail-meadow Oat Grass. Catalogue Free.
We import the iamoua Bermuda Grass and aeJl It at 99
per lb. McMlliLAN, German Millet,$1.75 bushel. Send your oriSere.
J. II. 25 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga.
?1to universal satisfaction. Why theoM you « m? rakL
liemeu’s profits when you can buy direct from us, the
manufacturers t Send us 910 and the following measure!
vnd we will guarantee to fit and please yon or refund
your money. Rules for measurement : breast measure
jv^r vest, close up under arms, waist measure oret
at waist, and inside leg measure from crotch te
Send Six Cents for U samples of our 910 Mea’«
Suits, fashion plate and tape measure. Boys’ Suits, 95. Wi
'in Id van’s Suits, IA ED. E. HUMTLBT
YikoltUls Taller*. 154 g-t gsdlma Strorf, fhlmge, 1%
A. N.U. ....... .........Sixteen, ’Si.