Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, April 21, 1875, Image 1

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* H « c. - wBm ■ m ' ■ ' / " No. 5. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING., APRIL 21, 1875. Vo!. 1 BHU5ISWICK ADVERTISER, j COOK BROS. & CO., j • L <t v e r t i s c m e n t s PUBLiaaCD EVCRY TTSDSISfflAY MOBSnCG -BY— ' t. aovinuta stack. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 81.09 ADVERTISING RATE Si PER SQUARE. 10 lines space, first insertion, 78 “ * each subsequent insertion, 60 /^-SPECIAL BATES TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. Advertisers must specify time on copy sent, or be subject for charges until ordered out. Communications for individual benefit or of a personal character charged as advertisements. Marriages and Obituary notices not exceeding five lines solicited for free publication. Over that amount charged as advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon presentation after the first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to in all cases. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga Professional. C. P. GOODYEAR. F. H. HARRIS GOODYEAR &, HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia. O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Blain & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga. ' mar. 24-tf. T. E. Davenport, ATTORNEY AT LA W, W ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit, Of fice in SMITH and DEXTER’S Building, Newcastle street, mar. 24-ly. Business Cards. CHEAPEST ROUTE Darien via. No. 1., M. & B. R. R. H ACKS always on hand to carry passengers to and from Railroad. Comfortable lodgings for passengers with G. S. WASHINGTON, mar. 24-ly. Pt’r of the Line. D O you wont a splendid BOOT or SHOE made to ORDER, with PERFECT FIT . - guaranteed V Then call on mar. 24-ly. D. A MOORE. BURR WIN TON, CONTRACTOR --—And BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, - - GA. P LANS and specifications furnished on short notice. Will contract to erect Buildings in every styes. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mflr Lime For Sale. OYSTER-SHELL for agricu: POS LIME IS GOOD TURALPUR- Allgwf -ca * C. iTclBUrer• tuarTaWy. T B*ux*wick, Ua.J, NEW GOODS! -Dealers in- NEW STORE! GENERAL MERCHANDISE, J. F. NELSON, Ship Stores, Ac., Manufacturers and Shippers of YELLOW PINE LUMBER. & CO., Dealers in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, , (Bay St.,) Brunswick, Ga. D. T. DOTjNT, BANKER and BROKER. Brunswick, Ga. B UYS and SELLS exchange on'New York, Savannah, Boston and Phil adelphia, ut LOWEST MARKET RATES. Buys and sells Gold, Silver and Com mercial Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and business so licited. mar. 24-ly. J. ,M. DEXTEK, BRUNSWICK, GA. iatifew ami §wte, Insurance, Real Estate and. COLLECTION AGENT. Special attention given to collection of drafts and ac- ,_ Tw . counts; remittances pi uinptiy made- - New York Exchange. G. FRIEDLAHDEE & CO., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Notions, Hardware, Wooden, Tin and Crockery \Var«, Provisions. Groceries, Liquo: ■ also— Wholesale and Retail Di in CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND GAPS. * BOOTS And SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, HAKDWAKE, GROCERIES of all descriptions Very Low Figures. fiSsf*Uive us a cad. *“<£at mar. 24-ly. o BARGAINS For Cash. ,UR entire stock OK NOTICE. He OU8E To LET. The Comfortable FIVE BOOM HOUSE, formerly occupied by Dr. E. J. FERGUSON, in complete order. BENT LOW. Apply to | li »pr-l«4t. J- M. DEXTER. P'un/c Books, and Stationary, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, etc., CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, PLATED- WABE, TOYS, BASKETS, CHIL DREN’S CHAIRS, CUTLERY, lamps, ana other ar ticles too numer- oii8 to men tion are offered at LOW FIGURES, but only for the cash. Call at once at NEWS DEPOT, and secures bargains. G. A DURE, & CO., Brunswick, Ga. mar. 24-tf. . ENLARGEMENT, In response to the numerous appeals of friends, fora larger sheet, we issue, this week, the Advertiser twice its original size. In doing so wediavo had recourse to the practice, now quite prevalent, of having one side of each paper printed elsewhere. These‘Ready Prints’ are quite a saving to newspa per men—enabling them to issue a sheet twice the usual size at a very little additional cost, j The reading matter, print and general make up of the same, being such as to recommend itself to almost any one. Some object to these “patent insides”—to such we say: we do you no wrong, we only give you so much extra reading mat ter for the same amount of money. Hereafter we shall print no misce'- laneous matter at all, bat. devote our entire space (1st and. 4th pages) to original matter, thus making our pi - per more attractive. In addition to our present increased size we promise to double again just so soon as we feel warranted in doing so. We aim to make the Advbbtiser all that can be desired, and only ask of ova friends their hearty support, and of our enemies— if we have such ‘things’ —to keep their months shut. One more request: croakers get out of the way—you clog the wheels of progress and throw a damper on everything that savors of life. OUR SCHOOLS. Presuming our readers are inter ested in the workings of our schools, we take the liberty of using a portion of our space in this direction, l>y way of posting our people on this sub ject. At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, corporal punishment was abolished in tho schools, and teachers instructed to report all misdemeanors direot to the parents themselves, and in case this should fail to have the de sired effect the County School Com missioner was instructed to suspend all such unruly ones, thereby ridding the schools of that element calculated to do them only injury. In order to carry out the present plan successfully it must meet with the hearty support and co-operation of all concerned. Teachers must report promptly; pa rents must punish the guilty ones at home, and lastly, but surely, the Trus tees must show thfeir earnest approval of the whole plan by visiting the schools often and thereby show the children that they have an eye upon them. If these three requisites are adhered to. as they should be. «H will be well, otherwise we fear the nUf regime will have to lie resumed. We have brought this matter thus prominently before the patrons of the schools in order that they may realize its f ill import and act with the light before them. J I S Missouri State receives wolf scalp in payment of taxes .at $5 apiece, r a 4 R took' in last year only 6000. «*£ . . , '*■■■’