Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, July 02, 1841, Image 1

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V >J £( Iitcd by THOMAS HAYNES. VOLUME VIII. OUR CON8CIENC E O UR COUJITR Y O UR PARTY. P. L. KOB1X9M, Proprietor N r*- MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1841 NUMBER 23. general agency. - - (too .lis-riber renews the offer of his services to his friends and f |IE ,j- ( ' aj a GENERAL AGENT in this place. He will al ike P u ‘ , Ipnewnl ol all Notes that may be entrusted to his care in the '!; D iBank, for the customary tee of ONE HOLLA K for each renew- L' e!, ’ ra 0 t j,’ e taking out and forwarding Grants for Fifty Cents each. »!• Ah"*- I1|U ^ e Maps of the various Districts in the several D e 141 .n;l pive a numerical List of the Drawer, of the Lots at the Lottf ne?,a b* jrnid) will meet with prompt attention. All letters IP 0 | CHARLES E. RYAN. pecetnber, 18th 1840- WARM SP«I^«8, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GEORGIA. 1 1 llE subscriber having purchased this well known establishment' ' * 11 iiiien Lis house early in June, for the reception of visitors. He ■ a "l* 3 e i* ine inativ details of fair promises, of what he intends to do , ? SC I wlioniav call upon him, but simply adds—call! and if you are ! H it shall be no fault of his. I a °T^ those'who are in pursuit of PLEASURE, call ! His Ball Room j ill be lighted up every evening, and good musicians w ill at all times ! bc ,p“ ?hoM"who C are in pursuit of HEALTH, call likewise; good rooms j jlis |1 be in abundance; and the invalid can be as retired us j «sarv. 1 deem itetitirelv unnecessary to say any thing in relation | n C |i Hath suffice it to sav, there is none orjnak to it in the United 1 « ,ie 1 .'mill not enumerate mveharges here, hut will he as reasoua- t hL*s S nossiWe,atthe same time they will be sufficiently hi Hi to ensure ; a good table and good attention. In short, every attention that is no- cessary.and every comfort that can be rendered to his visitors shall be , h isconstant endeavor. SEYMORE R. P.ONNER. j p g I intend to lav off a few- lots and dispose of them to such us will j j.apmvc them in twelve months. To those who may wish to purchase , rdlon me or inv agent, Mr. Jonathan Niles; one or the other will at alt ! b ,, a , ,1,0 Curings to point out the lots and price. I times be a. inc opru g i SEYMORE R. BONNER. April 30th 1311. , , _ . ~ , , 14 —} 4t ' i == Tlie Macon Messenger, Southern Recorder, standard ot union, l and Alabama Journal, will p ' and forward their accounts to From the Novelist Magazine. TROUBADOUR’S SONG. “ My love, my love, my lady love: Oli, what is like my joy ? A star of heaven she’s far above. A flower is hut a toy. Her cheek is like the summer eves, Before the sttu ^oes down— Faint roses, like the streaks he leaves, Beneath night’s tresses brown. Her eye. itself, is like tiie star That sparkles through the sky. And lifts its diamond look afar, Before day’s blushes die. Her lit) alone, the neiv-born rose; Her breath, the breath of spring ; Her voice is sweet as eveu those Qf angels when they sing. A thousand congregated stveets Deck her beyond compare ; And fancy’s self no image meets So wonderfully fair. I’d give my barony to he Beloved for a day : But oil! her heart is not for me ! Her smile is given away.” ___ v_ | absorbs atid engrosses the attention. Emancipation j Another case of similar nature, though tinctured their mouths and nostrils stopped before the last breati^ J from the confinement of school discipline, and the with a degree of romance—was also t elated. A young h >d passed out of them? j pleasures of free and independent action, are enough female having become ihe subject of an anatomist, as \VV have instances related, where during the preva-^ - | to make life pass agreeably away. But tiie time at: he was about commencing his operations, some fee!.!;* lem e of the malignant cholera in some places, its sub-IS length comes, when all these things begin to pall, j indications of life were manifested, when by bis skilful )*-< ts have actually ri*en upon their biers; and 1 well j The feeling begins occasionally to come over the j management she was completely restored to existence, remember w hen once thrown in a situation where thi»^\ young woman, that it is hut a sorry account of human j and the odd sequel was—for small indeed is the a!- fatal ntaladv was r .gin?, to have seen a childVio a life, that is spent in a perpetual round of frivolities.— j liance between a romance and the dissecting room— state of recovery, who was just being enclosed n» a The human mind is made for serious realities, and | that a mutual attachment growing up between them,— coliiu, when some feeble si "-ns of life were revealed.*- never can be satisfied with any tiling else. Unlessj the subject designed for the scalpel, iu the end became Records of Travel. ° supplied with these it loses its self respect. The mind j the wife. unoccupied without, turns inward and preys upon it-! But the circumstance on which the greatest stress ! A CURIOSITY. A gentleman informed ns a few self. In this state of things the rnorjd dispositions j was laid, and which indeed was adduced as most con- d-tys since, that a short time previous while in pursuit ‘‘suffer. The temper cannot retain its sttnny bright-j elusive evidence on the subject was, that at the sitting of wild turkeys in Hard county, Kentucky, in cool ness, and a new generation coming forward with the \ of the Royal Academy, of Medicine of France, in pany with a friend, they discovered on the summit of a charms of youth and beauty, is in rio degree calcu-i May 1827, a paper beit.g read by one of the mem- km>l! or elevation, a iar<:e hole, that would admit a fated to increase the self complacency of the woman , hers on the danger of hasty inhumations, in the dis- i man’s body without much difficulty. Curiosity led who has trod the whole round of tiie gaieties of the j cussion that ensued, M. Desgencttes stated that M. 1 them to make preparations, and by*an accession they world. There is apt to arise about that time a criti- j Thouret, who superintended the removal of the hu- entered this mysterious plare. At the dept of about cal spirit, which is not altogether pleased with things , man remains from the cemetry dcs innocens informed ' 80 feet they found themselves in a subterranean cave as they are. | him that numerous skeletons were discovered" in po- or room, apparently cut out of solid rock, which ap- The r e is a fear of falling into neglect, which be-)sitions showing that the persons had moved after the » peared to he 16 or 18 fret snnare. Oi«r informant MATRIMONY OF WOMAN. Tiie following extract from a lecture on the Sphere S cffi^bSGeoS l9tof AugUS, ’i « nd IJulies of Woman by Mr. Burnap, pastor of the SEVMORE u. BONNER. Grst Independent Church in Baltimore, exhibits the I1KAD QUARTERS, GEORGIA. ( use a "^ v ‘due of the affections in the sex: Mili.edgeville, 3d May, 1841. £ She is lilted to timl happiness in that relation bv Orders. the affections of her heart. The grand essentials to payllF, Anntm 1 Omiveniit'ii t»l Field, stall. Company and ; happiness in this life are somethiug to do, something ! Nun commissioned Officers of the several Regiments of to | ove , and something to hope for We must have !" r I ,he l >ur P ose instructed and someth j to W - lie Brigade Inspectors ol the several Brigades to e comes watchfully suspicious of any signs of it.—The j buriaL So forcibly, in truth, was M. Thouret im- i was the first that entered the room, and he was not a re too apt to contract, and the j pressed with this fact, that he inserted in his will a little surprised that the first object which met his eye rprised that the firs Having re- was a human skull, with all ihe teeth entire. Upon generous feelings are too apt openness and freedom of earliar years give place to j clause in relation to his own interment. _ reserve. All these feelings find their remedy iu the | peated the above circumstance, my companion pro- further examination, it was found that the whole place new’ relations which marriage brings about. The af-: ceeded in a strain of the most deep and- morbid feel- "as lilied with skeletons of men, women and children, fections having found their proper object, harmony j fag? which 1 shall never forget—“And O! howdread- Under the small aperture through which they de- and complacency are restored to the soul. The ac-.'ful when the unhappy wretch still retains bis eon- : sceuded, the place was perfectly dry and the bones ia tive powers having found something worthy of them j sciousness—has still the sensations of life, hut no power j a state of preservation. An entire skeleton of the to do, go forth in joyful exercise. The critical spirit; to reveal it. To experience a living death! To feel human body was obtained. Tltev concluded toex- disappears, and woman, finding htrself embarked , himself perc hance carelessly tossed about by those i amine how deep the bones lay, and penetrated through anew in that great voyage of life, feels disposed to j hardened wretches in female form, whose business, ' them in one plare between four and seven feet, but cultivate th.; best feelings towards her fellow pas- a»d oftentimes pleasure, is in the gloomy preparations found them equally plentilul as on the top ; hut there sengers. 1 <>f the dead ! Fo he clothed in the awful habiliments seemed to rise an offensive etlluviaas they approached If marriage places woman in that ipliere where she ; ol the grave ! To he nailed up in his coffin, with the ; w here it was a little damp. There was no outlet to the tr.ii'aedbv the Brigade Inspectors of the several Brigades to somet U,, S to l°ve. Especially is this case with wo- j may attain the greatest happiness, sc docs it advance agonizing sense that he is about to be hurried and suf- room, and a large snake w hich appeared to be perfect- wliich they are attached, in the exercise and discipline pie- j ma,, » whose capacity lor affections is much greater | her to a station of power ami responsibility. Her located in the earth !” and here a convulsive shudder ly docile, passed around the room several times while scribed by Congress. And also, the annua! Regimental mus-j than that ol man. j power over her husband’s happiness is almost absolute.! appeared to affect his whole frame. “But yet, said they were in it. The discovery is a subject for the rieVhnldtn^but mie^tttstlton) Vor'the^urpose'of^bchig train- *'ul!.™ f.'dT P *** a ®i™ \ ,,c writi . n 6 S »f Rous-; By wisdom, by steadiness, by forbearance, by meek-1 he, quickly resuming wonted calm and' gloomy speculation of philosophers with regard to the period C J and instructed hy the Brigade Inspectors, will commence j !* C ‘ U ’ 1 ,at » ,eat delineator ol the human heart, which ; n ess, she may be to him a tower of strength. But no manner—‘the testimony of some who have recovered and circumstances attending ibis charnel house.— a* soou after the twentieth instant, as the time allowed hy ] *’ as 11 ue r to hitman nature as it is beautiful iii expres- ! tongue can tell the ways in which sit* may annoy and from apparent death, has proved that this dreadful Centra! tVatchlmcer. r orders will admit. i sion: “Were I in a desert I would find out wherewith in ! render him wretched * i state of conciousness | uv for the distribution of The Major Generals of the State are charged with the ax- it to call forth my affections. If I could do lio better, cention of tins O^der jn^their ^respcwjve Divisiotis^and^w.dl j i W oulil fasten them on some sweet myrtle, or some rommautl ma»le to Chief. Hy order of the Commauder-in-Chief. B 8. JORDAN, Aid de-Camp. HEAD QUARTERS, 3(l«iv. «r£ MILLEDGEVILLE. MAY iC.tGtt. honest Farmer.”—It will he may sometimes exist;” lie then ! repeated to me the ensuing case, cited '.y Dendv in and perfect returns of the effective force under their J ^ n ' JU,y ‘ '"’w* 1 11,1,11 Ul * mm»c sweet myrtle, "r some , “TlIE NOBLE, HONEST F.AKM2R.”-It will he ; hi* works on dreams. The subject was a lady who J as also, of the arms and accoutrements, to he j me, anch o iy cyprcssloconnect myself to; l would court seen by tlie Statistics ot' the Western Penitentiary, under the influence of a violent nervous disorder, fell j Head Quarters, directed to the Commaudei-in- : them for their shade, and greet them kindly tor their j Pa., that onlt/ one of the 139 convirts confined in it; into a stale of seeming death, from which, however,! protection. I w ould write my name upon them, and j s a farmer; 'and that from half of be great State of she fortunately aroused just as she was about to be | declare that they were the sweetes trees throughout! Pennsylvania.— What a wonderful evidence this is nailed up in her coffin. On her revival she gave all the desert. the myself to mourn joice along with them.” Such is the absolute neces- U l v i wuPhiio—iii pursumicc ui ^jfnttrni uruers t»i tut* , Camniiimler-in-chicf, the Annual Review and Inspection of tlie^d sity winch exists m the liuman heart of having some- Hivisinnof Georgia Militm, by Regiments and Battalions, will take | thing to love. Un!e>S the affections have rtli nllject, place atllie respective iniistrr-8:r«Hiids, on ine days following, viz 2 ... . ... v . 9 the county of Clark, on Thursday, the 2d September next. j lift’itself becomes Joyless atld insipid. A lie affections In the county of Oglethorpe, on In the county of Greene, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 7th sth September next. ' | means of happiness, as their exercise is happiness it In the county of Morgan, on Friday and Saturday, the 10th and 11th ij- Sfjitember next. ‘ ' in the county of Putnam, on Tuesday, the 14th September next. Ia the county of Baldwin, on Friday the 17th of September next ANTIQUITIES OF WESTMINSTER. I nited to London as Westminster now is, and covered with hundreds of houses, few people im agine that this populous place was once an island di vided from tlie main land by the Thames, and origi- ..... . . , . I, . • /-• „ , . ^ inallydctiominatedTfioriieylsland^romiisheingen- H their leaves withered, 1 would teach : of the industry, virtue and temptrance of the honest '• follow ing account of her sensations. “It seemed to j ij r( .j v overgrown with thorns and brambles. It was a, and when they rejoiced I would re-; American Farmer.—Harrisburg hi el. 5 her that she was really dead, yet she was perfectly • p, st j„i M ed to the mainland by Matilda, Queen of coucious of all that happened around her in thisdread- j Henry I. who built a bridge over tlie river in King- ful state. She distinctly heard her friends speaking, ; st eel', at the east end of Gardener’s lane. The first and lamenting her death at the side of her coffin. She ! | lol , S f- in Westminster according to Stow, wasDur- itrrHiv tiie 4ti, September next I, ■ . . , II was near nine o’clock, w lien, having partaken of. frit them_pi.ll on her dead chillies and lay her it. it. ; , iam J I onsc , built h V Thomas Hatfield, bisl .op of - - ■ nnd have this peculiarity, that they are not so much the | no meal since hieakfiist, we sat down to a bottle of j This feeling produced a mental anxiety, which was j seP> Pennant, however, says, it was originally Scotch ale, aud some cold meats, and one after an-; indiscribable. She tried to erv, hut her soul was j crc cted hy Anthony de Deck, in the reign of Ed- the other of the company retiring, it was not long before without power, and could not act upon her body. She : ^ ar; j | # . j, n t |, e s j te 0 f ( |,j s htmse stands the present oil. j we were left wholly to ourselves, when my friend soon had tlie contradictory feelings as if she were in her \delphia. In the time ol Elizabeth tlu BURYING ALIVE. And not only so, if they have no object, th happiness derived from our other powers is cut Elizabeth there were but K-precclintr tiie Reviews and In-1 Action and enterprise flag, if there he no object dear : directed the conversation to a topic melancholy own body, and yet not in it, at one am! tiie same tim**. ; lt ., v i, oll < cs chiefly consisting of inns for theaccom- ,, tlie commissioned and non-com-1 ( Q the heart, to which those actions can he directed, enough in its character but which nev ' ' 1 ... ..... ' l! Battalions will be assembled for ! . . , , . _ « . ... ’ On the respective dav« im media to Si" Ba, I £ J l,e heart ’ ^ wl,id ! tl , ,ose ; utions can he directed./enough in its character, but which nevertheless en- j It was equally'impossible fer her to stretch out her j Nation of people who had suits in the courts of in«miotie» and drill. _ .... j 1 he w oman, then, who has chosen a husband worthy j gaged us with the deepest interest till after midnight—: arm, or to open her eyes as to cry, although she con- | j ;m> an( j p 0or cottages with small gardens. The And 1 soon discovered that j titiuallv endeavored to do so. This internal anguish j ...tiq.iity c f tlie Palace of Westminster is uncertain, ted in t of her mind was, however, at its height, when ; ;, Ilt 8tow mentions that Edward the Confessor resi- i . . , . T • .... r ... -iii-. _ - j (led and died in it. The ancient pdifice originally it was made to attach itself, it is filled and satisfied, j frightful tales, which have at different periods been , of the coffin was about to lie nailed on. The thought j (,, rme d tlie east and south sides of Old Palace Yard. She lias now something to live for. All her powers of! recorded of unfortunate individuals being actually bu- that .vise was to he hurried alive was the first one which i } ! 1. i* , I • ■ ill Iirl . ■ I J. . • 4 1 ! ., !... I....... 1 . ! .. ... .1 ! - A 1 ... _ . t I I T * prosperity, has the highest possible chance for hap- ; hi* mind was most deeply and painfully intcre>t piness.—Her heart has found the very thing to which this sad subject, and that he was familiar with ail the ; the funeral hymns began to lie sung, and when tiie lid 'VVteCuVnnp.lR of Regiments ami Commnndrrs of Battalions will in- () f |, e| - a flections, with a common share of the world’s 1 this WHS, JjUnii>)‘ r A/irC struct Ilietr.I ,.,nr>«-... ,1—ir rnuirns to tlio Iuapeotors J . .... .... . . | . . 7 0 t/icseicralofficers who have fniloil to uniform thomsi-lvcs within tlie time prescribed bv law. Those delicieiices will also be noted in the liriffaifee ret urns. The Cnminandinj GenorttI expects n strict compliance with orders. \ rii'i'1 discipline and subordination will be enforced, and all infractions promptlv punished. It v order of Major General Sanford. AVAL S. llflCKAVELL, Ai l-de-camp. May21, toil. 17—td' Just oJIfsssufacSured and far Sale AT THE PENITENTIARY. ast side contained the Court of Request*, the lion are awakened to an energy which site never felt t ied while yet living, or where they had aroused just gave activity to her soul, and caused it to operate on p’. l : llt « t l Ch m.hei- the Ol.l Hnnte I ««■«!« * tho f,„c She los moreover, guidance end pro,ecu,,,,. I .. .he .errihle nl,„,„ ,o t,a,,pe„. And, for- her corporeal Iranre.” ( hZlt/anll,, ."nel^ bat more can site want: Her affections are the | thermorc, that Ins faney had been wrought up to the j On my own part, though I consider very many of Those on the south cannot tiow he ns- myant motives of her acti\ it y, and her activity is the unhappy belief liiat such dreadful accidents still Imp- the recorded examples of premature burials as resting coriained, as no remnant is inexistence. After be- 7 Fine Butanes, 3 do Sulkies, 10 Jersey Wagons, - Six Horse do 2 Four Horse do 20 Two Horse do 2 One ilorse do 10 Ituil Road Carts, 12 Wheel Barrows, 5 Sets Carriage Harness 20 do Buggy and Sulkey 20 do Jersey Harness, 20 do Two Horse do ill do Cart do 2o pair Fine Boots, 500 do Shoes (assorted) Bedsteads, Tallies, Chairs, Tubs. Pails, mdChurns. i heft I Wh £ bu i more happy as it expresses and gratifies her affec- j pen; that many even at the present time are enclosed lions.—Thus life is absolutely full. Every day brings , in their sepulchres ere life is extinct, and there die with it its own satisfactions on evidence exceedingly vague, still i did not den\ tlie occasional occurrence of such melancholy art i- iug left in a ruinous state for years, it is said to have been inhabited hy Queen Elizabeth, and the inner wn satisfactions. There is consequently j suffocated—or still worse, awaking amid all their ; dents. And that in France at the period when hastx ■ room in which the Cbm t of Excbeqn nor regret for the past, nor any necessity of postpon- j gloom}' terrors, perish under circumstances from ; burrials were univtisal there—many of its rituals di-' t . ( i to have been her bed chamber. 1 mg aM happiness for the future. ! which even imagination turns with horror. A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE ASSORT MENT OF TIN WARE, 6tc. &c. Tog -’hcr with a-rcat variety of articles too tedious to mention. THOMAS L. ROSS,Clerk. April 23,1841. 13—tf Fifty Bottom Reward. reeling interment within twenty four -ind some even j Then the affections are not only their own reward, j Without regard to the order in which they were re- within twelve hours—they must have been ni ne com- their own happiness, but they are tlie best teachers ofj lated, 1 will here recall a few of tlie cases which lie re- moti than at present, when the dead are permitted a i dii: w And here is an exhibition of Divine Wisdom ! peated to me as corroborative of his belief on tlie sub- longer continuance within the preciuts of the living. • wiiicn ought to call forth our perpetual admiration, j ject of our conversation, though it is not unlikely that 1 here allude to a case related hy an eminent French i As affection is the strongest motive to duty, so the J they may already be familiar to most of my readers. , writer on the uncertainty of the of death, of a j wise Designer has secured the most intimate and fun- j A Dr. Devaux, surgeon of' a hospital iu Paris, had ; horrid abuse of power thus confided to individuals. J daiuenta] relation by the strongest affection. No hu-! a maid servant who was three times carried to burial A French notary who had a lawsuit which his vi- man legislation could enforce that treatment of lius-l before she was dead. The third time she did not re- car, was seized with a fit so -evere as to leave him in | .it UK er sits, is report- The outer room top of the steps from Westminster Hall, is said TTtSCAVF.D from tim Penitentiary <>» the 7th inst. a convict named ; Hand and wife which is essential to t!tc happiness of vive until they were about lowering her coffin into a state of apparent death. The vicar taking advan- li HUGH CARLIN, who savs hi* is a native ot Egypt. He is , , — . . - . V, , . A , . , i . . r.i i - i . • t - till CARLIN, who savs In* is a native ot Etryp it'inil 3.i years ohl, 5 feet, TJ inches high, liglif complexion, light or snn- •y hair and light eves. He wore off mi oh! hlaek hat, pantaloons of "hiteentton warp and dark vvollen filling, cotton oznahnrg shirt, no . comorv.-ot, suspemiers of broad r.-.lanrl yellow coach In. e, and a belt | banished lielore there can he any appeal to a third ; nniUfisi,,;'!,. He was sent from Chatham county for MnnslaughteT, j tv> \Vlien tWO are United bv* trite affection, the is said to have hepn a ft'w vrurs since in thft omploy ot Harrow tfe ; t •"*8yniouro, of Macon,as a ("lock PeUor. Fifty Dollar-will be |»«id for; heart has given a bond of duty stronger than can be apprehension and delivery at the Penitentiary or if lodged in any • i i cnmmiUnrv oLlirr-ifiort Hcncr* it is Jai!. so that I pet him. ' O. H. NELSON Principal Keeper. UlipOsed By 8I1\ compulsory Obligation. lU ntC 11 IS May 2i, 1841. 17—tf that marriage generally produces the best effect upon IVO'rir F the female character.—Indeed it may he said, that it rnnr c . 1 JllUR. always improves it, if it he capable of improvement. j 111 1- ^nbfsrriber rcsidinc: in Columbia County, Gcergia, otfers for, . . ... 1 r . mi t • i 1 sale, the following ' '1 here is do teacher like true aUection. 1 he Jewish and Christian religion vindicate llieir claim to a l)i- S’o. 43, “ 400, *• 108, 44 7*» “ 5JO,' “ 1113, ’* 305, “ 321, “ 1180, “ 931. “ 152, “ 158, “ 1224, “ 1249, “ 434. “ 145,- “ 157. - 19, Jj neI3th, 1341. iofs of Land* vis s 2-nh District, l 17 19 21 o 4 25 17 19 3 3 3 15 17 13 6 33 19 3d Section, 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 « 4 1 1 to have been used hy the Queen as a concert or break* Hvt room. At the upper end of the hall was a tnar- tde table or bench, 19 fret long* and three fret broad. The Court of King’s bench having bpen built over tlu ;u, search was made f >r these relics in the com- ineuct ment of the present century, but without sllc- c*-ss. The title of Court of King’s Bench is sup- to have been derived from this marble table. Formerly the only coach road to the houses of Par- botli. No interference from any source is of tiie least i the grave. On dying the fourth time, she was kept tage of tlie ritual, was particular to have his antago-j |;. iniellt ' V!1S hi so miserable a condition, that fagots service, and happiness and all prospect of it, must be j six days lest they should have the trouble of again nist hurried at the expiration of twelve hours. Outlie « ere thrown into the ruts on the days the king went bringing Iter bark. ^ following day a person having occasion to go into the j to parliament, to rentier the passage of the state car- A gentleman of Rouen in France having recently church-yard, heard a great noise proceeding from the j r i ;iir ,, easier. At the end of St. Margaret’s street, in married a young lady, set out on a journey, leaving grave of this unhappy man. The vicar being imme- ij ; t [ p,,: n , e Yard, stood the ancient brick buildings her in good health. A few days only had elapsed diately notified of the circumstance, requested the in- : Heaven and Purgatory; within tile precincts when lie received tlie painful intelligence of his wile’s dividual lo say nothing about it. Tlie family ol the ! n f Purgatorv, was preserved the ducking stool, eni- death, and immediately hastening back, arrived just notary, however, were informed of the fret, and ob- j p| n ved bv the Burgesses of Westminster for tlie pun as the funeral solemnities were about to be performed, tained permission to open the grave The body was ,,|, ir , f . n t of scolds. The angrv lady was strapped in In the agony of grief he ordered the coffin to be re- found lifeless, hut shewed marks of severe strugling. n ( .[ fastened by an iron pin to one end of a long moved to his own room and opened. He then placed Furthermore, I did not dispute ti e evidence of the pole, suspended in the middle bv a lofty trestle, which tlie body on a bed, aed directed incisions to he made rare occurrence of that strange state of the animal p. ;, Jir pj>, ce( | on the shore of the Thaines allowed the when the cooled by a few , , ^ humbled, to terwards became the mother of 26 children, a number exceedingly faint as wholly to elude common observe- fr UJr i, c f j, er neighbors. What would or modern corresponding with that of the incisions requires to tion, the body taking on the similitude of death, revive her. such extraordinary rases I admitted the dreadful ] Dr. Scott—this story rests on the authority ofr sibility of living sepulture and occasionally even vs ith ! vine origin as much as in any other way in the deep wisdom and philosophical truth upon which they are founded. They do not begin by saying, thou shah do this or that, hut go deeper, and say. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy | soul, and with ail thy strength, and with all thy mind, j and thy neighbor as thyself,” well knowing that these ; two commandments embrace all others. So in lay- | ing the foundation of society, the Creator based them j the body on a ben, and directed incisions to He made rare occurrence ol that strange state ot tlie animal !,. jug placed on the shore of the Thames allc into the flesh. On the twenty-sixth, which was some- system called catalespy or trance, in which the power unified culprit to he immersed in the river; what deeper than the others, she cried out—“Oh! of speech, and of all voluntary motim ceases, and |, 1f j v » s temper was supposed to be cooled how you hurt me!” She speedily recovered, and af-! where tlie circulation and breathing may become so pfauitgcs, she was exposed, dripping and bur Xanrippes think of such a summary method of reslor- P os ' ing pence and harmony ? Chancellor Bacon—was buried alive at Cologne, and the terrible conciousness of life. | upon affection. He made no outward law directing recovering from his apparent death, gnawed his hands,! Finally, I granted that in rife and malignant epi I tlie conduct in the nrimarv relation. He did not say ! and broke his head in his tomb. : demies when speedy burials are rendered necessary: o ™^o™ LPrf,A « i rnand. “Ye shall love each other, with an affection, 1 the jewel. Finding difficulty T)R* Rowand’S tonic MIXTURF^ffi^the cure of Fever & ! before which all others fade away;” an enactment j off, in consequence of a swelling of the finger he be-j the last dying struggle tnat they may proceed to tlie.r ’ which has lost nothing of its force,‘and w Hi. h has in ! gan to cut away the flesh, when immediately the sup-! glo my work, under such circumstances the unfortn- ■ ‘ RII.LAk\ £ eatVnd eLa C ffioL n ^Lv OF SARSrA * all ages led husband and wife, forsaking all other con- j posed corpse uttered a piercing shriek, and the thief I nate being who has no relaUves «»r friends to care for, ' " I .* 11 i • /1a. .f. - HI,,, rvx.-vnl o ♦ mm*mnn* i onr! tm t o ti mor him mat’ (nnmtimp; nn htfrriPfl tn l)K Do Do Do lio Tor s t* 0 COMPOUND ssYRUP 1,, oF B i>E\VBE , ftRy, for bowel. pections! to cleave toeacli other, so as "to all purposes j fell senseless in a lit of terror. The monks at morning j and watch over him, may sometimes be hurried to hi amm’oniated EMBROCATION, for Rheumatism, | of this life to become one, to be identified in feeling, prayers hearing a noise in the vault, straightway pro- ! grave while life is still feebly’ twinkling in its ten^>- ^'elledgointa, <fc c . ^ c . 1 : j „„,i i ceeded to it, and found tlie lady alive and the ser- j ment, and which humane and ski.IuI management Eyewater. w ' j purpose, interest and endeavor. i— - . . , , , . ,, , . . . . . Bo n n vt* V P Marriage generally improves the character of wo- i vand dead. ; mig it yet ave re 'in e . * n uis ance lave oc °Z E £tir!£W5L 0r AUBASTER - man; no. onl? because i. pu.s her under .be best pos. j A ruslk-Diemerbroeck relates tins case-sup-j rasionally happened where .ad,v,duals placed m such e| , f> „„ ereratl „ WM. o. LITTLE. sibh* tuition, that ef the alfectiuns, and affords scope j posed to be dead of the plague, was laid nut for to-| tinlortunate situations hate unetpei tcdlt retorercc ( V. //.) J.rurnfl. ! to her active energies, but because it gives Iter high ale bv e'-rile, June 11,1841. Moll Pitcher—ffe last week recorded the death, at Lvnn, of Mrs. Rebecca Sliort, aged 76, daughter of the celebrated “Moll Pitcher.” A ro respon- df-iit m ikes the inquiry, “ Who was tlie celebrated Moll Pitcher?” A scrap from the history of Ameri can Revolution will give a full answer. Iu the beginning of tiie renowned battle ol Mon mouth. Mollv Pitcher w as occupied in carrying water from a spring toa battery, where her husband wasem- p! vn] in loading and firing a cannon. He was shot .lead af 1 isL anti she saw him fall. “It can be of no use now,” said he. But Molly stepped up, offered her services, and took her husband’s place, to the **• tonishment of the army. Siie fought well, and half pay for life was given her by Congress. She wore an . and w as ever after called Captain Molly.— 20—mom - I O Mill aild Bridge Owners. ! aims, and a more dignified position in society! Oh! i vn I1 , I>, f, r ,‘j! er - late a citizen of New York, tenders Hs services** 1 how much there is of feui.ile talent and capacity, which »ai en i‘RL-W RIGHT and BRIDGE the p.ibli, - .... - r terment. But it chanced to he three days before he and retained the painful remembiance of all that fiad could be conveved to the grave; and in the act of be- ! taken place about them. As the oft repeated exami- ing buried he showed signs of life, recovered and I nation of their wrist, the cautious harkening to their He ! «» build or repair Millsof every deecrio rion, "and repaiV and i is never developed for want of an opportunity! Where j lived many years. > at work at present, at Bali’s .Mills about five miles • education lias been careful Wonderful Pu3ip.—It is said there is a pump Long Island pocapsfipg the surprising power of -1,1 l; na ' riiose who desire to ernplov his services will please di- t .11 . c ! ae-t, at ,n ‘‘ < office, Irwinton. or Macon. For testimonials, as to i great deve'opetlient of pow er -i.CQariiCa! fib HI *- ..71 1 r» 1 • f a 1 7 .• respiration, and the reiterated and impatient inquiries on - -p - r - y g . • ^ - « - • v p„lse?” ‘ Dots converting one quart o! milk into three pints! *Ve * -- don’t believe a word of \i.——Hornet. and thorough,' there is a j A female'falling into apparent death from sudden j and exclamation*—‘‘Can you feel any P'dse?” “Dc . Society, after the com-j disease, her interment was fortunately postponed for j he breatne yet. “ How long he lives. He sure v __ he would refer all interested to Green B- Buraev, \ pletion of school education, the menus of still fti r- »the purpose of le^rninst hs niitiirp* On being sub-j cun not hold out muci on^er n t e ^ ^ Aom C Martin and William Cabell, K*<jr S . of Wilk.nson I % ■ sctino1 eau ±? u ’ n * ' l,,e \ . t0(lrh bmnsrht her to her ! may well ari-e, are such unhappy be ngs never ban- Broken hearts are easily mended by silver wider. ^ H - Tarr : r ’ E ^- of T ^ 8 cou "^- He will .n-j tber improvement. For a few years it fills the fe-1 mitred to'the scalpel touch brought her to tier . may we r, , [jg, be ds and exposed There have been a number of successful breaches *. cav.orjob. male mind. Every thing is fresh and new, and there- senses, throwing both hersel! and anatorrutt m.o a. died ro gn j, ... f - n ! , . . , ! fore interesting.—One scene of gaiety after another.) state of the mos? violent agitation and affright. *«. cold .bile life and cone, oneness stt! «m»wf Or, hra.eo that nay late,.. " vt *T’->Cf ])>_ 'Bj*) AMOS WOOD. 4i—:f