Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, May 28, 1881, Image 1

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Brunswick iinuim u irmi. VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1881. NUMBER 47. The Advertiser and Appeal, mmattimtuTmtiAi BRUNSWICK, GA-, r. G.'sracr. ' SUBSCBIPTION BATES: *i JJ UmtlMirit* from irapoMiMa partUawlll * MwrliM tad oMDunr wtkri nd»iiwlla| loir m5T»Srl*I fo7pt»Uk*tion. Whm « c£un«UMn*r*.rklM M•.lwTtl~*»ehU- AUUiUr* ad4 cuwMWMkaUoaB ahould U ad* iMWikIteuMlMd. T. U. STACY, DrtiBivkk, OfVftft. New Advertisement*. Dll. JIAYDOCIi'S NEWLIVERI'ILL (9COAB COATED.) It O.IB 1 »ut *ul»r.»i *«.-»•»! BlliafbimutnlirB.1 •jatrai at nac«. Tkajr fcrtlfj tb- body"t«*'nst di* *>*»»• of *»«Mwn attarka mm| tMlfmk*. bnv* tk« alMiutic Ju|pr at aa<t (liable all t f gdj JACOB COBER 152 imoL'OHTOX St, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, M«l. aad ukt a rwtlanaata at ifcrir aatmaaga, aa be baa t-prurd hie HIKING IMIUKTATION uftfW* la all undue, aad jUoeJ hie low t>rt< <*« on tbctu, vhkh raiiera a ruth by ttrntatl/ (bet U allhia reach, lie oflVre Un «inmi iW.j- to all who read pa^erlo avail thMaeelua of'be iaaie opporta aad achM, • tdln-ua the eplrtte and Made new blood : altf. BOrSDISO TOROl'lill THE VEINS. TJ! ti.i. Mnu, „,<au„ it it ,„ 0 , ,Mii 50c COLORED SII.KS ASH SATINS MS .tor., .01 tat. ■*> nthcr. OB. HAYOOCKS NEW LIVER Pllisj 3 ^ r>t health, and tba W»»T.T.W. Bolt jr«p«r</0Mrrf//•*»* •»! CUr* *J JUrto-V. rmnwtktrn grp f»»el«lM L B Darla, M. P. |W< WardaM—Matthew Ikaaaa, Thoa 0*CuD •yr, Jr, aad A V ■rum, Daana A Baiooaa-Daaa. Wattlaa Ftoik* WWW OnaeUry—C O Moor*. Hello* Culorad Cemetery-JackU While. Towa coeoBOM-Ilamj. Ooaper aad Mpaate. b tkartlBffW aad Ooapec. re aad rataam. —Walklae, DtatBiaiff aad T.IIarvry and Littlefield Ecccatiow—Pataaai. Bpeare aad Dunn Caaarrv—Palaaae. Llltlefield and Iferniln«rr fiaa aarAanam—Bpcare.Patnaai aad Uarrey fours-ralaaai.Dana, aad Welkin- UNITED fiTATKH OFFICER* r«4l«rt«r of Caetoau-Joha T. Collin*. iKwaty—ll.T.Daan. ( •.Itertor Internal lUvoanr D T D' Iiepaty Marshal-O. I. llall. I'oataieatar—Liana North. ‘ "I. U. Daikr r—O. J. llall ALL THIN VAST ( OI NTUY TM People Know These! Tha People l ee Tlteni ! The People PraUeThrm ! TahadlMaae ta Ua»e aa.1 you ail! eafief ku i he saved taaay deye of uee'.ewe aileery. What haadrrde of Lett* re eay from pat kale MBotn_ Bo more aoiloas doare f-«r me of five Hse rf your p|i:e cared me. tea pile me another vUl m keep la the house. AfVr eaff. rian tortaree fnmi billioa* eolk. two of yoar New Liter IMle cared me. and I have tara ef the aialady. Oar docUre truiiod me ti 1 brook Coaetirattoa. •a they tailed It. a»4 at leet eatd 1 — Toar New Linr ruia carM m». 1 laearahle.— I had ao eppHTt«rDr7Qaydor'k'e New Liver Fill* «ve me a hearty ooe. Yoar Pi lie are aurrelloaa. P»* me a hearty Yoar Pi lie are a Dr. Uajdock has' cared my headache that es le. re half of oae of yoar pile In my babe for a Morbus. The * ‘ a day. My naasea of % tuoralaa la now cared, aad ae Yoar rial of I*. llaydork e New Liver Pllla cared ta- of terrible DMvnlffU aa I pain • lu the fe * 8KAP0UT LODGE, Xo. ftS. I. 0. 0. F„ WAYNE—4 th Monday il , . .. PI BUCK—!■! Monday In April and (Moher. WAltK -3d Monday la A|*ll amt o- M-r. CXiyPKB—Tuewlay alter IthMondvylu April and CAMDKN—Taeaday altar >1 M-mday In May aad ’ all dleeama of th* Kldnevi ‘ — rk-a New L II eatUfy the moat skeptic-, e. Nrrvoiis Pruetralion. Itudr. Went of Appetite and Mick 111 4.1a he. Hr. lU)dock s New Ll'cr illis will be found an cfib-leat IPmrdy. They an universal In llu-ir effect*, and a core can altooet always be Kiiarautood. EACH VIAL CONTAINS TWENTY PILLS. trot'' Pill Is a TJoeo.'A a I’rlta l wmlpi!vr Onto. Pop Mile by THE ORESS C000S DEPARTMENT Is a enrceea CAM1MFBC for hammer at Uo la worth 91 M la Now York, la fact, there k not 1 artk-le In Fancy or ample Dry (looda that cannot I lowed In hie refcddl«hni-nt. A!*». the newest r« •■ut. called Sirv.H VUUBU. foe drtneea. is kept I allyradee. AH he aak* if a cnlL Do a«t firpt h place, 152 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. M*ljr , all I'ruufftala. 19. 91. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! hill’s in rm Has attained nnprecedentad oncrre« in rcllevlnc Uie prevailut disorders of th# Li**r. IU martu 1 netly entitle it te the prehrmetit it reoetrea over ail other LIVER MEDICINES. It is n<»w k-pt by tusuy persons always at lian.l, and lived regularly, and thoae j»era..uaare mver ■ubjrct to tliv usual eymptoiue of a disordered Liv- rr. •*> prevalent al this eeaeoa of tba year. It will coat you but 50 CFNTS in> Idri veoii recelp Dt Y AT ONCE f 1. D e •»•!» Vial nl ll.v rilrUM a 1 th fri a to Klvw * tats for To try It (’ rrjy Forealoby J. ,t|. DO NOT DELAY! HAYDOCK & CO., at Platt Htreet, New York. Str. David Clark Only Divert Dost twice per week between SAVANNAH <i BRUNSWICK. LIAVr.1 BAVANNAH FOB BBt'NAWICK EVERY MONDAY INO THURSDAY AUERHOOfl. Bm ilNlMJ. LEAVE DKfNSWH h Tuesday % Friday evening FOB »A VAN NAM- Maken deneronnertlonat Drnaewkkertth 9*1 Ballreed, and at OTvaaaab wlib Orrnn atcMaebia fo e et—marn U and from New York, and eltb Pbllntelnbla. Bellim ire and hvH etiesirif.- Fretgble at Iwwml rates. Mark all tbroa^h frogbt • Ume ffteaanar David Clark _ C. W1LUAMN. Ammt. kfftffll 3m Brnaswick.m the dock PALMER BROTHERS. HARDWARE IM and 131 fit. Julian eta. SAVANNAH, GA. Agricultural Implements. fan mills, OIt AIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, IIEKL PINS, OR.YSS RODS. BnbboK and Leather BKLTIXG. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, OI Ms’ ANOriSDUiS, »ISIL>C TAtKI.E agents for fa.rl.ank:- ^tandard Scales DUPONT’S CELEBRATED powder. n-il |*lns. r—J .. l7 ,ptHKH HKvrilGRK IU. HARRIS, Wnfclimukcr & Jeweler, BRiiMit'K. - mm, 11 AS • VNfcT iBT-Y t V1IAPDA FCl L ■'TfLY Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE SCHEDULE OF HATES BETWEEN — s nsrntis & bruns wick The new steamer Baby. wUl ran recularty he- tween W. Him--as Mills and Brwaawkk. an Inttewe: Learn OtUna' Wharf, Branswlrfe. dally, ifinaday's lOTvTThUtePwharfi * Brnmrwtck. ’ inaturdsy's mid Ififipm . . .1 r»| m _ _ 41 Mills tally, (Hundhi'a «»r»pt» nil Mm Lmvs at. ntmena Mills, dally. (Baiarday’s and Ban- THE CAUSE OF THE PEOPLE. CJrorao Strwd, tha Mayror and C<»uiv oil Hltd the Macon and Bruner wiok Unllroad Company. day. 1 Haterda) s.(Mail)... V IIUtraTrir Muahi 'i ' Enm wipe to aad JEWKLiRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments ci.yo xTKiran. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, SKWIN’G MACH IN IIS. Needles and Attachments. CALL AND Hi: CONVINCED, oclis-l, L’KbT ghekn and black TEAS. It LUSTS OKSL'/SK Sl’W CROI• GAUDEX SEED nndmtnr.tay. Fare an> b waj For freight, f poeltltv'y no fr-e list, r vienretnue. af-ply %n 12. DA nr. Jn. W.B.Mell&Co., Wheleenle and Bvtait Dealers in SADDLES & HARNESS, ItUBBKIt AND Leather Belting, Continued Jron necond patje. Bat the Ninth Georgia goes still farther and aaja, that grant, of ezela- uto privileges, to corporations, are to be strictly construed; and if th, term, of tho grant arc ambiguous, the am biguity must operate in favor of the public. And the ruling from the Su preme court of tho United States is to tho sarno effect, bat mnch more lacid nnd comprehensive, and says, in brief, that if tbers bo, upon tbe whole, fair, rcasonablo and substantial donbt whether the Legislators intended to oonfer the authority in question, par ticularly if tho exercise of it should impose hardens upon or oppress tbe pooplo, or should abridge natural or common rights, tho doubt should be rcsolred in favor of tho citizens and against the municipality. Now, ia it poasiblo lor any one, of eTcn the most ordinary intelligence, to read and then apply thcae rulings to tbe 43 section, without entertaining fair, reasonable and substantial donbt, that the Legis lature intondod to give to tbe Mayor and Council tho power to grant per mission to carry railways through the public squares of the city ? Then is not, in my humble opinion, tho least trace of tho slightest shadow of a donbt, that it was tbe fixod pnrposo of tho Legislators, that railways should bo foroTer excluded from those streets, portions of which are covered by and incladod in tbe public squares. Bnt I will, for tho sake of argument, admit that, thcro is a doubt, nnd no one can, with any show of reason, claim rnoro than a doubt, unit what thru becomes of tho reicstir.Ti ? Why, thi ! cuntil of tl:o doubt meet be given to tho pooplo; and g'veu, not only bo- entuo there is a doubt, but for tho mom potout reason, that ti e exercise of tbe power, claimed to be granted, would doprivc tho pooplo of Bruns wick, not only of thoir natural and but of their inalienable rights. These rulings settlo the ques tion beyond all possibility of a doubt -the material and common rights of tho people mast and shall bo protect ed. Bnt tbo Twenty-second lows goes still farther and says, that if land be dedicated as a public square, and ac cepted at sneb, a law devoting it to other use, is roid, bocanso of the vio lation of tho contract. If anything farther were noeded to settle the ques tion beyond all porsibility of a donbt, this ruling, sustained, aa it is, by ev ery ruling that hat erer been made on tbe subject, certainly famishes all ami even more, than is necessary. The public squares ia the Old Town of Brunswick, six in number, were first dedicated to tbe uso of tbe people by the colonial gorornment in the year 17C7; and they have been known, rec ognized and accepted as such erer since. And now, can it be possible, nndcr this ruling, that tho Mayor end Council bare the (s.wer to deprive tbs pooplo of Brunswick of the free and embraoe all the land contained within the boundaries, irrespective of any streets that may past through them when nnencloeod. In rapport of this position, I cito "Dillon on Municipal Corporation,” tba highest authority, perhaps, in the United States on this ■abject, who stye that, when tbo words "public squaro" are used on a plat, that it is an nureatricted dedication to public use; and that the uso varies ac cording to circnmstsness, to be jndged of and directed by tho corporate guar dian, subject to tho control of tbe laws and tho courts; bnt that tbe sutbori tie* hare, implied power to anthorizo private dwellings, or other private structures to bo erected there- od, and it erectod, that I hey become pnblie and indictable nuisances. Now, Mr. Dillon certainly establishes the fact, boyond til controversy, that tbo entire space, marked as a pnblie square, is dedicated as ■ pnblie square, and not partly as a public sqnsre and partly aa a street. And now, what constitutes tho differenee between pnble squares and streets? Mr. Dil lon says that tbe ossa and parpoeesof a public square are, in some roopocta, different from those of a pnblie high way—that a street or highway can not be enclosed by tba local author ities; bnt that a public square in town or city, when tba dedication is general and without special limitation or nso, may bo on closed, notwith standing it may bare remained open for many years, bat that tbe place must remain free and ooumion to the uso of all tbe pnblie; aud the 14th Louisiana says tbst as ■ public square not designed as a highway or thor oughfare for all sorts of conveyances, bnt is intended as nn ornnuiout of a vn r.nd place of rocrcation at d imusotiK'Ut. tho corporate authorities may om h .o tho saino. ’1'ho dllli r once bi! vi. u tho two, as cluirly and indisputably established by theeo au thorities, is that a street cannot be enclosed, while ■ pnblie square may be—tbst a street is for tbo uso of tbo poople and all manner of vehiclos, while a public square it for tbe sole use of tho pooplo, end that a pnblie square, when unenclosed, may be used both as a public square and a street, but whon inclosed, it can only bo used as a pnblie square, (u other words, tbo right of Uw peoplo to use as a street land covered bv a public square must eeaao when the public sqnsre is eneteasd, for the reason tbst the use of the lend ae • pabtie equate ia made more leered and beneficial in character and effects than Its use as a street—it is tbe recreation, niaaae- ment and health of tbe people on tbe ooe band, ami tba alight inconveni ence of driving vehicles around the squares on tbe other. About tbo year 1836, a small |«rty in form. His fancy for circles most, however, be carried out on all the sqnaroa, and ae be could not cover theeo squares with a single circle, be concluded that be would do so by us ing two circles on each square, but when he came to place the two circles in juxtaposition, be discovered that they would more than cover tbe length of tbo square. But a much moro serious difficulty then presented itself, and that wee that if tho length of tbo square bad boon sufficient to contain Uie two circloa, nearly ooe- half of tbo ground would have been lost to tbe public squares—a very greet loss indeed, and one greatly overbalancing tbe great taste dis played. Hie fruitful mind then con ceived the only plan by which he conld relieve bimsolf of the difficul ties, and at the earns time carry out his fancy, sad that was to lot the cir cles slightly overlay each other, and then cat off portions of each, leaving a specs between them, end thee, in order to cover np end conceal tbe loa of ground to tba pnblie sqnarsa, be makes the space ninety feat in width, so that it might show as a street— This fancy of Mr. Baldwin makes the eqnarea show very prettily, tmt it hep- peas, very nnfortonatety for those claiming that the space ia George street end not any portion ol Hanover or Wright Squares, that Mr. Baldwin was never authorized by tbe Legisla tors to 1st his fauey ran riot in any ■trail manner, and I now venture tho assertion that no other plan of a city or town on tho globe ihows inch wan ton deetrnction of land solemnly dod- ioatod as publie sqnaroa by any such separation; or that any such claim for ■tract was ovor matninod by any lou t of dual jurisdiet ’m it. o: uu country on nrlh. But the intiro apu.u oow.raJ by uiuli i.qiiaro li 030x27(1 foot, uud Uu name ut oaob square it placed length wise and without' any rogard to tbo ■pace claimed os Ooorgo street, and even some of the lotlvra of oaeb word were plaoed n|)on this apace in each square, and placed there by Baldwin himself. It happens, as before re marked, tbst Mr. BslJwin was not authorised by tbe Legislature to make bis surrey, nor dooa it purport to be, on its fsco, a resurvey of say author izod survey of the town; and it still farther happens that, when ha made tho survey, he did not plseo it upon tbe identical ground covered by the authorised surveys. This change of location did not appear nntil William Hughes, an eminent surveyor of Lib erty ouunty, uiado an authorized re- snrvey of tbe town end commons in tbe year 1857. ami then it was also discovered that every lot, perhaps, in both tbs Old end New Town, had been sold, convoyed anil described, of small capitalists, mostly from ; agreeable to I be unant bori-id surrey Maine, while roaming around tbo | and plan of Baldwin, during tbe twen- wcrld, seeking whom they may de- ly y««". w»l »h«l quite a number of tion of the Old Town. This building was then standing when it now does, and Baldwin (bows it etending upon the open spaas left between bis frac tional circles, and is marked "Court Hotwe,'* by Me own hud. And now, docs not this continuous nso of Hanover square u apnblio square beyond all qocstioo, nndcr tbo antboritiac cited; and tho notion of OooncQ wholly ud absolutely void? It sorely does both. And farther, what now becomes of tho ligament ud claim that Hanover ud Wright sqaares are partly pabUo squares ud pertly Ocorge street? Why they hsvs melted away, disappeared aad forev- • er vanished, aa tba mirt before tbo rays of tba morning eon. I bars now, I think, dearly aad folly aobeUntiatad the legal poailioa assomsd by me. If I have not, tba fail are to do so most be charged solely to the weak and im perfect manner in which I have pre sented the fade and argument, aad not to the iacnrwctn— of tba Por tions themselves, for they are u sa cred end troe es Hurea itself is st ored end tme. Hanover aad Wright squares are pnblie squares, to all in tents and purposes, throaghoot their entire length and breadth; aad no earthly power cu deprive the people of Brunswick of their free, unrestrict ed sod sols net of thssqnsrssMsoeh; and Uw Mayor sod Council have no moro legal power to great perm union to tbo Hn^on iqJ Uruuswick IUilvoftd Company to lay Uwir railway on ud through tho squares than thay have to grant permission to oxtend one to tho regions of tho moon Being one of tbe people, and firm- believing, as I havo ovor done, that tho rights of the pooplo should never givo way to tbo .luren utblo ud un- *.urnn( iblo eciioachinunta of corpo ration! of any li.araotd', is my oxsuso for troubling y-m and yoar readers with this hastily prepared artiole. If I suooood in satisfying tho pooplo that their saored rights have been Tory greatly endangered by this notion of Gonneil, and bo even slightly iostru- montal in causing the same to bo re scinded, as it should be, 1 will be more than repaid for the time and labor ■pent thereon. It is proper that I state, in conclu sion, that I noticed that Aid. Dun had morod a re-consideration of this action of Council at the next regular meeting. This is a more in Uw right direction, aad bom what I know and tare beard of the position of other members, I am very much iadiaod to think, that Oonodl, will, at Uw next meeting, promptly reconeuter, ud then rescind thtir farmer action. OnwmFMu. qalrklr rtfbsred Owl. A gentlemen in New York Swamp met a ret her "uncertain" acquaint ance the other day, when tbs letter vonr, happened to stumble upon Brunswick, and believing that they bad found a rich bonanza, they im mediately went to work to nrnke something oat of it. They soon men- buildings, soma being large sad valu able, bed been erected on ud so near tbe line of the streets that the plan conld not be then repudiated without inflicting roncli inconvenience end loss upon some of the citizens; and razziH sen amzsii'sz cstr zzixs. sole, , unrestricted iuo end enjoyment of sgedtosei|niressortofclsimtoons- UAnsow.rciiMj:,sxprsTUTi^sTU- j ^ puUio M|asre ^ by gating eachhalf of tbo Old ud very needy ell of j to avoid this inconvenience and loss u»o, nnd benefit to the Useoii sad »bst is now known as the Now Town Brunswick, or any other railroid cor-, They procured u act of the Legists umsLS son an ■ yev su Ttmrrmxz j poration ? Surely not. And any at- tnre incorporating them solves os tbe f.u. Huini AxnsAbDUutv wane. HARNESS, COLIARS, BXIOLES. Etc,! MANI . U . .’MEJUt, Specialty. WRITE FOR ITICES. SnvaiinalL Georgia- RiM' ly C- P. GOODYEAR, I Lav* or BnrrwH. Uiumu.! ATTOUNKY AT LAW, ' tempt to tbus deprive the people of their natural and common rigbls, will I WRITE FOR I’RICES. be an assumption of power that cu not and will not be auctioned by tbe courts. It will now bo utcesusry, in order to refats tbo single sad only argu ment adduced by the very few per sona advocating this action of Conn ed, to briefly consider the purposes I for which publie squares are intcodsd Jacksonville, ■ Florida- -md the difference eluding between J them ud streets, ss settled by the !*- n^n'.^Hin o™‘, ■SWSS'“ K»» enlLoritics. Public squares ere i “* J ,0 U lbc o( «*- un:. st. w.rr--ss b-ss-»i.>.isw««i»s ••• ii* and towns, and are to be used sole- ots., t.> Sms—. sfc).b u u!.=ff.-SStlf|» ’’ . ... ly by tbe |>eoplc; ud especially as places for the unnsement, recreation ud ,>rcsc. it 'U cf ii.e bseith - f be Iovl-.I littb otis; ami I .uu not going toe Ur I ■: |C. wbcii I siy, tbnt it ■b< u hi bo a - dere. meri t-go to de prive tha l.lth. ones of these inestima ble rights. Bat now, as to the space covered by a square, as this is u im portant feature in tie farther ccurid- eration of the question, I take Uw po- , gitioti. isd I thick I ibi!! bo GLYNN COUNTY able to nuixlcin it, that if Uw cup or OXIOX SETS. choice cm: wiso <t smokisi TOHACCO The Dost b lent Oigirs, Eclipse Sips! mure sutv mix AT.r nmn & co. SOLE AGENTS FOR — MX Klsl. as, IM II- Itr ■ rf list Is*- AH', tfolrvy-fhpww kre4 of r%*C- 7 I Myjj'jcr.-s. . s airwsareox u jCL TEEM. plat of a city or town contains spaces mtrkod oat si public sqnaroa, and nsicvJ as such, the public squares win '■ Urnnswick Land Com|>uy," one incor|H>retiug tbe “ Brunswick srul Florida Railroad Company," one the “Brunswick and Altatnabs Canal,' uJ one tba town ts the “City of Brunswick.” They went to work on all these projects, ud spent a very large sinonnt of money, bnt, unfortu nately for them ud ns, they soon Iw- camo bankrupt, and were forced to zbudon all. They brought out with them one George R. Baldwin, who claimed to be a civil ud the resident engineer of tbe several (SHUpanics.— Iliis Mr Baldwin prepared a map or plan of Ibo city, end he a|q>eare to beve possessed considerable skill ud taste w a draughtsman, and mod* a Tory e »d-table |dan ol tfo city. Tu i nkio; la. plu be oovci .l, or in I i.yov. ;,.. cover, the space.- 'icloli 1 ia tbe lom smaller aqnar - King, ya.-eti, Hillsboro ud Habtsz, with bar circles, sack containing circles within a arris, and showing walks, all landing to n common centre, nnd all making n vary pretty sqnnre, if n cir cle can bo called s square. Bat when be came to tbs two larger sqaares, Hanover sad Wright, be found that he could unt sorer them with a circle, for the reason that tusy were oWong "I’m n little short, and would like to aak you a oonnndraro in mantel arithmetic.” Frocod,” observed Uw gentleman. Well." said Uw “short" man, "snppoan you had tea dollars in your pocket and I should ask you for fire dollars, how much would there re main?" “Ten dollars;" wss Uw prompt so- it wss then thought advisable md best to ask the Legislators to adopt Baldwin's plan as far as tbe location of tbe lots were eoncernod, hut no farther, and tbit was done by the Legislature at its uexl session.— And' thus it will be seen tbst if it hsd not bean for this change of location mad* by Baldwin, his plan nevsr would have been legally recog nized for any |mrpoee whatever. Bat tbe Inferior court of the coun ty of Olynn resolved, in the yoar 1833, that they would build a Court House; ud as tbe nattily owned no site, Uwy concluded to build it npou oua of Uw public squares of tho town. Hanover sqbare was kI.iU.-I, ud Uw bo tiding placed thereuu; and, iu order that there might l»< no mistake mado about placing thu (wilding on tin square, th ' t ok Uu prwauti i to {dice it pr o lvintbacentr. Itfo s. ian o^_T . few 4n flam TLi'i 1’ iiMiotf win il . I %y i. Coort»i. jian1 .wTiL—Ml towr. U*/i ji itir uifiut "nil tu ioltl t' w by .tr. - B. M to the Mayor aad Conned ia t w year “*» toaroh ewa tdf 4e« —w 1867, and b still standing on Uw sates ■pot aad now used aa s City HalL It will be noticed on looking through Hu over square, that Uw budding is not low in Uw centre of tbs square; but sound hing liutb to Uw westward sod of Uw entire; aad this shows Uw extant of Uw chugs that was Biak by Uddaiu iu tha focs- “ Jacob, Is than modi difforeuco between sec and saw?" “ Yet, Uw dif ference between ree and saw is in least." Doctors lire by pillsgs. Dl-pc FSU- Ansars, Os., Jobs 34,18T8. For atatl yearel havasafhnddrtad- folly with dytpvpris, stcompulsd at limn with most cxeroeiaUag miaa, and and tore tried many remedies la vzla.- I triad your Neurotic, whlob sttad liks magic, giving satire relief ia a vary shJrttimeTl son-tier Ittha mast vria; ■hie. sad indeed wonderthl. «redto»>I have ever used, sad meet cordially ree- onunrod it to Uw pebtie. Mas. J. E Bin4m.!foiT5Msri4ts8t. Oeattsmsc-Oac li ax Tax-jo, lx Mt- i t lav - B Grate-I raemv. I ■ want J - 4 to amd m i '-su .*» It is aripiag sss. sad ay wils wrest rns Iww nmnvsr cored ms s( ktsartittis to ■ week's tifflCL IMwjNfifl*^!! fowsa stl the time; m I ■suwdw Itavsl-