Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 16, 1881, Image 1

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">' rn —WI—IB—in ■ ■ BvpiPSH3|I ; i ?l !flfff'‘!lmiimif IIIIIIITISIII m APP1A VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1881. NUMBER 2. The Advertiser and Ap' ItWLJiMIffD EVERT SATURDAY A BRUNSWICK. —BY— SP. G* SF- BUBBCBIPTIO , N Uo^ILambriglitl the mrrci»u*x love. igm Green Grocer, AVUDEALEB IN I TV«lK.»flil-U JMkHlbftwUl < ft>r Individual l>oucAt,or of tot, rliarRfd M ftilvirtiaetuenU. t auil coiuniuulcatioua abuulil l»o ad- j the uudcniKiicd. T. 1J. XTAC'Y, ’ VruuMwick, Ocorgia. City Directory. n- A. T. ! Dm . Mm . Watkim .Utllt Krl«l. F. J. Doerfllngt Clerk <r Treasurer—iamca Moiuton. Chief Marthal-U. A. Falun. Assistant Marshal—J. L. B*.»i'H. JV<rrm*t-W. M. Uaiiioy, T. W. Bolt. K’fprr of Owtnl If mite amt Cirri of Markrt-V. Moor.-. I\>rt fhysiciast -C L Scblatter, Jr. M. D. ‘ City rkjfsician—h B Da\l*. M. 1>. Harbor Master-O J Hall. i\,rt ttVrdau -Ifattfow Wl.aniiou. TU«* UCoo- i(ir,'Ir, and A V Putnam. kYanuixg committee* or council* ’ FfcttWE-UoUiHT, Wfttkin* and Diin'i. ' (fTH^irra. Drain* ft Oumov—Dunn. Watkiua uV Littlefield. it'tcrjr—0 « Mm -y—Jackie While. Town «x»MM«.n*—llarv.-y, Dottier and Sj^ar*. 0*METEHIKa-Al*oara. l>eorflliiR«>r and Coiipcr. Uamhou—Littl.-flcld, 8pt-«rn and Futuain. BUtLntnoa—Watklna, lKa-rfitm;cr aui -Doortling"! ,uiTT—Putnam. Littlefield ana Do k department—8|Hsara,l*ntnain an ,icU Putnam. Dunn, and WatkUn* UNITED STATEN OlTiCjm Deput/Marshal—O. 4. Hall. Shipping tfommUaloncr—o. J. SEAMtT Mliili nrjr» Country Produce KtUH ALSO ON HAND A FULL AND WELL AS SOHTED SIOC'K OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, - FRUITS, Etc., i offered for caah at reasonable I MEAN BUSINESS Store corner Xcwcaatle and Monk Htm-tr, It UNSWICK, GEOItlA. H. H. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! hill’s line pm edonted anccoaa In relieving LIVER MEDICINES. Meet* every Ttiesda) n JAS. E. LAMBBIOHT. P. A It. I COURT SESSIONS IN TIIE BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. CLINCH—lid Monday In VrfvH and September. Al’FLINO—3*1 Monday In March and Sentcidlier WAYNE—4U» Monday In March and Hei>tenibcr. PIERCE—1st Monday in April Mid October. VAItK—2d Monday in April and Ortober. COFFEE-/Tnomlay alt. CAMDEN-Tor-day after-Ud M< ith Monday in April a In May a JAGOB COHEN 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thank a the public thr'»n K b this medium for tii hehMolHUied hi4 SPRING tn all gradca, and ulaccd Ida lo< which ostiacR a rualt reach. 11* oil* this pap which canaen a roali by everybody that la within *1# offers the same chance to all who read r to avail thoniaelvi a of ‘he same opportu nity.' in« 30c COIiOKEU SILKS AM> SATINS EMBROIDER?! e«|ual. HU FANCY AUTIOL Ilia WHITE GOODS AND THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT la that * aiu.ot lie ^thenei, called NUN'S VEILING, f<* dreaaea, la kept In all grades. All he %»*" i* • *«K 1*> not forget bla place. 152 liHOUGHTON STHEKT, SAVANNAH, - UEOHUIA. M-Vly 0 W.B.Mell&Co., SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FBEXC1I AXU AMKSICAX CALK SFIXA, *lLl IIAMNElW. blllDI.K, AXII PATENTEF.ATU* LIL WlllCS AXDSAHULEKY WAHL. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES. Etc. w kept by many tteraonanl.raya at band, : regularly, and tlioaa p« raouaa.-.-never o the usual -.yiiiptoms of a diaord-r«d IJv- valent at thi* teaaon of the year It will 50 CENTS r it, amt you will certainly bo pioaw-U with * • ", MADDEN. _ tiio result. For aak by J. Str. David Clark Only Direct Dost twice per week between SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVKM SAVANNAH FOB BRUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. UETUltXINU. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR SAVANNAH. connection at Itruuawlck with B. k A. at Savanuah with Ocean Htaunahlp a to and from New York, and with . . .. Baltimore and Boaton steamer*.— Freights at lowest rates. Mark all through freight •• Caro (Reamer David Clark." C. WILLIAMS. Agent. .prlllfi-: ** ‘ ‘ Railroad, a Co. a atran Philatldphia Brnuaeick, on the dock- Aad ho (cut her copies or guiLicg v In fact, real tenderloin*. The girl, alaat he could not sunt £bo would love hint ai a brother; But when implored to ssrrv. mid. "Tripe, ploaaa, and find another." »*•«.,* 1 Society for tbe Prevention of Cruelty | TO THE PEOPLE OF OEORQlA. U., kwurue.1 on nccoliut of I y ~ ^ inv fnrluuirnnen .n tl»‘ ■* 1 ‘’ 11 j othtt Tuil’Eluxci: CKJSV«a iiui«, r btisincBB, an.l so I got her calmed I Atlanta, Oa., July (1, iSSl. 1 Iu obedience to aonll made through the public journal* of the State, u con- QENERH MACDONALD. To linn la ■■ Open Boat. TU butcher Mill purtned the girl. His pkas became much bolder; Tbo girl at laat, to find relief, Gave to him the cold ebouhler He knew then that his hopes were vain. But aa be left he «aid: " Mince yon have cauaed mo such dlstrem, 1 11 haunch yon when I'm dead." He pined and grew so thin and pale. He felt hia end was nigh; Hat hls’woe was such he did not know Whether to liver die. Ue tried In drink to drowu bla cares. And there fonnd no relief; But dally grew more woebegone - Yon never sausage grief. At last hie weary soul found rest. FACTS CONCERNINB JAYOOULO. Fire Insurance! iv.v.««itimmt. [COMPOSED OF THE GERMANIA AND BRITISH AMERICA ASSUIl'B (70. T. O’CONNOR, Jr. rg*DWELLINGS AT VERY LOW BATES, feb SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business mid Planter’s 1)1 RECTORY. 1881-2. A. specialty wnnr for i-ricks. SftYannr.D, >i Will In- iitsued on or before October tat, lHttt. Vo|. itae I of tlika wot k (lATWw; contained 934 page*bro* icr. Volume II aill contain rally 1OU0 pages.— kct. hes of every city, town and village, population, i-i a Ith, iuduatrle*. (hipping directii-na, Ac., bust icao and profcaaimial men. achool*. cotlegaa. hurehes. Mine*, factorlea, mills. County Hut a till Unite*! hU’oa Officer*, f'lantrr* and farmers.— Yuliiun 1 conUine*! over 26,000 natum of |4aat- „ with »»( Min.-r.) Newly r* .l*od map of Slat*, ud «.v«-r> 4 ittiu ^f iiMpufUuus t*» San Francisco Post. Tbo other morning, wbilo Mr. Cole, the proprietor of the approaching cir cus and menngcrio of that nemo, sms picking bis tooth on tho steps of thut excellent hotel, tho Bass Honso, a tall, sun-bnrncd, bald-hcadod man, with pine bnrrs in bis clothes and a stick of sassafras in bis month, ap proached and said: 'Bo yon tbe wild animal man, mis ter?" Tho proprietor of tho “Double Mam moth Mastodon Aggregation” admit ted tbat snob was tbo fact "Then," proceeded tbo umu from tbe mountains, "I tbink I'll get yon to make mo an offer for a Inrgo-aizcd California lion I’vo got.” “Good spociniCD, oh?” naked- tbo irons man. ytlood? Well, I nl.onld xny so. Measures eleven feet from lb,, tip of his nose to tbe tip of bis tail. Conglit him myself when a cub. Just four years old to-morrow.” ‘Hum—good appetite ?” 'Appetito? Great Scott 1 Appe tite? Well, I should smile—that’s jnst tht point—that’s just why I'm parting with Jay—I call him Jiiy Gould beennse bo takoa everything in. If it wasn’t for his appetite, uinl the queer little things it makes him do, I wonliln't part with Gonld fur a for tune.’’ "Savage, oh ?" “Well, no; I don’t know as I should call sarogo exactly—sorter nibblish, though, bo may bo. IIss a kinder habit of gnawing up tbingB, so tu speak. In fact tbe neighbors- I lire up at Bladder’s Peak—have gotten to bo so noisy and fussy and particular of late tbat I can’t so much as nnctmin J. Gonld for n little fresh air without their getting grumpy about it" "There's no pleasing some people,” said tbo bippodromor. “I should say net. Now, f rinstanee, 'boot three months after Jay got to tx> aa big as a boarding bonne sofa, I came home ono day from a picnic end found be had eaten np Annt Maria, who bad keen loft at heme to mind tbo bonsc—leastwise, she was nowhere to be found; and ns Jay Gonld seemed sorter bulgy-like, and kept congbing np hairpins and false teeth for a day or two, we kinder snapicioned the whole thing ” “Maternal annt?" inquired tbe showman, thoughtfully. "Exactly. My wife took on dread fully at first, ami wanted mo to shoot Jay right off. But I told her ho bad probably suffered a good deni as it was, and that ns mast likely bo'd catch rheumatism aud things from the remains, we’d better call it square." "Well, sbo kindor got reconciled af ter a while, ospccinlly as Jay seemed fond of playing with tbe childreu. One morning soon nftur that my wife’s down after a while.' "Pacified her, eb ?" "Too, I uiunagod to amngo a re piia.o for Jay somehow. You see, I was always awful fond of pots, and tonder-hoartod, and nil that, you un- derstnud. I argued that tho poor an iuial didn't know that ho war doing wrong—merciful man is morcifnl to bis benst, etc. That smoothed things over for nnotker month.” "Wbat knppcucd then ? "Woll, ono day I sont JobuDy, our yonugost boy, down to the store for somo sugar, and ho took Gonld along for company. Now, whether it was bocanso Jay was fond of sugar or not, I don't know, but bo came home alone, and soon aa wo noticed a pecu liar kind of bulge on bis ribs, about ns big as Johnny, wo conclndod that tbo dread archer bad marked anotlior Skidmore—my namo is Skidmore— for bis own. Tho wbolo family took on liko mad, and Mrs. Skid was about to sbovo tbo powder keg under Jay Gonld and touch it off herself when I pointed ont that, it wouldn't do to desecrate onr offspring’s tomb iu that way. So I jnst bad tlio burial service reed ovor tbo lion, aud tied crapo nrouud bis neck for thirty days. How does that strike you?" “After that time you kept tho uni mnl chained ?’’ “ Well, no. Tho fact is, I sit ont to got a chain several times, but one thing and another prevented until one day last week I actually missed tho old lady herself. I looked nrouinl for her for a couplo of dnys, when somehow of a sadden I sorter inten- tioned where she was. I gn\o Gonld about half a pound "f emetic rijht away, tint all we conld got out of him was a pair of higb-hcclod shoes mid a chest protector. It was too lato—too lato. Wo put tho shoes and things into a coffin and had Jay led behind tho benrso to tlio coinctery. We want- oil to hnvo ns much of tho corpse pres ent as possiblo—don’t you soe ? Wo had tlio nnimal nil decorated with llowors anil things, an line as yon plonsc. Folks said it was tho touch ingest thing that ever took place in them parts," aud tho bereaved hus band sigbed honvily. “ Don’t wonder you want to sell tho boast,” remarked the meuageriu man, after a pause. Well, I sorter do nnd I sorter don’t,” sniil Mr. Skidmore, abstracted ly. " There's so many memories and things clustering around J. G. —scorns kindor like purling with one’s family burying lot, ns it were. On the other hand though, now that the old lady is gone, I sorter feel ns if the old in sect had—woll, ontlivod bis useful ness, so to sponk. So snpposo I jus' have this box hauled around to your •how after tho performance this after noon and see if wo can't strike a bar gain.” "All right,” said tlio lunnogtr.— " I'ui going np Salt Lake way after awhile, and perhaps I cun work him ofl for big money to some of tho Mor mon elders.” There’s a mine of money iu him as ft family pet," said the other earn estly, and after striking tho circus proprietor for a season dead bend the widower shouldered his umbrella and drifted sadly down the stroet. A Valuable OntNrr Plaut. TeU-ffMph an<! Mt*(oiipr« r. Dr. Lucias Maddox, of Clinch coun- ty, is in tbe city, having jnst rctnrnod from Cincinnati, where lie has been to dispose of a century plant. The plant has lieon n|Kin tlio doctor's plantation, to his personal knowledge, forty years. .Seeing that it was about to bloom, he advertised it, and re- volition assembled in this city on the •11U instant, to consider the best way to rcliove onr iitato of tho evils con nected with tho use and abuse of in toxicating liquors. Tho convention was composed of representative njen from all parts of tlio State. Iu their opinions they were conservative, in their plaus th v wero practical, and in thoir purposes they were firm and de termined. The body iu its delibera tions was singularly free from unrea sonable enthusiasm aud nubridlod fa naticism. Tbo body, ufter a calm, thoughtful aud harmonious session, agrcod to go, through its committee, before tho General Assombly, with n bill embodying tho features of a local option law, with the position of par ties thereto reversed. It is needless in this address to rohearso the minor details of tho bill; they are snch os seem best calculated to secure the en forcement of the law and the suppres sion of tlio evils of intemperance. We now call upon tho citizena of the State to oxpress their approval of tlio meas ure nnd to ondorso the action of tbe convention. This tlioy can do by res olutions adopted by neighborhoods, districts, cities and villages, nssurn- bloil in thoir court houses or ucado- mios or other places of mooting, or by petitions circulated to which their names may bo signed, aud tliuii give publicity to their action throngli com muuientions addressed-to the secreta ry of this commitSoe at Atlanta, and to thu pnpers published iu their re- puctivc counties. Fallow citizens, vc are near to the victory! Tbo evil iu all its magnitude has been appre bended by the won and women of our Statu, thu danger of delay is fully ap preciated, and tho importance of calm, determined action ia rocognizoil. Tho judiciary of the Stato is right on tbe queation; tho presa of Goorgia favors repressive aud restrictive tnoasnres; thu minietry of our clturcboe aro sup porting thu reformation; the solicit ous parents are anxiously watching for a remedy; tlio uufortnuato victims of tho ivino cup aro appealing for help; thu good citizens of ovury race and color, of all creeds nnd partios, of all ranks aud stations iu socioly, are oxpocting relief, and the noble womon of our graud old commonwealth, with entreaty crystnllizod in toars and am balmod ill prayoni, are appealing (o’ tlio Genera! Assembly to stay tlio tiilo aud break aud beat back tbo waves of ruin and sorrow that oomo like n Hood in tho wake of strong drink, and Gwl, who enjoins virtno aud society npon His intelligent erentnros—all—all arc on our sido. Be hopeful—lie firm— be decided, anil in the name of Fusee and Honor and Truth and Manhood beseech you mnku known yonr re quests, aud demand an everlaatiug re dumption from tlio tliralldoni of the terrible monster who is blighting our fair laud with drunkenness, ruin nnd infamy J. W. H. Cxnziiwoon,Chairman, Geo. N. .Lebtes, of Cobb, M. I,. Meiwiiox, of Glynn, Geoi-ok Hn.i.vr.R, of Fulton, Tii-m. H.innEUAX, of Jefferson, 0. I). MeCu-rcHrx, of Whitfield, 0. It. PnixoLz, of Washington, J. D. Stewart, of Spnldinv’, A. Hood, of Randolph. (t. A. Nuxsallv, of Floyd, J. G. Tiinown, of Fulton, H. G. Kvebett, of Chatham, D. H. Walkeb, of Walton. O. W. Adams, of Monroe, J. D. Cexxixoii.iM, of Fulton. W. G. it, of DoKalli, Secretary. The BoeS Astal TXlii Slw™ l. [«, V. ue.o, aaeaitn Tom Arlcr Over tn Milan. Ou n good dry day tho book agent wnuis no softer thing than to tockio me I invariably saccamb Die firol mile beat aud band over tho stakes. I reckon on a square averago, I've snbecribed for moro hooka than any ton mon now living. It doesn't real ly rnako much difference wbat kind of a book it is—whotber it's a Jteviscil Testament or tbo Ufa ot Bill Jones— I always tako a copy. My universal willingness to snatch tbe burning brands of red-hot literatare from tbe hands of pampered agents has made me famons from Fort Valley to Chi na, and no respectable book agent en ters this town without calling on me first man. Bnt I called tbe tarn one day last week. Yon lore ember that day when tbo bottom of basinets was knocked forty ways for Snnday, nnd don’t yon forgot it ? Well, ou tbat day I felt bine enongh to sell my laat yoar's baby and strike oat for Land- rille. I always want to go to Lend, ville when I get tbo bines. It was an awful dnU day. Oataide thoro was a damp drizzle of rain, nnd inside thcro was a showor of collect ors. Tbe front door of my sbsnty looked like an umbrella stand. At ono timo there was ss many ns thir teen umbrellas ont there. I got tbo office boy to slip ont >nd mix ’em np, which esnsod eleven figbto These fights enlivened tilings somowhat, bat the drizzlo drizzled all tbo samo. About noon timo, wbon hanger was added to uiy list of troubles, in walked a very little man with a very big limp in bin right log. I nunpeeted him at once and asked: Huve yon a book imncoalcd about yonr poison ?" I have. There's tbe book you have been reading about so much,” and ho sbovod a copy of tbo " King of Secret Whiekoy" under my noeo after tbo manner of u barkeeper when bo shoves tho bitters bottle to a cus tomer. Wneu did I road about it? Wbat do I know about secret wbiskoy ? Do yon tako mu for nu illicit diatillur?" Yonr paper bail nearly a column about it this morning." “My paper? Yon are mistaken sir. I don't own a paper, and from oxporionoo, bitter experience, don’t tbink I ovor aboil." I menu yonr homo paper—tbo Trlnjnf,h. All tbo Now York papers linvo published column nftor column for right Years." Then it’i a continued story—a sort of Chincso novel.” Oh, no I It's a book written by myself. I served fonrtcon years in the pcnilontisry—” That’s tbe first time I ovor board of n lionk sgont getting bis just do- sorts." I meant tbat I was imprisoned for letting tbo cat ont of the ling. Tbat book tells ill nlsint Grant. That’s tbe book tbat killod Grout at Chicago.” Great gosli! ia Grant dead?" I mean it ileatrovcd his chances for nomination. Yon sec Grant was connected with tlio secret whiskoy—” “Oh, yes; Grant was a inoonshi- There'v nothing liko dicing prolier- ly armed and equipped for the 1ft.! von sec—didn’t enma dn< I COMPLETE SiitTTEtii OF btuseii, j rnHt As nil her false hair BSC RIFT ION FKICE.H' Y.iiO mother-whole family lived with me. I |wN , . garden life ml fc- are in the City Tux Notice. ssroi as * co.. Wl.rrmd Street. Alga: city of uni ml L'Vfrjr »1 l.tM. »r* pftjftW* y ftprcl. ftJftW «Uy of Mart'll, 1M*1. Jnnc Sept. We Hauer, BRUNSWICK, OA. tent of Wfiin’ now d the Hist tUy of March. Boot & Shoe Maker. ii-'.r» fn>:u * a. M. ' i l r. h., anil fr ui 2 t JAMES UoUSIoS, i.c.-t uw Tws.ur.1 | work »ii*l |irirr. p bl...p iiii Musk >lf «A ne»l tlwr U, | jbl.raiTuni’. iw rj- XLUUL'XB. ■»|wri,l in rfn »ny huS • ns bang, i eg over a chair back, and Gonld ■rawlcil ont from under tin- Lied lick ng bis chops, anil ivitb Ins tmiguc i good deal coated mother-in-law viis always taking things for the liver complaint—wo saw at once it was an other viaiUtion of Providonce, nnd tbat tbe heavy band of afiliction was again a|»n no.” "Looted tbat way, didn't it?" “Well, oa yoa may aappoeo, tbo old lady—that’s my wife—pranced aronnd a good deal then, aqd got down tho brcccb-loadcr right sway, but jnst then arrived s gold modhl from tbo nil theatrical establishment in Cliu- No, no; yon don't nnderstand.— Grant, whon l’residunt, was in tho ring, anil—" Tbon Grant was a bull fighter." No—a ring i» a number of per sons combined together for frand anil other purposes; and lie nnd tho ilia- tingniahed Balieoek—" I sec. Grant sold the Unlwock tiro extinguisher." Nol Babcock got into Grant's Cabinot, and—" Now T hare it 1 Babcock was n burglar and got into Grout's Cabinet aud stole something, and—" young man, who' in a lioatmaker's shop in South street ia a heavily built cpon Lwm, a doublo-cuder, a draught of thirteen inches, aud two masts, bho is brig- rigged, aud carries twelve soils; is provided with a swinging ruddor for calm and a steering oar for rough weather, and lias water-tight com partments, so that sho will float whon a wave fills hor up. The boat is en tirely opon, and has seats running all arouud her, nnder whieh aro lockore for storing forty days' provisions. In this boqt Benjamin Radford and Charlos Moore Intend to sail for Lon don. Tboy loavo pier 1 on tbo 18th instant, bnt tho boat, which ia namod tbo William It Grnco, in honor of tho Mayor, will bo exhibited for sovoral days before hor dopartnro. Radford ■aid yesterday: “Wo hnvo both fol lowed tbo son for many years, and aro confident tlint wo can make tbo trip in safety. If we succceed we intend to exhibit tbe croft in tbe Crystal Pal ace. It will be dangoroas, bnt I guess well pall through all right Wo ex pect to cross in tbirty-fivo days” Maxixo a Gteat Fim—Two Dutch farmers of Kinderbock, whoso forms wero adjacent, wero ont in thoir re spective fields, when one ovorheard an nnmnal hallooing in tho direction of a gap in a high stone wall, and ran with all apeod to tho spot, and Uio following brief conversation onsaod: bbon, vat ish to matter?” Veil, don,” says John, “ I vash trying to climb on top of dish high stono wall, and I fell offandall do stone wall tamplo down onto me and it hash broko ono of mino legs off and both of mino arms off and smashed mine ribs in, and dese pig stonos aro lying onto tho top of mino body." " Ish fiat all ?" says tho othor, “vy yon holler so big load I tot yoa got to toof ncho." Tho soarccs of potrolonm aro found in almost every part of tbo globo, and the uso of tho articlo wonld seem Well oigh coeval with civilization. Thoro is a spring in ono of tho Ionian isles which has yioldod potrolouin more than 2,000 yoars. Tbo city of Gonoa was formerly lightod by oil from tho wolls of Arinonia, on tho banks of tbo Zaro. In Persia, also, near tlio Cas pian sen, at Bakn, numerous springs oi potroleum hnvo boon known from thu oarliost Umo; and thoso of Ran goon, on tho Irriwaddy, aro said to linvo yielded, beforo tlio gonoral in troduction of potroloum, somo 100,- 000 hogsheads of oil a yoar. Tboy wero oat taking a walk and talking lovo. Sho gathered flowers, whilo be gatliorod what ho snpposod was a white kitten, which took rofugo in a hollow atamp. Miserable doln- sion! Sad entostropbo ! Unhappy I Referring to tho iucidont in a letter to n friend, tho maiden wroto: ‘If George wero boiled for a thoa- ud years in tbe hot springs of Ico- land, I don't beliovo he wonld ovor smell sweet again," A Wisconsin girl's inato modesty induced hor to ask a clerk for a pair of limbings, whon sho wanted leg gings. The strugglo for the cake now lies between her and tho Missouri girl, who tolls strangers that daring tho war tho enomy throw np bast works on her father’s farm. An exchange says that np in New Hampshire, for $2.60, yon can bay a barrel of cider with a yollow dog thrown in. Yes, but bang it, who wants a barrel of cidor in which a yel low dog has been thrown ? *::t inniH-!!-’"'." plan n> Unit point, n-coiriuii hit. ex- peD*--i both W“ys an* 1 In three weeks tlio plant grow twenlv-six feet and bluomcil 1 |hiii about tv.enty-fivo limbs it produced ever six thousand llowcrs. The plant was viewed by eighteen thousand people in one night, and as it- cost fifteen cents each to got in, it is evident thut the di lution was a good oac —only $2,700 for tbo first night's proceeds. Sevon handled and forty Mormons arrived from Kurojri on the 7tli in stant cu route for bait Lake, happy condition ot tho irishman wliol,,^ ' ur ., nciit a letter to a triond saying that while he was writing he had a pistol in ixith hands and n sword in thu other. "Oh, give me anything modo of beans," oxclaimod a Bostouinu taken sick ont West, when asked what bo would have to cat. They obeyed bis request sod gave him castor oil. In Cincinnati tboy propose to send a man to jail if lie reads a newspaper nn Sunday. Considering thu cbaroc- of Cinciuuuti papers, this is right— Es. Two thousand Chincso arrived at Sydney, Australia, daring tho fort night ending April 21, aud it was re ported that a largo number wore still selling | on their way. The iutlnx eanzed [some disquietude. Well, I don't know; but I'll tret! . T ***"*, . aL.—u, , - „ . , ,, , ,, | A bubo, aavs a writer, xs a moth- yon two dollars and a half yen sell one to mo this day." “ Young man, yon'rs doing mo groat injustice—you're betting on a oertainty," and the little man with a ■tatter in bis gait limped to tho door, sorted oat his umbrella, and then wont down two steps at t clip, and I renamed my dreariness. I guess ho thinks with Mrs. Artcr, that I am tbo most igiioraut ding fool ou short no tice on two hemispheres Bnt I can’t help it ou a damp day. Tun Asm. cr’s anchor." And he might hnvo added that tho mother was tho an chor’s spaukor. Michigan baa produced a pig with i trank. This thing should be obeekod. Boruutn's big steer is no longor ablo to travel. He is an off ox. A corn dodger—a man who avoids wearing tight txwts. Tho beet press ever ms^c—Two lov ing arms-