Newspaper Page Text
[My AauSlaos’ity.]
3’ . ,
[PvtlLlC—No. 36. ]
AN AC T to regulate the deposites of the pub
lic money.
/J: 1 it ('illicit d 1)1/ th: St ll.iff atit! llmine i
of lleprc»enlulirs ts the Unit, d Slubs if
America tn UoHgrtss assembled, That it
shall be the duty ot the Secretary of the Trea- i
surv to select as soon as may be practicable I
and employ as tile depositories of the money isfj
the I ailed States, such of the banks incorpora- >
toil by the several S ates, by Congre :s for the ,
District of Columbia, or by the Legislative j
Councils of the icspective Territories ler those
Territories, as may be located tit, adjacent or
Convenient to the points or places at which the
revenues may be collected, or disbursed, and in
those States, Territories or Districts iti which
there are no banks, or in which no bank cau be
employed as a depo.dte bank, and within which
the public collections or disbursements require
a depository, tin'said Secretary may make ur
ine •ements widi t: bank or banks, in some other
State, Territory, oi District, to establish an a
gency, or agencies, in the States, Territoiies or
Del icts so destitute of banks, as batiks ot’ de
posite ; and to receive through such agencies
sutli dfposites of the public money, asm:: v be
directed to be made at the points
»nd to make such disbursements as the public
service may requ r • at tiiose points; the duties
and liabilities of every bank thus establishing
any such agency to be the same in respect to its
agency, as are the duties and liabilities of depo
sit banks generally, under the provisions of this
act. Provided, That at least one such bank
shall be selected in each Suite and Territory,
if any can be found it. each State and Territo
ry willing to be employed as depositories of the
liublic money 1 , upon the terms and conditions
icreinafter prescribed, and continu' to conform
thereto; and th it the Secretary of the Treasury
shall not suffer to remain in any deposite bank
an amount of the publi moneys more than
equal to three-fourths of the amount of its capi
tal stock actually paid in, fora longer time than
may be necessary to enable him to make the
transfers required by the. twelfth section of this
act; and that the banks so selected, shall be, in
his opinion, safe depositories of the public mo
ney, and shall be willing io undertake to do and
perform the several duties and services, and to
conform to the several conditions prescribed bv
this act.
Ssc. 2. -in.7 be it further enacted, That if,
«t any point or place at which the public reve
nue may be collected, there shall be no bank
located, which, in the opinion of the Secretary
of the Treasury is in a safe condition, or where
all the banks at such point or place shall fail or
refuse to be employed as depositories of the pub
lic money of the United States, or to comply
with the conditions prescribed by this act, or
where such banks shall not have sufficient capi
tal to become depositories of the whole amount
of moneys collected at s tch point or place, he
shall and may order and direct the public mo
ney collected at such point or place to be depos
ited in a bank or banks in the same State, or in
some one or more ot' the adjacent States upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed :
Provided, That nothing in this act contained
shall be so construed as to prevent Congress at
any time from parsing any law for the r inova'
of the public money from any of the said banks,
from changing the terms of deposite, or to pre
vent the said batiks at any time from declining
any longer to be the depositories of the public
money upon paying over, or tendering to pav,
the whole amount of public money on hand,ac
cording to the terms of its agreement with the
said Secretary.
Sec. <3. And be it further enacted, That no
bank shall hereafter be selected and employed
by the Secretary of the Treasury as a deposi
tory of die public motley, until such bank shall
have first ftirni hndtot.'.e said Secretary a state
ment of its condition and business, a list cf its
directors, the current price of its stock ; and al
so a copy of its charter; and likewise such
other information as may be necessary to enable
him to judge of th • safety of its condition.
Sec. •!» .17 be. it ‘further enacted, That
the said banks, before they shall be employed
as the depositories of the public money, shall
agree to receive the same, upon the following
terms and conditions, viz .-
First. Etch bank shall furnish to the Secre
tary of the Treasury, from time to time, as often
as ho may require, not exceeding once a week,
etatements setting forth its condition and busi
ness, as preserved in the foregoing section of
this act, except that such statements need not,
unless requested by said Secretary, contain tt
list of the directors, or a copy of the charter.
And the said banks shall furnish to the Secreta
ry of the Treasury, and to the Treasurer of the
United States, a weekly statement of the con
dition ofliis account upon books. And the Sec
retary of the I rcasury shall have the right, by
himself, or an agent appointed for that pur
pose, to inspect such general accounts in the
books ot the bank as shall relate to the said
statements : Provided, That this shall not be
con-trued to imply a right of inspecting the ac
count of any private individual or individuals
with the bank.
Secondly, To credit as specie, all sums de
posited therein to the credit of the Trersurer of
tho United States, audio pay all checks, war
rants, or drafts, drawn on such deposites, in
specie, if rerp ired by the holder thereof.
7 hirdly. I'n give, whenever required by
the Secretary of the Treasury, the ntcessarv
facilities for transferring the public fin ds H orn
place to pltnc, within the United Stat's, and
the I erritorii s thereof, and for distributing the
same in payment o : the public creditors, with
out charging commissi ,n?. or claiming allowance
on acconnt of d; fcrence of exchange.
t ourthly. i o render to the Governmcnt'of
the Lnited States, all the duties and services]
heretofore required bv law to be perfotmed hy
the ,;,tu Bank of the Unit d States and it;.sever
al branches or offices.
Site 5 And be. it. further enacted, lhat no
bank shall be s<l< r-ml or continued as a dace of!
deposite of the public money which shall not re- I
deem >ts notes,nd bills on demand in -pecie ;!
nor shall any hank he selected or contimed as
aforesaid, winch shall after the fourth d’ July, j
in the year one thousand eight hundnd and
thirty-six, issue or pay out any note or liil of a
less dtno.mnatmn than five dollars; mr shall
the notes or lulls any bank lie recei ed in
payment of any debt due to the United States
which shall, after the said fourth day of uly in
the year one thousand eight hundred aid tliir
ty-six, issue any note or bill of a less deiomin
ation than five dollars.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, Tiat the
Secretary of the 'Treasury sballbe, ’ ard ho i,
hereby authorized, and it shall lie his duty,when
ever in his judgment, the sama shall be ler.ti
sary or proper, to require of any bank so se
lected a«d employed as aforesaid, collabral or
additional securities for the safc-kec-jing of
dre public monies deposited therein, aid
faithful performance of the duties required by i
this act. i
Site. 7. And be it further enacted, That it
shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Trea
sury, to enter into contracts in the name and for
and on behalf of the United States, with the
said banks so selected or employed, whereby
the said banks shall stipulate to do and perform
the several duties and services prescribed by
this act.
Sec. 8. And licit further enacted, That
no batik which shall be selected or employ
ed as the place of deposite of the public
money, shall be discontinued as stc.-b deposi-
■ tory, i r the public money withdrawn tlicre-
! front, except for the causes hereinafter men- j
I tinned, that is to say; if, at tiny time, any I
! one of said banks shall fail or refuse to per- I
form any ofsaid duties as prescribed bv t! is ■
: act, amt stipulated to he performed bv its [
I ( onlract; or, if any of said banks shall at
j atty time retuse to pay its own notes in spe- '
; eie i'demanded ; or shall fail to keep in its 1
i vaults such an amount of specie as shall be j
i required by the Secretary of the Treasury, '
and shall he, in bis opinion necessary to
i render the said bank a safe depository of!
’ the public moneys, having due regard to
| the nature ot’ the bujitiess transacted by the
■ batik ; in any ami every such case it shall be
I the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury
to discontinue any such bank as a deposilo
ry, and withdraw from it the public moneys
which it may hold on deposite at the time of
such discontinuance. And in case of the
discontinuance of an» ofsaid banks, it shall
be the duty of the Secretary of the Tretts
ury to report to Congress immediately if in
session, and if not in session then at the com
mencement of its next session, the facts and ;
I reasons which have induced such discontin-1
i nance
I And in case of the discontinuance ofj
; any ofsaid banks a., a place of deposite of
: the puluic money for any of the causes here- !
; in before provided, it shall be lawful fori
i the Secretary of the Treasury to deposite
I the money thus withdrawn in some other I
I banks of deposite already selected, or to
j select some other bank as a place ot'depos- '
i ite, upon the terms and conditions prescrib
led by this act. And in default ol any bank
: to receive such deposite, the money thus
withdrawn shall be kept by the Treasurer
of the United States, according to the laws
now in force, and shad be subject to be
disbursed according to law.
Sec. 9. Aad bi. it further enacted, That
until the Secretary of the Treasury shall
have selected and employed the said banks
as places of deposite of the public money,
in conformity to the provisions of this act,
the several Stales and District banks at
present employed as depositories of the
money of the United States, shall continue
to be the depositories aforesaid upon the
terms and conditions upon which they have
been so employed.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted That
it shad be the duty of the Secretary of the
■Treasury to lay before Congress, at the
i commencement of each annual session, a
| statement of the member and names of the
i banks employed as depositories of the pub-
I lie money, and of their condition, and the
; amotmt of public money deposited in each,
as shown by their returns at the Treasury;
■ and if the selection of any bank depository
lof the public money be made by the Sec
i retary of the Treasury, while Congress is
in session, he shall immediately report the
name and condition of such bank to Con
i gress ; and if any such election shall be
! made during the recess ofCongres, he shall
report the sane to Congre. s during the first
week of its next session,
Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That
whenever the amount of public deposites to
the credit of the Treasurer of the United
States, in any bank shal l , fora whole quar
ter of a year, exceed the one- fourth part of
the amount of the capital stock of such bank
actually paid in, the banks shall allow and
pay to the United States, for the use of the
I excess of the deposites over the one-fourth
part of its capital, ami interest at the rate
of two per centum per annum, to be calcu
! lated, for each quarter, upon the average
i excesses of the quarter; add it shall be the
I duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, at
die close of each quarter, to cause the a
mounts on deposite in each deposite bank
for the quarter, to be examined and ascer
tained, and to see that all sums of interest
accruing under the provisions of this sec
tion, are, by the banks respectively passed
to the credit of lie Treasurer of the United
! States in his accounts with the respective
I batiks.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That
! all warrants or orders for the purpose of
I transferring the public funds from the banks
j in which they now are, or may hereafter be
j deposited, to other batiks, whether of depo
site or not, for the purpose ofaccornmodat
ing the banks to which the transfer may be
made, or to sustain their credit, or for anv
other purpose whatever, except it be to fa
cilitate the public disbursements, and to
comply with the provisions of this act, be,
and the same are hereby, prohibited and
i declared to be ilk gal ; and in cases where
i transfers shall be required for purposes of
J equalization under the provisions of this act,
in consequences of too great an accumtda-
I tion of deposites in any bank, such trans
j fers shall be made to the nearest deposite
. banks which tire considered safe and secure,
■ ami which can receive the moneys to be
j transferred under the limitations in this act
I imposed : Provided, That it may lie lawful
> for the President of the United States to di
‘ rect transfers of public money to be made
J from time to time to the mint and branch
| imuts of the United States, for supplying
I mjtlerial for coining’.
I Sec. 13. And Be it further enacted, That
■ the money which shall be in the Treasury of
j the United .States, on the first day of January
] eighteen hundred and thirty seven, reserving
| the sum of five millions of dollars, shall be de
posited with the several States in ’proportion
to their respective representation in the Senate
and House of Representatives of the United
States, as shall, by law authorize the 'Treasu
ries, or the competent authorities to receive the
sat .c on the terms hereinafter specified,and the
Secretary of the 'Treasury shall deliver the same
to . uch 'Treasurer, or other competent authori
ties, on receiving certificates of deposite there
for, signed by such competent authorities, in
such form as may be perscribed by the Secre
tary aforesaid, which certificates shall express
the usual ami legal obligations,'tind pledge the
faith of the State, for the safe keeping and re
payment thereof, and shall pledge the faith of
•he •State*'receiving the sarficf, to pay the said
moneys arid' every part thereof, from time to j
whenever the same shal) be required by I
the Secretary of the Treasury, for the purpose
of defraying any wants of the public 'Treasury, I
beyond the amount of the five millions afore
said : Provided That if any State declines to
receive its proportion of the surplus aforesaid or
the terms before named, the same shall be de
posited with the other Slates, agreeing to ac
cept the same on deposite, in the proportion
aforesaid: And provided further, That when
said money, or any part thereof shall be wanted
by the said Secretary, to meet the appropria
tions made by law the same shall he called for,
in ra cable proportion within one year, as near
ly as conveniently may be from the different
States, with which the same is deposited, and
shall not be called for, in sums exceeding ten
i thousand dollars from any one State, in any one
I month, without previous notice of thirty days
I for every additional sum of $20,000, which at
I any time may be required.
Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, 'That the
i said deposites shall be made with the said States
i in the following proportions, and at the follow
j ing times, viz: one quarter part on the first day
I of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven
I or as soon thereafter as may be ; one quarter
I part on the first day of April, one quarter part
on the first day of October, ail in the same
] year.
Sue. 15. And be it further enacted, That to
enable the Secretary of the 'Treasury to carry
into efiect the provisions of this act, he be au
thorized to appoint three additional clerks for
his Department, the one at a salary of one
thousand six hundred dollaas per-anntnn, and
I the remaining two at a salary of one thousand
dollars each per-annum, and to pay the said
clerks quarter yearly, out of any money in the
Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Speaker if the House of Representatives
Vice President of the United States,
and President of the Senate.
Approved, the 23d of June, 1836.
Female College.
j Flip HE Spring Term of this Institution will
_IL end on I’ riday the 24th inst. and the exer-
! eises ot the fail term will be resumed on'Tuesday
I the sth of July.
'Die unexampled patronage which this Institu
tion his received during the fust term of its exist
ence, (its students numbering 55) induces the
Principal to make such arrangements for its fu
ture usefulness, as shall place it on a foundation to
he coinpaired with the best Institutions of the
kind in the United States, and, at the same time,
worthy ol the appellation it has received. A cor
respondence now pending between the Principal
and a gentleman and bis lady, will, most probably,
result in the connectinn of those individuals with
the Institution, from and after the beginning of
he approaching term, at which time, every de
partmentwill have its head. The character, ex
perience and talents of those persons as profession
al teachers, will, we trust, ensure us a continu
ance of the support and confidence already’ ex
tended to us.
It is very desirable, that all pupils intended for
this Institution, sholdd be present at the organiza
tion of tile classes, on the first day of the next
LUCIEN LATASTE, $ Principals
The following will be ihe officers for the next
L. Lataste, Principal and Instructor of mod
ern and ancient languages, History, Rheto
ric, Belles Lettres, Criticism, Loiric, Geogra
phy, Ac. &c. b
Rev d Instructor of Chemistry,
Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathema
tics, &, &.
Mrs— Instructor of Drawing Paint-
ing. Needle Work, &c. &.
Victor Lataste, Instructor of the Theory and
Practice of music.
Jur-ius Lataste, adjunct instructor ofmusic, &
also of Mathematic.s Astronomy, &c. &c.
Arrangements are being made to supply the
Institution with a new and complete Scientific,
and Philosophical Apparatus— a Cabinet of Nat
ural History—a Harp, several new Pianos, Gui
tars, Flageolets, &.c. Nothing shall be wanting
here to give young ladies a thorough ornamental,
literary and scientific education.
JBcpas’tmciral, <«a. ?, yOi/j June, 1836. $
SP HL ■ rcasurer having, this day, reported to
this Department the amount received at the
Fieasury since the 24th June. 1835, on account of
the fund set. apart for the support of Academies
ami i'ree Schools, and the same being found suffi
cient to justify another Distribution,
ORDERED, That an Apportionment ofsaid
fun Is be made among the several Comities in this
State, in the manner provided by law; and that
notice thereof he given by' publication of this Or
der. twice, in the Federal’ Union, Standard of Un
ion, Southern Recorder and Georgia Journal.
By order of the Governor,
VAM. J. W. WELLBORN, Secretary.
J uly 5 "05 l( ;
EORGIA, Cobb county.—Tolled before me
? by William Danforth of said county, one
brown mare mule, slightly hipshotten, the ageun
know n, no brands to be discovered, and appraised
by William T. Blackstocke and W'illiam Harris, to
forty dollars ; this the 4th June, 1836.
William Saxsom, J. P.
A true extract from the minutes of Estrays.
MARTIN ADAMS, c. i. c.
July 5 25—41.
One small bay horse, levied on as the property
of Elisha Hodge, io satisfy a fi fa issuing out of
the Superior court of Laurens county, in favor ol
Robei l Hodge vs. the said Elisha Hodge—-proper
ty pointed outby David Simpson.
July 5, 1836.
GEORGIA, Fayette Comity.
SIX MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the honorable the Inferior
Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, for letters dismissory from the estate
of John Crittenden dec.
This is therefore to admonish all a::d and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased,
if they have any objections, why said letters
should not be granted, to file their objections in
terms of the law.
June 19. 25 —6 m.
STRAY ED from the stable of the subscriber in
the village of Sparta, some time in May last,
a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 or 8 years old,
walks, trots and paces under thesaddlc, no parti
cular marks recollected. He was raised in Ken
lucky, and will probably make off in that direc
tion. Any information respecting said horse will
lie thankfully received and reasonably rewarded.
Pulaski Sheriff Sale.
WILL be sold, at the Court house door in Ihe
town of Hartford, Pulaski county, on the
first Tuesday in August next, within the legal
hours of sale, the following property to wit:
One negro woman hy the name of Kate, levied
on as properly of the estate of Wm. Hodges to sa
tisfy several mall fi fas in favor of Turner Coley
levy inado and returned by a constable.
Juno 7. 22—tds.
GEORGIA, Crawford County.
POSTED before me, Mauscl Hammock, one
of the Justices of peace, ofsaid county’
one estray horse mule, about two years old, dark
bay, posted by Irwin IL Woodard of said dist
appraised by Asa Jolly and James Taylor, to six
ty dollars, tins May l lth. 1836.
WILLIAM McGEE, c. i. c.
June 7.22—4 t.
KETJIIE Stage Office for the two lines of Stages
_U. running from this place to Augusta and
Columbus, having been removed from Mrs. Hu
son’s to WASHINGTON 11ALL, persons wishing
seats cau procure them by calling at the WASH
INGTON HALL, for cither line. The Mail or
Telegraph, the Mail going West, leaves every
morning at 6 o'clock, and going North at eleven
o’clock tit night.—Telegraph lor Columbus leaves
every day at 3 o’clock. P, M. North every day
at 6 o'clock in the morning—for Clinton, Tues
days, Thursdays mid I’ridays. Seats for the a
bove lines can be taken at their office, in the East
end of the Hotel.
B6y Ake of
Umted StssUc-s.
IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of a trea
ty between the United States and the Chick
asaw Indians, made and concluded on Pontitoc
Creek, on the twentieth day of October, 1832. and
of the supplementary ami explanatory articles
thereto, made and concluded on the twenty-sec
ond day of the. same month, and also of the Treaty
between the United States and the Chickasaw’
Indians, made and concluded at the City of
Washington, on the twenty-fourth day of May.
1834, I Andrew Jackson, President of the United
States, do hereby declare and make known, that
public sales ferthe disposal of such of the lands
ceded to the United States by the said Indians, as
are bcicinafterdvscribcd, shall be held at the land
Office at Powtitoc, in Mississippi, at the under
mentioned periods, viz.:
On thejlrut Monday in September next, for the
sale of the lands in the following townships, viz :
Townships 1. of ranges 1,2, 3,4, and 5 east.
Townships 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 4 east.
Townships 2. 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 5 east.
Townships 2. 3,4, 5,6, 7, nnd 8, of ranges 6,
7,8, and f) east.
Townships 2,3, 4,5, 9 and 7, of range 10 east
On thejourth Monday in September next, for
the sale of the lands in the following townships,
and fractional townships, viz :
Townships 14 and 15, of ranges 3, <md4.
Townships 14, 15 and 16, of range 5.
Townships 9,10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, and 16,
fractional township 17, of range 6.
TownshipsS), 10 and 11, and fractiou.-.l township
15, 16 and 17, of range 7.
Townships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9.
Also, at. the same time, for the sale of the un
der mentioned townships and fractional town
ships, west ofthe meridian, of the Huntsville dis
trict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces
sion, situate in the State of Alabama, viz :
Fractional township 4, of range 12-
Fractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of
range 13.
Fractional township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 and
7; fractional townships 8, 9 and 10, of range 14.
Fractional townships 2. 3,4, 5,6, 7 and 8,
township 9. and fractional townships 10 and 11,
of range 15.
Fractional townships 8,9, 10 and 11, of ratge 16.
On tlie third Monday in October next, for the
sale of the under mentioned townships, viz :
Township 1, of range 1.
Townships 1 and 6, of range 2, P and 4.
Townships 1,4, 5 and 6, of range 5.
Townships 1.2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range 6.
Townships j,2, 3,4, 5 and fi, of ranges 7&. 8.
Townships 1,2, 3 and 5, of range 9.
On the first Monday in November next,
I for the sale of the undermentioned townships
Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, of range 1.
Township 7,8, 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 2,3,
4 a»d 5.
Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8.
Township 7, of range 9.
The lands reserved by law forthc use ofschools,
or for other purposes, as well as the lands selec
ted as reservations, under the provisions of the
said treaties, are to be excluded from the sales.
Each sale is to continue open for two weeks,
and no longer. The lands will be offered in quar
ter sections, and fractional quarter sections where
such exist.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washing
ton, this twentieth day of May, A. D. 1836.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
of scrip issued from the
j Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty
land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia,
and the United States, for services in the revolu
tionary army; as well as certificates of land
stock, issued at the district land offices, for the
amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under
the credit system of land sales, are not receivable
for lands within the Chickasaw cession.
General Land Office, May. 20, 1836.
June 14. 22—1st Nov.
Pulaski Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL be sold, in the town of Hartford, Pu
laski county, on the first Tuesday in Au
gust next, the following property to wit:
One lot of land, no 232, lying in the 19th dis
trict originally Wilkinson, but now Pulaski coun
ty, levied on as the property of Wensley Hobby,
to satisfy two small fi las in favor of William .C.
Micou. Levy made and returned to me by a
constable this27th May, 1836.
JAS. DYKES, Jr. D. Sb’ff-
J une 7. 22—tds.
Ware SSicri/rs Sfflc,
ON the first Tuesday in August next, will be
sold before the Court House door in the
Town of Waresboro, Ware County, within the
usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit.:
One Red Ox, also, 2(1 head of other cattle, 18
of which are marked, with a crop and slit in one
ear, and a swallow fork and upper bit in the other,
the remaining two, marked with a crop and slit
and under bit. in one ear, and swallow fork and
upper hit in the other, all branded M. Levied on
as the property of Dempsey Daugherty, to satisfy
afi fa from Tatnall Inferior Court, in favor of
Charles Partine. GILES J. GUEST.
June 14, tds.—22.
S Reward.
|SJB AN A WAY from the subscriber living near
Hawkinsville about the month of Februa
ry a dark coloured man 45 years of age with a
scar on his face, and goes by the name of Tom.
The above reward will be given to any person,
who wil] deliver the said negro to the subscri
ber at bis residence in Pulaski County.
A fli’ce unjess of Folor,
By the name of PHILIP BOMAN, by his
guardian Nelson Dickinson, applies to be pub
lished and registered in terms of the law, he is sft.
II inches high, straight built, thin visage—which
colored man says be was born on the 28th of Au
gust, which will be twenty nine years ago, on the
28th of August 1836, —Farmer by trade; rather
a light dark color, not a jet black man ; went from
Halifax comity, Va. to Alabama, and thence to
Lumpkin county Ga.., in Oct. 1831, and had his
name registered there, as he was informed accor
ding to law, with, as he believed a full set of pa
pers establishing his freedom—thence bo removed
in the year 1838 to Murray county Ga., and from
thence he came iu April 1836 to the county of
June 23. 24—6 t.
J. A. MADDOX, I’ep. Cl’k. i. r.
JVfillet!geville (dcovgia.
r|4llE subscriber having taken this well known
stand, lor a term of years, offers to his
fi lends and the public, as good accommodations as
can be found in the up country of GcorMa.
Ihs supplies will be of the first quality ; and all
that can be done for the comfort of those who mav
lavor him with a call, shall be done. J
Ihs charges shall be uniform and reasonable.
IMe whole establishment is undergoing a tho
rough repan'. and will contain when completed,
upwards oi sixty comfortable rooms.
January 4. 50—4 t.
I’iie Federal Union, Southern Recorder, Con
stitutionalist, and Southern Banner, wil] give the
above four insertions, and forward their accounts
tOUle - A.M. IL
months after date, application will be
made to the honorable the inferior Courtof
I uiaski county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,
for letters of dismission on the estate of Charles
Mills, deceased, by Daniel B. Rhodes, administra
tor :
This is therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed to be and appear at ray office within the time
prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any) why said
letters should not be granted. Given under my
hand this 18th day of April, 1836.
May 3, 1836
imTiSEWA e m ~
IOST or stolen from the subscriber in Burke
J Comity, on the 14th or 15th day of May last,
elled dial, full jewelled, No 8565. S, P. Tobias
& Co - Lsvepool Makers. The above named
will be paid for the watch and conviction of the
thief, (if stolen,) or fifty dollars for the watch
June 13, 23 3t.
The Standard of Union, Milledgeville, and the
Hive. Columbia, S. C. will give the above three
inset tions.
" 1O - '
■g® ANAWAY from the subscriber, on the 31st
.a®’ u | t _, a Negro man named BERRY, about
25 or 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches
high, very black, and lias a down cast look when
spoken to, he has followed the river from this
place to Darien, on a boat for Messrs. Nichols &
Deming,3or 4 years; whoever will deliver him
to me in this place, orlodge him in any safe Jail in
this State, so that I can get him, shall receive
the above reward, and all reasonable expences
Milledgeville, June 14, 1836. 22—if.
GEORGIA, Ware County.
i Fai°ULED before Stephen Williams, a Justice
j m! the I eaee, in and lor said County.
One estray Brown bay Indian mare—one hind
j foot while, and a star in the face—about five feet
three inches high—about 3 years old, and ap
praised to S4O, by John Williams and Henrv
May 21st, 1836, oo
STRAYED from the subscriber, two miles a
bove Corinth in Coweta county, about the
19th day of May last, ONE BLACK MARE
MULE; about six years old, the mans about
half grown out inconsequence of being rouched;
a common size mule, no particular marks recol
lected.—Also, one SORREL HORSE COLT,
one year old, tolerable low in order. The last I
heard of them, they were in Newnan, Coweta
county; I think they were making up the country.
Any information will be thankfully received—
any person taking up said Mule add Colt, shall be
amply rewarded by informing me at Corinth
Heard county, Georgia.
June 11, 23—5 t
fWIHE SUBSCRIBERS have formed a Co
-®- partnership under the firm of Shackleford,
Boag &. Co. for the purpose of importing and
transacting a wholesale dry goods business.
They will open a large and extensive stock of
goods direct fooin Europe, suited to the southern
market, about the Ist September, in the Block of
buildings, at the corner of Fraser’s Wharf and
East Bay.
Charleston June Ist 1836.
June 14. 22—5 t.
THE subscriber offers for sale, in Harris coun
ty, one tract of nine hundred acres, of fine
seventeen miles from Columbus, on the Marshall
ferry road, on which, there are three hundred and
fifty acres of open land; a gteat portion of which
is fresh. A good gin houss and screw; a good
barn and stables—a comforUble two story dwell
ing house, well finished. A good kitchen and
comfortable negro houses. A handsome situation;
line ivater; a beautiful farm, ind every way desi
ALSO, a tract in the samoneighborhood of six
hundred acres, on which there are one hundred
and seventy acres of open land; the whole o
which, has been cleared within the last two years.
1 olcrably comfortable log buildings. Corn and
fodder, and stock of different kinds can be had at
both places. The above property will besold on
terras to suit purchasers, and at reasonable prices.
Persons wishing such property, would do well to
call early, orthey may miss a bargain.
The Standard of U nion and Georgia Jour
nal, will each give the above six insertions, and
or ward their accounts to Ellerslie, Harris county,
or payment.
Troy Hiil.
THE undersigned informs his friends and those
of the late firm of Cutter S, Cornwell, that
lie intends resuming the Warehouse and Commis
sion business at the store next above the one re
cently occupied by T. J. Chace, on the margin of
East Macon, known as the town of Troy. He fur
ther informs the public that he has bought bis
Goods, &c., and having now on the way, from New
York and other places, Dry Goods and Groceries,
together making his stock complete, which will be
sold low lor ready pay. he will be ready to receive
Cotton early in the fall, and be preparer! to make
advances. He would particularly notice to his
friends the great advantages his Warehouses have
over those in the dense part of the city with regard
to fire, they being detached from other building and
at a distance from any street or lane and well en
close. |f. s. CUTTER.
O.T’. I he Macon Messenger and Telegraph, Mil
ledgeville Journal and Standard of Union, will
publish the above until further notice.— Georgian.
Arch st. 26—9 m.
GEORGIA, Knoxville Crawford County.
FMNOLLED before me on the Sth day of June
JBL 1836, by Alexander Bull—an Iron Gray
Mare supposed to be about three years old,
black main and tail, no other perceivable marks
or brands, appraised by Nathaniel Shelly and
George M. Wells al Sixty Dollars.
MILLEDGEVILLE. Dec. 26, 1835.
TILE Subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
those who have favored him with the
transaction of business in the Central Bank ; be
ing now about to remove to Columbus, he has
transferred his books to his son Benjamin T. Be
thune, and Hamilton B. Gaither, who arc autho
rized to settle all balances due to or from him on
said books ; and they will attend to the renewal
of notes in the Central Bank, at the usual fee of
one dollar for each renewal. He solicits the pat
ronage of his former friends and others in their
behalf; he feels confident that all business entrus
ted to their care, will be faithfullv and promptly
attended to. JOHN BETHUNE.
January 4,so—ts.
GEORGIA, DeKalb County.
Sarah E. Reid, I
vs. Libel for Divorce.
Bryce Reid. )
IT appearing to the Court by the return of the
Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found
in thecounty of DeKalb—and it also furiher ap
pearing to the Court, that the defendant does not
reside within the State of Georgia—on motion of
counsel for plaintiff, it, is ordered by the Court
that service be perfected upon the defendant, by
publication of this Rule, once a month for three
months, in some public Gazette in this State.
A true copy from the minutes of the Court, March
Term, 1836.
May 3, 1836 m3in
NOTICE —All persons indebred to the estat
of Patrick Finley, late of Pulaski comity,
deceased, are requested to come forward without
delay, and settle the same; and those having de
mands against said estate, will please render them
in to the subscriber in terms of the law.
•B. W. BRACE WALL, Atlm’r.
Pulaski county, April 29,1835 17 6t
THE subscriber offers for sale, six hundred
and seven acres, first rate Corn snd Cotton
Land, with one hundred and twenty acres fine
land, under good fences, all fresh; which will
produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds
Cotton to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels
Corn, there is on the premises, a double log cab
bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two
excellent Wells of water, which never fails; the
above lands all lie in the fifteenth and twenty
eighth district Lee, now Sumter county, all join
ing; which will besold on a credit, of one, two
and three years; persons wishing to purchase,
would do well to view the premises, and call ot>
the subscriber in Milledgevile during the present
session, or at my residence in Twiggs county, af
ter the cession. BENJ. B. SMITH.
December, 7, 1835. 47—ts
This distinguished son of Sir
Charles, belonging to Col. Wil-
C'GTre I ‘ am Johnson of Virginia
and Messrs, T. B. Howard of
Columbus, and A. 11. Kenan of Milledgeville,
will remain the present spring and fall seasons at
the stable of Mr. Kenan at Milledgeville. As a
racer A NDREIP was number one, his colts in
Virginia and New York are spoken of in the high
est terms. Mares sent to ANDREICvAW be kep
at ten dollars per month and receive every atten
tion ; they will be under the immediate care ofthe
proprietor and kept within sight of ANDREIPS
Stable. The season will commence at the first
of February and end the first of July Terms the
same as last season. Handbills will be shortly
sent out.
January 11 51
TSie last Warning!!
THE undersigned respectfully asks all those
indebted to him, to make payment without
Between this time and the first of October
next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do
so, can make arrangements to meet their re
spective dues ; and he appeals particularly to
those who are in arrears for two, three, four,
and five years, to come forward and settle up
their old scores at once.
This call is forced upon him by the imperi
ous necessity of meeting his own engagements;
which he is unable to do, without punctuality on
the part of those who owe him. Therefore
they are hereby notified, that even one who
shall fail to make payment by the first day of
October next, will find their notes and accounts
in the bands of collecting officers, without dis
This will be a painful step, but it cannot be
avoided; and those who fail to pay within the
time above stated, ought not, and he trusts, will
not complain.
Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22—ts.
In the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan
uary Term, 1836.
ITPON the petition of Edward Thomas and
J others. Stockholders of the Merchants’ and
Planters’ Bank, praying the appointment of a
Receiver of the assets of said Bank, for the pur
pose set forth in said petition ou file :
Ordered, That Edward Thomas be appointed
as such Receiver, he first giving bond aud securi
ty, to be approved by the Clerk, in the sum of
Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of
this Court, and his successors in office, for the
faithful discharge of his duty in said office.
It it further Ordered, That the said Merchant's
•and Planters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver and
transfer to said Receiver, all and singular, the
Books, Papers, Monies and Assets of every des
cription, belonging to said Bank, and that said
Receiver be and he hereby is fully authorized and
empowered, to receive and collect by suit in his
own name as Receiver, or by other legal means, all
outstanding claims due to said Bank, and to pay
all debts due from it, and to defend all suits pend
ing, or that may be brought against said Bank.
An on the receipt of said assets, or of such por
tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said
Receiver is authorized aud required, from time to
time, to divide among the Stockholders or their
legal representatives, in proportion to their res
pective interests, such part of the assets of said
Bank, as he may find prudent and proper to divide,
always reserving a sufficient fund to answer the
probable responsibilities of the Institution.
And it it further Ordered, That the said Re
ceiver do report tn this Court, at its sitting in Jan
nary next, bis actings aud doings on the premises,
and that after the making up of said report, he be
no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received
by any creditor of said Bank, unless the term of
his responsibility be then further extended.
It is further Ordered, That a copy of the above
order, be published in one of the public Gazettes
of Augusta and Milledgeville, at leastonce a month
fi-Qin this date to the first of January next.
A true extract from the Minutes, this 16th day of
February, 1836.
afSIHE SUBSCRIBER respectful-
JL ly informs his friends and the
public, that he has opened a house o
entertainment in the Town of Law
renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he
flatters himself those who may favor him with a
call will find every thing provided which: cau con
tribute to them comfort and convenience.
Lawrenceville Dec. 9, 1835. m tm6—49.
INFORMATION is wanted concerning Wyl
lysll. Scott, a travelling agent for the sub
scribers, in teaching Cutting, obtaining Subscri
bers to our Reports of the Fashions, and collect
ing for the subscribers and Daniel Oatman. As
the subscribers have not heard from him in some
months, they hereby warn all persons against oay
ing bint, either notes ot accounts, and will he ve
ry thankful for any information that will furnish
them with a clew to find him if living, as we fear
some evil has befallen him.
60 Liberty street, New York.
June 21 23—3 t.
May 3, 1836
Hi’iice’s New-York. Type
No. 13, Chambers Street, near Chatham.
rSIHE price of Five line Pica, plain and an-
Jffl. tique, is reduced to 25 cents a pound, and
Six line Pica and larger to 20 cents, thereby mak
ing these perfect metal types cheaper than any s
This Foundry has a most extensive and unpa
ralleled assortment of Plain, Shaded. Condensed,-
and Ornamental Types, by which Printers at the
letter press are enabled to rival the impressiou
from copper-plate in beauty, fancy, and tasteful
The assortment embraces 250 sizes or varieties,
from twelve line pica to pearl, of Roman. Italic,
Black, Antique, Italin, Title, Condensed, Shaded,
Sciipt, Backslope, German Text, Ornamented,
Music, eve., and also Piece Fractions, Superiors,
Space Rules, Astronomical and other Signs, Orr
n a men ted Dashes, Long Braces, Brass Rules, near
ly three hundred borders, and more than 1000 cuts
or ornaments for newspapers, school book, andi
scientific works.
The subscriber furnish Composing sticks, cases,
chases, galleys furniture, paper, ink, all loads of
Printing Presses, and every article required in a
Printing Office. They also execute ordtas.for Sto
(E/ 5 ’ Printers of Newspapers who pnblish this
advertisement (with this note) three times before
the first of July, 1836, and send a paper contain
ing it to the foundry, shall receive paymeat whoi*
they make purchases from the foundry, of fuuv
times the amount of their bill,
New York Jan. 23, 1836, 12 3t
Fifty Daiiars Reward? '
FOR the apprehension and delivery es a vilk
lain. by the name of HENRY ASBURY
who from the strongest circumstantial proof, camo
to my horse lot on the night of the 15th inst aud
stole my mare.—The said thief is a man about
fifty years of age, five feet, eight or nine inches,
high, dark skin, hair and eyes, heavy eye-brows,
and of a very bad countenance, with a thick black
beard ; has generally wore his hair long, but mar
possibly have it cut offfor fear of being detected.
It has been said that he has latterly lost sight of
oueofhis eyes. The mare that he took off is small;
what might be called a chesnut sorrel, with a.
blaze in her face. She has three white feeland
legs; her tail has been very awkwardly cut off;
was very much rubbed by the saddle skirts, aad
considerablyjaded by travelling.
The above reward is offered for the apprehen
sion and delivery of the said rogue tome in Gwin
nett County. 18 miles below Lawrenceville, near
the line of Walton and Gwinnett. Any person
that will deliver said thief and the mare above des
cribed, shall have an additional reward of twenty
five dollars, or I will give twenty-five dollars for
the delivery ofthe mare to my residence in Gwin
nett County, or a liberal reward will bo given for
such information as will enable me to get the
thief or the mare- She was three years old last
June, and four feet, eight or ten inches high as near
as I can guess.
March 25. 23 3t.
Standard of Union will give this
three insertions, and forward their account to
Windsor P. O. Walton county, Ga. for collection.
T. G. G.
THE Subscriber very respectfully informs his
friends and the publick generally that ho
has located himself at the Marrietta Hotel, Cobl>
C. IL, where he offers his services to search out
and test the value of Gold and Land lots, and to>
make a true return to applicants in the counties of
Cobb, Paulding, Floyd, Cass, Cherokee and For
syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at tho
above stated place, reference may be had to tho
State and Check maps, the quality Book, and nu
merical list. Patronage in the above business
will be thankfully received by
March 11. 1835. 61 ts.
4000 ESiislieis Salt,
75 cents per bushel, cash, in quantities to
suit purchasers, from five bushels and upwards.
Milledgeville, March 15 9tf
MFgl HIS Establishment is now under
_S_ the control »of the subscribers,
who pledge themselves to render com
Portable those who may call on them.
Febuary23, 6 ts
JLost aiiel !!
On the 27th day of May last, a Negro Boy
was delivered, to me by a waggoner in Augus
ta, with a request that I would take him to Han
cock county for the purpose of delivering him
to his owner.
I received the boy and brought him home,
but could not find his owner.
He is about ten years old, four feet two inch
es high, and dark complexion. He says hist
masters name is Thomas Wimberly of Han
cock County, but from all the enquiries which
I have made, I am certain there is no such man
in the county. He also states that he was lost
from his owner.
The boy is still in nty possesession, and being
desirous that his master should find him, I take
this public method of making known the facta
I shall keep him a reasonable time and it
he is not called for, shall deliver him to the
public authorities of the connty. to be disposed
of as they may think proper; during which
period, I shall be ready to deliver him to the
owner, upon proof of his right, and payment of
Hancock county, Ga.
June, 14 1836. 22—4 t.
The Augusta Constitutionalist and Macon
Telegraph, will give the above 2 insertions each
and forward theirßills to Sparta. N. G.
The Subscribers having formed a connexion in
business in this place, under the firm of BALL
& BOSTWICK, offer the Stock of Goods bought
of Messrs-L. Bostwick & Co. on favorable terms
at the old stand, Harper’s Brick Building, adjoin
ing Mess.s. Rowe & Smith. They have recent-,
ly received a supply of Summer GOODS, andt
such as will make it worthy the attention of'
Country Merchants. Planters, and all others
that deal in their line.
Augusta, May 10, 1836.
Juno 14. 22
THE Tubscribers having sold out their entire
WARE, to Messrs. RALL & BOSTWICK, so
licit for them the custom of their former acquain
The unsettled Business of L. Bostwick & Cc;
will be attended to by either ofthe firm.
GEORGIA, Crawford county.
Stephen S. Wright, of the 768th company
dist. G. M., tolled before ineone small sorrel mare,
with a blaze in her face, left hind foot white and
some white on her left four foot. Four feet and
eleven inches high, supposed to be 7 or 8
old, also, one dark chesnut -sorrel pr black hors*,
with a small white streak in his face, both hind
feet white, four feet and B<J inches high, supposed
to be four or five years old. The mare appraised
to seventy-five dollars, and the horse to sixty-five
dollars. By Josiah Knighten and Gideon New
som, this 28th May 1836.
JOHN S. BROOKS, j. r .
William McGee, c. i.c.
June 7, 1836.