Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, September 20, 1836, Image 1

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EIHTCD BY THOMAS fSAI YES. tlM|. vol/iii. no. he of UWnio’-t, ®Y e. •’> • 0-.3 (OHS D-M> Fublishir (By Authority,) of the Raws of the Uni fed States: Office on Greene Street. nearly oppo site the lUnrßet. Igsu9<l eveiv I uesdav morning, at B** per annum No subscription taken tor less than a yeai and no paper discontinued, but at the option ot tbe publisher, until all arrearages are paid. Advertiscmests conspicuously inserted at the 1 usual rates —those not limited when handed in, will bo inserted ’till forbid, and charged accord ingly. CHANGE OF DIRECTION. We desire such of our subscribers as may at any time w ish the direction of their papers chan- j ged front one Post Office to another, to inform ms, in all casts, of the place to which they had been previously sent; as the mere order to for waad them to a different office, places it almost •utof our power, to comply, because we have no means of ascertaining the oilice from which they are ordered to be changed, but a search through •ur whole subscription Book, containing several tbeusaud names. POSTAGE. it is a standing rule with this office, as well as all others, that the postage of all letters and communications to the Editor or Proprietor must be paid. We repeat it again,—and re quest all persons having occasion to address us upon business connected in any way with the eatablishment, to bear it in mind. Persons wishing to become subscribers to the Standard of Union, are particularly requested to give their attention to this; or they will not have the pa per forwardedto them. [fiSy AutlßOi*iy»] LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES* risaau AT THE TVVr.X TV-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION. '[Public. —No. 82.] AN ACT to provide for the payment of expenses incurred and supplies furnished on account of the militia or volunteers 1 received into the service of the United Slates for the defence of Florida. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen'utives of the United \ . States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Vv ar be, and he is I .hereby, directed to cause to be paid the ex jiepses that have been incurred, and the ; .supplies that have been furnished, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia Alabama, X>ouisana, and the Territory of Florida, on account of the uiiiita or volunteers receiv- ! ed into the service of the United States for the defence of Florida. Provided, That the accounts for these claims shall be ex amined and audited at the Treasury, as in other cases. Sec. 2. An Ibe it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be authorized to cause the militia called out to defend East Florida, by Generals Clinch and Hernandez, or by the Governor of Middle and West Florida, and such other rnilitiaand volunteersas have been received and mustered into the service of the United States and regularly discharg ed, to be paid in like manner with the vol - unteers and rnilita ordered into service un der orders from the War Department. Approved, May 23th, 183 G. JAMES K. POLK, Speaker of the House of Representative W. R. KING, President of the Senate pro temp’ ANDREW JACKSON, Public —No. 121. AN ACT supplementary to the act entitled “An act to establish the northern boun dary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the State ol Michigan into the Union on certain con ditions.” Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in lieu of the proposition submitted to the Congress of the United States by an ordnance passed by the convention of dele gates at Detroit, assembled for the purpose of making a constitution for the State of Michigan, which arc hereby rejected ; ami that the following proposition be, and t le same are hereby offered to the Legislature ol the State of Michigan, for their acceptance or rejection, which if accept, d, under tin authority conferred on the said Legislature by the Convention which framed the consti tution of the said State, shall be obligatory upon the United States. First. That section numbered sixteen in every township of the public lands, and where such section Ins been sold or other wise disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, anti as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the State for the use of schools. Second. That the seventy-two sections of land set tipart and reserved for the use and support ot a university by tut act of Con gress approved on the twentieth day of May, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, entitled **. An act concerning a seminary of lear ning in the 1 erritoiy of .Michigan,” arc hereby granted and conveyed to the State, Io be appropriated solely to the use and support of such university, in such manner, as the Legislature may prescribe; And \ provided, also, That nothing herein con- I tained shall be so construed as to impair or affect in any way the rights of any person or ; fllww© i persons claiming any of said seventv-two sections of land, under contract or grant from said university. Third. That live entire sections of land, j to be selected and located under the direc tion of the Legislature, in legal divisions of not less than one quarter section, (rum an\ of the unappropriated lands belonging- to the I nited States within the said State, are hereby granted to the State for the pur, ose of completing the public buildings of the said Slate, or tor the erection ot public buil -1 dings at the seat of Government of the said State, as the Legislature may determine and j direct Fourth. That all salt springs within the i State, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining, ot; as conti -1 guous as may be to each, shall be granted to the said State tor its use, the same to be selected by the Legislature thereof, on or i before the first of January, eighteen Lun i dred and forty; and the same, when so se ! lecied, to be used on such terms, conditions, I and regulations, as the Legislature of the said State shall direct: Provided, That no I salt spring, the right whereof is now ves ted in any individual or individuals, or which may hereafter be confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall, by this i section,be granted to said State: And pro vided, also, '1 hat the General Assembly shall 1 never sell or lease the same, at any one time, for a longer period than ten years, without the consent of Congress. Fifth. That five percent, ofthe nett pro ceeds ol the sales of all public lands lying , within the said Slate, which have been or ; shall be sold by Congress, from and after the first day oi July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, after deducting ail the expenses incident to the same, shall be appropriated, ! tor making public roads and canals within the said Slate, as the Legislature may di , reel : Provided, That the five foregoing propositions herein offered, are on the con dition that the Legislature of the said State, by virtue ol the powers conferred upon it by the convention which framed the consti tution of the said State,“shall provide, by an ordnance irrevocable without the consent of the United States, that the said Stale shall i never interfere with the primary disposal of the sod within the same by the United States, nor with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in such ■ soil to the bona fide purchasers thereof: and I that no tax shall be imposed on lands the , property ot the United States ; and that in Ino case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents; and that the 1 bounty lands granted, or hereafter to he granted, lor military services during the iate war, shall, whilst they continue to be held by the patentees or their heirs remain ; exempt from any tax laid by order or tinder the authority of the State, whether for State, , county, tow nship, or any other purpose, for the term of three years from and after the date oftlie patents respectively. Approved, June, 23d 1836. [Pcblic. No. 253.] AN ACT to regulate the compensation of certain officers of revenue cutters. Sec. f. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That iu lieu of pay, rations, and all other allowances now authorized by law to the i captains and first, second ami third lieuten- | ants of the revenue cutters of the United : States there shall be allowed and paid quarterly, from and after the passage of this act, to each captain, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum ; to each first lieutenant at the rate of nine hundred and sixty dollars per annum ; to each secon lieu tenant, at the rate of eight hundred and six ty dollars per annum ; to each third lieu ’ tenant, at the rate of seven hundred and ! ninety dollars per annum. Approved, July 2d, 1836. [Public. —No. 254.] AN ACT making appropriations for the suppression of Indian hostilties and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the balance of the appropriation of one million of dollars, made by the act of April twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and now remaining in the Trea sury, shall be, and the same is hereby made applicable to the payment of any expendi tures authorized by tlie said act, and ren dered necessary by the calling out by the President of the United States, of any part ol the militia or volunteers of the United States for the suppression or prevention of any Indian hostilities. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum of two million four hundred thou sand dollars shall he and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Trea sury not appropriated, to defray any expenses which have been or may be ' incurred in preventing or suppressing the j hostilities ol any Indians by calling out! iindei the direction ol the President of the United States, any pan of the militia or volunteers according to the provisions of! the constitution and laws; which sum, if! i expended sIkiII be expended under the direc-I I tion of the Secretary of War, conformably to the provision of the act of Congress of i January second, seventeen hundred and ninety-five of the act of April fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two making appropria- ! lions for the support of tlie army, mid of (he act of March nineteen, eighteen hundred ! .and thirty-six providing for the payment of! volunteers and militia corps io the service of; the United States. Approved, July 2d, 1836, j [Plume. —No. 255.] iAN ACT to grant to the New Orleans and i Nashville Hail-road Company, the right i of way through the public lands of the ! United States. jVaBBjLIEfIMSBSVILB.4 03, GEOIittJA, TUESDAY BITO, SEPTEMBER 20 'SSJJvg. See. I. IS it enacted by the Senate and i louse Representatives of the United States of Am n a in ( ongress assembled, That there be, ami is hereby granted to the New Orleans am! Na-hvilte Rail-Road Compa ny incorporated by the several Slates tnrough whit'h the said road is intended to to pass, the right oi way through such por tion of the public lands as remain unsold, Provided, That the portion of the pt blic lands occupied therefor, shall not exceed eighty feet in breadth ; that the route of the said road shall be surveyed and desig nated through the public lauds, by plain marks, or monuments, and copies of the notes of survey, with a plat or plats there lof, and a description of the said landmarks 'or monuments ami their connection with the prior official surveys of the adjacent lands, be transmitted to the General Land Office in Washington, within sixty days af ter the said surveys and plats are comple ted and that they be completed within two ! years from the date of this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That lor such depots, watering places and work shops as may be essential to the convenient use of the said road ; there shall be also granted to the said company, such portions ; of the public land, as they may, under like | restrictions and conditions,select on either ! side of the said road.— Provided, That j not more than five acres, to be laid off in I asquare shall be granted for every fifteen miles of the said road lying within the pub lic land, provided moreover, That such selection, shall be approved by the Secre ; tary of the Treasury for the time being. Sec. 3. Aud be it further enacted, That ! so long as the public lands in the vieinity ; ofthe said road shall remain unsold, the j said company shall have power to take | therefrom, such materials of earth stone, or i wood, as may be necessary for the construc j tion of the said road, Provided, That the I grants herein contained as well of the use 1 of the public lands, as of the materials for | the construction of the said road, shall cease and determine, unless the road be begun within eight years thereafter. A.nd pro vided, moreover, That if the said road shall at any time after its completion, be discon tinued or abandoned by the company, the grants, hereby made, shall cease and de termine. Approved, July 2d 1536. Public—No. 269. AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An , act authorizing the laying off a town on ! Beau river, in the State of Illinois, and ; for other purposes,” approved fifth Feb ruary, Eighteen hundred and twenty nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and, House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled', That all acts and duties required to be done and performed by the surveyor of the States of Illinois and Missouri, and the Territory of Arkansas, under the act to which this is an amendment, shall be' done and performed by a board of commissioners of three in number, any two of whoms shall form a q»o:um to do business; said commissioners, to be appointed by the President of the United States, and shall, previous to their entering upon the discharge of their duties, take an oath or affirmation to perform the same faithfully and impartially. See. 2. /aid be it further enacted, That! the said commissioners shall also have pow- ; er to hear evidence and determine all claims to lots of ground arising under the act to which this is an amendment, and for this purpose the said commissioners are author- , ized to administer all oaths that may be | necessary, and reduce to writing all the ev-; idence in support of claims to pre-emption ; presented for their consideration; and when! all the testimony shall have been heard and considered, the said commissioners shall file with the register and receiver of the land office at Gilena, the testimony in each case, together with a certificate in favor of each person having the right of pre- j emption; and upon making payment to i the receiver at Galena, for the lot or lots! to which such persons is entitled, the recei-; ver shall grant a receipt therefor, and issue j certificates of purchase, to be transmitted ■ to the General Land Office, as in other ca- ! ses of the sale of public lands. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That j the register and receiver :.t Galena, after I the board of commissioners have heard ami determined all the cases of pre-emption under the act to which this is an amend ment, shall expose the residue of lots to public sale to the highest bidder, after ad vertising the same in three public newspa pers at least six weeks prior to the day ofj sale, in the same maimer as is provided for ! the sale of the public lauds in other cases;! and after paying to the commissioners the! compensation hereinafter allowed them, and ! all the other expenses incident to the said ! survey and sale, the receiver of the laud ! office shall pay over the residue of the mo- , my he may have received from the sale of! lots aforesaid, by pre-emption as well as at I public auction, into the hands of the coun- | ty commissioners of Jo Daviess county, to j be expended by them in the erection of pub lic buildings, ami the construction of suita ble wharves in the town of Galena. Sec. 4. And'be it further enacted, That the commissioners appointed to carry this act into efiect, shall be paid by the receiver six dollars each, per day, for their services, for every day they are necessarily em ployed. Approved, July 2d, 1836. Public—No. 351. AN ALT supplementary to an act entitled “An act to ventilate the deposites of the public money,” passed twenty-third June, eighteen hundred ami thirty-six. Sec. I. Be it. nactcd, by the Senate and House of i Icprcsenlalivi s of the i hiited St at "s of America ii( Congress assembled ' ” bat limbing in the art to which this j s supplement, shall be t,o construed as to! ttisr CostKcietice-—‘iSfi.r ('ostutiirsii—fPisi' Kharis]. | prevent the secretary of the Treasury from ! malting transfers from Banks in one" State or Territory, to Banks in another State or Territory, whenever such transfers may be required, in order to prevent large ami in convenient accumulations in particular pla ces, or in order to produce a due equality, aud just proportion, according to the pro visions of said act. Approved, July 4, 1836. Public—No. 355. AN ACT to carry into efiect, in the States of Alabama and Mississippi, the existing compacts with those States in regard to five per cent, fund, and the school reser vations'. Sec. ]. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a sum equivalent to five per cent, of the nett proceeds of the lands within the State of Mississippi, ceded by the Chika saws by the treaty of the twentieth of Oc tober, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, w hich have been or may hereafter be sold by Congress, shall be, and is hereby, re served out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be applied in the same manner, and for the same uses and purposes, as is designated by the fifth section of lite act of Congress of the first of March, eighteen hundred and seven teen. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be reserved from sale, in the State of Mississippi, a quantity of land equal to one-thirty-sixth part of the lands ceded by said Chickasavvs as aforesaid, within said Slate ot Mississippi, which laud shall be selected under the direction of the Secretary oftheTreasury, in sections, or half sections or quarter sections,out ofany public land s remaining unsold, that shall have been offered at public sale within either ofthe land districts in said-State of Mississippi, conti guous to said lands within said State, so ce ded by the Chickasavvs as aforesaid; which lands, when so selected as aforesaid, the same shall vest in the State of Mississippi, for the use of’ schools within said territory in said State, so ceded as aforesaid by the Chickasaws; and said lands, thus selected, shall be holden by the same tenure, am! upon the same terms and conditions, in ail respects, as the said State now holds the lands heretofore reserved lor the use of : schools in said Slate. , Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That [ a sum equivalent to five per cent, of the j nett proceeds of the lands within the State of Alabama, ceded by the Chickasavvs by the treaty aforesaid, which have been or may hereafter be sold by Congress, shall be, and is hereby, reserved, out of any mo neys in the Treasury not otherwise appro priated, to be applied in the same mamier, ami for the same uses and purposes, as is designated by the sixth section of the act of Congress of the second of March, eigh teen hundred aud nineteen. See. 4. Anti be it further enacted, That there shall be reserved from sale in the State of Alabama, a quantity of land equal to one-thirty-sixth part of the lands ceded by the Chickasavvs as aforesaid, within said State of Alabama, which lam! shall be se lected under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury in sections, or half sec tions, or quarter sections, out of any pub lic lands remaining unsold, that shall have been offered at public sale within any lam! district in said Slate ot Alabama, contigu ous to said lands within said State, so ceded by t'ne Chickasavvs, as aforesaid; which lands, when so selected, as aforesaid, the f same shall vest in the State of Alabama, for the use of schools within said territory, in said State, so ceded, as aforesaid, by the Chickasavvs; and said lands thus selected, shall be holden by the same tenure, ami up on the same terms and conditions, in all respects, as the said State now holds the lands heretofore reserved for the use of schools in said State. Approved, July 4, 1836. Public—No. 356. AN .ACT to authorize the appointment of additional Paymastersand for other pur poses. Sec. 1 Be it enacted, by the Senate anti House (f Representatives of the United | Slates of America in Congress assembled, j That the President of the United Stales ■ be ami he hereby is authorized ami empovv- I ered to appoint three additional Paymas ters, to be attached to the Pay Department ; of the army: Provided That the appoint-| merits be submitted to the Senate for their! confirmation, in the same manner as other officers of the army. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers appointed in virtue of this act shall perform the same duties and receive the same pay and allowances as the present I Paymasters of the army; ami shall in like ; manner be subject to the rules and articles ! of war; and previous to entering upon the ‘ duties <>f their office shall give such bonds ! to the United States as the Secretary ofj War may direct for tlie faithful performance ! of their duties. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That \ when volunteers or militia are called into ; service of the United States, so that the j Paymasters authorized by law shall not be deemed sufficient to enable them to pay the tr tops with proper punctuality it shall be lawful for the President to assigti to any officer of the army the duty of Paymaster, who, while so assigned shall perform the! same duty, give the same bond, be subject! to the same liability ami receive the same emoluments as are now provided lor Pay masters of the army: Provided however, That the number of officers so assigned shall not exceed one lor every two regi ments of militia or volunteers; And pro vided. also, That the whole emoluments of the said officers, including their pay and allowances in the line, shall not e.xceed the pay ami emoluments ol a Paymaster. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That] the President of the United States be and he hereby is authorized ami empowered to appoint three additional Surgeons and five assistant Surgeons, to be attached to the medical staff of the army. Sec. 5. Anti be lt further enacted, That during the absence of the Quartermaster General, or the chief of any other milita ry bureau of the War Department, the President be authorized to empower some officer of the Department or corps whose chief is absent to take charge thereof and to perform the duties of Quartermaster General or chief of the Department or corps, as the case may be during such ab sence : Provided, That no additional com pensation be allowed therefor. Sec. 6, ylw/ be ii further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Senate ami Clerk of the House of Repre sentatives as soon as may be after the close ot the present session, and of each succeed ing session, to prepare ami publish a state ment of ail appropriations made during the session, and also a statement of ti e new officers created and the salaries of each, and also a statement of the offices the sala ries of which are increased and the amount of such increase. Approved, July 4, 1836. Public.—No. 358. AN ACT confirming claims tolandin the State of Louisiana. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the decisions in favor claimants made by the register ami receiver of the land office iu New Orleans, under date die first ot' December, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, by virtue of an act out for the final adjustment of claims to land in the Stale of Louisiauia,” which have been laid before Congress at the present session by the Sec retary of the Treasury, be, and the same are hereby, confirmed, with the exception of the claims of Narcisse Carmonche, Julie Al exandre ami Martin Major, Nicholas Bara, and Francis Menard, saving and reserving, however, to all adverse claimants, the right to assert the validity of their claims in a court ofjustice. A; proved, July 4 h, ISC6. Public.— No. 359. AN ACT to suspend the discriminating duties upon goods imported in vessels of Portugal, aud to reduce the duties on wines. Sec. 1. it enacted, by the 'Senate and House of Reprcseutatires of the United States <f America in Congress assembled, That so much of the several acts of Con gress as imposes a discriminating duty upon goods, wares, and merchandise imported in foreign vessels be, and hereby is, suspen ded, so far as respects the produce or man ufactures of Portugal proper, including Madeira, Porto Santo, and the Azores, when imported iu vessels wholly ami truly belonging to the subjects or citizens of said places ; so that such produce or manufac tures shall be subject to the same duties only as if imported in vessels of the United Stales : Provided hcwt vt.r, And this sus pension shall continue no longer than this section remains iu force. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the thirtieth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, the duty on all kinds of wine imported into the United States shall be reduced one-half, so that no more than one-half the amount new assessed shall be thereafter assessed. Sec. 3. be it further enacted, That all kinds of wine, whether imported before or after the passage of this act, may be nut into the custom-house stores, under the bond of the importer, or owner ; and such of the said wines as shall remain under the control ofthe proper officer of the customs, on the thirtieth day ot July, one thousand eight hundred ami thitry-six, shall be sub ject to no other duty than if tlie same were imported alter that day ; and if the duties or any part thereof, on the wines deposited, as aforesaid shall have been paid previous to the said thirtieth day of July one thou sand eight hundred ami thirty-six, the a mount of excess of duty shall he refunded to the person importing ami depositing the same : Provided, That no wines shall be so deposited unless in the casks or bottles as imported .* And, provided further, That the benefit of this act shall not be extended to any wines not entitled to debenture. ‘Approved, July 4th, 1836. Public. —No. 360. AN ACT for the pnreahse of certain rights or inventions of Wiiliam H. Bell, ofNorth Carolina. Sec. 1. r>e it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales o f America in Congress assembled, I 1 ! at the Secretary of the Treasury be icrG.y authorized to pay to Captain Wil iam H. Bell, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the •um of twenty thousand dollars, whenever ;aid Bell shall transfer and convey to the Jniietl States all his, said Bell’s right, in erest, and title, in and to two certain pa ents, viz : one called a machine for eleva- ! ing heavy cannon, the other called a trav- J ; ■rse board for pointing cannon ; together | • vith all the right to the United States to use I ■very improvement that has been made by aid Bell on the said inventions, since pa- , enting the same; Provided however, That. , aid sum of twenty thousand dollars shall ; t ie in full for all claims against the United ; < States for issuing said patents. | , Approved. July 4th, 1836. Public —No. 363. t Sec. 1. .Be it enacted by the Senate and louse of Represent a lircs of the United : dates of America, in Congress assembled, \ ] i'hat for the security of the navigation and ! I ommerce of the United states, the follow-j ng sum. of money be, ami the same arc hereby, directed to be paid out of any mo ney in the Treasury not otherwise appro priated, ami placed at the disposition of the President, for the following objects, viz: STATE OF MAINE. For erecting a breakwater on Stanford ledge, in Portland harbor, according to the plan reported by Joint .Anderson, ofthe Engineer corps, in the sear eighteen hun dred ami thirty-two, ten thousand doilors. For the survey of a ledge near Owi’s head harbor, to determine the expediency of erecting thereon a breakwater to im prove said harbor, four liundred dollars. For the examination ami survey of the passage into Cobscook bay, in the State o! .Maine, lor the purpose of ascertaining tilt practicobiiity of removing two ledges whereby the navigation of said bay is materially obstructed, three hundred dol lars. STATE OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE. For deepening the channel of the Co checo branch ol the Piscataqua river leading into Dover harbor, five thousanc dolla rs. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, For the improvement of the harbor at the mouth cl Bass river, ten thousand dol lars and forty-one cents. For removing the wreck in the burbot of New Bedford, ten thoiuand dollars. For the construction of a breakwater at Sandy bay, agreeably to the report oft; survey made by direction of the Depart ment of War, transmitted to Congress bv the President, April twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty, ten thousand dollars. For preserving the point of land leadine to the fort and light-house at, tip: Gurnet, it: Duxbury, by hurdles or double ranges oi piles, five thousand dollars. For the preservation ofßamsford island, in the harbor of Boston, fifteen thousand dollars. STATE CF RHODE ISLAN D. Fora breakwater at Church’s cove har bor, m the town of Little Compton, ten thousand dollars, agreeably to a survey made by Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, o! the United States topographical engineers, in eighteen l.u idred and twenty-seven. For improving the harbor of Savbrook. by removing the bar at the mouth o Connecticut river, twenty thousand dol lars. For improving the harbor of Westport agreeably to tlie report of John Anderson of tlie Engineer corps, three thousand do! I lacs. For securing the public works at Iht harbor of Southport, one thousand fivt hundred dollars. For further securing the beach at Cedai point, in Connecticut, one thousand dol lars. For deepening tlie channel leading intc Bridgeport harbor, ten thousand dollars. For deepening the channel of the rivet Thames, leading into Norwich harbor, ten thousand dollars. STATE OF VERMONT. For building a breakwater or pier at the harbor of Burlington ten thousand dollars. For deepening the channel to eigiit feet between the islands of North ami South He ro, near Saint Alban’s in Lake Champlain, in Vermont, fifteen thousand dollars, STATE OF NEW YORK. For the improvement of the harbor ol Portland, on Lake Erie, ten thousand dol lars. For the improvement ofthe harbor at the mouth of Salmon river, on Lake Onta rio, according' to the several plans of said harbor, submitted through the Department of War, five thousand dollars. For the improvement ofthe harbor at the mouth of Oak Orchard creek, on Lake Ontario, according to the plan thereof made by Joseph G. Swift, civil engineer, five thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at the mouth of Black river, in the county of Jefierson, five thousand dollars. For building a breakwater or pier at the harbor of Plattsburg, leu thousand dol lars. For improving the harbor at the mouth of Cattaraugus creek, on Lake Erie, fifteen thousand dollars. For improving the entrance of White hall harbor, on Lake Champlain, eight thousand dollars. For building an ice-breaker on Staten island, nineteen thousand five hundred dol lars. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. For improving the harbor at New Bruns wick, by removing the obstructions in the Raritan river, according to a plan reported to the War Department by Hartman Bache, seven thousand dollars. For the protection ami improvement of Little Egg harbor, according to the plan reported to tlie War Department, five thou sand dollars. For a survey of Crow shoal in Delaware ! bay, to ascertain the expediency of eon- ' structmg a breakwater or artificial harbor, ! one thousand dollars. STATE OF PENNSYLV ANIA. For repairs at the harbor of Chester, three thousand dollars. For removing the liar on the river Del nvare, in the neighborhood of Fort Mililhi, r.ith the view of improving the harbor ol Philadelphia, fifteen thousand dollars. STATE OF DELAWARE. Fur improving the harbor of Wilmiug on, by removing the bar at the mouth of; Christiana river, according to the plan re- | ’ommemled by Hartman Bache, ofthe on-! ;iueercorps, fifteen thousand dollars. ST AT EOF MAI IY LAN D. For deepening the harbor of Baltimore, wenty thousand dollars. For a surv cy of the head water*: of Ches • penkc bay, pursuant tn a resolution ofthe at gislaltire ol Maryland, five hundred dol j ars. S I’ATE OF \ IRGINI A. lor a siifvcy pf James river, with the i BY P. E. T£ f. ftc. rt,- WKSOSa’E ]W. O 5&. view of improving the harbor of Ri< litr.oud, five liundred dollars. I-or improving the navigation efthe nat ural ehanm. Is at 1 lie uortLei ri and fxtitiir-: n entrances ol the Dismal Swamp canal, fif teen thousand dollars. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. For removing a sand shoal in Porntico river, five thousand dollars, by means ofthe ' degradinir machine now in operation at Ocracock inlet, For removing the oyster shoal in New river, Onslow county., bv means of the dredging machine now in operation in the collection district of Wilmington, five thou sand dollars. ‘ To improve the harbor of Beaufort. Cvq thousand dollars. ■ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ■ Fora survey of the bar and harbor at ■ Georgetown, one thousand dollars. STATE OF GEORGIA. For the removal of the Brunswick bar, with a view of improving the harbor of , Brunswick, ten thousand dollars. I STATE OF OHIO. For constructing two piers and impro ving the navigation nt the mouth of Ver milion river, ten thousand dollars, accord- ■ intr. to the plan reported to the War Depart ment. STETE OF INDIANA. For tiie construction of a harbor at Michigan city, according to the plan re ported to tlie Wa ■ Department, twenty thousand dollars. STATE CF LOUISIANA. For increasing the depth of water iu the mouth of the Mississippi river, by closing ■ some ol the passages leading out of it, or by cutting a ship channel, or l.’y any other • means w hirl) shall be deemed expedient by ’ the Secretary of War, with the approbation 'ol the President ofthe United States, sev i eaty-five thousand dollars; the said sum to be expended in whole or in part, as may be thought proper by the War Department, after the necessary survey shall have been made. STATE OF MISSOURI. For a pier to give direction to the cur rent ofthe Mississippi river, near the city of I St. Louis, fifteen thousand dollars. I For the survey of Saint Francis, Blak, and Vfhite rivers, in Arkansas ami Misuiu i ri, to determine upon the expediency ol re , moving the natural rafts thereon, one thou , i sand dollars. , . TERRITORY OF FLORIDA. -1 For removing a mud shoal, called the ' Bulk Head, in the channel from East Pass ■ to /.pnalai hicola, ten thousand dollars, TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, I or tiie construction of a pier <--r break water at the tnt>tuh ofthe river Sain'. Ju - sepb, twenty thousat d dollars. TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN. i For the survey ofthe mouth of Milvvatike river, on lake Michigan, to determine the ■; practicability of making a harbor by deep ening the channel, four hundred dollars. i Sec. 2. And be ii further enacted. That ! the reports upon all the aforesaid survevs ! shat! contain a statement of all such facts ; within the knowledge of the engineers re j spectively making the surveys, as are or may , he in any way materially connected with the proposed improvements, and alsottith e»- ; t.mates, in detail, ol the sums cl money ! necessary for such improvements, respee -1 lively. ' i Approved, July 4, 1836. [Public —No. SGI. AN ACT confirming claims to land in the State ol Missouri, and for other purpo ses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives ofthe United Seatcg of America in Congress assembled. That the discussions in favor of land claimants, made by the record of land titles in the State of Missouri, and the two commissioners asso ciated with him by virtue of an act entitled “Au act for the final *:djuStment of private land claims in Missouri,” approved July ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, amd an actsupplemental thereto,approved March second, eighteen hundred ami thirty-three, as entered iu the transcript of decisions transmitted by the said recordad and com missioners to the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office, ami by him laid befuie Congress at the two last and prescat ses sion* be, and the same are hereby, confirw.- ed, saving and reserving, however, to all adverse claimants, the right to assert thu va lidity of their claims in a court or comits of justice : .t rovid’Cd, J nat this act contained shall apply to, or be confirmation of the claim of Don Carlos D. V'ilemout for a tract of laud at Point Chicot: Anil Provided, also, That nothing iu this act contained shall apply to or ba in conforma -1 tion of ti e following claims, to vv it: Mamie] Liza, six thousand arpeus ; J. Uootz, and H< mpstead, four hundred ami fifty arpe.ns; ■Mathew Saucier, one thousand two hundred arpens ; Charles I ayon, one thousand six liundred arpens; sons of Joseph M. Pepen, five thousand six hundred arpens ; Louis Lorimiere, thirty thousand arpens ; Bar tholomew Cousen, ten thousand arpens; Manuel Gonzales Moro, eight hundred ar-, pens; Seneca Rollins, four hundred ar pens; Wiiliam Long, four hundred arpens ‘ James Journey, four hundred arpens; Jua? ehim Lisa, six thousand arpens; Francoitu Lacomb, four bundled arpens; Israel Dodge, seven thousand fifty-six arpens; Aihiicu \ huxuiicr, four hundred sirpens j. Joseph Silvaia, two liundred and fifty ar pens ; Joiin P. ( abauis, two thousand ar pens, William Hartly, six hundred aud fif ty arpens; William Morrison, Seven hun dred aud filly arpens ; Solomon Bellow, three hundred add fifty arpeus ; Paschal' Detehemendez, seven thousand fifty-six ar pens ; Babtiste Auntne, two hundred ar'ct lortv arpens; Alexander Maurice, fourbun dred arpens ; Jean Babtiste Valle, twenty thousand arpens; Israel Dodge, one thou san.l ai'pci.s : >v alter I'cnvvick, ten thousand arpens; John Smith T. fen thousand <\\\