Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 11, 1881, Image 2

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ffdvetfistr and Jbfpeal. I n, * rk " on *«»<• »>rincipu of ' ■ _ > ----- : "•milt” wn cl<H|iicul. and showrd • , T. 8. ITAUT, Ml|«f ut fnprMsr. BRUMSWICK, . ofeoROIAi UTVklUT Moixixil, JUXX II,net TUK KAIIIOriMI. " A ■uoci—H.* Opt* mins Kl— “a iimn unt il Tin Fair of 1881 ii over, ind now » U*i»8 of the put, to talk shoot, critioiao, ami improve n|ion. It cams to ita opening hardened, aa uanal, with fault-finding, and "why don't yon do Uiia ?" anil "why do yon do tbatr and "this ought to bam bam ao and an." Bat the eouunittoca marchod ataadily along, with a grand air of "minding tbair own boahieaa," and on the morning of the opening were ready, aa fAey a/rntye orr, to "re- ooire." Four previous Fain oaght to haro domonatrated the fact that the O. 0. A. Society bam noaneb word aa tail oo their lists, and that the synonym of Olynn Fair ia aurorae The morning waa bright and beauti ful, the groutula in naaiaat trim, the oommiltaea with all their decorations ami brat looka on, were taking a laat complacent glance at the work of their bauds, while a general look of expectancy pervaded everything. All the good thinga and pleasant thing? connected with the ahow and the pro- grcaa of the Fair cannot he mentioned in detail, but are will juat give a liaety panning glance, and Uke down Drat vieara. There ia an air and fonaetutunesa of diaappointment and failure, in the tint department we gntcr, rather aad to heboid. Tlie good hnnseltre|iers of Olynn for once are “real rorry they did not do aoiuetliiiig, hut every body "thonght" everybody elae waa "going to." aud ao nolmdy did, and for the aecond time land f am ante it will bo tbe laat time) there is a great lack in tbo booaefaold ilepartmcut. - The Cbairiiirn ia aa efficient, the com mittee aa faithful and active, lint the hooaekoepera did not anataln them. It ia good aud pit-.want to lie "onl lured" and artiatic aud esthetic, lint the sulietaiitisls uf life are the real foundation, the real proiuotera uf growth and comfort nnd physical well-being, without which tin. higher arte cannot lie auatninrd or siita-ras- ful. Onr women are not all given lo "fancy work"exclnaively, aa would up- j pear by the army of really healthfully work shown in that dcpurtnicnt- a|aiciiuaua uf ucudlu-work, baud and machine, embroidery, knitting, etc.— Thu apiienriinee of tlm room gave uv- idiuioe, on iiniiiiI, of the tnalo mill nr- tiatic akill in arriinguuieiil, for wliieli tllo Chairman ia noted, ably aui'oiidcd os ahu ia by an efliciimt committee — There ia a .liaceruablu improvement ill taatc, del cue) ot liuiah and artistic akill in thia department. Thu Work doue by the children ia really wonder ful, aud iu ful lire thia ahould he uiade a prominent feature. The tloral department, cool, green aud inviting, ia next in order, and under the direction of ita akillful Chairman, ia a delight and wonder to all. The paat year, aa we all know, baa been a hard one on planla, and it waa a ipiealion for a time whether there would la- any diaplay. but mag ic muat bare la-cii aileiitly working, for only tin*-, who know eau are any difference. A- uanal. it ia a la-antifnl and proiuim 11 feature uf the Fair. The deparlno-iit ia al aurpriae to all drought, and other mind wall atored with kuowladge,aad • heart in nnfaoa with Urn theme he •u lieunlifiilly handlwl. His effort vu • flue one, end well appreciated by ell, auil by itoue more tliau our Mr Women, both young nml old. vxnrraaua. Thu dieplay, tbongb not quit# up to former yean, owing to the drought, rellocU credit on old Olynn. Tbe ex hibit would have tempted tbe palate of loven of vegetnhlea from auy point of tlm roonty. Tliink of eabbugae weighing thirty-eeven aad one-half pounda, and other thing! ia propor tion, and much of it raiaod right here in and aioond tbe city, proving dear ly that peraereraere, "ilbow grease" and a good fertilicer will make al moot any aoil produce. nN'LTxy. Tlie exhibit! in tbia lias earpaae all former efforts. The clam of pool try exhibited ia a decided improvement on former yean, aad goes to show that a lively interest ia being (alt in •hie branch of domestic economy.— Thia department of the Fair was an der the supervision of Dr, F. A. firewater, then whom, ao doubt, do one in the Stale knows i •abject of |nallry raising. His aato- nl capacity aud acquired ability, add ed to bia long experience, 8t him em inently for tlie place. He bad on ex hibition a coop that were a cross of white ami black I/glwrg, muffled Ilootlan, aad white faee black Spaa- mb, which the experience of himself soil others lisa proven lo be juat Urn fowl for thia locality. Wo would sug gest that onr farmer friends profit by Ilia long experience, and thiu improve their poultry yard*. if In this department, we an sorry to aey, we see a falling off instead of an ■ ii msec, in compel lam with laat Fair. Tbe exhibits were few, I hough good. Onr farmer friends ran and abonld make greater efforts in this direction. The farming and alis-k-raiaing inter est uf s eunuty ia ila Imck-bonr, and shuiild In- maintained. ■acts. Tim lies ness uf the track aud the utter aliaruco uf rain over since tbe work In-gnu, made the track Utterly unlit for use the Aral two day*. The mins of the aecond afternoon, liowev- or, mado a alight improvement, and on the last day tbuaa who engage iu home racing were suable I to gratify their taste. Iiclow we give synopsis of name: •iOU VAIIIM UASII. Inland Queen, entered by 1), B. Wing, of Diiriun. Ilnmplnii, T W. Ii, (ilyntl ci Inliilid Queen lient by sixty find. Ol'AKTXII Mil l llAna. Hub Let-, enteriHl by It. If. Tiaon Maud, St. (flair Wiggins i-uey, A. M. Uatbews. Hub fast look Aral prise, and Maud second. iiam- mim: iiaiui. First prixo, $50; neeoud priie, $25. Island Queen, 1>. It. Wing. Ilauiptun, T. W. Lamb. 1 Mattery, A. T. I'atnam. Isluml Queen, Ant |irian; Hampton, seeuoil, Tocaxamsv. Ileluw we gin n list of knight, nml Hit- n--ulls of tlie contest, which, by Ills way, drew quite a rrnwd into Hie A'.... • . for tbs eon test Tbs following Issue were entered: Qnickstep- Havanas*!) —J.W.Mchlry Orrilla-Hrnnswirk J. K Dart Annie— Brunswick—H. H. Tift. Tbs boats moved off gracefully end all weal ss merrily as a marriage bell, the Annie In advance of her eompet- ore, nntU Regatta leland waa roaod- sd and Iba sound reached. At thia jaoetare a sodden squall cam* np that threatened lo ilemoliab the whole fleet Tbe Annie woe rnpeizod nnd the other two took refuge in Jekyl creek, returning to tbe starting point as soon as practicable, the (brills reaching tbe line six minutes seven sseoadt ahead of her competitor. Thia. lest tbs time allowance of two initi ates forty-four (sounds, leaves three minutes twenty-three eecoods the win- sing time of tbs Orrilla. THE CALL. This proved tbecruaoiug feature uf tbs whole affair. It was iwA-tcAc in ery particular, and hot adds suoll.- laarel lo tbo brow of Chairman It. T. Dana, and his able cuiun,ilt<-c.— I They certainly nnilerataud how to Conduct a I-.11 Everything |sui«-<l off pleasantly and the yunng folks went home happy. The music for the evening wae furnished by Kw-h-i s eelebrstsd band, who know tin it bus- insaa well More tha-i this would Is- anperflnoo* EASTIXO XOTES. In conrlnsirm, we congratulate ,sir people over their victory over Uncle- msnls that oppose.!, and hop,. Hint bigger rffiwta (till will Is* made and (J|*(»tg oar yearly rs-naioaa beeume aotsislu 1 lisbsd that nought save an epidemic j or a harries no could break one |||>. Onr visiting friends will accept onr thanks for the Ikmhh- id their pne-1 ears amt hold themselves in nwlinrs. j lo come again when Uiey " hear lit.-, bogle blow." To Hie friend. (?) win -TIIE MOTTO OF- FUM WHOLESALE DEALERS IX HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS! HOUSES, LOTS, FOR SALE OR RENT W. B. C. com & CO. Xs**s asik.QM awakes SIM rich. ALu, iaa pm put Hif UM Ii evlUrbUuB imm*: r - ** - EfeSf-sawas 4 woods bought and sold on closest li.r. rs. Consignment* solicited. ‘tor on tbe M. pnldislml reports to the effect, HaVC llllt to oar town was alive with m, sales, mam pa, roseola, scarlet fever, s j pox aad bod wbiskev, we aey. in Is- half of the Agricultural H lifli unit tbo people of Gljrtiu, wu forgive jhii, i balieving your heads wen. at fault an.I uot your hearts, but remember, if ton j aver do*» again we will publish yunr i HV Mean Business! And iio|»u by a study of tlie wants of onr sn - ■— — a***-—'* IkMkrw »T)W kuUM, taj tbe M os vkkk U.**. ^ ^ < *^ t ^ **•* Titw Okumn property | M iv. ltd Ufa . o| Tuva r.—wac^. _ Ilk r>4 tutntnrubU ko«a#« •• U * bonaat Uf tut wO Xaacaaiia Alan. *al«*l4- Ufa la X»« TWvn 1*4 o« tU. bar. - ■— n A lTn tnek r «> Uw UfJM M fo rra. Ikaj rukad at>4 la raltivat.> a, •*« cf«Mflac. utAu t, *^|-rly.ta.pff. W a4 m l aat^KarU. la bMrijr aawty ^$n off tb. nty. ULaioi Green Grocer, AXDblALXk IX Country Produce Cixrx ALSO ox HAXD A n’U AXU WXIiAt soationucior GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS. FRUITS, Etc., i n jin I - > ©tfeftvl Ur caali at i MEAN BUSINESS! •lore conn XncssUs >04 MeoA Smu. J NhiU ftnaa atjjutaiaf Tartu rlr '{••OU-tka "H|lrlU)M Uotss • in I bia .•F** torlr ' Arty *W|dHf rw-»., wrll fur- auU4 |«n-ra. MIIUi ft-aua Ur afo-t UliMrd aa- aura* aad aftr.«, tU. Ka«fjr. JUa«Mi»H»«a.a^ Ifoa m-M a^drni^i. Jk* ‘^'kwiaaa °f irj Ua« rail***. «w-l»«Ua|raMl>«U. TbaWafafra- V « ft— bwfrt aan la U- *..«!!, - - ■ BRUNSWICK', GEORGIA.- Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE AUa. tb. W turn. •JT'aTk nm nty. -•arwa. vita to km un Jr r U n^r. I ..wr-rv-m tn'L'*"*"*"'— »a»|ib^ka- *T d Ifk. uyalwfa, air. AU«. Ua rdvanl faUvrr f nn. afltfbt **rr« truck ina. at Ur. fr»M ril», t»c|««Nu L war. frail ttv, r»r M on iu M. a H Uailr.^1. A Urpait. SCHEDULE OF HATES 1: El WEES ST. SIMONS&BRUNSWICK -:o:- Tk. a*« alnu r kaby. alll ran racabrly u. I..a b M. NtmuBa M Ila and Odllaa* k barf, kmbawUk. dally, |M«ada>'a nrrptMl imalli .. 7 " J ' Extra Trip Balardai'a a — MU “7 •» "WJtl.aUmB. ua. rtr.Ubl, ,n-l MrB.lld paafar. land. nar-baU ' ViV —*»»■$ RUa daily.' * (ikkaibw^’nfafT circtil.tcl and lo that thougntl, ** ,a|-! ,, -IIIIS OI Olll* L A tt Rsilruml, wlm|j y,,h * M,,IerS ,,0f OI, ly t«- liOC,» tllOSC WO HOW 9tta to ttiaa a-fTa-t-f 11,,at . IlSfeVl* llllt til i-w-iwev. liu-i, .MH-.Btll ' " * V_ n tassss bwii.liag. l*Ubd.a'KiBUat rh a«wl ail • ,www**ry SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. ' _ ■■■ ■ ■*• tuna jwri. i. AlM.Toaa f a.Mtas.das Idurfe. lufaVI. n. • a Uiabli. an«i idCurliraa A**n«n . • » *», *rat ..$Oarhraa A%«raur. Abe. lota IK It). Tuva CuWbkkm. w. ba«* rail a a<iv f..r a d.v. a small dwrlllbga •J®* ,wur ftmr • I'Wrtwaify $» Lwy an.| b f and |b k11ml ua U«t Urn,a. Call oa or al.lp.t W. B. C. C’OKHlt ii co., IH(. Urn a*. IIAYDOCK’S JawaSw “ rmuvuA.,.,, mUJ; !'"•»v-r.xs.w, r-sii„‘ja,rmits. r-s IM|U. NSW ,.r -ivsnwsfl. IK 1 / V . imiit.j ■TaiMaalaar. rtiK ooiiiHtN ii.v.Mri i. Tbe flurduu banqiixt at All.intu nas a lively, inb-rurt-stiiig au.l eipnaiaiun uf appruL-ialimi uf ll„. , | forte of Oent-rnl Oordon in H„- liuld of material duvi-lupmeut, the only p.,1- itica for the South at Imaw-nt. 11,, latu Seimliir gives the Inal ,.f r ,.„. eons for hi. rrsigiiiitiim, wiiii-li ,-xuit 1 od ao much comment last year. \V- j will permit Houston, Iu ri-aigu , v,-ia I ■tx months i| each batch ,if two will give as two such railroads ns llunersl Gordon has rais«l sud put mum-y uu-, der. But while Oeiicrul (lurdun ml entitled to n high luted of pi mi— , tl,. Atlanta CoHMiliitiun, which h*aini,--l I tho Georgia Western iu sessuu I out of season when noun U h-v. ,|, I sowing seed on stony ground, -.I, -ul receive ita full sliarn uf praise, lu-a|s-*i' up, running over. Without t|„. sach work wonld uot Is- pri-ie--i ■.. speedy solution. rill'; HTIUIUMI.K ,,N | ' ,|i OIM)EK}| MOUCITEO. H. H. F. ..... , THE POPULAR NEWLIVERPILLJLiver Medicine! UU? Iliric IMMCKI VDDKKSS, •Vtuuuia iiualofK-e, Tb-y la all birnta uf •u<l,, aiul raald. all lo bra*. raiwM aad fo VKh 1'IfJjf Ibey grapf Ik wiU. -lU-aa., Aotlfy lh- lowly l» •I**> alUcka ami rjitdiuu... w.. lb. wtlaaaialln tUtigwr a>r I UBK of uu. llAYfMJGK'if NEW I “ — i f inlna 1 Mill t'fillr-' ay at llaa a-’UiUfl ui.j.rra . —“ Mb. Ut, ^ Pair isruMlnlb. Tin* Uu* M-f\NMii, Umijj I Knijjlil of ICoiiio, W. i\ lt«*alty.... Ill In r “iHirk bfta** tin* j Knight of tin* lll n k I'luatf, W. O. fariui n* uii l j Mtiter* Imvr lm«l toron-; Moon* |5 tend <4*k-nbt luvc Intii very tliar>our Knight of Mult*. Willi** Wiggina lo I»ut tin* fine <li«|iUy «.f |*miii« Knight of tli« II*-.I U*«$^ ( Ht. Chur toil vcguiaMt*. prouca thm akill, in* Wiggina . . p diiatnr, piurk aud in racvcrinci (|iial*' C ,M, °I llnnary, Cl. W. Wright, Jr 7 itica that alwaya r*Mitii$fUi<1 and com- ’ C*»m»t do Ony, It. M. Tiv«*n ot) |vl auerma Wr cannot go into de l Fin»t |*»*r |J0; arcoml tail l ot then* w» rc two particularly I >* r »; ‘hiol |*ri*r, f|0. fourth notiertihh vh"|‘Uya an rthihit of oablagra by a liuvliatiic in t*iwn, and ( Tl ,p Knight of Ifoin** U-ing the mttmi HOI'.MilNO TIIKOl'OII THE VKINN. tlrwH a|uf. >l afi at yoar t>. UtalfalUMt atial •ltd*/ ••fanb itlK. LIVEIt JHEDICIXES. i.« llalnifh '•hat fni tl lb. K«lM bl«>«ail wuri.t. - • • AI.LOmiTIIIH VAST rOt'.VTIIV Tkr l'r..|,|r tin,,,, Thus I The •— Thrs, Thv l*r«,|,|c l-rsl-c I Itrn, I Tak. JUraaa iu liBta aa<l yuw will aullrr lawa au.| ... IIIUV BUM yt.ll will at Ik* aavrd lua-ty tby a uf <im |. aa mlarfy „«•*< kssaml. .;f Islt.r. uric ©*rr Ibr Ul.iu .lv yluba. . nV r >©ur MV Slur HU Id i|«fl-uu«ll Tlie voting lor IT. s. s, n«i,..» -1,1 wa oa in the Nnw York LrgisLlu,. Conkling and Halt ,hm‘t li d u . easy to be "endura,al," and tin- pud. abilities are they will stay si I , jnal where tliey ought to Ik. J'i., light, however, is a d.-s|s-raiu ...,., and money ia bring -iwnt like wan-,. Attempted brilwries to the ane.'in: ..I $2,1X10 a vote baa In-eu r..|».<rt.-1, ., committee of iovratigsliuo lies l> eu ((•pointed, etc. What urxt ? Whea tb* PleMs are n bile St Kb t el- AfJGISTlS F. FRANKLIN & CO new m pills Plmioy’s X3viliclin«. Ihiy Street, - - - - Kriinsivick, (ia. II L. HARRIS, Watolnnnlioi* efts Jewolor, BRUNSWICK, G-A.., ,'Patent Watch Regulator. •’Jil by biauy |Xraoiiaa!w«) « ..HUlarly, and in ra,.f . > tbu iiau-il •yiiiiiluiun „( a dim -..-o|>rv»al«ul r*“ coat yttii but Uk.i litai.ka, I- ut. MHdlwr * No ;mn*l boy (oiihm •hmt Wagfl-n by a uitwlumic in town, and J Tl |r Knight of If ono* I wing the hhM till c«4l«oi oourv in.” Yo y,» n t ihihit of vrg* tahlm hr the l’rfaj- •oenwnfnl r«i«ti|ietitor, took Ibe Aral 1 > *1* f ***A »»*• •»* nr>^i«, „ r lit of the Fair, sa showing what an Hmn fon- cnhtlcl to I Jarin*^ etcur can l«. t.v earlv rising and , * 1 * honor of crowning some fair maid-1 *• IMH.K 1'tiTrnM I'JUU l ltlt 'Ks .. . ' " I .a I .. . . . . Iflbl Ihrw m.K.11.. 1 at. . t a ' f V * UW “ U 1 TEWELaRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments: MTP STBI.VUS. ametenr ran In l.y rariy rising and lt * bumw of cniwning ... , nntiriug energy, Dicy are an exam- !*" ‘I"*** ^ lw, « •'»• i*rauty. which .!T '“ Unc ''- pic tu all. Tbn. d,-|Krtrirnt i, a rrvd- look place in I,’arioso Hall Threw month, 'credit ,N'„ iVi. nwt'^ PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. it to thi- uklnbituni, Tl*c rrouing ktnl mrkhng iu the distance f|h*nU hr i*aclf and $>|w*fika well. The fowl* are nniumally titir, and tbo stock an itit|*rorr rnent on for mer cxhihitiotii* nEr > '!rrr% • ■ W—vc i am I | ■ » iwoiiatia a ir>llt .111 III | the night of the hall, Uian IWtircni lor KH ik Orsn.l Hmiu.m, Luma beiiiir the l«dv c hoM*n ! 1M 0 " 1 Hate of New wi. l .Sa w.$*111*1*1 * H ••'v rno *»« ttpuu InMnnaniiB .dMi ir$Bu««. dU) . mt x. J whom h« should CHih r th* bon.w m All stykw. .\II gmW All TUY tmv II\u 1*111 baa rid iii'ofall draw a f.„ fill- of (lr»- or tow pllia I*»IM rVfrid two. ky a-la. b> Iwu bn ut* Mr reji lu lb« bowar. •riufvwfr. m I.iUi.mi. .•*»!»,•, twn t brnul. f'.wiatl|«||.. lu tba * * —I'Tturvafr. r Nrw I l**t 11 Ua nifml i uf Ilia l.iata-ly. if dorlrra If, at- ^ •C» < all. 4 Ik aud at Ue| muI i »u li.cur'^iu" r Hav Ijf.-r nila rufmt iar Ur. Ilayd- Your rub are Biaorlbwii IV. U • rbfuair. J-JL"* "V?“!'"*' r*tf S.S7 tel- f r ad»l^ , * 11 u * 1 " ,S| * UtUtigt* w.ll ut "d**bf a * , **‘ ,f, * u ‘* u *sr»l. at. I Uu Gal o| |w. Uaydoik a Nav Lo,-, rub r4f^l - ■‘••'•boa Mvl tan,, in $bv Lewd. M«U4 a-a Iwu vtala. I waul ,-ti. III. a t-sw faH.llr Ut*Usl s. Ltfifllili a|,|Kit - -«*f 1*1 lb »fVk. H ,.,em. ^l| U>r< * f> baa iur«d mj L"w4»ba IUf <u toe ut IvmMw ucbralgu uvl (an,, m JJ,! Srud me Ivu *Ula; I w.ut uBv ( f a |> S.UIK.. ,U1. o, ,j„ r ,„ u n IbirtfC. fwy MRlvwtaireaa a*wl b--wla bv afv all . kalvrr I* rival C llai ba b a . -—.HU »til aaltafy »b« |-V.«( .a, |.|i - WMkuJoi I.T—* N »'VUW. l-r<wlraiu«. GvBaral Laanlltt |e. Halit „> **xsw»u-ea»rhs I*. It,;.,..| . UkTIiIk •mi, *K,K4 U, tue*.,,. ,*r? V* SSfWKl U tie Mile, <M | 50 CENTS Uy lkao lyuj will U H.-a^d .iil »ull, furaab by J. .»|. lf lUllliSL Fire Insurance! lUMiiiimraiKi. <?>MroHrn or tiik germaxiv to. IIAkOVEk IsNal lUXCE Oi s Aka Btlffin IHKBIf.t ISSJ'R’Kf’O. a—y are Ml.rfaw U lbs If Imeet alwya I- guar«ab«W Ku'ii vi*l contains i wr.xi v i ili* • Ml la a lb«W.-foS t ill! Ih* applied ill .Vilnius rri " »« TUE.'vi: niMT-lLV«S CUlll'YXItti JdJ lUatST- ki> in nui xswit k by T. O'CONNOR, Jr. ai vaar low » .tl-. u. SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer ItiibiiKSb mill IM.'inlpf's 1)1 RECTORY. 1301-2. W,U t- t..,Kt IS. JVI v.4- * ,, 1 • •‘uxaiugw ■]a a '• .K«,c || will oBBiaiu fuUy lOOO ■II Urasifila CACTIOX. jffJ* A *-l—» a.uruwwda aasu a al t | *74^, UkatbOwitb Ifp-if 4m< net durw bbt a-v» Ih-e. —- *-“| Baail Ibafe. fr.w f I fBl a ** H ^ BW$ Iwp IbvBs. WV 1 # I "• * r.».*u- ri*» «ida ^ | BUY AT OXCE ? |v»XOTM UY («^s*4Twkv4 IIAYIKKJK .k Cil. Kuabkw anyone t.. regulate mu: », ri.ii ,.>.t s.. v.„» Watch with certainly as,. ■ .. . . _ 1WUU l*a.'< • — vaSkiiS^T^b V‘‘r 1 ,Uk ^*wbu •yaitb. M atn.a, aKl| |>ia,* dlf^-tuvia. . | u.T7kT.: ..Tr-.r-rs. su * • '* - 1 - .ta-i,*| uvaf 10,000 H “ ‘ Newly r, atm The aIwii* •'runniitg bk« Uh' from oar reporter ia m. full and complete tuuciiing the exhibit* of Floral Hall au.l tbo main building that yu lucul will not go over the nune ground •pteal tot, tisr Mix's narrn. A failure to get the near steam en gine of the Oceanic, hers ia time np- —i t lie contest rnlv. rtiaed, bol Nop* Iron. Mata... t.s.k tlm h. Id alone and s|i..»,-I whet .amid Is- .haw, making • *«a,re in.I I*. 1.. uf First, team waa gotten iq. fr.„ u cold water so far aa we may tinder the h.-ti.l, | and a stream throw n .mu hundred • "Fair Dots." Tbo fancy work .1, feet in live uinules and fifteen see- partment, however, being so full ah.I " .Second, a hnndre.1 yards of complete, calls for a more dctailr.l a. was run off, tnonmpliogs, count, which duty wu have entreated and water thrown one InindrMl fcwt in *? A"«'>'Vvws t.'. In'-ullii-m Haysrs. Cash pnn-s a.lvsma.,1 „nlv r-K ,Wr ”Vl rabnbjlMIlhL iltnr •nteial lu.ltnm. nl, insu^/«,,u„. Paul.yores ami tall iulmm .li .t, •fvc of charge. Avui-I loiit^ in.i.-w,i U|. •hi by Ucatiy. .w any .rthcr si ..,, t,, dertng al one,- from the Urcr lVn..T. M l. Plano sad Organ lKi>.t ,.t tl... N.„.n, tAJDItUN kUATKS'.M)UI'llKKN Ml' wm IIUt'HK, HAVAS SAII. OA. Sowing Machines, Needles & Attaelnnents All g**>*l> will la* s*d l * g.n>,!s. •*ry lowest luir'att prick*. . Win. HauerJ» O’CONNOR & WENZ.L NV tnnild to | BRUNSWICK, GA. i,51> 'Boot & Shoe Maker. IjS *UW IfffffifHl I •Mi ruaw.' hk.|M •o II s|KH’ifvl libly o rri*b|H nitIt itf will wriU; up that d»|mitim ut ii. .It Uil iu Ul kt usue. . TUI olEXIXu By that giftixl nr.itnr, A 1* ,\.| nnib, fr.«ii ouy aUter * itv. Sa^nnimh wu* tfhuatu and ehgntit if. tl.. ex y»nt', sud drew forth tin* iidniitutioi Lvurus liii- glusiug r«r tw. nty Mwiitidn, nt.Miu U iug already •»p The third WJAJ. blii>|4y s U«t of • i.rowing |iowi*r ..f tho rugios, *“ iwMilUal iu tlmiwifig a ntreniu K huudftd Slid t iglity-Si VOtl ft«k TIIE M»n«m. 1 his fmturr of our Fair * m Tor fails arn*w «*• b$» to idtruel a crowd, es|setally when a on."'., '."1.,“"“'' Uulk j| at a.hls.M-1 a_^'' 7'.****• ' **•**• S MORISS LUCREE, Wood Tunilntffa MBLMMi iXDSlllhfclILL Kram^Yick. . IXw**I*M. llakH* -if $.1 M«lew Htasl* ,. r . ^ l Muufc aU^I ut ,1 (mi ( VS X ill A ft h 1 ccifun nimm ci tfatu. S GB8CRIPTION I’HICE,$0.'>0 ■ tree rUii lu SttOLK.t u co.. 1, Bn*l Street. .lagaga. tii 01^ DER. Ot UEUSliU. Ib |L» Uattcf M I>l|g.ttS 4 l'«w k. M.CTIIESX UlMiRKI oTotOlUtU V cfTiL t m4i4,U n • r It* A K b OPl'OSITECUSTOM llUl’SK) UstbllM. tKba if 4or. W«b| larvlim «f hmi .1 •*4 UrrHWf SbwtBw SMvbs MtUca n»| ‘.Mill* ••* aUn, I■ — sva am- Gc'oi'Sia, JEKYL ISLll. roll MALI. Tbv *., r •*** Is Mlualssl IB Illyi t „ tauwlb uf ItfBbnwl- h l.«fU< •II klB b. S*vU *4af - h* Ibl • u—* wsrnlglst BB.I r toe eturm. ,«Ulh* MMltafs ABd |4*B> - Ixhfs Ht Ibl •!! Irs.1.. •«.» ' Tb» lnbti-1 *I»H!B.U U * •'•fMHflr.tnim 'ffU mail. * »» *r 1-win. -lor uf haul aw i: utj a IS-CMS- by KUtSt-sis US u7*H| ,''*""***“ ‘•v-l l-sr ll_. no. cl.sch ) ; “li m.'-'U-s n. t. vr-iam.11, ( u.. .. • b Cs ffi.11-1 lb tba •Jvaftia.-riM Ul. M*«u «t Kntw-Bhb. -iu fbw Jit .by .4 U%y. A. 0. I lrAAC IGcKL-rr.pi^t.twT iu bnufcriiptry. rwwww.>'H-. —. Hugh. IWB FIM BH-I WtHabTiag. Unit unigkl ah.I KKKl' A I T'LL LINE OK FIRST-CLASS -a r, ‘ ClhxtXOIISKSLSWTOX Money Saved is Money Made! Ibwlf JlfsfwBI kfAHs U*. , M „. u., , k( ?-w^srv!tsr*. ri'i»r *** «*.•*—*: 11* 1 SvlTw.AB glvw Ht - -**7 W - flu.ira, 1 awll. Ab.l i-«v«. your io.all> hititiUr of twau ate tttUred t^Ii* ill- ml, J | al X«V I ••I OU.i AH J JvHh ilrj feoilsAtiiwwifts. -NOTICE. LOWEST CASH 1‘UICES GUARANTEED f tl.. Ulr w li ivtsiu »JuaU/ • <U , M*y Jww| 4«$'rN$BPNl. ; IbbbB •• uuf K-ibt •!t. fllt-M, I'fAwIMa- ullb. Um iu . g 11 viimr, A J LkoVAn fwllU, tbfwnbt'fH, - ttulltf Ab.l ,.n. m4 fax tdii |>ru*A# my km4 i-nl! al.I grbl wry. WtBfw tuilj tfUarBHltu wmlUfuUoa For Uont. 2 LuiBts'cL uiwh I'i'.',"