Newspaper Page Text
VOS,. 111. NO. 40.
585f.1\ i.
PttbUther (idy Authority,) of the Laws
of the United Slates:
•fllee on Greene Street, nearly oppo
site the Market.
Issued eveiy Tuesday morning,at $3 per annum
subscription taken for less than a yqar
and no paper discontinued, but at the option ot
the publisher, until all arrearages are paid.
Advertisemests conspicuously inserted at the
usual rates—those not limited when handed in,
will be inserted ’till forbid, and charged accord
We desire such of our subscribers as may a
_*ny time wish the direction of their papers chan
•ged from one Post Office to another, to inform
tits, in all cases, of the place to which they had
'been previously sent; as the mere order ft> for
nraid them to a different office, places it almost
■out of our power, to comply, because we have no
means of ascertaining the office from which they
are ordered to be changed, but a search through
•ur whole subscription Book, containing severa
thousand names.
It is a standing rule with this office, as well
as all others, that the postage of all letters and
communications to the Editor or Proprietor
must be paid. We repeat it again,—and re
quest all parsons having occasion to address us
upon business connected in any way with the
establishment, to bear it in mind. Persons
wishing to become subscribers to the Standard
of Union, are particularly requested to give their
attention to this; or they will not have the pa~
per forwarded to them.
WILL be sold on the fifteenth day of Decem
ber next, at the late residence of Mrs.
Susannah Hulsey, dec’d a number ot articles con
sisting of Household and Kitchen furniture, Beds,
Corn. Fodder. Fork and stock Hogs, Horses, aud
a large stock of cattle and sheep ; plantation and
farmiug tools, with many other things too tedious
to mention Sale to continue from day to day,
until all is sold. The plantation will be disposed ;
of on that day. if not previously sold. Terms on
lhe day.
Hancock, Ga. 42—tds.
The Southern Recorder will please publish the
above until the day of sale, aud forward their ac
count fur payment.
Leonard Bunts 1 Libel for divorce in
**- > Pike Superior court,
Martha Burns. ) Sept. Tenn, 1836.
rappearing to the court that the said defen
dant has not been seived with tho usual
process; and it appearing she cauuot be found,
It is therefore ordered by the court, that she ap
pear at the next Superior court, to be held in and
for Pike county, on the Ist Monday in March 1837.
and then and there answer to the above suit.
And it is further ordered by the court, that service .
of this rule be perfected, by its being published
once a month, for three mouths, iu one of the
public gazettes of this State.
A true extract from the minutes, 6th Septem
ber 1836. EGBERT I’. DANIEL, c. s. c.
Nov. | m.'lm.
A Proclamation
By WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor of said
State. |
WHEREAS. I have received official infer- I
■nation, that a murder was cumitted iu j
the county of Gwinnett, in this State, on the 24th
■lliflio. upon the body of MOSES CAMP, by i
TXemzis J. Chnmben. And it being represented
to mo, that Lie said Thomas J. Chambers has fled |
■ firoM justice. I have thought projier to issue this I
My Precfmurtioe, hereby offering a reward of
Tim Htndtrd Dollars. to any persou or persons ,
who May apprehend and deliver the said Thomas
J. Chambers, to the Sherifi or Jailor of said coun
ty. And Ido moreover charge and require all
•fleers, civil and military, in this State to be vigi
iaat in eadeavoriag to apprehend, aud deliver
hi® as aforesaid,' io orde- that he may bo tried
far the offence with which he stands charged.
The said Thmias J. Chambers, is about 30 years
•f age, middle size, blue eyes, fair cemplexion,
with dark hair, bas a scar on one of his cheeks, is
Maaeh given to intoxication, and is left handed.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Milledgevife, this,
the third duy of November Eighteen Hundred
■•d thirty-six. and of American Indpendeuce
the sixty-first.
By the Governor
William A.,
Stcr'y of State.
Novembers, 45—2 t.
PfINHE sale of the increased Capital Slock of
_ this Bank will be resumed in front of the
Banking hovsr. at II o'clock, on the niomiug ot
Wednesday, the 18th January next, at which time
the Board of Directors will offer at auction the pri
viiedge of subscribing fur THREE THOUSAND
ndditioual share*, being the balance of the increase
antborizeil by ibo act of December, 1826. By
•rder of the Board of Directors.
ROBERT F. POE. Cashier.
Bank of Augusta, Nov. 13th, 18146.
fly* The •Savannah Georgian, Charleston
•Brier, Southern Recorder, Standard of Union,
'Georgßt Journal. Federal Union, Macon Messen
;ger, Athens Banner, and Washington News, will
publish this adverl’seincnt mice a week until the
10th of January aud proseut their accounts fur
Milledgcvilc, Nov. 24 45.
THE Subscriber most respectfully.asks the
indulgence in this way, to make known
to the citizens and strangers now in Milledgeville,
and its vicinity, his intention to remain in a short
time in the city, in his professional capacity.
He has taken a very convenient room on Jef
ferson Street, in front of the Capitol, where lie
will with pleasure, wait the commands of Ladies
and Gentlemen, at all hours of the day, who
•ay please to give him a call.
lor the inform tiion of those who are not ac
quainted with his professional skill, he will state,
that he has commendatory letters from the prin
cipal officers of state—The Medical Society of
Augusta, nnd professors ofthe Medical College
Ml Georgia; besides many from private gentle
tnen of the first respectability.
He repairs the mouth in every possible situa
tion,and warrants his operations.
~ .Operative Surgeon Demist.
Nov. 24-— 2t.
Sr SfM/ c c r fWW *
A joint Resolution on the subject of the Ohio and Charleston
Rail Road.
Whereas, the Governor of this State, in his Annual Message
to the General Assembly, al the opening of the present ses
sion, laid before the Legislature the proceedings of a Public
Meeting held at Cincinnati, in August last, on the subject of a
Rail Roaj irotn lhe banks ol the Ohio River to the tide wa
ters of the Carolinas and Georgia,” and, also, the proceedings
of the Clumber of Commerce of the city of Charleston, held
in October subsequent, with other documents of the same nature
on the same subject. And, whereas, the successful prosecution
d said work is inseparably identified with the commercial, politi
i al and social interests ot Indiana, as well as the more enlarged
md delicate interests of the Union.
Resolved,Ry the General Assembly of the State of Indiana,
That they view, with the liveliest Interest, the project of a” Rail
Road from the batiks ol the Ohio river to the tide waters of the"
-urulinas and Georgia,” that, whether considered in reference
to its magnitude or its consequences, as a work of this character,
it is without a parallel in this or any other age or country.
Resolved, That traversing, as it does, in its direct route be
tween the p lints n t'.ned, a large and interesting region of coun
try, e.njraeiiigalinoM every variety of cliin ite and character, to
say nothing ot the almost numberless ramifications and exten
sions ot which it is susceptible, until its North >rn ail Western
arms shall -‘repose oi the shores of oir Western Me literr i
nt...:, aid e n’orace tie sources of the Mississippi, it must be
regarded as an enterprise worthy the patriotism and sanction of
the whole nation.
Resolved, That its natural connection, byway of Cincinnati,
Louisville and Nashville, with lhe various works of Internal
Improvement now projected in Indiana, endears it, in a commer
cial point ol view, as an object of the first importance to her as a
State, by which a new, direct and safe avenue is opened to her
trade with the Southern main, without encountering, as she now
does, lhe delays and vicissitudes of the more dangerous route
byway of lhe Mississippi and the Gulph of Mexico.
Resolved, That, as an arm of national defence, furnishing, as
it would, a rapid and easy route for the transportation of troops
and the material of war from tl e sea-board to the Western inte
rior, or the transmission of Western productions to the Atlantic,
it is an object worthy the support of the whole nation.
Resolved, That it is in view, however, of its effects upon the
social and political condition of our common country, that they
regard it as most important ; that they look upon it as a mea
sure, which, more than any other projected in the present age,
will lend, by its operation upon the trade intercourse of re
mote and comparatively alienated sections of the confederacy, to
harmonise the jarring elements of now discordant and conflicting
interests, feelings and habits ; that they look upon it as an iron
chain which will inevitably tend to connect, with new ties, that
glorious Union which is the basis of our common prosperity, and
“ well regulated Liberty.”
Resolved, That this General Assembly hereby tender to the
several states engaged in this noble work, their warmest wishes
fiir its speedy and triumphant success, and that they cherish to
wards them feelings of increased attachment for thus having
added another monument to the enterprize and patriotism of the
age, and, above all, another bond to the Union of the States.
Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a
copy of the foregoing resolutions to the “ Committee of inquiry ;
and correspondence” at Cincinnati, to the “ Chamber of Com
merce” of the city of Charleston, to lhe City Council of the i
city of Louisville, and to the Executives of the States of North
and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of Senate.
Approved, Feb. 8, 1836.
By order of the Governor, transmitted,
Report upon the Commercial advantages presented by Georgia to the
West, in connection with the contemplated Rail-Road commnica- j
The undersigned Committee beg leave to submit the following
The advantages which a Rail-Road communication with Georgia
presents to lhe inhabitants of the west, in a commercial point of view
consist, in the extent of country opened to their trade, producing
Rice and Cotton, and consuming articles, the produce and manufac
ture of the North Western States; andin forming direct and conven
ient communications with all the great commercial cities of the South,
through which the necessary supplies of the West, may be most con
veniently obtained aud cheaply transported to the* West.
A R .il Road entering Georgia at -my point on her northern boun
dary, between South Carolina and Alabama, will communicate by the
Georgia Rail Road with Athens and Augusta, and from Augusta, by
the Rail-Road with Ch irleston, and by steam boats with Savannah.
From a point above Athens, a direct communication may be had
with Forsyth, there meeting the Rail Road to Macon, and from one
of these places, a Rail Road communication will soon be opened to
Columbus on the Chattahoochee, from whence steam boats now run
through Florida to the Gulf of Mexico.
A glance on the Map, at the lines here designated, will shew, that
the cities and country thus opened to the trade of the West will in-
clude the city of Charleston, and all the Rice growing country of South
Carolina—the city of Savannah and every important point in the state
of Georgia—touching al Columbus the boundary of South Alabama,
and passing through Florula.
To shew the importance of these communications more in detail—
we state—
The gross receipts of the Georgia Rail Road, now being construct
ed, for transportation are estimated upon specific data to be 4 'O,
030 dollars per annum. This amount is estimated upon the assump
tion that the road will terminate at Athens.
Augusta, the largest interior commercial city of the South is the
next point. The present population of Augusta is estimated at be
tween seven and eight thousand inhabitants; and immediately adjoin
ing, connected by two bridges, is the important town of Hamburg in
South Carolina. Os the Crop of Cotton made in 1835, the recepts at
Augusta will be 140,000 bales, and at Hamburgh 35,000, making an
aggregate of 175, bales, which at 5t > dollars per bale, makes an amount
of 8, 750,00 I dollars. The sale of Merchandise may be safely esti
mated to exceed seven millions of dollars, thus making an aggrenate
commercial business of the year exceeding fifteen millions of dollars.
Bagging, Flour, and Bacon are leading articles of importation for in
terior consumption.
The commercial business of Augusta is carried on by the Rail-Road
with Charleston, and by steam boats with Savannah—through which
cities all her imports and exports are-made. The business on lhe Sa- j
vaiinah River alonw, employs 20 steam boats and about 50 tow boats,
rhe freight on the imports of Augusta, from Savannah, though carried
at very low rates, exceeds 200,000 dollars per annum.
Diverging from the Georgia Rail Road Line, at a point above 4th
ens, to the South the communication is opened by Forsyth with Macon '
and all southwestern Georgia.
Tho receipts of Cotton at Macon the past season, amounted to 80,
000 bales of the average weight of 350 pounds, which at the market
value, produced over four millions of dollars. The receipts at other
places, above D irien amounted to 20,000 bales and in value to one
million of dollars. The sales of merchandise at Macon for the year
may bo estimated at 3,500,000 dollars, and at the other places on
the rivers at 7to 8 mi,On) dollars, making an aggregate commercial
business for the year of over nine millions of dollars.
Tho transput taiion of Cotton ami merchandise, on the Oconee and
Ocinulgee Rivers, employs at present, eight steam boats and fifty tow
boats find pole boats.
From Micon to S ivannib, tho Central Rail Road of Georgia i«j
I about being constructe l.
From Macon to Columbus, on the Chattahoochee river, the pre
sent communication is by two daily lines of Post Coaches, but will
without doubt require a Rail Road. Macon is unquestionably the se
cond, and Columbus the third city, in commercial importance, in the
interior of the southern states. Though of recent origin, they have
already outstripped their elder competitors, and are growing with a
rapidity, only equalled by the most flourishing towns of the north, and
The quantity of Cotton made in Georgia the last season, and ex
ported by the way of Columbus and the Chattahoochee and Flint Ri
vers to Apalachicola, exceeded forty thousand bales, and in value
over two millions of dollars—employing two .gleam boats on the
Flint, twelve steamboats on the Chattahoochee River.
In this section of country a large portion of the best Cotton lands,
are not yet brought into cultivation—and the produetion is yearly in
creasing in a great ratio.
We have stated that a Rail Road entering the northern boundary of
Georgia at any point, between South Carolina and Alabama, would
communicate by the Georgia Rail Road, through Athens, to Augusta,
and from that point would command the trade, of both Charleston and
Savannah, thus giving a choice of the two most important markets of
the .southern Atlantic coast.
The city of Savannah in 183) cantoned a population of 7,900 inhab
itants. By information derived from the local authorities, the popu
lation is now stated at 11,0 )0.
The exports of Cotton from Savannah of the crop made in 1835,
will be about 25J,0J0 bales, which at the average value of 55 dollars
er bale,will amount to 13,750,1'0 ) dollars. The export of Rice of,
the crop of 1535—wi1l be about 24,000 casks, and will amount in value
to 450,000 dollars.
The exports of Lumber, and all other articles, may amount to 750,
000 dollars—m iking an aggregate of nearly fifteen millions of dollars
in value, exported of the produce of the country, from Savannah the
present year.
The imports into Savannah from all quarters the present year will
exceed twelve millions of dollars—part of which is sold in Savannah,
and part forwarded in the original packges to Augusta, Macon, and
tie p aces in the interior.
The intercourse between Savannah and New York alone, employs
fifteen regular packets, many of them large ships, besides transient ves
sels. But the largest business from Savannah is direct from Liver
pool. Inßj months—to wit, from Oct. Ist 1835, to June 16th, 1836,
there w*>re shipped from Savannah direct for Liverpool, 125,807 bales
of Cotton, which at the value of 55 dollars per bale, amounted to 6,
919,335 dollars.
From Savannah, steam boats run to Augusta—to Charleston—to
Darien—to Macon—to the St. John’s River in East Florida, and to all
the intermediate places on the coast, and Rivers.
By a statement published in the Savannah Georgian on the 17th of
June 1836, it appears that the merchants of Savannah were then own
ers in thirty-seven ships and brigs, besides smaller vessels and steam
boats—that of these, eighteen were ships of the largest class, averag
ing over si)o tons each.
From Savannah the Central Rail Road will lead directly into the
heart of Georgia, and arrangements are being made to connect
therewith lines of steam packets running to Norfolk and New York.
Hiving pointed out the important commercial points placed indirect
communication with the west, by a Rail Road coming from thence, and
entering the northern boundary of Georgia, we now state, the entire
country embraced in this sketch, is almost exclusively a conn ry pro- 1
ducing Cotton and Rice, and consuming largely the products, manu
factures, and stock of the west.
The receipts es Cotton at Savannah, are stated at 250,00'’ bales.
Exported from Darien to places other than Savannah, 10,000 bales
Exported by the way of Apalachisola, 4'',000 “
Making a total of 300,000 bales.
To pack this quantity of Cotton, 1500,000 yards of Bagging ate re
quired,.all of which is now imported from Great Britain, but which may
be supplied from tlie west.
In addition to this, a large section of the finest Cotton lands in Geor
gia. lying between tlte Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers are but par
tially settled, and will, in three or four years, increase the growth of
Cotton in Georgia to at least 4(>0,O0O bales—making a still further de
mand upon lhe west, for its produce, manufactures, and stock.
We-have thus, in the short time allowed us, sketched a very brief
and imperfect outln e of some of the commercial advantages which
Georgia presents to her friends in the West and North Western States,
and which may be commanded by a Rail Road, entering any point
of her northern boundary, between South Carolina and Alabama.
Mr Williams, from the committee of forty-five, presented the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions :
The committee to whom was referred the report of the South Car
olina Commissioners, and the four resolutions directing them to con
sider the charters, and to enquire and report on the practicability,
probable cost, aud commercial and other advantages of the propos
ed Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Road, and the measures
necessary to be adopted in relation thereto, have had these important
subjects under consideration, and find that charters have been passed
by the Legislatures of South Carolina, North Carolina Tennessee and
Kentucky, for the purpose of extending a Rail Road from Louisville
and Cincinnati to Charleston, through the states above mentioned.—■
Having examined the provisions of these charter’s the committee are
of opinion that they should be accepted.
1. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, the charters
of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Rail Road should be ac
cepted: and should alterations oramendments be hereafter found neces
sary, that application be ma le therefor to the Legislatures of the states
granting the same;' and this Convention hereby urges upon the said
states the expediency of granting such application, should the same be J
made, and can entertain no doubt of the disposition, which will be felt I
by the Legislatures, of said states, to comply with all reasonable re
quests, which may be made by the company, when the same shall be
2. Resolved, That it is important for Georgia, and Alabama, and
Virginia to unite with the Louisville, Cincinnati! and Charleston Rail
Road Company by branches connecting with the main trunk of the
road at points convenient for said connection in Tennessee, on
terms of mutual reciprocity and perfect equality, as to the rate, ac
commodation and despatch in the transportation of freight and passen
3. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention a practicable
route for a Rail Road has been found for connecting the city of Charles
ton with the cities of Louisville, Cincinati and Claysville, and that the
same may bo constructed at a reasonable cost, and entirely w ithin the
means of the several states interested therein.
4. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention, "die amount
of transportation and travelling on road, will increase for an inde
finite period of time, and that it will, from the completion of the road,
be such as to render its estimated cost a profitable investment.
5. Resolved, That viewing the proposed road as one of vast im
portance to the people of the southern and western states, we hold them
bound by every •consideration of interest and duty to come forward to
its support, by subscribing freely for stock, when tho books shall be
oooned in October next; nor can we entertain a doubt, that should the
real be completed at an early day by the vigorous and united efforts
of th j people and the states interested therein, that it will amply remu
nerate them for the capital invested.
6. Resolved, That wo consider the Louisville,Cincinnati and Charles
ton Rai! Road, as a work eminently entitled to the patronage and sup
port of Z/w states through which it will pass or which may be interested
therein; and as, from the national character, great cost and magni
tude of the work, it could hardly be expected that'it should be carried
through by private enterprise alone, we would respectfully, and do
hereby mosZ earnestly appeal to the said states for liberal appro
priations towards carrying on the great work, which when complet
ed, will bn an enduring monument of their wisdom and patriotism.
7. Resolved, That we consider the fund which will be placed at the
disposal of said states, bythe division among them ofthe surplus revenue
[ ofthe Union,as peculiarly applicable to this great work, which passim?
through several states, will open a channel to the most extensive social
and commercial intercourse bet ween the western states bordering upon
the Ohio and the great lakes, and lhe states on the south Atlantis and
tho Gulf of Mexico, thereby strengthening the bonds of our union and
promoting the prosperity and happiness of a large and rnnst interest
ing portion of our common country.
8. Resolved, That this Convention docs, therefore, earnestly ap
peal to said statos, to appropriate and set apart the said fund or so
much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose, and to cause the
same to be faithfully applied to tho execution of the proposed road.
It is presumed (hat the statesofTennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, North Car
olin i and South Carolina, cannot receive, under tho disir’ibution bill,
the first year much less than nine million ufdollars, a sum nearly suf-’
• ficirnt to make the road; and should Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, and
Ostr Conscience^-Onr ConnSry—Otsr I‘arty.
Indiana, become interested in it, by lateral roads, the whole amount
required could betaised by the appropriation of the surplus of only a.
single year. We call upon these states, therefore, for the promotion ot
their own best interests, and for the sake of their posterity, not to suf
fer the work to fail.
9. Resolved, That an address be prepared and published in the
name and behalf of this assembly, embodying and enforcing these views
and urging in the strongest manner, upon the states and the people,
the duty of carrying the great work into effect.
And thereupon the entire report of the committee of forty-five was
unanimously concurred in and adopted.
On motion of Mr. Drake, it was
Resolved, That the President be requested to prepare the address.
On motion of Mr Jinkins, it was
Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention, a Rail Road
communication with the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston RaN
Road, and the Slate of Georgia, and thence extending into the State
of Alabama, would alike contribute to the prosperity of the states ia
the south, and, also, those on the Ohio river ; and that such efforts
and legislative provision, (provided further legislation should be found
necessary,) should be made as might effect, upon terms of fair and just
reciprocity, such connection.
On motion of Mr. Joiin Speed Smith, the following resolution was
laid on the table :
Resolved, That, as the contemplated Rail Road, connecting the
Ohio and the Southern Atlantic, will furnish the surest and speediest
transmission of the mail, and the most certain and expeditious means
»for transporting men, provisions and munitions in a period of war, it is
thesettled opinion of this convention, that the government of the Uni
ted States should become a large stockholder in said road.
Mr. Blanding, from the committee of forty-five, made a report,
accompanied by the following restitution:
Resolved, That all communications to this convention, pointing out
the peculiar advantages of any route of rail road between the points to
be connected within the chartered limits of the company, be delivered
by the secretary of this convention to the board of directors of the
company, as soon as it shall be organized.
And thereupon said resolution was adopted.
On motion of Mr Drake, it was
Resolved, That to defray the expenses of this convention, every
member pay over to the secretary two dollars.
The convention adjourned until to-morrow morning, 8 o’ lock.
FRIDAY, JULY 8,1836.
Mr. Wickliffe submitted the following preamble and resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted, viz :
Whereas it has been resolved by this.convention, that it is impor
tant that a branch of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston rail j
road should be extended, from some point in Tennessee, into the state
of Georgia, upon reciprocal terms with those enjoyed by the states of
Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina; and
whereas an opportunity should be afforded to the state of Georgia
and its citizens, to become participants in the construction and ben
efits of said road—
1. Resolved, Therefore, that applications should be made to the le
gislatures ofthe states of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia, for an amendment of the charters granted, so
as to admit the state of Georgia and its citizens to become participants
in the construction and benefits of said road, upon terms of perfect
equality with those that are to be enjoyed by the states of Kentucky,
Tennessee, North Caiolina, and South Carolina, and their respect-j
ive citizens—and that a further amendment should be provided, giving |
to the state of Georgia, in the general direction of the company, jhree I
directors residents of that state, and a local board, as are provided for '
in the existing charters for the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, North j
Carolina, and South Carolina.
2. Resolved further. That a further amendment should be made in
the existing charters of said company, providing that the branch of
the road to be extended into Georgia shall commence at Knoxville, or
at ths nearest point thereto, if the road of the said company shall not
strike Knoxville, to be constructed thence to such point in the state
of Georgia as said state rnay select; and for that purpose, that the cap
ital ofsaid company be increased
3. Resolved further, That the charters of the company ought to be
so amended as to authorise and require the board of general direction,
whenever it shall be the unanimous vote of the directors of a state to
that effect, to apply the amount subscribed by a state and its citizens,
in the first place to the construction of such portion of said road and
its branches as shall run within the limits of said state.
4. Resolved further, That the company should not be compelled tu
construct tiie said branch fioin the main trunk, or road, until the state
of Georgia and others shall have subscribed for that object, and paid o
ver, as required, to the company, the amount required for the construc
tion of the said branch, agreeably to the provisions of the charters.
On motion of Mr. Drake, it was
Resolved, As the opinion of this Convention, that, in reference to
the particular interests of the Company, and the accommodation of
all the States lying between Florida and the Lakes, it is desirable, that
the States, graming the charter, should so modify it, if necessary, as to
allow the Company to connect the northern extremities ofthe road now
designated or hereafter created, with the public works, and those of
incorporated companies, of Indiana and Ohio, so as to secure an un
interrupted transit of goods and passengers from the Northern to the
Southern frontier of the United States; and. that a similar policy
should prevail on each side of said road, and in the South— Provided,
That said continuation of the road should not be so constructed as to
violate the Constitution of Kentucky and the Compact with Virginia.
» On motion of Mr. J. D. Williams, it was
Resolved, That this Convention are of opinion, that a connection
of the Wetumpka and Coosa Rail Road with the Louisville, Cincin
nati and Charleston Rail Road, will be important to South Alabama,
as it would connect the Mobile Bay with the West and the North.
Gn motion of Mr. Clayton, it was
1 Resolved, I hat the committee on Printing be discharged from the
. duties assigned them ; and, that the President, Mr. J. Williams, Mr.
Blanding, Mr. Wickliffe, and Mr. Drake, be a committee to carry into
effect the resolution heretofore adopted on the subject of printing.
And resolved further, That said committee publish the document
presented by Mr. Parkman, on the commercial and agricultural statis
tics ot Georgia ; and, also, the document presented by Mr. Chappell,
exhibiting reports ot the Georgia Engineers and others, as to the prac
ticability of approaching Georgia with the Rail Road, by two passes;
and, also, Col. Brisbane’s report in relation to passing the Rabun Gap ;
and, also, Mr. Colcock’s report— Provided similar documents should
be published.
On motion es Mr. King, it was
Resolved, That the Secretary transmit copiesoif the proceedings of
this convention to the Governors of the several States here represen
ted ; and die residue equally to the members of this Convention for
general information.
On motion of Mr. Wickliffe, it was
Resolved- unanimously, That the thanks of this Convention are
hereby tendered to the South Carolina Commissioners on the Louis
ville, Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Road, and to the Engineers act
ing under their direction,for the ability, industry and zeal, with which
they have discharged the duties assigned them.
On motion of Mr. Elmore, it was
Resolved unanimously, That the th inks of this Convention are here
by tendered to the several societies that have opened their -buildings
for the accommodation of the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Brock, it was
Resolved unanimously, That the grateful acknowledgments of this
Convention are due and hereby tendered to the citizens of KnoxviP j,
for the facilities afforded the Convention in its deliberations, and for the
distinguished politeness and hospitality extended t<o its members.
On motion of Mr. Swain, it was
Resolved unanimously, I hat the thanks of this Convention are due,
and are hereby tendered, to the Honorable Robert Y. Kavr.c, for the
dignity, ability and impartiality with which he has I'resided over 'the
deliberations of this body.
And thereupon the President addressed the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Earle, it was
Resolved unanir.cously, That the thanka of the Convention be ten
dered to the Hon. Pryor Lea tor the assiduity' and ability with which
he has discharged the duties ot Secretary to the Convention.
1 he C invention then adjourned sine die— being concluded with an
address to the Throne of Grace by the Rev. Isaac Anderson, D. D.
ROBERT Y, HAYNE, President.
Pryor Lea, Secretary.
Gilmer County, >
October 21st, 1836. jj
i His Excellency Gov. Schley :
j Sir—We have completed a rapid reconnoissance of the route
i known as the Hiwassee. We have also made instrumental tests
not onl yof the i ninmliate ridge crossed, but of lhe creek ap
proaches on both sides.
By referring to an accompanying a sketch of the Cherokee
Counties, you will find the line of the oki Federal Road, leaving
i the lime stone region of Murray county, at the intersection of
Talking-Rock Creek and Coosawatwe «_i • i
the course of the Talking-Rock, is made’to crow ridmfS
which unites the Dong-Swamp and Talking u i \
cliffs ofthe Sharp McL-ain,
which, it descends from the high land region and m tkei far
b.„k, or d.e E.ow»h a „d
passing them in its wny east.
We commenced our operation, where this road tbeS
Coosawattee, near the village of the same name, and look U* N
general direction. < < v
Our first instrumental test was made upon the Talking-Rock,
some four or five miles from its mouth, and here we found th* IT
descent of the stream to be forty leet the mile. Assuming th»(X\
as the average grade for the fifteen srss miles of tins water cour»*.K
we passed to a point, one mile irqm it, immediate approach t*\
the ascent of the ridge ; Here, we established tl, e first beach mark X "
of a line of levels across Hie inost depressed point of*Un .-—mi*.
The result of this line is as follows
Froin Talking-Rock West, to the Long-Swamp East, nt points
on their comparatively level lands, we found the ascent to b*
tlvree hundred and thirty feet in three miles; two hundred and
eight feet the first mile, or that nearest the ridge ;
the second, and forty-five the third ; the average mileage being
one hundred and ten. The forty-five feet grade of the level
land, as noted, may be assumed as the average descent, of the
Talking-Rock for the nine miles above the ford of the Federal
Roatj to the first beach; the remaining'fifteen miles of thtt
stream, below the ford, is at least fifty, throughout the thir»
ty-five to forty miles of its course along which a road would pass,
every difficulty presents itself which can possibly occur upon a
rapid mountain stream. To touch upon the possibility ol dr
velopement, to within a reasonable road grade, using the neigh
boring slopes of the Talking-Rock, would be involvng expense
of construction, in proportion to extent of road, quite beyond
the character of a route necessarily of sufficient length.
The descent from the ridge to' the levels of Long-Swamp,
in a distance of one and 7—loo of a mile, was two hundred
and fifty leet. The first mile one hundred sixty-nine, and the
average one hundred and forty-seven. The difficulties upon
this stream are quite equa l to those of the former, an idea ofwbich
may be formed from lhe facts, that while the Federal Road
courses a distance of twenty miles (from Coosaw atlie village to
the summit of the ridge, the Talking-Rock creek route is 40 odd.
Finding this section of the mountains so unfavorable, we have
thought fit to discontinue our operations here, and tinti l tlie As
sembly shall employ ourselves upon a lower pass, of what may
be still called the Blue Ridge, the defile by lhe Etowah and iu
tributaries through the Altone hills or heights. This exam‘ma
tion we would push, with a view to the Pine Log, or ary other
route along the western lime stone region which may be selected
for Rail Road construction. One other pass is still proposed——
that across the Tallapoosa hills, which takes the western route
from the line of road to West Point, and demonstrates xqion Ross
ville, on the Tennessee, instead of the great bend abewe Decatur,
by the passage of the Lookout innuotaids; but, as we consider
this as beyond the limits of our instructions, we will repair In
j Milledgeville so soon as we shall have acquired sufficient inf<>r«
mation as to the Altone passes.
We remain, Sir,
Your very obedient servants,
MiLLEDGCvILLii, sth Nev. 1836,
His Exceßcncy Gov. Schley :
Sir—As communicated to you, from Gilmer county,
we left the examination ofthe high lauds in ikat neighboiluiod
for those farther South, known as the Altone heights or hills,
a continuation of die same range, hit considerably depressed
below the point at which lhe Etowah, or Hightower, river
pierces it.
Selecting a position upon the lime stone region of t(je Etow ah,
some two miles from the mouth of a small creek making into it,
called the Pumpkin Vine, we directed our line of levels across th*
summit of the Altonies, witha view to ttinnding the distance ofthe
fourth of a mile, believing, that some tfireeor four miles ofcreek
construction could be avoided by this itteaiis. But lhe descent of
lhe current of the Pumpkin Vine, atdtis point, is so inconsidera
ble that no passage limitexl to this distance could be effected,
and a road would be obliged, consequently, to make use of the
narrow volley of this creek from its debom lie from .the bills to iu
entrance into them, a distance of same two or three miles in this,
circuit, the eurvetures es the banks would, alone., present obsta
cles; but, by careful examination of the Great Ideud, as it is
called, near the village of Altone, we are led to believe that <
gap some ha.f mtile from the extreme point of curveutre, would
admit of easy excavation, and at moderate -expense. The sum
mit ofthe hills, at the point tested, waslnit two hundred and
twenty-two feet above the level of the -neighboring-errt k waters.
From the vaHley of the Pumpkin Vine, the line of road to
cross the ridge dividing the Chattahoochie and Etowah waters
with most advantage, must commence to ascend as soon after it
leaves the Altone heights as possible;; for an experimental line,
made by the lowest gap which we could fiod, upon the ridge
between the Pmppkin Vine and Altone creeks, made the ascent
two-hundred and thirty-two feet in a run of two and a fourth
miles, requiring, al the grade of thirty-five feet per mile, some
jix miles ilevelopement. Whether this dex-elopemeiM, )H thie
grade, is attainable, it is impossible for us pusitivelv to assume,
as the accidents of surfoce in this neighborhood are strikingly
peculiar, sudden and -extensive falls -occurring from the higher
to the lower margins-es the would not, at xny rat'., be
materially increased.
The descent from this ridge to the waters of a branch of the
Altone creek, over which the roeae must pass to avoid higher
lands to th.- right of the direction, is ninety feet in the distance
of one mile direct course, requiring a developement of two and
a half miles, but this is well adapted to the pur
pose. ‘ ? r
I rom the low water ch this branch of lhe Altone creek to th*
continuous ridge, which extends a distance of thirty miles from
the neighborhood o£ th e Etowah to that of the Clmitahoodiie
river, betweer, ihg, waters of Nicojack and Sweet Water creeks,
the route Would overcome an ascent of one hundred and eleven
feet in th> ec fourth’s of a mil®, direct course ; but a small creek,
paralie’with the nidge, and reaching twoanda half miles io ex
tent. would probably afford every facility.
Abjng this general ridge we coursed for five miles, testing
its c narai ter, and crossing, in this distance, the same bi am h ofthe
Adlone below its head springs in thePiwe Mountain, this course
was to avoid this elevation, which is w ithin tlie neighborhood of
Marietta, the county seat of Cobb. At a point beyond this necei-'
sary depression, which is ninety fee< below a fair general run, ar*
established tlie last beach mark, and discontinued our instrumen
tal examination, ailowing-mirselvefi enough time only to ri<le over
the section comprising theChattahoochie, and its passage. W*
are of opinion that this river may be crossed with *q*e, although
the expense of constructimi must increase in proportion to the
broken surface of the smaller creeks making directly into the
rivtr itself. '
Beyond the Chattahoochie valley, we had little opportunity
to extend our reconnoissance, as lhe scope of rugged country
stretching from its Eastern bank, would require luucli and care
ful attention to the best route. We may say, that the ridg*
between the 1’ lint and Ocnntlgee, is approachable by a small
stream called die Ulciy, but the grade would he beyond that assu
med as the basis of a commercial thoroughfare, thirty-fi»e feet lhe
mile. The country in the vicinity of Campbellton is re
portud as well worthy of examination, for, after reaching th*
head waters of the Flint river, laying opposite to this point *<f
the Chattalioochie, the country presents few obstacles to
rail road construction. South-west from the point at which wo
commenced operations upon the Etowah, the country presents •
lime stone surface, fit for rail roads in w hatever direction they
may be pushed; that is, vhile confinedtt>thr counties ofCns?»