Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 11, 1881, Image 3

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Niw Advertisement*. jA. /• Caontrr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. wummaw as* inuMW*. c. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, On MMvIasaw nrvidoa Hon, Han tar RM, BRUNSWICK, GA. To Whom it May Concent. -__.fatall.ffil il* July Mwloat. 1—, La«iatetai«. apply lav a ckimv fee Um Ola* chlMtlM40MfKto fiEMi OMptf/. Mrf. »• itel ^.•Mkmt»tniM4»Wh>W«WW, «A» ***• tta CUcUaaU am* Uffiorgte tail- ivmpur, M4Ud4ai llirt|M^ pmnia4 pnvtkttM. iM HiroUMrMrfMMi juutfr LTuovnr. $500 REWARD PriiGiilaetti's gdvtfttihtr xud Sffital. SATURDAYMORNING at BMnnnncx. obomia. ■ATPRiMT Miym, im n, t IIOMK MATTKKiH. ffMtOflMTlMTlII*. ' Vdftkrn mail Mm at i;M a. i. iirMidi *4 Hut mm Mm I r. m. Wo aro .till on a boom ay * city.— Two mors whole*], boom ibpatto open, ud (till they oom*. Wo note tbia weok Uw death of tin. Lewi* Harris, which ooeorrod on Saturday teat, after a long and tedl «• will fj lb* aLoto reward lot A iIK'Iicin A TVCT3 SACZ IM* tfc* pa4 (at!* u> nr*. Tfcta «ml IWIinly u4 NmMwttlr nr* I.n»l*r-. fctk. fcMka, onnl. IHaU***. ttrvMr. Dnakta IHam» d U*r kldmeya. ItroMlMan M»J tate*tl*« d tfco I'ria*. lalwauttoi Utfc* Kid**)*. CaUrrfc *4 tho BMkr. Uigti OMa—d t rla*. Mb ta Um Mi.i4*NLMa.X*r*MM Wwhai.ld.lald all iiMm o# a* Lladd.r aid CriaaryOrgaaa. •h*U(f oafMrW w j rlut* llawa* or dfcarataa. LADICCA. K fob ara atfwtac tnt% fraato Weak ana. laawrAaa or ffiffiy Maaoaa <4 tta kfcl- a«|a. klaUtr or Cvtaary Oraaaa. YOU GAN AC CURED / WUhoat oaaUaalaH aaaaaaaa Madina**. fcjr alai|4y PROF. OUlLMCTTE t French Kidney Pad wtlictl CVKIji >Y AMitklTWiX. A-k y -r dracatat ter I lit ML ol'lLUCTm 1'Kf-NC’II KIDNEY rID. aa4 tak* a* «4lt*r. If Is* k«* ad KiA It. aa»j |J.'», had you will malt* Ik* l ~* TerTWiItaumjoitTiurwnE: iCDOE tllCIIAXA* i. r.. Uwycf. Toted*., O.. aoya: •* Oa# of Prof. ijiuli*.? tt*‘a fr*ack Kida*) Pi4* rami a* ot Lamkoco ta I hr** w*ok‘a tia**.— Mf can bad Ixaa rt**a apky Ik# b-*4 doel«ra aa tavurabla. DwrUnrall Uwalua* 1 aafloml untold Ofay a aA paid oat lama *wiw« of aaua*y.~ OD»kGEVimTa.i. r.. Tc4o4o. Mya: •• I aoWrrad he thro* )*ara witk fetalis affid K lifer lMaroa*. usd altoa ka>l t» gw *W«i«( rrotekao. 1 *m MUnly tad |*nw«MUt «ur<-4 after voarlag l*»uL OatlanUo** frefek kliary M! tear wnka.** MdClUS.C.SCOTr.ayl*aala.a. wrttea: -I tave Uk*j a sraal auSir j. ( r llj »r. Vilk ttri«ht'» lw«w* id Ik* Eldfey*. r*r wo»kaa|a UffiM Fwae aaaUo Ugrtoutof Uni; took harr* la .f umMcIb*. but Ikey yav* m* oa|* inn iM^ary r»U*f * of IT»f. UaUaotta'a Kl.taoy Ca-la all tri ao* kaow 1 am totir*.y cnml.' MM*. II LMX JKMOMH. T.4-4.. t) . • yrar* I 1m»# W-u cuafltird, « or**' |>*rt U. It. URKKX. Whotraal* omtr. I'latlay. O.. •run. -1 aulfemt tor jt t*r< altii Iaum Hack •n4 la thm wmka **« iMrmau* utly < un>l Ly woar- lug ouo of l*rof, (iuUliMtW<’a hlda.-y Pailo." II. r. KKKMLIXU. M. U. DniMtat. I^canaport. lad.. wk*a a*a4la« la aa unter tec kidney PaAa. • rite*; " 1 voro uaa of tbv Aral u«m «• kad aitd I r.vriviwt tuora boaeAt (fnbi it tlnu anytlilar I evar Macd. In (art. tbi I'ada i(lr* letter u#n< ral aallarav* liuti than auy Kl<luey romrdy ara « ItAY A I'riiH aaro worklny iij» a llvaly, DhikiKU. HbUlbal. Mo. klny ii)t a lively trade luyor “ ' ubi-arintfof Kind rraiilte frulil tlwi l*4«la and i day.” rttOF. tiUlMIETTirs FKKNC1I MVKK PAD. ill i* oltivrly rare Yrtar and A| Mr. Puiub Ayaa, a Cake. IMiioua Krt er. JauiHlto*. Iijraiwpata. and Ana* all iilaaana of Ik* Liter, kteaaarb and Bsn*i C.Vibr mill Said for trvi. Oalliartt.* ft. at.aa m Ik* Kklbrye ami Ur*r. rrr* by Mil. Addrcoa riRlM'M WD t o.. JM-Uiy JAS. T. UI.AIN. **' jail ly WrOTIOE. x« Itkrr tho Caj ta'a. vaiwfi t»r rvtmlgur%» of tko te kttak bark Kiia \i». «ill Uir> <|>vaoiblo ter aay 4t Lta coatmted by Ik* cf*w. IXUmr. Maater. NOTICE. ad .{.kited - Aa Ac I ' IntoUvAUaf l.<|U..rt •tek. Jmbmt. 1*0. tk* adtear udoftr* CITATION (•intum-bLTin Cbcajy. HUr»a*. M«utda D. Trotia., adailaiatratri Pan . 1 II. It. 1 r m v . rt |.n-« , u to tb* t « nrt la Mil! ni da!y K*l aid tbt«r*l ua r«o rd. tkai kaafatly a4mtal«trf\U tU ratal.-of nail I-wu lb Tnwi>. Ibl* .a. lUrrtra. I» rite All I'rtta* rtntrd. kl: <u d ated • rr.!U> I*, to .tea ,-««ao>. If, V.'J r*m. *•»» >!*.; auiratrta atimbla»t to I. bLUUk.urd.aary U C.U*. Col A. J. Croratt annonneca in tbia iaana when ba nan bo fonn J by any and all needing bis aertiaaa. Wa beapaak for biut a liberal abaro of patronage. It. 0. Reppard cleared llriUab bark Nancy Holt, Captain Hamburg, on tbe 7th Inal, for Rio Janeiro, with a cargo coMisting of 235,051 feet lum bar, valued at 13,525. It. D. lteppard cleared aeboonor A. I\ Emerson, Captain Emerson, on lbo 10th inaL, for SL Jobna, X. B., with a cargo conauling of 201,107 feet of pitch pino lumber valued at |3,0GQ. Quccu Esther and ber train graced tho board* two nigbta tbia week at L'arioeo Hall. Notwithstanding there bail already been two |«rformanoca, the house was well filled both nigbta. All honor to tbe noble If soon boys who r. s|x>ndcd, with their vogiur, to the call of fire this week. Had the firo occurred down town, their pree* cnoo would indeed liavo been oppor tune. Tbe Uacoc A Brunswick engineers left Macon ymterday via tbe river roots to aurvey a line to Iodian Springs. One lino waa through the cemetery along tho river bank, and another in front of tho cemetery. Col. C. 1*. Goodyear, well and fa vorably known hero for bin legal ity, has returned to Brunswick and opened bis office fur tho practioo of taw. No word of commendation is necessary from us Ilia record speaks for itself. -Savnnuah pul in » line delegation at the Fuir this week. Among tho number wo noticed wero Messrs. It It. Iioppar.1,1>. O'. Bacon, M’m Hone, H. A. Palmer, and others, all well and favorably known here. Wo wore glad to sec them. On and after July 1, tbo main light on Amelia Island, Florida, will be ro- established in tho old tower from whieii it was rouiuvod for repairs. The characteristic of tho light will ho, as formerly, llsshiug white, with iu tcrvula of ninety seconds between tbo dashes Two uogruee, filled with "beuriue," no doubt, appealed to tho "codu duel lo" last Weducedsy night on Bey street to sotlle a iittlo dilTuronco of Opiuiou and seutimeut. There wore no seconds, however, as the mcetiog was rather impromptu No blood spillod. Who aaya ours is nut an tulcrpria- ing people ? We cutcrtaiu our guests Fire I Fleet Flret Such was Um sonnd that greeted tbs ears of tbe aamnbted multitude in Um Fair grounds last Wednesday morning. Being in tho direction of tha turpentine distillery in the upper edge of Iowa, tbo natural conclusion that Mr; Wilder waa baring an- x saanes ot that kind. Tho Fair grounds ana soon thinned out and Um surging mass rushed to the scene of ornflagration just in time to wit- neat tbs last of Um work of Um fire fiend in deetroying two small bonaco belonging to Mr. Tom Mnndy. No. 4 rnglne, of Macon, being still in the city, waa taken to the spot, too late, however, to do more than pot oat tho embers, tbe building adjacent baring boon already saved by tbe prompt of Mr. Wood's Wbittman band pomp. Do it aaid to tbs credit of tha firemen that thsy reached tbe scene as soon as tba team at their disposal could take tbeengino there through tho heavy ■and in tbo upper end of town. Tlw Exhibitor Exhibits. When the stare first aaag together, when cabbages were not; when bn- man life foand sweet sustenance in fruits and flowers, and tba perfumes which filled tbe distant bat never to bo forgotten Eden of our common an cestry, over whose grave Mark Twain mourned with filial lore, then agricnl torsi fairs and presidents of agricnl- tarsi sodetiea were unknown. Only when tbe fiat went forth “ thou shall earn tby bread by tbe aweat of tby brow,” and the grander dispensa tion of work replaced tbe first of rest and qoiot, that work which Carlyle FAIR DOT*. Premiums will be JiaS^To^ JUJU y, June 14 th. D.T.CciftCWsst. Tr .,T\T“ day. Hay, did yon sae tbe-vmraUbU dis play by tbo President of tbs Associa tion? A few artieles left in tbe Fair groands are io my charge. _ D. T. Dtmx, Prest. Neighbor Flanders diapanaad good things lo tbo baagi* aod-4blr*ty du ring tbe Fair. He knows wbat folks like. If yon did uot gel a premium this time, make np your mind you will cells worship, did agricultural fairs next year and begin to work |br it 1 ity and preaidonta n «ie. * All bills and doe bills moil ba brought in for auditing «n Monday morning, Juna 13tk # H Tba box of pn|.a, tbe parrots and the canaries in Floral Hail though oot properly either plants or flowers, I« Hh*» Mlimulnr or I'lurtal Tbia ia tba question now being dis cussed by viaitere to tbe Fair, touch ing tbo two-headad woman on exhi bition. She ia certainly a wonderful freak of nature. She ia doublo, hav ing two beads and basts (four arms) to a point below Uio shoulders, where tbo two spinal columns coma together and form one body, and continuing one, with tho oxeeptioo of an extra pair of limbs and fact, which can be naod or held up at will. 8bc dances sings (two parts) and converses llacut- ly in four diflercnl languages. She is menially and physically donblu abovo Um point of anion, bat physically sin gle below it Both beads take food. Life auy be sustained by tbe food tak en by cither bead, thoogh the stomach to the other head will suffer hanger. When medicino ia lo be taken, Ijie dose ia divided, and each bead lakes its than. Now ia aba two people or M? Is there one aool or two? llutlilltm fattal leoiatt A«aaaaM*iiili<m. Wo call especial attention to tho call for a meeting on tho 18ih iusl, at Um Court House, to disease tbo mat ter of organising a Building and Loan Association in our city. There is no town in tho United Slates which needs each an association more. Bus iness is increasing rapidly, them are uo honaes to rout in town; tln-ra arc hnn.lroda who need houses; there is no individual prc|>arod to l.uild Lous- to meet the douaud. Building and L»au Associations have furuished homes to thousands, and have In-on a financial success in hundreds of cities a necessary adjunct thereto. It ia fair ark that ottr President is ener getic, capable and an especial adept in vegetable production, appreciating, aa be doee, that tbe minister of mate rial progress must practice wbat be preaches. Tha night before tbe Fair but two exhibits bad appeared npon the suuuo and Dunn sat in the Fair grounds musing, in the moonlight, upon fairs plural and singular, when with a rear reverberating through the arena to speak) ono of the exhibits rushed upon tha other (an exemplification of tho affinity of bull for cabbage) and all Uio energies of onr President were aroused in an effort to save tho Fair. Tho bull was caged, tbe cabbage were crated, and onr President, warned by this misadventure, who had only been restrained by feelings of innate deli easy before from entering tbe list, now, to save tbo Fair, placed on exbi- tion tbo recalls of bis own industry. Xoble is be who adds to tbe sum of vegetable production, nobler be who places npon bis country’s alter, so to speak, the increase of hi* honest la bor. How shall we speak of this ex hibit —onions, potatoes, cnctnubcn and aqatab. The cucumbers *o ma ture Uut they were yellow aa gold; tlie onions mild, tho potatoes milder. But we refrain lest we excite tho Jeal ousy of other exhibitors, only remark ing that tbo cheer* which greeted tbe self-sacrificing efforts of onr Presi dent, in tbe cause of agriculture, wen- auawered by him in a speech full of humor, bnt especially noticahle for its modesty til-ley Sc-hool. The closing cxercisca of Itisley School took place on last Monthly morning at ten o'clock. Commenced by singing and prayer by Iter. John Willinms. We had present the Board of Education, with tbo exception of Col. J. T. Collins. Prof. McLeos was also preseut, and displayed quite nn Wo hope there will he a large nttond- auca on Saturduy night tho Uitb iust., I imWet in tho different csorciscii. W_ '■ nui ' '"o'eiiieut | thank him for his kind attention, and must pause before saying nnythiiig : about tbe oxcrcises and thank also auiuscmout of visitors. Bid you soo all Ilium pretty hand kerchief and other boxes on oxbiU- tion at the Fair ? Wall, tfiey were Georgia prodasUaas. uaJk I* Macon at tho factory of L W. Smith. The Executive Committee of tbe School Exhibition. mentioned the ex- god cierrittts of the white public school bat gave no re port of tba school exhibition that followed on Friday night We i It worthy of note; so make a brief no- tiee now, area though it be somewhat wa. Wa wan forcibly im- with tbaaa aaewlha*, which no*slated of original aaaaya aml ora tions, declamations, readingTetc.— The former of three to-wit the ee- ■aye of Miaare Emma Walker, Minnte Grady and Soil* Gale—displayed a degree of profldeney not looked for In penodo eoyonng, and which speaks wall fur tbe training through which they hare bare taken. The declama tions by lb* boys and tba readings by Um girls wan rendered with much grace and aa**, and with credit both to themaelvre and teacher*. The debate by Masters Harry On- Bignon and Dannie Kranaa aa to tba meatel qualifications of tb* two saxes added much, to Urn pleasure and alUnU,, ooosidtrahle apptenaa and won the admiration of Uis audience. Olyun County Agricultural Society ia tec.Hofgham'a Courtship." If Isft to hereby notified Ip meat at uiy-office * vote of the audience, are think she ou Thursday morning at II o'clock, Juuc llith. D. T. Dvxx, Prest Did you uutiee tin would taken all tbo premiums award ed, if wo may judge from tbe en thusiasm that followed ber reeding, pieces of curly pine oa uhibitioo ■*£»* restainly fere bare taught to read ! .IciwrtmeaM oceompUsbiusot possessed noil will nt once he inaugurated. Trlbiita* t« Mfli'lt, Appreciating the fuel that Mastersthe Board of Education for tho great Dsnnio Krsnsv and Harry DuUignon,interest manifested by them in onr tbe debaters at tho closing cxercisca j school during tho term, of our pDldie schools, deserved somo- j The children seqnitted themselves thing more Ungihlo than moro praise ' wsll There wore as many as four- (there bciug no prirc offered for that | teen prices delivered to different ones, particular branch of the exercises namely. Misses Ellen Clark, Katie some of onr ladies raised a neat little j Robinson, Mary Blue, Loniaa Smith, sum and purchased for each of the > Mary Baylor, Ellen Smith, Hcncrine the young gentlemeu a gold |kii and 1 Itashanl. Sarah Wbitaey, Lillie Pylca, other articles useful to the penman.-— Julia Donegal), Clara Dcncgall, and atldl luuards and [egardlcaa of" oust I These testimonials of adiuiratiou were I Masters Jefferson Harris and John Whereiu onr Fair fell abort, we modu aoeompauied by graceful little notes 1 Bui®s. One prise wa* given to Mies up iu the upturning of boats, the lie- j ,,f eucouragemeul. We; Kslio Itot.inson for general deport-, suy of you cau , j | mulishing of phsetons nsd the cou-1 * ru r<-v|ue»ted by the grstelul recipi-1 meut in Prof. Clark s department, j from you. ‘bo i Hagraliou of homo.*. We in ; “ uU return their aiueerest thauks *ud one lo Mury Baylor for general j cnlerj.risc | to all who were instrumental in giv- i deportment in Mis* Ida Clark's de li | There w,U be . total cclqw. of Um! iD « ,U “ P^-a-t ««!-?»«. jmoou on Suuday night, 12tb iusl., at \Va-lo,m Usds h»»v There was ou eibiUtiou at the Fair grounds Ibis weok a new washing chine os siinplo in cuioitmction s* it tho Fsir, iu tbo domuslie Jo|>srti Tlicy were eerUiuly i-l.-gcut And worthy of tbe o'xbXjlor.-Mrr .{feyerd liiue Did you soo that clock and .Uudof fret work op stain, Um work of Mr. D. B. Stallings T It is certainly a work of art and for beauty has no sa ls., nor. It will take su even one hun dred dollars to piircli.Ohi it • Mrs. Coo|K>r, Mr*, t IF. Dexter, Mr*. Barknloo awl Mm- Watkina maile exhibits of cut fi-iWHi* that for U-aaty bwl no rivals save tb* fairy quotas that aver and anon flitted among the flowers of Floral Hall Among tbe items of •|.ei-i*l istercst in the floral department were using!# lunt, a hibiscus in Uooiu, by Mrs. L North, a flue bigouiu, by Mrs. Blows- ter. and the display of Mrs T. F. Smith, every plant nf which has been grown within three months. Spoeial montion it do* tb* display of buots and ahoca from tbe shop of Mr. D. A. Moore, the work of Mr. Merrifleld, the anatomical boot maker. They would stand comparison with similar work from any abop north, south, east or west. Among tho thing* on exhibition that callod for s|>ecial mention waa a qnilt, tbe handiwork of Mrs. J. H. Norman, of Liberty county, who is en tirely blind. For regularity of the patches suit neatness of atitabe* U will compare with that of otliara We, have seen who hail twu gdud syss. The writer Up* bis bat ia gratsfnl ackuowlcIgemcutN tu Mr. Tucker hr preseutiug tu hint Uw Urges! cobtsqje oa exhibition at the Fair. Il weighed 37j p,unils aud was grewu on dry, saiiily Brunswick soil. Pass this around, brother qui I ilrivirt, and if 1, let us hear All did wall with tbo single trouble that tboae who read did not spoak Ipod Anangh to be beard. To tbi* tbero waa one marked exception—Ut il* Katie Grady—whose dear role* wet heard distinctly aa she read "I’e- -C-- Baixswicx, Gn, June 8, 1881. Editor Adreriirer and Jj.jr-al: To tlie article “Nnts lor 'C to Crack," in yonr article of Jnno 4th, I reply that Colonel Smith's riewa as to tbo teas* and aalo act aro in the main This ia a matter that will bo Attention of tho Logiala- tore at Um approaching session, when it win b* mads apparent to tbo pcoplo of Georgia wbat has been and wliat ba* not been done by the U. A B. It. R. Oo. in carrying oat their contract with tbe State. None *0 blind aa tboae who do not cars to ass" sssms a litUe (Iran go after reading OoL. Cobhreeent spooch in Atlanta to tb* borinaas men ot that plaea, a copy of whisb in yonr oot- nmna would to mot* intonating and eneooraging to onr "imposed npon and outraged community" than aa idle controversy. Therefore, Mr. Ed itor, I will not farther tnepeee a •pace, hot will add that I do not pro pose to place myself either in tbe po sition of being Um champion or apol ogist of tb* M. A B. a a Co, or Col In E. (Smith's nnt-cracker a Below wa give an extract from the speech of Col Cole, ref erred to above by "C:‘ "Tb* same may ba said with regard lo tba effect upon the Central raOreed and Macon, by tba ng sjifiN! of onr • fifteen minutes after midnight, so says H a/I rwill 1 CD the man that ought to know. Now, • I "Is boys, don't take advoutagu of thi> to | psrtment. The teachers of tbo school return their thanks to the Board of Educa- Mra. \V. tV. Wstkion ought to have al-oot tan* petal a vote of thank* for )nr ibqJay of uine varieties of fruits grown on ber plaev iu D-xville. Oh, how tho UioaUl xxws.istul sriarr. Dkrxswicx. oi. xext j U j, w uur sweethearts until that was effective iu operation. Tho trough ! , , 11 tmuu Ixtu hour, pretending to b« looking : is . segment of . circle which «wcil- ^ W " b “W, hi- -W-tii" J fa i’ HARNESS MAKING,UPHOLHTER-jbr the eclipse. Utos under a cylinder with rubber 1 " c " ‘ INU, PAINTING, GRAIN- Itov. J. I* Lyons, formerly misaiou- i pretruherauces, and the whole su ar- ory to Syria, will preach in tbe p r ^ ! range.1 a* to waah a cambric hand tion for the liudnras shown in tbe of }c JK ,, r K i; lor wslewl ss he gazed -solutiou reoil si *te close of the»x- through the gloss at those ripo, me! lew, jsii-y ptacbee that uni; grseeftl ING, ETC'., >• tik' atpl* nai abort Local tew? i. te r NOTICE. Legislation. ■r rtvrn l!ut api-lriati'?** %,ll t>« in My •>! lb* Ri*t* uf dur- 1 aumt fiirtLcr o*ltl tiiut hc Lit«l in uur luitUt Hcvc.-ul of the imrcriU j ary to Kyri*, will preach ia the IW J range;. « u. ..... a ramuric n-a-, „, c rbiMreu, and we ',rr- 1 byteri... church (tumor-; koreb",! or . heavy «.th no.nju- rew). st It s. and iu the Metho- 1 V »° tllh< ' r 01 *»»hmg machine- ’ Jut church at« r. m. Subject iu tbo ciicfca taruuiiJ the ifeln Mr l*aulk, of cuiitutlmiu to vireit our Pair mtal iiuf«»rluuiit«l> !tw»t Id. |NM-k«t Look .vi.:-titling $I«W, KM at Uio A.|#..«ru«.t ■*•*>!■ t?i be Arid •-*» iuty •rat, b> AMM-anl au aiiHintnl M uf tb<* Dgte!al><ra ml ■u-IMtU oftteirgi*, a|pru**d Iter K-ia/tb ?Uy H Mar-ta KS . w;.U*d au art tu aasawd a« to t Iu tu- r ri-M* tie t mu of Ft. Ma-va awl tb* arvml *• U abu-M-tlb.' Ibl- • affile. Fat t art mmtettffiffi Ik* •Plrtatteibt id ufB.-ci* Ljr tk« liumaor M tkacltff sd Rte Marjra, tieoryM. It. D. FO\, m.Vuji, hi.,iki.fiii,iv.|, ALdutteera MALLORY’S m YORK & BRlkWK Steamship Line. morning: "Why did Palestine, the laud uf the Bible, relapse into acini- barbarism?" Subject at night: "Tlie |ierfection and (wwer of Ooil'a Uw." Tha meeting at night will ba in tbe in terests uf tho Bible canoe, and |.:istors and congregations of all lift churches ore invited to bo preecut to partici pate iu the exerci*e*of the evening Ik.Id Itohtmrr- Infurmatiou b** reacbod 11a to tbo effect Unit six negro men, a few duya since, entered tile store of Mr. Willio Wiggiu-, iu Waynesville, run ofl' tbe elerk aud bel|ied themselves to goods. Mr. Wiggins has taken ant werriut§ this is tlie seme. Thu 0110 exhibited at tbe Fsir wss |air>hss«l by Mrs.. Wjily AU~.II, of this city, and can be ,,rH ’ ’- V soon at bur reside nee. For further particulars, apply to J. W Kuunon, manufacturer, Hoboken, Go. their interest stiewi. in tbe work. Written at the n-inest of the tcarh felt thauLs for lull, event etei .piito . VSrd orThunko. Tlie following was crewdivl out last week: The undersigned tor himself and wifa desire* to express his heartfelt thauks for tho ready, corded sad sub stantial aid tendered biiu iu replacing aa far a* possible tbo losses to them 1 them—will not meet the necessity sustsiuud by tbe recent tire in Bruns- j uo1 l ' u * 1 “ , v “ wick. Tlie lows was smsll, but it was 1 Juiix Williams, Psstor First A. B. L'burcli tux •••>■> has A—-—.ii-tlon. No man ran realise tbe ncccosiiy tor ilweliing bou-os except those who ora seeking a bouse for rent. There aro twenty-five men in town who want a good house to lire in, uml would rent at once if tlie houses were here. Indit idmil effort will not build juvci Um iihxwre/ lie i> in doubt** | to bow it disappear.-!- - w hcttier las* | or sloleu. He reiuemla re buviug tbs uiiMiey a short while la fun. going Pi 1111 ike a pun-hose si Messrs. Kaiser ' Itrus., whore ho uia-lo tlie discovery that it aae gone. Uw mvaafsetainug uu- ioes of onr piece was n|seecnUsl us- lie- Fuir groands by *n exnilsl -d mgsre from the factory of Mr. D ti. Ilislejr, now in charge of that replan cigaiiwakte Mr. O. W. Hue forth Hi» Aia^rbou- ,|uet math- entirely of tntoieru, was a m-ntol of ucatuo**, unit showed ■ won- by very few pereoux We eaunot does this aotiea without cute loot *i»f ia atroegest terms tba nnleoess of quite a lot of boy* te tb* audience during Um above exhibition. Their shrill whisUiag and aaeaharad rtampiag of their feet ware so honor to the moth ers that hoi* them, aud if they bad th«ir Junta wall wo wool aay any more ooly this that wa know tb* name* of asveral of those boy*, tod Ihiak their papas end mammas kboold either keep them at home, or make them behave io pabiie ami oot annoy a whole oummaaity nuxvs AWABDUL Below wo a|qiend the list nf prise* awarded at Um exhibition for tho terra juaieluaod Arithmetic—first ulssa; Mia* Kmius Walker, (nt prize; Mia* Miimio Gra dy, second prize Arithmetic—socond class: MiaaJu lia Fnteb, first prixo. Latin—Ant ekaa: Miss Minnie Grady, gold madal; Mias Ism Tread well, (liver matlnl. Latin—Moond nlmu; Miss Husio Gnlo, lint prize; Miss Julia Fnteh, second prize. First grammar—Mies Frances Walker, no prize uffi-red. English grammar—second class: Miss Julia Fnteh, first prise. English grammar—third elass: Miss Nina Harvey, first prise; Miss Katie Grady anil Master Dsnuie Krsuss, nan*l prise. Bath or tbeeo stood a aplaodid examination, and being *0 young for their advancement, were re warded. Algelir*- Miss Lee Treadwell. Iterating -Mia* Clara Unuly. Spelling -Mias Lee Treadwell, first prise; Mim Clara Grady, aeeoml prixe. For gem ral de|a,rlmeut sod leaqons —llieaea France* and Emma Walker. Compoeition—Miss Huai* Gale. FltlMAItY DKFAUTMKNT The following were awardoil pruea (or bdit lew* in their roapoetivs Kite Amlenaui. Tills* Ilorebardl Job* Nitdn. Walter Am**, Marcus Wafctes. rxMihinox. Miaare Hnoie Gale aral Katie Gra dy *rer* swanlul prixM. hr oopiiUing tbewMelnw lontoa the stage the sight nf thep-rf-iniiaocr. Wsnlat. ’’ C-I’. Goodyear. Brnneeick, G*rr- gis, will I si miller idiligatiooa to any one who has a work on ahoe|i, 00 rioe- ysnU. oa laxtirultor*. on truck farm ing nr any oilier subject relating to the material inp-rral* of I he country, if they will loan them lo him for os* in (he |ire|Mraliiiii of artielea epoo tba laud |ssiting sad immigration move ment. with which lie has lieeo recent ly rnniierleil. Tlie Ixiok* will be esri fully rsrr-l for and returned whan ileeirril In viow of there facts tbe nnder-, lttl| . (rt | lwo fici w ,ey in tl w manipulation our all. The world is fnlUf rerepen-1 iovi!< • 1 *“«tii.g «f *U l«th» tl „. w.e.1 , ration, and among them iu this in- mb-rested in the forming of * Bail.l-1 tor tho pai lies, ono ot whom was or- bta , |M w0 <w , v fl)r lit ox . ing and to-an A-vocation to meet at , u , <1h| , wori . happy aud rested in this cily yesterday morning, prwi „ na iu ttorJ , , ur tLu rt aid the Court House, Saturday uighl 18lh ^ ^ , nl)rub . r Lour of! of *n., 18-S1, to discuss tU matter ^ o| ^ . y ^ I *IMIiaalgaark Eatio Has I—hi cm|iloyral by It A A. and _ K. F A W. It II antboritir* to work The baby show proved a sucri-a. - n l’- through the Waycfoas /ir/».rlcr, by Mr. Lory. At lost accounts tb* 1 others were at liberty. •TWXimil ! Suva—h f|i. WESTERN TEXAS As* parly of ladit* and ono gentle- chuii uixci. i man were returning last Wednesday nrr of vaiias from tho fire, the boraca attached to cure- w»x. j Uio rockaway took fright, and caji- :-,.ov.r-,i,..,ii«.n,vur. u tiuv ’ sized th* vehicle, handling III* te* malca rather roughly. No liu.hs i~f.«<L MU. uous o.» * L- •» area* “ *'-"v- I wer# brokon, except thoao of the rock- preasmns which came to as iu an trouble. Respectfully, O. H. Ma.o.v. with a view to organization U|ioa ?>«x- iseM /irianiJa. C. I*. Goouteab, Ha Evils Ac Kav, ClnMnimll A (tosiil* Hallnnul Co. j v j Cbuv1TTj Sam’l BoaciuitoT. Attention u callo.1 to the notice of | JuL v y actxti .|, w . T. Bum, tho attornoy of the abovo oomjMuy of j M DllxTEa> a e. Fuxt, iulA-utiim to apply to tho July Mieeion i j Jr „.t. G Clam, of tb* Georgia to-gi-lalnre for charter A xorxs.iv, W. J. Wav, for (he asm*. A* this i-oin|iaiiy in- j g, Hcscmia. H. D. Hiosox. elude* the M. fi B., Branawiokwill h* Ml-sluv AVaxNl-icx W. McCaxolzsa, touching , uot lawn • lotted any. > tbia, judging of judge*, Ticklish bnai- thi ir land ding and immigration aclimne, ncenlly commcncral by Gul Style* We look for good result•. There Is an aae In dragaing yunrrelf to 1 loath aral baying oil tin- vile madi- lio*. moat benefit tbe Central railroad, erea thoogh relativa oompetitoo, and tba aaw hare wo an to boild moat bo a great advantage to tha wbola state of Georgia, and, m aaid abovR te aid ing thoao reads will profit Atlanta to a grant extent. Tour rite ia tho half way bonaa between th* Wait and tha aaa, and mast, tberefura, profit, bo rn of ita location. Everything 1 passes from tha o**a*ctio* to the other moat ■rnmarfly a*teryo*r city, sad aa to tho advaatawo tbit will work, you, gentleman, can jedge. “I am gratifiad that we bare tha ability to say that wa mean to acoons- pliah just wbat yonr papers ban aaid wt will do. Wo have tue moosy noo- aasary to com plot* thee* soterprina; sod if we can eaeora aoffiotoat labor, trains from Atlanta to llaeon win bo running by January 1st And if ** labor, I ondertako to say that trains will ba posting between Roma ami Atlanta by March 1 si Tbo building of this last road will Im mors difficult than the other, baouaaof tho country, bat I now ay I will main good my won! if tb* labor ennbebad." 'I ho Praaltlani M)M*nlr«. Mr. IM dor: Tbo Fair it ovor, and, white wo bava not bral time to adjoat all tba bill* and accounts, wa think it aafo to say Um Fair of 1881 la a «u«- oess. A fnll report will bo mado In your next issue. Wo mny mid that bad uut tho ex aggerated reports of smell pox been su freely circulated abroad, a much larger attendanea would bava been noticed. As it ia, tbe Fair was well pstruuixed, and tboae who earns to onr cily and learned the truo states uf affain will be oblo to satisfy tb* stey-awaya that Uioy wen simply "scared by somebody who was fright ed." It ia a satisfaction to know that tho efforts of Um various committees have been rewarded by success, even against all Um obstacles which arose to dampen their ardor. Having doc* onr whole doty, we can with pride taro over to oar sueossaore te office th* responsibilities of tbo annual Fair tor 1881 D. T. Dvxx, Brest. M. J. Odlsux, Secretary. IW. Gailmctt*. tb* is rector nf tit Preach Kidney Fad bearing his Caere, was Iiae uf the mart Bated lerdkwl ra w uf bis -ley in France. Harms, el kid- r dtarares ore nard I tobepermsasok Siiippii.g Intelligence. ria. TMzriarr ncaaimswvca. res jr.i-a nvixmv Tas.tesiM a> . -Of aa v-M r—». vsm. lew. uiTAkrtam iwi-w(i«<>.MM. jo-M-n i<»u.nerer.r>iw*iiitn Jmw (-<iMfc»filatLlifirfcMwTffifc. iiMf-S filtmlu, faSto*. MUMN. tejrtisfirsi&ssa-iss? tear* ttfittfifiC Yffiira. Yate^ttaifiMfi. _ DUNN Sc CO. SOLE AGENTS FOB GLYNNCOUNTY OALL AND 8EE THEM* it. W. B. BURROUGHS, Bad Idols tod teaaiaaM Agaat. BAY 8T., - • BRUNSWICK, Ga. Tb. following babtoa took firMiomai dyp.tac latrra.1 ore when yen «a»,ha Mia. J. F- Furlong, flret w*U as all vliavnlrre sad alharals "I tha liver. Id—I anal -bmarh. Ire wearing on* 0( Pret. Gailatolle'e Frreeb Liver lhda, umlcr ono year. Mrs. U llina b—bod boy otw year r u. Wa tttfllttWIOA^Ajii^ pljliiMfiJ iliU «Uy following of Away. TLo Lull cm. however, ouu* i iU Urtuiuiu, nii>l tuiy we uol ho£<€ C A Colaisu, Im L Sa.xu, • ... . I . .... . . .. a I ts..l i.val.V (.lli.-Td 1 fur brighter days aud better things» And many others Mnc Wm. Dart-Brat ririoo*,«r ^^7^^-5435 eight omnthL , ■ I In a letter to Fr. M. Fat U... l.dnba Mr*. Jobe Barm floMl girl Iwuw q,, ru»\ It will l«u ant run by rrtiin ouu year nine moulhtt—MMd and buU. li U tlw »uly Uwl b ttuumtt- Mtuuic i bad i * cut*. lkwwv uf •uoatarMta.