Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 16, 1881, Image 4

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TS ~T. K,. ^Q-R RES ’ | DEALER XJST Corn, Hay, Oats, Meat, Meal, Etc., Ele., • ’ -r ^ * - T * Ti** - , - I • " 1 - J "■ aii - jljl »*. I ^ S#;/Agent Wilson & Co.’s Pure Pork-Sausage. Storage assd Office ^rlMefield & Tisoii’s Warehouse* SmiiiH. Floridi hid Westeb* Riilwu HARDWARE ,n.1 l.Vi CoH#rw. 1(9 and 1M St. Julian at*. SAVANNAHfGA. Agricultural Implements. FAX -MILLS, G11AIN CIIADLIiS, AVKIiYB FLOWS. IlKfXLT'S l’LOWS, . CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, 8 WKET HHOVKLS, ! J«jp HEEL i'lXn, j' 9KA8S " n Os IU«m VSAVASTKAU, QN AND A*TIB SUNDAY, June 33,,hww|»i trains on this Road will run as follows s f a uiuv Will give " Hock Bottom" Prices fiTr miy of the above on application. Terms Cash, or City Factors' Acceptance. It ubber and Leather BELTING. H. L. HARRIS. WatoUmal&er tfc T owelor, UliTJTsTSWJGK, GrA... u.iBfo>»HA*UArurtsum-v | ‘'STAR” SPECTACLES. JTheLadiesStore“S HEWITT’S 'OGLETHORPE, BRUNSWICK, OA., Watches, Clocks,; JEWELRY, | SILVER PLATED WARE JUST OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. New House, New Furniture & Kept iu Elegant Style. B37- , W- C- HEWITT CO. IdrUAOUAOK TKANSFEHHED FitKE. ii| rO t.v TRY IT : Patent Watch Regulator. CUTLERY, ( . a|| |M , ap p, ie( t in f> .Viiiutoa Musical Instruments £txn STIttA'CS. .PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments, All goods will l« soltl at the very l«>wost market price. No trouble to (EuUr^d Twla-.J Enables anyone to regulate his own Wuleh with certuiutv. bhow g'oo«ls j«5-ly llcpard 4 DIXOKIA, GA., A UK I'HKI'AHED TO FILL Oli DEBS FOB Planed and Rough Lumber, Fooring 1 , Coiling, Shingles. Etc., - -AT--* LOWEST MARKET PRICES. W OEIiS. ADJOINING PASE NGElt DEPOT, MAON, Ga. STE AM ENGINES, "Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINNING. TIIBKSIIIXG AND GBINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes. BET!UN Tl’IU LAK. RUTHIN FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. - UKi’AiU.' OF MACIIINF.BY I -tlLAlt SAWS, lil’KXTKUS' TOOLS, LLAC'KSMITH'S TOO.-S, (JUXS AM) FISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. MRS. M- C. ROWE I t.mitlot. "f frlf'tij..*.ld tli. j , AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Millinery Goods.!standard Scales I DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, An.! mth- NEW STYLES. NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, With »hi<'b ah* lift* eu.lchcd lo r EMBOWERED FASHltKfBL RESORT! ursurur lt<r frltud* tlM, In r h. antifi.1 -cle« th.iu o j HATS, BONNETS, j BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, UCES & TRIMMINGS L'aiiu.4 lx* clot)II0(1 In Itibi or au) other city. &IWS8 Max*** JogeUiw will, u f.til linn «>f Hlii-ll llurilWHI'C, fur unlit ul the l«»'e»t I'AMIKIl llltOTIIEIlS, I 7-1, Mice. Mice, ins W T. (JLOVER Stationery, Book, —ANT* — IMIJ5IG ESTABLISHMENT Paint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, Staiilioal ami Hill Siipiite, p Wl ,, ... „ r . | JUST RECEIVED! — Pure White Lead, /.nc & Colors, j „ |cimilatin« Library, Glass, Putty, Varnishes & Brushes'll nclrg WatcheS ; =l5S5iisis« • • 1 ilivi.h! Lmuiliu!■!!'.; w"'rUo^Tilr Vh- Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Locks. Sash-Weights, Cord. Hinges, Sciews, Etc,. Lime, Plaster, Hair A Cement. MsSKrai T ZrSii;'Sh. Brunswick and Albany Rail Roid Compan. NO. wniTAKKU ST It F FT, S^T7-^-2ST2ST^-I3:, - GhJb- S«vvo Your Money ! nr hi ving rut. n. i>. mi:\nKR Cl!AH. L.MC«I.ATTi;’*v Geofirnl Mup*rlat.i..hV*’ JI3WELRY. i SSHS3&T- , i of Mti«i.:. for »U iuiHuUu»at the loWeat Accordeons, Harmonicas,; 1 - | ( HANiGAT. * 5 and 10c Counter Goods < > \\ q \ $ jj r p r y ^ r *",L; m...i.| I’ivliirt) Framing Bono on the 1 Shortest Notin' ! ('. .1. DOUBFLINGKB, ! | a ..lire..: .he i>„.( i Steamship Line. ' onite, I \V. A. JOHNSON, IBRUNSWICK,GEORGIA.: Root cVSh^Maker. ^ ][ BEST! Change of Sciieih le. < ) N b;l*' MALLORY'S m york & wwmrn iy..rk .hme an fhcnjily, iiiul w ■vi/'j t Jf j Tk • f» rantetl to last im long uh that tel Hoods ul Lowest Pnecs : NEW YORK STORK, NVIiurt* they have just received a lull supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Gent’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Hats. .1. F. XELWN ON THK DAY. Travelers Ins. €0., HAllTFOKl). CONN. Lilt mill Aoeiilent In.-mnuice. J.M.Dexter,Insurance Ag’t, cv-'^rr r """'— 1 ' ** j ,1 kw F.IiU Y. .\hSKT8, - - - ^500,000 1 IFK au.l Zvuleitt polit-iw^ wriltan on at.Art J l-ru.-cnsfcr thin rut.'- ri. kf* woM. The Jewelry Headquarters —OK— W. F. DOERFLINGER X2iT TCWInT. STKAMSHU’H WJSSTMMJf TElitS Cnptaln HIKES. CapUiu lUSK. Lirrn Now York every Frida? »t T I*. M.. arrlv-- !»»; in Hr 110.wick . very Turaday. cloac .(.niievliuu with all j.oli.te ou J|. A: A. aud M. * H. JUIIroMk. Tlironnh bill, lath Si K aiKUdl to all jxmila 011 abov roada. Freight and J»a»eag'.i ax low ax by any other hue. For iNUMK.uKL-r aud »tair r<Him« aj.|.ly to 1C. W.NOlTinVK'K, %el, Jimel-ly Unmwwick, (ia. BEST GREEN ANdIiLACK l w; CONjTA'. tLY KIH KIVINti WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., QjthJSn j Cl»*iniin« 01 nil Itliuimlunruii ,lmn uoilrr LOCAT. DKNTIST, I •w-is.w*’ Patent of stiffened back tVatchea ,,r..uuy_ FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES, o 1 Brunswick, - - Georgia. i m iisii. rbi-NL n.ii titin!tii8 AMi 1 a:c TEAS. unsrs gk.xli.xk new chop GARDEN SEED —AND— ONION SETS. i CHOICE CllEWSG ,1 •: SMMUSa r p> '\yAUNKE,i tobacco. Hoot and Shoe Shop | ,ikucha.\t tmlou, j rhe Jtest 5 Dent Cigars. notice. | Brunswick,Georgia. 11 b “'v«»»*. lie.'-.; . ANDREW HANLEY ii 1 i>. MiMJiii;. i PAINT AND OIL STORE, F,>rvi - na, " i,hm,, ‘ su ' m. i, harnutt ^ o 1*1101*111 iroHs, j RATES, - - *±iK) PER DAY iiics, Liquors, AND CIGARS, _JAS. U. VINCENT, A V ANN A11. (; i*;t HU;! A. TIOK A Ml MOIIKKATK I V 11.4.1, under IU new 1 cm-wtv l*KOVIT . | ll.\itiiw \ it r a. stoves, l "' 11 i r.. k. Railroad, SteauiW.Jlill-Suiiplii FUUK WHITE LEAL), /.;m ,V COLOltS, Glass,Putty,Varnishes,Brushes,Plain & decorative wall Paper v . DOORS, SASHES, 1H.INDS, Kir. f *■ ' - 1 '1 ikb, wap, •* •* im Savmuifltlf • * acorKlo,!*"^ ^ .vmmxnv i\n nn \sn,m! at i.av.. AM AND EXAMINE. , - TESTIMOXVOFDItUGGISTS. f i RE INM HANCh J. M. IDEXTER, INhUllANCE AGENT, 1! I, n. v. ....,. - CKTA.NV.