Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 12, 1881, Image 1

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t The Brunswick Advertiser. BRUNSWICK, GA„ r. €t. Hr*er* VOL. C,NO. 32. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING,‘'FJBJTJBlRY JU, !8Sr. An Or diiuuice, n mmm md Utftmm mdnim or Mand*.If he (Mm ij; n «e extensively in the loot, msinnui, there 1s ho better field lo liim in the world. In eon. an with thie he can make tur. •io and naval (tone to any ex. anreSrra: to be paid on or before the thirty, flint day of March, the aeccfod un or be lure the thirtieth day of dime, the third on or before the thirtieth day of Brnumber, and the fourth or on before the thirtieth day of November, 1881. And every per- eon, Arm, or cmporalion liable to the tax |irovidea for In the fifth section of thie ordinance, ehall make hie, her Or their retarn on the thirty-tint day of Ueomnbot, 1881, and pay the uteome tax with in ten daya thereafter. Sec. 9. And U A Jnrihrr ordmnedj That all each retame may he made either in pefeon or by an Men* or attorney, and the returns ehall est forth the market value of all plop- arty liable to taxation under lota ordinance ad ru/urvm, except real property and improvements, and ehall be made under oath or affir mation, in every instance, that (he name is true, and that the person for whom tlie return Is made ie not liable fur any other tax, an'd haa no other pruiirrty in the city liable, to taxation. And it ehall be the duty of the. Ucrk ami Treasurer lo re quire such oath or ntfinnatiou from every penon without exception, he bring hereby authorized, for the purposes of tliM ordinnnee, to ad* minuter *uch oath or afiirmntioa. Sxo. 10. And b* ilfurthtr urdulmd. That nil prrauni failing or refusing to uutko the returns required under the mend suctions of tide oidl- own us*, there ie no in Middle and Sooth- If he drains to era. > husbandry or the e, he can do eo with i all the nriro gram -i bite,where they win. upon tho euontanc. is of the earthT If he * ETC ‘ n< L ,yru P oaueee emabined with thnttomake it a tame ntfmr. the dieplay of garden vwgstaMm me very inter. 1 erthflb from Me novelty ai thie sea. 1 aun—Irish potatoes, tomatoes, can- J liflower, flat Dutch tumipe, and j many other vegetables which would i bo anurirtemd out of eanaort in Georgia being exhibited. The quality of the exhibits of vegeta- bleewas not se good as at the Idfs , in Brunswick. Tbs disphqr of tropical fruits was very flna, and IHnstmting as it does one ef the main productions and aourM of revynue of Florida, waa of great value to the State. Hundreds uf perforata nee. - Every keeper of a daacmg itbeul •hall pay lea dollars. Every dealer in blapk hooka, ala. Unoery, paper aad paper bage ehall pay tea dollars. Every person or flna dealing ta trot-teal shells aad oofioMits^ eia, shall pay ten dollan. Every dealer in lot in qnantiUra ex- eccdiog Ally poaada shall pay twanty kern, butchers, manufacturers of soda or mineral eaten, merchant*. builders or othar peraous foe the delivery el Iff tad, meals, soda or mineral water*, ice. goods wares aad merchandise --*-«* ■ «——»—a Ml—»_»_ ; Vlfiliorv Isaiw wV WOAV f tOilUR QP do. Hail the wsatber been tow preceding Uio'fnfr, and tflwfidr* month later in (ho season, Florida would haw had reason lobe proud of her display. -These wars a Dum ber of military companies from oth er sections of tho Stats, end' the gbeelf were full of people'and of life. But then they am full of Ilfs every day. Them ie no city in Georgia, with the exception of Atlanta, which presents u bustling and lively a spectacle.. Tho stores are large, light and airy, thorough ly stocked, gaff In their respective lines all that could be desired.— The people have faith In the pres- lday, whether paid be iu mousy or to jarehases at Ike .bur. sliall pay flflero Every baggatdle or other folds or device upon or Igf which uy gsioe is plsynl, or money won or lost by the public, oludl pay, for each mouth or leas time, fifty duilara. Every oriitennfad beard for poMie play, for such mouth or has rims, fifty dollurs. Every wheel of furtnu* fur palie pluy ahull |»iy, fur such mouth or leas time, five hundred dollars. Every hull or teu pis alley shall pay flfh-uu dollars. ^ 1 Every tailor's cstaldiakmrBt ahall puv five dollars. fcvi-ry tiuiuutith'l shop ahull pay lull dollar,. Every person or Anumgagrd in buy ing or shipping limber, tumta-r, etc., (mill ou tiers iu the city excrptud) uhuU I my twenty.Bra doltan. Every ln.|erlvr ur measurer of lum ber, staves, slough*, eta, shall pay five dollars. Every turpentine distillery aboil pay twenty ilulhn. Kv.rj undertaker shall pay'twenty duilara. . Every parson, firm, or corporation (atublima or apppljiag Vesaslu with water shall pay Iru dollars., . Every uarrhauas or shed mad, f-r th* •fc.ragr at gnaau or other lartiU- sera, II hwalsd above tha wharf of i. U. McCullough, shall pay twenty dal- .Every prtaao of firwt harping s wood i yard ehall pay. tan dollars. Even whaslright shop for tha amk- lap aad reputriag al camagua, hug* toowosd on the firm day of March, Ml, exespi each es may be exra|i< from taxalfoa by lbs laws at this Utah- or of lbs Vuiled Hlates. 8tr. 4. And he <1 /arftor onfitfastf, ouliL soil lumber sod other material used, .hull pay tv* doilura: and every two koras wagon or Valtlcls need in the name manner shall pay ten duilara. Every drummer, rttuner or transient trader In gtaula, wares, merrliaiidias •tr other articles of any drerrii-tlou. who suite by miniplu of otherwlae, to 6CASQ8 ASD hfAMPhE Concitlie to End lire's Tonne Dream, Maysvii.i.c, Kv., January 28.— Now that tho river i. full of ice. the spssdy mhrriage mtabllshment httheGminfi Green, of America, finds hrixinwe slack. Several coup. Ira afo here waiting for the ico ta go by. At about three o’clock this afternoon a couple from the wilds of Irewis county reached here on itortobacki Th* would-be bride, Mfos-Altflle Mtaniiu-r, aged six- tosn, Isa trssy pretty blonde and a GRAND BAY STIIEKT eenae for such illllolllil as ultoJI Is-file,I by the Mayor In eucli ruse. Every person dyeing .nr renovating dBtySt Kv**ry coin poll? ttlmll j*y twenty •Hvfi««iolli»9M. T F.rt ry ti>|i-^riipli com puny ulmll |niv iiiw It until ft l u in l twenty-live iluUtirM. Ev»*ry foimilry fir iimcliinu *ln»|» •hull |my twenty ilolltirH. Every lfiw»imtinic fiiKiiie for riiNrluirg ing vessrlg .hull pay ten doilura; and diss and other urtioln daring earl! onurter of tho year 1881; and such ilenlrn shall make; under oath, a re- (urn of tho ainouut collected from the sale* quarterly, and pay the-lex there on within ten days from tho expiration tw s Iks iraktlSi at Moalshlaetr lew prices • teres aad well eeteeted stuck si DRY GOODS, -CLOTHING, ROOTS k SHOES. of each quarter. Ami if the Clerk A Treaaurer be nut aatiaflad with the cor- rectnese of tbs rot am of any sueli dealer, hs ehall report lb* i Mayor aad Council. and shall thee be referred to i oas asMMtaf toheebesaa I no* Ire the party mokiag and a third by lU two a. the i-renl Of « diaagreemrnl Bar. A And to It /ortha That arse* permit, Arid of 4 Tliat the Clerk and Trewstrewr hr wd Ire ie hcrel-v required to imuc mi ntiirii I'itrEti.fu, > Council, » mnro. i-xccutimm agninat all pemmifur the entire awmint ut tax due for the year 1881, upon the folium to promptly pay the IM or other quarterly payamMg as they shall 8ac. 12. Ami U iLfurther sriibrref, Thai tlie sum of two dunam lie Ira- pueed un each and every mhle in* nabitattt in the dtv hstwssx the ages of sixteen aad fifty yearn, net exempt from seed duty by the Evrry ImMi-1 tUmll (My liri nty tlolUrm. Evrry iMMiiliiig Im>um eulcrtrfiiiiMK l Ibfigq HffiMhUfiP MMUlKy tlie government as ^Mailed,iff wft N VvMw IWdjIte ' euoir an bnportanl lumber and output port The new railroads to Waycmm and Fernaqdiaa must inevitably give an irapetne to the nuiil tw cfiillitig already steady growth of Jadtsoo* trills. A wise pnlier bat been adopted in relation to immigration in Florida, just such a policy ag should be adopted in Georgia.— The results are to be seen qotonly In Jacksonville but fl& over the State. My letter is necessarily some- sect iota ahull run from the 1st < February 1881. Iu IbaSlst da* ' nary. 1IMI, amt ehall he Issued I Clerk and Treasure of the cit, pressed with the seal ef the dl uppnreed'hy the mayor. Bash I •Mbs lathe name of the pen whom it is fawned, nod shall 1 BEST OfLEEJf $ BLACK TEAS, • BUIST8 GENUINE NEW CROP GARDEN SEED, Boston and All example that White & Decorated rreaclt China and ENGLISH PORCELAIN AT LOW PRICES. nuawam maim camlmimc sro. n».^ _ torowSSs nsairo'ciiroTaa toia'iisjfa e M That this ardinnnee shall bs enb. ject to amendment or repeal, in whole or ia part, at any limednr- S the year 1881, abould itbewm md sdvimbls to t|o soj and on 1 amendment or repeal shall, In KECS.'SW.'SStfKS lattoJK say epsetal llosamforvwhialasmmd by the first dare efAwRi J. KiSfes' . . aaswaa after tha tiro 1 Pawed mCuu'ndl January 24tb, W. IF. IftfiM, . ttsst: Chairman of CbuneiL Jos. l/nam>x, Cl'k ofCbundl. VsymUsg*