Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 23, 1881, Image 1
I BRUNSWICK AIIIBTISEI IB VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY.23, 1881. The Advertiser and Appeal. U An -DY I RTAenr* i UltUaiUO XVEliV SATUi.:uv l>HTTV’C\lTTpTr imv. Ao i» iUi. Jos.E.Lambrig!it Green Grocer, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cue copy elx monthi Advcrtlm-mcnt* from fwjpoiwiRl" p»rti< « will bo publl«b--<l until ordered ottt, whm flieWiu* l* aol *|w;ri4f4;pwyiuont exacted nccdwBiffr. icmenti lollctod for publication. When c /•I'iwp, cUartcul a* »<lvcrt l»«ncUt*. Alll<-t*ptm«u<l •mnmtiulcatiuu* aiioulil bu a s&si.’ fbr iuiiividual b*noftl, or of 1 barged Marriagra and obituary Cooding thi ^ All lot : ... crrY*orncicKs. tfajwr- J. F. N«laon. AlJcrmrn- A. T. Putnam. W. W. WatVln*. J. .1 Hpearx, 1). T. Dunn, i. 1*. Harvey. H. C. Little field. Y. J. DoerAIngrr. Vkrk * Treasurer—Janu-a n«ua«on. Chuf jmrtW^V. A.Taliiu. s . v - lU(ctmm—Vt. 11. lUincy, T. W. l»olt. K’'y<t of G to in I lt-nudial Ckrk <f Marl l*rt nyticiaa -C L flrlitattar. Jr. M- D. City l%wMfm+b 15 Daria, Mr I». * UarM^Yabt-a j mn: iv-rf ll'anfriw -Matthew Shannon. Tit"* t uor. Jr. and A V rutuaui. ►Tffjpm'* «u«Aqqj*p or^v Kr Dj>. AM) DEALER IN udDui and 1 Hoiton Cok»r~'t Omotery—/arklo H'lil***. Town coUVoss —Harvey, Ootipcr and Spr -8p<*ar*. DaoriUngor and Co* Ua»uo»—Littlefield, Spear* and Putnam. Public building*—Watkins, lx><-rlllngci Railroad*-PoorfliiupT, Education- Pmuam, H|*oan ami Duu; CiMttmr—mtJiaM, Littlefield anti Hw Kiuk nr.rAitTMr.NT--Hpoarw.l’ntnam am rotjeu. I’ntnam, Dunn. and Watkiim. united states officer*. I Littlrt Deputy -II. T. Dunn. Colbvior Internal llcvotiim-D. 1 bounty Marshal—O. J. Hall. 4bA!iiMter-Ltnna North. Cojuinlsaloner-tJ. 1C. lHixter. Shipping ConiftilwIoU'-r- O. J. Ha siAIVKT LOWiK, No. 08. JAM. ri. LAMDlllOIIT. I’ Country Produce KtLl-3 ALSO ON HAND A FULL ANI< WELL AS SOKTKD STOCK or GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc.,. AllI of which are offered for caab at reaaouable I MEAN BUSINESS! Store corner Ncwca* He and Monk Strecta, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, THE NEW CAPITOL. TRC QfRSTtOR BErOKE HOUSE. Plan* dud kpftlflralloRi of ihr Pro posed New Capitol—The Introduction of Mr* Birrowii mil rot the Ere?i!tm ofthe proposed itntl*lnff«-.4tl«nta'a Itelatlona to the state. COURT SKH8ION3 IN TU* BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT CLINCH—l*t Monday in Varrli and Hept« ii».or. AlTLINp—iid Potidny IM March and WTAKR—2d Monday in A|»rl (X»m:K-Tuesday after If October. CAMDEN- Tuesday after ‘ CHARLTON- :id Monday in GLYNN—4th Monday in Ma; i Monday in April ; ■I Monday In May « JACOB COHEN / 152 BROUGHTON St, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thank* tho public through thi* medium for the fact, and afkaa continuance of their patronage, aa he haa opt-nml hi* ftl lUNO IWI’URTATIOS <*g«oda In all grade*, and placed Ida low pricea on them, which cause* a malt by » very bud jr that 1* within roach. He ofpT* the name chance to all who read tlii* |*p«r to aval! tk< ulty. Hi* :,<>«• (VIMElf SILKS AMl SATINS WIITTF - _ .• a|..n« tui| o.|Ual. Ill* FANCY ARTICLE* cairn. EM15UOIDKULF.S It. H. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! HILL’S HIM PH la* a'taiuod unprecedented *uceo*a In relieving prevalent tlitturdura of tlio Liver. It* in ‘ Hy eutitlo it to the preferment it rcrelvea LIVER MEDICINES. is now kept by many i>#raona always at hand. , u -od regtdarly, mid tlions torrwoaa are new >l**ct to the usual *yinpt..m* of a dlaord. r*d Llv- prevalent at thi* wv-m of tliymr. It will 50 CENTS to try it. amt yon will certainly 1h> pleased 1 the roault. For sale by .V. .11. AlADDl.N. noviyy_ Str. David Clark Only Direct Boat twiroper week bctWiJen SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES SAVANNAS FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETURNING. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR SAVANNAU. tc* .-lose eon net lull at Drunswirk with B. * A. .wd. ami at Savannah with Ocean Hteaturhiji steamer* to and from New York.aud with ilolphia, Baltimore amt Boston »learner*.- hi* at lowest rate*. Mara all through freight o Steamer David Clark " C. WILLIAMS, Agi llrm ii the THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT I* a srtivssi PAMIIMEUB »<•» Hummer at 7Jr i* worth 11 ?•» In V''V York. In fact, them fa not an article in fcaMcvGir Staple Dry U«o4i that rai.m.t !*«• toun-rm l.V*fftof*hn.Mit. Also. th. newest gnoda out. Called NUN’S VEILING, for dr.**•-*. !* kept In till grmk-s. All he a*k* i* a call. !>.. not forget hi* place. 1.12 lillOl'GHTON STUEKT, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. M.Vly W.B.Mell&Co, WLnltvale and Retail Dealer* iU SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBRF.R-AND Fire Insurance! N.Y. UNDKRWRITERSAGBNCY. tCOUI'VHKD OF TUK OEfilfANlA AND llANOVFU INSURANCE CO.'M) —AND IIIIITISII A.HBRil'A ASNUR’G CO. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. gg-DWEU.INOI AT VERY LOW RATES, fob 8HOLE8’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business uml Planter’s Leather Belting,!”' Rectory. 1881 a 2« IENC1I AND AMF.Klt’AN CALF MKINH, HO I HA it NESS, Pitt OLE. AND PATENT LEATH ER, Will I’M AND SADDLERY WARE. me I of thia u or before tVtoher lat. DM1. Vol- iHtjweit contained 934 pegiebre- rill contain fully 1000 page* HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES. Etc. ri . , 1V w ini village, population. -ahti. ln.ln.lrt.-. »iii|.pln„ JtrrelM.., »c., buM- ... .n.l i*.m*M»l ni.n, KhinU, cullivn, ...iirrl*. Str«. m ■■«... tin.. J-Wfc. ITMULI ,.m MIU. MKX \SI> rTKI KNTlN* I uni I uitnl at, «■ UOImn. «»J '"l—— JnnJVnCriniKUK ! il'uinnn, i AlUnt. Cnnatltutlon Yesterday morning tho question of bnildiog a non State Capitol was brought boforo tho Hou«o of Repro- sentatives, in an attentive form. Dis played on the northern nails of tho hall nere fonr largo viens of a mag nificent bailding, nhicb on inspection were found to bo labelod os plans tor a capitol bnilding. Thoy como to the Executive ofiico from Louisvillo with out any lettor or noto, hut accompa nied by an olaborato pamphlot or specifications, shoning tbst they ncro tho work of Andronaltha k Wabicu borgor, architects. Thero ncro also olaborato plans for tho arrangement of each floor. Tho fonr vions of the proposed building give the front and rear ele vation, the prospective and the end vion. They shon a superb strnotaro nbich one nontd ssy cost a cool mill ion at least. Tho grace of tho nrchi lecture and the general richness of the dosign are admirable. During tho morning, mombers and visitors oxamined the pictures with great in terest At the last session there nas a reso lution passed authorizing tho payment of $250 for tho beat plans and specifi cations for a capitol bnildiog sent in to tho Oovornor, and theso came as tho first in what may prove a long list. Thoy certainly cost far more than the price named, but tho glory of dotigniDg a capitol for (ienrgia must bo cousidored as wort It a great deal. The question of tbr new enpi- to! tlms suggested was brought out in a more practical shape later iu the session by a carefully drnwu bill, which Mr. Barrow, of Clark, bod tho honor to introduce. It providos thoroughly for the buil ding of a capitol in Atlanta, at a cost not to cxccod ono million dollars, mid to bo finished by tbo first of January, 1887. There are to ho five annual appropriations of not exceeding $200,- 000 each, to be paid out of tho sttr- plns in tbo Stato Treasury, and if that fails, to be raised by taxation. Tho hill also requires that tho building bo of Georgia granite, provided thnt it can bo prodacod ns cheap as gran- ito from any other quarter. It carc- fnlly guards tho construction by con stituting a board of which the Gov ernor, Secretary of State, Comptroller General, President of tho Sonnto and Speaker of the House shall bo mom- tare, and by laying down claarly the duties of this commission. It wns no- ticonblo that ns this bill wns rond tbcic wns tho closest attention in nil parts of the House. It was referred to the committee on public property, and 250 copies of it were ordered to be printed for tho nse of tho Honse. It seems certain that thnt this or some similar bill will pass st this ses sion, for of thirty Representatives whoso viows have lieon expressed in tho CtmMutwn, only threo have de clared ngainst tho proposition to tmild. But ono of I ho preliminaries pre ceding bnilding is the fixing of At lanta's position toward ths State in tho matter. During the famous capi tol campaign, the city of Atlanta pro posed that if tbo pcoplo would locate tbo soat of government hero, it would build ns good a capitol ns the old ono at Miltcdgevillo. . At the last session of the Legisla ture a committee to consult with the representatives of Atlanta ns to the fulfillment of this promise; nothing definite wns done in tho several con- | THE SEPARATIONS THE COMET. j As Professors Stone and Wilson, of the Cincinnati Observatory, were watching the comot, on the night of July (’>, it was seen lo sepa two parts, Tho report of tho obser vation says thnt a jot wns seen to pro coed from tho nnclons in tho direc tion of tho tail, and gradually form a separate nucleus, tho division being shnrpiy defined. This is not the first known splitting of B COfiief, Bioln’s comet haviug"dP t ided, probably in n similar manner, some - time bctwcou 1815 and 1810; bnt this is tho first time the actual separation has been observed This spontaneous division of tho comot into two comets gives peculiar interest to certain speculations ns to tho identity of tho presont comet ami tho possible fate of all comets. In a communication to tho Herald, dated July 1, Prof. Lewis Boss, of Dudley Observatory, Albany, Now York, discnsscs tho striking similarity of certain clemonts of this comet's or bit to the corresponding elements of tho orbit of tho comet of 1807. That tho two comets nro not the same body—that is, that tho comet of 1881 is not a prcmntnro return of tiic com et of 1807—ho is qnito sure; bnt, lie asks, could these bodies have origi nally formed a part of tho same body ? For illustration bo refers to tbo com- ot discovered by Bieia iu 182G, whose splitting has already hcou mentioned. This comet wns found to revolve nronud tho siin in the comparatively short period of seven years. It wns not scon again, however, unlit 1845, when it presented its nsuonl - appear ance. Oti tho 12th of January, 1840, Pro fessor Hubbard, of tho Washington Observatory, on looking at the comot through his telescope, was surprised to find uot one hut two distinct com ets iu tho sauio field of view. The distauco between the two bodies was small, hilt went on increasing night after night, until in March the dis tance sport had, become 200,000 miles. At its next return in 1852 this distance lmd heroine more than a mil lion miles. What became of the coin- et iu subsequent years call only be coujoclurcd, fur it has never since boon scon, unless nu observation of a strange body by Pogson, in Madras, is held to ho antbcntic as a view of this coiuut of Bieia—a matter nbont which opinions uro divided. Professor Buss continues: “What Ims happened once may happen again. It is known that great forces of mil tnal rcpnlson exist in the particles which constitute a comet. It is to this that we probably owe the varied ap|mnrance« in the bend of a comet ns in approaches to or recedes from the snn. By nblo astronomers this force of repulsion is held to explain tho ex istence of tho gigsulic tails which ale seen projected from the beads of com ets on tho side opposite the sun. It would seom possible that the two comets of 1807 and 1881 may have formed a single body in distant asms of time, and that at a certain period the original l»dy separated into two, diverging more and mote widely, uu- til now we have them, the one follow ing nearly bnt not quite iu the wake of the other, at an interval of about seventy-tour yonrs. It is a question well wortli tho close attention of as tronomers. If the present comet should prove to have a jK-riod of from 1,100 to 2,200 years, the rcosonnblo- ncss of tho above conjecture will ho almost dciuocstratod." The observed division of the comet >w ill sight gives peculiar signifi cance lo these suggestions. It Also allows that the natural sntshvisiun of n comet is no longer to Ihi considered THE FLY. MISDIRECTED BENEVOLENCE. i Mt« York i It appoars that our rich and dis- „ X,,, . Boomerang. j languished fellow citizen, »ir Cyrus Much has been said et the fly of tho j W. Field, and somo of his compeers, • * ' ' f un w.ilu about mm nbo propose to raise a subscription of are band-headed. Hence wo say a word. It is of no nso any more to deny the borriblo truth. Allbough os beautiful as a pe ri in other ways, our troBsoa on top hnvo succumbed to tho iDclcmoncy of the weather, and oar massive brow is slowly creeping over to the hack of our neck. Nature makes all things evon. If a man he possessed of such ravishing beauty and such winniug ways that his jiower might bccomo dangerous, sho makes him bald- headed. That is our fix. TVhou wo lmvo our hat on, and go inchnyiug down the street with that camel glide o( ours, everyone asks who that noble-looking Apollo with the docp and melancholy cyo is; hut when we are at tho office, with our bnt bang up on tho French walnut sikebonrd, and the sun comes softly iu through the rosewood shatters and fights up the shollec polish on tellectual douie, wo uro not so pretty. Then it is that the fly, with gontlo tread and sednetivo song, comes np and prospects around our bump of self-esteem, and tickles us, nud makes us mod. When wo get to wliero forbenruuco ceases to bo a virtue, we haul oil and slap the place whore ho wus, while ho goes over to tho inkstand aud snick ers lit ns. After lie has waded around iu the carmine iuk awhilo ho goes hack to tho stump of spirituality aud makes somo rod marks over it. Having laid olT his clnim under the new mining law, lie proceeds to sink It we write anything bitter, it we nay aught of our fellow-man that is disappointed or unjust, nud. for which we afterwards got licked, it.isboesnse we get exasperated anil nro not re sponsible. If tho fly were large, and woigbed 20U pounds, and emuo iu here aud told us that if we didn't taka bark what we had said about him ho would kuock out the wiudow with our re mains and lot us full a hundred fuel into the busy street, it wouldn't wor ry us so much, bccnuBO thou wo could strangle him with ouo hand while we wrote a column editorial on Coukling with tho other. Wo do that frequent ly. Bnt a little fragile insect, with no home and no parents, snd only four or five milliuu brothers and sis ters, gains our confidence, aud then tickics our scalp till we have to write with a sheet oT tar roofing over our head. If tho tly could ha removal from our |inthway, we would march aloug iu our juiuney to tho toiuh in a way that would lie Hie envy and admira tion of the civilized world. As it is, we feel that we are.uot making n very handsome record. s-riiaib or Lire. S3730Cir^lt3^- WRITE FOR PRICK 1 ' Savannah, Georgia.! »>y ' City Tax Notice. t COMPLETE 8AIETTEER OF 6E0HBI* snow* * co.. cl Street. Align 1 —ns the splitting of Birin's comet 1ms 'm.te, I fcrcnccs thou had, and yestoriiny at-j been -an astrunumirni anomaly.- j I ternoon Mayor Kr,g!:sh, with A'.lur-1A ml tim question aiises. To wimi. ex- j ■ ' men Lowry, Bnalie anil liisstwii*. u--» « •i-i- » «nmlivi.i..o i ! ! r-:i. *.!L.'.'..-.rr. '. tu.. i. t.»!' .. ; w-**w f , Inc ti us: tumi created try : rufesaor Tyndall upon his departure from this untry has neciliuiilatcd snfiictetilly The following table is one that is used by London assurance compnuics, showing tho length of life at various ages. It is tho result of careful cal culation, and seldom proves mislesd- ing. ()f course, sudden and prema ture deaths, ns well as livos unusually extended, occasionally occur, but Ibis is a tnhle of average expectancy of an ordinary mao or woman. A person one year old may expect to live thir ty-nine yean longer; of ten years, fifty-one; of twenty yoers, forty-one; of thirty veara, thirty-four; of forty years, twenty-eight; fifty years, twon- tv-onc; of sixty years, fourteen; of seventy years, nine; of eighty years, fonr. Our readers will easily gather from the above statement the number of vests to which their lives, acctifth mg to the law of averages, may n»- $250,000 ior the benefit of Mrs. bar- field, wifo of the Prosidont of the United States. Benevolonoo is t quality hardly lower in rank than the religions senti ment. Bat thero is no quality of the human sonl so exalted that, if loft to gropo in the dork, it may not take a .wrong direction. Thus when the spir it of worship is allowed to rango wildly in blindness, it somotimes loads to idolatry, to tho worship of sticks and stones, and bats, and mice, and birds, aud fine clothes, and stocks, and houses. Beuovolouce also often goes astray. Wo think it goes astray whan it proposes to pat * large gift into tho whito and delicato bond of a living President’s wife. It seems to ns on insnlt to her. Her bnsbnnd still Jives and sbems likely to live, and to have tho dispensation of immense official patronage. She is believed to have groat inflnenoo over him. Naturally, she is cxpcctod to he grateful. At all evonts sho is bnman. If, for instance, Sir Cyrus W. Field eoald by possibil ity bo brought to resign bimsolf into tbo scrvico of tho Government, end to supersodo that “literary feller," Jamoe Raseoll Lowell, u minister .<to Eng land, how eoald sho say him nay after bo bad been tho activo agent in giring her a quarter of a million dollars ? Should the President nulortonuto- ly die, than, wo say, let a million bo raised for bis helpless family by pop ular subscription in three days, btit not onn dollar whilo lie livos, and while it may look like a briber. •''•"Ill the Branch lur a KIiiSc, Thom is, says tbo Coustitntion, no mode of punishment that would oorve ball so well to toko tho self-ooncoit oat of Charles Jules Unitenu as a so- rios of good Hogging applied iu cam- ost. If District AttorSoy Corkbill, and his superior, the Attoruoy Gener al, can see any way to subject tho impudent rascal to this method of pnoishmenl, thoy will not ouly lower hie own estimate of his cowardly soil, bnt thoy will deter other “cranks” from committing acts that would bring their worthless bodies under the lash. This remedy was appliod to the lunatic tbst last fired st tho Queen, nud it is Sir Edward Thorn ton's opinion that this iu itself put an ond in England to nttneks upoiremi nent people. By all menus let Gui- teau foci the lash and the degradation thnt goes with it. WuMukIou sUr. A letter to Coloucl Corkhid, dated Northeast Aid., July 111th, reads as follows: "I hnvo a great interest in this man (or boast) Gnitcnu, particu larly his appetite. Now, sir, I pro pose to cut two ouuces of flesh from him overy day and make him eat it— to Im continued nntil lie eats himself np. He will then have a historical reputation as the man that shot the President and then eat himself up. "Yours with respect, "W. J. Dssi.itio. P. 8,—If yon cannot find anyone in Washington to do it, jnst call on mo. I mean it” Tbr. Lumber World:— Eli Perkius, the groat American delasioiiist, lias struck a bonanza for lumbermen in Texas. Sim Graves, nqiative,'has shown Eli a grove oI blnck walnut trees, baud planted ten years ago, thnt hnve attained tho respectable proportions of nine inches diameter, and which, ho assured Bim, would bo niuetoon inches through within twen ty years from the date of pbuitlug.— Sim snd f-'.ti thou »nt down and ti“- PLEASINB PARAPRAPHi. Tim middin nrri’U—tpttpqnn. Toe ffront tv-"* - -. TV I o! funds. Strange behavior—A vessel "bug- The first Black Friday occurred in Robinson Crusoe’s timo. A match safe—one put up where tho small hoy can't got at it. Wheu is water most liablo to os- capo ? When it is only half tido. Evon a clothes lino becomes unsteady when it bos too many shcots in the . wind. “ Mankind," said a preacher, “ in cludes woman, for man embraces wo- roau.” You mustn't think l dentist is mad because yon soo him grinding bis teeth. It requires a man o( considerable pnsb to earn his living with a wheel barrow. A cruel husband calls his wife 'green fruit," because sho uovor agrees with him. ' Many a good, square mail loafs around tho corners till ho goes home at rye tangles. " No, ma’am,” said a grocor to an Applicant for credit, “I wouldn’t trust my own footings." Tbo host thing about carpets is thut - you hay thorn by tho yard, and woar thorn out only by tho foot. Why should not daoks be allowed on'doctor’s promises?—Bocanso they mako.BUch personal remarks. Why onght a gardener to bo a crack shot ?—Because ho has a groat deal of cxpcrioncu with little shoots. Lomoii juice prevent.! uialariu aud a little Jamaica rum, withico, prevents any injurious effects from tho lemon. A South End moidon wants to know bow to avoid having a mous tache como on the tipper lip.- Eat on ions, sis. - Mrs. Partington will not allow Iko to play tbo gnitar. Sho says ho had it onco when ho was a child, and it nonrly killed him. The host anti-fat remedy wo know of is trying to carve tip n chunk of hard wood with a batchot that was originally cat oat for a hammer. It has boon discovered that cats can't livo at a greater elevation than 13,000 foot, therefore back sheds shond bo bailt 13,600 foct high. Tho next attraction in tho circus and menagerie parade will probably be a den of trained New Jersoy mos quitos, accompanied by their koopor. A courtly negro rccontly sent a re ply to an invitation, in which bo "re gretted that circumstances repugnant to the rcqnicsconco would pro von this acceptance of tbo invito." ■■<ia«tios. From Rev. Mr. Cltvelsnd, pastor Pres hyterian church in Gainesville, Os.; I have tried roar neurotic for iudigos- tioir, suit foaml it a most excellent rem- * dy.aiul most heartily recommend it. Tnos. P.Clkvzlaxd. neuralgia, retire, cates, Rlr. From Rev. G. G. Smith, pastor Moth- odist church, Gsinsville, Ga.: I have used nenratio iu my family with great ealisfastion. Have found it a epe- eiflii In cramp colic. In early etigoa of oold, a toaepoonfiil is of groat ueoefit, and ft givee great relief in nenmlgla ami tooth ache. I like it very nraeb. GnxO. Barra. Macox, Ox. Messrs. Lamas, IUsjus A Lamas— Dsas Btsa: It gives me great pleasure to certify to the merits of Brewer’s Lung Restorer, as I linvo used it ssd found it all yon represented it to bo. My lungs were effected to some ox tent, snd I bail s tracking cough, often spitting up blood, which at times would amount to s hem orrhage, and I became very much fright- cnod at my condition. I bought several bottles of Brower's Lung Restorer, aud bsvo been' entirely cured by its use, snd (cel satisfied that it is permanent, ss I've luul no symptoms o( the disease since. I am satisfied that this medicine will prove u great blessing to the pcoplo. If you would introdueo it iu tbo Northern States it would moke your fortsce*. years very trnly Ifyicnr Wnoras. ivc which j With Messrs. Niuthaum tc Danncnburg. tho « »ty oj Until*' : Win. Hauer, it »f return* ICUls * ni*t .l*y »t Hatch. 1 AM Lit UOUSIuX. U 4 *i* uul Tr«4»i JS RUNS WICK, GA. Boot & Shoo Maker. t now to «lo m? *nd »U *jnd« U my Utif*. ynaranU* aatlfttetK ltd price*. HU -V ~ “ “*■ '*—* - if auk rlr ft bttl WM. KKVBAl'CR. ■r.nt- r wan u lefiuito joint committee, of -vhiel llnives is chairman Tin i general consultation, bnt n result was reached. Everything looks hopeful for lh« now capitol, and by this time next year its fonndntion may bo laid. A musician, Oeorgo Sjiarp, hail bis nninu on tho door thus: “O. Sharp.” A wag of a painter, who know «omo- thing ol music, cnrly one morning mado tbo following undeniable and eiguGcaut addition: “Is A fiat." ...’ ’ oil... t, l.aln. - il- belts or streams may notary disintegration, fives additional plunsibil- 1 the- buUvi... !y, that lue;. he duo to certainly ret- ity from this repetition of so fur ns ]>ositivo observations go) tho primary act of division. 'Willi n few more splittings tho comot might entirely cease to !>« visible. With a spirit of martyrdom, the (ieorgia Legislature have decided to devote July to the affairs of the State. Patriotism and jierspiralion go band in baud. tur the purpose to which he devoted it: The .'uisistuneo of needy American htndouts iu physics who shonld show uptitndc for original study and should wish to complete their education in Gerniauy. The fnud will now fnrniib u moderate income to two atuiieuts. 1n rt-iiMqusnce of a failure to poat n notice at the Court Honse dour, the town of Ahqipalin will nut bu incorpo rated by the present Legislature. nrod out tin, value of this contains ten acres. j>a._ t A. a t .a. . ...I Kncfctt Mas Less tains two lmmlretl *.rw», or the who!*, j Q .. on n , t * r t » ic Hottentot? fun nrfrt? patch two thousand. Sim soy; those -jfiUsea.A "From those rude prartilioa- trots will yield him fufir hundred bushels of nuts thw year, which st $2 50 1st bushel will give him $1,000, and as this yield will increase instead of decrease, he reckons his future in como it no less than this mm per an- uaro nnlil Urn trees are twenty yean of age. When that timo arrivos, Sim oxpvcta to sell his grove for $25 per tree or $50,000. Eli concludes hi* narrative by advising the public to Imy land at $25 per aero and settlo down as black waluat farmers. prs era the remedy was borrowed by the res- i Jcut English and Dutch physician* by whoso recommendation it was employed in Europe, and has since come into gen eral use. Combined with Jaaiper ami ether desirable ingredients. IS inthe urcmiration of Rankin's Compound Fluid Extract Of Buchn and Jnnipir, it proves a most reliable remedy tot tenonjaten- tion or incoutincnco of urine, Irnmoon, inflammation or nlceiwtion of tto bladder and kidneys, stone in tbs bjaddse,.Om- el orbriek Just deposit mfiky dischmnroj ami all diseases of the bladder or Kid neys, snd dropsical swelling In mam wo man or child. Prepared only by Hunt, ltonkin A Trlniar, Atlanta, (la . .iud sold by all druggists. jcI5cow2ui