Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 09, 1881, Image 1

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RM*s|fa j rr BRIN8WICK AUTEKTINIK INI ifTOl. VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1881. NUMBER 1. ^ Advertiser and Appeal, InTTVo-iirTfiT/ fx K I Mr - 9. sr&cr* HU RHCRll'iiOA 11ATES : c ropy o«0 year $J t >py nix month*. irtDement* froi l|)Ublt»he<l n wpoQ*lblo p»rtl<" will il obituary notice* not exceeding toileted for publication. •e. clurgwl M adrertii ml common 1 *a 1 •atlon* abould be *d< e undcraiKncd. T. O.MTACY, Drunmrick, Georgia. City Directory. city ornciuu. /ayor- J. F. Nolson. iUUrmrH- A. T. Putnam, W. W. Watkln*. J. J ..are, D-T. Dunn. 4. F. llarvey, 8. C. Little lit, P. J. DoorAhiK«r. 7«-rfc d Treasurer- Jamea llouaton. Marshal—1). A. Fabm. mutant Marshal—J, L. Reach. lUieenen-YT. II. llaincy, T. W. llolt. Keeper Hoard House awl CUrk ./ Markd-V. Moore. iwt I’Sysiclan—C L Schlatter, Jr. M. D. f .'y Ihyiician—L U Pari*. M. D. ilarbor Master—O J Hall. |V,f Wardens— Matthew dhauir»n. Hot. O'Coti- r, Jr, and A V Putnam. *tani»i»«> ooionrrrrjt or council. firaxcg— Conper, Watkiua and I>unn. iTur.rn*. Diuix* k Haiuoka—Irauu, Watkiua l LUtleHold. Si-atoll Wliite CVlucterjr-C G Moor*-'. M-xtou Colored Cemetery—Jackie While, lows common*— Homy, Draper and Hpcata. 'FMKTKKfKM—Mpeara, 1/corlliiigt-r aud Co«|*er. lUauoa—Ultlofleld. Spear* aud Putnain. 1 BMC Bt'iLPtBo*—Watkiua, DoerfllnKur aud ,.Jik>Atm— Docrtllnger.Harvey and Littlefield uvcatiow—Putnam. Mpear* aud Dunn, mabitt-Putnam, Littlefield and Pocrflinger* i^>BrA*TJfKKT—Hpeam.l’utnam and Harvey nuca- Putnam, Dunn, and Watkiua. UNITED STATES OFF1CEUH. ctor ofCnatoma—John T. Collin*. ty-H.T.l iireen Grocer, a wo.nAH»»tttB5Tios. ] SIXTY MILLIONS IN A PILE. Do yob know (fast you have Mkcd for the j The Weighing of the Gold million cuctneat tning Ever made by tbe hand above - A woman'* heart and a woman'! life AND DEALER IN Country Produce U ALSO ON HASH A FCI.L AND WELL AH- KOUTEB STOCK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., All of wblck are offered tor ca»b at reasonable prices. I MEAN BUSINESS! re comer Newcastle and klouk Street*. BBUNSWICK, GE0R0IA. II. Ot* every Tuc E. LAMURIOIIT. 1' 'LING—:M Monday in March and September. "arch am*" - • ipril ami „ r .1I and October. PFKE—Tuesday after 4ih Monday in April and 1IDKN- Tue* lay after !M Monday in Mat' and AGOB COHEN 152 BllOCGIITON St., AVANNAH, GEORGIA, tanka tlm public through Uila medium for the . ami aakH a contluuaiico of their patronage, *a ** I'lH ited hla SPRING IMlNJUTATIONofgoo.U !1 grade*, and placed hla low price* on them, 'll cau*c* a rush by everybody that 1* Wltbiu h. Ho offur* the **me chance to all who read l«l>or to avail thomaclve* of 'hu *aute opportu- •*»0v COliUKEU SILKS AND SATINS THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT allfc* I'AhiiMKUE t«r Rummer at 74c hlitt In N.w York, in fact, there la m*ta II. P. THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! Hill'S lit l’,W,Kilt Ha* a*Uinod unprecedented nncceaa in relieving tho prevalent diaorder* or tho Liver. It* merlti juatly eutltlo it to the preferment it receive* ovci all other LIVER MEDICINES. many peraou* <1 way* at hand, and tlem# peraon* aro novel •ym-'tom* of a <ii*ord< red IJv. yon ot the year. It will 50 CENTS To try It. and you will certainly lie plcaacd with e reOiilt. For sale by J. .H .1IADDKN* novldly Sir. David Clark Only Direct Doat twice per week between SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES SAVANNAH FOR URUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETURNING. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOIl H AY AS y All. on at Brunswick with li. k A. i ah with Ocean Stoam«hin I from New York, and with . WILLIAMS, Agent. 'hiladelphla, Ualiin 'reighta at lowest ri 1 Care Mtitajssr J>avid Clark. aprillC-lm Brum Fire Insurance! lUMIMIIIffiliniHl'. (COMPOSED OF THE GERMANIA AND UANOVEU INSURANCE CO.'SI AND BKimil.MIMfflR’ECO. THESE FIIWT-CLAHH COMPANIES REPRESENT ED IN Bill NHAH'K llY T. O'CONNOR, Jr. aj-DWKLLINOS *T VERY LOW UATES. lob 152 BROUGHTON STREET, 1AVANX V1I, - (JEOltUlA. ItoO-lf W.B.Mell&Co., Wholesale aud II. tall l'o»|, r , SHOLES SADDLES & HARM ESS, i Georgia State Gazetteer Did you know that you have aakod for this prlcrlcas thing. Aa a child might aak tor a toy ? Demanding what otttera nav« to wiu. With tho reekieaa daab of a boy f Yon hava written my leaaoa of duty out. Manlike you have questioned me— Now stand et tbe bar of my woman** aonl Until I ahall queatlon theo. You require your mutton ahall alwaya he hot. Your aocka end your ahlrta ahall be whole. I require your heart to be true aa Ood'a atarr, And aa pure aa heaven your aonl. You require a cook for your mutton and beet; I require a far better thing; A acamatreae you're wanting for stocking* and ahlrta, I look for a man and a king. A king for a beautiful realm called home. And a man that tbe maker, Ood, Shall look upon as lie did the lint. And aay “It ia very good." I am fair end young, bat tbe rose will fade From my aoft young cheek on* day; Will you love me then, 'mid tbe falling leaves, Aa you did 'mid tbe bloom of May 7 It your heart an ocean, so strong and deep I may launch my all on Its tide ? A loving woman find* heaven or hell On the day abe It made e bride. I require all things that are good and true. All things that a man should be; It you giva thla all. 1 would stake my lifo To be all you demand ol me. It yon cannot do this—a laundress am', cook You ran hire with little to pey. Dot a woman's heart and a woman'• lifo Are not to be won that way. Now York World. The three examiner. rubber and -eather Belting, Eli. WHlmAXU.AULLKBV wlut ! „ HARNESS, COLLARS, tuiTABLE Fill! MILL MEN INI, M IM’FAUTntUW, A Business and Planter's DIRECTORY BRIDLES, Etc. TURPENTINE | jJS*E Spooiaity. wi;m: roit piuces. j 1801-2. ! be issued on or before October let. 1MI. VoL ofthl* wo.k (Umw*>) contained OSIpeg'wbre- Volnmn II will contain ftilly 1000 !»*«»•••— tea of every city, town anAvllUge. piqmlatioii, i. iuduatrti'*. ■hipping directl.**. Ac., l»u«- ami profeaaloual men. »chocl., college*, ■burchew. Mine*, factortee, mill*. County Btota t complete cutmtft ci mau. vj oor^in. VMM!!! ^ City Tax Notice. AN HONESJ SALE. A day or tiro ago a motherly-look ing woman of 45 entered a Wood- yard avenao clothing atore, baring a man’s linen duster ou her arm, and when approached by a salesman sbo said: “Some one in hero sold this duster to iny son yesterday.” “Yes maam, I sold it myself,” re plied tho clerk, as lie looked at the garment. “ Did yon tell my sou that this ,luster could be worn either to a pic nic, funeral, bridul party or quarter ly mooting?" “I did, madam, and ao it can.” “Did_you tall biin it made a good fly-blanket when not otherwise need ed?" 1 did. ‘That it could be usdd os n boat sail, a strotclicr, a straw-bed and bod-spread?" "Yes, ma’am, I did.” "And that many pcoplo used tbom table corers, and that they would last for years and then make excel lent stuff for a rag carpet ?’’ “I did.” “And yon only charged him a dol lar ?" "Only a dollar, ’ni'iira." “Well, when John came homo Inst night and brought tho duster, and told mu nil yon said, I mndo up my mind that lio must lmvc bean drunk, and I was a Icotlo afraid bo atole tbe gnrmcnt. I am glad it’s all right.” It certainly is all right, inn'nin, anil since ho wa* here yesterday wo bavo discovered that tho duster is a grant conductor of sound, a prevent ive of sunstroke, and that no man with one on bis back over dropped dead ot heart dineaso." Land bavo ns,” sho gasped, as she -waited for the bnndlo, “but who knows that they won't tix 'em so 'tore long that they’ll rniiie a mortgngo off the farm?" A preacher not far from Boston ouco found himself in n sad dilerao.— Ha stopped in his sormou and said: “If I speak softly tlioso of you in the rear cannot hear me; if I speak lomt, I shall certainly wake up those who l’^" 1 weighing is done thot they aro close to mo.” A Msino man lies invented n scare crow, to be placed in corn-fields, which oonsists of n box seven feet long and two feet square, with horizontal bar rels arrange 1 inside. The barrels are to be loaded with powder, aud st reg- from the Treasury Department at Washington to superintend the weigh iug of the gold bullion stored at tho assay oflicu in WuU street, preparato ry to its transfer to tho mint at I'bila- ilelphia, aud tho final settlement of tho accounts of the oflicc with the Treasurer for tho fiscal year ending with June 30, arrived last Monday.— Since that day tho work of tho officers and men in tho offico has been moro laborious and responsible than ever before known in tbe history of the of fice. Tho accumulated gold to bo ac counted for to tho last ounce is no less than $66,000,000, for which one man the superintendent, Thomas C. Ac ton—is held responsible. Tho exami ners were It. E. Preston, of tho bu reau of tho mint, Charles J. Tyrol,, of tho First Auditor's office at Washing ton, and Thomas Donaldson, of Phil adelphia. Mr. Preston roturnod to Washington last Thursday, and tho other examiner* will bo joined to morrow probably by tbo Director of tbo Bureau of the Mint, Mr. Bncbard. “Tbo first ibing dono by tbe exam iner*," snid the chief clerk, Mr. J. M. Floyd, to a reporter yesterday, “was taking the iuvoico prepared here showing tho details and nggrognto of tho gold thut wo still have on hand from tho receipts in European and other foreign coin since the last set tlement. The amount is about, $55,- 000,000, tlmngb our receipts during tho period from August 2, 1880, to May 1, 1881, bavo reached about $04,- 000,000. Of this sum $0,400,000 was in our own coin, and this, not need ing to ha melted dow n, did not remain here. The ?S7,000,000 in for coin consisted mainly of French 20- frniic piocea, (Jcrrnan 20-mark pieces, Jnpancso vens and ltussian half-impe rials. Straugo to say, although near ly tho cutiro receipts were on British uceonnt, probably representing foreign transactions made by English mer chants and manufacturers, wo received nut n single British coin.” Mr. Floyd showed the rcjiortor through the melting uml assaying rooms, which aro on tho ground on uither side of the central passago-wny in tho main bnilding beyond tbo court yard. On tbo right, ns ono goes back through tlie ball is tlio largo room in which the gold coin is melted down, mid occupying tho Sonlhoust corner is the impregnable vault, about twon ty feet square, in which the enormous treasure is kept. At the present time tbe manufacturing operations confined to melting silver coins nnd bricks nud fluxiug tbo dirt from for mer meltings to get from it the scraps of precious metal. Until tlio settle ment now reaching tbo linnl summing up is completed, no deposits of coiu will bo received. The weighing is lieing done in the large melting room noar tbe vault, nnd hero weto found yesterday tbo su|H>rintcudent, Mr. Ac ton, the two cxninincre, of whom Mr. Donaldson was managing the scales aud Mr. Tyron noting the results, nud four men, one of them a negro, were haudling the heavy gold. Thu brass scales, which are nbont four feet bigb, were made by Henry Fii'cnmer of Philadelphia, and the weight on either side and at the centre rests up on knife edges of a sharpness that w-ill have worn so much when tho last day of tho fiscal year, which is June 30th. The gold, which is in bars ■lie! about six indies long, an itieh thick I and two ami a halt inches uruic, ia | stored in common open boxes, with appointed | alumt. the rapacity of a hod. Ten will never he used again. The bal- ulur intervals, exploded by menus of nernst which clock work within the bos that tlio ono-hundredth part of an ounco added to either side licars it dowu promptly. Tlio weights used are of a composition of metals looking like brass. They are shaped like largo tomato - eons, with seoopt-d out are straight inin- • h fivi hundred ■ ilea, and tin- bars arc kept in a box, and tbo hand track in which tbo gold is hanlod from tho vault to tho scales will hold twenty boxes. Each bar is worth $5,- 000, each boxful about $50,000, each truck load about $1,000,000. Tbo re porter when shown iuto tbo vault yes terday was surroundad by shelves piled up with gold and silver worth about $00,000,000. “ My goodness gracious 1" exclaim cd an old goullomnn who was present, “I never expected to see so ranch money I I thought I was pretty well off, but my house nnd lot mcltod down wouldn't make ono of tlioso pigmy bars, nud my wholo' country town if put iuto comlensod -form could bo wheeled away in that littlo wngon.— I'm sorry I came here, bccauso it makes mo feel so insignificant. Why, thcro nre only two men in this conn try who wouldn't fcol poor in thi* room, nnd I doubt whotber Vander bilt could buy its contents with overy dollar ho could rake nnd scrape with in twenty days.” Tlio gentleman stnmd at the men as they caroloss|| lifted another mil lion into truck. “Now sc- them 1" be snid; "tlioy would shovel it in like coal if it wnsn’t too lienvy. Sco how hey (icrspiro 1 It isn't often tlint it takes millions of dollars to make a drop of perspirntion start, and yet it takes almost millions nf those very drops to earn a dollar. Jnst estimate, if yon can, the value of a dollar earned by the sweat of ouo's brow! Those men get shout $1 a day, I guess, for being honest with ton millions. But they have nunc ol tbo worry nnd care ot managing this cnormons wealth.— Still, it seems to me that it umst be a risky business to allow Toni, pick and Harry to bnndlo all tbia gold. Wbat’a to prevent ono of them from clipping a bur into bis pocket? I'll oak Mr. Acton about this." Tbo old gentle man followed tho track out to tbo scene of tho woigbing. "Mr. Acton," bo asked, "aro yon nut trembling while this thing is go ing on?" "Why?" tbo superintendent asked. “Because—jnst think liuw ensy it would bo for n bar or even n box to disappear." "Ah, no danger,” waa tho rcapousc. "Don't you sco wo are all hero togeth er—everybody with bis eyes open; they can't lie shut on all tboae mil lions. But tlicro is a better security still—the entire honesty, tried nud tested in every way for days, moiitba ami many years of every man w ho touches nu ounce of gold in tbia place. Never a wink of sleep bavo I Inst through distrust of our pcoplo here. It s a great comfort to mo, fornftcrnll my responsibility is mountains high-” "Do you never fear that thero may lmvo been some mistake nt some point in lmudling the gold—Hint when it comes to the liunl adding tip there nmy lie a discrepancy between the receipts and the stock to deliver ?" Nut at all. nut at all. Two and two make four that expresses how confident I am as to tho resnlt; tint had I taken time to consider and in vestigate In-lure accepting the snper- intondcucy here, I probably would have declined. I was appointed olevcn years ago by President Grant. Witli tbo news of my appointment came my euornious bond, fully made POOUNK ACADEMY. I pork, you will ruin tbo cemetery, aud, ■examination oeoxraphr. ™ nt ot f’ Y°“ "j. 11 "tin US.' Tho I city needs many things yet to mako it Hearing that tho Podank Academy, j —l-d in every respect, but it needs near Macon, was about to closo for) nothing worso than a aozcu or so oi , „ , ■ , out, signed, approved and sonled.— nice of the empty pans is so exact., • « ' There was no choice bnt to accept nn- dcr such circumstances, bnt tbo first look nt tlio treasure I was rcspoiisib!» for staggered mo, although it was but tbo snmmer, a Telegraph reporter hired an ox cart yesterday, and rodo out to report tbo closing The day waa delightfully warm, and a pleasnnt breezo animated tbo slon- dor vegetation along tho way. The. snow having melted, tbe reporter left bis overcoat nnd did not feel tho noed of it daring tho day. Arriving at the ncadomy, bo was escorted to a seat in tho front row, and Professor Sqniba, tho fat and jolly lioad of tbo institu tion, ordered the class in rorisod ge ography to como to tnw. Tho move ment was execacod in fine order, and tho close was ready for business.— Singling out a brigbt-oyed boy, about tbo centro of tbe class, tho Profossor began tbo examination. " What is tho capital of Georgia ?" “ Atlanta.” “Next? - ' " The Gate City.” " Correct, go ap. How is it bonndod ?" “ Bonndod on the north by Teones- soo, on tho South by Florida, on tbo west by Alabama nnd on tho cast by South Carolina and tho Atlantio oconn.” " What is tho character of tho poo- pie ?” " Tboy bavo no cbnractor.” “What in tho popnlntion of tho city ?" "Fiftoon hundred thousand." “Give ns a description of tho city.” " Tho Gate City ia noted ohiefly for its railroads. Evory railroad in tbo United States leads ont of Atlanta and iuto it. It has a canal that rails ap bill from tbo Chattahoochee, nud n custom house as largo'its St. l’otersin Borne It is noted for its water, which annually deposits earth for hun dreds of bnilding lots shoot tbo city. Ships about to sail have their wind expressed to them from tbo Gate City. It never gets hot there, nor cold. The only thing that prevents oranges nnd bananas growing thcro is tho want of room. In this city evory man lives off bis neighbor except tbo last man, who is supported out of tbe treasury." " There ia only ono company in tbo Gate City—tbe Gnte City Guards.— They tired the first gun in tbo war, went iuto Virginia first and came bauk Inst. Foreigners have pro nounced them tbe old guard of Napo leon in disgniae." " Entirely correct." murmured tbo Profeaaor. " Now," to tbo nest, "whoro is Augnsta ?" “Augusta is situated upon the Au gusta canal." “ How is Augusta governed ?" " The government is duiqHitic. Wm. Moore and 1’luns Stovall owu tho city nml run tlio canal.” " Give mo some facta concerning Augusta." " Tho city was discovered by Co- Iambus when only knee-high, and re built. It consists onlirely of Green street, a canal nnd the milts. It is sit uated on tho Savaunnh river just op posite Hamburg, noted for its trestle works, fiuo lace and river odgings." " Is that nil ?’’ " Tlint—that—that is all." Tbe Profeaaor reflected a moment and nodded bis bead. Then turning to Uio next stndont, continued: Where is Macon ?" Macon is situated on tbo Ocmnl- geo river in Bibb county. ” “ What about it ?" " It is a city of twenty odd thousand innabitnnts. They are energetic, pro gressive |ieoplc, sml now bavo the -ity on a boom. No city in tire South has made tho progress Macon baa in first-class fanerals, beaded by corpses wrapped in wet blankets." “Bally for yon,” roaredihe fat Pro fessor, bringing his fist down apou the tablo with a foroo that shot a stream of ink fiom tho stand to tho ceiling, nnd frocklod tbo face of a boy who was shooting spitbolls np thcro. Bully for you. But is that all ?" 11 No, air,” murmured tho timid boy, digging bis little fingor nervously in bis pant’s scams, and eyeing tbo re porter sidoways aa bo bong down bis bead- -" No, air. Tho livest paper in tbo Stato ia pnblisbod thcro—The Tel- erjra{)h and llcaeenger." Tbo reporter exclaimod “Oh, my! ” in an andible tone, blnsbod to tho roots of bis hair nnd modestly with draw. As he rounded tho corner ho lookod back and bohold tho fat Pro fessor escorting tbo smart boy to tbo bend of bis class.—Tetejraph and lies- tengcr. Hill sa* Lumbermen’, nerdna. WjycroM Reporter. Pursuant to a call, a largo numbor ot tbe saw mill men and lumbermen of Sontborn Georgia met at Way- cross this day for tbe purpose of dis cussing matters pertaining to their interost, prominent among which was tbe question of labor. Thero was a fall interchange of views on tho sub ject, and tho decision arrived at waa to bring labor to tbia aoction from otbor States, wheronpon a committco was appointed to omploy an agont whoso duty it shall bo to visit tbo northern portion of tho Soalhorn States, and omploy such needed labor, for which porposo $1,050 wero raisod, with an understanding that tho amount may !>o increased to $4,000 if necessary. Tbo most of tho mills on tbo S. F. & W., M. & B. and B. A A. railroads wore represented. J. J. Dalo, D. C. Bacon and J. J. McDo nough wero appointed a committco to omploy an ngont to visit South Caro lina, North Carolina and Virginia in tbo intorcst of tbo mill and lumber men of Georgia. After a very pleas ant, ugreeablo and profitable iutcr- clmngo of views, thoTnocling adjonrnd to meet again nt Wnycross tbo 2nd Wodncsdny in Septombor next N. Drxo.v, Secrotary. Waycross, Juno 22nd. • *—m » A Ten-Vear 014 Ulval or Pr. Carver. saor-ss * f <»., #81; Uno4 turret. Asgu-ts, «* ' 1»),!»!<■ a. foil..—.: •i ..r M.i.-s, urn. Ith •. .• June, •• | ill* •• ••, •• i «» •• •• N«v., •itnrti* *n<l tbe roller- ! Uw* bow 31-t day of March, lw ia*tied for Ihc entire j “ r r*. h Slid ' t»yw*bt SUBSCItIPriONPRICE,$6 t*0j Provident minister: " l wtrli qato that I have prueuriai an ahum clock that will wske up the congrega tion ss soon as the services arc over ” A man in western lows, who is a candidate for three offices, baainvent- a method of shaking bands by postal cord. ^ Simple pity ain't much better to a person than an insult, but to pity hiui with a five dollar bill is biziness. of 11,1 r, BRUNSWICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. lAiIKt LoltfTN t am now prepared „--k lb my lino, »iwl gi work sml prt- c*. 8hop on Mt*Y *tr*et D*xl door to WM. MunuVEH. . T. I'll IQAU. * One ball of tbo world docs not : weight*, or '• <MMI uilli.f* make the capacity of tlio scales, a drop ol this! size di*|M>„ing of 25 bars ' >f gold, or $125 ,000. Of courst; flier. Hie umuy Hinaller wci^lita to ftcctire (•effect ac curacy. The cutiro accumulation of gold amonntH to 700 ineltn, of which fifteen can bo Mrcighctl iu an hour, and tho working bourn bcitig from 0. a. m. to 4. p. si., only 105 tuclU cau Vo <lii4pot<cd of ill a day. Allowing time for lunch and delay*, the work a few tniilionn, eight or ten |>crfiH|>H. year*. New house*, §torcn, enter- What would bavo laconic of mo ilicu ! P""® 8 » n,, P ro j ocU ur “' "•ntinaally ad- had it been sneli a pile a« yon see | vaeced aud finished, here now sixty millions! Bnt now j "Well! Fm nseM to it, and could calmly ,-oe| " But there is n elans of i>-„„l e in the niL-’rear bichcr stiii." j the limits that swing to the .os'. of oilier days. They are tbo pco- H.nneru, Courier. Lillian F. Smith, a littlo lady only ten yeara of age, gavo an oxbibitiou on Saturday ovouing last, at tbo riult, of bor wonderful skill with tbo rifla. Hbo fired at glass balls throwu in tho air, making a very good scorn, bat tbo labored under many difficul ties in tho way of light and limited spaco in wh'cli to work. Bho fired over bor shoulder, taking sight in a small baud mirror, and broko overy ball out of twolvo. Sho broko fiftocu balls in one mlnnte. and auroral other feats worthy of tbe Austins or Dr. Carvor. Misa Lillian, who resides six or sovon miles from town with bor parents, and wbo was accompanied by them, it about medium height fur a ten-year old child, bright as a dol lar, artlosa and natural, and don't seem to tbink abe can shoot much anyway. Sbo seemed qnito surprised at tbo hearty applanso that followed ber overy effort. Sho bolds tho riflo beautifully and poises herself admi rably. She has a moat brilliant fa- tnre before her, and with proper man agement can make a fortune in a fow year*. The idea that a girl ten yoars old can perform almost tbe satno fonts with the riflo as men who baro prac ticed ten or twenty years is a marvel in itself. know how the other half iic* about it. will nut be completed mncli before tie tiou." lk> ton think the gold in store ,i ill ovi r Is: larger than it is now ?" " Possibly, bnt not probably.— Donbtloss onr receipts will be heavier at periods, but wo shall get rid of bullion moro rapidly than we have dono this year. Tbe appropriation for transportation to tbe mint, which was only $26,003, when $50,000 was asked for, was exhausted very soon, and since that time tbe accnmnlalion hero has gone ou witliont iiitcrrap- Thcro wero about five hundred del egates to tbe luteruuUoual Sunday I School Convention held lost week at 'i..roLv.., Cons.';.-. The United State: s will repvi;eDtei;. and delegates re present from Kentucky, Georgia, pin who carry with them each a wot: N'ortli Carolina, Misaimippi, South blanket. Whenever they henr of a Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia. new enterprise, or whenever they catch a man striking ont into s new direction, they immediately cover him with n wet blnnket, and with eyes rolled to heaven, month drawn down and ilitoouraging twang in their tones, whins oat: ‘Impossible, impossible; yon will rain the city, yon will rain trade, yon will rain the church, you will raiu the strouts, you will rain tbe Governor Colquitt, of Georgia, wbo presided at tbo last convention, waa present with a large party, end made a very stirring speech. Tbo report of tbo Secretary snows that there aro about 90,000 Sandsy schools in tbe United State*, with about 8,000,000 teachers and scholars. Tbo number of teachers and scholars in tho Son- day schools of the world was shown to be aboot 15,000,000. The Sandsy school it certainly not a played ont institution.