Standard of union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 183?-18??, August 20, 1841, Image 1

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. —■■■ . ~~ ' i mil i -- tonltort of Union edited ay THOMAS HAYNES. OUR CONSCIENC E O UR COUNTR Y O UR PARTY. VOLUME VIII. A P. L. ROBlHSOlV.ProrieM. MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1841. NUMBER 30. Lit retry Messenger Wlw shroud tlit-n ave with thoughts of gloom, W hy pall the soulju solemn sorrow 1 Thedead ! at rest-—we follow soon— There calmly laid-.perhaps to-morrow. 'rom the Augusta Mirror. j “only on the condition that we deliver up what I will THE GRAVE. ! never consent to sacrifice—let us prepare to die.” , , „ . . , .. „ e ! On saying this he led the way towards the chapel and ‘ " cl - 3 ' beckoned all the rest to follow. Arriving at the door he looked around for the lender object of his care, hut she was gone; all eyes were turned to look for her, when they beheld her far away, and hurrying with her utmost speed towards the Indians. The priest gazed wildly for a moment and then rushing into the chapel, in the anguish ofiiis soul, threw h'mseif upon the floor before the altar. Others watched the movements of the child, and when she reached the braves, a shout was heard from that wild baud that shook the chapel walls. A mowent after all their arms and torches were thrown down, and the chief advancing, took her by the hand, and led her back, attended by his braves. The priest had risen from the floor, and as he saw the child returning, raised his voice in gratitude to heaven. The chief*approached, him, saying, “Holy Father, I restore ibis noble child, and for her sake will spare your people.” 'Tis but the convocation ground, W here empires past have met, Kingdoms present—aye, all are bouud — Then why feel ten or jr regret ? 'Tis silent, ti ue—shal.tliis give dread 1 Rejoice that all the cl>vh and strife Are done, and buried with the dead— And all die pangs and griefs in life. Re cheerful! tranquilue tl e sou!— ’Tis die noiseless n ickel gate to Heaven, Or step w e take to meet the scroll Of immortality—a life for death is given. Then dear thy brow from pensive cast— Let grave’s cold dream weave there uo wreath Tor absent ones—they’re gone—they've past The "rave!—’tis hut our moital epitaph! ° W. L. 11. Prom the Plymouth (Mass.) Mctuori >1. THE PASTOR OF CAHOKIA. “A’o sculptured marble points to tell, Where sleeps the holy matt— Yet are his w orks remembered well, In you red hunter's laud.” From the New York Extra Sun. ABSTRACTIONS. There is a great deal said recently about “ ab stractions.” The word is flippantly used by hun dreds, who understand its meaning just about as well as the do the hieroglyphics on the ruiped temples of Coppu and Palenque. It has become the ruling word among the politicians who go for expediency without regard to principles. When they meet one who refuses to join them in promoting: measures From iho Richmond Enquirer. THE HUMBUG COMPROMISE! The candid portion of the Whig press confesses, that Mr. Clay’s compromise is all a humbug. We have several proofs of this, before us—which we will submit to our readers, in confirmation of the views we have hitherto expressed. And first we call into court, the Whig Editor of the Boston Courier. He is upon the stand. Hear him! “ J he reinarkes from the New York Commercial Advertiser of Saturday, embrace ja proposition, on which, in substance, we made a remark or two on Saturday, and against which weagain feel bound to pro test. It is the pretence that the amendment which has been introduced into the Bank Bill, respecting the “branching power,” is a “COMPROMISE.” W r hat do party men, and partizan editors mean by thus attempt ing to impose upon the understanding of the people ? Do they imagine that all are as completely stultified in devotion to party, or as firmly chained to the car of a political leader, as members of Congress, who crouched and drivel in the presence of their leaders? who change their votes, day after day, as they are hidden, or skulked away into some hidden passage or alcove of the capitol, to escape the responsibility of a vote upon an important question? (Mr. Henderson will in all probability deprive the country of the op portunity of knowing w hether Mr. Tyler would reject the Senate’s hill or net. If the compromise is adopt ed, and it receive his signature in that shape, I cannot but think it would have done so in the other.—But if the President would sign the one and veto the other, Correspondence of the Courier. Washington, Angust 9. 1 lie w hole city is in a state of doubt and anxiety, in respect to the fate of the Bank bill. The Whigs have not entirely lost their confidence in the opinion uniformly expressed by them, that would it is almost a pity that it should be denied the chancel sign the bill. Some prominent members of the of magnifying to the eyes of the people the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee to so momentous a consequence, as to form the basis of a solemn inter diction upon the legislation of the country. W hat possible objection in A constitutional point of view can be urged against the use of a power, when the power itself is acknowledged, cannot be divined by me. In the present instance, the assertion of the power without its use, is to render the bill obnoxious to all the con stitutional objections urged against the power, with out rendering it as perfect and efficient as the exercise of that pow er would do. It is in effect sacrificing the most important and beneficial feature of a National Bank, to an absurdity in logic, and a practical ineffi ciency.” It is indeed tweedledum and tweedledee. A “Vir ginia Metaphysician” abjures and disclaims such hair breadth distinctions. It is the part of a Kentucky Metaphysician to split hairs between the North and of Miss.! come lo'the bar, and hold up your hand, and I Northwest side—and by such petty tricks to attempt say “guilty .or not guilty?”) We have called the I to “ catch lll,e conscience” of;a “Virginia ahstraction- ‘ameudineiit” a “pretended compromise," and if it be tst.” The lasso, however, may he thrown iu vain, any thing more, we repeat the expression of our hope I T y' er must see the triek which is playing off upon that those who voted for it, (we mean those whose con- I ,l,m ’ a " d l,e must scorn although it may be true, stitutional scruples in regard to the branching power of the the distine atre nev Cabinet, were of that opinion, as late as Friday, as 1 know; and even on Saturday, some distinguished functionaries here, scouted the idea of his vetoing it. I confess I don’t know what to think of these asser tions, for I have supposed that the President would veto the bill, I still think that he will, unless he should yield his judgment and inclination to the pressing cir cumstances of the case. One thing is certain, that he Ins not yet signed the hill. If he was perfectly free from scruples on the subject, one would suppose that he would have signed the hill at once, well knowing, as lie does, the anxiety of the public. Obi Senator DlXON carried the bib to him,'and proposed to him, drily, to sign it, while lie waited. .The President re plied that the hill was rather long, and he must look over it, and he would be sorry to detain Mr. Dixoo till lie signed it. Should he sign it, I think he will certainly do it to-day, and quiet the public apprehensions. So, if vve do not receive a message announcing that he lias approved and signed it, to-day, we may expect the veto message towards the end of the week. 'I he House dispose of the bill to repeal the Sub- Treisnrvact to-dav, after hearing Mr. PlCKINS in ovi »ii ice'll u mu wi mii< iiittp i III! . _ • *!i . e Bank are quieted by the compromise) will show | recent’^ bad long and frequent audiences and C o.i- r«»*mder what substitute we shall have I listinction. We do not censure Mr. Clay for his i ,or< ‘ nces 'V l1 * Mr ’ T > !er \ and l,cm e misgivings, r.t- j I reasury, if the hank fail. irv in the matter. He , before the" Senate I n,Jrs ’ ol h,s f,r,,mess withstand the Syren tones of ■* be bankrupt bill comes next, and wi Father Antoine is held iu dear retnemherauce at Cahokia to this day, as the meek and holy priest! which, however expedient and plausible they may ap- who led the founders of that lonely hamlet through | P ear «re nevertheless violations of great and salutary their toilsome pilgrimage, and soothed them in the : principles, they at once denounce him as avisionary hour of trial or of danger, with the haitn of hea\-j and impracticable “abstractionists.” etilv love. Civil rulers were appointed over them, ] Such men are treading upon dangerous ground, but every magistrate, confided alt authority to him. I :, nd tve caution them to beware how they proceed. The sword of justice rested iu its scabbard, for the j They would he horrified at the idea of becoming supple crosier of the priest was found snfficieuut to re- ‘‘levellers” and “disorganizes.” yet they are sirik- i was n< ’ deception ... ..... ^....... j j » s • strain the arm of wrong or violeuce. The bold and : blows in the dark which may overturn all laws, | none > nmv so far as he is concerned. Ills amend-] ' restless spirit cowered in his presence, while the feeble I a,, d level society and its institutions with the dust.— ment confers on the corporation precisely the same or desponding heart was nerved with fortitude at his j % denouncing whatever stands in tire way of tempo-! V mcer that the original bill did. Tire exercise ol that approach.—His counsel re-assured the strong, his prayers consoled the sick, and to the view of the de- ' cipie which nave tieett erected to protect ti e rights I ° ,A —mai contingency win nave nappenu,; ( and liberties of all people, whether in the majority or I tbe prerogative of the directors is established in full j eai " Emperor to be written as a letter novv before us reports, that Mr. Clav “has j opposition thereto. The President will thus have to for the Sub- ill be finished nly one e mil- e and parting soul, the beams ol hope his stniie diffused, il lumined the dark portals of the grave. Careless ol tiie fame or honor which the world can give, lie was content to bury in the solitude of an uu- broken wilderness his name and virtues, unknown and unregarded by the vast majority of men. His Jite was devoted solely to country-men with whom lie dwelt; it was his aim to Christianize and thus reclaim the native tribes around. He made himself familiar with the Indian language, visited the red man iu his cabin, and conveyed to him the principles of what he deemed a sure and saving faith. At his bidding chapels were erected iu the midst of the native villages; and while he ministered before the altar, the unlettered children of the wilderness assembled round him, as the ancient shepherds of Thessaly tire said have gath ered about Apollo, when banished from the skies. Among the people of liis charge was a young or phan girl, whose parents died soon after their arrival in the land of their adoption. This young orphan was the object of his special care. He took upon himself alone the trust of her support and education. Aor were the gushing sympathies of his warm heart misplaced. Gratitude to iter protector, deep and ear nest gratitude, became with her the all-absorbing mo tive of existence. When he was near, she watched his countenance to learn his wishes and anticipate his wants. When he was absent, all the burden of her anxious heart was hut to do his w ill, and win a kind, approving smile on his return. Her prompt attention to the lessons he assigned her, and her rapid progress through the various grades of learning, of ten drew from him expressions of admiring joy, till his attachment to the true and docile child ex ceeded, if it could be, even a parent’s love. Eittle did he think so soon to have the strength of his af fection tried. An Indian and a Frenchman had been out in com pany to hunt, and when the chase was over, some dis pute arose about the game. Both became excited, and the Frenchman, in an evil moment, yielded to the impulse of his anger, shot the Indian through the heart. Well knowing that the natives would demand t"r this rash act the forfeit of his life, the offender has tily made his escape. The melancholy tidings soon were heralded abroad, and all Cahokia at once assum ed the sadness of despair.—Man gazed with anxious and misgiving eye upon his fellow men—the ma tron clasped the uncoricions infant to her heart, in breathless terror, and even the fresh, ruddy cheek of thoughtless youth grew pale. All knew the certainty ol savage vengeance, hut could rely upon no resource to avert it. On first receiving news of the affray, the pious Father had returned, bowed himself in prayer eforc the altar of his God. Beside him knelt the tender object of his love and care, and fervently iin- p ured the arm ol heaven to protect the hamlet for •is.sake. While thus engaged, a crowd broke in on t ieir devotions, and with shrieks exclaimed—“They C °m! t!,c y tome —go, meet them, holy Father, go!” j Se veml brokers and business men from Phhiladel- From the Boston Morning Post 0 f An?. 2. ! I’* 1 ’ 5 ' and New-York, have been to the President and “Mr. Tyler's Siruples.—John Tyler, in his lette r I "Tinted vor 3' confidently that the Bank slock will rarv expediency as an “abstraction,” they bring power may lie postponed lor a short period, and under j° the Legislature °* ^ i^gioia, dated Feb. 29, 1836* | because it cannot be used as a r*mit into contempt those sacred barriers of enternal prin-! a creta5n contingency; hot, in one year,—probable in : ,,as this beautiful sentiment: ‘It was a wise custom ' Eur <|pe. nor jpledged to the Bank for loans ; cipie which have been erected to protect ti c rights i six months-that contingency will have (.append, and ! «'«ong the Chinese, which required the biography of and stockholders are l.m.ted to seven per '- • - * ■'each Emperor lo be written before tbe close of his tent l >rof,ts ’ wh ile they run the riskof all the loss. life, and placed before him, so as to give him fore-1 This opinion is general; but it is the intention of the knowledge of what the world would think of him af- i ,riem,s of a Dank to modify the charter, in these par- ter his death. It was designed to restrain his evil ticu,ars > lj > a supplementary bill. minority. We admit that theories may be spun out to a de gree of fineness that will render them useless and absurd. Some men ate very apt to indulge their minds in thus elaborating and drawing out a single principle, until they destroy its proper effect by de taching it from the great and universal system of which it is a component part. This is an evil which should be guarded against by all w ho desire to con fer substantial benefits upon their race. the prerogative of the directors is establUhei force. This Mr. Clay must have known, and we do not perceive by any report of the debate on the amendment, that any concealment of the effect was at tempted. IVe doubt whether Mr. Clay expected the amendment to pass. He thought it his duty to carry the bill, and if, by the change of phraseology it could be made milk for the babes, while it remained meat for the men, we do not know that lie is justly chargeable with impropriety. But how he must have “lattglied i» his sleeve” to see the babes swallow the milk! passions—to curb the exercise of despotic sway.’ “There are many reasons why this sentiment should be remembered just at this time. John Tyler is ex- THE REVENUE BILL. This hili, which lays a doty of 20 percent, upon pectcd by the host of greedy speculators to sign a bill lea and eoff ’ e * aad excepts jewelry ;—which goes m- But this is not the greatest evil to which a govern- ^ hat ineffable contempt insist he have felt for a Sena- ment of thg people is exposed ; indeed it is trilling [ * or » who could stand up in the Senate and declare compared to that w hich lies at the opposite extreme, that he seat to avoid votin luring us on to an abandonment of all principle. To one who rightly views it, this danger appears appal ling—and the more so from the fact that men are so prone to run intuit. Whilst but few will be found devoting their minds to wiredrawn and dreamy spec ulations, nearly all will have the vanity to believe that they can see very clearly what is right and pro per, and they will of course think that any principle, for a great National Bank.' It is said one Dr. Bolts, | lo O' 1 September) almost without notice to our of the great American Congress, has prepared this) ,m P nrUn - merchant*, which lays a heavy tax upon dose in such a manner as will enable him to do it with- j ,he Deuple, for the benefit of the holders of the arii- out a single twinge of conscience. This practical j des > was P assed trough the House of Represenia- physician has beet, called in, because Tyler, having | ,,ves b - v ,h . e lorce , a ca " ras - The Whig Corres- before him some foreknowledge of what the world j the Charleston Courier of the 31st July, mise” as an amendment, and then vote for the bill with j wou,d sa A after »*e was dead, if he should con- j "’ rlt 5£ *. “ A ® a " c . n J " as held ’ i sent to a violation of the Constituiton, expressed some i “ ,e ” at which it was settmd that the bill should | hesitancy in assenting to just such a Bank as the specu- j P as% * Before that, it was in doubt. Nearly all the lators want, and demands that it shall be called a Fis- | ^! >lt / ,urn IVestem Whigs supported the measure." for the “compro- j the amendment in it “Should the bill pass in the House of Representa tives without alteration, it wilt then be seen whether \ cal Agent. It would he a violation of State Rights, I T 1 '' 5 bi,l > ll * ,,s * P d through under the screws of the w,lt P ,aCi himself tM such an unspeaka- j |oo gposs to be ea( j llred lo s jg n a JJ a „K Bill. It w ould j Cauc " s a ‘*' i tJ,p la ' v , strikes “ a party blow (says I ,e f re a ' ns 'VT* j be a violation of his oath too monstrous not to fix op- ll,e Correspondent of the Pennsylvanian) strom al scruples, winch he has so often avowed, lie cannot .... ... u 1 _*• . . r» . • / - - ,, .... . e f ... r ; on him infamy through all lime. It would be a cring- I merce » «» :, nfactures, and Pennsylvania, (and Virgin- stgt, thcb.II, without^ forfeiting the respixt of every to AlassaduseUs Federalism too great to be i * too,) »hich will be felt by every house-keeper, i i J common sense in the country. If he has relm- ; tlloujr , lt> It would be breaking a promise made too j ^op-keeper—every body. The contrivance of the Secretary of the Treasury to raise a revenue bv taxes no matter in what form established, is very worthless, a mere “abstraction,” provided it stands in their; quished those scruples, inconsequence of having re-1 i . way. They »ill, therefore, heedlessly scramble over i considered his funner opinions and the arguments by i *^!!!**,* C .J*5Z* ? e< ’ °, r , l> ! •) er ’ e . ,l , . , ... ... . . ... - cuis uy j remembered stards before ih** um-M rpnair! 0,1 ,ea aad coffee as luxuries, ami exempting jewelry it; and in this way, one by one, all those high and j which lie supported them—if he has discovered the j . . , ’', . , n . . J ~ . ! and statoarv “oauletts and eiio-nvin^ asnecessa- - - - - - - - - 1 . , ... i the breach made in the Constitution bv creating a i\a-1 ana » iai " ar y. epauieiis aim engiaxings, asue*essa- holy principles to which the best blood of America 1 has been sacrificed, and which have been solemnly incorporated in our constitution, will be broken dow n, and we shall be driven out upon the rough and bois terous sea of expediency, to be tossed about at the mercy of the winds and waves until we are engulfed Mr. Tyler cannot make himself so unspeakably ridic- tn one common ruin To guard us against the danger, the mighty minds that organized our government adopted certain fixed r ll .. . . a -ti mi • bic ui nun iiJ.uir in uic kuu.siuhi iu/l i)\ crccimi: allacy of those arguments and can approve the bill, j tio „ a | ]j ank? nJienerer an opportunity shall present ries of ,ir ' * was P assed *° a tllird reading under most \U any ; _ W, I I , . C °. nS '; ,e ". C ! .: ve itself. Here is the evidence. It is from one of his i extraordi " a ''y circumstances. A Whig caucus car- speeches in Congress. It is plain, positive uncom- j r ' ed •'* a,,(1 Pennsylvania may see in this'first blow at promising, and should be placed now before him as a \ la * r interests what she will have to feel from others most important |>iece “of his biography." Inasmuch i ^ die '* to f'dlow. Tlie W bigs say they mu-t and will as 1 believe the creation of this corporation [ United ; have money, and they have bv this art laid the first have no doubt he will say so, frankly- and honestly, without equivocation or mental reservation.” We re-echo the sentiment of the Boston Courier tilous.” He will not “forfeit the respect of every man of common sense in the country.” He must veto this bill. We differ with the Courier, however, as to the principles, which should always control its action, and character of Air. Clay’s course—and as to his Harle- Tli benedic c priest arose, and pausing only to pronounce a keep it, like the planets, in obedience to the laws of the solar system, revolving with regularity in its pro per orbit. It maybe inconvenient always to submit to the control of those first principles; we may often find ourselves surrounded by circumstances which would render it very expedient for the time to have them principles out of the way. But shall we ever dare to violate them ? Shall we, for the sake of ac complishing what we may consider a temporary good, set so dangerous an example ? If so, our constitu tion is but a rope of sand, and the fragile chain which binds the Union together will be broken into ten thousand fragments. The declaration of independence was proclaimed for no purpose, the battle of the revolution was fought in vain, the constitution was formed for naught, if the eternal principles moved the actors in those •»reat scenes are now to be denounced as “abstrac tion,” and swept away by temporizing politicians. If experience has shown beyond all reasonable doubt that oureonstitutionoughijn any particular to beamen- ded there is a legiiimate way of doing it. Until that way is adopted, let us cling to it, even with its errors, if any it has, as the ark of onr safety. II those who to abide by it are denounced iction on the child, departed. A mighiy host j determine thus rigidly f braves were now advancing, some will, torches ! « “abstractionists,” w ho would not glory m the ap- quin trick. It is, to say the least ofit, a trick—a gall- trap—a humbug device, which is better suited to the stealthy and cat-like Oliver Dain, than a bold and manly American Statesman. States Bank] unconstitutional, / cannot, without vio- ! stone of a se: ies of contrivances for getting it at the lation of my~o.It/i, hesitate to repair this breach thus expense of the plainest principles of right.” made in the Constitution, when an opportunity pre-' And this tax upon tea and ci.ffee is levied upon the seats itself of doing so, without violating the public supply the place of the proceeds of the faith.” How can Jolm Tyler hesitate even? Would Public Lands which are to be given away !—Enq. it not be well to Iwve some writer imitate this “wise \ “ custon” among the Chinese, and prepare beforehand i Edofield C. H. Alg. 12. | a biography of tlie acting President?—The Bank Hah. Siorm. On Friday evening our village This is grace after meat. They are the strictures j storv will come all iu good time. Nous ferrous.” ; ' vas v,s ' l ** d * J >' as destructive a hail storm as ever was of the Whig Press, (and pungent and powerful they j Yes.—Nous Venous! But deep will be our dis- ex P erienCed ,J - V t,,c olt,est inhabitants; tlie storm are,) after the production of tiie compromise. But let | appointment, and profound our regret, if Mr. Tyler das,ed ,d L v half an hour ; the window glass iu the ns see the grace before meat. Let us hear what these ! does not prove by his acts that the Chinese chapter; Uourt House, and in almost every store and dwelling, Whigs said by way of anticipation of tlie compromise, j G f 1841 is worthy of the auti-Bank chapters cf’19i v \ ere R, "re or less injured ; the C"tton and Corn im- Here is the Whig scribbler of tlie New Orleans Bee, j and ’34. mediately in the vicinity of the village suffered se- who writes from Washington, July 14th. “I have j verely ; the Corn was as completely stript of its fod- ; der as if done by the most expert hands ; the gar- j dens are nearly all rooted up by the force of the f the last New York Herald j storm, and the unripe fruit strewed in all directions. MEASURES BEFORE CONGRESS. The Money Article k groups together the following striking sketch of tlie; A large oak tree near (he residence of James Terry, f | measures now under action at Washington :—Knq. j Esq. in the village, was struck by lightning; his “ The proceedings at Washington increase in in-‘ children, who were playing in the piazza near it, pro- tions in a fining in the n ind, the with’arrows on the7trhig! I pellation ? It places them side by side with Wash- j cottsiifotional sense. Tlie gist of Hie objection to the j operation upon the present limited business, The feeble company of villagers might as well hav e | ington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and the noble j bi j| j n j ts preseOt form is,_ that Congress has not the ; rITu l; not, to any extent, ascertained the views of the repre sentatives as to the “compromise” which I informed you in my last letter was in contemplation of the Sena tors. The proposition is to give the Mother Ban the power to establish branches with the consent of tlie Stales, reserving to Congress the right to estab- , „ w ( . _ lish them, whenever the public exigencies require terest to commercial men. Many measures, of the; videntiaily escaped, although the bark from the tree without that consent. I incline to the opinion, that in j highest importance iu a national point of view, are . was thrown with such force as to make an impression both branches of Congress tlie bill in its present shape j about to become laws, each one of w hich would alone on the ceiling of the piazza, near them. On the plan- will be put to a vole—in case it should be defeated, | be sufficient to cause a convulsion in trade. The dis- tati.m of Mr. Jamies Griffin, three miles from the they will perhaps fall hack upon the compromise. It j tribution bill iniquitous as it is, is felt to be insnffi-j village, the lightning killed a fine pair of mules, a is said that President Tvlervvill oppose the bill, if tlie j cient to restore State credit. Commercial men are; carnage horse, and co!t. compromise is adopted—upon what authority is not anxiously discussing the effect of the revenue bill j There has been severe showers of rain, accompa- known. It requires a Virginia metaphysician to ap- upon the various articles affected by it, and tlie deal- nieJ with heavy thunder and sharp lightning, every predate the difference between two propositions in a • ersin those articles have disastrous forebodings of its -• - * r Pl».. ewl Iho /vll!flPt| v|| i,.v | «/ t /v.l(IWW.. ..f/wa. »..v ( that WI llo ped to stay the tempest in its wrath? as to withstand J ara ty of “ abstractionists” to whom we are so large j power t o 'ineorporaw a bank to operate within the I be taken from the consumers. The Bank bill will be, ^eir bold advance. The pious father, in his sacer- | indebted for our personal freedom and our national, |i m j ;s 0 f tbe States without their consent. Now the ] in all probability .defeated by the stern integri y of ie 1 -MVV. a ilV jyiv/ua liunui , 111 II °ta robes, approached then, and the chief came forth ; greatness 0 meet him. After a brief and hasty salutation, the! iron ; ntng warrior thus began.—“The blood of a Coa-j A woUeD-BE-Sailor.—The ship Algonquin, has been shed; give up the murderer to onrhands, i Captain A. Turley from Liverpool arrived this ntorn- / jonder vilia^ shall be burnt lo ashes, and no liv- j ing, and among her passengers is a healthy stout fe- n ? 1 " n £ * n it be spared.” “the murderer,” said the ! male, 1G years of age, who shipped in Liverpool as f. r _ eSI ! "has fled we know not whether.” “Then, •tned th e chief, with threatening aspect, “let us have ,ne girl that — •— *--- • you have trained with so much care— hl ‘ig else shall save your people.” The pious fa- heaved 1 ■ ' ia groan that spoke of agony too deep for t eran cp, and fell upon his knees to ask that other tt'ros might be proposed; but the wrathful chief would °tallow another word, and with a bursting heart he lo return. he approached the villa e, every one pressed near rt i , . . ’ ie ho, y man to inquire what terms the Ind a sailor bov, being dressed in the habiJiaments, neat- 13 7 rigged from top to toe, and actually performed the duty of a lad on board, going aloft, &c. for several days, when some suspicion arose among the crew, which led to the discovery of her sex. Capt. T. immediately bad her removed from the forcastle to the steerage, and her dress changed for female appa rel. It appears she is a destitute girl w ho had taken this method to get a passTge to America, where she experts to find friends. She shipped under the name compromise asserts the manner, but does not use it. power in the piost emphatic i President, John Tyler, and so far, the fears of mer- ...... it. Congress ads; canlile *», of condoned agitation t.pnn tb.t5.tb- npon the never .t ill not tl.e objection arise? or .iii jject, be allayed The most monstrous prod,tc- specific legislation give an emphasis to the words ‘ne- ; .ion o, tins ettraordmar. Congress, » he Bankr. p. ressarv ami proper,' so as to make them embrace this : lass, nr,more proper!*, insolvent law. wind, virtually ' 1 ’ - 'confers upon the non-pa; mg banks greater prtv,leges 5 )3 j -j ii.quiic wiiai terms me Indians | of “Billy Steward,” and says her name is Isabella " P ro pored. “They w i!! spare ns,” said tbe priest, 1 Stewart.— U. S. Gaz. Avgust 4. branching: power, which general legislation cannot ac complish? Until my mind is illuminated upon this abstruse point of metaphysical polemics by some ol the wise Pundits of the tide water school, I must adhere to the belief that the President would sign one bill as soon as the other. If this opinion is well founded, the doubt and incertitude that has been thickening oyer the subject like a spring fi’g* I* 35 been the result ol an endeavor to season tlie bill to the taste of the Execulix e, so as to enable hint to gulp it with a better grace, or than ever enjoyed before. Armed with the creditor clause of the bill, the hanks can come forward and close up the business of individuals, and divide In* property, while the banks themselv**?, reposing on their exclusive privileges, cannot be reached. The holders of $80,000,000 of their irredeemable hills, depreciated nearly an average of 10 per cent., ran not get payment. Congress holds out to them n< dav for the last five davs. Rain, Rian, Rain.—It has rained almost every dav .-irice our last, and sometimes very heavily. Yes* trrdaj- and the day before we had two of the heaviest showers we ever witnessed, accompanied by the most vivid and terrible thunder and lightuing. Yesterday, especially, the thunder and lightning far exceeded, we think, anv we ever knew. Flash followed flash, in quick succession—often with the briefest iuterval— fi>r an extraordinary space of time ; and the claps of thunder were so sudden, almost iustantaneons, as well as violent, that the electric fluid must have descended frequently in the immediate vicinity. It was indeed aft awful warring of the elements—a storm that fi-w if any ever saw exceeded, or even equalled.—Colum bia Carolinian, 12tk inst. no j Our River.—The recent heavy rains in the up relief, and they must submit to a loss of $8,000,000 | country, have swollen the Savannah considerably , „ * Tt .'.-am I „*• hard parnimri while the hanks are pushing i above low water mark ; which will warrant a belief, to defeat it altogether, because be has resolved to veto ot t.ieir tiara eauiings, wuue me u.u.i» * p -i .... - to aeteai auo^etn , de( v ct j on of their obligations to judgment, and enacting tlie utter-that we shall have a good boating nver the comm it. The unaccountable and mx’sterious Mr. Merrick (who is in favor of the compromise now) 1 most farthing.” 5 fall.—Journal. V ,v $ A