Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, June 07, 1836, Image 1

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^Ajanbarb of ^£n:eit, 1 On the 16th of April, this bill was taken [ _ „ ...n iWAjtif. v, "P in ll,e Senate. But two day* of the ] T} Y • - n -l\ .) .H aCY, 1 session remained. On motion of Mr. Van ! Publisher (liy Authority,) of the Lair* | Buren. that portion which authoriied the! of the L ailed Slate*: 1 immediate commencement of the work was purr on Oreenc Street, nearly oppo- * ricken ou>, and the bill was confined to site the 31:trkrt. ! the procurement of more accurate surveys ; Iwue-1 eve#v Tuesday morning,m$Jperan««*. 1 a "‘ J l “. “PI"™ of bis „ . ... Mr .Van Buren said it was evident to bis j(eai“of Mr. Jefferson’s, and finally his Xeulorts and honorable support of Governor - .... c * , -*a • . » mu *-» u i *- •• s"ui u »»t3 CMiflll Ul 111 > No subscription taken lor Urn a vear, . .. . » , ... . ' . , J ’, thru the Letridature did net possess k.I nn nannr ri ivrui.11niit*rl tint at tl.» 4 M . ... 1 in a thousand ways. But we are told that occurred to disturb this lingular coalition ! ings on the sudden demise of Governor the people cannot bear the burden. Sir, I of opposite political parties, But in the Clinton, Mr. Y'an Boren, then i member oil assume it as a tact, that the people have al- difficult talk of making his appointments,! the Senate, introduced some appropriate. Tompkins and of the national administra ready consented to it. lor six years we Governor Clinton g;> v e gwat ofience to the resolutions with the following remarks* lion, during the most* gloomy period o have been engaged upon tins business, republicans who hilvielded him their sup- I “ Mr. Chair ,nx—We have met to pay Gurmg tins time our tables have groaned port . This difficulty widened into an open ;l tribute of resoect to the memory of oaf with the petitions of the people from every ri ,p,„ re ; and a large ma(„ri,y of the te- | J ate Governor and distinguished feJlgW-cftfaMT"'- V" — V ^ -- ----- - , publican party, Mr. Vau'linren among I len> De Witt Clinton. Some of o*mhii®» alor ™ 1S19 ‘ CoL Youngrfeciined be- | meat; wh section of our country in favor of it. And of ; very nnmerottx ,lhe war, had won for him the high respect; « ho, inured, ind confidence of the democratic, party.— ' collision, we the unsuccessful! attempt to elect a j dispassionate! and no paper discontinued, but at do option of i sufficient information to justify the itWdi- tU publisher, untd al! arrearages aru paid. , tL . < ominencement of the work ; and fear- Adverti.waiests conspicuously insetted at the ing inconsiderate legislation might preju- asual rates—those not limited when i.iinded in, dice the measure, as a sincere friend to its will bo inserted ’till forbid, aud charged accord- success, lie believed a temporary postpone' ugly. IScuiin rat.r linoji, Hep rib. ir«n Ticket. WUUiiDJuNX, MARTIN VAN BURE! FOR. VICE-PRESIDENT, RICHARD M. JOHNSON. ment to be the safest course. The amend ment passed the Senate by a vote of twen- 1 J ty te nine and was dually adopted by the j house. __ Asa, , equent year, a lull lor the commence ment of this great work finally passed tie ]! house of Representatives. It was strongly ! opposed by some gentlemen of great abili ties, w hose constituents wotdd probably be j effecteJ in their local interests, and was ! sustained by Mr. TiLbets and Mr. Van Buren. The speech of the latter is thus in- E LECTOR AI. TICKET. THOMAS F. HENDERSON, of Franklin, : rodured by the gentleman from whose re i port it is here extracted.* W.M. B. BULLOCH, of Chatham. SAMUEL GKOVES, of Madison. THOMAS HAYNES, of Baldwin. REUBEN JORDAN, of Jones. WILSON LUMYKIN, of Walton. WILLI. 4 M PENTICOST, ol Jackson. THOM VS SPALDING, of McIntosh. JAMES (t. WATSON, of Mutcorca. WM. It. WOFFORD, of Habersham. THOM AS WOOTEN, of Wilkes. any longer a candidata. The attention is. politic?! friends was then directed to King, whom they were strongly dispo- support, provided it could be doue .without suspicion of an improper coalition federal friends, and without hazard prospect of a demoeiutic ascenden- e legislature. rember 1819, a pamphlet entitled A&flculUt'' 'ppoinuneiu impolitic it ar.d were quent reficctlp 1 . justice and Were decFivrdj by the bolds the lief to and wxre uecetvei;, «jy a by the boldsV % Aeftt their leaders If I i Ref that their Ni :,^ei*n to Franco r : to pi and who <>« / V cause* J political oppVvms, wiivclt is common patties, were im.uced to make ulitlte opp,w- I “ This was Mr. Van Burcn’s great speech of the session, and it was indeed a master* i ly effort. I took notes of tliewhoie debate at the time, but being then young in the, ! business of reporting, and this being the first time I bad ever attempted to follow , ! Mr. Van Buren, whose utterance is too ra- • pid for an unpractised pen, and whose man lier was, on that occ ision, too interesting! | to allow a reporter to keep his eyes upon I | his paper, my effort was little more than a — ! failure.” CHAPTER VII. I Mr. Van Buren said lie must trespass | Mr. Van Bl re.n’s defence of the Clatsifr ! a P on * l,e committee, while 1,e st:,u ' d ““-‘I catio-bilL Is appoint! d Attorney Gti| genera! consideration which induced bun end of Sew York.—Give* an efficient f° K ,ve h,s vo!e for ll,c b,,L was sub -! suuport to the project for ,hc Erie and J ect whlcb 1,3,1 been s;> full >’ discu « cd > ai,d | Champlain Canal*. upon which so much had been said, that ‘ . • he should deem it arrogance to enlarge.: AtTEit the passage of the classification ti.„ _ , , . • - , , , *?. , . . 1 . , ° . . 1 l he calculations win, li had been made with bill by the Legislature, it met with great ... I ° .. . •» . respect to the probable expense ol the ca- I nut a solitary voice bus been rated against ,| ieir number, w ithdrew tin ir support from r , n , iave bcen so kind as as , { _ UfVl, r • ,,re " 7 , Tr r. 7 Yr - awVm ' S r #SU , rW . and n , ,ade : pare a ruitaUe expression of regret tlie d.visions that have heretolore preparation to oppose his re-election. 1 he a , 1( j I Imve, in rur nance of theii existed upon tins subject, apparently arising participation of Mr. Van Buren in this cp- drawn up what has occurred to me- from hosti.ity to the comriii.sio.iers. Last position, brought upon hm> the political fr to be said on the occasion. e * k D,e . b ' 1 ’ .^renr eTmai-!!- AS ’c ven b' ean « of the conn .1 of appointment, submit it to the consideration of the seiiibly, tlie iminetuate representatives of vvbo W ere devoted t the wishes of Mr. 1 beg to be iiulolsed in a few brief Hu- peoplei an.l ll.i, jeor « Sa, pa.sed Clinton. AccordindvJ in lulv IS19, lie 1 „ v mnhinn of the dice, og iin. Tliis was c*oc!utive evidence that fro., 1 ‘.fee V Annrnev Cn £ To the people have alined to it. Little can General; the duiie. -f.Cifekl 11 lu.Adk- i ... ■l.l..;. ic by tli • c*>aunis-ioneri, other than n> t nim-i-nd^filti ' iktOrikilMkii}- .S r -SS 1 -v _ i ii • - _ s addressed T "to the republican MMMr^nu mic lost—the?e canb« no loss ! ,|,; s measure than the opposition of Mr. the uiuiring^ea^and*”^!^ 1 !:^^- mcnibers " f ,ll< ‘ I^gishiture of Ncw-York . rl ... i'C new all the in- Van Buren to the Govern it*. I which those talents Imve^ thromrb a ceri™ r- V “one of their colleagues.” It was I stlion to government which they lawfully we must make up This violent art united the /rreat mass of 0 f vear , t.pen H voted ilv^irn r 1 nnderstood to be from the pen of Mr. Van could, within the pale of the constitution. tiS" vear afte X r^e« ng ol a we* the "P"?'™ 77 in ^P° tUion to G “'-1 of plans or great public utility, are also Burcn ! and as il contains ’ not mert ‘ ,v an ! ‘ lI " thelhird , las5 ’ ^ incU,d «‘ d 1,11 »»»•* = . y ear altt jear, or we ernor Clinton and bound tuern more strong- known to von ill and hv oil I nn cmi-fied must go on with the project. After so much , tliail ever to Mr. Van Buren. His long 122 ^’ Th^t biect can d ? er ve has been done and said upon the subject, course of Diiblic service were remembered 11 s,b J tct can derive it would be dtscrediible to the state ’ . LOUrs f ol P”Oi>c scrv 1C e were nmem nncl, no additional interest or importance from abandon it. d,SCredUble ‘°‘ bt S,ale 10 ; especially Ins zealous support ol the de-; any eulopv of mine . A 11 other consider- “ „ • mocrattc cause during the gloomy period, alions oulof vicW) t hesin ? Ie fact that the He considered it the most important of the war, and h.s honorab.c co-operation greatest public improvement of the b'gd in vote he ever gave in bis life—but the pro- at a more recent pertod, with Mr. Clinton which we live, was commenced under the ject, if executed, would raise the state to j himself, in the great work of mternal navi- gllidanre of , lis colln ci| s , and splendidly the aighest possmle pitch cl lame and gran- gatmn. Accordingly, when die periou of accomplished under his immediate auspices, deur. He repealed that *ve were bound to Mr. Clinton’s public ser ice drew towards ■ is 0 f itje |f su ffi cient to fill the ambition of consider mi tlie people have given their a close, the] most strenuous exertions were, anv mall> an ,| to gj ve g | orv to anv nalne . Tweh * thousand men of vvealth made by the throughout the \ B.jt, as has been justly said, his life, arid lability in the city wf New York, state, to prevent Ins re-elec.ion. Air. \ an character, and conduct, hav our minds either su.yis in assent. Tvvelv and respt LIFE OF MARTIN VAN BUKEN, I5T WILLIAM M. HOLLAND. thousand men 1 in the city wf last year petitioned for the canal; and at Buren naturally took the lead in their ef- nmneriv of tl.n i.. ntlr i ,i. , • all events before the operation would be fort,: and Daniei D. Tompkins, em, |,:,ti- :1 P P ° f ,hl 1,,>,or,a " 4 a,,d tbere 1S 1,0 commenctd, the exposition of the reasons for his support of | w ho, entertaining a correct sente of their Mr. King but also discriminating views oL country’s rights, a lively sensibility for her the federal party, and a distinct expression wrongs, and a suitable s^ irtt to defend the of the great rule of action which has guided ! former, and redress the latter, rosi-superior his political life, to wit a scrupulous obser- to the prejudices and passions of those with servance of the will of his constituents,— whom they once acted, and throwing down the following passages are extracted from the weapons of paity warfare, enrolled it. ; themselves under the banners of their eouti- 1 try. “ To lhe Republican lumbers of llic Legit- “Those whom l have first designated, future oj the State uj A etc \ oik. \ ( |',jp| a \their principles, and gave earnest “A fellow member, who knows, and is ' of ttieir designs, by assisting nt, or n!>et- personally known to most ol you, who ting, the ever memorable convention at become the has from Ids infancy, taken a deep n crest Hartford, and those preceding efforts of all event-, before the operation would be Ibrt, ; and Daniel D. Tompkins, enq hati-! reaMjii "to ''ilnuin' illa- 'l/iAorv'"vviil ^lo ,S h! > ni ’ 1 “’ M0 1 r an<1 l’ ro 'F )e "|. v °) tbe P art J' to factious opposition, which were connected .• ... r. T ««***-■ — *—‘I reason to doubt that history wiil < mmenetd, the people, if opposed to the cally the man ol the people, was prevailed justice. Tim triumph of his tala, measure, would have ample time to express upon to become the opposing candidate.! patriotism, cannot fail to become their will upon the subject. Although Mr. Clinton’s policy had already ! meats of high and endurin The reporter adds: “ When Mr. Van assumed the strongest anti-democratic char Buren re-iuned his seat. Mr. Clinton w ho acter. yet tlie splendor of bis abilities, hi .. ^ 1 ... ; I VVIIIIPHHIJ Ul IMJlilllHI llui ,>li,vw>a .-»! W..., n |„M a .1.;. «#.,#,» . . .. , I , , . “ is siaic ol iw rcvolmiou : and ns their mo- which you belong, and who, if lie lias ever w h|, it. The rising indignation of the talants and | erred in bis labors to promote its best inter- American people, however, retarded the cx- monu- est, has erred from defect ofjudgeinent ecution of their designs until i .... - ,an!e • *’ e not from a want of devotion to the cause, end to their j cannot, indeed, but reincmbec, tl at in our ! peace put alt ir prosecution. Their labors ied nublie earner ... r • • , ventures to aiidres j on on tlie subject o| totliesameresultsvvitiitlioseofiheirrro- had been an attentive listener in the Senate former public serv ices, and his great pci -1 action, at once extensive, earnest" aBden- 1 ' L \ t ' b,a,;e of Senator u. represent tli chamber, breaking through that reserve j sonal weight of character drew temporarily] during, have arisen between the deceased in the Legislature of the Union. opposition from Cliancellor K-nt in tlie ,, ..... „ . .. Inal, and the ways and means for raising! Conned ol revi,ion. On the 21st ol Octo- fl . r. . i • ... . . i funds, were fit suhjiets for consideration, her lie delivered au opinion, embracing i> , . , ,, - . . , .... , , . , . .. ° out to do this lie oceined him,elf incompe- nve objections to the bill, which were tor- ,, . . . c . 1 ... i . ,. , . . , , i lent, fie must place great confidence up lifted liy Ins usual u.geiiuili and earning. „ • - * -. 5 I on the reports of the commissioners rr., on tiie reports ol the commissioners upon J he opinion of the Chancellor was over- ,i„ „ • , xr x- u i . , , • , ...uj i .i .i . . , these points. Air. \. B. here took a brief ruled by the o-.ltcr tneuibciF o the lonnci but • r c i , . , , , = ... . , review of die measures adopted at the Iasi bis objections found their way into the pub- :if die Le deuce in tlie validity of the Jaws and in the discretion ol'tliose who enacted them. Col. Samuel young, who was at that i - ■ • . . . ,, , ’’ 41 I mi-sifini’r so minute as at nresenl. Under UJJOII f pled at the last , . . - ■, , i tn me Mcuisliiturc in relation lie prints ami coming from so respects ; e - , ° . ... . r , . ; to the canal, when a bill similar to the source, wore secure! upon nv political puli- , , ,. . .. ‘ . - ‘ " one now belore the Senate, was undei xans, as a inean> ol iiiii.-aritig public cadi* ■ i .- r , , j , .i *, , ■ ... 1 consideration, and stated the reasons why he voted egainst the bill at tuat time. Ue then had no calculations made by tlie com , . ; mifsioner so minute as at present, U^sperker of the bouseo Repr«e.UatA-es ^.^iderations, he conceived it Ins in die New York Legislature, imdThft ' j ( the last ses-ion, to move the rejec- been the n.twt prominent sopporier of this oflhc wh(>le bi |[ re | ati , lg lo tbe t „ m . measurs ,□ that body addressed a series ol IKe(lcenM . nt ofthp ca „al. It was done, and, 1 letters to t ie Chancellor in the public prints he lla(J t!le iat i B(att ion to find that most gen- in which be defended the measures ol the de.i.ei, have since united with Inn, in hi* democratic party, and the classification b.l I iuion . Now the st .,. lie ; s e , u irei v chang- m paniculai, with signal eloquence and ; e() . We al lhat time , )a , sel i a | aw - a p poill b t . ability J be letters were signed June j ncw coimuissi „ ngj aud applying 20,000 Consultu*. They were replied to hv the , u euablc , llt . K1 to oblain a || tlle Chancellor lumself under the signature ol ,- Hnnalioil posilb |,. We now have the in- mn ns u rule. At this point Mr. Van formation, and we have arrived al the poiut, Buren entered into the controversy, and , wl if lllis bi || do llot pass> t |,e project replied to the str.ctures of the Chancellor : lnu . t for be abandoned. Ilis under the signature o. Awirus Juris Con- C0nvicl!Oll5 wert ., lbal ; lis f lir ,|, e honor and til/lilt. He first took a general v^w of j jBtereit o| - , be sla , e c0 , 111I)ent . e tlle H ork •evera topics connected with the controver-! atonce . we are p | e dged by former mens ay, and, ... conclusion, minutely rev.evved uret do it. Mr. Van Buren here re- thesevend object,on. raised by the Chan- vleHtdlbe proceedings ol fornwr legisla- ceMof ... the l onnc.l of revision as Amicus tlirt - s upon the subject, during tlie year 1S10, Curiae riieroiitrorersy, involving aues- n , 12, and 14, when, i„ consequence of t.o..s of ccnstiiulional aw ol the greatest tbe war> lbeJaw appropriam.^five millions magnitude, as well as the most exciting po- for , he ,. allal) was ,-epealed. He i.roeeed- iitical (iiiestions, attracted great attention i c- . • , * . . „ h ,. . . cd:—Since that period, new commissioners am i ii w ori i t ii lu est display ol bavc been appointed, and new awtliority- learning and ability on both su es. By giv t . n , to examine the r.m e for the canal, some o . r. .m *jrin > tricnds, it ua* a „ ( j re p OI *t at ilie present session of the Le- deemed rashness on Ins part, toentei the lists | g islalu - e . A law authorising the com- which political collisions had created, ap- to his support, no inconsiderable portion ol an ,i manv „f us For myself sir, it gives proaciied him and expressed his thanks for the former democratic pi. ty. The contest me a deep-felt, though nieiancliol v satisfac- his exertions in the most flattering terms.” . was close and animated, and the result, for] t i„„, t0 know, and more so, to be couscous, Il will be proper, here, to insert a brief, several days, was ext,em.dy doubtful. ,Mr.- that the deceased also felt and acknowhl cunstancc s render the si,biect one nlrnn- description of Mr. VanBnren’i manner as ! finally succeeded by a majority ot edged, that our political differerces have a speaker, at that period, sketched by the 1457 ; out of 93,437 votes, This result been wholly free from that most venomsus same able writer who furnished the above I sufficiently indicated t!ie great change in and eorrodingol'allpoisons.persoiialaa- report; tlie author of it wiil, at least, be free ! P l, blic opinion, produced by the unexpec- tred. from the charge of personal or political par- te(1 llmi « bkb l,e S a 'e toliis sdministrution. j .* R„ t olb „r re?t , C cts it is now imniftc- tiality. ; The whole number of voles against him, on r i a l wba , , vas tbe diaracter of tlnse collis- 44 Mr. Van Buren is a very eloquent b ‘ s * ormcr election, wasj but twenty-two i on ..—They have been turned to nothing, speaker: bot the character of his eloquence i ,,,ore tban bls P r *sem^inajurity. and less than nothing, by tlie event we de ls sui generis. We know of* none of tlie ! Both houses of the Legislature and the mighty inasters of the persuasive art, whom Council of appointments, however, were lie lias adopted for his model ; and yet his decidedly democratic; anil it w as hence ap- inanner is graceful, and animated when oc- parent that the rule had passed out of feder- casion requires, or impassioned when enga- al hands ged upon aa inspiring theme. He happy cu^.iiaad. of language, but bis ance is too rapid. flis figure is smal tlifre is nothing peculiar in hi:, person, ex- r,,, . , , , , ,| , S 1 .- , The writer is persuaded thst h cepling the hue lorniation of his head, , . . 1 . ,, ,, ... i i n- i iii i • c speak the seiiliineuts of Mr \ an Luren and, which would afford an admirable subiect for . , ... , . , . ’ a craniologist. With manners affable and b . ,S fr " ,ed *’ l *T‘ S insinuating, his friends with the "Z’ ‘ j • >lace * Ivat ong, splendid i . i . i-.- i ■ talent and great public service ol Lie Witt strongest attachment know n to political ties ; 1 /» , .. and It.m.rvl. „h-M,l..en.M,l I.;/ ,„„/;. t ii„„,l Lluitou. On many public occasions, lie litical Sentiments which < lives were less pure, and their conduct less *' I he State ol parties, the character and excusable, they have reaped a i. ore autiii* standing of the most prominent candidate dam harvest oVpablicoliloqnyaml disgrace, for your favor, the general aspect ofpoliti-] 44 Manv of those included in the second cal affairs, and a variety of concurring eir- class, whatever tuny have been lilt? extent of their delusion at the moment, anti how*- ceded delicacy, and not entirely free from ever strong the infatuation hv wliKli :liev difficulty. ' j „ t . re blinded, would, ut all limes, have It is, notwithstanding, one oil which will shrunk from die abandonment of the ac- be our duty soon to art ; and all experience knowledge'll interests of their country, ami demonstrates, that nothing its* well ca!ru- have, subsequently, embraced every ,»i,- lated to a judicious exercise of power, as a portunity to testify their devotion to the free, frank, and unrestrained d'.-xussion cf public interest. There is moreover, cowl tlie subjects of it; and nothing, certainly, reason to believe, that they will all, in due better comports with the character, or is season, be found to have embarked in the more congenial to the feelings of freeman, same cause with tlie republicans of the .. . | than that those discussions should be alien- state, and ol tlie unioii. Nor have we ii* mime, and our warmest gratitude for j ded with all possible publicity. It is with failed, and, I hope, we never shall tiiil, in ns great an signal services. For myself, | lb ose convictions and upon the impuls of becoming liberality o<" sentiniri t, towards iminalion is under- that portion of our fellow ei.izens, ot in ex plore, and I doubt not that we will, with one voice and one heart, yield to his memory the well deserved tribute of oor respect for has a A restoration to the office of Attorney ! ?| r ’ s; ’ strong, so sincere, and so engrossing i sncb feelings, that this exatni i utter- : General was now tendered tovMVan Bu- 13 d1,11 L>t ,n tf’ that I, w ho whilst living, no » iennken. 11, and ' ren bu i was deelinetl by him. \ ' cr ’ no never, envied him any thing, now «• When this question wr that lie has fallen, am greatly tempted to etl- * ,a bu:! -» '-in, his grave with its honors. Ol this, the most afflicting of all be- . ^ reave meats, that lias fallen on his wretched licans were spoken of, and one was actually em-ing that resjVct.'u! dcleience for tli* 4 question was presented to | freedom of o|>inion, which should cvcij the Legislature at their last session; lire characterize the conduct of men, who, ac- names of several ol our friends, who are mated by pure motives themselves, an- seir- rieli in tlie esteem and congdence of repub- know ledge is such as to have placed him in K»v« e *prw* ,0 .i to.pol,uca,n.ents which the front rank at the bar, which his successful " ,d,c 1 i . ,u ‘ d - ■" « b e «orus M Ins biographer, career in politics bears ample testimony to i a «-'‘h •» man s capacity lor self- politics bears ample testimony to talents of au elevated order, and attart in tlie management of men, and in the control of parties, without i. living parallel.” government and an unconquerable hostili ty to arpitrary and illc-ga- power, in what ever shape it inighl appear.” The proniu!- ... , ,. gation ol these sentiments brought upon As the great scheme ol internal improve- i liln , he bostilitv of the federalists, and won nients in New York, was thus indebted, ... for , lim tbe bigh ., o2 - tllc democrali c part, for its first adoption, to h.s exertions, parly) tt|l0 wcre dispose d l0 transfcr t0 and desponding family, what shall I say? Nothing.—Their grief is too saered to, de scription ; justice can alone be done to it by sibleof 44 the safety vith w bicli error of" o- piniou may be tolerated when reason is left free to combat it.” 44 As to tlve meriuof that description of federalists, who arc embraced in the third class, there lias not lee.i, nor can there ever ■gainst such a veteran ill politics and oue mencement of the work has passed the pop- So, at every subsequent period, it received his efficient support. To enumerate the va rious occasions upon which tliis support was exhibited would swell this portion of the present narrative to an tnultieextent. !t om. The resolutions pressed, on behalf of tlie meeting, deep and sincere sorrow for of Provide CHAPTER IX. .. ii i . . .. ,, mciii.rim.iii ui me duii\ iitiw iitt so profoundly learned m constitutional law u , ar brallc(l of llic Legislature as ( lianccllor Kent. Tin? result, however, we |. ave lbe dearest convictio atnl unle^. . lions tiiat tlie ' showed that they loid n->t sufficiently aDDre- . * .- i i ., ll,c . J i.uimicimv appic proj^t ls impracticable, or the resources ol iwcrs. His papers exhibited • a:.. V* cian d his poui rs. Ilis papers exhibited 0 ui state insufficient, jou must not ripodc greal ability and research, and he so dear- (fom tbe mcasures alrt . ady taken . jJfZ ly demonstrated both the policy and const.- satisfied lhv> , uv „ f oinb? WT bavc tutionality ol llic art. and ^ocomDlctlv au- ■ ■ ■ ■ . . / , \ “ ^ ‘ nad able, compeieut commissioners to re- port, and they have laid a lullYement be- nihilated the arguments ofjiis advisary, .ha. porl> „„„ lmve )aju a Iull u^^ment be-1 the latter withdrew from the contest by the , (l}K u .. vve arc bound l0 reJ ti Te these re- I ^ 'T| tat | , ° n '•'* * C . ar 'l' •• ports a* correct evidence j^Cti4bis subject.! i lie Irariinig and talent displayed in this controversy, contributed greatly to his ele- ;nce jpw lu iio part ri the biisinjiS have we looked to individual states, osmo-the L'niied States vation to the office ol Attorney General of • . . a - » i ^ ... . J j lor assistance, odier .Ann accidental or aux- th* State, w hitli appointment he received in February fSlo. He was at that time thirty-two yrarsof age. During the same sessiion, he was also appointed bv the Le gislature, a regent cf the Univer.ity of N. Y ork. iliary. M r. \ aii'Btoren here made some calculations relative to the funds. Lay out of view, said lj^, all tbe accidental resour ces, and the mfvcuue from the canal, and in completing the work jou will only entail the reverence, confidence and affection they had always entertained for lii> illustrious uncle, George Clinton. But 41 these po litical principles” as the biographer, he- ... ~ , . . , ,, l° re quoted, aptlv remarks, “ though re- w.ll suffice to subjoin the following general cognized hv the great of our fellow | statements from the pen ol the learned and dl izcns. are apt lo be forgotten by our puli- i amtable biographer of Jlie- illustnonsUm- : |i c mcn wbell elevated to office.” Mr.! lon ‘ _ ■. . ’ ! Clinton’s public course docs not seem to ‘‘ To th^: Htin. Cadwallader D. Colden, have been so steadilv regulated by them, 1 Martin Van .Buren; Jacob Rutsen, Van ] as to have retained the .•oafidetire,’the de- Mr. Van Buken’s support of Rufus Kin" ReiiSselner, James Lynch, Petef-Jti.Jjt.yi.-ufnocrucy were disposed to place in him.* •'-■-- *■’ - n VTilliam Russ, and YVillinia A. Duer, the j By the current, of event- which vve hav? state owes a debt of gratitude for their pa- thus briefly related, Mr. Van Buren and triotic exertions in behalf of the canal.” Mr. Clinton were arrayed against each * * “ Tlle Hon. Martin Van Buren and other as the distinguished and aide leaders the other gentlemen just mentioned, were of opposite political partits. A most vi distinguished liy their support of the legis lative measures then adopted. Those gen tlemen, then members of the Legislature, independently of their able, and in most in stances, llieir uniform support of the cana policy ^.signalized themselves by very im portant services in rescuing the bill from : ta’.e of jeopti/dy, even when it bad been, voted for to fill the existing vacancy. It is satisfactory ascertained that all those - j tliose deep and silent, but agonizing feelings, sarv hsrc to state, but which are of a nature which on their account pervade every bos- j reflecting upon them the highest honor, | be a div ersity of opiaion among ns. Il vv , w hich evince an entire devotion to out look back to that period which, n second r ‘ bus imrodured, ex- cause, and entitle them to a continuance of] time, 44 tried men's Mini*,” its the proudest (inr best opinion, are now iiiing to l e re- I of our lives, they al-o have reason lo exult a dispensation j carded as candidates for the station, and I in the racoUcction otthe pans ilirv rcfp^ct- f c u llc ** l ' M] ' 111 ^ ,L n,K J sl | n'e desirous that our nttention shouid be ivelv artid in ilir#>eintertsti«g scent**, us H$( it* ^ ss, (lit oil from the service ol directed to another quarter, tout st.-.te whose proudest ornament he was, «I n consequence of the general under- —a great man, who had won and richly de- landing, which has obtained, as to the served the reputation of a distinguished ' views of the gentlemen of whom I have«po- benelaclor. . , r , , , ■ ~. , , 1 ken, ann from oilier causes, the only lir.n*- i lie noble generosity of tliesi con proceede dtr " ' of RL I LS KING,—in whose favor their 44 it was fully compensated by the alacri- lias been, apparently, a spontaneous, and, ty with w hich tiicv lent their aid to an ad- ceratinly, a very extensive expression of ministration vvhicli had so recently been tUe* public sentiment. object of their wannest opposition, the mo- “ Having learned from experience, ,.i mi nt tliey found the question to lie between place aln-.ost implicit confidence in the gen- ttieir own country and a foreign foe. Tliey eral justice and ultimate wisdom ofthe pre- acted, as it had been fondly hoped the 4 -ll is true, they have not the merit of advising to the commencement of the war, a war by w hich the fame, tlie honor, the true iiiterisls i.f our common country, have been so much advanced ; but tiiat circnm- no i i generosity o these sentiments, ^ which lias, for sometime past, been held i stance atone oughtuot to impair tlieircisims sti e,„, r t it source Iroin whence they up to public view, and occupied the public lo the respect and confidence of their lel- ceeded, mil be appreciated by the rea- mind, as connected with the subject, is that low citizens. for Senator of the U. S. Ilis connnection with the proceedings in Albany, awl in ... . • - - Ike Legislature of Sew York in rc-jrJ j nom,nant sentiments of the republican party, whole Amt rican people would have acted : to the Missouri question. ° I 1 have felt it my duty scrupulously to ob- nor weie the adu.tuistiatiuos of the Gener- . 1 -erve the imlication of these sentieiepts tm al and stale Govetniiieut:, al tlie close of t m..y ;e proper to ..dvert, in this place, this interesting subiect: and I am emirelv the war. barkuanl in bestow ine tlie lutmtl- In ’the spring of 1816, be was reflected " ,e ^ 77^7^77'' 77 .he Senate of the state for the further pe- ° , d ° lli,rS * . }* C riod of four years * li,en Mated tiie amount of real estaie within The project of uniting the waters of the f* ”° W ’ ?“ d " !,at il F« babl .v would | Hudson with Lake Erm and will, .lake ^ “ ll,U C “ nal were C ° mpk,ed * 11,e ,:,x ^Jhainphtin, was a leading subject of con- would not amount to more than one mill on the dollar, unless the report of commission- i ers is a tissue of fraud or misrepresentation, ! this tax widbe sufficient, and more than suf- j ficient, to complete tiie canal. We arc now itha view to this magnificent enterprise. * a .v Umt all our fornmr proceedings have ] During the war, it had been impossible^; b ”“ 1,n * ,ncere ’ ,m,st po on w,lb lhe * jidentlion in the e of N'e v York, durin the w hiter of 1816 For six years previous^ there had been a beard of comis- sioners to make examinations and surveys them to prosecute the objects of their ap pointment: but on the 3:h of March 1816, they laid their surveys and eui-uates before the Legislature, accompanied by a rtport, which recommended the adoption of “such preliminary measures as niig* t be necessa ry for the accomplishment of this important object,” On the 2lstof March, Mr. Jacob R. Van Rensselaer, f om a joint commit tee, made a report to the house of Repre sentatives, ju lavor of the immediate com mencement of both canals, and introduced ■ bill (or that purpose. On the 10th n f April, .Mr. Duer proposed a substitute, 1 , Tlie p>ople in the districts where we are first to make the canal, are willing I and able to be subjected to tiie expense of j those sections. Mr. \ an Buren contended that the duties uy on sal:, and tbe auction duties, were a certain source of revenue,! and tiiat these two sources of revenue would be abundant, and more than abundant, for ever to discharge the interest of tlie debt to be created. Ought we, under such cir- cumstances, to reject this bill? No, sir; for one I am willing to go to the lenght con templated by the bill. The canal istopro- uiuie the interest and character of the state Mr. Y AV By re V acquiesces in the first elec tion of Dr H ill Clinton, as Governor, Opposes In* ri -rfcctioii. Is removed from the office of Attorney General. Separa- na 'P l tes from Mr. Clinton and his politi c ™nlentmg party vudeiic fn-nds. pi is encomium upon Mr. Clin ton's ehrtrncier at a meeting of the Sue Y ork Ci‘r'rational delegation in JJ ash- inzton. a poi avow niv conviction that this apprehension, adopted mo god to the persons honorable solicitude to ; question. That course lmd for its oljirl, J weakness of these in.-- Sitcli consequences arc uofc always to be av-aided ; out they are susrep-* tible of easy prompt correctioiu Tlicy- do not tern;, in the leu.-l, to impair the liigU credit which is justly due lo trie republicans, ol thvsta:,.- and Luiou, lor the course they now its '•ot the particular benefit of these individii* declaring my tit those which tost! vaimnn, enioracmg oom re- i oeneve generally to prevail among the i i!( 1 publicans and fedeialists, constituted the republicans of the state; and I cannot but of bright relief in this dark picture, tiiat *'* o*'Ii'' oT'f r u _ a '®" n, .v conv amid all the collisions of party violence, °. € ,,,ar J I81B, lue s.rcngth "Inch evinc.s an the two great a„lagonistsret..inedtheir con- i , ,^ e re *P cc "' e parties was developed in ■void even the imputation of the errors ol (idcnce in the personal integrity ot'each « a . si \ tr a ‘ ' n,ltor °l ilie . nited Stnc*>. t leir oppouenu, is without adequate cause, f als only ; hut was meant to exemplify the other, and each expressed his respect for ..'.V" i>em er, n m ar re,.dive ol . r. ami can be lolly obviated. j general justice ot our policy lo them, and the private uprightness and honetty of his,. ln,f ” 1 ,,n ‘ sll pP'>rtcd by bis interest, bad “Altluiugli tbe rule may, possibly, in to shew tbe rest uf our country user, lhat rival. Such, at least, are said, the best - 0,l/ ' f,lt "• oaninel Y oiing, the can- some instances be carried too far, it is cer- whilst we loudly and inexorablycondemn- f l d,,late °‘ thc republican party friendly to tainly true, that the conduct of public men, cd tlie retnissiiess of a portion Jf our fellow the national a. Iniini-tration, received tifi'J " ho were in active life, or in a situation to j ci ire ns, in discharging the great duties and Rufus King the federal be so, during the last war, has been, and | they owed to tiieir country, ue dealt out ululate, who was at that time the actual vviil, unavoidably, long continue to be tbe justice with an even band, and were as rea- urination, thought it was contrary to the public services and private worth of lnLunlbe, ] t °f the office, received thirty-eizhl test of tlicsr claims to public confidence and dy toappiaud as condemn, to ni» indiv dual wishes and opinions. The | t ; s ilbistrions competitor, is publicly oil re- distinguish d talents of Mr. Clinton and bis tord . At a meeting of the Sea,tors In Marci 1817, IJn Y\ itt Clinton was tiom-unted ;-i jhe office of Governor of the sute ot NexYork, by a republican conv nnthoeilir, to have been the sent.ments of! tion, in the place of Dasiel_D. Tompkins, Governor Clinton, almost in tlie last mo wlio lia.l bfsn elected A ice President ol tbg meats of bisllife j and thefolowinrafiecting ,• . lulled Stars. Mr. V in Buren acquiesced aild eloquent testimony of Mr. fan Buren 1 Ci:,,dldate ’ " b in this non i and , ... - . home, Mr. King repaired to his post in the authorizing surveys and estimates • I .i , - -. , w . , . .- .... .. .. . , , ’ Senate ot the Lulled Slates, and in that ba bul the bu*, as finally adopted m the lions.- on the 13th of April, authoriied the itnme j * \v iu . L . Stone, Esq. Editor of the CVm- dine commencement ol a portion ul the j mercial Advertiser in New York, in the Appcn- v urk di s to ilosack's lit of CLatou, p. loi. recent zt-a „us efforts in promoting the Representatives in Congress, from the state great mter-sts of the state, had so far w on of New Y ork, held at Washington, on the the respect and confidence of all parties, 19th of Febuary 1323, t» express their feel- tiiat there was comparatively little oppo tinn to iiis -action. Diiriug the first year of Mr. CSt •ten’s administration, but little inc At several successive balloting*, support. each parly ?*i!iered to its own candidate, 1 44 The federalists of that day may justly and asneiterrhad a majority of the whole and, by the historian of the time, will ; rob- votes, no election was made during that ally be divided into three classes; the fiirst, session. consisting oftliuee who, influenced by strong I tic great persona! worth of Mr. K:n>r, ptediliction for tlie enemy, and instigated j politic * The Roman historian's remark, with re spect lo the Fruperor pn bn, may | J( . applied “ There has been, however, one excep-. ion in t.ns liberal poli, y, and it is au ex- teptioii of no ordinary 'character. It ex- Sts in the person of King. x ire (.ark cloud which overspread or?r .... .. .. aolmca! horizon, ill th c fid! ol i8!4, struck, los patriotic services as a member of the by tiie most envenomed malignity against with lisiuay and terror, some of the finest Convention vvhicli framed the Federal Con- the administration of their own govern- j of our patriots. The disasters which had * Hostel’s Memo!! of De Witt Clinton, 19o-7. rr- to Mr. Clinton : 44 major private visa* dual pri- s| itution, and subsequently as Minister of ment, adopting “rule or ruin,” for theii befallen us, the difficulties which beset and — — ■ - England from the laa year of General; motto, exercised an industry nn.l perse-| he dangers which threatened our country vate fqit et om.fiuni qaesensu capax Imperii, England from the last i imjjerasset.’’ / Tacit. Hist.lih.l. tap. 49. ^ Washington’s administration to the third vcrance worthy of a better carse, to para- troin every quarter, have marie itnpressiciu < *