Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, August 16, 1836, Image 1

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KIMTF.I) ISV TIIO.UA# lIAI M:*i. ENQ. VOL. 808. TOO. JU. ' /'hwbavb of IB T A*. G. RO !) (NSSOW, Publisher {lit/ Authority,) of the Laus | of (he I nited Slates: OMre oh Wrecnc street. iicnrl) oppo- ■ Nite the Mnrkcl. latued evri v Tuesday inorniiv’.at $3 per nmium Nu subscription taken t >r less than a year I ■nd no paper discontinued, hot at the option oi j the ptib.i.hcr, until all iureara ;es are paid. Advertisemests conspicuously inserted at the ; usual rates—these not limited when handl'd in, | , will b« inserted ’till forbid, nid charged accord- ' < iogly. | I i ll \\<;E OF omi t"!’1O\. We desire such of our subscribers hi nitty nt nuv time wish the direction of their papers chan-1 C ed from one Post Office to another, to inform ' ( us, ia all cast s, t>( the place to which they had I t been previously sent ; as the mere order to tor- ( t watd them to a different office, places it almost out of our power, to comply , bee iltse we have no I mean* of ascertaining the office fiom which they at* ordered to be chairjed, but a search through •nr whole suhsei iption Book, containing several tbuusjnd names. I I POST At IE. i It is a standiiv> rule with this office, as well 1 a* all others, that the postage of till letters and ' communications to the Editor or Proprietor must bo paid. We repeat it n*;niii, —and re- 1 quest all person* h iving occasion to address us upon business connected in any way with tho : establishment, to hear it in mind. Persons . wishing to become subscribers to the Standard 1 of I nion, arc particularly leipiested to give their attention to tins; or they trill not hare the pa per forwarded to them. [By Authoriy.] LAWS OF THE I NITED STATES’ riaaxu ir jur. Twe.vrv-i'oi hth io.sgklsh, FIHST SF.SMIOX. | i [Rt’.SOl.l Tto.X, No. 9.] A RESOLUTION, referring the petition ( and paper* of the heirs oi' Robert Fill- ( ton, deceased, to the Secretary of the i < Navy, to report thereon to Congress. Resolved hi/ the Senate anil House of\ Representatives of the I ailed Stales of A ' , snrrica in Congress assembled, That the pc-! , tition und papers of the heirs of Robert Fid- I , ton, be referred to the Secretary of the Na-I vy, to state mt account between the United I t States, and said heirs, by debiting them with ( , all the money s paid to the said Robert Ful ton, and not settled on the books of the Treasury Department. i Second. To credit the said heirs with all i , moneys advanced or expended by the snid ‘ . Fulton, in and about the business of the U- I , nited States, committed to his care, or about | which he had an agency. Third. To credit the said heirs a com-• , pensntion commensurate with the value and ( importance of the services rendered by the , said Robert Fulton, to the United Slates, ( in inventing a system of coast and harbor defence, ami in testing its utility so far as lie was employed or engaged to render such services by the authorities of the United, Stales, or when such services were recogni- j sed as having been rendered for the United ' States, previous to, or during, the late war with Great Britain. Fourth. To credit the said heirs with the j like compensation, for the services of the ■ said Robert Fulton, for inventing and in ! superintending the construction of a steam i frigate, at New York, during and after said j war. Fifth, To credit the said heirs w ith a just and equitable compensation, for the de- 1 tention of the steamboat Vesuvius, at New I Orleans, from the thirtieth of December,: eighteen hundred and fourteen, to the twelfth of March, eighteen hundred ami lif-1 teen, both days inclusivi, being the time the I said boat remained aground by reason of l her being impressed'mtn the service of the United State'., ami grounded when in said service. Skcomi Re it further resolved, That the said Secretary of (he Navy be authorized to take such further testimony as he shall think necessary, ami that he ascertain what defence was made to the suit in favor of the Uniled States, against the representatives of Robert Fulton, in the southern district of New York, ami what composed the items of set-off to the claim of the United States ; and that said Secretary report his proceedings at the next session of Con gress. Approved, 23d June, 1836, [Pt.lil.lC. —No. 30.] AN ACT making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Depart ment, for Indian annuities, and other sim ilar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred ami thirty-six. Re if enacted by th'' Senate and House of \ Representatives of thr I nited Stales of A merica in Congress assembled,’\'\ua. the fol lowing sums be, and the same are hereby ap propriated tor the objects hereinafter men tioned, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated : that is to say : For pay of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, at St. Louis, and the several Indian Agents, ns provided for by the act of thir tieth June, one thousand eight hundred ami thirty-four, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars, The Standard of Union. For the payment of a clerk in the office | j ol Superintendent of Indian A (fairs tor the I errilory ol \\ isconsin, eight hundred dol lars. I' or the pay of sub-agents, allowed by I same act, ten thousand dollars. I'or the pay ot Interpreters, allowed by same act, seven thousand eight hundred i dollars. , I'or presents to Indians, authorized by some act. live thousand dollars. I'or the purchase of provisions for Indi ! tins, al the di-t ibiition of annuities, while . 'on visits of business with the superinten- j dents and agents, and when assembled on I public business, eleven thousand l ight liiiu . dred dollai s. For the necessary buildings required at ' i the several agencies, and repairs thereof, i ! two thousand dollars. For postage, stationary, rent, mid fuel, lor oilices, as authorised by the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, ; three thousand dollars. For contingencies, Indian Department, ! tour thousand dollars. TO TIIE SIK NAT IO NSOF IN DIA N S IN NEW YORK. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in i (he sixth article ot the treaty with them of ’ lheeleventh of November, seventeen Imn i dred ami ninety-four, lour thousand live I hundred dollars. For lhe annuity to the young king, a 1 chiel, lor life, as provided for by the act ; of the twenty-sixth of April, eighteen J j hundred and twenty-six, tw o hundred dol- ' lur.. TO THE SENECAS OF NEW YORK. For the perninnent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, provided for by the act i of the nineteenth of February, eighteen ! hundred and thirty-one, six thousand dol- i hits. TO THE OTTAWAS. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in I the fourth article of the treaty with them ' ; of lhe third of August, seventeen hundred I • and ninety-live, one thousand dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated ' in the second article of the treaty of the | I seventeenth ol November eighteen hundred . i ami seven, eight hundred dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in j I the fourth article of the treaty of lhe seven i teenth of September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one thousand live hundred dol lars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ' the fourth article of lhe treaty of the 29th ' of August, eighteen hundred mid twenty-i ■ one, one thousand dollars. ! TO THE WY AN I HITS. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ' i the tourih article of the treaty of the third I of August, seventeen hundred and ninety ' live, one thousand dollars, j For the permanent annuity, stipulated in I the second article of the treaty of the sev- | I enteeuth of November, eighteen hundred! and seven, four hundred dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in I the fourth article of the treaties ofthetwen ' ty-ninth ol September, eighteen hundred I anil seventeen, and the seventeenth of Sep- ! ' tember, eighteen hundred ami eighteen, ! ! four thotisamrfive hundred dollars. For the support of a blacksmith ami as- ■ sistunt, stipulated in the tenth article of the j treaty of lhe twenty-ninth of September, ! ! eighteen hundred ami seventeen, seven him- s dred ami twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, See. for | J shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. TO THE WYANDOTS, MUNSF.ES AND DELAWARES. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ! ■ tin 1 fourth article of the treaty with them of the fourth of July, eighteen hundred ami ! ■ live, one thousand dollars. ■j TO THE CHRISTIAN INDIANS, j 'I For the permanent annuity, per act of I 1 lhe (hiriieth of May, eighteen hundred ami 1 ' I twenty-six, four hundred dollars. 'I'O THEMIAMIES. i For the permanent annuity, stipulated in . i the fourth article of the treaty w ith them, iof the twenty-third of October, eighteen 'I hundred und twenty-six, twenty-live thou _ i sand dollars. , j For the purposes of education, during ; j-j lhe pleasure of Congress, stipulated in the sixth article of tl.e same treaty, two lliou- I sand dollars. For pay of eight laborers, stipulated in , the fourth article of the same treaty, four I hundred and eighty dollars. I For the purchase of two thousand pounds ! of iron, two hundred and fifty pounds of steel, ami one thousand pounds of tobacco, ( stipulated in the same, six hundred and I wenly dollars. s For the support of a blacksmith and as- I si*tant, stipulated in the fdih article of the s treaty ofihe sixth oi October, eighteen hun dred ami eighteen, seven hundred ami twen ty dollars. I For lhe support of a miller, in lieu of a I gunsmith, stipulated in the same, six hun dred dollars. For lhe purchase of one hundred and c sixty bushels of salt, stipulated in lhe same, ’ three hundred ami twenty dollars. 4 'I’O 'l'llE EEL RIVERS. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ,f the fourth article of the treaty with them of f_ the third of August, seventeen hundred and i. ' ninety-live, five hundred dollars. I For the permanent annuity, stipulated in i. I the third ariicle of the treaty of the twenty l(.. first ol’ August, eighteen hundred and live, ,i two hundred and fifty dollars. | For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ll( the third ami separate ariicle of the treaty H of the thirtieth of September, eighteen hini r_ dred ami nine, three hundred and fifty d01,,11 ~11 lan. ~1 TO THE POTT A W ATA MIES. I For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ill A, I’fl) V IVHOBiWaM*, AUGUST the fourth ariicle of the treaty with them, of’ lhe third of August, seventeen hundred mid ninely-five, one thousand dollars. For the purchase ol salt, stipulated in lhe third article of the treaty ot' the seventh ol’ June, eighteen hundred mid three, one hun dred and forty dollars. For the perinanenl annuity, stipulated in the third article ot the treaty of the thirtieth ol September, eighteen huitdred and nine, live humlred dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the third article ol lite treaty ot the second ol < )clober, eighteen hundred and eighteen, two thousand Inc hundred dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated ii» the fourth article of the treaty ol twenty-ninth of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-one five thousand ilollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article ol' the treaty of the sixteenth oi’ October, eighteen hundred und twenty-six, two thousand dollars. For the purposes ot' education, during the pleasure oi < amgress, stipulated in the same, two thousand dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the same, seven hun dred mid twenty dollars. For the purchase ol' iron, steel, &c. stip ulated in the same, two hundred and twenty dollars. For the support of a miller, stipulated in the third article ol'the treaty of the sixteenth of October, eighteen hundred und twenty six, six hundred dollars. For lhe purchase of one humlred and | sixty bushels of still, stipulated in the same, i three hundred mid twenty dollars. For permanent annuity, stipulated in the 1 second article oi' the treaty ot' the twenti ! ethos September, eighteen hiindred mid twenty-eight, two thousand dollars. For lhe limited annuities, stipulated in the i same, one thousand dollars. For the purposes of education, during the I pleasure of Congress, stipulated in the same, I one thousand dollars. For the annuity to the principal chief, for life, stipulated in lhe same, one hundred dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and assis tant, stipulated in the same, seven humlred and twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, Jzc. two hundred mid twenty dollars. For the purchase of tw o thousand pounds cd' tobacco, stipulated in the same, two hun dred and forty dollars. For the pay of three laborers, stipulated in the same, three hundred and sixty dol lars. TO THE I’OTTAWATAMIES OF HURON. For the permanent mnmily, stipuhited in the second article of the treaty with them, of' the seventeenth November, eighteen hun dred mid seven, four hundred dolhirs. TO THE POT CAWATAMIES Ol’ THE PRAIRIE. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them of' lite twentieth October, eighteen humlred mid thirty-two, fifteen thousand dollars. For the annuity id'three chiefs, for life, stipulated in the same, one thousand dol lars. TO THE I’OTTAWATAMIES OF THE W A BASIL For the limited annuity,stipulated in lhe third arti< le of the treaty with them, of the twenty-sixth of’ October, eighteen hundred ami thirty-two, twenty thousand ilollars. TO TH E Pt)TTA WATA MIES OF IN- DIANA. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the I fourth article of the treaty with them, of the twenty-seventh of October, eighteen hun dred and thirty-two, fifteen thousand dol ! Lum. For the purpose of edti 'ation, during the j pleasure of Congress, stipulated in the same, I two thousand dollars. | For (lie annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, ol'the tenth of December, i ighleen hundred and tbirty- | four, one thousand dollars. TO THE CHII’i’EWAS, OTTOWAS AND POTTAWATAMIES. For the support of’ ;i blacksmith ami as sistant, stipulated in the second article of the treaty w ith them, ol' the twenty-ninth of July, eighteen humlred and twenty-nine, 1 seven hundred mid twenty dollars. For die purchase of iron, steel, &ic. two hundred ami twenty dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in | the second article ol the treaty of tne twen- I ty-ninth ol' July, eighteen hundred and I twenty-nine, sixteen thousand dollars. F< r the purchase of’ fifty barrels of' sail, I stipulated in the same, two hundred mid filly i dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third ariicle ol' the treaty with them, of the | twenty-sixth of September, eighteen hun dred ami thirty-three, fourteen thousand dol- I lars. i For the limited anduity, stipulated in (he j second article of the supplement to the said ! treaty, two thousand dollars. For the annuity, stipulated in the third article ot the said treaty, to lour chiefs, for life, one thousand one Immlrcd dollars. TO THE WINNEBAGOES. I'or the limited annuities, stipulated in | the second article of the treaty with them, of j first of August, eighteen humlred and twen ty-nine, cighlccu thousand dollars. For the purchase of (illy barrels of salt, stipulated in the same, two hundred am! fifty dollars. For purchase of three thousand pounds of tobacco, stipulated in lhe same, time hundred dollars. For the support of three blacksmiths and assistant, stipulated in the third ariicle of die same, two thousand one hundred mid sixty dollars. For iron, steel, (kc. six Immlrcd and ! sixty dollars. SSter iS'ou-iriener—'lPier For the pay ol laborers and for oxen, I stipulated in the same, three hundred ami sixty-live dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the j third article of lhe treaty ol'the fifteenth of September, eighteen humlred am|lhirty-two | ten thousand dollars. For the purpose of education, stipulated in the fourth article of the same, three thou ' ami dollars. For the support of six agri<#ilturalists, and pun base ol oxen, ploughs, mid agricul tural implements, stipulated in llie fifth ar ticle of the same, two (hottsmid five humlred dollars. hor the purchase of one thousand five hundred pounds ol tobacco, stipulated in same, one humlred mid fitly dollars. I' or the services of' two physicians, stipu lated in the same, four humlred ilollars. TO THE ME NON ON EES. For the support ol'live farmer* and five feciales, housekeepers, stipulated in the se cond article of die treaty with tltem of the filth of February, eighteen hundred ami thirty-one, four thousand dollars. For the support of a miller, stipulated in lhe same, six hundred dollars. For ih<‘ suppoi 1 of three blacksmiths and nssistan , 't'pulaled, in the same, two thou sand one hundred ami sixty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, Ike. six hundred and sixty dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the same, six thousand dollars. For the purpose of education stipulated in lhe tilth article ol'the saute, live humlred dollars. For lhe purchase of provisions,stipulated in the sixth article ol'the same, omt thousand dollars. 'l’o THE ( HIi’I’EVVAS. For the permanent annuity stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of the third of August, seventeen Immlrcd ami ninety-live, one ttiousaml dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as- I sistant, at Miehilimnckinack, seven Immlrcd j ami twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, Ike. two humlred ami twenty dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in lhe second article ol'the treaty oi the seven teenth oi’November, eighteen huiklred ami ! seven, eight hundred ilollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ' the (mirth arli< le ol the treaty ofihe twen- | ty-lourth of September, eighteen hundred j ami nineteen, one thousand dollars. For the cupport ol'a blacksmith at Sagi- I naw, ami for farming utensils and cattle, I ami for the employment of persons to aid them in agriculture fixed by the act ol’the fiftcentli May, eighteen Immlrcd and twen ty t w o thousand doll. rs. For the purpose of education, during the p!'.isnre o! ('ongresg stipulated in the sixth article ofihe treaty of the tilth <d’August, eighteen Immlrcd and twenty-six, one thou sand dollars. TO THE ( HII’I’EWAS, MENOMON- EES, VdNNEBAGOF.S, AND NEW YORK INDIAN'S. For the purposes of education, during the pleasure ol Uongre.v., stipulated in the fifth article of lhe treaty with them, ol the ele venth of August, eighteen hundred and twvntv-seven, one thousand five hundred dollars. TO THE SIOUX OF MISSISSIPPI. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fourth article ol’ the treaty with them, of fdteenth ot July, <iglite<ti huitdred and thirty, two tliotixaml dollars. For the suppmrt of ;i blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the same, seven hun dred and twenty dollars. For die put< It use ol’ iron, steel, Ike. two humlred -and twenty dollars. For agricnllttrtd implements, stipulated in the same, seven Immlrcd ilollars. 'I’D THE YANUTON AND SANTIE BANDS. For the limited anility, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of the filtcenth ot July, eighteen hundred and thir ty, three thousand dolhirs. For the support of st blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the same, seven hun dred ami twenty dollars. For the puichase ol' iron, steel, Ike. two hundred and twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in the same, four hundred dollars. 'I’D THE DM A 11 AS. For the limited ammity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of' lhe fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred ami thirty, two thousand live hundred dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the same, seven hun dred and twenty dollars. For lhe purchase of iron, steel, See. two hundred ami twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in the same, five hundred dolhirs. TO THE SACS OF MISSOURI. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fourth arltii'le of the treaty with them, of the fifteenth of Joly, eighteen hundred and ihirty, live hundred dollars. For lhe support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in (he same, seven hun dred and twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &ic. two hundred mid twenty ilollars. F6r agrictdttiral implements, stipulated in the same, two hundred dollars, TO THE SACS. For the limited ammity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, ot' the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred und thirty, three thoiisaml dollars. TO THE FOXES. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, three thousand dolhirs. TO THE IOWAYS. For the support ol a blacksmith, and as sistant, lipidated in lhe fifth article of treaty, with them, ol’the fourth id’August, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &.C. two Immlrcd ami twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in the same, four hundred dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in tlie fourth article of the treaty ol’the fifteen dl of July, eightceii Immlrcd ami thirty, two thousand live humlred dollars. I'or lhe support ot’an assistant black smith, stipulated in the same, four humlred and eight dollars. I'or lhe purchase of iron, steel, Ike. tws humlred and twenty dollars. I' or agricultural implements, stipulate! in the same six hundred dollars. TO THE SACS AND FOXES. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ! the third article of the treaty with them, of the third of November, eighteen humlred and four, one thousand dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the fourth article ol'the same, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For lhe purchase of iron, steel, Ike. two hundred ami twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in the same, sixty dollar*. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, ofihe twenty-first of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, twenty thoiisaml dollars. For lhe support of a blacksmith and as sistand, stipulated in the fourth article of the same, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For the purchase (if iron, steel, fkc. two hnjidred ami twenty dollars. For the put chase of forty barrels of salt, stipulated in lhe same, two humlred dol lars. For the purchase of forty kegs of tobac co, stipulated in the gauge four hundred dol lars. Provided, that Quassuecowa’s band of said nation shall receive their proportion of lhe annuity at Fort I .eavenworth. TO THE SACS, FOXES, AND 10-1 WAYS. For the purposes of education, stipulated j in the filth article ol’ the treaty with them, of the filtcenth of July, eighteen hundred j and thirty, three thousand dollars. TO THE OTTOES AND MISSOUI- .. AS . I' or the limited mnmity, stipulated in the j fourth article ol'the treaty with them, of the I lilieenih of July, eighteen bundled and thir ty, two thousand live hundred dollars. For lhe support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the same, seven hun dred and twenty dollars. For lhe purchase of iron, steel, Sic. two Immlrcd mid twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in lhe same, fixe hundred dollars. For the purpose of education, stipu'ated in the fourth article of lhe treaty of the tvcnty-lirst of September, eighteen hundred ami thirty-three, live Immlrcd dollars. For the support of two farmers, stipula ted in the tilth article of the same, one thousand two hundied dollars. TO THE KANZAS. For the limited, annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty with them, of the third of June, eighteen humlred and twenty live, three thoiisaml live hundred dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in lhe fourth ariicle of the same, seven hundied ami twenty dollars. For lhe purchase of iron, steel, Ike. two hundred ami twenty dollars. I' or agricultural assistance, stipulated in the same, one thousand six humlred d<d ; lars. TO THE USAGES. j For lhe permanent annuity, stipulated in i the fifth article ol'the treaty with them, of the tenth of November, eighteen hundred ! and eight, one thoiisaml five hundred dol ‘ lars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the ' third article ol'the treaty with them, of the | second of June, eighteen hundred and twen | ty-livc, seven thousand dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulatc'l in the fourth article of j lhe same, seven humlred and twenty dol , lars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &jc. two humlred and twenty dolhirs. For agricultural assistance, stipulated in ! the same, one thousand six hundred dol- I lars. TO THE KICK A POOS. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, of the twenty-fourth ol October, eighteen hun dred and thirty-two, live thousand dol lars. For the support of a blacksmith’s estab lishment, stipulated in the fifth article of the same, one thousand dollars. For the purposes of education stipulated in the seventh article ol’the same, lire hun dred dollars. TO THE KASKASKIAS AND PEO RIAS. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fifth article ot the treaty with them of the twenty-seventh of October, eighten hun dred and |thirty-tw<>, three thousand dol lars. For ngrieuhiiral implements, stipidated in the sixth article of the same, fifty dol lars. TO THE KASKASKIAS. I’EORIAS, VVEAS, AND I’IANKESHAVVS. For the support of a blacksmith ami ns sistanl, stipulated in the lith article of the treaty with them, ol the tweutv-niuth ol October, eighteen hundred aml ’ihirty-two seven hundred ami twenty dollars, J 1 or the purchase of iron, steel, ike. two hundred ami twenty dollars. TO THE J’IANKESI IA\VS. I'or the pernmnent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them, ol the third ol August, seventeen htindrtid , and ninety-five, live hundred dollars. I' or die permanent annuity, stipulated in 1 the thh'd article ol the treaty ol’the tliirlbi eth of December, eighteen hundred am! ft'e, three hundred dolhirs. I'or the agricultural implements, stipula ted ill the third article of the treaty, of the twenty-ninth ol October, eighteen Immlrcd ami thirty-two, live hiindred dollars, TO 'I’HE WE AS. I'or the permanent annuity, stipulated in lhe filth tirticle ot the treaty with litem, ol’i the second of October, eightein hundred and eighteen, three thousand dollars, TO THE DELAWARES. For the permanent ammity, stipulated in tile fourth article ofihe treaty with them ol August, seventeen humlred and mnety live, one thousand dollars. I 1 or the purchase ofsalt, stipulated in the third article ol the treaty ol’the seventh of June eighteen hundred and three, one hun dred dollars. I'or the permanent annuity stipulated, in the third article ol' the treaty ol'the thirtieth ol September, eighteen Immlrcd ami nine, five hundred dollars. I’ or the permanent annuity, stipulated in the fifth article of die treaty ol'the third ol Otlober, eighteen hundred ami eighteen, four thousand dollars. I'or the support ot a blacksmith ami as sistant, stipulated in the sixth article ofihe same, seven hundred ami twenty dolhirs. I'or the purchase of iron, steel &.e. two humlred and twenty dollars. For the permanent mnmity, stipulated in the supplcineiita’l treaty on llie fourteenth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty nine, one thousand dollms. For the ammity to three chiefs stipu lated in the supplemental treaty of the twen ty sixth ol October, eighteen hundred am thirty-two, three lumdred dollars. TO THE SI! A WAN EEK. For the permanent ammity, stipulated in the fourth article ol the treaty with them, ol the third ol August seventeen Immlrcd and ninety-five, one tbonsan I dollars. 1' or the puichase of salt, stipul; ted in the third article of the treaty of the seventh of June, eight, cm humin d and thic”', sixty dol lars. J I'or the perrnenent ammity stipulated in the fourth article ol the treaty of tho tw< n [ ty-ninth of September, eighteen liumh, o ami seventeen, twot ionmnd|<lol'ars. I'or lhe support of a blacksmith mid as sistant, stipulated in the fourth article ol tl.e treaty o! the seventh ol November, < ighleen hundred and twenty-five, seven hundred ami twenty dollars. I'or the purchase of iron, steel, &.c. two humlred ami twenty dollars. I'or lite support of a blacksmith rmd ns sistant, stipulated in the fourth article ol'the treaty ol the eighth of A ugusl, eighten hun dred and thirty one, seven humlred and twenty dollars. For the pitrchase of iron, steel, &:c. two i Immlrcd and twenty dollar-;. For payment of the annuities secured to the Shawance Inditm*, by the act of the fourteenth of July, t ie.hlecn hundred ami thirty-two dedm ting the sum of four hun dred and lifly-n'me dollars, paid to the said Inditms and ittclmling the mmnitics tinder said act from eighteen hundred ami thii tv two to eightceii hundred nnd thii tv-six, in clusive, th<‘sum of u'me ihousamUive Inm dred and forty one dollar -. TO THESH AWANEF.S AN.D DELA WARES. For the support of a miller, stipulated in the second article of the treaty with them, of the I wcnty-sixtlt ol’ October, eighteen hundred mid thirty-two, live hundred dol lars. 'l’o THE SHAW YNEES AND SENE CAS OF LEWISTOWN. For the permanent, ammity, stipulated in the fourth article of lhe treaty with them, of the seventeenth ol’Scptember, eighteen hun dred ami eighteen, one thousand dolhirs. For the support of a blacksmith and assis tant, stipulated in the fourth tirticle ol' tho treaty of the twentieth of July, eighteen humlredami thirty-one, seven humlred ami twenty dollars. For the purchttse of iron, .steel, kc. two hundred ami twenty dollars. TO THE SENECAS OF LEWIS TOWN. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with them of lhe tweiily-ninth of September, eightceii Immlrcd and seventeen, and the seventeenth ol’Scptember, eighteen humlred and eigh teen, one ihottsi tid dollars. For the support of a blacksmith and as sistant, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty ol’the twenty-eighth of February, eightceii humlred and thirty-one, seven hun dred ami twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, Le. two humlred ami twenty dolhirs. For the support of a miller, stipulated in the same, six hundred dollars. TO THE CHOCTAWS. ,|’or the ammity (hiring the pleasure .of the United States, stipulated in the fifth ar ticle of treaty with them ol'the seventeenth of December, eighteen hundred and one, two thousand dollars. For the permanent mmuily, stipulated in the second arti< le ol' the treaty ol the six teenth of November, eighteen hundred and live, three thousand dollars For the limited ammity, stipe,latcd in the second article ol'the treaty of the twcuiv fourth of October, eighteen hundred ami sixteen, six thoiisaml dollars. For the perinanenl mnmity, stipulated in the thirteenth article ol'the treaty ol'the eigh teenth ol' October, eighteen Immlrcd ami twenty, six Immlrcd dollars. For ammity to n chief, stipulated in the fourteenth article ol'the same, one humlred and fifty dollars. For the permanent ammity, stipulated in the second mticle ofthe treaty of the pvt it vr.w’uwrww wwt—.lTU# - <mvrwsrmnt l-LtlSH.BSin'O U’i r. 1.. HOIIIIYKON WBOLH'I TOO. i:m lietb of January, eighteen hundred ttyi.d twenty-live, six thousand dollars. For the limited ammity, stipulated in, lh« third urticle ol the same, six tliousnml dol lars. For ammity to a chief, stipulated in (he ten lb tirticle ol the same, one humlred and fifty dollars. Jy For the limited ammity, stipulated in the sev enteeuth article ol the treaty ofthe twen ty seventh of September, eighteen hundred ami thirty, twenty thousand dollar*. For the purposes v,f education, stipulated in the twentieth article ofthe same, twelve thousand live hundred dollars. Forth ■ support of three blacksmiths nnd a istmits, stipulated in the same, two tho*- saml one hundred mid sixty dollars For the of iron, steel, Ike, six htimh cd and sixty dollars. For the ammity to the chief, sti|)iilat*d in the filtcenth ariicle ofthe same, one thou sand <me Immlrcd dollars, For mmuily to warriors, stipulated in th* stun ', livt; hundred dollars. TO THE CIIICKASAWS. For the permanent annuity, as provided forby the tit t ofthe tvv entyMifth of Febuary, seventeen Immlrcd and ninety nine, thru* thousand dollars, For the purpose, of education, stipulated in tho second article of the treaty with them of the twenty fourth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty four, three thousand dol lars. TO THE (’REEKS. I’m the perinanenl annuity, stipulated iu the fourth article ofthe treaty with them, of lhe seventh August, seventeen hundred and ninety , one ilmmaml live hiindred dol lars. i ’or tin permanent ammity stipulated ill the lhe second at tide ofthe treaty of t|)C **>X ternth of J , ei-’hleen hundred mid two- three thousand dollars. TO THE ( REEKS, EAIST, For the limited annuity stipulated in t|)p eighth tirticle ofthe treaty with them ofthe twi iity-fourlb of March, eighteen |turit|ppd and thirty-two, tvvt lve thousand dollars, For the support of a blacksmith and si-.taut, stipulated in the thirteenth arl>- i le ol the same, seven hundred and tuepty dolhirs. For the purchase of iron, steel, Ike. (wp humlred mid twenty dollars, For lhe purposes of education, stipulyfyd io the thirteemh ofur.ticle ol'the same, tjirpu tbou.aml dollars. | Ft r annuity to three chiefs, stijnilaUd ip ' tlie ( lev cnib ai tide ol the seme, four hundred dollars. TO THE ( REEKS, WEST. For the permanent annuity, stipulated |n the Imirth artide ofthe- treaty with theip, of the twenty-limrth of January, eighteen )iup dred and twepty-six, twenty thousand dfl- For the support of a blacksmith, apd a i-i.mi, stipulated in lhe eighth article of die same, seven hundred and twenty dol- For the {mrdiase of iron, stisel, t}vu humLcd and twenty dolhirs. For the support of a vv hsclwriglif, sti pulated in the same, six-hundred dojjttrs, For a; ricttllu-ral implements, stipulatgd jii tl.e eighth,, artidcofthc same, twothmisiuid dollars. For the f ttpnort of a blacksmith apd ps i-tant, ‘tipulatcd in the fifth article pf (he treaty ol the lourteeuth of February ? eigh teen Immlrcd and thirty three, sevep |;gn dr< d ami twenty dollars. I ’m- the purchase of iron, step), |kc, hundred tvventy dollars. for the support of a wheelwright, op (cu goti maker, stipulated in the same, sji( hun dred dolhirs. For the purposes of education, during the pleasure ofthe President, stipulated in the same, otic thoiisaml dollars, TO THECHEROKEEH. For the pci manent mnmity, stipulated in the third and sixth articles ofthe treat’,’ with them < f the sixth of June, seventeen hun dred ami ninety-four, and the second of Oelohcr seventeen hundred am) ninety eighty six tlums;.i)d dollars. i For the perme.mmt annuity stipulated in the M < <>ml article of the treaty of the twvjt-K iy tourih of October, eightfen hundred wd) lour, otte thousand dollars. For the perinanenl. (iimuity s'Apiilnted ! in the third at tide ofthp treaty o', the twen-. ty-liltn ci October, eighteen hundred and, live, three thousand dolhirs. for the payment of interest o;» an annui* ty of one thousand dollars, sec tied to the Cherokees by the treaty of twenty-fourth October, eighteen hundred ami four, andi which was not paid till t’ le yenr humlred ami twenty live, twelve thoiisaml six hundred ilollars, which sum shall . paid m the same mr llinvr !llul in t | l( . p- opoi’tmnstotlm Cherokees east and west, iol the Mississtpipi, t| lat the annuity iuelfis I|\ able. ' thequapaws. I* Os the purposes of education, during the. pleasure ci the President, stipulated in th* : thin, article ofthe treaty with them, ofthe thirteenth of May, eighteen hundred and I thirty three, one thousand dollgts. "" * j For the limited ammity stipulaU’d in (be I Imirth article of the treaty ofthe tliirteemki ot J ay, eighteen hundred and thirty-three two thousand dollars. For the support of n blacksmith and ae sistant stipulated in third article ofthe um,' seven hundred and twenty dollars- ’’ ’ ; !' or tin; purchase of iron, steel, &.c. two j .mndred and twenty doUars. ' ' !' or the support o| a farmer, stipulated in the same, six hundred dollars. ™ 1 j TU TIIE FLORIDA INDIANS. For the limited annuity, stipulated in , tmrd article <if the treaty with them ofthe eighteenth ot September, eighteen hundred I ten'"f'I Vt ’ f ° Ul ,I ' OMS;UUI s ’ x .