Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, April 21, 1875, Image 4

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8fce ISnmsuIrk %tottHttt. T. G. Stacy, Editor ond Proprietor)' Habteriptian Price: $1 per Annum in Advance WEDNESDAY, APltlL 21, 1875. “PLAYIN’ WINWANCK.” Til#?, above caption i« the name of a game at marbles, played by the young lads of our town. As a public journal ist wo feel forced to show up this game in its true light, ns we see it. The play is nothing less than gambling “in embryo” and, if allowed to continue, will result in anything but good to our children. If we expect them to iill [ positions of usefulness in after years we must look well to their morals whilst in the formation state, other wise they grow up addicted to vices which render them unfit for positions of trust, nnd ostracised from society. Parents, you can’t be too careful in training your children—mind now, we did not say too strtct but too careful, for we hold that overstrictness is rather dangerous policy, tending to make children restive and to sigh for the day when they can shake off parental ontliority nnd be their “own man.” Now this “playin’ winnance” is, we think, one of the many evils we should strive to discountenance in our chil dren, as it tends to cultivate a spirit of avaricuusness in them, the general result of which will be making gam blers of many. The game has been forbidden at the public school but is still practised in our streets. Look to it fathers and mothers.' [communicated.] Mr Editor : We are delighted to see the clean face of your last issue; it speaks well for the future. I have placed it on die with my other gems, feeliug that in time it will prove to be one. I am pleased to see you go on with your little sheet, independent of the 3lurs and remarks made by those who set themselves up for critics without a knowledge of the principles of criti cism. We hope you are uot too old to remember that, “Tall oaks from little acorns grow,” aud that the grand and lofty Andes arc composed of small grains of sand, that the vast canopy of night is set with myriads of little lights, which lend their feeble beams to light the weary traveller on his way. We will be delighted to see it unfold its wiugs to an upward flight and soar among the greatrr lights of the Literary World. We give it our best prayers, and will aid in a pore tangible form. If a man will not, in his own life, make the most of his manhood and good sence, and set forth his best pow ers to take care of his family, and benefit Immunity, he ought not expect a happy home nor happiness hereaf- tcr not at least till lie retrieves nnd earns it. Earnest and untiring efforts will bring all that man can claim—joy, love, blessings, home and Heaven. The death and sufferings of a l! the Christs „v*r conceived, will not save one soul who does not, by honest work, persist ent effort aud a life of honesty save itself. Personal effort, like waves of the ocean, will spread and roll forever; it is not in the powor of man to stop it or to kill its effect It is our hum ble intention, so far as our feeble ef forts con go, to assist in carrying out your plan of establishing another first- class paper in our little “City by the Sea," and hope to occupy' a small niche m the mass of your periodical literature. Yottr venture is now before the public, and whatever be your merits or demerits, we hope all will give you credit for an honest effort. You have made your bow, and read your saluta tory, now seize your pen—and to the fight: make the little sheet the future cricket of every hearth. More anon. Susie. mwgywru■ m* mw-wi.ii - mr'Mn—i—riins»& * i iivf»i L O C A I; 8. —We are informed by Mr. J. 0. Moore, that on Sunday-night hist, his vegetable garden was entered by some person or persons, unknown, and a small quantity of vegetables, such as onions etc., stolen therefrom. It would seem from this that these snealt-thieves have begun their nocturnal depreda tions quite early in the season, and we would suggest to Mr. M. that, in our opinion, the most effectual way of preventing a repetition of the same would be to “set” for these rascals and whenever they are found inside his enclosure after night-fall to give them a cordial welcome in the shape of a heavy charge of “blue whistlers” just behind the bur of the ear. —On Saturday morning last the roof of McConn’s Hall took fire from sparks from an adjacent chimney. The alarm was promptly given and j the flames extinguished with but little j dumngo. W T e predict a first-class con- j flilgratiou Boon if that roof is uot re- .shiugleJ. Look to your interest gen tlemen. Mb. Geo. II. HAZLEnrnsT is now loading a vessel at our wharf with cross-ties for the Erie Railroad, N. Y. We learn he has a contract for supply ing 20,000 per month. They are as fine a lot of ties as we have ever seen. Bnsiness men are finding out that this is a good shipping point. —We note, with pleasure, improve ments in the store of Messrs. L. D. Hoyt & Co., our reliable hardware firm. They have thrown two stores into one and now have a front on both streets. The one on Gloucester is for store and other for tin shop. They menu business, evidently. —We note considerable improve- I meut iu general appearance of Drug Store of L. U. Davis & Co. Evidently a skillful and tasteful hand has been to work there! —Some of our citizens have forgot ten the 4th commandment. Would it not be well to have a special Sunday school class for them ? —“Say, Pa, have you seen the new paper that Mr. Stagy writes ? It is just big enough to write two letters on !’’ Never mind, little sis; it will grow. —We lieur that the meetings at the Methodist and Baptist Churches have been very much annoyed by a lot of I young lads who seem neither to fear j God, nor regard man. Now boys, you j ought to know/better. There* is talk | of your being reported to the next j Grand Jury. Look out; that would be unpleasant. , j —By a recent dispatch we lo«m thr.t i th» steamship Leo will not cull here, as ! advertised. Her owners, the Central j Railroad Company forbid it. Of nil | little things, this is the very quintes sence doubly distilled. May they be forgiven. —We learn that the agents of the Leo will give us steam communi cation with New York soon, notwith standing the spirit evinced by the C. R. R. managers, as quoted above. —The teachers of the public school ars anxiously waiting for their money, j Somebody lias forgotten promises. * i 1 - i — All the Subbath Schools in town have united for a May Celebra tion. This is as it should be. We giv.5 programme in our next. —How about Memorial PaV. ladies? It is getting time you had your plans formed. —Hand in your subscriptions to the Advebtiseb. It hikes money to run a paper if it be only big enough to ‘write > two letters on !’ —A r let of Indies ITats vast rnrev/sd at the NEW YORK STORE. Go thither ye who need snob thing". GENERAL ITEMS. F. A. FITZGERALD, — 0 DEALER IK FANCY and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, SHOES Ac., A Bridgeport firm has just furnished a Refrigerator ear for transportation of strawberries and other fruit up North, this Spring and Summer. The Baptists are to have a large Sunday School Mass Meeting, Pastors Conference and Convention on the 20th Clioiee Family Groceries, PRO VISIONS inst., at Milledgeville, Ga. Eufauln, Ala., is passing through a revival just now. Geo. C. Needham, Irish Evangelist, is officiating. Twen ty-nine persons have joined the Pres byterian Church,, and a very large number the Baptist Church. The work goes on ! Fifteen hundred dollars was raised < at a Fair in Philadelphia a short time i since, for Presbyterian Widows and Single Women’s Home. That is ahead of us. Darien is soon to have a heap of ■good things—two new Churches— .Presbyterian nnd Episcopal; Tele graphic communication with the out side world, a Colored Concert; Hook nnd Ladder Company and a house for alligators. General Gordon is unwilling to have his name used in connection with the Vice-Presidency, believing any South ern man would weaken the fight. The Macon and Brunswick Railroad, together with all its appurtenances, will be sold on the 1st day of June. Gainesville, Ala,, has been visited recently by u terrific bail storm. It is said that bushels of hail could have been gathered up, a large portion of which was as big as a hen’s egg. It remained on tho ground twenty-four hours. Advertisements. ”dIWs“ FLOUR, CORN AND OATS at the “NEW YORK” Store. Ttfiai L’nvli;, or City Acceptance- mar. 24-ly. W. A. JOHNSON, BOOT and SHOE MAKER. W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to lust as long as that of any other Workman in this section. Mending done on short notice al AYER’S OLD STAND mar. 24-ly. BLACKSMITHING ROBERT CHRISTOPHER B EGS the attention of all persons who may have aiiT B1 cksmith work to V/e done, and hopes they will r un: ruber that his shop can ?>e found near George street, between the City Hail suid the M. & 13. R. R. depot. All work promptly attended to, and satisfaction promised. HOIISIS, SHIP, SIGN and OBXAJiEK- TAL 5V\iVl'lVU. W E ir > mvv receiving a FRF.SH SUPPLY o' DRUGS.Pat. Medicines and Fancy Articles, ttc. Wo arc aide to furnish all who may call on us with anything usually kept in s FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Prescription? Carefully Com* pounded. You may rely on our Drugs being FRESH and our Prices Low for Cash. apr-21. DR. L. B. DAVIS A CO.. Blunts wick, GA., MEDICAL OFFICE OF J. A. TILDEN, M. A, Main Stbelt, Peekskiia. N. Y.. March 12th, ISIS. Mrs. L. Heins : Brunswick, Ga. Dear MadamI have known of cne case of my patient’s having been under thei-ai-i of your late husband, Dr. llElss. Ills treatment was so sue- ccccful that I am d-fircu* of *0— ’' n :/ i* HI the case of my uwn Sister, ivh.- --- suffering from Cancer of the Breast. I have understood that Pr. Ileins intended to publish hia method of treating Cancer so that all who suffered from it might have tho benefit of his experience. Is this so, or what disposal has ho made or is to be made of hia receipts 1 If they are to bo had on any reasonable tenjw, so that I can treat my sister, please write me, and inform me how and on what conditions 1 can give her the beneOt of the treatment. Hoping to hear from yon at an early date, remain . , Yours, Truly and Respectfully, I. N. TILDES. H.D. GRAINING. GLAZING. GILDING BRONZING, STAINING AND VARNISHING, j Coach painting a SPECIALTY. ; Work on glass. Paper hanging, ! Picture frame re-gilded, ’ Japanning. I Paints mixed by ; F ASCftl and PORT!’ 11 | over Jeter’s Cabinet Shop. Newcastle/ I street. mur fc '*"Iy- j— - J Cures ■ 11 diseases, | CONSUMPTION, FILES, AND SCROFULA, i CAXCKR. DYSPEPSIA And ALL FRIERS \ BRUNSWICK, : : GA. ; mar. 24-ly. “DEXTEii”BROS., ! selling CORN, GRAIN, FLOUIt uisi BACON • VERY liOW. FOR CASH. Office in Smith & Do x tin's Buildin BRUNSWICK,