Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 30, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 30, i38i. NUMBER The Advertiser and Appeal,! wulmikd Kvr.av katubda* at BRUNSWICK, GA., —DY— **• G* s&*cr* SVUSCEimON KATES: Oao coj»y one year $3 «» One cupy six mouths 1 AdvortlacmenU from ro«iH»uail»le parties will In-. puhiUhwl until ordered out, when the time Is jot apod fled, sad payment oxscU-d Accordingly. Communication* for Individual benefit, or of s personal chsrscter, charged as advertli Green Grocer, AMONG THE PAPERS. J I jsvrsps «i IsierMi io the s'uhiie, t*ur> i |,? ioiMtsiiumourlatkausts. j Tbo value of tlie French fleet in | 1872 was estimated at $48,428,000, | • IF I WAS PRESIDENT.” AND DKALKU IN iMuhicstions for Individual benefit, lal character, charged as advertiser Marriages snd obi tusrjr notices notoxcoodlng tour lines, solietod for pnblicstlon. When e~ cooding thst spscc, charged as advertisements, All letters and conthrouleatlotis should bo *d< dressod to the undcraignod. t. a. mcY, Brunswick, Otiorgis. City Directory. _ Putnam. W. W. Watkins. K]N>arH. 1). T. Dunn, J. F. Harvey. tt. C. Little field, K J. Doerflingcr. Clerk «f TreoAurer—James Houston. ChiefMarshal—D. A. rabiu. Assistant Marshal—J. L. Beach. lUicemen-Vf. II. Italnoy, T. W. Holt. Keeper of Guard House and Clerk of Mark» A. Moore. • J>,rt I'hytician- Q L Schlatter, Jr. M. D. City Ihytician—l, II Pavia, M. D. Iforbnr Master-Q J Hull. JVrf Wardens- Matthew Mhannoti, Tl>os O'Con- uor, Jr, anil A V Putnam. STATtOnfO COMMITTEE* OF COX-UCIL. Finance -Couper, Watklna and DuuQ. Htueeth. Drain* ft Bridge*—Dunn, Watkins and Littlefield. Hextou White Cemetery—€ O Moore. Hoxtun Colorod OmueU ry-Jackie White. Town commons—Ilarrcy, Couper and Rpoar*. Ckmetewer—Spears, Pcorflingof and Couper. llASnon—Littlefield, «iK>«ra and Putnam. Public building*—Watkiua, iKK-rfllugcr and ltAiLiioAUH-Dotrrtinger.llarvej Education—Putnam, Hpcars an Chauitv—Putnam, Littlefield a Kina department -Sjicara.l’atuain at Police- J’utnam, Dunn, and Watkim UNITED HTATEH OFFICER*. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Dt ilid Llttlefluhl t Doerflingcr- Country Produce KKZTS ALK) ON HAND A FULL AND WELL AS- ROUTED SIOCK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., All of which are offered for cash at reasonable I MEAN BUSINESS Storo corner Newcastle snd Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. r Inter::: -Linux N01 SEA POUT LODGE, Xo. Ml. 4. 0. 0. V. mm rent Tuesday night s IV. V If. PIERCE, \ W. W. WATKINS, N O. 1. PIERCE, V. t». JAH. E. LAMURKHIT. 1». ft It. Hoerctary. COURT HE88IONH IN TUE BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. CLINCH—1st Monday In Marc h and September. 0 APPLING—fid Monday in March and September. WAYNE—4 111 Mole lay In March and Septcinlier. PIERO!—1st Vi-nday in April snd October. WARE—‘id Monday tu April andlb lob OOFFEK—Tucstday a October. CAMDEN—Tucs r tth Monday -id Mon a April and In May and JACOB COHEN * 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thanks the public through this medium tor the past, ami asks a continuance of their patronage, as he has opened his SPRING IMPORTATION of goods in all grades, and placed Ms low price* on them, which cause* s rush by everybody that Is within reach. He offers the same chance to all who read this iiap*r to avail tbomselvi-s of *bc same opportu nity. Ills 50c COLORED SILKS AND SATINS Cannot 1« anrpassed. Ills WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, which ho ahum imports, have no equal. His FANCY ARTICLES cannot be enumer- a ted. THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is a success. CASHMERE for Hummer at 75c is worth f 1 35 in Now York, in fact, there Is uot an article la Fancy or Ktsplo Dry Gouda that cannot ba found in hlseatoblishraont. Also, the uowintgoods out, called NUN’S VEILING, for dMoos, Is kept In all grades. All ho asks Is a emit Do not forget his place. 152 BROUGHTON 8TIU5KT, SAVANNAH, • GEORGIA. w’B.MeU&Co., Wholesale snd Retail Dealers in SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF HKINH, HOLE. HARNESS, BRIDIE, AND PATENT LEATH ER, WlllPR ANDSADDLERY WARE. BRIDLES, Etc. If. H. P. THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! HILL’S HEPATIC PANACEA Has attained unprecedented snccona the prevalent dlaorde-r* uf the L*»«ra. justly entitle it to tho preferment It r all other LIVER MEDICINES. It Is now k*q>t by many persons always at hand, and used regularly, and those persons are never subject to the usual symptoms of a disordered Liv er, so prevalent at this season of the year. It will cost yon but 50 CENTS T“ try It, and yon will certaioly lw pleased with the result. For sale by J. At. .MADDEN. novJ3dy Sir. David Clark Only Direct Dost twice per week between SAVANNAH&BRUN8WICK. LEAVES SAVANNAH FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY 1X0 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, RETURNING, LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR 8AVAXNAH. Makes clone connection 4 Brunswick with B. ft A. tall road, and at Hsvannah with Ocean Btcamshli aud from New York, and wltl Care Steamer David Clark C. WILliauu, Agent, aprUlfi-fim Brunswick, on the dock Fire Insurance! NXmDBRWnWH. IOOMPOHED OF TI1E GERMANIA AND HANOVER INSURANCE CO.’8] AND BRITISH AMERICA AWE CO. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. WDWELLINOB at ybry low rates. SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business and Planter’s DIRECTORY. 1881-2. Will Ik: issued on or before October 1st, 1*81. Vol- ... . hipping d ness and profeoaloBal men, churches. Mines, fin:tortes, u aud iu 1880 it bad increased to $91, 320,000. Greensboro Herald; On Sunday last a Mr. Johnson, wbo is traveling lor a houso in Pittsburg, Pa., boarded tbo train nt Madison, having pur chased a ticket to Union Point. Tbo wontbor being excessively hot, Mr. J, conclndod it would bo moro ploasnut to ride in bis shirt sleeves. Tbero be ing ono or two ladies in tbo car, this stylo o{ dress did not suit tbo conduc tor's idoas of etiquette, and bo in formed Mr. J. bo would have to put on bis coat or go in tbo noxt car. Ho refused to do oitbor, whereupon bo was forcibly ejectod from tbo train jast tbo other sido of the river. Last year tboro wero 108 men lynched in Arkansas. B. F. Brimberry, tbo defeated Re publican candidate for Congress in tbo Second District, bos got bis re ward. Ho has boon appointed Hop- nty United States Marshal for the Southern District of Georgia. Tho C'ntbbert Appeal states that bis bead- quarters will bo at Savanuab, and that bo will entor upon tbo duties of bis now position on tho first of Au- gnst. Spunking to Gouornl Swain, Presi dent Garfiold is reportod by a Wash ington correspondent to have said:— u’ U ’m!5 ‘There has been snch an universal receive, o,er expression of good will from overy section of Iho country tbnt I fear wbon I get well tbnt it may bo im possible for me to reciprocate it."— Then, after a pansc, bo ndded: “The Sonthorn people seem to be very ear ost, indeed, in their prayers for uiy recovery. That strengthens me most materially iu my determination to mnke my occupancy of tho 1‘rcsidou tial office a national one, and so broad ns to inclndo every of good standing that the census just taken shows. “ The men of Nebraska will voto next year on n constitutional amendment allowing women to voto, and a sys tematic agitation of tbo woman suf frage question has already boon com menced there. Tbo potato crop of tbo United States will, it is bcliovcd, roach 125, 000,000 bushels this year, valued nt $100,000,000. Cuba may bo a very rich island and all tbnt, producing bountifully nil ag ricultural products, but it is, never theless, a very oxpensivo place to lire in, thanks to the cxcessivo impart du- tics exacted by Spain. Mr. Roose velt, United States Consul nt Mntan- zns, in a report to tbo department of Stuto, tho other day, furnished some figures illnstraliroof prices in tbo Ev er Fnithful Isle: Flour, $40 per bar rel; beef, T5 cents n pound; cutlets, $1 |H>und; butter, $1 GO; ten, $2 GO; bleached sheeting 30 conts per yard. A man may own a dozen sugar plan tations in Cuba, aud yet bo vory poor. Cholera infantum is prevailing in nearly all tbo Western cities. In Chi cago reeontly there wore fifty deaths in one day, twenty-five of which wore children under ono year nt age, vic tims of cholera infantum. Sir. Bu chan, wbo bis beoD studying the death rito of Loudon, and the effect prwlneod on it by tbo temperatnre, shows tbnt the rato of mortality is in- erensod ranch moro by a change of a few degrees in the thermometer than anyone would believe, and that n dif ference of threo degrees was sufficient to increase the number of deaths of children in Loudon 500 n week. direction*, *c., bnai- acbooU, collect*, County “~ Detroit Free Pre*#. “Now, if I was President," began Mr. Battcrby tbo other morning, as be passed bis cup over for u socoud cap of coffeo, "if I was President of tho United States—" " Which yon aren't, you kbow," broko in Mrs. B. in an arguiucutivo and confidential tone. “And not likely to bo,” added Mrs. B.'s mother, with a coutomptnous toss of her hood. 'No," assented Mr. B., pleasantly, “but I was just supposing tbo caso—" “Then supposo something in rea son," retorted Mrs. Buttcrby snap pishly. "Yon might as well suppose you wore tho man ia tbo moon, or tbo XI uu in the Iron Mask, or "So I might, my dear, so I might," ossoutod Mr. B., still pleasantly smil ing, "bat tbnt bos nothing to do with it I was merely going on to say that if I was President of the United States I'd—" “Xly,” burst in Miss Gertrude, aged eighteen, "wouldn't it bo splondid it you wns, pa? Just to think bow tboso Whcodlotop girls would chungo tboir tnuo wbeu I mot them, instead of throwing out their insinuations about pcoplo wbo consider it Christ, ian-liko to turn their last season’s silk dress, so that they mny have more to givo to charity! But tboy might turn greon witli envy Iwforo I would over—” "Yes, aud wouldn’t I warm it to Sammy Dugan, just," chirped iu Xlustor Thomas, 'ngod twelve. ‘Til go up to him an' smack him on tbu nose with a brick 'fore lie kuowod where bo was, nn 1 lie dasicnt bit mo back then 'cos it 'lid be treason, and they'd bang him; aud I'd slide on tbo sidewalk nu’ shy snowballs at p'lecco- mcn, an' snss Miss Ferule, an' play hookey every day when it didn’t min, an’ I’d—” “Yes," chimed iu Mrs. B., catching the infection of her enthusiastic prog eny, "and then I’d be tbo first lady iu tbo land, let tbo second ho who she would, and governors' wives would beg to be introduced to mo, und I'd have balls twice a week, and banquets every day, nnd—" “And I'd linve tbo management of tbo White House, and run things,” remarked XIrs. B.'s mother, her eyes sparkling witb tbo prospect. Not much you wouldn't," from Xliss Gertrude, "not much if I kept my health nnd know myself, yon wouldn't, not ns loug ns I wns the President's daughter and—” “Yah!” ejaculated Muster Turn guess tbo President’s son would bo tho biggost plnm iu that dish Wouldn’t I bo the Prince of Wbulos then—Bay? What 'ml yon know ’bout—" “Shat op, all of you ?" commanded Mrs. B. "I reckon tbu President's wifn is thn highest authority in the land. Auybow, thore'd tie a dusty old tiiuo if any Issly questioned it, and I hot when the exercise was fin ished tbo surgeou would not ask for any doctors! commission to decide it ovor again. My! I'd liku to sou any body—but, by the way, Mr. Bntlerby, wbnt wns it yon wns going to say you would do if yon was President of the United States ?." Resign ns soon as the Lord wimld lot mo," said Mr. DiiUorbv, calmly but determinedly. And then a meditative silouce fell upon tbu family, ami remained there until the mooting arose. HOW TO SMOKE A CIGAR. ! A RltfAl TO THE TOBACCO PIAHT. I The illlawiiifr Hnli#t Unnml. The R«gi*ter. j A $v»rrA»iv»n/f Anf • A nun.! A WftfihingtQR SpCClJlI fco tlic DiiiEi- au agoa smoker who reads It* He- onj plant boon aisooverod by Mr- jmoreffun,dated on Mond»y,ttja; "Tu- W. W Garrard in the district r.f n„, I dar District Attorney Corkhill found Darling River in Western Australia, missing bullet which was fired at which upon examination has been the President, and for which there prove.) to contain the same alkaloid !*“ * Mon 80 mnc * J soare’j. It appears lie Knew Slow II VIm lllm.clr. A I map ot ante, ttpeuxtti ui' - j Savannah, Cieorgia. In*r5 Ijr City Tux Notice. 1,1 .juart. r «*t» <*r In-forr :tl»t Bay of Mantli. 1ml. .. •• •• •• niia •• •• *• 4th ■' ’• N"*-* Rook* for the t<-C‘ l'Goti of r*t»ma »d4 the enUee* lorn Of tbs: Aral quart fifty of »*««*• *rc »otr oy. O, ami a til W rt. «p.l no Hie day of March, DtM, win’ll exrcuMona will b® l-aucl for the entire amount of Uxm» due *-*r M»e year a«{a:»at each and every p**r*on who f*il» In make payment ae above Gfitee h. nr* from 9 a. x. »o I t. * . and from 1 to 5 * * UuUWUN, I'lttk Mid Tsaftaut«f, 1 j SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,JG5.O0 | AddroM ofd»ra to 8MQ&E8 8 €Q- i n\. Broa<l Kireet. AuffiHa, Cx We Neubauer, BRUNSWICK, GA. Root & Shoe Maker. work in mv line, and rnaraatee aatiatactlon both in work and prh en. shop on Mjtnk atre^ nnit door to £TjJW-W,«r«VT. ^ „ clu(jeB . Ax Ennzuiror Si-nam-s.—Tlie N..w York Herald says: "A wave of seems fo he aveepine over the wlmln j country, in nit parts ot me republic | men ami woman are blowing out the little brains they possess, ami cutting their worthless throats in tho most reckless intnnor. The couqionsating circnmstnnco about it is that it rids tbo world of a number of people who if they did not kill themselves would probably kill somebody else, nnd that they make business lively for the un dertakers snd coroners.’' One of the largest mnnnfnclnrors of iron snd Bessemer steel in Penn sylvania is about to transfer his works to Alaliama. Atlanta Pin>B'b;r*ph. The other day AlU-rt Wrcnn and several other Nimro.ts wero standing at Whitehall street crossing with jgnns, prepnrotl to take a limit. After ; looking the crowtl over from bis seat toiler, asks us to sot before our read ers a few plain d smoking, which bo says be learned, in a quarter of a century of practice, and docs not believe tbo public generally are aware of. Tboy are: First—Buy nono but now cigars, tha power tho bottor. Old cigars that are dry and brittle are nvoidod in these countrios and among tboso poo- pic where smoking is socond nature. Socond—Leavo tho ashes on your cigar until tboy fall off. A cigar not only burns strnightci whila tho nsbes remain, but it lasts louger snd lustas bottor. To koop knocking tho ashes oft is a misdomcanor. Third—If your cigar goes out, bo snro to blow through it as soon as possible. Yon will soo somo doad smoko loave it. That would bocomo stale nnd mnko yonr cigar stink if left A cigar that has been cleaned will tasta good when religbtod—oth orwiso yon will stink ap a placo us big ns tho Grand Central Depot if you carry it in your clothes. Fourth—Yon cannot toll whether n cigar is good or bad unless yon light it properly, that is to sny thoroughly. Af tor yon think yon have lit it all around do it again to mnko sure. There ia no perceptible difference betwoen a tene ment houso stinkor and a dollar cigar, if both are badly lighted. Fifth—Don’t smoko too much, and don’t mnnke u good cigar wliilo yon aro w alking onl of doors, or while yon nre driving. All right about General Grunt, but don’t you do it. Sixth—If you think smoking is in jurious to yonr health, stop smoking in tho early morning. Two-thirds of the people of this country have their stomachs out of order, nnd no man ailing in tlmt way can smoko in tho early morning—before or after break fast. I can’t explain it,but the body re volts against tobacco smoko until a fow hours after gottiug up. Thon yon long for a smoko and yon enjoy it. thunght smoking was killing me, nu til I quit it in the morning. The best time to smoko is after dinner aud af ter supper, aud straight ahead until bedtime. Smoking would uot hurt a baby if this ralo was fotlowod. Scvuuth—Never buy a cheap ivgnr. There is no economy iu tho practice. If ^oii can’t afford good cigars, smoke loss nnd onjoy your smoko. I bo- licvo it's all folly about little cigars being best. I always found big ones best, not bocnusc of thoir bigness so much ns they smoko host. Finally, uuver givo anybody u light from your cigar. Carry matches mid pcddlo them; but if a man wants n light from your cigar, tell him that yon would rather elinngo cigars, siuco yours weald bo much harmod, if not ruined, by Uiu crushing ami sucking it would go through. Looking Alter the Little once. "(loin' a-hnntin'?" "Yes, sir " "Kxpcct to kill many birds?" "I hope so." “tiom' to lie nlwiit their number? “Sir!" Fifty young pbysisus, under the dr roctiou of the Now York Gourd of Health, have divided tho tonomeut bouse districts uf that city among themselves, and through tbo heated term tboy will go about ministering to the sick little onoa nnd telling mothers how tu care for thoir childrea. The persistent iguuranco of tho laws of health shown by tho mass of peo ple would seem to justify even excep tional measures. The Now York Timet says: "Experience proves that the reason o! tbo human mother is not always a safe gnido in infant management. Tboro will naturally bo a high rate of iufant mortality so long women give babies of a few months^ lagrt beer to sip, or watermelon, un ripe or hnlf rotten fruit, -candy, meat and vegetables to eat, and impure ik to 111 ink. Tuc you ug p’uy oil inns o am going about among trio ti'ni'- :.*o if:!! .in.1 l|w» and other nqu-t- i \y glaring dietetic errors not nncom- I inon, Indeed such crimes against common scuhc mny bo beard of in wealtliiui quarters. This, in part, ac- I counts for the melancholy fact tbnt of j 13,835 deaths occurring iu Now Ycrk city daring the first six months of tbc as tobacco, and in other respects to resoinblo that plant. It is oallod the vituri, vitchoury, or bidgory. M. A. Petit, of Paris, (bo well-known chem ist, has roocntly examined,a.small spobimon.of tbo plant received from Mir. Gerrard. Ho states that tbero is no doubt that tho alkaloid it con tains is nicotino Tbs loaves, which are of a polo green, aro between two and threo millimetres wide and be tween eight and ten ccntimotros long. Tho nlkaloid they contain Is soluble in alcohol, other and oblorbform, and its tasta is slightly bitter. This vit choury is a stimulating narootic, and is in vory general aso among the Aus tralian aborigines. Tho members of : tbe Mallatba tribo chow tbo leaves, which thoy carry in a small bag sas ponded from their nook precisely in the samo way as tbo Malays carry their betol-uuts. Among tho natives of Qnconslanj tho loaves ore prepared in the same way as tobacco, and not unfrcqncntly used os an adulterant for the moro generally nsod plant.— The leaves of the vitebonry aro gath ered by tbe aborigines in the month of Angnst, and driod in tbo snn. Tboy aro then collected in sacks. Before they are used, thoy are rolled into thi^ shapes of cigars, which, instead of bo- ing smoked, aro chcwod. Tho offoct of this chowing is to send tho chower into a stato of complete stupor. Ta ken in small doses, the loaves of this pluut have a stimulating effect simi lar to intoxicating boverngoe. If ased in moderation, they nppoase hanger, and cnablo tboso who use them to un dertake long jonrnoys without oating much or experiencing lussitudo. In this respect tbo plaut resembles the cocoq of South Ameriaa. Like tobac co, vitchoury belongs to tho family of Sulaname. It grows iu largo quauti ties in tho moro remote districts of Queensland, in Central Australia, be tween tho twenty-third ami twenty- feurtti degrees of latitude, aud attains a height of fifty ccntimotres. that a Gorman glazior who traverses the streets repairing windows, wont into tho depot to get ten dollars changed on Saturday morning. He wqs standing ia tbo room, some forty from -whore tbo-Asiassin stood, and in a southeast direction. Ho had oommonced' to unstrap his box in which ho carried gloss, and had got ono strop off his shodldor wbon ha hoard tho noise of tho pistol, nnd im mediately throe panes of glass in his ■box wore shattered. Ho at onco rushed from tbo depot, thinking it was no placo for safoty. On Satur day last bo was cloauing oat bis box and found tho ball iu bis patty. Ho was narrating tbo fact to his friends wbon ono of tbom told him that was tbo tiara whon tho President wns shot, nnd brought him to tho District Attorney's office, whore he made bis statomont and gave np tho ball. Ho thinks it was tbe first shot that broko tbo glass, bat says tbey'woro so closo together that ho lisd no tipo to get away. His position confirms tbo statement of Souktor Camancbo, tho Vonezuolan Minister, as to tbe exact position of the assassin nt tbe timo of firiug the shot.” “Your Wits Saks lt.» A Kcnllilux Denunciation. Goin’ to lie like bUz. * about the current vt*r, 7,870-conslderably number yon kill?’' imsotlian. one third-wore of chil- "8ir, I am a l" ^ ’j® ,i,u of «*»• Ttrare "On, von are, eh ! Then yon l let I “ ueeJ of wholesome Instrnc- tbc other fellow* do tbe lying and tio “ m tUc datic * of “lollierliood yen’ll swear to it’? I nee -I see t" Vmmg tbo tenement bom* popola- -•.»** I trad, ami au eqaal necessity for pro- Duttou wants water works, vision for (rue proscriptions.'’ An exehaugo says: Judge Jobusun, of California, in passing seuteirae up on a jirtirdercr who was drank whon tho deoil wns committed, gnvo his opiuioa of dram-selliug in the follow ing vigorous Inugnngo - " Nor shall Iho pluce be forgotten iu which occurred this shedding of blood. It wus iu ono of tbo tliuUSiflp) nnte-clranibors of ball, which mar, like plague spots, the fair face of our State. Yon need not be told that I mean tippling shop, the mooting placo of Satan’s minions, and cess-pool, which by spontaneous generation,, breeds and nurtures nil tlmt is loathsome nnd disgnsttug in profanity and babbling, anil vulgarity nnd Sabbath breaking. I wouldn’t be the owner of a grog- gcry (or the price of this globe con verted in pinions ore. For tbe piti ful sum of ^P>nu ho furnished that poison wliigb made tbe docoasod a fool, and this frenibliug culprit a do- How pultfy the priio of two Unman lives 1 This traffic is tolerated by law, and the vendorbns committed an offcnco not cognizable by oarthly tribunals. But iu the sight of God, he who dclilmrstely furnishes the draught which inflames men to crime und bloodshed ia )tartieept crt'minii in tlra tiirpitndoiof tlm deed. Is it not high tinio lira sinks of vies am) crime should be rigidly accountable to the law of the laud, nnd placed under tbe ban of nn enlightened aud virtuous public opinion ?’’ It is related that in tho oarly days of her wadded lifo, Queen Victoria had one of tboso squabbles witb her husband, of the sort which will como about sometimes oven botwcon tho most loving co'nplesi Chagrined and voxod, the Brisco retired to his room and locked the door. The Quoontook tho matter quietly for nwbilto, bnt af ter tho lapso of an hour sho wont to his room and rapped. '• Albert," sbe said "come out." “No, I will not,” nusworod Iho Prince from within. " Como, go awny and loavo me alone," , Tho royal tompor waxed hot at this. "Sir,” sho cried, "como oat at -onco. 4Tho Queen, whoso snbjoct you are, commands you.” Ho obeyed immediately. Gntoring tbe room sho dosignod, 11b sat down in eilenco. For a long, timo nothing was said. Tbe Queen was tbo first to break tho silouco. . “Albert," she said "speak to mo." “ Docs tbo Queen command It ?”— ho askod. " No,” she answered, thdkwiug her arms about hjy'ucck, “your wifo begs it” A Iloromollvm Have nrifia a Reptile. MccUanloatowu olarltm. A^i tlra Shenandoah Valley fust ex press ontered tbo mile cut, immedi ately north of our town, on Tuesday last, tbc onginoor was borror-tlrickon to seo what he eupposod to he tho end of tbo rail jast ahead of bis rtubiog locomotive sliding rapidly away from him. His first thought was a broken roileaagbtby the pilot, and ho ex pected an iustantanouaa shock. Won derment tfsnrpod tbo placo of fear when a second glance revealed a five- foot black snake of tho species known as "runner” gliding away from him on tho top of tbs rail. In tho oxdto- went of the moment his hand sought tbo throttle, bo throw it wido open, nnd Uio train bounded forward Ondcr tbo impulse, bat tbo snake maintained ito load although tbe troiu was run ning fully fifty miles par bour, and wbon tbo end of the cat was reached and an opportunity was sfforded to oarnpc, it left the roil, nn out into an open-space, coiled itseH up, throw its hood iu an attitude of defisuoe and diod right there. An examination proved that tbs intense heat of the America f« the etnille of liberfy. emi | f a j[ burned him to death. ko we rocket <m tlra Fourth. j »»• » Yonng lover asks: " When li the j Ec. , tu Uni|enintl in • tmn'niv tlisctuRM. From tficso rmle pnetitiou- ’bribe rt»* best time to IroVel!’’ When you seo ^.‘^w^'in* borrowed tbo old man anil his bulldog coming ident English and Dutch pby* around the comer, sir, .rove, for dl j yon are worth. I cra | nK , Conbfnod with Juniper and other deeirabfo If yon want to get tho repatation of knowing a lump, do ns Professor Proc tor dm s. He Rueones what happened three or foil* million years ago, and prediate wlint is to happen fifteen million years lienee. It is wily s few years since lio commenced, and now be cod get credit nt an any grocery. preparation of liankiii s Extract of Dacha sad J a mast roliahlo remedy for for non-reten tion or iucenlincDceof nrfMjlri^ation, “orbrrakflartdaporib mOijtogw* and *11 dfeesoce of the. Madder or Kid neys, and dTWfiJjMawwdHAirto mau.or cblM. tHMW»o bpij vj Kafikfn * Lamar, Atlanta, Oa., and sohl by til druggist*, jol*cos2nj