Newspaper Page Text
P ‘*u!f,v CC i uVt* " "*' of ** j4in - The Indians had long j Congress presses
not »iflcr wttn the- polity. 1 therefore v. aruiiv ur*** _ , i .1 i r . . . . ° . ® .
upon you, uie necessity of separating MGce«.a2uatedtho place, after burning amide- interfere in any way
fl.- .u... ..I,., » i ® • J stftovififf every thmt? about it. .: ,.e *w..
uu constitutional authority to ; rlit prtdUectiuns. and uni'c in ^ support of some ! in authority, but we know jve speak ihesentitnents
vith the institution of slavery I disiinptisktd in 'indual for tht second o£r e within
from those, who have m imitated any suspiciohl 1 str ^| l, e everything about it. j in any of the States of this Confederacy, the j ^Hunto iLtbL^nterestoftU country/the^ucoult
conduct— to convey to the ofu*©r» of the white It >s ascertained that a considerable body of > vote stood tor the Resolution, 183, n^ainsi I • - - -* •- *** ’ - **
Mr found v.itliout bciii^ called upon for this ih r- •’ '*“*7 “ l vu '.!‘ | l ".
will !„• :r»ri a. c*po,r<lL hu ' : »**»•••.««'•» uur commander. will I
mediate punishment. I a.Mros. to you a, 11 Ust 1k: tu,bori7ed " 10 cross ,lie «'er, anJ teach
friend, interested in pre-.rving ilie innocent Nca Micco aud his warriors that their days are
from danger, aud in di:
Every person who ha
Chief Magistrate is daily expected at Colum -, .
rofotioiis, propositions, or paptr. relating m any , Brtolrri1 That Geo. M. Troup, John hWb.
way or to any exteut whatever, to the subject of | R „ W ilder, Janies M. W'avne, T. F. Foitrr.
^ , ..... ..., vv „ „„„ ... slavery or the abolitioh of slavery, shal', without j Wylie Thcmpkins.. Henry G. Lamar, A. S.
vcriiiF the :uil»v. ' , rmmbered ; and that 1 hey w ill be ferreted out J beibg either printed or refered, be laid upon the Clayton, and Daniel Newnan, our delegatiou in
• been connected with <k hr.niglttl* condigppjnishinentfortiiestrean.s j table, and tka< uo further action whatever, shall Congress, be requested to attend said convention
must occur in this way ; for if the Indi-
t of keeping aMS ^ i0u ^ not a ^”P l this course, there are many
nit >o-i oeel't those vile Indian countrymen, white men
117, against ir<>8.
We shall give the Report and the yeas aifil nays
itfeur uext.
any murder, robbery, ho:i,e-l,urm s or a-sanli of innocent blood which they have recently i Ue ha(| hereon, the vote stood, for the Resolution,
upon any individual, shall he puuished. The sited. 1
< b" ,< of the t"wn , w ill b- required to surrender It is reported that many of the Creeks are
tie £°‘ »y. ‘"t> our hands. t»or laws pduish making tlteir way to Florida, taking with them
ilioS'* who concert! or omlert tne criiniual ami .1 « *: i . 1 r*
f . . . „ , ,, , 1 , ' ’ n 1 the u« jrws Sic. they have captured. Great
those laws shall be eu orced with the utmo t • - *
rigor. losses
This will show you the propriety
clear front the hostile party, and that you ought ... - .
not to have auy cunoextiou with them: f.r though • Pl/ * Indian wittt! who will. U is stated that
iuooeent of their crime, you become iusolved "in onc of those monsters, although painted, was
the puuinhmeuL- I shal! «oon have a force in the j recognised at the head of the Indians by Col.
nation, which w dl tie sufficient to pot down ali Gibson, at Koanoke. Neuvea and Scott it is
apposition ; to restore peace tu the country and to \ said have made their escape; tbev were n-
prouet dm person, and property of ,he set- leased it is supposed from jail by the Italians.
All such demons ought to he put upon the rack
“ Out of thine own mouth iciRIc<r*<Umn thee?'
If there ever was a party, which stood rouspi
to aid in selecting a suitable person to hs recom
mended to the people of the l. uited States for
Vice President.
of nine-tenths of this community when we say. let
the most ample pnuishmeut be visited upon the*
beads—-They were told and warned that they
were incorporated within and formed anintergral
portion of tbe commonwealth of Alabama, that
they had lost their iodculitv a* a nation, that they
were now uud^r tile laws of Alabama aud would
have to.ahide their pains and penalties. AH this
evory IntHau in the nation knew, and knew that! ’
iu taking up arms sgamst, tile white man he was
subjecting liimse.lf to thr (teualt r consequent upon
i.nsurrretion .and murder. Let-ir now be visited
upon their heads. I.e» - »er. Chief and every 1
murderer be held strictly nmennfcle to the laws of..
Alabama and let an armed foroe conduct the hal-|
anee of them forthwith to the country appointed I
to them \\ est of the .Misssissippi.- -Then shall we |
havai peaoc, lasting and abiding, hut nut till then. ,
Tl.e Norfolk Herald of the 24th iiist. says '•—
“ li e learn that all the marines on shore are or-
de-ed to Alabama to asistinsuppressing tliehostile
Creek Indians. Tlioseat Washington.^oOin num-
Fro nthe (ohmbe* te'ntinel.
Wo are almost a; barren of’nrideot liere. ifi
cuous for inconsistency, it i. the nullifiers of j relation to the movements oi tlm Creeks for tlie I her and the Company at GotporC will take stonn
Gehigta. (past week, as we should be were «e entirely boat conveyance to with thele-st pos-
In tlie attiWdn wlierb they now stand towards i remove* from the seat of action. Active propa- s.ble delay, followed by those from the Northern
M •• it , , r ^ i rations are making bv those in comniJmd to con- “*“*
Martin % an Rurcu, uo body of men ever occupi- * , r
, m, . centrate the men, wins and muniiioni or war at
ed pohucal ground so totally tndefensible. They , ^ p , ace> for the piirpoM , of passing into the
arc the men who brst urged his c/ainis upou us,. na sj on „ soon as all tilings are in readiness. In
aud that too,with a perfect knowledge of his poll-1 11 )( > meantime aronsideiahh !urrt.‘ has been sent
(■•venar's 1‘t-orlainittiou.
Mo.vreoam, May 2U;it, lSJC »
Tht jfrvciumotn>n uj (i.tMi vr C. 1,'i.jv, Go
vernor of the State of Alabama, to the te?
tiers of >he count, it t nihuUtd in tht Tcrrito-' (C^
nj laid if tilled by the Creek Indians. j C
lulormathiii has been received by the Exec- j
ulivc, of the outrages lately c-jinmitteel in the |
new counties, by portions of the Creek tribe of
Indians, upou the persons and property of tlie
whites. File accounts first received, were so
connicling ami contradictory, and tlie powers
of tlie Executive, in telation to culling tl.e mi
litia into the public service, being limited to
cases ol vnm. Uttite danger owl tn.otrrct tton,
he did not think it proper to do more than cause
tt tleposilc ol arms to be made in Montgomery ;
and to extend an order for a draft for men, alio
should hold themselves in readiness for service
upon tlie shortest notice.
As soon as auy certain intelligeccc of outra
ges hiving been committed by the Indians was
received, orders were immediately issued, and
sent to the comniaiulers of several Divisions, to
raise troops and forthwith march them to dif
ferent points ol rendezvous, and another*requi
sition was made on Cap!. Haulin'-, of the Ar
senal at Mount Vernon, for a fun Iter supply of
arms and ammunition,suitable f.r the campaign,
to he by him xent with despatch to Moulgutne-
The Executive is satisfied, that the arrange-
innnts already made, are adequate to the eiidof
briugiug into (he held in less than ten days, a
force ol 21HM) or Kt men. They will be
placed under tho command of Major General
1'atieson,an oilie r experienced in the modes of
Indian warfare, ami fully possessing his confi
The Executive is now in Montgomery,-and
t.’ill in person iiperinteiid the execution of the
orders already given, and proceed with the ut
most energy to the completion of any other
arrangement that w ill restore peace to tltccouii- |
,x - v -
A Proclamation has been forwarded to the
Chiefs of the Creek tribe, calling upon tlirm to
s ■ pirate the friendly from the hostile party, mid
slating that all Indians fem.d with arms, cither
in bodies or singly, miles called into service at
the instance of Ijicudly chiefs, or our own offi
cers, to go in pursuit ol tlie enemy, uil! he
treated as enemies.
Tim. Executive cannot abstain from declar
ing his convictions, that tl
I . tl e hear notning from .. , t j ca j j,- lstor y. They gave List the vote of the down the river and station*.! alum; Chata-
State, when be did uot ask f»r ii, and afterwards, j hoorhee, for the purpose dl profaci. .gthe fron-
w hen by “an unnatural combination in the Senate ' her inhabitants on the river below u A large
complete non-interrourse exists: none dare
pass through the Nation. The fate of those
nourishing villages, Tushcgce, Fayotte, Ac. vve
dread to learn.
of the United Suites," hi» nomination, as ,MmiHcr j number of troops have already
ite in. and
to England, was rtjecied, no people were more | m “*V t»*re are on the matr and w ! be here in
* ^ ...a iuin. i a . few days. 1 hose that ai 4
ciamwross to deeossnciiie the —t —..a pone mors | ,cw ud - ,s ' x mist vnat t* Af down the
clamorous* e ng ^ rivfrnre ■.■nca’inpert on tl.e''*^Tr,vr, j sido of*the
active and persevemtg in sustmnmg and eulog.s-; ri v e r, opposite Columbus, wi n tbe etfreption of
iug Mr. \ an Bnren. Public meetings were cail- j t i, e volunteer corps and draft d men of this city
led—the people were hurraugueil: the “ejection of; and county, whom vve pre.nie will he kept
the Senate was condemned, and Mr. Van Kuren liere for the protect ion of the placq
was held up to tlie peojde of Georgia, as worthy I he Indians in tiiis vicinity anJ below us are
their highest eiufidedce and support; and all tins ' ?u P°o*ed to be enrampad in two bodies. One
wa, done |,v the imllifiers. Tltey went further- , < ' , abl ' u, 1 f ' ,,,r ,, ' ,ntlre d '"'dor \e-ah Micco in a
‘ • i i,- i, . ,, . sw.*imp below tne stasre roau about twenty miles
They desiccated him as the Repuldican Caudi-i .. *, , . . . ^ L 'x. ,
1 " v ,7 . 1 from this place ; the oilier u.iner L-ne-ah Mailt-
date for tlie \ ice Presidency in 1832, urged the j a> amourit ; n , to
importance of a convention at Baltimore, and in- ! j n
structcd their Delegates to support his uomiua-
“ The friends of the Union are ourfritnih,and its
enemies, our enemies.'’
stations, who will emhark ii transports for the
same port, with ail practicable nxpedinti. Col.
Hendersnu. commander of the’v?orps, will embark
w ith the detachment from Washington and Gos
port. ,
Thus It wrfihe seen, that the President is de
termined >o set about the work in good earnest,
and put in requisition aH the met ns at his dispo-al
to step the savage enemy in his murderous career.
It iseven reported that, he h:is.authorised the na
val officer in command at Baltimore, tociif
many seamen asJte can for ; the Southern e
tion, and that between 200and 250 have as
volunteered aid agreed" n>-V~rake their’
tracks aboard.’’ They would ho useful au.vifartr.s 1
especially at close quarters."
From the Savannah Georgian.
The Steam Packet Florida,Capt. ITebbard,
arrived here yesterday morning from Picclata
via Jacksonville.. Vi e learn' that a few d tvs
since a large force of Indians, (some say 200,)
. . , . , , since a large turce ot Indians, (some sav zxm,)
amounting to perhaps eight or nine hnnared, , ® „',i a .j*
, 1 1 .7 i , appeared near the Fort at Alicanopv, and n red
another swamp some distance below him. . .i v ... v - _e _
structcd their Delegates to support hix nomiua-1 Both the chiefs profess to he friendly , and it is i U P° . 16 u ‘ " l ' T nla . J “ P i ‘
. ,, , , p , .. ! .. , . ■' J ■ chant’s company, U. S. Artillery, was, it >.s said,
uon.-AnJ further »t,II.-Tbe, voted for an Elec-! said keep a whttc Hac Hying at a prominent | kaled # , ld S e a w^ d ]ast week, near Micano-
toral tivKet. pledged to his support, aud gave ! point of their encampments. Brt those woo j H haJ b ^. n CD „ a ged, of late as a wag-
him tho vote of Georgia—even against that pure, I k """' Indian Character, know that cunning ^ p( . , ° fa
AVGC G fo il UO >i <GC i\ i'.Ji:
IIADA1 flOKMAG, June 7.
unsullied' democrat, Philip P. Barbour of|Virgiub. ! and ‘^' hery- are among their strongest char-
j acteristios. Oseola phtyed Gen. Gaines a most
We undrnttiqd that Picolata will he retained
But tliev have changed their position, and have !«ia juay i o > ■« “.'«vim.s « inost j ag a . )Jstso a , t{> j ns pi ro confidence in tlie
• ” r i arrant tuck bv this same manoeuvring with tlie I - 1 1
! joined that self same "unnatural Coalition," which , wbi|e flac —gained time to remove hi
25*Tlie Pulaski Sh-.rifi gales for July were j they then so loudly denounced, and'w heujeharged
received loo line for insertion last wjek, we have with inconsistency, tho only answer they give, is.
therefore changed the sale to the firsi Tuesday iu
A Company of U. Si. troops passed through
this place yesterday, on their way to the Creek
Since- our best, five very fine volunteer compa
nies have passed through tiiis place for the Creek
Nation, to wit.
The Taliaferro Independent Volunteers, com
manded by Capt. Sanford.
“Washington, Wlks. Co. G<ls. Capt.Tombs,
“ Washington Co. Cds. Capt. Jones.
“ Warren Rifieincu, Capt. Butt,
“Burke Hussars, Capt. By no.
Tlie *• Jefferson Cavalry, Capt. Lcaile,
passed near this place, via. Scolsboro, to the same
that the L'uiari party are equally inconsistent, tie
cause want of them, iu the contest of 1632, pro
and children aud then run utvav himself.
, planters below ilia: place, and not compel them
v*oaten )Q | t , uvp plantations to the unsparing sav-
. age. Mr. Hickman, it is now said, has not a-
On Simday evening two chiefs and seven o- j bamkmed his place, a few miles from Jackson-
*” 1 ' “ L K ‘ * ‘ ville, as stated in the Charleston pa per si An
ther Indians, and a white man bv the name of
Bailev, cante in as a speriafemhassage front Ne-
' ..u i r u \<. fc Uo 1
ferrcii Mr. Harbour. Rut it is too flimsy to screen j ah Micco and E-ne-ah MatMa, to learn what
tiiem. Tbe reawius which they gave iu 1382, terms would be granted to them in case they
were not concealed .—They were publicly avow* | shpuld come over to the wlites. A long con
ed, aud were predicated upon his republican piin- } sl, *ta # ion was held at iiefM^-juarteis, and the de-
ciples, his talents, aud Id. friendship and support ! P uta ‘»n «'"t »■> Tutsday mornine. We
u and his adudUistrattou. They ’, aVe , ,K ' ardfurt ^' ,he «*»*«*** *
of General Jacksou and Ids adiiduistration. They
were gotsi and sufficient, and nothing Uas since
transpired to change them in the minds of cuti
sisteut men.
other report is that Col. Humphrey’s negroes
(a hunt fifty, have Ml been captured by the Indi
A few tracks of Indians have been lately seen
on the road front Picolata to St. Augustine,
with some tracks of cattle, which it issupposed
thrv have been eiiL’tiged in driving oil’.
, Sinco the above was in type we learn that
the Fort (asstated above) fired upon die Indi
ans, in the Court House at Newnansville, which
. is fortified and contains a large number of wo-
But how stands the charge ol inconsistency oil j y nt h ans in their predatory excursions.—We t a ke men and children. I; w as there also that Co!.
the cnion party ? Let us see 1 Martiu vau Bu- the following account of his career of the last IPs negroes were cajimred"
reu was supported because lie was a republican, I week from tlie ilnrald “ On Saturday night ! Con vibi s Mnv 27
aman of talents, and afrieud to General Jacksou, last, a rumor roaclied the city, that himself and • • .. : . ' ,
•jullifitis. Mr. Barbour was sup-1 band WPrp within 12 or 15 miles of the river. workman employed at tne mill ot Judge
Gen. McDougald promptly called upon the | Underwood, halt a mile froqv Cohimbus, was
the deputation since its departure.
A half-breed !>v tlie naoe of Jim Henry, pret
ty well informed, having keen much with the
whites, seems to be the siost active among the
(so said the
ported by a largs portion of the L'mmi men
because lie was a republican,) a man
anil a friend of General Jacksou. So that tlie
, . | troojis to cross the Chattahoo'hee in pursi.i
o a eu s, 1 1 j,j a SC0lln ,j re | . and although : t was 11 o’cl
, in the night, vrt vve are proua to say, that vol-
ouly diirercnce was iu the choice of men- unteers came forward with .larritv and spirit
both being distinguished members of the same j front the Columbus Guards.,md Capt. Evans’
We regret to learn (says the Fredcrickburg 1 great party, at whose head stood Geu- Jackson. I Rifle corps, amounting in all to SO or 100 men,
Arena, of tbe 24th inst.) that this venerable and ' At prescat, Mr. darbouris uot before tlie people, i who marched Into die nation at the hour of mid-
ilmstrious man is much indisposed. Dr. Dun- I aud the l.'uioa men Who preferred Itiin to Mr. Van
glison, late of the University of Va. but row of Bureu in 1632, can very consistently take Marlin
disturbances, Baltimore, passed tlirougli town yesterdsy <a a j Van B«rfn as their second clmic* iu I83l), without
| tbe slightest mcoasLtcucy or violation of prhici-
: pte, Mr. Van Buten and Mr. Barbonr, are still
have been greatly fomented by evil minded per- professional visit to him.
S4IUS, engaged in retailing to the ('recks, spiritu- 1
■JUS liquor , in v iolation of like laws, arid will the |
view of dal’raudiiigtliem out of the little rem-
TiaAt ol their property, lie la- also lteard
from v.iiioos quarters, tliat otliers have been
connected with these tiggresssions, in order to
accomplish sinister and dislsom -t views of their
own. He takes tiiis occasion to say, to
all such men, that such ollences will be subject
to condign punishment, whenever they shall be
detected, lie will spare no pains to discover
any offender, and a repetition of such offences
while hotilitses are pending will ensure for them
immediate punishment.
\\ hite men who may he found aiding the en
emy ; or who may have had any agency in ex
iting tiic Indians to hostilities against the white
We regret (says the New York Commercial
Advertiser of the 24th ultimo) to announce the
death of the honorable Edward Livingston, late
M blister to France. Mr. Livingston died yes'-
terday afternoon, at his seat at Red Ilook, after
a few hours illness.
A note to the Editor of tho United States
Gazette, at Philadelphia says; “The Hon. Ed-
republicans, still talented men, and still the frieuds
night in search of the savage foe—and after
Laving travelled all night without being aide to
discover tlie enemy, returned to their encamp
ments the next morning. The fuilowimr l ight,
Jim Henry and his gang anptvacWl within six
miles of town, and harm'd die Ucliee bridge ;
and during the flight lie crcs-'tl In the Georgia
of Genera! Jackson; and the l aiou party, firmly j side of the river, and ronnr.itted depredations
a lbenng to its fziifciri.ES, will take the one, j by killing, and destroying the houses and pro-
if they cannot gel tlie other; mid while vve sup- portv of Mr. John Victor v, whose plantation is
port Mr. Vau Rureii for the reasons which the nuU
Rfiers gave for sujtporling him in 18**32, tliey have
entirely changed their position, and oppose him
now, he is still aa he was in 1&32, and
44 will uc*t conseut to joiu the unnatural coalition
Union men! be uot alanned at the cry of in
ward Livingston, late Minister to France, was coftsitfteticy! It does not attach to your conduct,
taken on Saturday last, with a bilious cholic, | You arc still republican*, as you were in 1832,
supposed to he induced by di inking freely of| a °d as firmly the friends of Andrew' Jackson as
ice wator, and died on Monday, at 2 o’clock,
inhabitants; or have kunwingly furnished ! P.M. His funeral will take place on Wednes-
iIh’ Lidi.i-if. with the means ol carrying on the day, from his country residence in Red Hook,
warwil iK-tn-.iti d " J Dutcl.css countv.”
1 lie Executive recommends ro thr |>eonle ot | *
these counties, that are thickly settled, to use
measures for tlteir own defence. Vrnis will be
furnished them at this place, and as soon as mt it
ran be procured, oilier assistance will he render
ed. He urges upon ilitin strongly the in.pto-| tlie marine corps, will be despatched to the
about 20 miles below Columbus.
Two or three other incursions have been
made into tiiis State across the Chattahoochee
some twenty-five or thirty mibsbelnvv this place;
Mr. Bnrd'f, tho overseer of Mrs. Brewer, was
murdered on Saturdav night, and all tho build-
imjs on the plantation burnt. Tho buildings on
Mr. Qna.-Ios fine plantation have also been des
troyed. Vhout one hundred and eighty IndL
aps are said to have been present at tho burning
of Mrs. Brew er’s house. Thrv were afterward*
pursued bv troons from Randolph countv, and
tracked to tho river swamn. At Quarles plan
tation the citizens had a skirmish with the Indi
ans, and we regret to state tliata Mr. Jackson,of
Stewart countv, was killed in the rencontre.
Almostdailv inenrsiotis arc made intotheln-
sistency, and the proceedings of a public meetiug Hian country hv. small parties from place.
you were in 1832. You have uot changed; hut
the nuilifiers have. They then professed friend
ship for him—they are now his bitter enemies.
\?e have been led to these reflections by read
ing a very able editorial in the fsohtlieru Banner
of the 2d instant, headed “nullification, incon-
proprioty ot abandoning the- count v to the sa- Creek Nation,
vages. unless necessity shall require it- 11
Tlie Washington and Alexandria papers state
that it is by their owu request, and voluntary ...
offer that Col. Henderson and his officers with ! 'f 1 *' ' Va ' k, '* 4V ' :lle ’ in ,he couut y C!ark ’ cn h '" h : rt ? ' vi,h b ": li,,le e,,V ' ' °" ” ondi *7j *
the 3d day ol Jette, 1632, at which, Judge Dough
erty presided as Chairman.
To the proceedings of that meeting, which
will make on application to the W ar,- TR1BUTEOF RESPECT TO THE WAR- I * rp pubbshto day, we invite the serious atlen-
ment for power to remove the nostilt Ini.itns
immediately out of the country, ai d should the
power be granted, the troops rlia. have been
party of about a dozen went out as far a* the
Oochee creek, and in the oveniaR a sound of In
dians came over to attack them. The whites
fearing tliev would be ton strong for them, ’led,
aud were pursued about the woods nearly the
Bo foie this tine company took up the line of I’ ar|ie * ; a “ d if ,h ~ re is 0D * who d "» b ‘& tbc F°*
j. I march fo: the enemies country , a splendid stand pnetv of supporting Mr. Vah Durcn, he will
tion of evtiy candid and reflecting man of all " bn,e ,hp iuHiau. at times be.ngclose ..non
them. Th»vgnt into Fort Vlitrnel! about thrre
plislmlcitt of such a desirable object. of color- was presented to them by the hand
Tlie «'.ocutivc Iiojm's tint these measure- of a patriotic lady of Warrenton, Mrs; Adams,
zitl I •cote sufficient lor toe exigency, imi jjho accompaniod their presentation to Capt:
trust* that confidence will be restored among „ . . ■ - _ . ... - .
, , . °, Butt at the head o! Ins command, with thefol-
the uiiiaoitjtits ot tlm ceded temtorv.
(’ Ci CLAY. ! 'owing very apprropnate and eloquent remarks;
to which ( apt. Butt and several of the officers
replied in handsome and patriotic terms.
Capt. Butt:
To the KJitor of the Georgia Telegraph:
Com. Min s, M »v 27, l<i.
You no doubt feel some anxiety about Co-j In testimony of my respect to yourself and i ti on to know, tliat JHr. Barbour is not onlv a (
lumbus anu the progress made bv our people , t hc brave young men of Warren County under j Jacksoh man still, but a warm supporter of Sir. -Ve whites/' An
there find enough to satisfy lus mind. There
they will find proof conclusive, from the nullifi
ers tberfiSelves, that Mr. Van Burert is eu’.iilcd
to the fullest confidence ol" the American people. , , ,
1 1 ttimlms. on the of i * b ?t at on Tuesdov last, while drinking at the
spring, the ball pierced his clothes, but did him
no injury. The rascals are ail around us, and
it becomes us to keep ji sharp look <"it.
., A party of 3tJ or 40 men, followed bv the
Talbot cavalry, went out a few miles oil Wed
nesday but returned without seeing Indian*.
There, js no prospect of meeting anv thing like
a body of them until we can spare men aitd
arms ; to penetrate into tlteir fastnesses,
lateT’Rom stTaijofstink.
We are indebted to Captaiti Pennover. of the
Steam Packet Dolphin, which boat arrive-l her**
lastvveixinc from St. Augustine, for the Beralil
of Saturday last. The contents have been moU-
Iv auticipatetl by the arrival of. the srhr. S. S.
Ml'Is at Charleston, whose intellig'‘iice we pub
lished yesterday The following item we extract
from this.papcr,
“ We learn that every building between ‘dark
Creek has been destroyed by the Indians. Tile
post of Fort Kins, Fort Draue »ik! rite soMleinenTs
of Micannpy and Newiwttisvilie will to be
ahamloned. because it w ill be impossible to main
tain then).” . ■
A correspondent at Whitesville. writing to a
geulleinan in St. Awgustine exorcsses it as bis
opiui.ia that " the peiicv of the Indians is now de
veloping itself to recruit their forces front captm-
ed negroes, aud w i’h whom a eonimon cause will
tie established, This,” says lie. “ >s now the
mode resorted to. Ravage bodies of Indians will
make esneditious wherever there i- a gang aud
eaoture them." , ...
This wrifor atso states the attack (tve noticed in
fort Monday’i Gcorgiar) to have been made on
Micanopy. He says. “ Jumper, at the head of
more than one hundred lud'ans. attacked Mir.ano-
p-v last Friday night, ami Carried off'all Hum
phrey’* uegroe*, thirty in .number.. The same
will probably be attempted ill Georgia.”
Capt. Pennpyer Mates that there wa- nothing
new at St, Augustine when he left *),ai place
(Tuesday morning last.) He touched at St. Ma
ry’s aud Darien.
Isam Harbuck,
Jus. D. Smith,
Jos. Ilarrell,
Stephen E. Spears,
Henry Cunningham,"
J no. K. Reviere,
Littleton B. Story,.
Richard Moore,
Jflo. Rogers,
Khicheu McKinuip,
Jno. C. Parham,
Edimiod C. Hardaway,'
Win. M.‘ Lewis,
Jas. T. Reese,
C. W., McCarthy;
Lawso i D. Wright,
Redding B. McDonald,'
Titos. Shivers,
Jno. J. Bagwell,
Isaiah Cox;
Albert Davidson,
Thomas Locke:, Jr.
Jos. Hattaway,
Jas. M. Broom,
Elisha D. Briuklev,
Ileurv Mill,
Jas. M. Hill,
Geo. A . Neal,
(ieo. W. Walker,
Benj. McCarthy,
Geo. A. FI inn,
Elisha Dunham,
Geo. Rickctscn,
jeremialt Adams,
Bryant J: Hunter,
Pntrick Divine.
Thos. J. Barbareei
Jos. H. Wright,
A. W. Jackson,
Wni. J. Fuller,
Win, Watson,
Jno. Taylor, McCarthy-
Win. Davis,
Asa Griffin,
Jas. McCarthy^
Jas. McNeal,
Hansel Beckwith,
Daniel S.HumjArey'
Willis Wytiti,
John. Parr,
Jos. W. Hopkins,
Rowell Adams,
Littleberry Adams,
Abner Perry,
Jackson Hattaway,
Mathew McCrary,
Win. Johnson,
Thos. Holland,
HV mu II. Wilder,
Lewis Felts,
Wm. C. Dawson,
Jus., lliglit.
Jefferson Honeycutt
Jno. Snider,
Abram Heath,
Anion Jones.
Collin W. Smith,
L. Albritton,
Sterling Camp,
Clark Camp,
Wm. Martin,
Thos. I’arri-lie,
Oscar P. Jones,
Beni. Johnson,
It. I*. Thompson;
W. T. C ouley w
Juo. Ilillmard,
Jas. L. Burnley,
J.*'0. A. Christian,
Edmund Tin ker,
Y, m. J. Wilkinson,
Lafayette Stow,
* Senate carl II'use <f
ite,. United Sla ts of .(}'
_ M Nsiitofi ii, FViat m all i^.-*
scs wliera patezHi tin ■ |M.biic iauds have lietin
j or may li:'iv»f;*n'-hr i-sovJ, in purstuyicc of a-
' ny law olTh' 1 United States, to a person Ulm
J itad ti ed, or who ilmll htteafier die, lelrte lla>
j date of sucli patent, tlie titfo to the laud iticsig-:
; n il' ll therein sliall etuibe to, arid become Vcsfo.
■ ed in, the heirs', devised; or assig.icts, of sizb
deceased patentee; as if to.: patent had item j!
tol’ne deceased jkji son dm leg life ; and tlie pro
visions of this act -had be construed to extend
to patents for kinds within tlie Virginia Jljluu-
rv District in the State of Ohio.
Snealter of the Ifotisi of Keprescntatires.
Vioc' President if the Un ited Slates,
trul President if thi Senate'.
Apfboveu M.Vv 2!hh, 1S36.
D E KALB Sl!i:«..t l"S SALE.—Will !.»
sold on the lir-t Tite-iay iu July next, vrubr
ill the usual bouts of sale, V fore the Couil-!.0. »»
1 door, tho fuiloivlng jtioperty, to wit :
| One Lot of l.aiiii in the Utb disirict originat'y
j Henry, flow IK Ivalb county. No. 115, enuteiuing
i 2D2A acre-, inide air less, one wagon and three
! work stcars..levied u’. 1 as tlie property of William
j Turner, to sati-fy a Ii fa issued liom DcKaMiTii-
| ferioi 1 Ctinrt. I if la Vo!" of I.einilci J. II'Him. a—pru-
i per'.y pirint^d-anJtdiy (daiutill.
Ajso—One Lot of l.and, No. lit, In t'u I5th
district «.f otiginaMr Henry, li»w DeKidh coiirity,
| eoiitainiug -d*." acres, fume or Ic-s, let ir<’ »m :■*
die properry of \\ tjfiatn Turner, to sati-it; It fi t v
issued from- Dekuih Inferior Cnurt, iu tr.vor o r
John Shedtiert ai.d otiivr.—props.ty pumied nut
I liy dcfcndaiit"-
I Also—livciVerc" land, more ar less,! sg rd-
io'mi.ig Iteeaiilr Village, Icvii rl on as tiie p npvty
jof Wil-ic.i Eli wards to sa;'-!\ all la L-rucd tro*u
• DaKatb duierior Coni t. in finero\ Jrs-e F. *'!■ v«-
1 laud v». Edw'an!-,(maker.) Joint Broivu m.d'joliit
Breadlo-fc, (endorser-,) it being a part of T ot of
; Land No. 245. In ilife 15th ilis'rlct of originally
j Henry, nrtiv l;i<Kalbs-dnnty.
j Also—(Ha' Lit id the town of Dcchtitr, will*
- good iiopliyu-mem-. No. 112 ; also, six aim, inure
o’clock in the inorulng, and came up to Colum
bus (be next day
Id the editor of the Georgia TeUpapk'. , csi . i,Ufcxatne.j, being a pa,to’ Ut
1 -MiBotton. G«. May 18, IWo. -; wf r , an ;, N ‘,, j„ H|C , 5th , JbtrU . t ft. , rv ori-
Dear Sib—It atloriE me great pleasure to -„;., l , a |i Vi - Bef^ill. county, levied ..a is tho
Hie enabled tt> relate to you tbe beatl-stirrme property* trf .form-, Hilbem, to satisfy fi ids i„
scene win* it 1 witnessed St tiiis puco to day: favor V,t" KdiyarH -’ays.'n^ nilni-rratgi", Arc. ;i;rd c
The citizens of tics county wort calltU lugetlier tbcrs. it-Ucu drtub Bid'.a.i) fiiritrior Cue vv. said
for the purpose of marching to :he seUt of war Uilt ma-
aud of di'iacr now waging on our western bor- H*’* the No-jb .iiir.t part of. Lot muu'-m" p. In
der, and to tlm honor of the people «f TaUtot the .«ixtei- all of ••riginally Uvury but now
couutv, about font bundrbd men hate williilglv , '« i '!'‘Coc..,y,t.vvicl on as the proeect) or llofo-
lefl their whei arid children, relations arid “'''V"'"
, * * • i* i , t . •. # 4ltf , ^our> of f’ctiitvjo Uvorof* I'ool vsKaiil
friends and their forms and lire sides, to ilv to Sa , i(|d „ * E , ias xl ' (Wel ," , wpcrty ,| ,„,t.,y
the belief e» tuetr Snffci-iig country men ®bd , aeforjaut M iudits., levy tn. l. aud returned to riif
brothers. by a. Cons'aldq,—uue Negro jirl^iT dark
This patriotic band is iroinhiatlded by Gen. , complexion by fh? yamc fit tevTed punt
White—lie is of the true mettle'. Before sta't- die property of .l ines IRIhuni to satisfy a Ida
ing do his march lie addressed his regime at in '"» e t fo*mY Superior Copr•» i* Tavnr o»
tlie tone of a brave general, an J ever-man it. f Lu " ^ *»* « Ucr
his cdmmaiid lelt what he expressed. After the 1 ‘ l> ’ _ SllIDT VtffI FAHVEfl. fs'l.'IT.
Geiimi had concluded hi*'.efuPrks, our worthy ! Apr? -o *" 2!f—td».
county man', Dri N. B. t’ow.iL also addrcssetl 1 y _- , ,
tlie regiment in a st» it ard feeling which fin d "xi ffT ^ 5 \ IJlf:,
every bosom with that patriotic zeal known only j Ii ' * *
to freemen, atis rer.atks were truly animating, A Mi ledgeril.r. . lap 1/, 1636.
.... whit'ii prompted them seemed to A l?er*on, tudebied to t,
fly like ait
and tho spirit whit ,, prompted tl.em seemed to ^ ^ „, iRerf) - hBt U1 ,|,,.
nc spark through the whide ! ,, y ,,. c 15 „/ llla? . , A
Latest rav m.Ge.s. Gai x tVi Aumt—Wb are in
debted to a jreMieinau of this city for the folioormg
The Indians have destroyed both bridges across extract of a letter, i\ nich adds further confirnia-
the Oochee. ! tiori to the iritelii-enee of ths capture of Santa
Dr. Hoxev w : th
! Broken Arrow Ber.rl, hImv < ten mites be'otv Col- i ,
itiMr n mites bebnv C„l- | wg v
, . ' . . . "* r ■ - ; tumhn*. on the river, on M ednesilav last. Tliev I |s_ ' • " ,e ? ’ ' " .„
But there ts another fact which renders tho | 1( . ar .l the ye'lsof a few fodians aud the teport of r-A‘ of a letter , fr “ ni officer m Genet
position of the union party invulnerable. They j two guns, but saw no InJians. Ann J» °“ i \la^\^''
supported Mr. Barbour ill 1832, because he was
to rlia-tise the insolent
nsequenro has beenuooe
We team of no hostilities recent among >l. e
a Jackson man. and lfave the prfktd consola- 1 PI'er Creeks. We think the great mar .f t', Pm
re disposed to he fricmtlv. Xomhlahol'j, Tns-
, and Jim Roy are friendly, and assist
express who arrive ' (,e,e f rnm
foe. x our command, who have so gallantly come for- Bumj >If y an BureR and Mr . Barbuu% T„,kegee on Wednesdrr. state, - (hat hp pa , sed
, tone, rlie Indians fowst ward and volunteered tnetr services, to assist in | e . , ... .. ,,., I ahoct two hundred InJians „• -
. having tbe advantage. Nea Micco the Prin- protecting the helpless females and children from W€ro rle m 183-., arc still friends, and like i w j, 0||I a .,peared to be friendly,
ipal Chief says the Indians uhipt the wli tesin the Tomahawk and scalping knife of the relent- the nuion patty; die open aud zealous friends of _
in General
Ce,mp Sabine. May
“The report of lion-ton's victory .and Santa
Anna’s capture. confirmed beyond a doubt. He
has proposed '.o Houston exactly such term-" as
the. latter 'rould have desired to dictate—rite Mex
ican Ar,py to lay down their arms: the Govern
ment, of Mexico(u acknowledge the ludependeu ?
Florida; ami that hi- jic-uplo fiad taken one less savage, I beg to present you witl
Georgia town, killed the uuite peopie and hold Bannerwhiclt I hope voj will accept wi
vith this
hope voj will accept with my
possession as iong us tliey wialitd, nothv. ith- j -jnrere wishes for your success, and that you
standing the Georgia frinu was stationed just mav each return iu safety to your respective
mbove them. Hence b_ concludes the v.lm.cs home-.
nvoat light, and he s|touks oi conquering Geor- |
gia, and taking bar!, ail the land to tho Ocmul- |
gee. Thus x ou see, Mr. Editor, if this mighty .
chief executes his plans, you a :.l yo-.r people, |
jike the unf.iroinate citi cns ot Columbus, will j
take French leave of ihauioiirisliingcity. whej*
growing prosperity is .mparrajlclkd ;ll tl^histo- uumbt .- 0 i ,he Southern
rv of tiiis cotton growing region. It seems , , .,. , .
that the (joxerno! was mistaken in tne mibtarv
character of Major H , for tl»* Major ; M, wrs - ° iue “ auJ 1 W»»PWi
knew as li'aie of military inctics, discipline, Dnctisrs Milioo -Anthony
to- "j he knew of ilk.- Koran; and like a wise Professors in the Mts'ural
11)5)1 be soon discovered tiie business did not suit; a ,;j j, ot ;, di-tic.g;ridicd mo-inbers of their profes-
hno and it is said be bus resigned. If others
land had tlie same discernment and
The Sovtheh.n Medical
We received a dav r two sinco, tiie
•*al Jacksou-
about two hundred luJinns oj t | 10 roa ,| a || 0 fl°* Texas; Hanta Anna, his officers and me.i to
. . .. ' • I ".einain as hostages for die faithful per form apry of
I the Stipulations, Tiffs reptfoys it probable trat
e have not heard nf G-n. \Vocdwucrl and Vn i our preseuce on this frontier wiii nn longer be of
pally rare their d.. ; eg^ r from this niaco. tun : urgent necessity. tfi«sc»s»n has . e^rery r
, . , presume *hev ha\ e arrived rife a* Tnske»ee and our raeo are not very healthy, fmRf hctzjse
” In pusuance of public notice, a large and re- Gen. Wb!^ roturo-a!ou Wednesday w>.h M* ! of their not betn 5 ageustu.^d to the climate.’
sociable meeting ot the c.ttzens of Clark couu- command .J Talbot V dimVers from a -Ton on I
ty was held at the Court House on Friday the tbe Or-,..;, ,;.i„ n e n. r ■ 1 . ’* . ,
30th March, 1632. for tbe purpose of consider- FoA McCreary. ' Saw no l„dU^ “ 1
mg the propneiy ot appoiutias; delegates to rep- ^
r«*sebt the people of Georgia in the couveutiou ,
to be held iu BaltiraDreoit the 4th Monday in ’, )ay It is srid that :<e-,h Mi C rt>. the head Chief of 1
next, for the purpose rff Homiuating a candidate j ; b ’" nation, and E-pe-aa Natlffa, Chief of tlie '
Were joined in our solicitations by many GEOftGfA.'Cnm'fonJ Cfottoly'.
Lad the p!ciasur»j of hearing them, ilieywe Bj|fLSTLl) before me, Maus*l Hammock, one
as follows; . . j’Jf. of the Ju-tices of peace, of -aid county;
Mu CouHlndncn and Fellow Souhers: The ! ° ,ie h,,r *'' mule, about two yea is. phi, da'ik
alarm of war is sounded, in the land. Already j ha >’’ !"**»«• b -\ ,,! ! ? “' u ' d, ' t '
. . -i r ti u — i * * rfPI»r«ise<lhv A=»h Jolly *m«l J*unc* 1 av lot, to siv
hasthe soil ot Alabama and yot.r own i*trve ^\ (ullar ^; s .vj ;I y 14.!,. Uffii.
State, becadrtnrhed wtlu innaccni blooo. tjurl J VVILLlAM Mi GEE c. i. r.
friends, our.relatives, anti our neighbors, have j j lnM ,V. jj 4 t .
bceti sacrificed, and that without any offence jap- i._ ,
on their part : ves, in the inoyt horrihie manner.: CEOKgLV. Crawford costuty.
that could be devised by the ferottioivs and trench-J ^tcit'lumH. Urolu, of tl:j 76dth company
erous ltell hounds of tbe fopest. Tin* hfoo'l .rtf (list. G. fl„ tolled m iorc n.t on - -tnell ».». n 1 man,
our slaughtered countrymen cries aloud for veil- with a bfor-e iu tier hue, left hmd"fu»l white tied
geauce I w iR not harrow up your sensibilities! some white ou her lelt four loot, iour leet and,
bv entering into minute details of tbe sufferings eleven iwcb''< high, »upp«s. d 10 be 7 oi 6 years
" - - - - -i . old. al-o, uue dark eliesnul »prri I or black Imi-e,
ivirti » -.nuD w hilf .freak m '.is face. A ofli itiud
liitffi, 'supposed
i to he four of-fiw years uld.. The mare appraised
d I pi -t-veutjvfive do tar-, and the bor-c U> -ixtv-fivo
' jjyJo-iah I-'niglilvu Bud truleou Nc
lor the office of Vice President of t^ e Uuited Hitcbitee* ami a Seiniiplt by U r tb; are su'mg for
>0 c9n.n1;!
» — y-r, # , ~T J if - rr —| ter
pnrey%, James M. Burtou, Iimc $L Vio- | mg and tne day of reiriSution-comiiig and!
L- R. Brewer, and Joshua G. Muare. iyts i that a signal chasti-'ement they ar#* |
pointed to draft resolution* e':pres?ive oi* the ! ^hposeil to* coin** ,L * and he “yen’ ^ood |
ij 1o k,, w t | ie ,'xaiivpie 01* 1I10 Md or aivi L*t 1 ^Ve Dave had no leisure to examine tl.-C con- , thi* meetiug oo the subject teforo them- ^ hieutk-V For Eowjoc^J H«w lou« fias if Seen'
‘' . *ii i t,i. ;i • * **/ ' 1 . .u - l. i The committee hfcTto? retired » short time, repor-1 siucftxhe Chiefs, with Xfe-ab \Sicce at, rik*»r head
incir idaces ne iilii'.i uim. iiiiluarv men, there tenl>. I .ie mechanical execution ol the wjrk • , , . . , .• . c i, ' *. r . „ . . • . )■ h ,, ,
iJ* i *i J :ed taroujth tb«*r eha^rmau tht» lo*lowins pream- made a trentv wiia AhDnusald, sokemnv
would be so. :e hope o. unr.tfin^ tins lM>xr»0ie ls Ycrv handsomely done and the character OI Ii bic aud resolutions* \lhkh wefb readand'ttiwmm- \ pied^fn^ ifccmsrjv-s m restrain their y.e.5u* men,
wotr to a successful termuraiion. Editors for learning aud skill in medical adopted. floal committed rf'rprr iatiois, and if ahy should
A lew d.ty> since a steamboat was fitted oih . . r , . « % j fther'eaf it is highly important that tht B,evub- bo committed that they wou ] assist in arresting
with MB. mmmaam iTwt* descend +* ■L.l b ■■ miff «T *■ fcw zaftn «ClUi •• " 9 - ^ - • ■
ver and totako Roanoke—rtlie plan of opera- Journal, aud authori-es us to recr-wd it lu
lioi^ I will not detail minui.h suffice it to say the patronage of our lelfow-citizeni,.
too steamboat was to be uc orod iu front of tilt ! '
town so that tho artillery and musketry could he j 4 r.OLlTIOS QUESTION SETTLED.
■ -ought to Lour, while the cavalry ami infantry - l*p,,u the l-e-ott.iou- appended to Mr. 1‘iak-
wcrelo u.afcc a simultaneous attack .n the r(Mr - ; ne y S Report from tbe Select Committee, tiie j coalition
flut to arid U m < , Wl,t ” i.'.t iiihiimc ,irmn- |j tf(Jie u f Ueprcscntauvos tuado a finai decision a ! Stitts, is RErvsiNG to confirm the nomina
fucr.l readied its oesttnatmri at! was gioom and , s ; orf ! 'rms of Martin Van Horen ax Minister .to jsixtv days- Ali leniency (awards an Indian by a
tnehiTiholy; the silence oi death reigned there, i en *- _ I Exglano. this meeting heiient it'tobe the duty of^ white mat) is by them attributed to fear. It is far 1
»nd nothing was discovered but the putrefying | Upon the firs; resolution which "Resolved tba 1 ere^j true friend to the Fresideett, fo ^rrge 4«a yet- ■ from our intenoou to presstne to dictate to those j
lieai yearly tircughout the (A: ill fhould unite Mi: the offeitdef- and ffciiyeriug ibem to the civ.lau-
samt Tndtrietuai to be run for the Vice thoiaty? That treaty i- dated oc the first of i cb-
Pruidmey of the United Stalls at tht next election, uary. and iu three months tn-reafter we find them
u id, our present Chief Magistrate { And tcherras, in open hostility against the w hite?, and Ne-ah
peea -tu spirit of. opposition to the administration . Micco answering the uictif.jen sent to h'm. that
0] (Je.n.jaelercn id same sections of themuntry. anil “ he wanted to tijrht- \\ h it faith is to i»i pqt in
| *t"»z fArAicUI-ARLT raoM THE LATE CN5ATDR.xl the scoundrels after such con.; net! None- Tbev
the Senate of the United wanted to fight, add r 'flhht‘et .Lrbe. Nothiuzbut
severe cliasi.’srinent will aiie them into peare for
List eg You steers belonging to. tS*
Wni. F. Butt, Capt.
§jodriard.W. tSuv'.h, 1st Lt-
AVni. Moore, 2d Lt.
Q. L. C." Franklin, 3d Lt.
Jfobt. K. Nloreiand, Ensign.
Hugli 8mith, O'. S?.
C. F. Maddox, 2d Serpt.
Geo. \V. Dickson, 3d Scrgf
jji X. Maddux, 4th Se^gt.
Win. H. C. Fitts, 5tb Surgt.
Jos. W» Thomas, 1st Corporal.
JLarkia Culpepper, 2d Cor pi
W- W. Waif, 3d Corpl.
XJhas. E. ftyan, 4th Corpt.
Lewis Trooten, 5th. Corpt.
Augustus Bryill, Commissary.
Pierson B. Monk, Treasurer &. Sec
A'. Paris",
fcstsbn D'. Hudson ,
Jas. W'. Wilder,
Wm. Few,
YV m'. Hale',
Simon (j. Harrell',
Fregmap Vi atker’,
L. M. Wright,
Wm. A. Garrett,
Cbas. Sherrill,
Jno. Hardaway,
Jao. Good sou,
1 , - .... with a (11111* white streak
numerous and heart rendmg lor repetition.— r
,,,, 1 . J , , t< et .".hue. foijr feet and cA in* lU 1
What cap be more shocking to the feelnr.s at 1
humanity lltmi tlie-descrintion given by obi
out neighbors of poor Davis’s family! Eight! ,;i ars . Ky Joo ih Mug
mangled bodies strej.ed upon the ground, upon i m*iii', this May 1K#>.
whom the vultures of die ait, and the beasts ofj '-'ik JOHN A. BKODIflS, j
prevwere feasting. All of wliom were- con-1 Gix, 1. t.c.
signed to the same hastily formed sepulchre.] Jitne 1 7”y-‘*6.
Their thirst for bipod not satiated by the ij^i 4jONTlis^foi7^7e. aputicA.i...! ,T7I
; ders a->d outrages committed in Alabama, they j tlm henerabl ^terror court «,f
j have polluted our sod, raptured fug town of I ti\(iujieti eMiaty, v. 1h*h setting fur Ordinary pur-
I Roanoke, and murdi red its innocent u.nsusper- pose*.ford.rave to sell Lot of loui.l. ntyuber uuo
j ting inhabitants. Our distinguished .and pat-j huifffjS'^k four , ei , hi .the sixtveutii di-t. foruac;"-
riotic follow citizen,-CoL Gibson, is said to he. *y Lee lo.mtj. Iiut now Sumpter county, draw 11
among tlio slain. My heart, sickens at tlgt '’A -Macy t. Culyer and for her benefit,
i ricital of sugh deeds of murder and ofideatlj. JNO. P. Hli lClIINs, Guardian.
1 Your eountrymeu call you to the field of bat-j
j tie 1 your chivalry, your patriotism^ and all j
. tiiat’s dear to freemen, urge vou , to .the. lielffi. . .
• Our frontier is mvaded, ami Columhits, that 1 l& nLU,e n |. ,h f ‘ housed.N»r m jU
i flourishing citv', the nride qf our .State, is in im- | f -r U '*“ . , . ar,,< ' *• a ..- * jf. 1 “ ’ v’L° ji ,-|
1 , . . t first luc-davtn August tics': Wiiti ..le teg..!
: ininent (laager—already xvo sca lier rim?ns
fleeing in every direction ;. her women and.
children seejtitig protection atporte u« ;
Go follow s.a!dier?, with a solemn resolve,
not only to protect our borders, bnt.ffo carry tlie
war into the enemy's lend*, and teach our sav-'
age foe, tliat. the day of retributive justice is at
hand, when they, siiali atone for the,blood and
suffering of our people.
June 7.:
Pulaski Wipriir :4aJc.
6r»t Tuc‘d?y in A usual
^uiivuf rtie Mlowing j rojHu tf to n it:
Oiie-uesr^-M oiUykU by th« ol Kate, levieil
UH at property oi ific estsutapf Vv in. Hodges to sa
tisfy several ioalI fi .fa9 in favor of Turner Coley*
levy made auci.returned by a coustalde.
June*. r.' ^—*dt«.
Pulaski Sberlff 1 s Sale.
The promptness with which vou have obeved i s,,bl ’ ,b< ‘ lo, ' u °f r * ‘ "" ■"* n 1 *
tbe call of vour eoimtrv, indicates tbe ardor of; V V ladj* r “ ' '* ur ? ‘' J 111
. • :• 1 • s. 11 j. 11 cri*-* next, fbe foliowiaz property to w u.
I y°f .ml IS highly creditable to you j 6 , >t of 11( ,V,“ lviog in the b dn-
1 as freemen : and shows that you ate ever reads , frjc| ori : aR n y Wtlkiowm but now Pul.s. :.-..uu-
! to defend vour country’s rights at every sacri-'... j ev ieffoo a* tlie propei'y of Wcu-ler i <>' ' v,
' flee and hazard. * ! m’-au-fv two small ti fn- .0 Gear of-Willi i:.i .
| To leave your farms at the middle of tlie ! yiinui. ' levy mo 10 and r-toracd tout ay a
I year will he making n sacrifice; hut vourfarms t onsiafcle this 27 th May, fo(k>_-
] and vour families will not be neglected ; there Lts. Jr. m - h ■
13 too much wcrl.h, btr.evaleccc and religion in ! J“ ut ?s