Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, September 03, 1881, Image 1

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till ipriM VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1881. NUMBER 9. The Advertiser and Appeal, I*UBU*H4i> EVEltY HATURDAT AT BRUNSWICK, GA., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: O110 ropy otio year $2 M Ouo copy nix months * , A4wtlwra«tt from rospouaiblo parties will lx) piililialiotl VYitil ordered out, when thetime lr Jot specified, ami payment exaettnt accordingly. Vi'icumnicationm for Individual benefit, or of a pcpsumJ cjtatacter, charged aa advertisements. Mlaartages aud obituary notice* not exceeding t'*nrlinem, aollcted for publication. When ex- th'.t apace, charged as advertisements. A1 lift tv ra and coramtmlcatiom. should bo ad- to thounderslgnod. T. O. STACY, Brunrvich, Georgia. City Directory. CITY OFFICKB8. Mayor- J. F. Nulaon. Aldermen- A. T. Putnam, W. W. Watkins, J. J Spears, 1) T. Dunn, J. P. Harvey, 8. C. Little hold, F. J. Hocrfiliigcr. Clerk if- Treasurer—James Houston. Chi'/ Marshal—U. A. Fahm. AssUletnt Marshal---^. L. lie sell. I'olictmen—W. II. lUiuey, T. W. Itolt. Keeper 1/ Guard Uaut usd Clerk of Market—D. A. Moore, /M L 8rliUtt«r, Jr, M. D. City Physician —L li Davis, M. D. Harbor MaAer—Q J Hall. JVrt Wardens-Matthew Slinuuim.^UdJO'Cdn nor. Jt. and A V Putnam. STAMD1EO COWMITTOW GY COUNCIL. Viwanc*— Couper, Watkins find Dunn. Streets, Drains k Bridges—Dunn, Watkins and Littlefield. iH-xtou Wi.rUrOvweiery-C « Sexton Colored Cemotory—Jackie While. Towe ctvwwonh—fHttVty, 3ouper and Spear*. OKUKCKMtB*—!Spesm, Duorflinger and Coupcr. JtUKBOB—littleduld, Spears and Putnam. IhhJiac BunsJisoH—Watklna, Doerfllnger and Murrey. .‘lUiLBOEbe—Doerfllngi r,Harvey ami Litticllelil EinxJmoR—Pulnsui, Spears and Dunn. 'CMAWTTr-Putnani, Littlefield ana Doerfllnger- ; tV.ix department—Spears,1‘utuam and Harvey Police Putnam. Dunn, aud Watkius. UNITED STATES OFFICE!tH. • Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Dunn. • Oolleetor Iuternal Uevenuo-D. T. Duuu. Deputy Msrsiial—«. J. Hall. Postmaster—Linus North. Commissioner—C. H. Dexter. Shipping Commlsaioacr—O. J. Hall. JosILaiiriglit Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN SEAPORT LODGE, No. OS. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night a. W. W. WATKINS, N G. II. PIERCE. V. G. JAS. E. LAMimiUlIT, P. k II. Secretary. COURT SESSIONS IN THE RltUNSWlCK CIRCUIT. CLINCH-1st Monday in March and September. APPLING—Oil Monday in March and September. WAYNE—4til Monday in March and September. PIERCE-1st Monday in April and October, lay in April a WAKE—2d Mondi CO I “ Oetoli April a CAMDEN—Tuesday after 2d Monday in May a CHARLTON—hd Monday ii Country Produce KEEPS ALSO ON HAND A FULL AND WELL AH. 80111 LU S20CK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS. • FRUITS, Etc., I MEAN BUSINESS! Storo corner Newcas tie and Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA If. 13. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine DILL’S HIMTH! PJN.M1 The New Girl. nnprecedon disorders of Justly uutltlo it to the pre re valent disc out other LIVElt MEDICINES. Is now kept by many persons r.lways at umoiI regularly, and those persona are tiered Llv- 11 of the year. It will 50 CENTS il you will certainly bo ploatod with ' * 'DUN. To try it, to result. ovRHy For solo by J. .11. .UADDlCN. JACOB COHEN 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thanks tho public through tl 1 medium for tin ic'd of their patronage, KTATIO " hil» niMUMd hi. Sl’HIlto I MI-OUT AVION of Mods ill all grades, anil placed his low prices on them, which causes a rush by cverjibody th-U is, ’•ithiu 1 the * pais. 1 opportu uity. HU 50c COLOKED SILK'S AND SATINS >«.,!. ni« WHITE flOOUS AND Cannot ba snrpsi EMBROIDERIES, whicit be equal. His FANCY ARTICLES a loti. i.niH. Str. David Clark Only Direct Boat twice per week between SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES SAVANNAH FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY RETURNING, LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR SAVANNAH. wick with D. Jcean Sloan New York, and wltt , Ualtiiiii er David C . WILLIAMS. Agent. Brunswick, on the dock. THE ORESS OOODS DEPARTMENT loviitl in liiaeatoblii out, called NUN' all grades. All he sake U at 75c ii ...... is not axi Dry Good* that cannot be t, /' " *—■** VEILING, I 1 west goods , is kept in forget his 152 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. Uariiett House, (FORMERLY PLANTER V UuTIX). Market Squall', - • Savamuili. (in. M. L HARNETT & CO., PltOPUIKTOItft, BATES, $2.00 1*E1( DAY. PROMPT ATl'EN. rioN AND MODERATE RATES. City Jax Notice. The Uxea due the city of Bnmawick c < the first quarterly psyir 1 lay of March. >aln»t rttoh and very |H.*rKm who fall# to make payment »- *»*ire qnlnnl. ... ufllee houra from 9 a. M. to 11*. M , au.i 1 '** 11 F ' M ‘ jaMKH HOUSTON, Clerk aud Insurer. /. CiiO VATTt ATTORNEY AT LAW, HI! US’S wick, anonaiA. •«, u xt to .U>vfcttrwtna»tp .U-rtat butiditt^. Fire Insurance! .U.IHV'mS’ilBf. [COMROHKD OF THE GF.ltMANIA AND HANOVEU INSURANCE CO.’Sl AND lilUTISH AMERICA AWE CO. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. ^-DWELLINGS AT VERY LOW RATES, fob SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business ami Planter’s DIRECTORY. 1881-2. Will be nme I oft vier. Volume II will conuin hilly 1000 pages.— HkotebM of every city, town aud village, population, wealth, Industrie*, (hipping directions, He., bud- lies* aud professional men, schools, colleges, Mines, factories, mills. County State ut plant- (Voln dl recti 1 , factories, tnllli iU-es Ofiiwrs. Planter' mtaiiied over 20,000 :m ut importance to *-/ /' 1 COMPLETE 6IEETTEER OF EE3R0U. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,$5.00 SBOLUS » CO.. !i?4. Lrea.! Street, Augusta. fio. We Hair, BRUNSWICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. I am now prepared to . work In my line, and gtiarar work and price*. fch ip on J A. T. Putnam’* groctry. ny and ail kinds ot WJI. NEURaUER “ Now, Clmrlie, you'll bo Bure to re member.” “To remember wlmt?” said Mr. Meredith, with a hopeless expression of insanity on his countenance. Kate Meredith dropped botli hands de. Bpairingly at her sides. “ Charles I” sho exclaimed, “you don’t mean to say you have forgotten already ?'' “ My dear, said Mr. Merodith, funi- bling in tho doptli of his overcoat pocket for a missing glove, “I haven’t forgotten, hut I don’t exactly remem ber." “The oyslors,” suggested his wife. “Oh, yes, tho oysters,” said Mere dith. And the two ounces of double ze phyr.” “Exactly.” “And tho depot hack to ire waiting at two o’clock for your cousin from Philadelphia.” Mr. Meredith shipped his hands on tho table. “ Sho is coming to-day, I declare to goodness,” ho ejaculated “And a dozen Havana oranges for desert, and two pounds of white grapes, and some of those delicious little Naplos biscuit- -oh, and let thorn send up a girl from St. Clair’s.” "A which?” "A girl, you goose? For general housowork. Phobe went home this morning with faco ache, and I can’t be left alone and company coming ' nnd all. Mind she’s a good cook and understands waiting at tables.” And Mr. Meredith rushed off to catch the 9:30 express, with kaleido scopic confusion of zephyr wool, do- pot hacks, oysters and servant maids careering through his brain, whicn boded ill for Mrs. Meredith's domes tic plans. While that lady, clasping boll, hands over her head in a sort of trag ic despair, rushed down into tho kitchen where a very good looking young man of two or threo nnd twen ty was on Ids knees in front of a range, trying to coax a most unwil ling fire to bum. -■ Well ?” said he. “Tom,” cried she, hysterically can you make a lobster salad I” “ Like a book,” said Tom. “And coffee?” •' I learned in Paris.” “ Good. And I can make butter milk biscuit—and between us we can get up a decent lunch for n young In ly from Philadelphia. As for din ner—” Well?” ngnin remarked the young man with the soot bespangled nose. Providence must provide,” sighed the matron. There’s nn old chintz-colored roos ter in the barnyard. If I could catch him I’d have a chicken stow." “ Tom, did you ever make a chick en stow ” “ No.” “Then you don't know what you are talking about,” said tho lady with some asperity. Yes I da, too. Onions, potatoes, celery, pearl barley, with a pinch of salt—” ‘Nonsense I" interrupted Mrs. Mer edith. “Do pick that lubstcr out of i|s shell and leave off romancing.— You are a deal latter at poetry and newspajicr sketches than you are in tlie kitchen; though, to be sure," with twinge of conscience, “ goodness knows what I should do without you just at this particular emergency without you, you dear old darling.” Tlie lobster was only half picked out of the shell, tlie buttermilk bis cuits were still tmmixed, nnd Mrs. Meredith, with a pocket-handkerchief tied around her pretty brown hair, was .lusting the little drawing room, when there came a ring at tho door bell. She put tlie perturbed head out of the window in a most uncere monious manner. “ Who is there ?” she demanded in a high contralto. Docs Mrs. Meredith live here?” retorted a woman’s voice. And nt the same moment the young matron caught sight of n nent black leather bag, a black alpaca dress and a shawl of the plainest Highland plaid. It’s the new girl, thank Provi dence!” said Mrs. Meredith, as she ran down stirs, thanking honest Charlie in her heart for his unexpect ed promptitude. Come in,” said she, opening tho door wide, “I am so glad that you are punctual, my good girl. From St. Clair’s Intelligence Bureau, I sup pose. No, don’t tako off your things up here; the servant’s room is down stairs; you may as well come directly down to the kitchen.” She led tho way down, followed by tho now girl, whoso countenance bore a rather hcwildorcd expression “What is your name?” sho asked, patronizingly. "My name? Oh, it’s Martha,” re plied tho stranger in confusion. “Martha ?” critically repeatod Mrs. Meredith. “What an ugly name ! think I shall call you I’attie. Hnve you good references ?’’ “I—I believo so.” “I think,” said Mrs. Meredith, sur veying her from top to too, “you are a little over-dressed for your situa tion; hut of course you have plainer clothes.” . Tho stranger lifted a pair of bluo eyes to tho tall form girded with a towel who was vigorously wrestling with tlie claws of a stupendous lob ster nt the tnblo beyond. “Do you keep a man cook ?” asked the girl. Mrs. Mereditli drew liersolf up.— “Certainly nut. This is my brother, Mr. Selwyn, who is kindly assisting me to mako a salad.” “But he is not doing it right. He will never get the moat out of the shell in that way. Lot mo show you, Mr. Selwyn." And with deft fingers she loosened the whito fibre from the shell in a manner that made Mr. Selwyn cry bravo.!” “And now, Puttie, I will show you where things are, nnd lcavo yon to get up as nico a lunch as you can, for at 2:30 we are expecting my hus band's cousin from Philadelphia. I want everything in perfect order.” “I will finish that salad,” said Tom, who had secretly been watching tlie pretty face nnd trim figure of the new domestic, “now that I have com inonced it. But you need not look |>ortorbcd, Pnttio, if that is your name. I will be careful not to get in your way. And you ask my sister if not a handy sort of fellow “ But you did not forget," remon strated Mrs. Meredith. “ You sent her. She is in tho kitchen now.” Mr. Meredith started. “ I hnve sent no one! Nevor thought of tho girl from that moment to this. I give you my word nnd honor." “Thon who did send for her?’ ejaculated his wife, slowly. “ Bing the bell. Let us have her up here. Who knows but she is ouo nt those confidence women, with nn oyo to the forks nud spoons?’’ As ,io spoke he jorkotl tho bell cord with some energy. Ill n minute or so, tho new girl enmo up, curtsey ing- Mr. Meredith uttered nu cxclama- tio of amazement. " Why, it is Martha Merodith!" ■shouted lie. “ It is my cousin from Philadelphia.” And he clasped her in his arms with a shower of kisses that made honest Tom’s hair stnud on cud. I wish she was my cousin from Philadelphia," ho uttered in a stage whisper aside. Kate turned os scar let ns n pepper pod. Oh, good gracious I" sho erioil, clasping bur little hands, uurvously, and I took her for a cook." “ And I am a cook wheti occasion requires, cousin Kate," said pretty Martha Meredith, making hur peace with a kiss. “ Don’t be voxed at me for humoring tho joko; indeed I could uot help it. And I will show you bow to make meringues, glaces, aud the Neapolitan, to-morrow." And they nil Hat happily down to gether to tlie roast quails aud fricas seed rabbits. And Kate aud Martbu wont to tho international bureau on tbo morrow, Established a Milesian damsel in tlie premises, and Tom, leaning over his sister’s shonlder,whis pered : “ Dideu’t I te ll you sho wus a gem of tlie first water?" THE ROLLING SHIP. Tetosrsph ami Messenger. around tho kitchen." An angry sky bont over us, a thick Kate shook her her head surrcpii- atmosphere enveloped ns as we tiously at Tom behind thoscrecn, hut [one recent July day, on the ■ icek * i the steamer Savannah, out ward for New Yore. A previous ex ile resolutely nffectod not to (icrceivc tho warning gesture. Half nn hour afterward ho came to the dining room, whore Mrs. Mere dith was arranging her best lilac nnd gold china. “Kate, site’s a jewel; a gem of tho first water. Depend upon it she lias not always worked in a kitchen. I (noted Shakespeare, npro|ios of some thing or other, sho recognized the grand old words at onco—her eyes brightened, nud you should have seen tlie color come into her cheeks.” “ quoted Shakespeare to a common kitchen girl!” cried Mrs. Mereditli in amazement. But I tell you sho is not a com mon kitchen girl." I do not ls.dievu in high life lai- lmv stairs,” said his sister, disdainful ly- The lunch came up at 2:30 in per fect order, hut no cousin from Phila delphia arrived; no hack relied up to the door. “ Hmv provoking," said Kate.— Miss Meredith must hnve missed some connecting train. Charlie will lie so vexed. But, however, I de net so much mind company coming in at any time, now that I Imve got an excellent girl." The dinner of delicately roasted quail, and rabbit fricassee, with a des sert of custard and jelly, was duly served nt precisely seven o’clock, at which hour Mr, Meredith ismuccd in, hot and lliiah with the haste lie had made, “ Whore is she?" Where is who?" cried Kate. “My cousin from Philadelphia.” “ Not come.” “No?” Mr. Meredith drew a sigh of Min gled relief and regret. Then, after all, it is not so very unlucky,” said lie. “ What is it not so very unlucky ? M/ dear Charles, you arc expressing yourself altogether in a riddle.” “ That I forgot all about tlie oys ters nud the zephyr wool nnd the servant girl." “ Forgot ?” “ Yen—forgot; isn’t that plain Eng lish ?’’ pcricncc of a midsummer storm ut enured me to l.iok with apprehension at tile lmv Hull,si clouds, and shiver with dread at tho sound of tlie rising gale that came moaning iu from the distant ocean. Wo had closely pur sued a storm all the way down the Central, from Eatoiiton, and now "the probabilities" indicated we would soon meet it face to face where we would least enjoy the encounter, for not on ly descends nu the Atlantic the gigan tic and drendod equinox, but mnuy n "northeaster" quite ns terrible. Tlie decks were slippery with ruin; tliu ropes, innsts unit sails dripping, tho tings with which onr steamer was decorateil streaming—with water! In fact, the ship presented tlie woe-be- goiie appearance of n discouraged rooster on a wet .lav, when with drooping head and a bedraggled pin- nmgu lie surveys a storm from a tern- penny shelter, and ’twits mid these joy-inspiring surroundings we began our pleasnre tour. Tlie very darkies on tlie wharf seemed to have eallght the contagion from the weather and moved silently, almost snlluuly, about without, a song, a smile, or a caper, loading ns and onr effects on the steamer with the resigned mimriifid- ness peculiar to those who “assist at the last sad rites." A sort of liiimnii barnacle—a black fish, riuaii, stuck precariously to tlie sides id the slimy dork an I surveyed with apathetic indifference his Isili- bing fish line, coquetting with decayed watermelons and other "relies of the past," llouinig iii tho Savannah river, now and tliun darting under the sides of our great steamer—Ids stare 1 unchanging attitndu seeming to "Men may come nnd melt innygo, but I stay hero forever." Ou the decks and wharves were Hie signs at tending departure—pesrple stumbling over each other, everybody iu every body clue’s way, land-lnbbers staring wildly nt tbe nnarcustomed sights on ship-board, nurses aud babies, liridrs aud grooms, cages of mocking Mrdi big turtles, orates of peaches, Georgia watermelons, bales ot eottou—yes, and poor Northern invalids going homo to die—this strnnfee, incongruous freight every Savannah steamer carries away from our shores. Near me I noticed a man pnrting from bis wife and children—ho to stay South, she to go North with tho ba bies. Siokly and sad looked tbo lit tle family. Ho kissod Ill's children, but could not say, “Good-bye.” bell rnng like a kucll and a man shouted, "All go ashore who nro not going with tlie ship." no turned to bis wife but could not speak. Tbe sailors were waiting to raise the gang plnuk, nud tho poor hnsbnnd walked it ns if going to his execution. Tbo wife wcut off alone—liko a woman— to cry, and bo wont off alone—like man—to “tuko a drink," I supposo (man’s panacea for all earthly ills and evils). And now tho anchor is np— tbo last link that bound us to earth is broken—tbo ship begins to movo. A moment ago it lay a dead thing, n life- loss lunss of wood and iron; now its pulses stir; its giant arms strike the water; throb, throb beats its great heart; it turus, like n sentient creat ure, this way and that; it spreads its wide, white wings to moot tho coming tempest; liko a grnvo, tho water yawns between us and tho land, wider and deeper, widor nud ileoper it grows. I turn to look at tile wharf in tho far dist ance. Upon it stands ouo lonely man who was watching "where poised be tween the seii nnd sky dips down tbo failing ship." Poor fellow I Somo ono on this Bbip is dear to yon, and it. “dips" out of yonr sight between nn angry sky nud a stormy sea! I see a a sailor approaching. I ask: “Will there be a storm ?" Ho replies with a grin of delight nt my ovideut anxiety that lie is sure of it; indeed, bo knows it. They have boon telegraphed to look out for it, and uro preparing for it now. With n sigh of dismay I go to make preparations for it too. My prepnru'ions nro simple. They con sist in going to bed, where I lie mid wait tho inevitable. Soon wo are creasing the bar. Pitch, pitch; roll, roll; the wuvos toss the great ship like a cockle-shell. Is there a storm don’t know, I don’t care—I am con scious of nothing bnt nu inlinito mis ery— the misery of son-siekucss. Ob! eh I oh! " Who cumcs ?’* enter my husband. I should state hero, this gentleman had treated with scorn some humble suggestions I hud volun teered about tbo |mssibility of his be iug sen sick, nud the advisability of his lying down in ndvnncc. Ho bad brought along for light (?)roading “Lewis’ History of Philosophy,” and thus fortified witb philosophy from “Thales to Comte," lie Binilod in lofty disdain at a poor weak mortal liko mo. He had discovered that the prettiest woman on tho boat was traveling done, and wliilo wo wore placidly sailing down tho Savannah river, he hitched Ids chair ’long siilo of hcr’s and volunteered to tako charge of her in casu sho should bo sick, ns ho nev er was, no nuver—oh, no—and if sho should want her head held, for in stance, or anything of that sort, be would lie on hand. “ No thunks; ho lidn’t mind it at all," etc. When, therefore, he came staggering into my state-room with such il ghastly smile upon his lips -such a livid hue on his het-k, I feebly inquired, “what in the matter ?” He repliuil, "I don’t fool piito well—indeed, not well at all- in fact, I am as ‘sick ns n dog.’ ’’ I was too far goue myself to take much interest in his affairs, hut inanagod to gasp <>nt: “And the pretty woman, wlio takes care of her?" “ Ob, alio— confound her—she isn’t sick nt all," Iu* grounds). “And I—I -really don’t lielicvu I mu sick enough to din.”— Didn’t she Cider to hold your head?” Not she; I’ve been stretiliml out nn hour on a bench with tho history of philosophy under my bead fur a pil low, and she Hying around lively ns a ieket." I was too nick touxpress my sympathy, and he sat down mid eyed me lugubriously. “ now do yon feel ?" at List be inquired. “ Don’t ask me” moan I, “ I’m like Mark Twain. I re dly believe I’ve thrown .np my im mortal soul.” “ It was yonr fault we cume this way, yon wick at woman; yon know it was. Didn’t I want to go through Kentucky to New York by rail, nud didn't yon say if wo cmno by sea wo’d'save our meals. Ye*, woTl save ’em, no doubt of that I ’Spose the steamboat docs offer to feed us, how much are we going to cat? Answer mo that. Food as indeal.” I could uot answer, tho thought of food wm too sickeuing, and my husband went on feebly, growing paler and paler: “Yes, I wanted to go through Ken tucky. Ob, Lord I Ob, Lord I How sick I am I and yon, nothing would do yon but go by steamer. Steamer’d food us! Feel like eating? Have something ? Do have something 1 Oh, Lord 1 I can’t talk about victuals.— Steamer’ll food as i Ob, yes; swin dle I I call it. Poke victuals at a man wbou they know be is too sick to oat ’em, and then ebargo him like be had. Oh, oh, how sick I am 1 Wish the plagnoy thing wonld sink! Taint my lack thongh—never was drowned, never shall be. What’s that beH ring ing for ? Supper ? Oh, yes. *Stoam- orU feed ns’—p-r-e-baps. ’Spose they’ve got somo light rolls down there. Thank you; I’ve bad some light rolls, and heavy rolls, too, enough for mo—much obliged. Lord, Lord, if I over get back to Eatonton, darn me if I over go to soa again.— Darn mo 1 if I over go across my own carp pond. Darn me! Ob, Lord 1 to think I might bo in Kentucky now looking at Jorsoy colts—I moan Jor- say calves and short born colts, I mean—I don’t know what I mean— but you know I wanted to seo Niag ara falls in Kentucky and you said— ’stoamcr’d feed us’—Ob—A—0— angh!’’ Hero “a roar of mighty wa ters” broko on my oar. I thought board Niagara falls suro enough.— With ono oxpiring effort I raised my bead—it was only my poor husband with bis head over tbo wash bowl- alas 1 for all tho “philosophoy from Thales to Comte." Let’s drop tho curium—why gazo upon a sccna like this? Ok I tbo days and nights that fol lowed, when "rocked in tbo crodlo of the deep wo laid us down,” too sick to sleep, aud listoned to tho roar of tbe wind and waves, tbo ceaslev throb of the great engine, the changool watch on tho lonely deok, tho (hip’s bolls striking tbo weary hours. But st last tbo rickcniug roll ceases. Grad ually tbo wind lulls and morning dawns again—a morning long to bo remembered. Tbo storm has lifted its groat block wings nnd flown away. Tbo sky is opal and amber, and a path of poarl strews tbo traek of tho ship across tbo sapphire son till lost io tKo gorgoons tints of tbo far horizon. llavo wo then como sailing ont of paradise and brought a trail of glory behind us? It must be bo from tbo appearanco of sea and sky, but I don’t feel liko I had been in paradise, rath er tbo opposite place. How aro yon,” inquires my hus band. " How nro yon ?" meokly vent ured I, socking to propitiate him,— Well, jnst now I moYfitl anil conld not feel mjrael. Ami wm eo week, elmoal, I thought that I kad died In deep Aud wu a,bleeeed (boat. But I am hungry now, so I adviso you to get up nnd let’s oat somo break fast." And so I obeyod my "ghostly advisor,” and tho "steamer” did “feed ns” one meat after nil. Wlmt is inoro barren than an unkissed kiss? One Who Knows Soys: Itunkin’s compound Flahl Extract of Biiclm nnd Juniper is the most pleas ant nnd effective remedy for all diseases of tlie bladder or kidneys that has been offered to the pnklio. Mild and plesa- ant in ite notion, it stimulate* and invig orates tho secretions. nnd gives health nud toue to Min proatrato or dianaaod or gans. Pain in the bladder, gravel, proa- tmtion, nou-retenion of tho urine, urick dust deposit—In fact all dlseeaca of tbo lilmlder or ki.lneya aro eared by iL Prepared only by Hnnt, Rankin * !*• mar. druggist, Atlanta, On., and for edo by all draggiata. Axtiocii, Tbobp Co , Qa., July t, Jd. Iam one of tho nnfortnuato anfferera from gravel or iliaenae of tho kidaaya, nnd find more and speedier relief from Rnnkhi’e Buchu and Juniper than any- ' ‘ lei esteem it an highly wore there lint ono botUe in tlie world I wonld willingly givo 8100, or any amount, for it I recommend it above all almilar preparation*. ongl5.2m-oow E. T. Wuw. , Usiox, Stewart Co., O*. I tried Neurotic with good effect lor nervouaucaa, wakefulness and dyspepaja, anil oord tally recommend it to all who anffer from thoao trouble* Yonr, respectfully, L. F. HtT*»x* (iranap Headache. Jacxsox Co.. Ox, Jan. U, 188ft .Mr gave tier speedy relief, and alio boa not hid any retura of the paia aince. It has given equal aatiafaction when tued for hesdaehe. Wo think it the grcatcat rem edy for pain in the world. Youn truly, W, S. Wbotiiid.