Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, November 17, 1836, Image 4

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    AsS-wiraasSt’s-tJor’s fchaiie.
Z'CxN the first Tuesday it) December next,
will be <ol l before the Court-lumse dem
n the town of E.itOnton, Putnam County, be
tn eon the umal hours of sale,
A Cot of I until,
eon! liuins - J2J acres, known as No. 106, in
the Ith district of originally Baldwin, but now
Putin n County, l:ty ing between snv. i • and "la
ci, CTraks, in said comity, the same being a pari
of the real estate of Isaac YoungbUod, dere.w
eJ, and sold tor ta .'b nielit ot the hairs and cred
itors of said deceased. Terms made known on
tho dav of sale.
August 13, 1836. 35—nls.
| i-'E I’E SOLD, ti,,t i'ces !a\
V V in December next, ut the Court-house
in Sumpter county, in the usual hours ot’ sale,
lot of’iaiid No. 1(> I, in the 17th district, origi
-1:ally Lee, but now Sumpter county, for the
Ven ‘fit ofthe heirs mid creditor, of Thomas
Barber, dec’d. Till* lhe (it 1 -, Sept. IS 36.
JOHN BOWIN, arfmr.
Sept. 30, 1835. 36—tds.
NaB’ILL Bi'. SOU', on the fir t
V v in De •ember next, nt the Court house
in Cobb county, Ga, agreeably to tea order of
tiio the honorable the Inlhrior court of H arret:
uunnty, when .siltin;' for ordinary purposes, a
lai of lan 1 mnta'mtui-10 acres, in the "old re-
m, (now Cobb county,) kn >w 1 as No. 164,
Ifth district 2.1 section, belos»mg to tin eslate
erf Adam Gran ule, dec’d. Terras cash. Sep
tember 15:h 1836.
Sept, 20,1835. 3j—tds.
bo u«!l en the 17th December
VW next, a: the kite residence of Henry
Jackmn, deceased; the following property to
2 t»» Acres of land on tho waters of Shoulder
hone—;»ne negro man 45 years old—one negro
•woman, 55 years old—one do. d >. 3(1 years old;
Also,the stock of hews; s, cattle, hogs, tStc.&e.
Al*o, the corn, so Ider, household and kitchen
furniture &c. Ac.
ROBT. JACKSON. f Aflm rt ’
Atigust23, 32
-ZjR. on the firs* Tue-duy it) Jimviry r.'Xt, at
he <MHirt-hrm«e. in Gwinnett conntv, lots of land
'W. £45 7th diSt,’& 21$,
fit.t dist., both in Gwinnett county : :d»o one
likely iw;;:o fellow ifi’.N, about twenty right
years old, sold tor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors ui David Delk, late of said county de
C. HOWELL, ) . , .
Oct. 5”. 41— tnlin.
CII’YRDIAVS SALE—On tho first Tues-
C day in January next, will, within lite legal
thoiir.i, be sold, before the court-houso doer,in the
<> v 1 of Ze'tilon, I'i ie county, one negro mil,
1»y the name ot II All TV. ELL, between tw'cnty
s°vcn and thirty years of are, ss the property of
Jouep'l !|. Dam Is. (minor,) sold forth» benefit of
«aid minor, 'turns made known on thv day,
this 12th October, 1 >35.
EGBERT I*. DANIEL, Guarrf.’cn.
October 25. 41—mltn.
TEIpULR MONTHS after dale application
js_ will be made to the honorable tl.c In
terior Court ol Pulaski county, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, tor leave to sei! 250 acres of
land, being lots No. 195, and 226, in tho 12 !i
district of original y Houston, now Pulaski
county, lying on tho waters of Burk Creek :
The Negroes, together with some Cattle and
Household furniture, belonging to tl.c estate of
Frederick Barbour, late of said county, dec’J.
September 39tb, 1836.
Octoberll. 33 niliit.
H-p** l R MON I lies after date, application will
JB? be ma to the honorable the Interior
court of Pike county, w hen sitting for ordinary
purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No.
12 >. ill the third district of i'ike county, for the
iseuelit ot James A. Crawley. minor, mid tho
age of 21 years, September th”-17th, 1836.
JA ilt.S A. CJIAiVLEY, At’. Guardian.
Sept. 20. 37—mini.
"W7IOUR months af’or date, application will
JiL be made to the honorable Inferior Court
ot are cotrtfy, when sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell Lot No. 19, in the 14th
district ol ori in.nilv Carroll no.’; Heard county,
belonging to tr.e illegitimates of Pinington
July 2j 28—mlm.
R MONTHS after date application will
_j. he made to the Honora!,];, the inferior Court
ot Dooly Comity, when •itthi" forordinary purpo
xe<. for. leave to sell lot of ialt l No. 21)1. in the
7th Dist of slid Comity, for the benefit of the
Ie rs of Janies Coleman deed, this 21st Julv
Aet«,t2'. 2!-*—4m.
GEORGIA, l ayette County.
SIX MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the honorable the Inferior
Court, of said county, whwi sitting for ordinary
p trpose-, for letters di .missory from the estate
of Joiiu Crittenden dec.
This is therefore to admonish all a ,d and sin
g'tl ir, the kin Ired and creditors of said deceased,
it have any objoctiims, why sii 1 letters
should not bn granted, to file their objections in
terms of the law,
June 1.). 25—Gm.
<1 /• R . [t rav , cotitpy.—James Wil-
JI sou of th" .■>;!):h district. G. M. t >lie<l be
fore m.-. Job 1 itiia 1 Ross, a Justice of ta<) Peace,
•>ne iron gr.'y |iw.e, six years old, blind in the left
ey<-. with alo i" switch tai', appraised by Lewis
Holt and Samuel Dukes to .7 |t, 00.
_ W’.l. .tIeGEE, C. L C.
September 2*!;lt 1835. Rj ts.
GE')«GH \. Eorsyib count.,
•MCyHEREAS Wiley B. Hutchins applies
,“ to ine lor Etters of admiiiislra.iou on
the e.pi'a of Wi bam B. limit de, eased.
4 ,11 ‘ . 1 "for" to cite : ij.i u'lrionlsh ab
ci - •ii>"id ir. the l-.i i amlcicbtoriot-ni.l .le-
: '"' l !, I>|>'O'r willmi th'- time pro
s'-. 1 •■■■. kiw, 1., ,||...,r cause, (ii any ikcy have)
V..IV It .1 I, U. . sir,ni l ,„ n he granted.
Given unde.'my hand, this lolii Oct. 1 -.‘Jfi
n , ... L. McCOY, c. c. c'.
GE<”’Gf\. Mna-i.-Xopy
R ' "’i t I! i<l and A. B. Wear.
Vy apph .1, inn for letters<,f adoiinCtration
on the e.tati, „f S •mud Blair, lof s-.ld eoontt
The e arc theraforc to cite and mlmrmi.h a ||
nn'l siii/11!ar, •In kindred and creditors of said
<1 rey.ed, to be mil appear at my o!Ii< e within
the time pws rilwd by law. so shew. cat. ■. (ii
mty they have) why saij |, ; i; c .- 4 should nut b<
gr inted.
Given finder inv hand at < file'' ’Oil) r; r < j .■>,;
Bl il'i'.JN McGEHEE, Cl k. <■. r ,'‘ '
Oct. 27>. 4)
mouths alter date, applii ;rion wilt
be in ide to (1,0 honoiabie the Court of
Ordinary of Washington comi'v, for I >avo to
sell nil tho J tnds belmr'iit'’ to Yipilila L' i'>:.o:
dec’d. BOLIK LEAPTROT, A4m’r.
fa trHm
hl the Superior Court. Richmend County, Jan
uary Term. Itfbti.
tTI’O.N the petition of Edward Thomas mid
.1 others. Stockholders ot the M< 1 chants' and
Planters' Bank, praying the appointment ol a
Receiver ol the asset.-.of said Bank, lor toe pur-
; pose set forth in said petition on file :
1 Ordered. That Edw.ird Thomas be appointed
as such i{ec<pver, he first ui'nig bond and securi
ty, to be approved by the Uieik. in the sum ot
I'liiity Thousand Dollars, payable lo tin- < lerl. ot
this Comt. and liis successors in olli< e, lor the
faithful dweharge of bis duty in said oliicc.
Il it furtl:>r (hdrr.d. 'lhattlie said .Merchant’s
ami I’lauters’ Bank, do forthwith deliver aim
raus'ei to said Receiver, all and singular, the
•’ooks. Papers, Monies mul Assets ot every sics- 1
eripnion. belonging tv said Bank, ami that said
Rec<aver liu mid he l.cri bv is fuily authorized and 1
empowered, to receive ami collect by suit in his;
own name as Receiver, or by mhei legal means, all
nutstamlmg claims due lo said Bank, and to pay
ill debts due from it. and lodefend ail suits pend
ing. or that may be brought against said Bank.
A.', on the receipt of aid assets.or of siu-h por- ;
tion thereof, as may tiiltlmri'Zc a dividend, the said
Receiver is nmhorized and required, from time t
< lime, todivid, . nmii;-. the .''lockholders or their
legal reprcsentaiivc s, in proportion to their res
pective interests, siu-h part of the assets <,f said
Bank, as he niny lind prudent am! proper to divide,
alwtiys reserving a suflicicnt fund to answer the
probable re.-ponsibimies of the Institution.
And it it filrl.'irr Ordend. That the said lie
. ceiver do report to this Court, at its sitting in Jan
; nary next, his actings and doings 0.1 the premises,
i mi l that after the making up of said report, lie be
I no longer liable to any suit or claim, as Received
j “v any creditor of said Bank, unless the tcuu of
i tiis responsibility lie then fmtherextended.
! Il is further Ordered, That a copy of the above
I order, bo published in one of the public Gazettes
! »t Augusta and Milledgeville, at leastonce a month
from this date to the first of January next.
A true extract from tho Minutes, t*is 16th day of
February, 1836.
■ A G REE A BLY to an order of the Inferior
.ZjsL Court of Washington County, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first
I'nesday in December next, within the legal
hours, be sold before the court-house doot, in
the town of Newnan, Coweta county, the Lot
No. 250, and of the fourth section, belonging
to the orphans of Grove Corbit, dec’d of said
1 county, for the benefit of said orphans.
Terms made known on theday.
JARED WOOD, guardian.
Octoberll. 39—tds.
'ET^URSUAN'I'to an ordet of the Inferior
JS. Court of Washington county, when sit
j ting fur ordinary purposes, will, 0:1 the first
Tuesday in December next, within the legal
hours be sold, before the Court-house floor, in
the town of Fayettville, Fayette comity, Lot
No. forty-two, ninth district of said county,
containing two hundred two and a half acres,
ol land, being a p.utofthe real estate of Groove
Corbit, late of Washington countv, dec’d for
the purpose of distribution among the heirs.
Ternis made k‘nown on tl.e dav of sale.
JARED WOOD, adm’r.
Octoberll. 39—tds.
) F3N‘IE subscriber contemplating to remove
j to the west, otters for sale, the Eagle
Tavern, in the town of Warren. It is the
half-way-houso between MtiLdgevide and Au
usta,isthe stage house, and one of ii.u I ...
gands in Georgia. It is quite piehablc th .
st arm of the rail road from Augusta, to A:' ?r.
mil be constructed to the- p'-ice. For tm ms
wilch will bo liberal and accoinnio atii g, np
whito the subscriber .
StpL 1 • ii. 3 ;
■WTOTICE.—AII pcrons indebted totlrn estate
I\| of’i’homas S. ivy, | ilte o f Pulaski county,
cieccased, are requested m make immediate pnr
incnt, and these having demands against the es- I
tates will prescut them within the time prescribed
bv law.
W. 8. WHITFIELD, adm'r.
October 11. 39—6 m.
11 .L l-e sold on the plantation of Dr. F. G.
Calloways dec. in Baker County com
mencing on tbe first mondav in January next, and
continuing from day to dav.’ until all is sold. All ;
of the perishable propersy'belonging to said dec. I
consisting of ten first rate Mules, one first rate I
mare and colt, the stock of Ilogs ami Cattle, two |
road waggons and harness, one two horse waggon ’
am! harness, owe set black smiths tools, one gin i
mid running gear, plantation tools of all kinds, I
household and kitchen furniture, and the crop of I
I’orn and fodder, consisting of about eight hundred
barrels of corn, and a considerable quantity of
(odder also, will be at the same rime and pftce, the
plantation consisting of about four hundred acres
of open land, all under ,n good fence, and in a
nice state of cultivation for the ensuing year. I
Terms made known cm the day of sale.
J\M ES ,M. CALLOWAY, Adm'r. |
SL’S \.N S. CALLOWAY. Adm’x.
HE owner of Lot No. 77, in the first district.
.EL of Irwin comity, drawn by William Wells
of Clark comity, is hereby informed, that he can
sell it. for a fair price, on application to the sub
scriber al Copeland’s Post Office, Telfair comity.
Sept. 20. 37—if.
To Teadiers.
A TEACHER wanted, for the year 1837.
to take charge of the Clinton Academy,
Jones County.—One calculated to teach the
| usual branches taught in Academies, will re- i
j reive a liberal Salary, on e.xibiting satisfactory ■
I testimonials.
Letters addressed to cither of the under
signed Trustees will meet with attention.
Oj^Editers of the Southern Recorder, will
give the above adveriisemmit w«i kly insertions
1: their p iper <mti) I t .January next and for
ward their account to the Trustees or pay
ment. Clinton, 18th Oct. 1836.40.—tlstJan.
R.s’irta 32si’e
rFT E annual exai'iiiintion of the stud tils of
_BL this in titntir.u. w ill take place on Thurs
day and Friday, the, 3d and 4th days ol' Nov.
mat All interested, are respectluily invited to
a' lend.
The oweises of the above Academy will be
reMimcd on the second Monday in January 1837,
' Oct. 25, 1836. 41—2 t.
Fob* S»l?€.
AVALI.’ABLE tr <-t of LAND, coutsining
2(i2A acres, of which about one hundred and
w iny acres are < b-ured ami under g<m<l fence:
he. remainder well timbered with a mixed growth
Pine, Oak and Sliekos’y.
I 011 the premises is a dwelling bouse, ami other
1 out Imuses, im-lu lin; a fine new <iin luuise and an
l’ '•■ .lent Gin. Thi- firm i. sir plied with pure
1 water from both '-priiig , nml ».•.'■ 4. For terms up
| at th' ofiire < f the Stum! ird 'if I’ll. oil, or to
I vt: or.v’.i Black, on die
*''t.’-.-M. 4f—tf
House ami Lot lormetly occupied by
_xL Mrs. Jenkins i< - Mmne, titid recently by
Will. V.. (terms, as a Public i Souse in this phue
l he buildings have very lately undergone the mils'
lliprough repairs mi altcrmious, and aro now in
good order, mid can accommodate a Inrge num
her of Imiuders. '1 here are st-vi ral lots attached
to the premises; also, furniture of 1 very descrip
tion, necessary lor the hu-iness. This propertx
will be sold upon a credit of one. two mid three
years, an.l uiiunestionablc titics made io die pur
chaser mid immediate posse aim gi ven. Any 4 pi r
'<>n disposed to engage in this bn dmc-s would do
well to call ami examine the premise., and make
lite purchase in time to open the House for the re
ception ol’members and others, the ensuing bos
ton «f the Legis'ature.
ELIZ \ J. CARNES, Adm’x.
Milledgeville August 3()th 33—if
FS”HE Subscriber very respectfully informs his
Ja_ friends and the publick generally that he
has located himself at the Alarrietta Hotel. Cobb
C IL, where he offersliis services to search out
and test the value of Gold and Land lots, mid to
make a true return to applicants in the comities of
Cobb, i’auldmg, Floyd. Cass. Cherokee and For
syth; at the low rale ol five dollars per lot; at the
above stated place, reference may lie had to the
State ami Cheek maps, the quality Book, mid nu
ni.-iical list. Patronage in the above business
will be thankfully received by
MarchlL 1835. (11 ts.
F'ENHE friends of this arc in-
-IL formed, that until furthei arrangements lie
made, Mr. JULIES LATASTE. late .Assistant
in Dr. Marks’ Institution, near Columbia, 8. C.,
will assist in the Literary and Scientific Depart
ments. Air. J. L. was to have assisted in theMu
ical Department, but the number of pupils in that
has been limited, that ho might assist in the ones
above named This arrangement, has been imide.
011 account of some delay it: the correspondence
with the gentleman and lady named in a former
notice. The number of our pupils, therefore will
be limited to 69, till further notice. There are still
a few vacancies.
ihe Institution has undergone an entire and
system-actio re-organization. Our friends me in
vited to visit us at any time, during its exercises,
from 5 A. IM. till 5 P. M.
There will be a monthly examination of the
’ Students, beginning on the 19th ol August, and
every fourth week thereafter, to which our friends
are also invited.
LIiCIEN LA TASTE, ( 1 nl,c 'l inls
Sorcottsbough, July 19,1836. 27—ts
I - -
62 co rocuTfi'iE'd.
r'W'l HE above rewrad v. ill 1 <■ paid ti.i the appre
; hi'iisiiv'i of nr' man 'a':LL! ' ?;I,smnetiine:
' called Bill Black. \\ ILI IA fl left me nbolit2slb
: Deceuil . r last ; lie is a very bri.d t .mi'.ito, about
j 5 fret. 1 ; ) inclu .-. hi; b, thick sc', iull fa ed, small .
' red or r..t!-. r fiAi•• t' n --31 -.«...1 str::: ' 'it y< I- ’
! lowirh I cti> ’. iibtiie will change liis ’
J name and i.-y to r-i'-s liiniee’d for a v. iiisc in: n,
> whim be in ah'e to <!o r dess to a dose •
.\r. i.’c v. :s forruerly ths proper;y of Al. ;
sos tilt- p! . ind traveled with him I
■ '.n<•):_• '• -'uft-v ommer. The alm*'.■ i
■ ■ ■ ■ his ..rr ■' ed in :: ■
, s:n» jail so I ; t him.
. Aug. i 6 3 S.”!t-.'ALD.
Th Dm-; m’l eke . , Mac t e’egi .
, mid ' .'l,' t . -nd IHt inn;. >
' wi lin ■' 't. ib :Ice a iY;£iith :■ <>
months an.l th l ir bills for payment.
■Aji PRAYED from the subscriber on the 26th
Sept, ten head of I'. KEl' CATTLE,
particular marks not recollected, only that the
most ot’them are branded J.. P., five of them
arc small size, and five large size; they were
driven from Lowndes comity, and may be ma
king their way back; any person who may
rake them up, or give any information of them
will be liberally rewarded, on giving lhe sub
scriber the earliest information of the same.
Sparta, Oct. 4. 39—ts.
Jh_ paid by the subscriber to any person
that will deliver him his Pocket-book with the
effects that he. lost in said book, on the 4th inst,
somewhere between Jourdan Dec’s store and
the cross routes towards Shiley’s Ferry, the
following papers, viz : Five notes for twenty
five dollars cadi, signed by Warren Stokes, and
Thus. 11. Key, payable to Gilford Kent, and
due Ist day of January next: also ten notes for
twenty-five dollars each, signed by Edward
Dutlay,and William Bush, payable to myself,
and due Ist day of January next: also five
twenty-live dollar notes, and one thirty dollar
note, signed Warren Stokes,and Stephen liust;
also five twenty-live dc'lar notes, signed by
Win. Jourdan, Samuel B. Moore: also tlnee
twenty-five dollar notes, signed by William
Jourdan, Win. R. Wheeler, and Pulasiak
Wheeler; also three twenty-five dollar notes,
signed by Needom Taylor, Harriet Ta vlor, and
Wade Floyd, due Ist day of January next, pay
able to myself; also eight thirty dollar notes,
and one ten, signed by Al. N. McCitllers, and
Wm. 11. McCullars, and Francis Brown, due
Ist day of January next, payable to myself;
also one sixteen or (17) dollar note, signed by
John Robcits, and Jacob Swearingen, due Ist
January next: also one for twenty-three dol
lars and seventy-five cents, signed by B. A.
Tharp, due by Ist day of January next, pavable
to myself; also two for thirty,and one for twen
ty dollars, signed by Moses Sfiivy, and Warren
Stokes, due Ist January last, payable to Elvdi
Calhoun, or bearer ; also one twenty-five dol
lar note, signed by Brunkly Brown, John /An
drews, and Wm. Bush, due Ist January last,
payable to myself; one cigliteen dollar note,
signed bv Mathias Floyd, due Ist January last,
alsoone sixteen dollar note, signed by Ephrom
Kendrick, and Edward Munger, due 25th Dc-
Dembcr 1834, and payable to myself ; also one
thiity,and one. twenty-five dollar notes, signed
by William Little, due Ist January last, also
two twenty-five dollar notes, signed by .'.lien
Wheeler, payable to Easter Rent, one day after
date, and dated 15th of Januajy 4834; also
three executions issued from a justi cs court in
favor of Daniel Mathis, vs. Martin Swearingen,
amount not recollected ; also one execution is
sued from tho Superior court of Dooly county,
in favor of Titos. IL Key. vs. David Scarbo
rough, for one hundred and thirty-seven dollars
and sixty-seven cents, ; also one hundred and
seventy dollars, in current money, the precise
dates oftho above notes not recollected at pres
ent. 1 doforwarn all persons from paying, or
trading for any oftho above mentioned notes
nl v to myself.
N. IL Tlie subscriber can be found in the
7th dist of Dooly county, ■ • •ovided information
should be .•etit.
P. S. Also two twenty-five d illar notes on
Jas. Brooks, J. L. Shelby, s.'cnriry ; also one
for twelve dollars and fifty cent.-, on the same
•ndivid c l ; two for twenty-five do 1 ' as,' on Jo
si'if'Fountain, and one ti r tv. ' Ivo doP is «ind
■iftv cent; mi same »:»•’ ’ "I -d, all dm- J.'nmir . !
Dooly comity, July -3. !
August W». 31 —-tlst Feb.
. Z-lZ T .'^x"Trr-ajmxT»7>^ s n w
' 0E
I p'? 4 E Hn under: igued informs his friends anil those
ol tho lute linn of Cin7< r J,- Cornuell, that
.1.: mlonds reimmiug the Warehouse and Commis
stou busuiess at the slot e next abovetheouero
-I)t.? uteuptedbyT. J. Cliacc.ontliemargiitof
I .ast ,t. aeen. I. ll( ,w uus the ton u ofTrov. He fm
udorrns the public tl )ilt he has bought his
ami having noiv on the way, front Nev.
ho m..kmghis sto< k complete, which w id be
■<dd mw lor le: <|y , )T , y . he wi(| 1)e re . l(|v (o
.'t on early m lh( . !1|1(| |)( .
I'lv.mces. He Would’ii.-rtietditrlv 1 notice lo his
: .mn< ? the eroat .-KlvatH;,,,., his W nr( . ll()lHC .
m'/ir "il '"| <! l' lls0 P :i,t *’• the city with regard
> .M-, they I, nngdeti, ;i .„m oth< r bnihlin.; am!
it .1 mut.ijce from any sne€( „ r |. lllc a ,„| , v< .p ~s , _
j * "t: A'lteou Messenger and Telegraph, Mil
!<" r-vd... Joui-nal :!1 „| Stail ,|ar ( ! of Enit'n, will
Archtt i'o-S.** lUltii fu, tllel ’ G'
A. <L'ui»E»£H®2a,
But more particularly io thotu. living
in the 102 d List. G. M.
AS it has been binding on )11( , f ol
* l lll eo "t’fmtr years to take up all slaws
t'd tree petsons ofcolour who are bving in th,'
'bst. m.nthevilta.eof Sl ,u,. |:i lQ ,' c
bay .that wa, passed m Dee. 18.';2, for their’r.-gu
ibomVhe'. 1 ' 1 T‘" S l,e< n , ’" t to nHlch
ab ) U? them, and not getting pay (or nl y labor, ami
t doing no good, iam done wtlh it. But, be it
known to ouzttis Os the W2<l (i : sll!rt
M. th.i 1 shtdl take a shorter way to pat a stop to
it. Ihe uw is very pointed, that any white per
sonofiendtug against the provisions of tbi s !lc t bo
indicted and prosecuted before tl.e Superior court
i '’Uence, andon conviction thereof,
shall torlcit and pay a fine of fifty dollars, and all
cost olsatd suit, now if tho owne.'s, guardians and
mauagersof such, will read the Jaw, they will find
they are not as friendly to their coimtrv as tliev
think they are. They xverc friendly enough u ith
me once, to employ an attorney to drive mo and
ctiiercoikstabled into our duty, in biiuging their
slaves before the courts for trial ; and have they
ever paid us our costs 1 No 1 neither do they ever
intend it they ean help it, 1 ut I intend to’ have
mine. Have they ever paid their attorney that
they employed ' No! they think he is rich ami
can do without it, and Rhodes is poor, and they
ean swind.c him out of his fees. Now there is
but little diflercncc between your eases and mine,
mine is ten days imprisonment more than yours,
winch Ido not intend tohear. J can emnloy an
attorney to attend to the business better than v<4i
have, where he will get his fees; and I will get
mine that is behind, for I iuteu I to have my itiif
cost. 1 know who they are that is owino- cost
and they that owe it know as well as I do. ami
they would do well to pay it before an execution
comes alter tliemfor it. 1 also well know who it i
is that give th dr slaves privilege of hiring their '
o vii time, and I have suflicient proof, aud mean to
try the project next Superior Court : I shall take
every one indiscriminately, ami they must take i
as w ell as they can, J expect they will think very
'trange of tuts, that 1 have quit bringing their
slaves to court for trial, :md bring the <;v. ac-s
mad ol .he ‘.Lives, but I can tell my reasons fo’r
that. is mjrf to be made by taking the owii-
C ' S .’i ~ ho and all you who are guilty bf
m "H,, tins privilege, you have given your slaves,
mtow it: ami as Ido not intend to be bothered any
more, with thm- slaves,! wil! take the owne/s
urtd ty ing rnoir. to corrt, and w!i?n they come to
piy hlty collars, fine and cost of suit, on two er I
tnrcc s. cs, ti ey wilHuarn to keep them in a wav
dmt (m y ougir , (ii they are friendly to the goveru
mcm wiunmt .laving mior Is bodes dragging them
up con t fiir trial ; a.,d after trial, i.i less than
om: week trev me buying t!> Hr meats, and tho;
wui : n ->ma.i !»it to-day, and steal twice as much
x j"9 1 • W *L* * IS ’/ a chicken from a friend
r la J ,.y m,'it, ; n-1 Saturday night they will steal
a pig from nm.ther person ; you who are lotiip"
si. sc - do that way, may watch them, for I intend
to »a.<hymi. HENRY W. RHODES.
Angus. 23. 30 ts.
Tfoo ikast
" li( ' eis ‘g ne ! respectfully asks ail those
_e?_ indebted to him, to make payment without
Between this time and the first of October
next, he feels assured, that all who desire to do
so, can make arrangements to meet their re
spective dues; aud he appeals particularly to
those who are in arrears for two. three, four,
and five years, to come forward and settle up
their old scores at once.
This call is forced upon him by the imperi
ous necessity of meeting his own engagements;
which, he is unable to do, without punctuality on
the part of those who ewe him. Therefore
( hey are hereby notified, that even one who
hail fail to make payment by the first dav of
ctobcr next, will find their notes and accounts
the hands of collecting officers, without dis-
c' This will be a painful step, but it cannot be
avoided; and those who fail to pay within the
time above stated, ought not, and he trusts, will
not complain.
Sparta Ga. June 14 1836. 22—ts.
F1 HE subscriber ofi’ers for sale, six hundred
Ji. and seven acres, first rate Corn snd Cotton
Land, with one hundred and twenty acres fine
laud, under good fences, all fresh; which will
produce from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds
< lotton to the acre, and from thirty to forty bushels
Corn, there is on tbe premises, a double log cab
bin shingle rough, and other out houses, and two
excellent Wells of water, which never fails; tl.e
above lauds all Ho in the fifteenth and twenty
eighth district Lee. now Sumter county, all join
ing; which will be sold on a credit of one, two
and three years; persons wishing to purchase,
would <!o well to view tbe premises, and call on
the subscriber in RTi’ledgevile during tho present
session, or at my residence in Twiggs comity, af
ter tiie cession. BENJ. B. SMITH.
December, 7, 1835. 47-—ts
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for saloon ac
commodating terms, his settlement of good
Oak mid Hickory land, lying en the eastern side
of Monroe County, three miles below Brow nsviile,
comprising six hundred fc seven acres, one balfof
w Inch, is now in cultivation, mid under good fence.
Convenient to every part of die farm, is a very
comfortable two story dwelling, * giu bouse, and
every other house necessary.
A ngust 2d. 1836. 129 ts.
FUriHE undersigned will attend to the Roncw
-S. al of notes m the Central Bank at the usu
al fee ol one dollar for each renewal. They will
also pass through the several offices and forward
Grants at one dollar for a single Grant; and fifty
cents each, w bore more than one is requested.
Commimicatious addressed to them jointly ot
scpariuely, post paid, will be punctually attendee
ll »- ' JOHN G. PARK,
Milledgeville, April 26 15 t(
,1414 Cotn;>f„osy
i‘!E ttockiudders met on H.ntnr lay th.* 20th
-L_ inst., and organised by tl.e election of Col.
Abner Ilammond, I . V. Delaunay, T. R. Huson,
a.f a bo n d of 01: colors.
At a meeting of the directors on the same day.
<-01. A >n< r H.n moud was elected president, mid
8. D. Bott n, Secietary.
August 23. 22—ts.
llDfrom th: stable of the subscriber in
I ‘?’be village of Spail i, some time in May last,
a Bay Horse about live .feet high. 7 or 8 years old.
w alk.s, trots and paces under tho saddle, no pnrti
■;lar mari.i recollected, lie wi.s raised in Ken
tacky, and will probably riai.e <>li in that direc
tion. Any inlorin.nine rcspcctim: said horse will
be tin nk'uliy recci-.ed and reasonably rewarded.
Juh 5 25—ts.
F'i.i‘ilH'l subscribers have received their assort
_eL mem. of fa.xcy :m> STAitj;, fall ami
wtNTt'.n noons, consisting of
Fg’d satins, fig’d. pou do sonic, silk,
Gros de zan, Plain ami fig’d. chally,
I';meh mid English Merinos, and
M into gios rlo naps, Ladies satin
embroidered cravats, (.'hives.
Hosiery, ( 'heucille mid embroidered
ftieriuo f haw Is. A great variety of French
woiked capes mid collars.
Gout’s'., ami Boys Fur and Cloth Cans; (Jnr
petiiigs. Rtigs <S.c. latest patterns. They iiivin
planter:; t.s call and examine their as ortfn .m: of
N EGRO cloths. Shirring.;, Fln.-es. Hut-, &c., as
they are determined that prices and quality sli.dl
Consisting of Gen’ts., and Ladies cloth Clonks.
Over coats, Pants. Vests, Collars, Stocks and
COX3TA » T I. Y EXP t: C T1: D,
; 6 ~ '7£BAGS OF COTTON’, forwhwh
y jif the highest market price wi l be
Thankful for past patronage, they piomise to
merit a continuance of the same.
Milledgeville Sept. 22d 1836.
Sept. 27. 39—ts.
THE subscriber has received a part, and is
new receiving his I'A.CC ANB
wl ich may be found the following articles, viz: °
. Supetfme Broad Cloth;; di.ffiwcr.t colored Cas
mneres; do. Vestings; Rich Embroidered and
Fig’d. Satins; Silks, do.; a nrnv article called
Rci>x. fig’d mid <lain; plain black Labella, do-
Black trill:, fig d. and plain, of the best quality
sonic 40 indies wide; India and Sarenett do.;
ihrisian mvl Hernanm Game; Plain Satin check
aud fig’d Shnllys and Shallvctts—a new article
the French Brocade for the h ad ; Geinrin ami
English Merino’s and .Merino De Naps, :
Circassian, Jadcoiiet, aud Cambrics of different
qualities; plain, fig’d., do'ted, and check’d dotted
Swiss Muslins; li-Fh Linen Sheetings 12-4;
Lawns and Diapers; Superfine Linen Cambrics;
Pmigee; J adits embroidered Linen Cambric
Capes, anti P<;ekct Ihlk’fs; rdu.iin Capes am!
Collars, i’ur Capes; Bom and Ruffs Down do.
Ladies finest Kid Slippers, bl’k. ant! col'd.—new
est style: ( old, Silver mid ‘•roiize do.; White
■>nd black Satlin do.; Kid, Calf, Morocco mid
real, Village Walking Shoes; Water proof do.
a new article of French do. ; a general assort
ment of Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Shoes;
Geutlerm n’s and Boys do.; Gent’s, fine Calfskin
Boots; Opera and xNavy do.; Kid, Morocco and
Dancing Pumps.
oi each a good assortment. DEH f'CMED Y C
z\ large and extensive assortment, among which
rosy be found, Gem’s. Cloth Cloaks; Cloth. Mo
hair and Mackiua Over Coats ; Frock and Dress
Coats. PautaJociß and Vests. Shirts, Bosoms
and Collars; J.lorino and Cotton net Shirts mid
Drawers; Flannel do. STOCKS—a good as“-
s irtmem. Ladies Cloth, plain and fig’d. Merino
He would respectfully ask the attention of Plan
ters to examine liis assortment of NEGRO
SHOES & BLANKETS, as lie has a large as
sortment of each, and HILL SELL THEM
To those who visit Aliiledgeviile, for the pur
pose of buying their Fall and Winter supplies of
Dry Goods, he would, with his friends 'and the
public, most respectfully invite them to call and
October 11. 39 ts.
& liesnaii,
Milledgtville, Geargia,
Lx’ I'ERESTS, will attend to husiuess en
trusted to them in the Counties of the Ocmulgee
Circuit, in the County of Hancock of the North
ern, ashmgtou of the Middle, Twiggs and Lau
rens of the Southern, and Houston, Bibb mid
Monroe of the Flint Circuits : also in the Federal
Their office is'on the second floor oftho Mason
ic lir.ll. July 19th, 1836.
August 2. 29—ts
itY'i'ijiv >' i j '■ l ‘ ’ 1 i-EH-it lespectf’d
‘■sjT'' ” 'j informs his friends and the
I't’bhc. that he has opened a home of
entertainment in the Town of Law
renceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia, he
flatters himself those who may favor him with a
cad will find every thing provided which can con
tribute to then: comfort and Convenience.
Lawrenceville Dec. 9, 18;;.",. lu tm 6—<9
‘' IS Establishment is now under
-e ! _ the control of the subscribers,
who pledge themselves to render com
fortable those who mav call on them.
February, 23. (j ts
A Tesselaer
F|THIE Trustees of the HILL ACADEMY,
_•!_ in iMonroe Comity, are desirous of a:
Alate Teacher the cnsn'mg year.
1 his Institution is wifhm a mile of the Macon !
and Forsyth Road, seven miles below the latter |
place, ami the neighbourhood both agreeable
and healthy.
None need apply unless he can bring unques
tionable testimony of moral character,industry,
and capacity to tench the mixed and solid
branches of English and Classic Literature.
Communications addressed to the Trustees,
at NtaJlmg’s Stci e, w ill be promptly attended to.
THOS. DYSON, f J rMs^fs -
October 4, 1836. 38—ts.
11. & J. SHOTWELL,
iIE SI BSC P I BEK S (former partners <:!
Ellis hotwili, it Co.) have resumed-their
business under the above firm, :-t th: ir «.:<! staid
ippesite tlie lirii k Tavern, and will beep a gener
al assortment of Drag:. jiedicim s, Smgical and
i ■isti'iin ,nt < Paints ami, of all kind., in
lew Gias- a-.sii-ied, Glass-Ware tor shop
furniture. I’erfumcry, Fancy Articles, Brushes of
■very description, Botanic aud Patent Medicin.'s
('-rpci'ti'r's [ rep uations, rise his Essays Medica.
Dye Moods, and Dye stuff:, anil a great variety of
.•isceii;.neons Articles, which they have received
a l.wgc supply of, and intend keeping their stock
constantly ;< plcr.ished, so as to he able at all
times to supply I'ealers, Physicians, Planters and
others who may Cavoi them with their custom.
hitcitding to he pcrmaaemly en ;:iged 111 thi
business, the subscribers liotti their long experi
ence, hope tn remicr it Worthy th: patronage ol
aid and new customers. Orders by letter will
meet tho same attention as if made in person.
!>. Garden Seeds, assorted, irttrr. »/< 7 J'rtsh.
V liberal d.• count made to coimtrv deal. rs.
• ’ 11. F .1. 8.
Oct. 11. i® --ts. 1
’ ■■■'■ y V; AV
tee ci'tlss-
L tiilie Srlisicjj.
"j N I'l 1:81 ANC'E of th: provisions of a trea-
Tl lybetweui the. i nttcit States and thoChick
asa.wJndianmade mid concluded on Pontitoe
.Creel:, <m the ti,-- ntii!>■ day of Cctoler, 832 ard
“j the si’pplein.-u'aiy ami expianm-jry artieh.-s
thereto, made and concluded on the hventy-sec
und aoy oft.hesam.- mr)ll tk, m.d aL„ of the'freatx
m:iwceu the United States and tbe Chiekes;.»
fn.lia'is. m.ido and concluded at the City cl
"■'t-T if’en, on the ft ■«.'y-Tu, M day of ',Mty,
rb ’ I undrew Jm kscn. I’i-’ident of the Unite:’
s do Ix Bcby declare nnd make know ti, that
IHtlm'-'m’.es ffir tho disposal of such of the lands
c ded 10 tl.e I nited . tries by the .said Indians, as
a: c hen mattert’esern,cd, slni! beheld at the imie
Office at'’oxTiToc, in Mississippi, ut the under
meut: iiteii periods, viz :
On Monday in Sef.'emher next, fertile
sale of the lands in iheToilowing townships, viz :
Townships ,of i-mgur . 2,3, 4, and 5 east,
lortird.ips 3,4, 5, and 6, of range 4 east.
Townships 2,3, 4,5, and 6,*of range 5 east.
Towm-hips 2, fl, 4,5, G, 7, and 6, of ranges 6.
/s o, and cast.
i ownships 2, »’>. 4,5, 9 and 7, of range JO east
_ On the fourth Monday in September next, for
toe sale of the lands in lite follow ing townships,
and fractional township:;, viz :
Townships LI and 15, of ranges 3, aud4.
•' own. hips 14, 15 and 16, of range 5.
Townships 9, 10, 11, 12. 13,14, 15; and IG,
iraetionai township 17, of range 6.
: own hips 9, 10 and 11, and fractioual township
15, Iti and 17, of range 7.
I ow nships 9, 10 aud 11, of ranges 8 and 9.
Also, at the same time, for the sale of tbe ua
<er mentioned tow nships and fractional town
ships, w est ol the meridian, of the Huntsville dis
trict, being that portion of the Chickasaw ces
sion, situate iti tbe Stato of Alabama, viz :
i iactional township 4, of range 12*
i' factional townships 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, aud 8, of
range 13.
i'fictional township 2 ; townships 3,4, 5, 6 and
/; Iraetionai townships g, 9 r.nd 10, ol range 14.
.'rachomil townships 2,3, 4,5, 6,7 aud 8,
township 9, and fractional townships 10 and 11
of range 15.
Fractional townships 8,9, 10 and 11, of range 16.
Onthe third Aiondaii in October next, for the
sale ot the under mentioned townships, viz •
. Ll -NE.
! ownship 1, of range 1.
Townships 1 and 6, of range 2, 3 and 4.
Townships 1,4, 5 and 6, of range 5.
Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of range G.
1 c wnslnps 1,2, 3, 4. 5 and 6, of ranges 7 &8.
Townships 1,2, 3 and 5, of range 9.
Ou the Jind Monday in November next,
for the sale of the undermentioned townships
viz :
Townships 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, of range 1.
Township 7,8,. 9, 10 and 11, of ranges 2,3,
4 and 5.
Tow ushjps 7, 8 and 9, of ranges 6,7 and 8.
Tow nship 7, of range 9.
’! lie lands reserved by law for the use afschools,
or for other purposes, as well as the lands selec
ted as reservations, under the provisions of ths
said treaties, are to be excluded from the sales.
Each sale is to continue open for lw» weeks,
:md no longer. lhe lands will be efiered in quar
ter sections, and fractional quarter sections where
such exist.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washing
ton, this twentieth day of May, A. D. 1336.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
of scrip issued from the
Treasury Department, in satisfaction of bounty
land warrants, granted by the State of Virginia,
and the United States, for services in the revolu
tionary army; as well as certificates of land
stock, issued at tbe district land offices, for the
amount of moneys forfeited by individuals, under
the credit system of land sales, are not receivable
for lands within the Chickasaw cession.
Gus.ekal Land Office, May. 20, 1836.
June 14. 22—1st Nov.
c£‘C .
nSNHE subscriber lias on hand, and is now
I*l receiving, at If IS OLD STAK’D, an
extensive assortment of
ViTst«a*cs-. Jeivelry, Silverware, Fan
cy Hard ware, &c. Ac.
All of which is offered on the most reasonable
He will pay a liberal price for any amount of
The preference will be given to Gold in its
native state, (not fluxeil.)
October 18th. 40—6t.‘
rjTl HE following is a list of Jette's remaining in
_lS_ the Po t Office at Decatur Ga. If not ta
ken out before the first day of January next, 'wilt
be forwarded to the General Post Office as dead
letters. Oct. Ist, 1836.
A. —Spencer Atkins, Robt. Anderson, Sarah
Askew, .dalishia A vary.
B. —F. Baldwin, 2; Mary Broughton, Wm.
Baker, John Blewett, Miss Byuani, Jethro Baker,
Nathaniel Beauchamp, Eliz. Brown, Jacob Barry,
Mr. Baldwin, Isaac S. Lenard, L. D. Benham,
Amry Bates,
C. —Abraham Chandler. Win. Clark, John .
Crofibrd, Aaron Clifton, Wtn. Cochran. Thomas
Coyler, Philip Curver, Wm. Couch, Levin Clif
ton, \ oung Carter.
D. —Alm tin Defoor, ATargaret Davis. J. 11. Da
E. ‘-Mitchell Evans, Miles Estis.
F. —Wm. Ford, Amos Forrester, John Fain,
Mary Ann Fowler, John 11. Fowler, Alary Faw
cett, Coday Fowler.
G-—AI. Garrison, J II Gallispie. Archy Gill,
L Galbraith.
H-—Elizabeth Horton, Newton Higgins 2, Phi
lumen ILidg; , Wm i ni'ston. Win VV Hugin,
’.'ary Howard, S 15 is:!!, Isaac Hughes, Hize
Harrison..loltn Hughes, Isham Hendon, Thus II
Hopkins, .1 I, Hibler, Wm E Hal! 2.
1. <Y J.—Mary Anu Johnson, Lewis E Jones 3,
Joseph Jolley, John higvam, E Joidan, Alartlia
K. —M athe w K r.iglt t.
L. —John Lawltmi, Ww Lester.
AL—Thomas Mabappy, Daniel M’Lcwis John
M’Ginnis, Sarah Alezziek, Sarah F Moore* Vi'm.
fil’Dimald, James Mangum, Israel Miller, Beaj
Morris, Neal a'cLcod, Joseph Mitchell.
N. —Lotti zn 1N inner.
O. —W m.Oetry, Alexander Oliver.
P. —Sarah Pickens, S Vs Peck, Jarentiah Pcrrv.
R. —lsaac Roe.
S. —V. m. •’ keif, John Still, John Smith, Wm I
Sprew ell, A Slephelis, Thomas Simmons. Diadi
nia Smith. Chandler L- Still, Ofi’ry Stowers, Si
mon Smith, H Sprayberrv. Wm Smith.
T. —John 'i'liwei', DavidTarmer, Joseph Trim
ble, Danii I Turner.
V.--A N. Verding.
' . ■ —Win. Simon. Jacob White 2, Nedom
Vi l.itley. John Woodruff, Joseph Wooten 2. Isaac
A’liite, J L Wihiam. , David Vi bite 2, Jon ; h
il iifiol <l.
Y.— Rnbert A’mice-, James Yorng,
Oct. 25. ’ 11—
Georgetown, D. C.
Savannah, Philadelphia,
Charleston, New York,
Norfolk, and
Baltimore, Boston,
For sale at the Bank of AiilledgeVille. Also,
Checks upon A/flton, Columbus, (5,-c. can general
ly be had to suit apf-l.caut:;.
T. RAGLAND, Cashier,
October 11. 39—.tf.
?'m (HOSE aJfiicted with inflamed or sore eyes,
-BL should be aware of the great excellencies
"i Or- Adam’s Eye II ater. in tl;e trentuient of this
troublesome affiietimi. It has been before the
public but a short time, yet it has already been
e. ily tested inr iimpai'isLii witii all tbe common
l einedK",, mid with what success may be inferred
fioin the ext. n iw demand now existing for it,,
ml troiu the imtnercus testimonials of its value
now in the hands of the proprietor, one or two
of which it. w as deemed proper lo su’moin.
Sir ; ft. is .with pleasure I state to you. my
wife w Ito was troublc'l with sore cyoa. was com
pletely cured by using one bottle of Dr. Adaris’
Eye Water;
JOHN GAllL'Nl .R, Green street, near 7th.
Norristown Pa.
Air. I* isher : I take pleasure in bearing testimo
ny to the superior excellence of Dr. Adam’s Fye
Water over al) the others that 1 have tried. Ha
ving given Dr. Thompson’s a fair trial I consider
,Dr, Adams’ by far the best, as it is free from that
smarting produced by Thompson's. I know sev
eral gentlemen in this place who have tried both
and they decidedly prcferDr. Adams’ Eye Water
a very valuable medicine. Yonrs,
Prepared and sold by the sole proprietor, Je
saph Fisher, south-west corner of Seventh’ and
Buttonwood streets, and of Huddleson, Norris
A constant supply of the above for sale at
JOHN Al. SHARP’S Sparta.
Oct. 11. 39—ts.
»R. C. E. HAYNES has resumed the prac
tice of Medicine and its collateral branches,,
to which his undivided attention will be devoted
until the close of the sickly season. When not
professionally absent, ho may he consulted at the;
office heretofore occupied by him, or at the Ea
gle Tavern.
Sparta, Angust 1, 1836. 29—ts
]VS©fiitagtae’s IfiSdna for tee
Petersburg, Va. 28th June, 1836,
11. D. M’lntosh, Esq., Henry County, Ga,
Dear Sir:— l am this morning in receipt of
your favour of the 18th instant, requesting to
have some of the Balm sent out to your State a*
soon as possible. Such is the pressing demand
in every section, that I have, as yet, not been
able to supply the orders that have been some
time on hand. I have had an order from Au
gusta, Georgia, and Savannah, since last win
ter, and only last week sent one groce to each
place. Dr. E. R. Calhoun, of South Carolina,
has contracted for that State and Georgia, and
I have shipped to him near five thousand bet
ties, all that 1 could spare. As soon as I can, I
will send him more; but when, 1 cannot say, as
I must divide it as well as 1 can, until I can sup
ply each Scale fully. I will dotnyself the pleas
ure of requesting Dr. Calhoun to establish an a
gency at your office as soon as other engage
incuts will allow. I have been putting up near
ly two thousand per day, and now find myself
in want of about fifty thousand for immediate
use, and have not fifteen bottles, but what are
packed up for shipment. From the present de
mand, I should not be surprised, if it were to
take five hundred thousand bottles a year, to sup
ply the demand.
Yours respectfully, &>c.
Albemarle, April, 183 S.
Dear Sir:— We suppose you like good news,
particularly when you are mostly interested.
We have but two bottles left of the box of Balm
you sent us. You can draw at sight for $ ,
which we believe will be tho . amount, after de
ducting commission and expenses We will
thank you tft send to our friends, Messrs. * *
of Richmond, by first conveyance, a double box,
which you will put at your wholesale price, for
which you can also draw on us. it has failed
in two instances in this neighborhood, but one of
the persons that we have seen, thinks it was
(with him) rheumatism, as he had the tooth
drawn, and the pain still continued.
Several persons have used it, with defective
gums, or scurvy, and are so much delighted with
it, that we are charged to keep a supply. The
ladies are using it with the tooth-brush’ and say
that it is the best thing for the teeth and gums
they have ever used. W e are glad, for the sake
ot tlie suii'ereis, as well as on your account,
that this remedy is not only not of Northern or
igin, (Irom whence all the patent nostrums
come,) but is a A irginia preparation, and by a
V irginian. Nor does it detract from its efficacy,
on account of the place of its preparation, (Pc-j
tersburg,) once styled By Air. Jefferson, the
“cockade ot America.” It seems to us, that
all you now have to do, is to see to it, that you
keep a supply sufficient for the demand—for if
it sells elsewhere as it has done here, there will
be no end to the demand. Several merchants
of ray acquaintance, mean to send for a box.
Allow us to congratulate you, aud the public,
at the discovery and use of the only remedy (ex
cept drawing) tor tooth-ache, that has yet been
Respectfully vours,
R. R. & T. T. G.
Huntington, |
near Cabin Point, 24th March. J
Dear Sir : I bought a bottle of your Bahn,
Irom Alcssrs. , in Petersburg, in Februa-
ry, chiefly because 1 had a servant who had
suii’ered most excrutiatingly for some months.
We had tried ail tin; remedies which were in
our reach ; an attempt was made to extract the.
tooth, but br ;ke it elf. t caused the Balm to
be used after warming it in a cup—this was re-_
pealed with a second spoonful, when she was
entirely relieved. The next night she came for
more, saying that a tooth on the other side
ached, and also iequested semo for her husband
who, she said, had been suliering with the same
disease for some necks. 1 cheerfully gave it,
and the next day on inquiry found that both were
relieved. One of my neighbors of high respec
tability sent to me for some for liis wife. I
have tins day seen him, and he assures me tha
it afforded immediate relief, and there has heent.
no return; Indore,she suffered almost constant
ly, and could not bear to let cold water touch
the tooth, and for two nights previous to the
application, she had not been able to sleep
scarcely at all. Now she has no inconvenience
from cold water or any thing else that conn sin
contact w::h the tooth. The night before last,
he used some with one of his own men, with the
same success, and says if he could have bad this
remedy fifteen years ago, and known its cffica
cy, lie w mid wtH’mgly have given a hundred dol
lars for it. 1 have written in haste, giving a
plain st itemcnt of sac-is.
Yours respe ;ti'u)lv,
S p'cmb.t?! 6. 31—V’