Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 16, 1881, Image 3

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Now Advertisements. ISTot^CO. r..«u.V«flrift is BrutiasrJci river, MVimnuL ILU VM GRAVE*. ¥. AfiR. If. depot. Prices Reduced. From to*3ay nutll further notice, the prices Of wunglia are reduced 50 ccuta per thousand, Delivered in Brunswick | f OB LX* U YD EYKAT S ATURDAY MORN IN G 1 AT BRUNSWICK. GEOBdlA. 8ATUBDAY MORNING, JULY 10, IttL HOME MA1TEHH. post •fcc£ r Tl«« 5358? I*. A A. mail doses G.-00 a. m. St. Simons mall cloaca 6:30 a. M- Northern mail cloaca at S-.W a. M. Sarannah and Macon mail closes 1 r. m. Dixonli. aa., July, 13th. loot. ..U 0u REPPABD * WALTSB. Sco notice of sail boatfound. Sco reduction in prices of shingles by Roppnrd k Walter. IIuvo wo a Wo don't mean a boom to which to tio timber, but a financial, a busi ness boom ? Let ns investigate and A little over a year ago, Bay atreet was ss devoid of a wholesale business bouse as one could ipaginfj With the exception of what whs'dono by Messrs. Littlofiold k Tison, the thing was hardly thought of. Wbat do wo soe to-day. First—Chess, Car- ley & Co. have opened up at th« Cot ton Press wharf, an immense naval store and oil bnsinoss, together with principle that no place can do ranch business unless provided with bap l»- tog'facilities. No business man Moans a seaport my,*imingA Inn" ness of from ono to two million per annual, certainly needs such an insti- tation. Tbo business oLlast year has already been largely increased, and with continued prosperity wo liopo to sco n larger proportion of increase bay,gniD'm^^etcrNcttconvex j.Jfc *?*'■ :' vl,cp We lay it down ns an established yjy ccx The boat thief is abroad on our ws- FoVroiter,’ at Uttlsfidd &/fi4ob , i|’f wA K4 1 i , ? ,r wM Mr. W. A. Fnllcrand family left for the North on Monday IasK; Tbo MQla are now in jhargo of. Mr. J>.jB. Stal lings, wia#af# rfm#f from • visit to hb friends in Augusta, Ga. ■Services jn at elojfinjand ducted by Rev. H. E. Lucas. Sun day School, at the nsnal hour, under supervision of Mr. H. A. Gonid. Letters front Can(d$ to fi (SesfCarfey 1 Co 11 | j, if ■ n , *1 \ Jjj I }J||-WHOLEsJa!MublN-^Ji f |] « tors. Watch oat for him. GEORGIA mns I warn house, whose name hac become Am. AT MACON, Beginning ttt. 17. continuing one week. nmfrnrii it wo n*p> «f>k mmtulrrn vro ou- j a household wo*d io our midst, and mistnkable signs of so approaching j whoso bnsinass in corn, hsy wuhI j wedding. Now, girls, don’t ask us. | meal, etc., has daily inoreos^d. ?foxt Isn’t there an ordiuance prohib- j cornea that place described in out last iliug porsons from bathing in public I issuo wbora wo had to walk through Uuino Industry. ’ Purses fi 3 tlio tkcrtUry for Prom! Tilt" E. 0. ORIKR, Secretary Ltrao Purse* for Trotting and Running Races ♦ “ fUry for Premium List. THUS. HARDEMAN, Fa., Pro*. 50,000 OLD-FASHIONED, GENU- 1XE BLACK CYPRESS SHIHGLES! ltlVEN AND DRAWN BY HAND! ALSO, TWO CAR-LOADS HARD PINE SmiSTGLBS. -FOR SALK IlY Mlli. j. HfflM & (10. A. E. HEINS, linker H Confectioner, . ALSO DEALER IX FANCY GROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS nud FRUIT’S. Icc-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY. I am well prepared to anpply y«»l wl»U <*uy and vv.-rythiug youwlAU tooff GOODS DELIVERED FREE. tilvu mo a call, at cither my atom mu tbo Day or ou Newcastle street, whore myself t»r Uiy clerks will h roiiil ! iV" : '' A. K. IIKIN.. GlyDn County Sheriff Sales. First Tuckday in August, 1881. GEORGIA—GlykK Cotm Will Im told befol ‘ ■ ’ * flio prop* rly of. jf |wo tax Ik fa*, inn mil nj it. **. im ir otOlyuii Cuuuty. agaiuat J. II. Lcdl II. tbo Mate or Uiurgta auil Olynu com r IhMl. to aatferv the aaul fi «*. Auiui uc. |I3 13. i oat, >7 70. JOS. K. L.tMURIOIIT, Slier.n o. v. ua. Olil »RGIA—tlLYSN COVBTY. Will »h! a.dd before tbo coi city of llrtuiHWlek, Glynn < 01 ml .Wribiwl « tin- i>rt>|wrty of k, tllyuu CyBiity,' , Town t .i^iupmat lit Let, at A fan issued i.y iL all. I t* iJcoruh. kixn r Insii, toaatialy tliv a Hie. Amount of taaea due, , w. r . t k JoS K wvijRioirr. sun Iff'* Co. Ua. liEORtilA—Ulynk Coubty. Will Im- aolil before tlm court bouac door m tba city of llnui»wick.*tyiiB •'ptiplf. uooMRa,1»#Wcali the tmiira of ton o'clock *. *> au.l f..i.r o’clock r. *., on tlo- firnt Tin h.lay In Aiiguat, l.HSt. to the bigheat ami lM*Ht btddrr the foilowiut* dt-acribed property, to-wlt: All thoac ei-rtaifl^P> of land, wltb Impntveun-nta Ibi-n-cn, rituate, lying and l•ring In that portion of the c-lty or llrnn-iwick known M DtXYlllc. and known and ili-a< rilH <l m lot- uumln ia I. S. J». i. I, «!, 7, s, 0 -ml lo, wt at of Clclmrtic, l*elw<-cn LumIoii •Uf. I'rtm .1 atn-ota. Lt-vlo«l on aa the propony of J. C llaaki-ll. under and by virtue oj two tax B fan U- aut it by R. M. Tlaoti. Ta . C-dlictor uf til> bit eonuty, ‘ * lla kill for taxr-a duo thoHutouf i.d Glyui rity foi |Kf> the aahl U Aluouut Uxn duo #17 37; coat *7 70. JOSEPH £. LAMbUIGUT. Ehcriit l». U. lo. unlosa having on n bathing suit 7 We auroly thought thero D. C. Bacon cloared, on tbo 9th hist., brig Daisy Boynton, for Monte video, with 280,010 foot pilch pine lumber, valued at $4,200. Say, reader, do yon liko graham bread ? Well, it is mado of graham flour, nud the placo to buy it, fresh and nice, is at Cook, Brothers k Co's. Do you want somo old-fashioned, hnnd-nmdo hlsck cypress shingli the kind that stays wbero yon pnt thorn ? Cull on Aug. F. Franklin k Co., in Finney’s building. Quito n little party of oar people left luBt Monday for more Northern latitudes, and among them several hotter halves.’’ Honco tho sod-look ing Benedicts about Cook’s storo. Wo will wager a drink oi ico wator that Brunswick has more young mon with iufnut moustaches, in proportion to population, than any town on rec ord. A now ono blooms nearly overy week. Tho excursion that was to have come off Inst Tncsday night “tripped ap." Tho steamer Atbloto, not being n passenger boat, was not allowed to take the party. Thero were mnny disappointed folks on that occasion. R. B. Roppnrd cleared, on tho 9tb inst., the hark Rafael Poniur for Va lencia, Spain, with 238,082 feet pitch pino lumber, valued $3,570; also, bark Maria Caroline, for Alcndia, Spain, witb 357,158 foot pitch pine lumber, valued nt $5,022. That young disciple of Nimrod who brought homo no gamo tbo other day after a two-hours tramp, was quite en thusiastic iu telling his oldor brother how nonr he canto to getting two splendid birds, the only draw-hack being bis failure to tnko along nny gun enps. In llrirty-six counties of Georgia gold ia found. Old Glynn isn't ono of them, but sbo is a regular silver mine, and it’s all ou tba surface. It is not necessary to dig more than three to six inches after it. Tbo implements nsed are hoe, spado and plow, lubri cated with olbow grease. That hole in Newcastle struct,former ly n lire well, is a disgrace to the city. We can't sco for onr life why it should remain as it is. Wbat a foeling of ut ter disgust most corao ovor a stran ger in town to find such an ungainly nuisance right in one of oar principal streets. Wo nowl moro firu wells, why can't that one he replaced'! Will tho Council oxpluiu 1 Neighbor Crovatt, tired of renting oilmen, baa gouo to work and fixed himself np'iu royal style. Ho has built, on the lot adjoiuing tho Anvsn- tihsk \an Am'.w. building, a hand some two-atory building and finished it up iu fine slmpe. 11a will occupy tho upi>cr rooms as his law office and rout the lower ones fo Col. Irn E Smith. Col. All. looks ns cosy as yon please iu his new oflicc, which, when finished entire, will be a model of ueatuess uud comfort. A small lire in tho upper portiou of tile city disturbed tho quiet of our slumbers last Saturday night, and brought ont the “ Seasides" with a vim and a hurrah, but the shanty was so light and airy, and burned so fast that onr colored firomon did-not have n chance to show what they could do. Iu this connection, we might say that somehow or somehow else onr fires are periodical—every two or throe weeks. There seems to be a sort of method in it. It must he the work of an i-eondiary. narrow alloy-ways among tho goods to reach tho business office of the pro prietor, Mr. Augustus F. Franklin, whoso daily sales would do credit, to bigger places than Bruns wick. Ail this hi less than eighteen months, with the cry of ” still they como.” Nor is this ail. Onr lumber shippers aro cramped for room in which to carry on their busincas, and aro enlarging as fast as they can.— Now, if this does not mean a bnsinoss boom, we ean’t read tbe signs chrrecU’ ly. Bnt let ua not stop to joy and ro- joico over if, bnt continue to “ push along, pasb along, keep moving," and whatever we do, let not a spirit of jealousy spring ap. Remember that increased facility brings iecrcnso of customers, and consequently there will be room for all these and (latent more. Chewf, Cnrlejr it Co. In this issue appears the card of this firm, whoso namo and fdiuo, by tbo way, has becomo as general aunro tba words oil and naval Uteres. They aro probably tbo hoariest dealers in the United States in these commodi ties. Having opened a house iu our city, they ask a liberal share of pat- ronago and an.equal showing. They' propose doaling directly with tho shippor or manufacturer,and tbns savo to tbo producer tho usual commission of 2} per cent, besides giving Savan nah prices. In fact, they compete with Savannah in evory way, not only Ae importune nf uli is rewg- tbut a fire is necessary for cog nized by all. au J by uouc, wo guosn, j fort. Wish lliuy coaid biuuo somo of more Ibaa by tiioao v»bo are chdeav-i tboso cold days witb us. oring. to carry on that branch »ur! l’icritw npd„ pseutnion* Cit/p bflsiuost iu IhgslJiidivhhwl m-j land an" pacity, and wo doubt not they would j occurrence. All are wclcomo each add their full quota towards tho hope to see rnauy moro. I securing of this much noodod adjunct ~ ' to business. This matter, wo aro pleased to say, bus been undor consideration for somo tirno past—in short, diflerent persons, both lieW htifl elsewhere* have k,0AP r #«*J A jvifljpgttcss Jo '•‘put, in their monoy.” From our stand point, tho only difficulty \yaeoe now is for somo ono to tako tho lend and get the ball iu motion. $50,000 would OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES. SAVAt STORES SUPPLIES, together with- SSSmnMt “PMMTic. The store at Gascoigno Mills, nnder tbo management of Mr. F. M. Dart, has boon elosod for a short time, only. When rc-opcnod in tho now building of Col. Collin?, to mupmt JompRpli slotted, and will Do id (XMO, f*e Wnr, of Mr. (YComot*, oPBrans^ffrit. ,’Dio Stcqpwfr Florida ( b*iqg oil tbo lino, Thero'Is tint ono th'rbngh boat from Florida, tho City of Bridgeton, we understand, to bo subscribed nud paid in. With a little cfTort on tho part of Idterostod parties, the wliolo mattor can be arranged and pnt in working order by falL. Tho invest ment is a good ono,' nmb will pay from ten to fifteen per cent, and per haps moro. Who will move in tho mattor? Our coliinm* are opeu. iv,'m<>ii»1,^ t > ' They say that Dick Hnrris is the most popular conductor ou the M. >V B. Itailroud.,, That beidg^sctllcd, now who is tho best looking f Messrs. O'Conrior k Won/, ’fiof at' nil dnnntod by thoir recent loss by firo, oto opening again nt Dillon's old sjand, on Ncwcnstlo street, next door to E. Briosonick k Son. By Monday they will he ready to wait-On their old cuBtommf and is hundred new ones. JYc liko.pluck. Mr. D. B. Stallings and family linvo returned from n visit to tin Jr friends in prices paid for naval storos, but in I in Augusta, Oa. Doc resumes nt onco count n P that amount that is ready, sto ‘> nt lt *“ P° lnt a week, both placoLdliukraaiju and along tEe'lji* land havo been taken, and cun be had on application to Mr. Ellisllouter.... Mr. Jobn-Carrie, onr lslund butch- *r, rdgeivoiia ihiSknantjjF thirty bond of cnttlo from np tbo road ou AVod- uesday, and, with tho ono hundred now on hand, ho will bo fide to fi thu pcoplo for some time. ; *. i Melons Jm$v44 plcotlfifl witywr. Mr. J. D. Gould raises the finest on St. Simons. Mr. .W. W. Woodruff's farm qn HawJtinS'Jslnnd will produce somo two or tbreo bnndred largo ones. prices cbnrgod for provisions, sup plies, etc. Shippers by M. k B. R. R. to Brunswick savo the difference Jbe-. tween 25 and 74 cents on every bar- rcl of turpentine shippod, in‘storage, insurance, cooperage, commissions, ganging, otc, Tboae along the 15. .t A. Railroad savo tho diffcrcnco in freight in addition to tho above. Tbcso facts should bring to cur port every barrel of naval stores manufactured along tbcso roads Another fcatnre of vital importance slionld not bo forgotten, to-wit: Whilst naval store supplies, provisions, etc., are tho same or less here than olsowhere—freights to the interior from Brunswick aro less than from other placos. •Tcsup Sentinel: The Brunswick Ad- vrjiTism AMD ArrtAL entorod its seventh volume on the 9tb inst., and tbo oditor scorns to bo as proud ss a lit- tlo boy in his first pair uf pants. Well ha may. He lias labored faithfully for tho interest of Brunswick, and tbo- appreciatiun of his efforts have been clearly shown by a liberal support, en abling bim to bnild up from ravon- ineb eireulnr sheet to a soven column weekly, brim-full of news and matters pertaining to tbo interests of the borne of his adoption. Wo congratulate brother Stacy and hopo to too bis pa per brforu many mure anuiversnrica shall Imre rolled aronnd, converted into n first-class daily. Brunswick ia n growing city, and the ADvrrisr.ii Do ing an iudeaponsiblo necessity, will koep paoo with the times. Success to Brunswick ami its AuvxnTisea axd Ap peal. Oartll., , , A |KMtnl ennl from Mr. B. J. Smith, of Osrdi (Dexter's Mill), Waynocouu- ty, says: I'eachcu have not begun to eonio in yet, lint there will bo plenty of them in a abort time. Drought lias about ruined cnqis up boro, and as long os it con tin uea so dry, farmers can’t plant out potatoes. Prospect for crop ia very gloomy. Corn is bnrnt np and npland rice ia dying. We liave had heavy clonds for Bovcral evenings bis position nt St. Simons Mills, ‘w'bere, if we_ mistake not, bo is well npprecintod. Mr. M. Kirkland, from KiijUand Station, 1). k A.'Railroad, vris in tlio city' this wook. From him we loaru that from his stutiou to within twen ty-livo or thirty miles of Brunswick tbo cropft looked very promising.-! Nenror to town, however, tlioy didu't look so well, owing to tho drought an«l llriin«wi«’k Itailrom tbo Grand Secretary oi tho I. 0. 0. F. witb tho Mncon and Brunswick B. It., to carry representatives, their fjiiui- nnh and return (or $C.OO ouch, tickets good for thirty days. Tickets will bo for sale In Macon on Sunday, Mon- lay and Tuesday, August 7th, 8th nmt 9th. A through coach will ho ran Ih>- twuon this place and Savannah, Au gust 8th spd 9th, leaving Macmi nt 7:30 r. m., ami rebelling Snrannali it 0.30 a. M. 1 ’ ‘A. A. Shaup, General Pass. Agent N. U.—Tickets froiis Brunswick to Savannah ami return, $1.(10, oiialaive dates. - r A, A. >S. ' ways, for through passongers. Tho slenmor Centennial will touch (rare M'odnosday, evenings fortnightvind passengers for Satilla rivor. Many fit — Highest Market Rates paid for Naval Stores, nislicd at Closest FiguresJ iujpiIy. ' iJtr. Editorj ) qaL > Roffiliy'X. orQole in yonr lost issuo. entitled “ Mr. Mor phy's Defense,"requires aUaln (Into- monk from me. ‘ Fivo dayk* before the Fair Ak-wax rxnprUiJ to me tbat tor ^hrts wsre being- circulated on tho B. k A. Railroad yut the exiitenco of soveral eases of small pox in onr city. Many citizens said that action ought to"be takon to quiet such reports, ns they would deter people from visiting leys of the the Fair. I called the executive eo<s tlqrgtnry in ItieNllilil,' ■ > .. Not evsa Jbe officers otlliJ highly law are exempt from tho nocturnal ■sits of tlio festive bnrglnr. Some unknown Limrson, on last Thursday nigbt, gnined ncccss to tbo gieen gro cery of Sheriff Joe Lsmtojgbt by cub ting’. Jouan pane > of iglust, llirailgh which ho removed the fastening to Ihe yvindow, and proceeded to enrich hittaeR with booty td thb Snlomit of one beef liver nod a thin piece of ‘skirt” from tho region of Ibo ribs, «liieji lie eqt JiomRii cutire’ beet for tho iiSxt morning’s business! ‘ Now this is ono of tho heaviest burglaries on record, uud deserves mention in tlic archives of the police and detect ive service of this country. That any snud ninn, wumau.or eliild should be OrncE Ges’l Fii’t asuPah’so'ii An Mxio», Gs., Juno 28tb, 1881. j : ,. ,;_t.: i „ .: ■ ArrahgwnMrttX hat eUbcon Blade Ty ^•reeklS^'ssUuirtpe* to tho iiennlties of tbo law by forc ing mi eutranee into n placo of busi ness for tlio sake of n liver nud a piece rj cwrv rcprvauuuuiYiifl. itiuir iiiiui* . . , ... — . «•« ^ lies nud Jriends from Macon to W- oUtab^ait seems oo. a ,repoKerOul to heliovo, hut facta aro stubborn things, and they sustain this idea in ffitttoe together, and they decided that a Circular should be seut Pnt stab ing tho exact facts, which was dono. I wrote-Urn latter O WayenAs illnded to, willed simply'sot forth that it was reported that a mail agont was stat ing an'IUSTihe of thb rtmd that «o*er-' al eases of small pox existed in Rruns- wick, and I pronounced it no iofa- mnutlioi (No aAme wn» given. This was written lie Fair, and on Juno 9th, tho lost day of the Fair, I received’tho following jotter: WATcnosa, Ga., Juue 9th, 1881. Oa/itain V. T. Dunn:—Dkaii. Sib— Your letter’ to 1 Mr. A. J. Sweet was s6pf around to my house, stating that a certain mail agont and others had cironlatod the report of small pox in Brunswick. I consented for my two daughters to visit Brunswick dnring tlio, Fair npon tho representation of Mr. John Murphy that there was no dwngfcr whatever in going down. I write (his injustice to Mr. Murphy, as bn it a fnml hgEnt on™bo B. k A. Road. I cannot answer lor tho olh ors. Any kind of report con bo hoard bore, but I ielt no uneasiness niter consulting Mr. Murpbv. . i Vqty.truWdjb, U t- Edwaud Laxo. no mail agent's name had boon given, why should Mr. Murphy havo imagined ho was meant and rnnsod the letter to he written. I never saw Murphy until after the Fair, when he called and demanded in an excited MfipnSr who I mean*. I told bim, and lUV jnfoilmsia, sp£ rnio among gentlemen ia that iu anch caset the firrt jiaiii/ i» ir/i'eivirf. letter contained neilhor tho first nor Second "charges" as stated in his defense, Mr. lisg’s; letter shows Prof SililmeHt’t KIDNEY PADS n«r« xlrmdy been Solti In tliU Country •Otlin France; rr- eryooeofwblch ftctlon, and ban perform ft! curoi erory time U * need accord* - J lag to direction. re now say tu the afflicted and doubting one* that wo will pay tho abova reward lor a aingle cam of x^.wn EACZ That thu rtdWJa to etue. TUiagraat rrmetly will • nrAaFarmancntljr care Lumbago. Lame riatlea. Gravel, Diabeaea, Dropay, Oright’a of the kidney*, Incontinence and Retention of the Urine, Inflammation of the Khteaya. Catarrh ot the Bladder. Rich Colored Urine. Fata In the Back, Hide or Lolna, Ifenrona Weakneoa, and. In fact •II dlaordera of the Bladder and Urinary Organ*, wbathar contracted hr private dlaceae ot otherwise. LA DIBP, if you are aofferlag from female Wcaknefia. r/Micorrli(ca. or any tttacaao of the hid* ncya. Bladder or Urinary Organs, YOU OAN BE CURED / Without swallowing naoscons medicine*, by simply wearing _ . PROF. QUILMETTE’8 French Kidney Pad want cuius by abborAiox. A*k yonr drngglvt for PROF. UUILMETTE'H FUKN01I KIDNEY PAD. and taka no other. If he baa not get it. send f 3.90, and you will receive tho pad by (atari) mail. TESTIM0UAL8 FROM THE PEOPLE: fUDOE BUCHAN Alt, J. P., Lawyer. Toledo, O.. aaya: "Oneof Prof. UnUmstto'a French Ktdnoy Pads cured me of Lumbago In three week’s time.— My — ln(*iinblfl. During all ti agouy and paid oat fergs * „ OKOItdEVETTEHTy. P.. .Toledo, O., ■ of money." •y*: , Di-ex**", and oltsn had ta go aboat on crutches, was entirely and permanently cared after wtadng Prof, onilmotte'a French Kidney pad foar weeka." •fQUIEE N. C. 9Q0rr. Ifelmala,(X, wrifest -I have been a great aqlsre* Uft U years with Bright’s DI*eaao of the Kidneys. Tor weeks at a time f was nnable to get ont of bed; took barrela of amdldns, ljr temporary relief. I wore two Kidney Pads six weeks, aud 1 now know I am entirety eared.” MIW.Tir.LF.N JKROMK. Toledo. O., «y*: "Vo* rarsIhavobeeacm)fla«d,agTratpwtottho time > myjbc«l. with IdDcoahma and lemslo woakaea*. II. It. GB£KN. Wholeaalo Orocer, riadlay. O., write*: •• I *n(Ti red tor $3 years with Lamo Back and in three weeks was permanently cared by wmr* ig one of I*rof, (iallmettfl’s Kidney Pads." B. Y. KKBftUNU. M. D., Drogglat, Loganmmrt. Ind-. when asoding in an orderfor Kidney Pad*, writas: •• I wore one of th<t flrst ones wo had and I this instance. If it wna, n nmn, Ik Jon vrlint I did 'vrile. All those post- i i. I t Al. _ A 1.1 maalne'a ainnaiilirns am aIVlUlpflllOtll certainly would seoui that ho would havo treated himself tu it cif'itr or a plu^ uf tobuccu; if a woiuno, she would huvo piirloiucd 0 box of utarch or a iJiteka^o of ^8^ »o«l if iiyfiHi tlio ffui# and f^aVulii f Wonhl* ^ili been its dauger, so wo nro tumble to arrivo nt any coucluhiou ns to tho sex «»r size of tho intruder. Wo are forced to conclude that it wah . tin? pork of i sibly have becu some relation of Oui* lean, iuj be, too, seemed to have bcou search of ribs and liver when lie i k /*i 'I hu llpotf f Road tho following, you who aro jQimiug ufi from RnuiHwick to tiu<l a cool placo for tho Hiimiuor. The writ er haH used moro or h’iw covering cv* | H j i0 t the rresidout. ^ wry night, so far, this soaHon: ••• — Cincinnati, July 11.—The United ^ States Signal Service theriuo.iictcr ' Mr. W.^T. Jouch has sold to Mr. II. boro registered 103 5 di yrean at.3:15 f| ifl ^ int^rcHt iu tlio yacht Iwatordny nitornouu. Ortlimiry tl.ur- ^ n|lj( , #Bl j jj r T . has shipue.1 her moraoters registered from »; bi .8 ■ fie- . * . . . • higher, in Riu riia-lc. Tile l.o,it; N “ rll “ <« r •»» <> wn wm tbo greatest on reiurd licre. The nier recrontion. In tliiH connection Cproncr wna callod to attend thirteen ! W o might state that besides tlio first deaths, nil Irom congestion of tho ^ o( ,j, eh t)u Annia at ssnnASXis'SB *»*^ Q»k£i4hl»nKb JlttJa-. tal cases were reported up to mitir night In Coviugtun, Ky., thero were noti(o unfortunate whusa loye o( diver' wbat under the circumBtiinoca I amounted ti inannity. 1 ljb iaay t jkj^- thought proper, without any malico of the Time*, for the faatest yacht.— - - - . - . Tliia sonvenir Mcflara; Jones antf^Tift M A^lr ,,rUkl ’ ) " K, “ r '' V ' f ‘ mr hsv« gracefully Dtrival ovxv ln Mist of than, fstnl. - , , ..„ ' . ...„ mnr . Annie lhwsou, of, Albany, irf kesor of wlioiu tlio Annin wna named. master'! signatures aro sti|KTfluons, except for ono pnrposo, namely, lo show that tlioy never hoard about Itnnl! |X>x in B., and loads ms to tho J ondusion that thero wasn't any boro, nd mnksn we’ dp(l»k jf'thoro is anch a thing ns small pox. If any injnstica lias Imen done Col. Murphy, I can any, ns President of the Agricultural .Society, Hint I did towards bim. His version of what I said nr charged is net correct, and for what little I did my in that latter he has my authority, which, an is shown, lie did not ssk for until afty tho Fair, and After Mr-Luig'eloUor was written. A few days ago I met him near Way- cross, on th<| trpin, and ho showed me tho documents yon pnlilishod, and asked mo I UAY A NUOKMAJkLO. Dniagut., UinlUU. Ho.- “W.uo worklDfi ,p A Hr,)/ IQ your Pod,. udirolieorlDsof good reoulu from Oni over, rnuK.« cikurih'^ micu um fas. Will iHwItlvelv cars Fsver and Agas, Dumb Ague, Agns take. Billion* Fsvar, Janndlos, Djrapensia, and all ili*M*M ot Uio Uvcr, Stomach and Blood. Pries f 1. AO bv mail. Hand for Prof. UaUmettss TrsaU«e on Ibo Kldnejra and Llvor, frao bjr mall. Addreat Hold by JAB. T. OLAlff. J«U*ly MORIS8LUCREE, Wood Turning, Mfll)LDIi\(i MD SAWIMi MILL. jao HulldlnR. Picket* of all alyls* made Ur or* ’ a Wool Turning of •»ory dtsrripflon, also,Herat! Circular Hating d*»ns with noatfiraa and dla* patch. OcUgsaand Flutod lfelaatcrs, afeo, Newels and Raila constantly on band, or mads to order.— Patterns, Ropwl and Twlatrd Work, T*n*PiM and Italia, Indian t’lnba, Moulding*, both atralgkt and rirrstar, fur capenters, satinet makers and piano forts iu*nnf*ctur*ri; la feot, all trsdas anmdicd In their dHTcrsiitbnuiehc#. I bars also tho ftnaat ttne nf Itavarf Uoidcra, Miippcr aadfltanaacap- * t, a#*Please civs me a rail, and kavs yonr orders. N. B.—All |ot»Mug attended to at once, and dull* t reasonable nfea.““ Newraatlc *treel, nsor New Catholic Church. Aunrtly JULTF.TJ r». ! rh "* , ° ”' •••“**’* ’ i wuniiuUta tu ilimiuii axrTist. PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, FRESCO PAINTING, CRAYON HEADS. AU »riU-ra left at tht* oflicc will receive prompt Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, Ital IM.itr and Iiisnranci* Agent. RAY ST., - - BRUNSWICK, Oa. i i r lunge for city |*r»r , 'riy ° nutl will WJOU j he “out of sight ami hearing.” By I tho way, did any of you obsorvo a po- f cnliar lingo to the sunlight about the j time the comet appeared, on or about ' Juno 20th ? Qnite a number of poo- i pie hereabouts noticed it, and re marked that tho sun scorned in eclipse. Tho impression now among those whose attention was called to it, is, that it was the tail of the comet be tween ns and tbo sun. Aa tbs astron omers seem to know nothing of this now comet, it would bo nucleus, we gness, to ask their opinion about this phenomenon uf the fight on tbo date mentioned. | 1 hu Fre.~ I’rvw* prored in appearance amt »i/e. That pa|>vr is now printed on tbo proas for merly used by the AovruTiHsa— agood one, too, it is. Besides, there ia a sort of halo of glory that hovers aronnd it, owing to its former prow ess. Wc wish the Free 1’rCM, iu its new dress and office, abundant suc cess. Chatign of Herric^a*. TVe are requested to notice that the ovening services at the Baptist ebnrch of this city (Rov. A. C. Ward, pastor) will be held from 5:30 to 0:30 r. h., in stead of after night. Tlio morning service., as nsnal, at 11 o'clock. Tho T**m|H‘ Jnck Plane,” in a recent unliclu to! the .NVf/v, till tile Ho.*!** and j temperance, says: ' I Msde by M-jore & Merrifield. Tu say ■ i , i they fit would sham the strncturo of • I know ,« iviiuiiniile wiMHkey. tbo ' foot . Thcy , irc tho lM rfoction ot boi'sos that have taken their drui..- L )jB , tnlontf , , sUU*(***U» OUT men, off the him of tlm Macon and ; crowilod with work. Repair- Brunswick Bond In ennso the> counties ; inK ', 1ollo with , l0 ,tncss. lymg along and adiacent to the road Moons k MxnamzLD, had banished wlnslby, and there was u,_L, ibiii not enough oi buoinew to justify the 11 .» St™* . , «r j* When' 'yon bake ah ftAUmad eye, if Air *~ lisb them nnd said if yon would not |ie would bhvS tlK'in published anyhow. { told him yoti wnnld be dcligbted lto do so. r Marpby did nut circulate among the postmasters Um He that certainly wit ont about small pox being in onr city about Fair lime’. D. T. Dtnti Money'Saved is Money Made! Purchase your cugiura fnmi os, aad aavo 1100 oa .. t«*ti l*ora** A*Xj on a itrcolyjMiras, and oa a thirty Horse >owsr eajfia*. Bead Ibc <mr prices be fore purchaalug eagioe*. rUw, presses, a*«r Aad grist mlUa. tbresliers, or aay Uad of auwUaary. *** aaauafarttrHn* agents, aaA|gaanataa sail In (laallty and price, . r w s - WALKEli A LOUD, I, Ctarlentun, B. C. if I ilionf'ht yon totiljpuV- oitSTion. Daniel U. ll.Trunp, rvpreacnla to U»* Uunit la he* ramtsj xrxrjzt&i'Z. B. Troup, this Is, thersflurs, to rite all persons cun* uml. Sloilrwl AarrwUtan. to ot ilismlnritMi ua Us flrst Monday ta Beptsmbsr. IW1- % WH. H. BlOtRIK. ordinary O C.Oa. Cy. h. cowman, PrcsL G. C. A. Society, j Contractor and Builder, enough of bum ms. to justify employment of a mnn—only two or three counties alung the wbolo line that license barrooms. The thread bare declaration tint people will liave whiskey, enybow, is forceless. It is true a " vunnab, have hnt the msescs are ilelivertii from this evil. Aud tho kegs ami jugs aro get' ting leas frequent every year, nnd time will work an ontiru cure. I have giv en those facts. Imping that they uiay be of aervicu at this tune," swelled hand or decayed and aching take and fill yonr tooth, von do not stomach with drags to enro it, lint apply fuw .locu scud tp iUoon or Hu-ija dtreedy fu the'p»rt«.’* ! 3SJf^THfe >, httvetlietr IrtfjH mid ju*r« dtlcd^rif Wiilc v>r lame Imck, aore kklnvyt, pro fuse or fleanty urine, or tho aocrotory MTatoui ia cloggul ami inactive, yon nfinnltt usb Prof. OuUmctt«3*« SrotJeb Kid ney Pail, which !• ft tlircctly fncnl Appli cation, which ulwnrs gives apccriy relief :iii«1 ill w;iyh run* the ilucaai'. Abk your Uruggiat for it. Shipping t or Brunswick, nm MDiNBipLYlMh.ini. TUB TIIE POUT OF BRUNSWICK, ftm THE WEEK ±=L* iftt(4i«wieK 4 . • do all cinJs ol wurk i*D t . ra '*■ "* Utifercacva: J., iGsorgla 1 . . - e Chariotts Fish. Calala. Jaly H-Ha Vtrgfefe Bahia. Mew York. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, On. HIAolw.'.rnaMfsnmOhwM. BRCNSWICJf, OA < prepare-1 1 IU'Hid«tirs ua NawaaalJ J. RlcLt - aloevi, I ,ela»u k Uru^ A. 1 Vt*ir | CITY BARBER SHOP, . J.«. CABTKfc fropritUr. jsr ta -' ityls. lADll MTWOAUTt, ^^ATlIFACTIOa BUAMMTKD A /i €9*T*TT, attorney at law, nnvsswicK, oeoRau. oa„ Mus>Asvur*s> •**