Newspaper Page Text
AdminiKlrator'N Baßc.
TTNDER stu order of the Inferior Court o I
<J Twiggs County, when sitting for oidinary
purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in November I
myU, within the legal hours, be sold, before the j
ufflrt-houso door in Marion County, lot ol Iniul. j
wumber Ninety, in the fourth district of originally I
Museogee, but now Marion County. Sold as the
real estate of James Deshazo, deceased. Icrms
inttdv known oti the dav of sale.
August 3(1 •**'— ,,,s
WILL be sold at the Court House, Stew
art county, on the first i itesduy in
November next, between the ttsuil hours ot
sale; Lot-No. one hundred and ninety-three, (
(193) in the 31st District, originally Lee conn- !
tv; being the real estate of Henry (.irtllin, de
ceased.—Sold by permission of the Hon. the
Inferior Court pf Effingham county, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate.
JOHN C. GRIFFIN, | A, " u r! ”
Aug. 25. 1836 33—tds.
ON the first Tuesday in December next,
will be sold before the Court-house door ;
m the town of Eatonton, Putnam County, be
tween the usual hours of sale,
A lot of land,
containing 202. J acres, known as No. 106, in
the 4th district of originally Baldwin, but now
Putnam County, laying between sugar and gla- ■
dy creeks, in said county, the same being a part
•f the real estate of Isaac Youngblood, deceas
ed, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itors of said deceased. Terms made known on !
. tire dav of sale.
REUBEN BI LLING TON. I /ld '" r ’’
August 13, 1836. 35—tds.
YKTILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday
▼ V in December next, at the Court-house
in Sumpter county, in the usual hours of sale, 1
lot of land No. 164, in the 17th district, origi-I
nally Lee, but now Sumpter county, for the 1
benefit of the heirs and creditors of Thomas
Barber, dec’d. This the 6th Sept. 1836.
JOHN BOWIN, ad'mr.
Sept. 30, 1836. 36—tds.
WILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday
in December next, at the Court house
in Cobb county, Ga, agreeably to an order of
the the honorable the Inferior court of Warren j
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a
lot of land containing 40 acres, in the gold re-j
gion, (notv Cobb county,) known as No. 164, 1
17th district 2d section, belonging to the estate
of Adam Granade, dec’d. Terms cash. Sep
tember 15th 1836.
Sept. 20,1836. 36—tds. j
WILL be sold on the 17th December
next, at the late residence of Henry
Jackson, deceased; the following property to
265 Acres of land on the waters of Shoulder
bone—one negro man 45 years old—one negro
woman, 55 years old—one do. do. 30 years old.
Also, the stock of horses, cattle, hogs, &c. Ac.
Also, the corn, fodder, household and kitchen
furniture &c. &c.
ISA \C JACKSON, ) . . ,
August 23, 32
WILL BE SOLD to the highest bidder, j
at the late residence of Aquilla Leap
trot, deceased, in Washington county, on the j
27th day of October next,
to wit: consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, corn
and fodder, cotton, farming tools, household and ;
kitchen furniture, together with many other ar- '
tides to tedious to enumerate—sale to continue ■
from day today, until all is sold. Terms made
known on the dav of sale.
September 9 td s
ALL persons indebted to the estate of A
quilla Leaptrot, deceased, of Washing
ton county, arc requested to make immediate
payment, and those to whom the estate is in
debted, will present their demands within the
time prescribed by law.
September 9 3.5 |
FOUR months after date, application will 1
be made to the honorable the Court of I
Ordinary of Washington county, for leave to
sell all the lands belonging to Aquilla Leaptrot
dec’d. BOLIN LEAPTROT, Adm’r.
September 13 m4m
Pulaski Sherifl's 9 Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, in the town of Hart
ford, Pulaski county, on the first
1 uesday in Nov. next, between the usual
hours of sale, the following property to wit:
One small bay horse, levied on as the proper
ty of Elisha Hodges, to satisfy a fi fa issued
from the Superior court of Laurens county, in
favor ofßobert Goode, property pointed out
by Cavid Simpson.
J. DYKES, ir. D. S.
S “Pt- 20, 1836. 36-tds.
DeKalb Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday
in Nov. next, before the court-house
door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county,
the following property to-wit :
Fourteen acres of land, situated, lying and
being in the (18) eighteenth district of original
ly Henry, now DeKalb county, being the south
part of Lot No. 6, in said district, as the proper
ty of James Kirkpatrick, to satisfy afi fa in
favor of James Ligon, issued from a justice’s
ceurt of said county. Levy made and returned
to me by a constable.
S. FARMER, Sheriff.
Sept. 20. 36—tds.
Telfair Sheriff Sale.
WILL BE SOLD, at the court-house
door, in the town of Jacksonville Tel
fair county, on the first Tuesday in November
next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing property to-wit:
One Lot of land No. 310, lying in the ninth
disuict of originally Wilkinson, but now Tel
s,‘ r —* eV . i,: ' J on as the property of James
Williams, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Wil
liam Johns, **• said Williams, to the use of
Marmaduke Hart, propertv pointed outby ifar
mond E. Williams, this 14th Sept. 1836.
o , ELIJAH WELLS, .S'/nnJ.
Sept. 20. 36-tds.
be mad-/ to th e honorable the Inferior
court of Pike comity, when sitting for irrdiuarv for eave to sell | ot of land No.
25, m the third district of county, f.r the
benefit of James A. Crawley, minor, m„|„ r the
of 21 years, he phi in her th- 17th IK3G
FOUR months after date, application wlj"|
be made to the honorable Inferior Cou rl
of Ware comity, when sitting for ordinary pu r .
poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 11 t |, I
district of originally Carroll now Heard <oiin tv I
belonging to the illegitimates of 'l'inin n,,,.’
July 2G 28- mini’
l{ MONTHS afterdate application will
fi' be m ule to the Honorable, the Inferior Court
of Doily Comity, when sitting for ordinary purpo
ses. lot* leave to sell lot ot land No. 201, in the
7<h Hi t. of said Comity, for the benefit of the
heirs of James Coleman deed, this 21st July
August 2d. 29—4 in.
GF.ORGI I’orsjth county.
’B®7'HEK I. AS, Robert Rogers applies to me
w V lor letters of administration, on the es
tate ot David Conlery deceased, late of said
'I heso m e therefore to cite ami admonish all, ami
singular, the kindred and creditors of said dec.
to be and appear at my office, within the time
preset ibed by law, to show cause, (if anv,) why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this day of Sept.
D. McCOY, C. C. O.
Oct. 4. 38—h. ,
df N EORGI \, Crawford county.—James Wil-;
N.W son of the 529th district, G. M. tolled be-I
lore me, Johnathan Ross, a Justice of the Peace,
one iron grey horse, six years old, blind in the left
eye. with a long switch tail, appraised by Lewis
llolt and Samuel Dukes to $lO 00.
WM. McGEE, C. I. C.
September 28th 1836. 38 ts.
GEORGIA, Fayette County.
SIN MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the honorable the Inferior
Court, of said county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, for letters dismissory from the estate
of John Crittenden dec.
This is therefore to admonish all and and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
if they have any objections, why said letters
should not be granted, to file their objections in
terms of the law.
June 19. 25—6 m.
Leonard Burns ) Libel for divorce in
rs. > Pike Superior court,
Martha Burnt. y January Term, 1836.
If nppearing’to said court that the said defen
dant has not been served with the usual
process ; and it appearing she cannot he found,
ir is therefore ordered by the court, that she <ij« |
pear at tqe next Superior court, to he held in ami
for Pik county, on the first Monday in March 1836,
ami then and there answer to the above suit.
Am! it is further ordered by the court, that service
of this i tile be perfected, by its being published
once a month, for three months, in one of the
public gazettes of this State.
A true extract from the minutes, 6th Septem
ber 1836. EGBERT P. DANIEL, c. s. c.
Sept. 29. 37—mlm.
hi the Superior Court, Richmond County, Jan
uary Tenn, 1836.
UPON the petition of Edward Thomas and
others. Stockholders of the Merchants’ and
Planters' Bank, praying the appointment of a
Receiver ol the assetsoi said Bank, fur the pur
pose set forth iu said petition on file :
Ordered, That Edward Thomas be appointed
i as such Receiver, he first giving bond ami securi
ty, t.> be approved by the Clerk, in the sum of
Thirty Thousand Dollars, payable to the Clerk of
| this Court, ami his successors in oliic-e, for the
i faithful discharge of his duty in said office.
, // it further Ordered, That the said Merchant's
. and Planters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver and
i transfer to said Receiver, ail and singular, the
Books, Papers, Monies ami Assets of every des
cription, belonging to said Bank, and that said
Receiver be and he hereby is ftdly authorized and
empowered, to recei\.i and collect by suit m his
own name as Receiver, orby other legal means, all
outstanding claims due to said Bank, and to pay
all debts duo from it. ami todefend all suits pend
ing. or that may be brought against said Bank.
An on the receipt of said assets,or of such por
tion thereof, as may authorize a dividend, the said
Receiver is authorized and required, from time t
time, todivide among the Stockholders or their
legal representatives, in proportion to their res
pective interests, such part of the assets of said
Batik, as he may find prudent and proper to divide,
always reserving a sufficient fund to answer the
probable responsibilities of the Institution.
And it it further Ordered, That the said Re
eeiver doreport to this Court, at its sitting in Jan
nary next, his actings and doings on the premises,
and that after the making up of said report, he be
no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received
by any creditor of said Bank, unless the term of
his responsibility be then further extended.
It is further Ordered, That a copy of the above
order, he published in one of the public Gazettes
of Augusta ami Milledgeville, at ieaslonce a month
from this date to the first of January next.
A true-extract from the Minutes, this 16th day of
February, 1836.
Fap HE subscriber returns his thanks to his
I JH_ friends and the public, for past favors
I a his line of business, and hopes to merit and
secure a continuance of their patronage; by
strict and undeviating attention on the part of
himself and family to the wants and comforts
of his guests. His stables will be supplied with
plenty—and aa attentive ostler.
Spring Place, Ga. Aug.2sth 1836.
Sept. 20. 36—5.
[•;S';HL -™- ,'y informs his friends and the
l ,e l’ as opened a house of
entertainment in the Town of Law
renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, where he
flatters himself those who may favor him with a
cad w ill find every thing provided which can con
tribute to them comfort and convenience.
Lawrenceville Dee. 9, 1835. m tin 6—49
FS'I HIS Establishment is now* tinder
|wJS®« , lhoco ""'<>l of the subscribers,
pledge themselves to render com
•taui—iiM, fortablc those who mav call on them
February, 23. 0 ts
.sack £b a ~
THE Subscriber is thankful to his friends
and the public in general, for past favors in
his line of Im ,iness ; and hopes to merit a con
tinuance, by his strict and undeviating attention
of self and family.—His houses are very ex
tensive and commodious, with upwards of fifty
fire places.—lt is the nearest Tavern to the
State House—it is well known the best the
country affords, he will have for his Table—and
for terms try Old Sam ence more&c.
Sept 20. 4t—36.
THE subscriber contemplating to remove
to the west, oilers for sale, five Eagle
Tavern, in flic* town of Warren. It is the
hall'-way-lionse between Milledgeville and Au
usta,istlic stage house, and one of Ihe best
gauds in Georgia. It is quite probable that
st arm of the rail road from Augusta, to Athens
anl be constructed to this place. For terms,
W'lch w;!l ba liberal and accommodating, tip,
wliilo the subscriber,
Sept. 20, 18,‘J6. 36—ts.
FHH E House and Lot formerly occupied by
-®- Mrs. Jenkins &. Mooie, and recently by
\\ in. \V. Carnes, as a Public House in this place.
I he buildings have very lately undergone the most
thorough repairs and alterations, and are now in
good order, mid can accommodate a large num
ber of boarders. There ate several lots attached
to the premises; also, furniture of every descrip
timi. necessary for the business. This property
w ill be sold upon a credit of one, two and three
years, and unquestionable titles made to the pur
chaser ami immediate possession given. Any per
son disposed to engage in this business would do
well to cull and examine the premises, ami make
the purchase in time to open the House for the re
ception of members ami others, the ensuing Ses
sion of the Legislature.
Milledgeville August 30th 33—ts
FSNHE Suitscriber very respect fully informs his
_BL friends ami the ptiblick generally that he
has located himself at the Marrietta Hotel, Cobb
C 11„ where he offers his services to search out
and te«t the value of Gold and Laud lots, and to
make a true return to applicants in the counties of
Cobb, Paulding, Floyd. Cass, Cherokee ami For
syth; at the low rate of five dollars per lot; at the
above stated place, reference may be had to the
State and Check maps, the quality Book, ami nu
merical list. Patronage in the above business,
will be thankfully received by
Marchl I. 1835. 61 ts.
Georgia JFentale College,
z . f ss. 1 ; / **
THE friends of this I nslitution are in
formed, that until furthei arrangements be
made, Mr. JULIUS LATASTE. late Assistant
in Dr. Maiks’ Institution, near Columbia, S. C.,
w ill assist in the Literary and Scientific Depart
| ments. Mr. J. L. was to have assisted in theMu
| sical Department, but the number of pupils in that
j has been limited, that he might assist in the ones
I above named 'This artT.ngement has been made,
on account of some delay in the correspondence
j with the gentleman and lady named in a former
| notice. The number of our pupils, therefore will
Ihe limited to 60, till further notice. There are still
| a few vacancies.
, The Institution has undergone an entire ami
systemactic re-organization. Gm* friends are in- ■
vited to visit us at any time, during its exercises, !
j from 5 A. M. till 5 P. M.
j There will be a monthly examination of the I
j Students, beginning on the 19th of zMigust, and
every fourth week thereafter, to w hich our friends *
i are also invited.
ANNA M. LA TASTE. > n . , ,
LUCIEN LA TASTE, $ Principals
Sorcottsbough, July 19,1836. 27—ts
SHOO Reward.
FfflHE above revvrad will he paid forthe appre- >
_£L Fensiou of my man WILLIAM, sometimes
i called Bill Black. WILLIAM left me about2sth |
I December last ; he is a very bright mulato, about i
i 5 feet JO inches high, thick set, full faced, small !
redan* rather biood-shotten eyes, and straight vol- !
towish hair. 1 have no doubt he will change his !
J name ami try to pass himself tor a w hite man,
I which he may be able to do unless to a close
'observer. He was formerly the property of M.
i Myers of this place, and travelled with him
i through the up country last summer. The above
I reward will be paid for his arrest if loged in a
’ safe jail so I get him.
Aug. 16. Y S PICKARD.
| (E? - ' r l’he Darien Telegraph, Macon Telegraph,
i and Journal, Milledgeville, ami Hive Columbia,
! 8. C., will insert the above twice a month for 6 i
months and send their bills for payment.
STRAYED from the subscriber on the 2fjtli
Sept, ten head of BEEF CATTLE
particular marks not recollected, only tlui.t the
most of them are branded J. P., five, of them
ate small size, and five large size; tl.ey were
driven from Lowndes county, and mav be ma
king their way back; any persc.n who may
take them up, or give any inforn .a jon of them
will be liberally rewarded, on gi*.finer the sub
scriber the earliest information of the same.
Sparta, Oct. 4. 39—ts.
! JUL paid by th .: subscriber to any person
| that will deliver Inm. his Pocket-book with the
j effects that he in said book, on the 4th inst.
somewhere between Jourdan Dee’s store and
the cross routes towards Shiley’s Ferry, the
following ptinevs, viz : Five notes for twentv
fiye dollars each, signed by Warren Stokes, and
Thos. li. Key, payable to Gilford Kent, and
due Istd iy of January next: also ten notes for
twenty-five dollars each, signed by Edward
Dutlay, anti William Bush, payable to myself,
and due Ist day of January next: also five
twenty-five dollar notes, and one thirty dollar
note, signed Warren Stokes, and Stephen Host;
also five twenty-five dollar notes, signed by
Wm. Jourdan, Samuel B. Moore: also three
twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William
Jourdan, Wm. R. Wheeler, and Pulasiak
Wheeler; also three twenty-five dollar notes,
signed by Needom Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and
Wade I* loyd, due Ist day of January next, pay
able to myself ; also eight thirty dollar notes,
and one ten, signed by M. N. McCullers, and
Wm. 11. McCullers, and Francis Brown, due
Ist day of January next, payable to myself;
also one sixteen or (17) dollar note, signed by
John Roberts, and Jacob Swearingen, due Ist
January next: also one for twenty-three dol
lars and seventy-five cents, signed by B. A.
Tharp, due by Ist day of January next, payable
to myself; also two forthirty, and one for twen
ty dollars, signed by Moses Spivy, and Warren
Stokes, due Ist January last, payable to Elijah
Calhoun, or bearer ; also one twenty-five dol
lar note, signed by Brunkly Brown, John An
drews, and Wm. Bush, due Ist January last,
payable to myself; one eighteen dollar note,
signed by Mathias Floyd, due Ist January last,
alsoone sixteen dollar note, signed by Ephrotn
Kendrick, and Edward Munger, due 25th De-
Dcmber 1834, and payable to myself; also one
•bitty,and one twenty-five dollar notes, signed
by William Little, due Ist January last, also
two twenty-five dollar notes, signed by Allen
Wheeler, payable to Easter Kent, one day after
date, and dated 15th of January 1834; also
three executions issued from a justices court in
favor of Daniel Mathis, vs. Martin Swearingen,
amount not recollected ; also one execution is
sued from the Superior court of Dooly conntv,
in favor of Thos. H. Key. vs. David Scarbo
rough, for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars
and sixty-seven cents, ; also one hundred and
seventy dollars, in current money, the precise
dates of th<; above notes not recollected at pres
ent. Ido forwarn all persons from paying, or
trading for any of the above mentioned notes
nly to inyself.
iN. B. Ihe subscriber can be found in the
/th dist of Dooly county., provided information
should be sent.
P. S. Also two twenty-five dollar notes on
Jas. Brooks, J. L. Shelby, security ; also one
tor iwelvt! dollars and fifty cents, on the same
individual ; two for twenty-five dollars, on Jo
stah Fountain, and one for twtlve dollars and
fifty cents on same individual, all due Jmmarv *
next - GILFORD KENT. ’ ,
Dooly county, July 23.
August 16. 31—tlst Feb.
FE 1 i L umlcrsigncd informs his friends and those
.M_ of the late firm of (tatte rSf Cornwell, that
lie intends resuming theAVarelioiiscand Commis
sion business at the store next above the ouo re
cently occupied by T. J, Chace, on the margin of
East Macon, known as the ton u ofTroy. He fur
ther informs the public that he has bought bis
Goods, &c., and having now on the way, from New
5 ork and other places, Dry Goods am! Groceries,
together making his stock complete, which will be
sold low for ready pay. he will be ready to receive
Colton early in the fall, ami be prepared to make
advances, lie would particularly notice to bis
friends the great advantages his Warehouses have
over those in the dense part of the city with regard
to./.*r<’, they being detached from other building and
at a distance from any street or lane and well en
close. it. s. CUTTER.
oj r J . ' he Macon Messenger atnl Telegraph, Mil
ledgeville Journal and Standard of Union, will
pul dish the above until further notice— Georgian.
Arch st. 26—9 m.
A Cautiom,
Lui more piirticulurly io those tiling
in the 192 d JJisi. Q. 11/.
has been binding on me for
W V three or four years to take up all slaves,
and free poisons cd colour who are living in the
Dist., or in the village ot Sparta contrary to the
law that was passcu in Dec. 1832, for their regu
lations, ami I having been put to much trouble
about them, and not getting pay for my labor, ami
it doing no good, lam done with it. But, be it
known to the citizens of the 102 d district G.
M. that 1 shall take a shorter way to pat a stop to
it. Ihe Jaw is very j ointed, that any white per
son offending against the provisions of this act, be
indicted and prosecuted before the Superior court
for any such offence, and on conviction thereof,
shall forfeit and pay a fine of sis ty dollars, and all
cost of said suit, now if the owueis, guardians and
managers of such, will read the law, they will find
they are not; s friendly to their country as they
think they are. They were friendly enough with
me once, to employ an attorney to drive me and
other constables into our duty, in hiiugiti"* their
slaves before the courts for trial ; and have they
ever paid us our costs ! No I neither de they ever
intend if they can help it, but 1 intend to have
mine. Have they ever paid their attorney that
they employed ! No I they think he is rich and
can do without it, and Rhodes is poor, and they
can swiud e him out of his fees. Now there is
butlittle difference between your cases and mine,
mine is ten days imprisonment more than yours,
which Ido not intend tobear. J can employ an
attorney to attend to the business better than you
have, where he will get his fees; and I will get
| mine that is behind, for 1 intend to have my f u j
i cost. 1 know who they are that is owing cost
i and they that owe it know as well as 1 d* o , an< i
they would do well topay it before an execution
j comes after them for it. I also well knr, lv who it
is that give their slaves privilege of ’ujr t heir
own time, and I have sufficient proof a ml mein
try the project next Saperior Com t . “ke
every one indiscriminately, and tb. e „ ,’ ni[st tak ‘ o it
as well as they can, I expect tlio y ; vi!l think v
s range of tms that ! have <• dit , )ri j th( / r
slaves to court for trial, and ’ J) in t|le oV.aiers in
stead of the slaves, but I c;> a tell my reasons for
that there is more to be mode bv taking the owu
"vi "LL S T you " h ° i<re of
, givm o tills pm liege, y j, ave eu slave
know it; and as Ido„ Jt ill!en(11!) be b J ot|)ei . ed a ,
more with than* s,. V( . s , j , vill tak „ t|)e owne / s
I . ’n lltO C JUrt * i!U(l "hen they come to
>’ llol! ;? rs - «nd cost of suit, on two or
J' ,l ' Cb » -y wilHcaru to keep them in away
that thej* ouj* jb * t) (jj ( j lcy are ( r j el!(l ] y t 0 tbe soverll .
men ) win > ,t having |>oor Rhodes dragging them
up to con. t for trial; and after trial, in less than
one wee.i., they are buying their meats, and they
wii >t y a small bit to-day. and steal twice as much
next <. ,y ; tbey wi! j bay a cbj ,. ken f| . oln a
r ll ' <t‘y tnght, and Saturday night they will steal
* l pigfiom another person ; you who are letting*
[ r .a res do that way, may watch them, for I intend
i to watch you. HENRY \V. RHODES.
August 23. ts
i J2_
consequence of some family disagreements
between myselfand my wife Elizabeth VVatd
i i la", Ido heieby caution all jiersons against cre
• ! diliug her in any way, on my account, as I am
i determined not to pay any of her contracts, as a
j portion of my property has been settled i;i the
! I hands of trustees for her benefit, in the State of
I South Carolina.
Putnam county, Sept. 29, 1836 37 4t.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against tra
ding for a Note of Hand given by myself to
tsamuelJ. Lcsuicr, of Lincoln county, (Georgia,
' for Two Hundred Dollars, dated about the 2(>th
1 August, 1836, and payable to myself. It was
' given tor Lot of Land, i\o. g*4t>, in the 28th dis
. trict, and third section, formerly Cherokee, now*
I Walker county. I went with the said Lesuier to
. Milledgeville, where the titles where made to me
. by him, agreeable to contract, and 1 paid him the
i said Two Hundred Dollars, that said Note was
j given for, and we forgot to exchange back the
Note and Bond which he gave me to make me
titles at Milledgeville. The Note is now without
consideration, i have left the Bond with Col.
> William Hardin, of Cassville, where he is invit
ed to semi the Note, and receive his Bond. I
know not where to send his Bond to find him, or
; who to authorize to receive the Note, ami hand
his Bond.
Os Walker County, Ga.
Oct. 4 38—It
The Georgia Journal, and Standard of Union,
are requested to publish this once.
TUie East Warning 1 !!
undersigned respectfully asks all those
JSL indebted to him, to make payment without
Between this time and the first of October
next, lie feels assured, that all who desire to do
so, can make arrangements to meet their re
spective dues; and he appeals particularly to
those who are in arrears for two, three, four,
and five years, to come forward and settle up
their old scores at once.
This call is forced upon him by the imperi
ous necessity of meeting his own engagements;
which he is unable to do, without punctuality on
the part of those who owe him. Therefore
they arc hereby notified, that even one who
s hall fail to make payment by the first day of
QCtober next, will find their notes and accounts
the hands of collecting officers, without dis
-1 imination.
cr This will be a painful step, but it cannot be
and those who fail to pay within the
time above stated, ought not, and he trusts, will
not complain.
Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22— ts.
received a prime Lot of real Hemp
CrjA Dundee Bagging, Warrented to be a first
rate article, which will be disjiosed of on very
moderate terms. J. W. SHAHAN.
Sejit. 6 34—81.
fi iW
■'•UHS heavy hemp Bagging for I
x™ xF sale bv- .*
August 16 31 g b
FHI 1 1 E owner of Lot No. 77, in the first district ,
nt_ of Irwin county, drawn by Willjam Wells
ol 1 dark county, is hereby informed, that he can
sell it. for a fair juice, mi application to the sub- *
sciilicrat (.ojiclaiul's I’ost Office. Telfair county,
Sept. 20.
7HIHE subscribers have received their assort
wi.\Ti:i; goods, consisting of
Fg’d satins, lig'd. ]>ou de souie, silk,
tiros de zan, Plain and fig’d. chally,
I reach and English Merinos, and
Merino gros de naps, Ladies satin
embroidered cravats. Gloves,
Hosiery, Chencil'o and embroidered
Merino Shawls. A great variety of French
woikcd capes and collars.
Gent’s, ami Boys Fur and Cloth Caps; Car
|><*tin;.;s. Rugs &c. latest patterns. They invite
planters ! •> call and examine their assortment of
NEGRO eloths. Shirtings, Shoes, /fats &c., ns
they are determined that prices and quality shall
ISesajDy emkcSc ClotbaMjf.
Consisting of Gen’ts., and Ladies cloth Cloaks.
Over coats, Fants. Vests, Collars, Stocks and
10,000 Sbs. C/’laecse.
OF COTTON, for which
lll( .
highest market price will be .
Thankful for past patronage, they piomi'je tu
merit a continuance of the same.
Milledgeville Sept. 22<l 1836.
Sept. 27. 39—ts.
THE SUBSCRIBERS have, commenced re
ceiving a very iaige as-sor.ment of
Fancy and Articles,
which they intend offering on such terms as to’
give general satisfy ct tOU . Among their assort
ment may be fount’.,
Rich figured a il( f plain Satins and Silks, Meri
no Grodenap, »,l erino Cloths and Circassious, of
fashionable colors; Paramctto Cloth; Blackßom
bazet;figure^mnipjain Poplins ; Brilliant Pongee;
kattinet; red, white, green and yellow Flannels, of
various c ualities ; Salisbury do.; Green Baize;
4, 4, a nd 6-4 Cotton Sheetings and Shirtings;
U" r en Sheeting; Ladies black and white ribbed
•-’.ik. Hose ; plain and open work white and color
ed do.; Lillee Thread do.; white and black Meri
>io do.; white and black Worsted do.; Gentle
men’s Worsted and Merino Hose; white and
brown Cotton and Merino Half Hose, Black and
White Silk do.; Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gloves,
oflvarious qualities . Misses and Boys do.; Ladies
Kid ami Prunella Slippers ; Prunella ami Gaither
Boots ; Ladies Prunella and Velvet Water Proof
Boots and Slippers ; Gentlemen's Shoesuf every
description ; Gentlemen’s Water Proof Boots ;
Gum Elastic do.; Opera Jo.; Fine Moiocco and
Prunella Dancing Pumps; Misses and Boys Shoes,
of various qualities; Gentfemen’s and Youth’s
fashionable Hats; Fur and Cloth Caps, of vari
ous sizes; superfine Broad Clofhs aud Cassimeres.
Also a large assortment of
Ready ISade Clothing,
Consisting of Ladies and gentlemen’s Cloth
Cloaks; Ladies figured and plain Merino and
Circassian do.; Gentlemen's C'amblet do.; Misses
and Boys Cloaks; Over-coats; Gentlemen and
Boys Frock and Dress Coats ; Pantaloons ; Vests;
Stocks ; Linen Collars and Bosoms , Colton,
Flannel aud Merino Shirts and Drawers.
CrocJeersj, Hard-ware It Stationary.
Red ami black Linseys, for Negro Clothing.
Also a largo lot of NEGRO SHOES AND
BLANKETS, which will be sold at Augusta
prices. On hand,
800 Pieces Cotioss Bagging.
They respectfully invite their friends and the pub
lic in general to call and examine,
Millledgeville, Oct. 4 38 4t.
ItE undersigned will attend to the Renew-
JaL al of notes in the Central Bank at the usu
al fee of one dollar for each renewal. They will
also pass through the several offices and forward
Grants at one dollar for a single Grant, and fiftj
cents each, where more than one is requested.
Communications addressed to them jointly ot
separately, post paid, will be punctually attendee
Milledgeville, April 26 15 ts
UlilletigevilEc ICE Company
THE stockholders met on Saturday the 20th
inst., and organized by the election of Col.
Abner Hammond, F. V. Delaunay, T. R. Huson,
as a board of directors.
At a meeting of the directots on the same day.
Col. Abner Hammond was elected president, and
S. D. Betton, Secretary.
August 23. 22 ts.
FRAY EDfrom the stable of the subscriber in
the village of Sparta, some time in Mav last,
a Bay Horse about five feet high, 7 ,or 8 years old,
walks, trots and paces under the saddle, uo parti
cular marks recollected. He was raised in Ken
tucky, and will probably make off in that direc
tion. Any* information respecting said horse will
be thankfully received and reasonably rewarded.
J uly 5 05 ( f.
Rockwell Kenan,
Mi/ledgeville, Georgia,
INTIt,RESTS, will attend to business en
trusted to them in the Counties of the Ocimilgee
Circuit, in the County of Hancock of the North
ern, Washington of the Middle, Twiggs and Lau
rens of the Southern, and Houston, Bibb and
Monroe of the Mint Circuits: also in the Federal
I heir office is on the second flaor of the Mason
ic Ha!l - July 19th, 1836.
August 2. og t s
Fffl ill*. SUBSCRIBER offers for sale on ac
connnodating terms, his settlement of good
(>ak and Hickory land, lying ou the eastern side
of Monroe County, three miles below Brownsville,
comprising six hundred & seven acres, one half of
which, is now in cultivation, and under good fence.
Convenient to every part of the farm, is a very
comfortable two story dwelling, a gin house, and
every other house necessary.
August 2d. 1836. j 29 ts.
THE subscriber offers for sale, six hundred
and seven acres, first rate Corn end Cotton
Land, with one hundred aud twenty acres fine
lam , under good fences, all fresh; which will
ptoduce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds
/Otton to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels
Corn, there is on the premises, a double log cab
mi shingle rough, and other out houses, mid tw*o
excellent \\ ells of water, which never fails; the
a 'ove lauds all lie in the fifteenth aud twenty- '
eighth district Lee, now Sumter county, all join
ing; which will be sold on a credit of one, two
ami three years; persons wishing to purchase,
would do well to view the jircmises, and call on
the subscriber in Mi.'ledgcvile during the jiresent
session, or at my residence in Twiggs county, af
ter the cession. BENJ. B. SMITH.
December, 7, 1835. 47—ts
To Print,ers.
FWIWO good workmen are wanted at the
Palladium Office, Newnan, to whom <
the highest wages will be given, jironipt pay .
and a |>ermaneiit situation, if application be ,
made soon. j;
September, 6. 34—3 t. [
Ry the President of the
United States.
B PURSUANCE of the provisions of a trea
-O- ty between the United States ami tbe Chick
asaw Indians, made and concluded on Pontitoc
Creek, on the twentieth, day of Odoher, 832 and
'the X. SUP *I U ' Ue ? taVy , an<l '-•M'lfnatory articles
'' 'J’ ’■'“' ‘’audcondnded on the twenty-sec
ond day of the same month, and also of the Treaty
between the United States and the Chickasaw
Indians, made and concluded at the City of
A dsbmgton, on the twenty-fourth day of May,
1 ‘' CW > President of the United
‘ d .° h e >eby declare and make known, that
Pn fiw salesfir. th.e disposal of such of the lands
ceded to the Uvntcd States by the said Indians, as
are lieieiPaf'.crdescribed, shall beheld at the land
Jtlice at Pontitoc, in Mississippi, at the under
men .io;.,ed periods, viz :
On (liefirst Monday in September next, for the
s<> e of the lands in the following townships, viz :
Townships ,of ranges ,2,3, 4, and 5 cast.
Townships 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 4 east.
Townships 2,3, 4,5, and 6, of range 5 east.
Townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, aud 8, of ranges 6,
7,8, and 9 east.
Townships 2,3, 4,5, 9 and 7, of range 10 east
On the fourth Monday in September next, for
the sale of the lands in tiie following townships,
and fractional townships, viz :
Townships 14 and 15, of langes 3, and 4.
Townshijis 14, 15 and 16, of range 5.
Townships 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, and 16,
fractional township 17, of range 6.
Towuships9, 10 ami 11, and fractional township
. 15, 16 and 17, of range 7,
Townships 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 8 and 9.
Also, at the same time, for the sale of the ua-
■ der mentioned townships and fractional town
ships, west ofthe meridian, of the Huntsville dis
trict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces
sion, situate in the State of Alabama, viz :
Fractional township 4, of range 12*
Fractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, and 8, of
range 13.
Fractional township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 and
7; fractional townships 8, 9 and 10, of range 14.
Fractional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7 and 8,
! township 9, and fractional townships 10 and 11,
of range 15.
. Fractional townships 8,9, 10 and 11, of range 16.
On the third Monday in October next, for the
sale of the under mentioned townships, viz :
Township 1, of range 1.
Townships 1 and 6, of range 2, 3 and 4.
Townships 1,4, 5 and G, of range 5.
Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range 6.
Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of ranges 7 Bc, 8.
Townships 1,2, 3 and 5, ofrauge9.
1 On the first Monday in November next,
for the sale of the undermentioned townships
Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, of range 1.
Township 7,8, 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 2,3,
4 and 5.
Townships 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8.
Township 7, of range 9.
( 'The lauds reserved by law forthe use ofschools,
or for other purposes, as xvell as the lands selec
ted as reservations, under the provisions of the
said treaties, are to be excluded from the sales.
Each sale is to continue open for two weeks,
■ and no longer. The lauds will be offered in quar
ter sections, and fractional quarter sections where
such exist.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washing
ton, this twentieth day of May, A. D. 1836.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
of scrip issued from the
Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty
land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia,
and the United States, for services in the revolu
tionary army; as well as certificates of land
stock, issued at the district land offices, for the
amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under
the credit system of land sales, are not receivable
for lands within the Chickasaw cession.
General Land Office, May. 20. 183 G.
June 14. 22—1st Nov.
A Proclamation
By WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor of said
To the Honorable, the Justices of the Inferior
Courts of the respective counties of this State.
WHEREAS, a vacancy has occurred by the
death of the lion. JOHN COFFEE,
elected on the first Monday in October, 1834, a
Representative from this State, in the House of
Representatives of the Congress of the United
States, for two years, from and after the 3d day
of March, 1835:—Now, in order that said vacan
cy may be filled, and in pursuance oflaw, I have
thought proper to issue this my writ of election,
hereby requiring you, the said justices aforesaid,
to cause an election to he held on Monday the
seventh day of November next, at the several pla
ces of holding elections in your said county, giv
ing due notice thereof, for a Representative to fill
the aforesaid vacanoy. And Ido further require
you to make a return of said election, to the Ex
ecutive Department, in the time prescribed by
Given under my hand and the great seal of the
State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this,
the first day of October, Eighteen hundred
and thirty six, and of the American Indepen
dence, the sixty-first.
By the Governor:
William A. Tennille, See' n/of State.
Milledgeville Oct. 4. 38—-3 t.
(jyAil the papers in the state will give the a
hove three insertions.
•4 TOWN roll
SINCE tbe entire destruction of Roanoke, in
Stewart county, the undersigned have pur
chased a beautiful site, about three miles above,
upon which they propose to establish a town to
be called LIVERPOOL. This jilace is very ad
vantageously situated, upon a high dry sandy
bluff, which has proved to he healthy from the
first settlement of the (country up to the present
period. The water is very fine : the commercial
advantages and facilities must be equal if not
superior, to any intermediate jilace between Co
lumbus and tbe Gulph.
It will command the trade ol the county of
Stewart, and parts of the counties of Marion,
Sumter and Randolph in Georgia, and a consid- '
erable portion of Barbour and Russell in she State ■
of Alabama. The site consists of three fractious 1
aud one square, amounting to nearly four hundred 1
acres, which will be laid off in lots of convenient
size, and exposed to sale on the 17th October, j
'The company have divided the stock into one !
hundred shares, a portion of which may be taken .
at 150 per share, if ajiplication be made before
the sale. 1
The Columbus. Macon, Milledgeville, Augiista, !
Savannah, aud Montgomery, (Ala) papers,will
publish the above until the day of sale, and for- I
ward their accounts to IL W.Jcrnigan, Lumjikin
Stewart county, Ga.
September, 27.
7% TeiEfker wanted.
THE Trustees of the HILL ACADEMY,
in Monroe County, are desirous of a
Male Teacher the ensuing year.
This Institution is within a mile of the Macon
and Forsyth Road, seven miles below tbe latter
place, ami the neighbourhood both agreeable
and healthy.
None need apply unless lie can bring unques
tionable testimony of moral character, industry,
and capacity to teach the mixed and solid
branches of English and Classic Literature.
Communications addressed to the Trustees,
at Stalling’s Store, will be promptly attended to.
M. W. M’CRAU, )
THOS. DYSON, f Jrust,:e!l ‘
October 4, 1836. 38—ts.
ON the 6th inst., a large red M orocco Pock
book with three pockets, containing the
following papers, viz : one note on 11. 11. Mor
gan, for two hundred and seventy-seven dollars
and forty-three cents, bearing date some time in
January last, and due on or before the twenty
fifth of December next, made payable to myself
. or bearer. Four Dotes on Josiah Culpepper, da
ted, I believe, on the 7th inst; three of them for*
, thirty dollars each, and one for twenty dollars, and
sixty-eight and three fourth cents, all made pay
able to myself or bearer, and due on the twenty
fifth of December next; also an account on, Jess®*
Sims for four dollars and fifty cents, besides sev
eral other accounts, and several receipts. The*
said pocket-book also contained a five dollar bill;
of the M acon bank, and several change bills on*
different banks not particularly recollected, andl
also some few pieces of silver change.
All persons are hereby forwarned from trading
for any of the above notes, and the makers there
of are forwarned from paying the same to any
other person than myself. Any person who may
find the said pocket-book, ami shall deliver the
same together with its contents'to me, or shall so
contrive that I get them, shall be suitably rewar
ded. L. B. L. CANSEY.
Sept. 20. 37—3 t.
DR. C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac
tice of Medicine and its collateral branches,
to which his undivided attention will be devoted
until the close of the sickly season. When not
professionally absent, he may be consulted at the
office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea
gle Tavern.
Sparta, August 1, 1836. 29 ts
Ulontague’s Balin for tiie
Petersburg, Va. 28th June, 1836.
11. D. M’lntosh, Esq., Henry County, Ga.
Dear Sir:— l am this morning in receipt of
your favour of the 18th instant, requesting to
have some of the Balm sent out to your State as
soon as possible. Such is the pressing demand
in every section, that I have, as yet, not been
able to supply the orders that have been some
time on hand. I have had an order from Au
gusta, Georgia, and Savannah, since last win
ter, and only last week sent one groce to each
place. Dr. E. R. Calhoun, of South Carolina,
has contracted for that State and Georgia, and
1 have shipped to him near five thousand bot
tles, all that 1 could spare. As soon as I can, I
will send him more; but when, I cannot say, as
1 must divide it as well as I can, until 1 can sup
ply each State fully. 1 willdomyself the pleas
ure of requesting Dr. Calhoun to establish an a
gency at your office as soon as other engage
: ments will allow. I have been putting up near
ly two thousand per day, and now find myself
in want of about fifty thousand for immediate
use, and have not fifteen bottles, but what ar®
packed up for shipment. From the jiresent de
mand, I should not be surprised, if it were to
take five hundred thousand bottles a year to sup
ply the demand.
Yours respectfully, &c.
Albemarle, April, 1836.
Dear Sir:— We suppose you like good nows,
particularly when you are “mostly "interested.
We have but two bottles left of the box of Balm
you sent us. You can draw at sight for $ ,
which we believe will be the amount, after de
ducting commission and expenses We will
thank you to send to our friends, Messrs. * * *,
of Richmond, by first conveyance, a double box,
which you will put at your wholesale price, for
which you can also draw on us. It has failed
in two instances in this neighborhood, but one of
the persons that we have seen, thinks it was
(with him) rheumatism, as lie had the tooth
drawn, and the pain still continued,
Several persons have used it, with defective
gums, or scurvy, and are so much delighted with
it, that we are charged to keep a supply. The
ladies are using it with the tooth-brush, and say
that it is the best thing for the teeth and gums
they have ever used,. We are glad, for the sake
of the sufferers, as well as on your account,
that this remedy is not only not of Northern or
igin, (from whence all the patent nostrums
come,) but is a Virginia preparation, and by a
V irginian. Nor does it detract from its efficacy,
on account of the place of its preparation, (Pe
tersburg.) once styled by Mr. Jefferson, the
“cockade of America.” It seems to us, that
all you now have to do, is to see to it, that you
keep a supply sufficient for the demand—for if
it sells elsewhere as it has done here, there will
be no end to the demand. Several merchants
ol my acquaintance, mean to send for a box.
Allow us to congratulate you, and the public,
at the discovery and use of the only remedy (ex
cept drawing) for tooth-ache, that has yet been
Respectfully votirs,
R. R. & T. T. G.
Huntington, )
near Cabin Point, 24th March. J
Dear Sir; I bought a bottle of your Bidn-l
from Messrs.— , in Petersburg, in Fcbrua-,
ry, .chiefly because 1 had a servant who had
suflered most excrutiatingly for some months-
We had tried all the remedies which were in
our l each ; an attempt was made to extract ihfe
tooth, but broke it off. 1 caused the Baku to
be used after warming it in a cup—this was re
peated with a second spoonful, when she was
entirely relieved. The next night she came for
more, saying that a tooth on the other side,
ached, and also requested some for her husband
who, she said, had been suffering with the same
disease for some weeks. I cheerfully gave
and the next day on inquiry found that bptk yt ew
relieved. One of my neighbors, of high tespee
lability sent to me for some for bis wife. I
have this day seen him, and he assures me tha
it afibrded immediate relief, and there Las bee nt
no return; before, she suflered almost constant
ly, and could not bear to let cold water touch
the tooth, and for two nights previous to the
application, she bad not been able to sleep
scarcely at all. Now she has no inconvenience
from cold water or any thing else that comes in.
contact with the tooth. The night before last,
he used some with one of his own men, with the
same success, and says if he could have had this;
remedy fifteen years ago, and known its effica
cy, he would willingly have given a hundred dol
lats tor it. 1 have written in haste, giving a
plain statement of facts.
Yours respectfully,
September 6. 34 jf