Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 04, 1881, Image 2

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^(U erjiner and ^pcnl T. 0. UTAOT. Mitar aa4 frasrWar. BRUNSWICK, | GEORGIA: WTHMIAT llomilXil. ittXK itau. ^ Mr. Wiwllcj lina pockete.l I In- Purl ltojnl Railroad. • • » . Atlanta elduu Ihtt atm liw imvvr bad M epMemie of scarlet fover. kUbone to Conkling -r-“ Com* liitli- cr, child oTtalafortnne; III wrap with tboc tear for tear.’’—Ki. Tba (hernia Wcalern will b* built, ' it mom. Ilia aurvcyora are at work and tba eontraeta will aeon be Riven oat Vknmiefr: ManaflWn having rail roads to rent daring the simmer will please confer witb Mr. W. M. Wa.lley post office. Savannah, Oa. Thomas villa is aliil on l bo npward uiotc. Tbs Mitchell Hoaae ia about to be culargal, and lbs gruond baa Uwu broken for tbs Huutb Ueorgia Collegs. The Legislature of Ocorgi» lurela in special sisaion in Jnlr. Over 100 bills are now on the calendar, to oj nothing of scores of others in tin' for tile brains of tbe members. C.U. it. nto lias gone up booming. At a Ule meeting of the directors, a dividend of 1 ja-r cent, was ordered paid, and a certificate of 140 per share ordered issued. This latter ia simply the mon ey withheld from payment a few year* lawk when no dividends were paid.— Tbs money was need for steamships and other ev|nlpm*ota ami ia now Iw mg refund. l in tbia shape. Tbeas certificates arc dated July, IWI, ami bear iuterest at C |a>r rent, per an uniu, and are payable alter July. iNtll. C.Miklltnr nml Halt. At this writing, tho mutest in the Now York legislature still continue*. Thu opinion prevails that the aimer named Senators who resigned thuir seals in Congress, hoping lo lie re- elected, will lie allowed to stay nt homo. Cornell and Drew seem to la .the favorite* uow hefor* the Legist*, lure. We truly hope Measra. Conk- ling and 1‘lntt will ho taught n gmid loaaou by thin treatment. When men gut to that point where they think tile world would stop moving without them, it is well to show them tho fill- lucy of their |maition. - rnr.'oh i iiAi'i'if iSSAStt* i*tnlugKDiNoi up mimcii. Meant,,,' Meetinu. -Inlie 1st, IHMI. Connell met. Present, Hit Honor, J. F. Nelson, Mayor, ami AMsrmcn Dnnn, Watkins, Con|a-r, Doerfllcger, Harvey, LiltlleAml ami Mpaora. Ab sent, Alderman Putnam. u The mlnntra of the last regular meeting were read and ronfltmed. riie ap|ieal rats of John Powell and Jatnea Mentdeu was taken up, and,' after hearing the rvidener, the cam <vna dismissed. Itend a eoini.iiiuicatiun from T. W. Dexter, sgeut for the leases of tbs foot of Dartmouth street, stating that preparations were bring mads to ship large <|nanlilira of Inmher over the properly, and asking Onaneil for the exelnaive right of naing at will that portion of the western able of Bay street, from the northern rid#of Dart mouth street sonth, foe tbs purpose of patting in a aide track for eouveni- enee in piling Inmlier, etc., which was received and granted. Head a ennimnnication from tba Hoard of Kdneation, asking Council to advance tba amount .lira on eonpoos 1 BRUNSWICK, UKOlNilA, July tat, and etao the amount Hftjpi 0^ JoSsEsLambriglit premiums and regulations Green Grocer, j 0F TIIE CountiyProduce ANNUAL FAIR Wynn Co. OF TIIE GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO. CIGARS, .TAN DARII AND FANCY CRACK KRS. CANDIES, NUTS. FRUITS. Etc.. lolthkl If* t4rf*-l M r»*k »* rauufiil-li Agricultunil Society, TO RE HELD AT I UEAN BUSINESS! Mara roe net **«,«« t|, ^4 )f»rh UPreti, Brunswick, Georgia, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. J uno 7th, 8th and 9th. 1881. omcExs. llulow we give primndilu and ruso- lutiona passed by the lluptists of Uoorgia at their recent cniivsiiliuti in Athens: " It ia with plensiire that we h um that many coinnmnltic* are striving to rid tbeinrelren of the evils tlml re sult from the netarimu liijiuir traffic, ovils wliicli spring from llie nt iiiufse lure, sale amt use of strong ill oik- to nil such communities wo say, ‘tlml speed you in your iiohlv endeavor.' "But rwogimiug tlio nppulhng looguiluile of this eiirs*'. nml feeling tho need of cooperation to i.isnre uni- vernal ami |s'rinnnent sueress in ro | moving it, aiol Indiuving it to Is. a do j ty to throw the whole moral iiilWum-1 * .j U.I. |„ toernf|t urasvs, i w mild lie due from taxes and leases of Town Commons at that .late, in order that the Hoard might lie prepared to •ettle in full with their teacher* at the close of llm aeaaiou, which waa re ceived, and the Cluck and iaatrnrted to make the advance. T'i <kr IhiamUr if,fir sad VnuarUrf the (Mi, tCf tlniarmrl • Tlie Finance ('onilniltee, to whom vs referred tho application of C. P. (bssltenr; iitlomry, in the matter of live payment of Isvrk taxes on the two traits of marsh land lying west of the canal and the New Town, with power to act in the pramlaaa, beg tear* to slat* that they examined tbs matter, amt were utisfled that lb* city had no legal claim to either of said tracts, and Mr. Uisslyesr having propose-1 to pay, for the owner*, tbs entire amount vine for taxes on lb* Iraet west of the rana! from the year twin to DWt, amounting to fltfl Wl, they thought it advisable lo aooept the pro|HMilion, which they did, and lie came forward ami paid the aatne. Action Inis not yet lieen taken on the trml west of the New Town. H< s|iei'triilly sfihmitlod, \V. IV. Wvtxixs, I>. T. Dima, Committee. The re|«>rt waa received, and the report of tlm eonimiUee ailoplevl. Tho Harbor Master submitted Ilia rc|s>rt of the arrivals of vessels (forty- two in niitiitsirl during the inontli of May, which was received and ordered to Ire filed. Ily Aid. Dunn: Wurio'm, Connnil did, nt llin ndjoiirned niaellng loilil on Hie 20th day of April, IHMI, grant per- nnrsion lo llin .Macon A llrunawlek Itailrond Coiii|mny lo clinngn llmir railroad truck by placing tho aaine on and along flisirge streel, and, WlIKHKis, Tho placing of Hie said railway will destroy ss such tho two Isrgost. most convenient and hand some public Mpiares in theeity; and. Wilt Hi ts, Very grave doubts exist aa to wlielli -r Couueil has tho author ity and |Mt«i r lo griul |iermisaion lo lay railways through such streets as are covered to sud im lndeil in the pnlilic s,glares; sml. /Vrsf Taeniaij IM Juiir, 1801. I). T. Dl’NN. 1 DIVISION B—Live Stock and Poultry. Best stallion witb bis colts—cash |10 Second beat lame—euab 6 Beat mors sod oolt—cash 10 Ssoondbeatuunc—eaab..... G Best two year old colt—cash 7 Best one year old colt—caih ,5 Work mule In barn***—cash 6 Buggy horse—cash *. S Badillo hone— cash 6 Bull—cash 10 Second best tame—cub 7 Third beat same—cash S Best yoke work oxen—cash 7 Second best Mine—cash G Beat imported milch cow—eaab - 7 Beat nativo milch cow—eaab — 7 Second best same—cash..... G Third best same—cash. .1 Best heifer not under two years old—cash G Second best same—American Agriculturalist 1 Beat ram and owe—cmIi G Second beat same—sheep shears 3 Best boar, any slock—cash G Second beat Mine—cash 3 Beat sow and piga—cash 7 Second best same--cash 3 Best gilt-rash G POULTRY. Best coop of fowl,—cash 3 Beat coop of cock and bens of tho croM of Leghorn, Black S|HXiaiali and Houdan cash 3 Second best same - cash 3 Best cock anil hens, Brnmali—cash 3 Beat cock and bens, Poland—cash 3 Beat cock and bene, Cochin China—cash 3 Best cock and hens, Houdan—cash 3 OXOUOIA—Cl.vs* CVmsTV. ass dart M ks SUsl.11sU... * .i !» N nuns* Usri •* M t*.pewei -i «. II D .vi l i ha*, tsw mat. .m* rmaimimm. ml.- 1 tss*r. e—stj SslIiS. PosOfsl fl«?s>: mi ,i Jua. anvusamiir. IWnfiU'.is oanaou-oivsB imn .foot M. J. COLSON, Secretary. 1 ««* »“■> ban*. Bnntam-caah JOHN 1*. LA Mil. Treasurer. Jb*t «*k and hen*, Oame-cash. ■ Ikftt cock anti hen*, Black Spanish -cash. a~ .... is— T. W. LAMB. It M. TISON. JOHN A. PHILLIPS, A. T. PUTNAM, T. W- Heat cock and hens, Leghorn -cash ifiijTmi.'oK*^Si XiZX’.'m DEXTEU. Vice-Presidents , |J«‘ “ »P ri "« chickena-buttci dud. art ««Wa a. a.* ■***.,. si fsmw —s.; n. Beat pair turkeys—eaab wsWSitt aa* Ws, uatn. ts. eawsiss rev-e. . . ■ mm i 111 ; I test pair |ieafnwls—cash asSMiarws m at Was. s.4 mfe—.i. p STANDING COMMITTEE, licit |>4ir geese—cosh laSsMatvtSuwssaaS mZntiiZ-Zu’iZf.'. Best poir English duels .-cash r**~r*“ H, r 7 " IJ T-V (K Ilwm- iv W Watkins, Chairma.., Iturr Wiuton, J T Collins, TW ” ’ ’ F dhr« III \ el. M % I ici:* !«Milt, A T l'lltliaill. ’t aaOnn**r me». so.1-...a.. ... i',„„ , T . \\ It fcrrmlgh-, M. D.. Chairmsn. J N Walker, J I* Lamb, -I M !•-. 1—r. I> a Under. Jo* P.sitell, H S Chihli. <):; Stoi r—A T iNiti- un. Oi.iiriwiti, J A Snp|i, L \V. Iln/.lfliiinit, Hr. On I*ik'Ltky.—K A Chainimii, J K l>ul!ii(nnii. II L Mine, M |{0kk.PNl On M MUiNEtr.—Burr Wiuton, Cliairm.nn, Hourv Orr»v, Win McCutiillciui, W H An«l**rm»n, L S Srrn«|»ii. lint |»ir Mum-ov x diiokn—ciuli - DIVISION C—Naval Stores, Staves, Shingles ar Cooperage. lint roiiin ami nani|»It H ilozeii $ 5 SccoikI Im-nI m.'uiio—Dinvlinlf klotcii Iiackrrii 4 | lent clinplnv <mk nr cvpri'M* lmrrcln lundo in tlio aown mini tin—onu Mt triiM< lino|:n 2 lint <li*|ilny cyprcM and pitie nliiii^lcn—American A^riciilturnlist 1 5 SaSJTSi i*vxr. *r . r °^ | X A S ltar “** U * Itest dUplay ualive wo.sU -cash Ig4 | u'rhrl r, a. *( tkM 4tt. •! pghlh out, n *.• T W It C(l*'llilli;itt. J K NIJjIlti'liU tic. | M44>r **" Jr * rfth " > On Naval htorkn.—A V Wo«mI, Cbffiinirtii. J Wilder. W K litirlw^c, D II DIVISION D- FlOWCrS fllld PlafltS i II Pot) JUI (Ml ' L ’ : #? “ n “- slfwufw. ly l**< urnl hr-» M« K Pots. a«.... « 4«f tffi »• nt mW. Ity — L.t uumWr 8 II < iftli, N DlX«»n, II lift. ITL ■ lie sriLr-"£s " T H T,f '' 4 T Ue ' 1 '' 4 E '^i^t."L-^!e ia,u 0 ... .•an ojtMHRr.^tiy .a tim- Dart,.} ft Mc< uil«>n^h, J M Tiiion, .Jr. WtM«ar*rffb« Owmp«r.4l^ fL^.r.1 .rf flw O.irt. .1 H 31 TlAOn, *lr. --------- -- . irHStSS /»■ T W Chairman. A T Putnam, It M Tison. J A Philli,-. | Zolo^ knif.'.V.V.7. /.V.V.V.V 7. .'' 7.777. .J i' , . . »»'*• I tinier. nv*T prnu'LHiu I t r». iniwir*i iim •< r. mmhhioiit. Str. David Clark '■ Ox T.icbmvikxt.— V J Crovatl, Chnirninn. Henry Tnvlor, O W Wright, Jr,. W O, Win Turner, C. B Mabrv. Wcvxr .vii xtv.-W M Wiggins, I witli |— - ■- no ..... v..v»—.ri vei I necon.i cr lo till on*. NcIxtosh corxnr.- D. an M'ing, Oelnviua Hopkins. - •oi'xtv.—T M Harrison. RnfnaLang, Win II King, LT McKinnon.— It. .It. Tison, Chairman of entire Tournament Committee. Ox Pi.ixts.—Mrs. J M Dcvt. r, Chairman, Mrs T E Smith, Mr* It M Car- 6 4 3 1 CUT FLOWERS. ,y cut flower* - card receiver. 4 it Mmo—Mlvcr 4 Third liest same—vase 1 DIVISION E---Household Department. gvl.'. Mrs \UV Watkins. Mrs la:Baron Drur'v! Mrs. Win IkirkultMi, Mrs W A | J* 1 ” 1 brcad-ailvor-plateU s|iooii-holder. (XI Fnll. r Mr* V M Hnvwoml Sscoiid best sniiio—pair silver-plated napkin ring*. 2 (Ml Ox ili.rsuioi.n.—Mr* Join, T Collin*, Chairman, Mr* .1 II McCullough J** 1 P"" 1 "'* bnltor- .ilvcr-plnted butler di*li 3 OH Mtf F A Brewster, Mrs .1 S Marlin, Mrs A V Fulimin, .Mrn M Hlmnnon, Jlrn, ,CH ^ H . !,,, ? e * j * •••<. 1 *j(i Iro K Smith. Mrs S 1! Atkinuon. Mis* J.*. Nathan*. i D,,,lt ,0 '' r vnl ' io [ i ‘' > " of ,^ ku J 09 ! «' , ' cl1 , of / rui, ‘ l*®”**'*. «»*l Ox Fixer Won* Mrs T W Dexter, Cliairmnn, Mr* M C Howe, Mrs II T!.. A‘ nr - V enko)-»dvor-p!ati d euko linsket o)— Htlvor-nli Second l>cht Hiuno—Hilvor-plnlcil pin knife. Only tHrrv-l Iloftl |*L • |*rr wrrk hvtwrrn VANNAH & BRUNSWICK. „ |||in J|rK M c „| H „ n> J[„ ,i„ cnh j|iH„,|«on, Mr* W I* Minor, SIi»» ltehecen ' K * 1 "'une-mivor-pinic\**xvnro*nai xswicx rvrnv j Miw , M , ri:l JI|WI KaU . i>i||„„. Mis. Maggio Moore, Miss Harry }J«*J <;aVe-.llver-|ilnto,l berry aboil.... MONOAT m THURSDAY AFTERNOON. lUTI RMNU, I.RAVK ORt'NHWIfK i Coimltcrry, M . On Oi’iuuhitikh. Boat diHplny of cauncd fruitH, proferven, jollion. timrmnlndo, pieklcH, catsup and wino—ailvcr-platcd butter dinli.. Tuesday g Friday evening mil HAVANNAII. ItfUlriMili Mil at Mftvannat Co.'u uleaniwrw In anil Ir Htlla<1rl|*h!a. lull I antra i “ratghta al lowr-t ralp« tiara Hlwantrr |«vM f 'lar • Durt itif!h. viohn H UoHtwick, Clnnrmnn, Dr. W. B. BurroutfliH, W T!calniip ami wino wiYor-piaioti unitor uiaii (Ilov. r, Mrs C W Style., Mrs Win Anderson, Mr* J It Iluatwiek. Second boat same-one act .llver-lilatud ten kmvea On Dim.—Homy T Dunn, Clutiriimn, J. B. Bontwiek, J. M. C!oii|M*r, *V. V. Hiunc -ono idlvor-plnled cup W I, W. T. (Borer, L. W. Ilnzliliursl, A. J. Crovnlt, Mnj. 0. M'illiam*. [ niVISIflN F— LnHinn' Fnnrv Wrvrlr Ox Kxtkutaivmkst. —J F Nelson, Clinirnmii, W 0 Hewitt, C O Mo>.re, Joe „ , „ , VlblUIN P LnClIOS I ancy WOTK. Wallaeo, W 1* Hnrrinon, j lloxt display of- li (HI 3 (III 3 GO 7 (HI G nil I (III RULES AND REGULATIONS. Oiiu Foa Mehiii or Cicinit. i Inf. This Fair hIiuII Ik* o|m h to competition to rcNidcntn of tho counticN of Bout FpoiMinen of - Dl.vnn, Chariton, Canuhni, .McIntosh, I’icrcn, Wart*, Wayne, and Liberty ulio ! Ibuid Rowing—«ci Machino Hewing—ailvor butter dish Fancy knitting- ailvor cardtalvur Fret anti iicroll Hawing—ailvor cako banket. (-rochot—pair ailvor vaica Tatting ailvor vaaoa.. . .$r» on •l oo . ft fto ,. :j oo IN Tlir UtaTNlrT rol'HT or * «TM. run Tlir.NtM'rilKlIN I or IIKUNill t. !■ U» mattrr of Unllirnoa A ILrk, it enter evliil»its and compote for prumiutna. hbnll lie entered to conipoto for morn than UlifJ MMHlMnfthw rrw*1i|**ra ,4 M»*t al Itranaatvk. In aaM IHalrut. « ml 4«»r A I*. I«U. tits' Mt > Ks). Ix-ff lass. |k,i. It. ». im llaMini|*«4-y in **•>) I t* Mi»»as| IM th. tarat) artel A'i «f I saxnss *hntl«wt •• \m Art l f**r«l M)*«rMs .*f |U*.brw|*(. « tier l'»M Mal^a." »|^**"l H*r>b 1.1«; kMtl it is (Mithv r «r»i*r*4 Tbit tl.e > sal t taHIhg by wklla.* art of thin Convention in favornf the.nm I‘"<* carry the , Mkv . ll , pmaiou of In.- I..,.mr Irallie. II,. r. for-. n “ l *V I 1 Aamfcrd, I (ml . "M-'-f**. '£££ * .1 a a i i t it . | »tl*» tfiiil I|w4*|* skM litli*utlsOi. tliclefiile I 4i)a, la lla a*a*faa*f raMlb* Hnt* brethren U* i«p;miiiiU»I who blotll put „ f “ ., A%m ArrslCf 1 “ ' “ rtnt Ilia* **.11*1 neli*HI of I **• 4aya feUt I- aM4 l blotll pill 7 ’ - »•*•• a»b ArraaL.' rOMUH M KniMsatrl. t,v , A " T '” <^S^7S£STS!i. a—v. . uddro** throng pnv-. .ml l.y ,,n MU , '** r '* 'l 1 " 1 * SSSZ\ ££t i liallv invitcil t -M. X »amui:il premium. :l*l. All aiiimaU slmll lie ontcrnl in the unm(*N of thoownem thereof; all ar* ' ’•eieffi in the niimca of either the nniiufiteliirera, the proditeera or tho factoia ! thereof. 4th. No animal or article entered mIihU b«* removed front the Fair during itn continuance except ***t the wiiltcn |M*rmit of the Secretary of tho Swiety. , fit It. N*» animal or *r»i *le wilt !»*• awanb**l a prctninni milcb*i there ia com-} petition, but .liid^eM will loiveths* power lo make M|*eeia! iwnnU fitb. Tin* S..c»ot v will fiirtii<*li f.***il for atock ami fiMMiHtaiic * to C iro for antuo. \ 7lb. The Kutrv B**ok- will Inj cloned at 12 M. on the lir*t «iay «»f the Fair, i Nth. Kvery articb* ..r >oiiio»t ti|>«ui the groumla during the Fair ahall l»e un der control of the Fair < Vmmittec; ami wliilnt every |MNuiihle precaution will | Im* taken for the «afe keeping of the bame, tli* StH'icly, will, in no mac l>e ro-, **I»oiimIiIc for bma or ilamnt*CM. 'Jtli. The SsM-iety’a “Diploma" ia the lligheat Award, ami will Im« given ill the dim retion «*f the Jmlgs-M to the most meritorious article* on exhibition. such »Mlter in- um nn tin y may .h-. it. bewt, with otir Biptmt lirellmn 111 rung hout the State, and with all CAns/tdN /rnrt)Jr throiagh«Mit tin* State, and with u’l f—i rifur*, „l the .Slat**, with a view to th« arcoajplmhmmt of a mailt so oarncbdv dcaarmt." 1N*|. in giantmg |M-r to-a|oii to th*- M icon A llruiiMWici llnlrov<l ('son- !•*•••.% lo lay their r<iU a track mi and through Ocorge nlreet, Iw* au«l tkr ia l.« PREMIUM LIST. Wk lake 111- I.*.1.1 a r« veld lellrr **fr** tin* Sa» -tfitinli X writer itg exliact from the interior" to by tin* aU*«r Wm. Neubauer, BRI NVWK’K. t! A. i thrnugh »»y ||oot & Shoe Maker. • I ||> II.d .minded After 4*» a!! night** n le 1 reached Bruiikwiek, and f nind (1iarl**y Won- beriey ready n» take charge #if hi*.— 1 half nut over ha-re f«n m >r* than a year, and 1 w v» ie*t pn* jautfl lo *e« the nuinlier «if new b*fO*e* going up, ami tlnibe dre id) completed Miica ink U*t «i*it. Tlir new hotel la an ornament to the pi icr and m monument to the enng) and ontcrjiribc of Mavor Xel*on. It* reg- iater rhowa n g > m| daily li-t *f .irr val«, and, altli mgli it ii-i* n«it m«.|r Utofiuy thia immiu, it i* |e*tnie I lo auccucd by-aad-bv. The itieiulwrw »*t the B|ih»copal cliiuch an- ere* img a haudoom** ami eomni«iili<iit* r*vi«irt It will be one of the tine**: l*.id*l* i*. in the city. Tnerw iuii*l Im- u.*m »•% among aome of thcoi* |ionple, «*r tin y could not tiuti work for »o many ear- peutors and other imwlianica that H’-mdcrat furlh'V, *| | t .1 |m rini*<«ioli a ill Im* given t#* tin *iild Mice m A Ur nn«wick Bobov I r.*m|Miny to lay tin ir rail aln ct not ill I lie public *(k<rr*i «»f tlir city. ' Tin* rraolution. Iwing *• condnl, waa loat yraa, J; irny-, ft. ww km hm u Ily AM. Watkina: Whoio, TIh* - meuilier* of Ihr p-dice f..rre did earl. XotlCC «f I)Um)I||| !i»!I. •spend alwknt f*!2 iki in order to |*r*»- n»l*H »" OMt a*- all kt^la- awkta a*« ha*. t*s Of.* DIVISION A Ite-t itl-pUv ..f vege! I:.- .liver 1-1,1. S. eiiuil Is si same SI I'im.l Is.: same l*M >t l*M*-t,e! Insll |...I S.V. -„l I, si sa,„( a : Tl.irl I—I g. Is--! bushel sweet j«>■ - Sevmi last same—one wl. It st Ixislie! sweet |a,tatia-s Is St wame- one set Farn\ & Garden Products & Grain. ne garden, not lent than ten varie- $10 INI • 7 ftO 1 »••-! I able f|NMina ft (Ml Ik. | V ploH able* fro d i. .- : i!t Ik, * ,*i.,i • M. I -:1k. it.-- —«a| • ll.j 7 0U act ailvor tonMpoona o fto Machino aowing—ailvor goblet 2 fto Silk embroidery—ailvor napkin ringa *j fto Cotton embroidery—ailvor fruit kuifo 1 fto Wonted embroidery—ailvor vnao , , j fto Fancy knitting- Hilvor augur h|k>oii ] fto Croohot- ailror napkin ring | fto Lnco work—iilvor viiho fto Muernmin Uco—ailver fruit knifo j fto Tainting in water colon or oila—ailver card aalver 4 00 Drawing (non and ink, crayon or jwiicil}—ailvor napkin ring *2 ft.i Lutnbrcijoin—pair ailver napkin ringi o (Ni Bug -pair ailvor napkin ringa o (H» Patchwork quilt—net ailver traajioona 2 fto Shell work- -ailver vaac j fto childbi:n*s dkpabtmkxt. • Bent In.-mining or hand tewing Silver tliimbh- lfo.t ilartiwl at,filing Work hasli. l Heal l,ntton-b»l.' Silver tliiial.l.- Ust |H.nuwn»l,ij, Kmit knit,. Beat drawing Napkin ring Heat fret and ecrull saw work Fruit knifo Ileal embroidery silver thimbh- llcat crochet ItqaaSa I,an,I Img SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST. and a, under ono year, ailver rii|» rllkar u* w iMUr >—< tneaaarcs.... Ih ?*t barn l corn in the pu croj» IHSO — of Sccivnd la-Mt iMine «»iir • i-j lit-day cl«a*k Tltinl Im *4 K-1111* — Amerimsti Agiicnltur.-iliwt Ilwt biibhcl nplaiel nmgti r:«-e—uni* Av«*ry jdow )- on*- A v« ry j*Iow ne Avery |»!ow me |*nteiit c«*ni flieller BABY SHOW .t IN)' lh>*t nml handoomiwt pair of male twii 2 no Beat naim*, female, adver c»|» 7 ."iO l^t aatne. male and ft mate, ailver rtij» :t 00 Beat and bamUomeat baby lu»y, under one year, Oliver CU|» “ fto Beat aanv*. girl, ailver cii|» .M INI .1 INI ,. .*1 IN) 1 ftO! Boat pjiir boy twina, over um* year nml under two, rilver cup lo 00 jh*»t aamc, girl*, ailver cup and over ono year of age, ail* 2 tN) 2 INI MX|»nd alMkut ftj mi in »rd»r to |»c»- wair»T77. wwi, r,.o.r4t» ^ '“d U-» Mai..e Am-n* ... Agricnlfurali*!. vide % winter uniform, in nmformity ' bnolirl kmlui.l r**<igtt riev one h.irr**w to a n-«duti**n ..f ’«»*itird. therrfor*-, WiVWraI«i*<w^(Vt‘Ti.^r k M^Ta'V ^i ‘ciu-V^h S.-»N.n.l iM-%t ^.-kfue .fi.f «*t f al* h.irnf MM /J.-J.W/. Ttisi the WSCra'L-LEri’.sr^.T;*: , ;^, v .*..d-sue.f mile ttir |«av- ttOMadto On*. m4 to •*.*« all twv-tOr UI , 1 ' ar*. •*< I Wil4*r « l a «r» pavaHr writ mu - h imaruv F#en (he Attcaf Norm an luiay nb ait li newNpijasr fr*ilerm»y are |*r**a|wting. Brother .Stacy, of tin* Aiaurua, l*aa receiil 1| *'ii cte*i a nict? home bitddii g BflNtm-Nk ban been Ter) gthut .id N4-U- oon, aHhoiigti now nlickoig u|» *oun*- what, ih'*iaic m*a tiher fiflV vea- •yla in |ioit. and u in in.|aN»«ibl« to get band, to l M l tliv.u .toMpidl) ua i/euj.iutlud, Im* k|»|»r< e|»t lats-sl I inmt for a Mitmnier Mint for cadi The rcNMlntion, on U iug acc*Hi«l4*«l. *V IM llfl1llil||VI|«lk tlll|l|fl|. Tt*e cliairm in of tlm Fiinner Torn- nut Ice having Mtate.1 that they hail mH ii'i*I liiu** t*» et kiui'tr th«* bill* Hilt), mittevl to them, the coiiiniittrw were allowed farther time, aiul the Fleck and Treaaitrer inMtriicts^l t» |»ak tlir ••ilia after .i|»|*r«>val J»y the lamimittee, *• **** <* *u fcmto. *m4 m "'"I ve|s,rt tin mua. the next meet-1 SSS^T.V^rtSlTJhl^i.'.l tug <>f Council. | “•' *—***■ -*•***»'• , C«*imctl I heii adj turit. d. 4 F. Nri-ao*. •ml b» ft * >ix I.. B Ht Mix I.IIIH tf.-M Iw . JEKVL mi it* at otll.v Secciel Im Ik >r r it, 41 I -Tto » ,rlkvf Jf*r-0>,c| ..f Iwsua .a fflyaa Cm*Ml*. ,(.<• g f brsMO I ksrb r Tb» l.lsn t of all fct«4*. ta4 Mr ut he .1 Beat toiimtoe Snuiitl la**** > Beat NalllNallS- ak.h « :u» AgruMiPiiruliat •lie dozen diutier jdatta* . •/.* n gidileta »i*- Met ciijm and Naiu^iw. . .*#• •% ate r pitcher I w pilclief • - -one carving knife m l * • uj*>* ami a incera • Ur* ikfuNt plate*....... • f ii.oineter - onediovel • *1 a\** Olie Ma t Of»tip plntt'M . .x 0U Bewt oani**, bcyffiil girl, *ilvcr enj | ft4) Beat and hnm^oincMt girl baby, nmkr t 7 ftO | ft on 1 fto I Beat Mine. 1m>v, ailver cup • 2 Ini 1ft 00 i Beat ami liamiioniCNt tri|detN, ailver g«ddet ft pu 10 INI| The above exhibit will take place JunclMhatlO k.11. Pan nla wifi ft 00 »» the Sir name* I afore June Dt to the Preddent or Secrpfary. Oiai. I fto to eight countiea. 2 IN) 1 fto 1 fto Bcxt Xcwfoundland 7ft " Pointer 1 tN) ( •• If skin.. V . .... ftO *• Span 11 ... 1 fto, 1 00 BKXCII SHOW OF iMHiS. $21 Ih *t Sk'tter.... 2! •• Spit/ . .. - 2 " Terrier. .. 2 “ lWllt*..., BIKDS. 1 l* 1 IhMt dtHjday of ii'ktive bird* of dtfTi-retit jJuitinge, in one cage, of not , ;JJ less II,ni, b'U vm.-tie* “ .. * HorankW, Clerk Oooneii. nr > \l, Ma'K': Nornii 1*1*11 l»u«M. |n*Mll ia«r»ttlrr> Iraais, aa- •|h*UI) M-l |*f*vw • v f tto l*« in, It VlkltlvV . j.umvxrt r**|> Nor-. . NI..I p« .. n a **ta "’k' ^; f p, W tl.fct.u K iJK’li. M 4-1. tsHkrlcsl Secoud heat Nnit.e— one Beat fieM |k*un, one jtet l Second ImM Nani** Ani* Beat one gallon tlesirgi i S»*coiid l*ext aame—one Third lie-t mum- Atuer Beat ten |h>ii iU(i of .i Second l*» ai * one o.. Beal ten jmiiiii.L honey i StHNWid la-at Name 1*111* Beat one gallon oltu ud Beat one gallon pick:, d * • s-- —pii. tis*. a*i ch variety —cnh!».. . m AgricnltnraliNt • p -one lira** nkini nt Ny rnji pitcln r.. A;rrtrultnralw f . . i*l dijijier. 1 00 1 i! :t 00 * 1 fto ” 1 fto * n r ft*» «;• 2 fto if.', 1 :»or; 1 .V) In 1 jo | OFJDER. mi. n:aru*T roniT or me im, xi u. * i*h ME x* i ni !i> : luic:. r • >r oronoiv. Ilia Voter A PaDlfMoi k jv. k In IU* |m ; . r’ntrnx pi-mmTOFtjD>Rr.u mm a |.ral «,a.| I.) |Ik* A 1 Ko*..imL. *>n iU« JH m.\c i*uiarr.|iL»i. DUNN ta CO. SOLE AO ENT: i FOR (i la YNX COUNTY GALL AND SEE THEM. b’SSgg? gSS gg a ggggggg’SgSSggggg 8 8gggggSSgggSSSS8SS88ggSigSS