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VOsa. MO.
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IB V ?<?. : I*l. ' R 0.8 C tSf •; <)V-G
Publisher (Ry Authority,) of the Laus
of the I n: f ;:l Stales:
Office on Greene Street, nearly oppo
site the JJiiii'ket.
Issued eveiy Tuesday morning, at $3 per minim: I
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and no paper discontinued, but al option el
the publisher, until ail arrearages are paid.
Advertisemests conspicuously inserted at the I
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ged from one Post Office to another, to inform
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been previously sent; as mere order to for
waid them to a different office, places it almost
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quest all persons having occasion to ndd.e s its .
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wishing to become subscribers to the Standard
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attention to this; or they will not have the pa
per forwarded t o them.
IL- L " 11 °
‘v -O
[By Anliioriy.
Pl r.Lic —No. £7l.
AN ACT to establish certain post roads,
and [to alteram! discontinue others, ami
for other purposes.
Sec. J. !'•: it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled,
That the following be established as post
From Lincolnville to Islesborongh.—
From Wilton, through Weld and Byron,
to Andover. From Topsham, through Lis
bon, by Little River village and Ma} alls
Factory Village, to Lewistown falls. From
Dennvsvilie, through Charlottee, Cooper,
and Baring to Cai iis. From Saco, by Sal
mon falls, Bar mills, Moderation falls,
Bonny Eagle fal s, to East Baldw in. From
Wayne village, by Norris ferry, Isaac
Strictland’s, and William 11. Britton’s, in
Livermore, to Hayford’s mills, in Canton,
and Peru, to East Rumford. From Bruns
wick to Harpswell. From Portland, by
Falmouth Centre, Cumberland, Upper
Yarmouth, New Gloucester, East Poland,
Minot, West Minot, Ea t Hebron, to Buck
field village. From Calais, through Haley
ville and Princeton, to Houlton. From
Gardiner, through Pittston, Hallowell,
Whitefield, Windsor, Patrickstov.n, Wash
ington, Liberty, Appleton, Searsmont, and
Belmont, to Belfast. From Portland,
through Cumberland Centre, Pownal, Dur
ham, Lisbon, Wales, and Winthrop, to
Augusta. From Waterville, by China, to
Palermo. From North New Portland,
through Lexington, to Dead river. From
Vinalheaven to Isle of Haute. From Port
land, through Stroudwater village, and
Buxton, to Salem fills. From Thomaston,
via Cushing, to Friendship. From East
Thomaston, to Owl’s Head. From thom
aston to Vinalhaven. From Doughty’s
falls (or Berwick, io Great Falls, New
Hampshire. From Brunswick, by South
Durham, Southwest Bend, Goff’s corner,
East Minot, and East Turner. From War
ner, by Jefferson, and North Whitefield, to
Augusta. From Madison by Madison Cen
tre ami South Anson, to West New Y’ine
From Guilford, through Meredith to
New' Hampton. From Hebron, through
Alexandria, to Bristol. From Hillsboro
uridge, through the south part of Antrim,
and Hancock, to Peterboro, From South
Deerfield, to Pittsfield. From Ossipee to
Tnftenboro. I’ron Groton, Massachusetts,
to Dunstable by Hudson, Lmidom.rrv D-r
ry, Hampstead, Hawke, by Hampton falls,
to Hampton Leach. I - rom Dover, bv
Durham, Lee, Epping, and Chester to
Derry. I'rom Lebanon, by Springfield,
New London, and Sutton, to Warner.
From Hillsborough bridge, bv Antrim,
North Branch, Stoddard, and Stilliv an to
Keene. From Hillsborough bridge, Io
South Antrim and Hancock to Peterbo
rough and O-sippce in New ilmup hire,
Newfield, Limerick, Walerlmroiigh and
Buxton, to Portland in Maine. From
Hillsborough bridge by Hillsborough << li
tre, Bradfoid centre, and Sutton to Sutton
village. From Amherst by Milfmd, Wil
ton and Mason to New Lpwich. From
Windham, via Londonderry Io Hooksett.
From Claremont to Cornish flat.
From East Middleboro, through Pi>,ni
ton, to Kingston in Plymouth county.
From Taunton, to .Norton. From Fox
boro to Wr< ntliain. From Franklin, throgh
Bellingham, to South Milford. From ,'sdrib
Woodstock; through V/oodslotT., Wilkin-
I ■ /•■'■o yl ||wJ. ife
son's factory, Killingly, in Connecticut, to I
Ch< phetvlilt, in Rhode Liimi. From
Yarmouth, to South Yarmouth, From:
Saudi Id to Sheffield. From Boston,
through Lt mi, Dm,sirs, Topsfield, New
Rowley, V. tst New bury, to Amesbury. ’
From W oonsocket t,tils, Rhode Island, [
through South Bellingham, Massachusetts, i
to Franklin, mid to East Mulwav. ’
From Newport, Rhode Island,by water; to j
1 rom Furnace Y jllage, through L'mie (
Rm Rand Falls village to S >uth Cumin, from
Won ester, to Charlton, through Soutli
orii.gc, Ma. sachn: cits, through the west
rt ol l> oodslot k, t > I’ollaud, in Cotincc- '
ticut. From .h wit.’s city, bv Packers-j
ville, to Canterbury. From Pf.infield, bv '
Moosup and C village to Brooklyn. '
l ion; Hartford, via Windsor, Poconoc, I
Wist Granby, West Sheffield, and Feeding
bids, to Westfield. r rom Westport, via
the Academy in Weston, Stepnev Post
Office, and Z>ar, to Bennett’s bridge,
i rom New Haven, by East Haven, North
Brm.tbril, North Guilford, North Bristol,
and Ni;rt.; rvi'liugv.orth, to Essex From
by !' .'.i.-ibm-g, and North Lyme, to
Norwick Citv.
1' roni Jeimston, throne’) Eden, Lowell,
W i stiield, Troy, and Newport, to Derby.
From Bi!lowsf.d!s,t’iro:igli Athens, Brook
line, New fame, ami Dover, to Wilmington.
From Mount Holley, through Mechanics
ville, to Weston. J’roin Alburgh to West
Alburgb. From Wi idsor,'i by Hartlaud,
Quccchy \ iilage, W est Hartford, Snow’s
store, Sharon, ami South Stailb-d, to Staf
ford, i rom Practorsville, via Cavendish,
Gieenbush, and Cornet’s, in \ ernmnt, to
( iaremont, in New Hampshire. From
W iljiston to Jerico.
From Watertown to Rodman, by Bur
liville, in the county of Jefferson. From
v arthage, through the village of Great
Leno,: .■> Ra.v sville, Feit’s mills. Lockport,
an i Huntingdon's n;ills, to the village of
Watertown, in the comity of Jefferson.—
to the duties ol special and ancient friend
hip and as far as was consistent with these,
to mingle Ireely with ids fellow citizens of
the Stater—not inlltienced by the unjust in
smtiations of enemies—nor wrapping liim-
Lrom Theresa, in the county of Jefferson, I
by the Glass works, and South Hammond,
in the county of Saint Law rence. From
Hud-on. by Glencoe, Curtis’s settlement.
North East, to Salisbury, in the State of;
Connecticut. From Silver creek, in the
county of Chautaurpie,by Versailles, in the
county of Cattaraugus, to Angola, in the
county ol Erie. From Jamaica, to Rocka
way, in the county of Queens. From
Greenfort, across Shelter island, to Sag
Harbor, in the county of Suffolk. From
Setauket, by Coram. Patchogue, in Suf
folk county. From Mayville in the coun
ty es Chautauquc, through Banama, to the
month of Broken Straw creek, in the coun
ty of Warren, in the State ol Pennsylvania.
1' rom Stnithsboro, to Spencer, in the coun
ty ol '[ ioga. Ih'orn Goshen, in the coun
ty of On-.nge, in the State ol New York,
through Phillipsburg, Middletown, Mount
Hope, Cttddebackviile, Clo-vesville, For
restburg Stewartsbtirg, H-i’s way brock,
Beaver Brook, Ten-tnile river, and Nar
rowsburg, to Honcsuale, in the State of
Pennsylvania. From Herkimer to Utica,
on the south side cf the Mohawk river,
through the villages of Mohawk, German
I latts, and Frankfort, in the county ofHer
kimer, to the city of Utica, in die county
cf Oneida. From Lockport, in the county ■
jof Niagara, byway of Benedict’s bridge,
to Akron, in the town ofNewstead, in the
; county of Erie. From Youngstown, in
the county of Niagara, byway of Wilson,
I Kempville, Somerset, Yates, Centre, West
< Carlton, East Carlton, and Davis’ mills, to
Gaines’ corners, in the county of Orleans,
i'rom ‘Preble, in the county of Cortland,
through Otisco lloilow, Amber, Marietta,
' and Marcelins, to Camillus, in the county
,ol Onondaga, From Luzerne, in Warren
I county, to Coldwcll. From Carmel, in
Putnam county, to Pawling-, in Duchess.
From J' ranklin, in the counlv cl Delaware,
to Oneonto, in the county'ofOtsego. From
i Somerset, in .Niagara county, by Yates,
.Centre, West Carlton, East Carlton, an !
Davis’ ini!!-, to Gaines corners, in the coun
ty of Orleans. From Groveland, on East
road to Geneseo. From Stanfordvilie, to
Sharon, in Connecticut. From Gibbons
v ill», byway of Cohoe ■, W aterford, From
Poughkeepsie by Plea 1 ant Valley, Dover,
Bulkbridgc, and Kent Post Office to Wash
ington in Connectictit. From Ithaca,
through Grct'd, Oxford. Guilford, Mount
Upton, Gilbertsville, Ot-cway, Oneonta,
Davenport Centre, Davenport, West Har
pi r-fc Id, mid Stanford, to Catskill; and
ilrnt ti;< p<>-i rocit-from Oxford to Gilberts*
t ide, and from Oneonta, to Gilbertsville,
and Irom liarpcr.-field, to Oneonta, be, and
the same arc hcreliy, discontinued. From
I’oeiiester, along die Erie canal to Brock
jpoi t and Locl-.pcrt, in the county of Ni
agara. From Union village, bv the vili
' aces of Battenkill, and Shaw's mills, to die
: village of Salem, in the comity of Wasli
' ingt':|i ; and that die post road from Bat
i' ukiil to Jau-.scn be discontinued. From
< i atci borough, in die comity of Chautaii
que, by Connewango, to Persia, in the
county of ('attarnuucs. Fiona Wc-tfield,
in tiic ectinty of, to Cohimlnis,
in tiic county of Warren, in the State < f
j Pcimsyivania. From Sand Bank, toMan
’ nsviile. From Clintonville, to Rhinebeck.
Fiom He- tto doorchotl'e village.
From Belvidere, in Warren counlv, to
i Pori ColiL'i). From Pompton, by Wen
; e< key, ■ Lnirdsv i i ie, I .Ong I’<>ml, and The
j Green Woods, to die post office, at War
/v. ick in New York. Frum Jersey c’.ty, in
■ ’ ' ' ' ' 1 .. ; . '
Bergen county’, to Belleville. From.—'
Princeton, by Hmhis’own, to Freehold.
From Hightstown, by Ewingvill, Clarks
burg, 11 ium i slow u, Cassv die, Charlestown,
and Smithfield, to Freehold. From Pi> la
delphia, by Camden, Burirngton, Hights
town, and South Arnbby, to tiie city cf
New Void,. From Dovi r, by Suckasunny,
ami i’lan'ders, to Hackettstown. I’lom
Hamburg, Ly Franklin furnace, and Spar
la, t.i Newton. J rom Lmgston to Somer
ville, byway of Rocky liiil, Grigfstown,
Millstone, and Weston. From New Egypt,
by Coukstov.n, Jacobstown, Rccklesstow n,
Crosswicks,to Bordentown.
1 rom Reamstown, in Lancaster county,
by the way of Sheonuk Whitehall, apd
Springtide, in said county, to S.liaeffers
tovvn, in Lebanon county. From Colum
bus, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, by die
way cf Fairmount, Colesville, i.i Columbia
county, and Davidson, to Taneyville, in
Lycoming county. From Chambersburg,
Franklin county, Pennsylvania, by the way
ot Mercersburg, to Hancock, Washington
county, Maryland. From Karthaus, Clear
field county, to the town cf Clearfield, in
said county; the route to go on tiic north
side of the w est branch of the Susquehanna
river. From Hart’s cross roads, in Craw
ford county, Pennsylvania, to Andover, in
the State of Ohio. From Oi! creek, Craw
ford county, by the way of Spring creek,
in Warren county, to Sugar grove, in ti.e
same county. From the Spring Louse,
Montgomery county, by the way of David
Acufi’s Gwynedd, Heisler’s tavern, Fran
conia, Gerhart’s tavern, Tritnibaursville, in
Bucks county, Everharts, Jacob Ilertzels,
to Coopersburg, in Lehigh county. From
Abington centre,in Luzerne county, bv the
way of Factoryville, Nicholson, to Brook
lyn, Susquehanna comity. From Wjaltis
ing centre, Bradford county, to Orwell, in
the same county. From Erie, Erie coun
ty, by die way of McKean, M ashingtun,
and Venango, to Rockdale, in Crawford
county. From Coatesville, in Cia-tcr
county, byway of Doerun, Chatham, West
Grove, Rosscommon, and Boyd’s .-tore to
Strickersville. From Florence, in Wash
ington county, by Mil! Creek meeting house,
East Liverpool, Fanlkstowii, Clarkson,
East Fairfield, mid Lima, in Columbiana
comity, to Poland, in Trumbull county,
Ohio. From Cross Creek v iilatte, Wash
ington comity, to West Liberty, in Ohio
county, \ irginia. From West Alexander,
in Washington count*, , to West Liberty, in
Ohio comity, Virginia. From West Alex
andria, Washington county, to Waynes
burg, in Green comity. From Zelienople,
Butler county, by Evansburg, Glade Mills,
to Freeport. From Beaver, in Beaver
comity, to Frankfort. From Skinner’s
Eddy post office, in Imzerne county, by
Springhill, mid Jones’s mills, to intersect
the post route from V» v :dii-ing to Rnsl-v il'c,
at Stcv ensvilie. Freni W iml gap, it; North
ampton county, by Fieeksviile, and Rich
mond, to Belvidere, in New Jersey,’ From
Ligonier, W estmoreland county, to Johns
town, in Cambria county. From Maho
noy post office, in Northumberland cotintv.
by the State road, to : lincrsv il'e, in Schuyl
kill county. From Taneyville, in Lycom
ing county, by Ileddleston’s to Columbus,
in Lt ".erne county. From Butler, in But
ler county, by Whitestown, Zelienople.
From Juniata Crossings, in Bedford comi
ty, by Brush vtiliey, Whips cove, War
tordsbu -g-, toHancock, in Maryland. Fimin
W iikesbarree,in Imzerne comity, by W hite
Haven, Lowrytown, to Lausanne. From
Reading, in Bi rks county, by Yocums
forge, and Bowman’s store, io Blue Ball
in Lancaster county. From Smethport,
McKean county, by the forks cl'Tuniiang
wat creek, to Great valley, in Cattaraugus
county, New York. From Butier, in But
ler county, to Franklin, it; Y enango coun
ty, by the grad’d or turnpike road. From
Carbondale, in Luzerne county, by the way
of Greenville, Abington, and
Nicholson, to Tunkhannock. From Kutz
town, Berks county, by the way of New Je
rusalem, Lobacksville. Klauser’s, Shoen
ersviile, Boyertown, New Hanover, to The
Trappe, in Montgomery comity. From
Minersville, in Sclitiylkili cotmiy, by the
way of YVaynesburg, Klingerstown, to
Gratztown, in Dauphin county. From
Easton, Northampton county, by the wav
ol William Kessler’s, Vfnotings mills, Rox
bury, to W illiamsburg. From Norristown,
Monigomery county, by the way of Shan
nonviiie and Lttmberv iile, to Phomixvilic,
in Chester comity. From Stoddardsville
to Clifton, in Luzerne county. From Hon
esdale, Wayne county, down the Lacka
waxen creek, and along the line of the Del
aware and Hudson canal, to the Narrows;
thence along the same creek and canal,
up the Delaware river, through Big Eddy
settlement to Damascus post off'ce ; (lienee
through Berlin township, to Honcsdaie.
From Venango furnace, to Wesiev, V en
ango county. From Damascus to Stock
port, via tiie monthoflhe Lillie Equmunk
creek, and the English settlement, in .Man
chester township,, and tiie mouth of the
Great Equinuiik creek, in Buckingham
townslfip, W ayne county. From Liverpool
to Miffliniown. From Montrose, through
tiie townships of Lawsvilie ami I ’raiikiin,
to Biiighamplcm, New York,-by Omgley’s
church, and Strigestow n, to New berry
From idilford, in Delaware, to easlon, in
Man. land.
I’rom Davidsonviile, via Higgin’s store,
to Patuxent forge, imp thence to Elkridge
j iand'mg. From Booiu.borugli, via Roh
rersville, Brownsville, Burketsville, and
i Petersville., to Barry. I’rom Port Dtqiosite,
so North Last. From Cliurchhill to Dover,
jin tiie State of Delaware. I’rom Cam-
I bridge, by Church creek, and Tobacco
i stick, to Robinson and Griffith’s store.
c> ;.• C'S.e r..:' - '■»' d one:} el'■<.
From 8.-lie Air, by H’rlfort Furnace, and I
Abington, to M bdi elv ille.
From poplar hill, Giles county, to f'bn
ron. Wythe county. I'rmn Wayue-boro,
t > Greenviiie. i’rom Fishingcr-wk, in Ty
ler county, Fine Grove, cm) Mount Lin
nteus, to Folsley’s : in the county of
Monongalia. I’rom \<e:ton, in tiie <oun
ty oi’Lewis, to Ciiar’estown. in the Ken
! awha. From Louisa cum t-hotise to Y an
iceysville. Fi om Friiiemon-s | ' t off.ei.
in tl>e county of Frankim, via Rake’s store,
and Canada’s, in said county, to Fioyd
court-house. From Majion to Greenville,
Grayson court-home. I’rom Charlottes
ville, via Scoltsviile, ta Becliiiigiiam cotirt
j house. From Belfield, in the county of
' Greensville, to Newsom’s depot,in tlivc oun
:ty of Southampton. 1 rom Pols'ey’s mil's,
1 in the county of Monongalia, via Armen’s
store, to Biacksville. I’rom Staunton, via
Buffalo gap and Joseph Bell’s, to Milbor
otigh. From tiie town of Weldon, North
Carolina, via Syke’s Old Store, Rimdals
Ordinary,'ton, James Square, Ghol
jsonviiie, Oakgrove, Nr,■holseu’s, Wart
i man’s, Charles Ogburn’s, Shuchleford’r,
■ Cinistianville, Duprees Store, Cbarlcotte
' rotirl-liouse, Armistead and Fuqua’s store,
i and Brookneal, to Green Hill, Campbell
I county, Virginia. From Wythe court
; house, via James H. Piper’s, to Blue
! Springs, Smythe county. From Bickley’s
! mills, Russel county, via Osborn fori', to
I Pendleton, Seott comity. I’rotn Bradford,
; Smythe cotmiy, via Cook’s store, to Sha-
rou, Wythe count',. I’rom Latin 1 postof
' ffee, Washington comity, to Captain Levi
J Bishop’s in the comity of Smythe. I’rom
Princess Ann. Maryland, via Newtown,
Maryland, and Bloxom’s taverti, Y irspinia,
I Riley’s store, Jenkin’s bridge, Guilford,
and Bagwell’s mills, to Drnmmondtowii,
! in tiie county of Accomac!'., Y irginia. From
■ Hontown, to Bloxom’s tavern, Accomack
county, Virginia. From Greenville, Y’ir
giuia, to Jefferson, North Carolina. From
Vi inchc.-ter to Staunton, by wav of Lancs
1 old works, I’min’e’s school-house, Cohim-
■ l>ia furnace, Moore’s store, Penny back: r’s
furnace, Tm lev ’s town, and Milk ; s fermtt e,
j and thence to Stamitoa. From Kingwood
to Evansville, i’rom Orange court-• ruse
io Stnr.ardvii’e. I’rom Culpeper coi.rt
hoirse, via Plain’s mills to Timberville.
; From Lertdsville to Western Fort's, in tiie
comity < f Randolph, in irginia. From
Danville, by Frankim court-hoi'se, to Sa
lerm From Jerusalem to Uiquharl’s store,
in Southampton count}. From Surry court
house, to Wall’s bridge, in Stitiy cc.untv.
h rom Riclimcnd, by Bellona arsenal, Sub
lett's, and Jefferson, to Cartersville. From
Lynchburg, by Pedlar’s mills, to Buffalo
Spring. From Tye-river warehouse, to
Lynchburg. From Littletown, to Urqu
iirri's stoic. From W< st Alexandria, Penn
sylvania, to Grave Creek.
From Franklin, North Carolina, to
aamesvil'e, (.n uiy’s store, and Huntington,
to .Ldairsviiie, Georgia, f rom Wadesboro’,
by White's store, Jesse Lewellen’s, Hnstj’s
store, Alexander ?v. Bell’s, tiie Anson Gold
i mines, anti theuce by Burns’s store ami
j Diamond Hill. I'rom Limestone post of-
■ lice, in Euucomb county, by Edneysville
tmd j..!?. Iknter’s io Nnrisvilie, Spartmis-
i burg district, South Carolimi, From Carth
age, in Moore, county, thence to Eli Phil
lips’s, and Far.: !i am! ?,!cNei!l’s store, t >
. i’yson’s store. From Morgantown, in
Burke county, up John’s river, to John
i Ylosts, on V, atmiga, in Ashe comity.
; I’tom r a!!sv ,ile, m Lincoin county, to
I V. illiam Gats’, Buffaloe post office, J <■sima
i oi’aiii s, ‘ l u.-.iy creel;, ilumiiton’s store,
ami ’ < ebb’s lord, to 1 iutlierf’crd, Ruthei ford
j comity. I’rom Bethania, Stokes comity.
| by V ienna ami Shores’ ferry, to Doweitov. u,
Surry county. From Greensboro's bv
; 'i hompson’s store ami David Thomas’s, to
j Moorcsviiie, in Grange comity, i’rom
L'iliiton, by Sergeanisvilic, am! Bmckweii’s
store, to .iiuvvlingsbiirg, in Rockingham
[county. From Yadkin post office,
j county, by W illiam Wolf’s and Johnson
I Clements’, to Rockford, Surry county.
I i rom 3 aylor’.- bridge, in Sampson county,
| by tiie Piney Woods, ami tiie house M Lew-
I is High Smit!;, to Long Creel; bridge, in
( New Hanover counlv. From Bciiliesli rii
! to Sherrillsford post office, am! Hol.csv iile,
to Fisher’s post office ; returning, to jiass
i-.avesviile, tiie neighborhood of Tlioma.->
L. May s, n t Dry Ponds. For Salis-r
i bury, by Mount Pleasant, in Cabarras
[ county, to Uobourn’s store, in Mecklen
burg county. From Washington; to Dur
ham creel.. I rom Newbern, to James
bigg’s on Bay river, in Craven county.
From Beaufort to Portsmouth, ami thence
to Ocracock. From Kingston, bv Hook
ertown, to Snow iliii. From Mockville
to Huntsville. I* rom Franklin, m Macon
county, down Y’alley river, to Ilmitim cion,
tilt nee to Clarks vilie, Habersham count v,
j Georgia. From New Castle, bv Trap 1 liil.
; in W ilkes county, to Grayson court-house,
: V iigmia. I 1 rom Greenviho, in Pilt coun
i ty, by Johnson’s mills, Scnfiletov,n, in
Green county, to Kinston in Lenoir coun
ty. From Elizabethtown, by Lennon’s
Cross Roads, to Fair Bluff, thence by
I W Intcville aiid tiie Prong, at Wooten’s
j back to Eiizabetlitown. From Winton by
i Gates court-house and Sunbury, to Edeii
: ton. fi’rom Tomlinson’s store, to Ashe
| court-house. From Louisburg, by Lenny’s
cross roads, Wilton. Melbame’s store',
WY ilborn’s in el’mg house, Red .Mountain’
; and Turner’s .Mill’s to Hillsboro’. From
[ Germantown, to Little Yadkin.
' From Hamburg, via. Red liiil, t ; > Lib
erty iiill. From Uorbettsville to Blacks
ville, itiOrangelnirgdistilet. I’rom Grecn-
I ' iile coii. t-lmtise, by Liugon’s mills, to
1 Mu-11 creek. From /cbbcville court-lioiisc.
[ i>y I’aggart’s store, am! Covington’s mill’s
! to Maii itlsville, in Anderson district. From
GreenviUe court-house, South Caro!ma,!
via Sutton’s bridge, on Saluda river, Ce-i
de.r rock, YYi '.i creek, Pii kcns court-house, 1
Falls post cfiice, YVest Union, Earlsford, I
on Chatuga river, mid W arv. Oman’s creek,
to ( iayton, in the remit} of Rabun, State
ol Georgia. Fi om Camden, via Long
town, Winsborougii, Bell, Hails, Ashford’s
ferry, ami Baslo ti’s, to Newberry court
house. I’rom Union court-house, to New
berry court-house, Young's ferry, to Ai
kin. I’rom Bm nwcll tourt-house, to Ros
i;ey. I’rom Pocotidigo, via Hickory Hill,
to the Cross roads, in PrinceYv iiliams’ Pa
ri;!!. i’rom Drax limvillc, by Limestone
springs, Smith Lipsconib’s, Rowland’s
store, and (lie Roiling mills, to Spartanburg
court-house. From Fishdam post office, on
Broad river, to Pin; kneyv die, in Union
district. I ’rom Green'.iile ecui-liouse, by
Sherman’s store, Bonbv’s store, I.'.ue i reek,
Neeley’s t : . rry', I 'ami,ridge, Meeting street,
to Eclgeft eld c o u rt- ho u se. Fro mGrpcnv i! 1 e,
Smith Carolina, by Ciarksv ilk*, Georgia,
to Dahlonega.
From Fraiii.liuviile, Lowndes county,
Georgia, via Wi rner’sFerry, to Townsend
post cilice, in Madison county, Territory:
Florida. 1 rom Cai ro'iton, via V iilari
ea post office, i.i Carroll county, Georgia,
to Paulding court-house, Cassville, in Cass
county, and Adairville, in Cass county.
I’rom Rome, in Floyd countv Gei rgia, via
Y mm’s S idley, Moriah’s cross roads, Jack
sou vilie, in Benton coupty, Alabama, Alex
andria [lost office, Cornier’:, Kelly’s Spring,
Talladega, Mardisvili.e, in I'ailaiiega coun
ty, Syifacogy post office, lloekiurd, in
Coosa count}, to Vietumpka, in Montgo
mery count}, Alabama. FromCeutrev illt,
W ilkes county, via Y'v right’s stor/, on tiie
.Skid! shoal road, Bow i;ng Green, John M.
Coxe’s store, ami Poiiluin’s bridge, to Sa
lem, in Clark county. I 'r.mi Fiat siioals ;
in Pike count}’, via Perdue’s storey Rocky
Mount, Carter’.; store, all in Merriwelhcr
county, anti Corinth, in Heard county, to
Franklin, in iiemd comny. !■. ,1m New
nan, Coweta county, via Sellmau’s store,
ami Turrcnt'me’s ferry, on Flint river, to
Zebulon, iii Pike comity. Freni Auraria
in Lumpkin comity, via Coal iioiintain
post office, Cumming, in Forsyth comit y.
Social Hili, post cline, in coun
ty, Lebanon po>t office, ami Marietta in
Cobb county, Btg Spring, mid b,>ceiwulcr
town,in Cubu county, to Uumpbeikoi;, in
C-:iiipbell count}, i’rom Cassville, via
Pine Log post office, and Bi iiit.ii post m
(ice, in Cass ccinity, to iMcjay, Gilmer
county. I? lorn Mai'ieua, via A.itwin i old
mines, Cas.ville, Adairsville, Cass county,
New Echota, to Spring place, Murray coun
ty, I’rom Lumpkin, in Slew art county,
to Starksv'die, in Lee county. From Tal
botton, via Boston post office, Uchee vil
lage post Oi'hce, in Mrtrion coimiv, mid
Ponutown p'osl office, to Americus in Sump
ter county. From TMbotton, viu Beiie
iew ;;o.'t oi'mc, Buclianuii’s stole, W arm
springs, and Greenville, in Meirivveiher
county, to Nfcwm:;i, in CcwetA county.
From Eiberton by ivlcntex iedo, i.i Eibert
comity, Geoigia, to Amlci.-on court house,
in South Carolina. From Paulding court
house, via Rome, in i 'itn count',’, i read
way’s isiaml lord, at Story ’s farm, to W ai
ker court house. From Cl nylon, in Ra
bun county, v m Bi;:irsvde, in Union coun
ty, Eiiejay. in Gj'.iie r i i.mily , and Spring
place, in Murray cotmiy, io Walker court
aouse, i.i Wml.rr coiiwi}. i'r.mi D.ihlotie
ga, in Liimpiim count} , via !i;gi.tower post
office, ami t.mitoii, in Cherokee county, to
CaSsviile in Cass county. From Da . -
ga, in J jumpiun com,ty, to Blairsville, in
Union county. From UaiiUyi:, in Chero-
Kte comity, >. ia Woodstock post office,
Marietta, in Cobb comity, and Pauldiug
court-house, Pmil i’mg county, to Cedar
town, in Paiiidiug comity. From Haw
kinsville, in Pul.isiii county, to House
creek, in Irwin county ; the mail to becar
ried down on the western side of the Oc
mtilgee river. From Lagrange, Troun
county, via Liberty Hill po.-t oiiiee, Frank
lin, in Heard county, and Laurel hill, to
(.arrodton, in Carroll countv. I'rom
Franklin, Heard' comity, Georgia to Ran
dolph court-iiotisc, iii Alabama! From
Jacksonville, Telfair county, via
y'l'*l!’,i*l ■‘ l l’i , ‘ lli o county, am! YVaresboro’,
m n are county, to Franklinville, in
Lowndes county. I* rom TticDuiiougli,
Henry cotmiy! via Tucker’s cabin, to De
catur, DeKalb comity. From "HMloca, in
Muscogee county, via Pineville and Jeu
ki»Ys mill, tp Americus, .Sumpter county.
From Drayton, in Dooly countv, vh D.iii
v ide, Americus, in Sumpter comity, and
Lminahassee, in Stewart county, to Colum
bus, in Al useogee. From Dahlonega, in
Lumpkin vomit}’, to Eliejay in Gilmer
county. From Wrightsboro’, via liny
town, ( iaw fords vile, Tempe ranee, at Green
mid Baldwin’s store, io Greensboro’,
i’ rom Decatur, in Dekalb comity, via Stone
Mountain, Rockbridge, to Memroe in Wai
lon count}’. From Fort Gaines, in Ear!}’
county, to Spring creek post office. I’rom
Archibald Hunter’:, ferrv, on 1 ligiiw :i ee,
North Carolina, to Biairs’, iile, in Union
county Georpia. From ?.li!leda< vdle, b}'
Monticello, Indian Springs, Green villi',
La Grange, Wetumpka, to Tuscaloosa,
Alabama. From Decatur, by Ke} ’s. Mar
tin’s ferry, off the Chattahoochee, to Leba
non, in Cob!) eomitv. From Columbus,
by Lumpkin, (Fitiibert, Fort Gaines, and
Blakely, to Bainbridge. From Rome, by ,
liivingston, Pleasant Green, or Gambia’s
seminary, near the line of Walker and
I'T.iyd counties, to Jslamitown, on Chatuo- i
ga river.
From Gainesboro, Tennessee, via ;
Thomas iHittier’s Salina, month oi Gbcd
river, Kettle creek, Hanover, near Cary’s
ferrv, to Burksvillc, in Kent' cky, thence
via Greelsboroiigh, to Jamesiowii, in !U:s
sel coumv. From Jamestown, Tetine: see,
via Abi ahttiii \ anwiuckle’s to Monticello,
in Wane count}’, Kentucky. I ’rom Louisa, I
it: Lawrence, county, to YV< st, Lilicrty, ini
Morgan remit}. I’rom Ei- i.moml, ii:
Madison county, to London, in Laurel
county. From Pei ry court-ln ne, via tiie
mouth of Lcf ll.crwood creek, Hbzekiai;
Bram-mi’s, i.i Hmiiini county, am! Neal':
post c.flice, nt Sterne gap, to Scott comt-;
house, in Y’irg’mia. From Richmond, in i
Mad>,on comity, v;:i Slaughter's salt w orks, I
Mount X i i.noli, Summersi-tt, ILris’s :to>:c 1
coal in’mcs, and mouth of Laurel, toUh irka
Rockbolt’s in V> bi’Jey < ounly. From Ne
ville, in tiie Stale of Oiiio, to Falmouth, in
Pendleton county, Kentucky. From
Bowling’ Green, to Seottsviie, via Allen
springs. I’rom Stanford in Lincoln coun
ty, v i i Ci Jone! Jesse Ccffe’s, mid Lilieriv, ;
in Casoy < (>mity, to Jamestown, in Russel i
cc’tmty I’rom Covington, in Campbell I
count}-, via Tailor’s mill, on Bankliek |
Creek, ami upon the Licking road to inter- I
sect the mail route from XViisliintrton, in |
firisem county, via Fiihiiouth, in Pendleton I
cotmiy, to Gainer’s cross roads, ca tiie Dry [
ridge, in Boor, county, at Ricliar.’.i M uiiin’s j
cn Grassy creek, in said county ofPepdle- '
ton. I rom Gallatin, in Tennessee, down J
the Long fork of Barren river, by i
John B. Lowrey’s . tore, to Tompkinsville, I
m Kentucky. From t'fiiverpo: t, in Brack- i
enbridge county, via John Hay lie’s, Tay-i
lor’s miffs, Hartford and Vt illimn Browns’, I
in Cbm; eo.mi!y, to W oftiiington, in Hidden- |
berg county. I ron) Hawesville., in Han-;
cock countv, to i\<>llsv ’die in .Davis comity. ,
From tiie mouth of Sandy,, in Henry cotmiy I
Tcumessee, via Uoiicorii, and Belgrade, to, ,
V: atiesbormigii, in Coiiowuy county, Ker;- ,
lucky. Jim.: Annul Sailing, via the
mouth of Aaron’s ittn, and Norih Middle
town, to Paris. From Cloverport by tiie
Great fail:; of Rough creek, to Erownsv’die. .
From Tompkirtsviile via John Meadow’s, !
on tiie E.:„t fork of Barren river, John ;
Meadow’s, on Sall lick of 'Barren river, |
Bratton’s ; ost office, auei Dabney Cooper’s, ,
on XViiiie oak of Barren river, to Gaiiatin, I
|in Tennessee. From tiie town ofßeiiford I
in Oldham county, to the town of For’
Wiiiic.m. in Gallatin county. From the
town of New Castle, in Henry county to
Port Royal, m tiie same countv. From
llartfuru, to \ . XV. Preyton’s, in ti.e-t aun
ty ol Oh'm. Irem Ruv. tsville,'to \ r d.->’:;,
in the comity of Hancock.
From Rmir'ali;!;, by Fottiywille, and
; Ccneordia, toEcllmimt, in i’ay ette cminty,
, aiKt from .‘.i-.uut Pleasant, Murray comity..
Rock Rouse crecA, J, C, Guliick’s,
[ i’errysv iiic, Le xington, end Independence,
to Jackson. From Knoxville, via Reed’s
mi|i, on Beaver creek, Low’s ferrv, on
Clinch rive;-, ,Scarborough’s mills Watscirs
[ ferry, am! from -thence to Kingston. From
'Philadelphia, Mimroe county, by Pryse’s
ferry, cn Tennessee river, to V. ashington,
J.u.i-a comity, r rom Leesburg, in Xvasli
[ iiigion county, via Newtmigsvi-le, in Green
county, to ißiger&vjile, in Hawki’ns count}’.
[From Xi iiliaiLsport, by Tree’s store, ami
! Snow creel;., in Manry cmmty, to Franklin,
An Vv i;r.;..!is"i» <”.mnf}. From Samuel Wii
<.:i Jack’s c.’c:k, {Semlersou,
to Burns's store. From ?:< Min. ill., war
den com.:y, t.> Keiitt.cky, by Dyersburg
I Lauck-rabie' caurt house, and Covington,
to La Grmige, ’f\.mv»s.e. f rom Jack
son, by J.loi.m pi:;s:m, to Purdy, McNairy
conuty. From Durhamvili, Lauderdale
•county, to m.orl, on the Mi-Mssmpi li
ver. i rom r i en-rniie stand, i:; Riiea eemn
'}’, by tieor: e Gordon’s iron works, from
. Jicree is.rm .. y cove, to George
us, (in C umiiei kind mountain, —
‘ rom Piiiei iile, Isiedsoe countv, bv
iilythe’s ferry on Teiine::ee. river, to Da
vid Me Naires, Conasuga. Imm M.c-
Minvilie, by James Garderner’s, Esqr. to
Dallas, Eimilion county. From Athens, '
in McMinn cotility, byway of Haynes's
stoic, to jJeunt \ errnm, in Monroe conn- [
ty. From Van Buren, to Moore’s cross I
roads, in Hm iieman comity. F;. o!! ].pj.jjg-_ <
plireys court-house, in Htimplir'evs cmmty, '
and by Point to Paris, Henry co.
From Browiisviiie, by XVcsky to Coving-I
tom From Perrysville, in Perry comity, [
by alorgan’s creek, to Benton comity i
cort-house, and to Paris. From Ijuntiiig- [
don, in Carroil county, by .Lexington, ami ;
Jack’s creek, to Purdy, in McNairy conn- !
ty. Mj'rom Boliivar, by Nubbin ridge,
Simpson's miffac, on llatcbie rivir, Cy
ipii-s Cliamijci, and Wolf ’ 9 ferry, on,
I the Tennesre rive:-, to tiie Brick house, or [
i Clieri - } vide, in Hardin mid, to James’.,
j stere, in Green cemity. From ,Jackson,
| by Oakland, mid baud and Shiioe,
! Tennessee,- by Trenton, 1 orkville, and ■
Troy, to Miffs point, Kentucky. From
Waynesboro’[to Daivd Galiaiiei’s, and Pin
hook, in Fi avue < omit} , to tiie Brick house
in Hardin comity, on die stage road from ;
Savannah, Teimesse, *o Florence, Alabama. '
I ’rom La Grange, Temiesce, via Spring
Hill, to Walnut grove, glisslssipyi. From '
Alurt’reesboro’ by Saiem cross roads, to
Wilfiiuion’s cross roads, in Rutherford
county ; from Florence, Alabama, to •
Waynesboro;ig!i, Tennessee, via . John I
Spain’s Aiabama, and Sessmn’s store,
Tennessee ; from Eastimama, to Wcsly ; ;
from iiimitoe, via Locust Shades, in Over-1
ton cmiiity. •>}’ Salina, Jackson comity by !
Garret Moore’s to Tompkinville, Ken- j
tucky ; from Elkton, Tennessee, to De- i
caltir, Alabama, ami from Franklin Ten
nessee to Ulcarloite, by Turnbmiil ; from i
Dover, by Tobaccoport, to Cadiz, in Ken- I
tucky ; from Pmy, Tennesse, by Colonel [
John Reeves s in the Chickasaw cession,
tn Poiilitoc, in the State of Mississippi.;
From .Marysville, in Blount countv, l;v
lilount X ail springs, to Gliilliowcc poA of-.
fice, on the Tennessee river, Mmilami’s, i
mouth of Noiachtickv, to Newport ; from I
Comnbell’s statimi, Low’s ferry, mi the I
Holston liver, to Lonisviiie, in Blount'
comity ; from Puiaski, by Rogersville, to;
Courtland, Alabama ; from Reedv’dle, by I
David Patton’s, in Rntheiford comnv, to
Bee.. 1 ! go.', ia Bedford ccinity ; 'from
I! I ;a.(- I; p. Iy , j. V
— -T, KA
.1 a} : <-.10r0,’ to Savannah; from
m.vamijd;, I’lmilton conmv, to ',V;Jlmii'm
com Georgia; from Ermviisvi'lc\\
i!."vwo.m! comity, by Cherry v ili<>, Laue-V*
f i id, am! Ciie.-iim i,!MA, to Dv ( rsburg, to\
Dyr comity ; from Niisln illc.’l.y jiilisi.n'M\
im.i-., < u Smith Harpcth, to ( a iJerv iile ;xX
irom i av: ttev die, io Robertson’s store
from Clm-ksv i’|<, Tenm ssee, to Cadiz
i»ei iuc,.y; from seat of Justice in
p'.irey s cc.mity to tl:e m at of )':. t;< <• in .F'en-t
ion cigthiy; from Clinton, by Ciivtr’s to '
Morgan com i-l;mwc. “ '
Irom Cc.lumliiapa, in the county of
Shelby via Mineral.kipfings, to Svllacogy,
[ m Talladega comity. From Jm Lsotiviilc,
in Benton county, to Bennettsville, in St,
j Clair comity. From Tt.scaloosa, via Ro
i mulus, Mosely tmrf Cook’s stere, to Plca-s
lout Ridge po t office, in Pickens county.
From Liviugstou in Sumpter rmmtv, via
i:,mer’s, old store, Mount Sterling,' Mc-
Gartv’s, miff Carroilt-mi, to X> asliingtoti
eourt-lioi'se, asliington county. From
.Mesopot,.mia, in Greene comity, via Dan
!'• I s prairie am! Jones’ Bluff’ to Eivjn.gston
in Sumpter to,;nty. From Barm Com,
Monroe countv, via Gmiboiri’s old store
to Al.icniowa in Wiicox cmmty. From
Linden, in Marengo county, via Flat set
i tleiuent, Moscow, ami Periy plan’s store,
to Liv jiigstm; in Sumpter mopuiy. From
Livmgstmi, in Sumpter edUnly, Alabama,
i to Marion, in Lauderdale comity, Mississip
i pi. I' rom Mamunghani, In Butler countv,
to Mmml X'fiiiing apd Haym-s-. iile, in
Lowndes county, thence to Washington,
■ Autangr. e.mnty. From Dalias, in Hrnnil
teu com;'.}’, Ti tmessee, throng!: the Loo.k-
■ out mid Wi.i.; valleys, via Reason, Rollins,
. tae seat of jigriee for De Kaib comity, to
I J-'ennettsvdle, Saint Clair county Alabama,
; I'rcm Monticello, in Fike comity, to Tus
i iiegee, in .Macon cmnity. From Calhoun,
[ McMinn coiiuty Tennessee, via ’Walker’s
I place, . ;<’Daniel’s, Richard Taylor’s,
‘Aaiki-r court,-house Georgia, Wntiaai
ciemy's, Charles Price’s, Dougherty’-;
• mill.--, Chatooga, or Gaylesvilie, Smith’s
i'erry, on Coosa river, Francis Af.ahis and
i Raw den’s store, to Jaoßscn v’rile, Bemoii
’enmity. From ' Knoxville, Green comity
1 via Gainesville, in Sumpu r count} , to Nar
iieta, i’-eiiiper comity Jiississi|rpi. From
[ li.ii’i Mitclieil, via Rc.ancke post office,
, .•wurt county, Georgia, Irvriutmi, in Bai\
comity Alabama, tn f< rt Caines, ip
nrly county, Georgia (tiie mail to be.cai
.ie.i mi the west-ide <;f tiie Chatlaimocliee
ri-.i r.) From UnibntowM, Perry ccnmv,
[ via Athens, Bogue Chitlo, to Portland, op
. Alabama river. From Monticello, in Pij.u
county, to Daleville in Dale countv. Froin
Rockford, in Coosa comity, via Montreal
in Tallapoosa county, to Lafu.vette in
i Chambers comity. I’rom Irwinton, op
the Chalabpoehee river, via Ciajtmi, in
id;;',mir co. Midway and through tiie
somiiv.’est pmt of Macon co. to Mount
[ .tleigs, in Montgomery codnty. From
I Mount v’. filing, via Manic’s store to Ben
[ ton, in Lowndes comity. From Montgc-*
mery along tiie Patsahiggo road, to the
; nearest point on the route rumiing from
(i reel; > ii!e to Games’s store, P;ke via,inly,
y rom Mouiil Meigs, in Montgomery. co.
vui Carter’s store, to Ha}tresville, in
; Aowm'es comity. From Lu Grange, in
Troup co. Georgia, via Dickson’s mill:;,
Aamioipn cpurt-libuse, to ’l'idiadega, in
. lidi-'Utvga comity Aia. Frmy Ilayiijus
r.ide, via Hickory grove, to the nearest
; point on tiie road from Montgomery to
o;dsalaggo, and from thence to the nearest
■ point on tiie route from Moiiist-elio, ip Pike
co. to Gainers’s store. From -Vernon in
Ti lip county, Georgia, via 1 Im.-‘Js store,
■m L; f!}<.-tie, in Chambers co. Aalaiir.m’a.
From Jacksmiv iile, Benton co, via Wifitu
• plains and Boiling Springs, Ila nd.o l.p h
cm.rt-iioffse Lafayette, and . C'assituli, to
, Gerard, them e to Columbus, Georgia,
From Talladega court-ltom e to Lafliy cite,
iii Chambers comity. From XV est Point,
m Troup co. Georgia, via C’assitah ami
Tallassee, to Wetumpka, in Montgoir.erv
comity, Alabama. Prom Ttiskeega, in
Macon co. via Tuckabateliee, to Tallassee,
in Tallapoosa county. From Greensbo
ro’ to Candy’s landing, on ti:e Elack War
rior River. From Washington, Amnuga
co. via I’.ixigstim, Imlepci.uencc, Hamilioii,
Gakip’idge, and Y aiiev creek, io 'Marionj
in i'l’i’i'y comity, From Rucklord, in
Coosa comity, vi;i Chesnut creek, to Ma
pli.’cvi'iv, in Bibb comity. From Green
ville, in Butler co. via Robb’s store, tq
Sparta, them e to Pensacola Florida. F’roni
Dale court-house to Y aiaml.rosa, in Flori
da. From Taliahassee, via Tuckabatchee
to Line creek post office. From Belle
fonte, in Jackson count?, via De Kalb
com’t-hpuse,mid Cherokee court-house, to
Jacksonville, Bentmi comit.v. From La
fayeite, in Chambers co. vU,Randolph
court-house, crossing Talapobsa river- at
Sawyers’ ferry, via White, plains, Jackson-,
vi'ie, in Benton epunty, thence crossing
Coosa river at Walker’s ferry, by Double
spring, by Bemicltsvilli, i<> Ashville, in
Saint Ciair c.mniy. From Greenville, ?p
Butler county, via Fort Dale, to Haviip,
v'die, in Imwndt s county. I’rom Tusca
loosa to Fairfield. I’lcm Mount Meigs to
Irwinton. From Pickensville, by Macon
and Lhuisrille to Winston court-house,
Mississippi. From Portland, by Athens to
Uniontown, From to Mount
Willing. From New Market, by Madi
son Springs, to Hazlegreen. From Rock
ford to Mardisville. From Columbus,
Georgia, by Chambers court-house, Ran
dolph court-house, and Benton com thouse,
to Huntsville. From Salina, by Cahawba,
Pleasant Hill, qnd Bragg’s store, to
Greenville. From Jacksonville, in Bin
ion cmmty, .Ylabmna, to Rome, in Geor
gia. I rom Cahuwba, bv Marion to Cen
From Perrysburg, in vvm-.d cotiptv'
through Risdon and Rome, in Seneca cm
and McUutchinville, to Bucjirus, iu