Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 20, 1881, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK AITIITI8II AND APPEAL VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, ,1881. NUMBER 7. The Advertiser and Appeal. RKB1 SATUUDAY At IHlUNSWiCK, GAm r, sr&er 8U15SOBIPTION BATES: One copy ono yew $2 M ouccupyaix mouth* 1 W A'!vertIso.ocnts from ronpoaslbla p*rtJi*s will l»o piibll«ho<t until ordered out, when thetliuo i* jot specified, and payment exacted accordingly. (Vumiunications for iudtrldual benefit, or of a |m raoual cliararter, charged m advertisement*. Marriagoa aud obituary notlue* not exceeding lour linea. aolicted for publication. When ex* c eding that apace, rhargod aa adrertiaotueBta. Ml letters and comranuicattoua ahould bo ad* Jrtttaed to the undoraigned. ' T. «. STACV« lirunaw ick, Ovorgia. City Directory. Mityol - .... .l/./rrmm- A. T. Putnam, W. W. Watkins, J. J H|x>nr», D T. pilBD. J. \\ JJarvey, 8. C. Little livid, V. J. Doer III tiger. Clerk <* Treasurer— James Hoitatou. Chi‘JMarthat—il. A. fahni. Avistant Marshal—J. L. Beach. lUieemen—W. II. Ilaincy. T. W. Dolt. Keeper of Guard I bust and Clerk of Market—1). A. Moore. /W Physician—C L Schlatter, Jr. M. D. tVly/tjincwii-L li Davis, M. i). Harbor Master—O J Ilall. /Vt M’ardwi—Matthew Hhatiuoti. Tlioa O’Con* uor. Jr, and A VYutuahi. jttasdino cotamuo or cotncib. Finance—Conper, Watkina aiid Bunn. Mtnr.KTM, l)u.vixa k Reiihie*— Duuu, Watkins and Litlleficlil. Hex ion White Cemetery—O Q Moore. Sexton Colored Cemetery—Jackie White. Tttw* oomtosa—llanrey, Conper and Hpaar*. crMimua—M pears, Beorflingcr aud Conper. IfABDon—Littlefield. %*r* and Pntuaiu. Pt'DUC BtTLDiNo*—Watkina. Boerfllnger and .liar wy. ' Ba.LmMjw-lKHttr.iitger.Uarvey afed UiUr Education—Putnam, Hpoara and Dunn. tiit.\*rnf—Putnam, Littlefield ana Boerfllnger Pirk iiKrABTMntT—H)*eara.rutuani and Harvey Pi>*R Putnam, Bunn, aud Watkins. . UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collnetor ofCnatorija—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Duuu. CollectJr Internal ltcvcnue—B. T. Bunn. Deputy Marshal—O. J. Ilall. Poetmaator—Liuua North. Coiniiiiaaloner—C. 11. Dexter. Shipping Coniinlaaloucr—G. J. Hall, Green Grocer, AMD DEALER IN Country Produce KEEPS ALSO ON HAND A FULL AND WILL AS SORTED stock or GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., All of which are offered for ca*h at reasonable price*. I MEAN BUSINESS! Store corner Newcastle and Monk Strata. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. II. H. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! IIIIL’S «ic rim Haa attained unprecedented sn cross in relieving ic prevalent disorder* of the Liver. Ita merit* Jnatly, cuRtlo it to tha preferment II receives over LIVER MEDICINES. la now kept by many persona always at hand, u**d rt guDrly ,<nd tht** persona are never i*et to the usual sympUtnt* of a diaorh-red Uv- •» prevalent at tliis a<-%«on of the ysar. It will you but 50 CENTS > try il, and you will cartalt the ruault. For aala by J. 31. APPLING—3d Monday In March and September. WAYNE—4th Holiday in March aud September. TIEUCE—!«t Monday in April ami October. WARE—W Monday iu April and Ortolier. OOFFEK—Tuesday after lih Monday In April and October. CAMDEN—Tuesday after Cd Monday in May aud Novmili JACOB OOHEN 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thanks the public through this medium for the past, and aaka a continuance of their patruusira. aa be has opened hi* SPRING JMJM STATION of good* iu all gradca, and placed his low prices on them, which causes a rash by oven body tint la within reach. Ha offers the same chance to all whe read ibis itapor to stall thcroaclna of 'be aamo ojiportu* nlty. Ills 50c COLORED SILKS AND SATINS innMsaey llllEH, a FANCY piaL Ilia FANCY ARTICLES cannot b* eiiumer* THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT i Fancy or Htapin Dry Goods tint canm.t l*e hisestobllabmeiil. Also, the nawaatgood* i*l NUN’H VEILING, lor dress**, la kept In «. All he asks is ap ail. Do not forget hla ir.2 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. f.uvir Harnett House, (FORMERLY PLASTER* HOTEL), M. L HARNETT & CO., FIKOPUIKTOKK, KATES, - - *2.00 FEU DAY. lid* favorite lamlly Hotel, under iu new manage- I,,, tit. I* re.oii.iiiciide.1 for the iXceilenco of Ms CULHINK. horn.-Ilk* comforts. PROMPT ATTEN. TION AND MODERATE RATES. aprtltblj City Tux Notice. Sir! David Clark Only Direct Boat twice per week between SAVANNAHS BRUNS WICK. LEAVES HWASSAU FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETURNING. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday I Friday evening fOR SAVANNAH. otinectlon at Brunswick with R. k A. Railroad, and at Savannah with Ocean Hteaniabl, Cn.'s a tea Philadelphia, llaltlnioi "’relghta at lowrat rat Care Hlearner fwvid aprillft-Sm Make* cl ah with Ocean Hteamablp from New York, and with and Uostnu steamer*.— Freights at lowrat rates. Mark all through fr«!»ht • Id Clark." C. WILLIAMS, Agent. llruuswlck, on Uie dork Fire Insurance! H.CMBMBMMf. (COMPOSED or THE GERMANIA AND HANOVEU INSURANCE CO.’H( AND IIRITISI! liUGIUCA ASSIfft’B GO. T. O’CONNOR, Jr. rfDWKLLINOS AT VRBY LOW RATE*. f. b SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer llusIncKs nntl Planter’s D I KECTORY. 1881*2. Will be Isauad on or brfor* October 1st. 1MI. Vul> itme I of ibis work (1 *7*4*1 contained 034 page* bre vier. Volume II will contain fully 1000 pages.— Sketches of every ep.y. town and vlllaga, population, wealth, indnatrle*. •hipping directions, Ac., busi ness aud nrofesalotial men, school*, colleges, church**. Mines, factories, wills. County Stats and UntU-d hu m Ofllcers, Planters and Farmers.— i Voinmn 1 contained ovar 20,000 names of plant- ers with po*t office.) Nealy roiaad map of MaU, aud every llaiu of importance to k COMPLETE SiZETTEEH OF 6ECBSII. ^ T JBSC , PIP T7r,? v PRICE *6.< *0 3d ** " Uh Books for the r 9Hh Arp* Nov aud th. •»£1.1’.mfi'l yrpest. NMQAJSS 4 CQu open, and Will b* dt^icd on the 31st day ««f March, liwt, when execution* will l>e issued for th* entire amount of taxes due for the year against each and ••very person who fails tn make payment aa abort rC Othcr. hours from 9 a. M. to 1 r. m . and from 1 to Sr. w. JAMES HOUSTON, Clerk and Treasurer. /, €&or.*rr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RBVNSWICK. GKOnniA. ' Apvgu7|a|.U A* cx U. buUdlti! We Neubauer, BRUNSWICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. ... .j do any and ail kinds of >*. and guarantee satisfaction both tn work and price*. Mnig on Monk street oast door to A. T. Futnaju'i arixery, matlMf Wlf NE 'BAULL. The Cendiictor’s Story. {IK wn»n,B, mnwnii. um I think it is Emeraou whu miva: — "When 70a pay jour ticket apd got into the car yon hare no gnes8 what good company yon ahull find thero.— Yon bay much that ii not rendered in tho bill.” I havo found this cmi- uoHtly true on eorcral occasions, par ticularly when my life-long friend boars mo company. ltuth is tho most unconventional of women. Sho travels, as she does ov erytbiug else, with whole-souled ear nestness, and flnda bread where most peoplo could gather only etones.— Thus, recently, being in tho rear car of tho long train, aim preferred stand ing upon the ptatform and drinking in at ono draught that niagniflcont valley through which wo seemed fly ing than by tantalizing sips, as ono bus to do from behind a narrow car window. I followed her. f always do. And, holding on to tbo narrow railing, we felt somewhat like two lost comcta whirling through space. Soon the door behind aa bangod, and a gentle man in the midsummer of life, with a fnco ns clnssicnlly bcnntifnl ns Edwin Booth's, and a waist of Fnlstaflinu di mensions, joined as. Ho beamed on ns almost literally. From tbe dimplo in bis fair, soft cbin to the ring of brown, silky bair which lny upon his broad, smooth forehead, the expres sion scintillatod with intelligent good nature. Withal, thero was such a retrospective background to tho sun ny brightness that, after a few com uionplnces, Bath, tho daring, honest, impudent creature, said, looking up meanwhile into bis fnco with a smile so honest and kindly that hu would liavc been a Berserker not to have re fleeted it: “Sir, permit me to remark that yon aro a physical incongruity.” "Not so bad as that, madam, I hope. I aiu merely a conductor, us by this time yon bavo discovered, and n pret ty well balanced ono, independent of avoirdupois.” “But yonr thoughtful fuce, sir, is what perplexes mo. It should belong to a body but one-third tbe weight of yours,” suggested Ruth, the wise dis ciple of Lavntcr. ‘My face is all right,” he replied, Stroking his cheeks and chin with an air 0/ marvelous self-complacency,— "It stopped growing ten years ago, but it is here,” touching tho regiou of hia diaphragm with tho tip of his fore finger, “that contentment and my good Inck show themselves. Once I was aa thin as Peter Saheinmci's shad ow, aud”—he paused, looking into Ruth's clear, Qrny ayes os if he would sound her soul's depths—“I am strongly tempted to tell you my bit ot a roiuauce, for thore is • long stretch ahoad, and you look like one to enjoy a touch ot unturc. Isu't it so ?” The conductor had struck the very key-note ot our needs. Wo worn pin ing for a veriluLIc California story, told iu an unconventional way. To Ihi told uuder such peculiar circum stances, too, would bo an added spice, and thus besought him to immediate' ly yield to temptation. I am an old stnger," bo said. “As fur back as tho spring ot 1850, with a blanket strapped upon my hack, fifty cents iu lny pnuts pocket, and the big gest stock of hope and tiniiaed energy that ever made a lad’s heart an light as a balloon, I tramped along here in my search for the ‘gold digginga.’ My ambition was higher than llmao batten yonder by thousands of feet, and the top was to l>e capped by ootid gold,” pointing aa lie sjaike to tbe three sin gular aud isolated peaks we were jnat then passing, known as the Marysville Battcs, whose volcanic heighths look ed as iunccessihlo to ns fit their peaks seemed brown and barren. 'It appears to me," said Until, measuring the most precipitous sides of those lofty and mysterious bills, “that when a mac aspires to toncii tbe sky be would want a h gher guer don than mere gold —not, however, that I bold tho metal iu contempt.” “I bad, madam, nod that was tho whole matter. I was desperately in love—that was a solemn fact, ex pressed in as few words as |ssisible— and I believe that she loved me, but the top of Mt. Shasta was uot more unattainable to me than Jennie. Her father, an old Philadelphia drnggiat, bad money, and I had none. He was as proud as Lucifer, aud as ambitions for his daughter ns lie was promt. I xeii that I could more a mountain' if I could find a mountain to more, no Jennie and I said good-bye one after noon nnder an old oak iu Fairmonnt Park, and in tho very depths of my heart I believed she would be trao to mo. It was not a sovero seven days' ride iu a palace onr from Now York to San Francisco in thoso days, and the tail, slender, hungry, penniless lad who tramped along hero twenty-nino years ago, seeking his fortune like an other Hick Whittington, was a weary and bome-sick ono ns well.” "By ‘here,’ which you havo twice nsed, do you mean this veritable Val ley of tbe Sacramento ?" said Buth. Tbe vory same. My objootivo point was a placo now famous in the annals of that period, called 'Bidwell's Bar,’ on account of a rich bar in tho Feather Bivcr, foil of golden sand, which was discovered by General Bid well. Tho placo was many miles from me; tho country was thinly settled; I did not know a soul (for even tramps were scarce iu thoso cnrly days) nod so my courngo and my legs gavo out together. Pulling off my hoots about llvo o'clock ono sultry afternoon, I bared my blistered feet to tho cool ovoniug breeze, aud, creeping into a clump of young manzniiitaa, fell asleep, hoping that I would never awake again this aide of tho stars. I did, however, conscious that my toes wero being licked iu a gentle fashion, and discovered that it was being ilouo by a brown setter dog, about as linu- gry-lookiug ami generally dilapidated as I was myself. Whoro ho came from I never knew, but, looking into bis half-bnman eyes, wo speedily entered into n sort ot 1 v]nnJ> compact to trudge on together. I found that th-) poor fellow (I conl l call him n brute) had a sore knee, inflamed and bleeding. I tore a strip off from my Inst handkerchief to biud it up, and, in place of tho Good Samaritan’s oil nnd wine, gavo him my last scap of cold bacon. It is strange, but, forlorn as I tvns iu those days, I recall tbciu will: u tender pleasure almost uuuccountublv. If 1 had been raised a Brahmin I would have believed that some immortal spirit of unfailing cheerfulness and nneuding resources was imprisoned iu that dog's body. Did yon ever road tbe fairy legend of tho 'White Cat,’ who, after she bad persnadod tho young Prince, her lover, to cut off her head nnd tail nnd throw them iu tho fire, suddenly stood before him a wa ns fair ns Aurora. Fritz, for that was the nnma by which I called the dog, looked nt mo with Jennie's brown eyes, half roguish, linlf thoughtful, amt together we resumed our journey. Nor Would I liuvo fol lowed in tho wake of the j-onng Prince, ovon had I known tho result would bnvn been similar, fur Fritz, the dog, was in valuable just ns he »ns. All lunusomouohs was gone uow that be rarely left my side, slid, nltliougli our shadows had grown less by Hie tirno we reuebed the 'liar,' our imma terial onlitins were iu prime order fur everything in tho shape of adventure. Have never seen any geltl dug? Then I'll not at this late day spoil your first impressions of a miner's camp by de scribing mine as I approached Bid- well's Bar. I may say, though, that one might have supposed an earth quake or tornado bail been there, tearing up tho hundreds of thousands of cubic feet that had lieeii moved aud removed by mortal hands in their frantic aud persistent search for gold. “Tho 'bur' ansa world in miniature. Almost every naliounhty was there represented, and almost every feature of human kind but humanity. Armed with a pick, pan ami shovel, I, like hundreds of others, ls-gan to dig and burrow nnd wnsli dirt llut my la bor and ita results would not balance, for somehow mv little leather bag of lost out no hi'uvfex. toil as I i won! I. \Vog:-s t’cm - g**od, I stepped ! digging and 'ored myself ns a camp-j scullion- I did every kind of jobbing within tlu- range of a miner’s wants. Washing dirty flannel shirts and cot ton overalls, patching leather trousers nnd cooking flapjacks is not the most dignified and tlower-atrewu path to fortune, you mnst know; and to a boy whose ideas of chivalry, indcja'D- donco nnd deeds of knightly valor wero purely and intensely Ttyronir, such a fate, you must acknowledge, was a sort of |*m tie injustice My aim, though, was to earn enough money with which to buy a certain claim of which I knew, osd that I bad, in advance, labeled 'Bonanza.' “ I might hare succeeded, but I was prostrated by a malarial fever, and for dayB and weeks lay unconscious at the tender mercies of s few tough Welsh miners with human hearts.— My little board of money and my en ergy melted away together like spring snow. But for Fritz I'd hare died of disappointment alone. Ho had adept- ox! the 'Novor say dio' motto, and as I often road in bis glorious eyes tha bo.u- tonco ‘Yon great coward I At him again!' as a tender and appreciative sympathy which tho gift of speech could not havo made more assuring. My nursos had pitched me a tout on tbo south sido of a low hill, and bad left me to get well at my own leisure. My 'bottom dollar' bad dwindled to tho value of a dime, my legs to the thickness ol n pair of tongs (for nil appetite was gono), nnd ono ovoning hope failed me. Believing I was go ing to dio, I resolved to do tho fair thing by Jounic, appriso her of tbe evont aud advise her to forget me. By tha flickering light of a bit of tallow candlo I began tbo letter,tho first I had written fur months. I tbongbt nlond aud wrote. Fritz lay besido me, his noso wedged between bis paws, but I knew by tbo twitch ol his cars that ho understood evory word I was writing. I bad reached tho climax of re nunciation and wretchedness—or, rather, my expression of it—when ho suddenly ruse nnd wcut out I noon beur.l him pnuiug aud scratching nnd tearing tho earth about six feet from me, ns though bo wero under contract to dig n tunnel to Chinn beforo day- ;bt. Thinking ho hail futind tha that I knew meant certain success if azure above them aa with » wedge of tbo rein held out. It did, and five j burnished silver. It was starlight years afterward I bad a bank aeeonnti wnen we rmeiuwt th* «nxl of fair mr. burrow of n wolf or fox, I called him off, but lie was ns deaf as n rock to my voice. .Seizing tho candle I har ried to tiie spot, around which lny a hul* bushel of gravel which bo lmd loosened, when my eye caught the gleam of a dull, roil streak that reined n piece of ijnnrlz nbout tho eizo of an egg lyingl among tho fresh earth.— Would yon boliove it ? That streak wna worth J50, for it was virgin gold. Nor wna it tbo only one upon that bill side. Fritz bad fonnd a lode (thanks to tbo gopher), and I thereby bad found a fortnne. Aa soon os possible I bad tbe gold of that precious stone wronght into a wring of ray own de signing—all of it, ut least, bat tbo contents of one blunt corner, wbicb, in its native roughness, I bad mounted as a brooch. Sending these to Jen nie, I—” "An act of groat goncrosity, air, I think,” interrupted Bulb with a laugh ing glint in her eye. “ Ono would have thought you'd preserved such a piece of rare good fortune us a memo rial aud stouc." ‘ Yon antieipiitu me, madam. It was as a iiiomoriid Hint I scut my first hit of trensure, but I expected to get il hack again within two years, and the girl with it.” "And did you?” “No; nor even received a lino of ac knowledgment that my offer bad been accepted. Nothing finds gold quick or than gold, when a man has once got n fair share of it, nnd in two years I had, in various ways, secured $20,000. Investing it, ns I thought safely, I re turned to 1‘hihidolphia in all the pride of a conquering hero. Jty story ought to end liera—to wind up with tbe chime of wedding bells and a 'beauti ful Rachel' ns ray reward for faithful serving; bnl I hail scarcely arrived wliou I heard, incidentally, thnt Jen nie had gono with her father to Eu rope, uor left no sign that she over re membered me.” “ Yon certainly did uot let that fact dninpeu the ardor ot yonr pursuit?" queried Untli; "yon followed her of conrsc.” I did no such thing, madam. I returned to Han Francisco and plunged :r.‘. :• the excitement of go!.! hunting with r. rcrkleseness tiiatn wo- • iim cannot understand. Bix months dter nnd I lost every dollar, but by that I bad learned that experience is worth nothing as solid capital until it haa been dearly bongbt I whistled my rhyme: iu tbu sensitive can of my faithful Fritz, hugged his brown head close to my abonlder—don't langh, that dog was my friend—rolled np my sleeves which ran largely into tho thousands. I invested ii is land. By that iimo I wu a bachelor of thirty. Hardkuocks aud my one big disappointment bad shaken all the romance out of mo, and whan I again wont East it was on bosjaeM connected with tho construc tion of this railroad.” “And yon have quite outlived your boyish fancy, as heart began to lose ita youth ?’’ said Ruth, with tho loaat bit of cynicism in her toao. 11 1 think Frits knew, said the _ con ductor quietly. “I bad' beeoin'e al most misanthrope for his sake. If I left him to go into society—each as wo bad—for a few hours, ho citbor whined liko a sick child or kopt np such an increasing barking and bay ing tlmt to save him being shot as a nuisauoo, I wont to no plooo where it was impossible for him to accompany mo. The old fallow went with me oven to New York, and on the jour ney I often caught myself cogitating howjho—born in a wilderness of wild mustard, and aa fond ot a camp-life aa an Indian—wonid taka to the con straint of an old city. Well, I bad not been in Now York a weok before there was strong tugging at my heart to ran down to Philadelphia. Not that it was homo for me, for my par ents bad died before I first left it. I called the desire "the charm of asso ciation,’' and it ted mo. “There as I went down Arch street, my poor dog'lost hia wits ann tho so ber dignity of his maturity. Hu hod a remarkably fine scent. , I always knew that, bat no sooner bad wo turned into that particular atreot than with noso close to thu ground nnd rigid tail, bo ran zig-zag to and fro, as though lio was on tho trail of an er ratic fox. I called him, but lie gave no heed. People got out of his way. The gamlna shouted, and, with a wild shrill bnrk, he suddenly bounded in to the door-way of a largo dry-goods store. I bounded after him iu time to see him rush up to a lady in black, who wna examining sumo glares, and dnncod around her with sigus of the most extravagant joy. There are tones that livo without tbe aid of pho tographs. “Roy! Boy I Dear old Roy!" wna nil ahe said, but I’d have sworn tbe voice was Jounlu's if I had heard it on tho summit of Mount Blanc. A white huml was laid upon tho hood and iny ring was on tbe band.” Ho paused. " Yours ? air, I liopo you did not claim it,” said tho practical collocutor. I did, and thu hand which wore it, jnat as I originally intendod.’’ Nor did Alexander, in hia hours of con quest, over siiiilu a luoro acrone ap proval of himself than our conductor nt this stage of thu story. " But tbo conduct of Fritz, nnd the lady's silunco, and nil thu quoor con comitants which ozista only in fiction —how do yon reconcile them with an ow’r trno tnlo?" said Buth, tbo troth loving. " Fritz wns Itoy, lira Boy who bail often boon caressed by Jonniu before Ida young master, Jennie's cuasin, got tho gold fovor when I did and camo to California never to ri turn. Jennie had written, but her totters had never ronchad me. Him thought me dead. Why the dog came to me when his master died is one among tho riddlee of my life, which I will disentangle in the hereafter.” "And to-day whore ia site ?" She stood waiting for tbe answer. men in tho .States. We have a boy ten yean old whoso name is Fritz, and nil the dearer for tbe sake of tbe old friend who has gone whore I hope one day tn meet (lie human of him. I wish you oonld atop off a bit and see my wife, (jncer ion't it, that I should liivtf inlrrulnrswl Ihi* LI* *•# history upon you? Bat tile truth it coming I rii iie wiiii yon ngsin, ladies.' A brnkeman beckoned him inside,- end wo bail seen tbe last of onr hand some conductor. Tbo evening shadows hail begun to lengthen The setting ann lmd tnrnnl the vast plain of the Hnrraraento valley into a field of the doth of gold,” and tbo distant peaks of the Hieraa, clad in eternal snows, but now rosc-lintod ride and registered for tho idwht "The coadasioi« story was * pleas ant tittle episode, Both, wasn't it f Do you believe it all happened ?” I asked aa I leaned from my pillow to bar's to leave a good-night kin on hor round cheek. I like Frits," was tbe sleepy an swer. “There's an instinct about some dogs that the half of mankind cau noitber appreciate uor maintain. I trust a man whom a good dog loves.” InnsraiwisL Au amusing story is told of a little fellow uomod Artie, one of three brothers, wboao parents had brought thorn up to be bravo and self-reliant. Ho couldn't do much, bat wbat bo conld do bo did with all his might. And as their parents wero Metho dists of tbo good old-faahioncd kind, tbo boys wore in tho babit of boaring —at each times—the hearty “Amon” break forth from their futhor’s lip* wbon tbo sermon was particularly en joyable. Ono cold Sabbnlh day thoso chil dren wero left at homo with many cantiona to bo carofn). Hardly bad tho parents loft ere tho wood-work near the stave was dis covered to be on firo and out of tho children’s reaeh, but with wonderful activity and energy tho oldest climbed apon tbe table and put out tbo flames. Wbon tho father and mother re turned, they shuddered to see tho danger to which their door ones had been expoied, and, with thankful hearts, praised them for their ooar- age. " How did yon manage, Tommy, to roach tho tiro ?" asked their father. “ Why,” said Tommy, “I pushed the tablo np to the wall and got upon that” “And did you help brother Jim my?" to the next “ Yes, sir, I brought him a pail of wator and banded him tho dippor." “And what did yon do ?” said tho proud father to hia pet, the youngest of the group. " Well, papa,” said Artie, “you sou I was too small to help pot out tbe fire, to I just stood by aud hollered Amen.' — Youth't Companion. Wlieo a eat is in market, ahe ehonld bo sold at so much purr pound. Approaching a crisis—walking to ward a restless girl baby. Fonnd in a fit—the man with a uow suit of clothes. x ‘On onr much near 8*eram«ito, [We ased it with my satisfactory r» and I believn ono ut tho hsppiuat wo- units tba past summer with my own child. Dan: Rankin’* oompoood Flatd Extract of Boctra and Juniper is the moat pleat- ant amt atbotiva remedy far all diseases of tha bladder or kidneys Uwt baa been offered to tbo pablio. Mild and plait- ant in ita action, it stimnlatsa and Invig orates tlie Mentions, and given health and tone to the prostrate or diseased or gana. Pain in the bladder, gravel, proa-- tratiun, non-ratenion of tlio urine, brick dust depuait—in fact all diseases ol tha bladder or kidneys are enred by It. Prepared only by Hunt, Itankin A La mar. drnggiat, Atlanta, Go., and tor aalo by all druggists. Antioch, Tuoop Co., Go., July 4, 7U. Ism one ot tbe unfortunate sufferers from gravel or disease ot the kidneys, and find more and spomtior relief front Rankin's Bnobn and Juniper than any thing I hare error tried. I esteem it so highly wero there bat one bottle in the world I wonid willingly gin *100, or any amount, for it I recommend it above nil simitar preparations. anglS-Sm-co* E. T. Win. Ailaxts, Oa., Nov. 7,187V. Dn. C. J. Momtrr—Dear Sir—l mm- not loo strongly reoommond your Toctli- Inn (Teething Powders) to mothers nu - one ot tbo M medicinct they am aiOdn far their Militated and itcliy iu/tmU. I —j i —j ——— - — — — and again went to work with a vigor nnd glowing, seemed to dearo tho amt while wa have heretofore Inst a child or two from teething nnder other reme dies, our present child that has taken Tecthina is a fine, healthy boy. Its merit is certain to make it a standard family medicine for tbis country for tbo irritations of teething and bowel disor der* of children ot all ages. I am, very reepeetfnfly, H- P. lhwwv, M. P. (Brother Senator Joseph E. Brown.), p'-wlftCil , f'A 1 tri il Nenrotie with good effect for nervousness, wakefulness and dyspepsia, anil cordially recommend It to mil who suffer from those troubles. Yours respectfully, la F. Houma. cramp Headache. Jackson Co.. Oa., Jon. IS, 188a My wife hoe wflkradgrattiy foresaw with enunp tn the towor llmba, which latterly bed extended np tha boSj._8ba need a little of yonr Neurotic, which cr£x&s%ri£sc given canal satisfaction when used for Headache. We think it tha grrtuet rem edy for thin in the world. Your* Inly, W, & Wurbuad.