Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, September 10, 1881, Image 3

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=1 Now Advertisements. Tux-Payers, Take Notica Sdvfttigerimd Septal Mon of taxes due the State and County*for the year Brunawick, Sept. 20 and 21. Oct. 2 and 4. and 14 JUST RECEIVED! FIVE CASKS OF SPANISH Table WINE, Dy Spanish Dark Clementina, and foi sale i $1.00 PerGal., It MEYERS, Ship Chandler. PepIO-lm 7 TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE PIPE, Tiu Ware, Plumbing, Pumps & Pump Driving. rOBMBBKO mu SATURDAYMORNING AT BRUNSWICK. GEORG I A. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10. 1881. HOME MATTERS. Simona mall cloaea 8:30*. m northern mall cloaea at 8:30 a. at. Savannah and Macon mail cloaea 7 r OUH NAVA!. NipitE BUSINESS. Wo Loho Nothlnir On tho Yeaw Roll 1 JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF CIGARS, CHEWING TOBACCOS. PIPE-STEMS AND SNUFFS. My SKW l>r»n.,« of cli.wli.K Tul«r.-i* tho following varieties: Lorillard’a liullion Climax, Gold Block. Epicure. Georgia, ( (lino cut); Old brands: Kcno, Gravely * lk •1 A, Little Stella, Lillie Dale, PinaMre a rery fine); Old Brand*, Duke Imr- liurham, O hi. Old Domlntou, |k-1 CIGARS—NEW: Little Duke (K. idrcHa, Cliuru.'A, l*roi. Monm, bt.i foal). Plantation, (hand made.) ir.illna, Armenia—all tine. Old brand*: Don.juet, Criterion [ooualiiuor. Old Smoker*’ iH-ilali d Gordon, ‘ve.ccn.__ bandi «g«>. Weicbel’a cigarette tube*, and cigar li Cigarette Paiwra (flu!!); 8uufla—Lurillard' •poral (all flue) elve varUlb-a. Heat). Amba*. imm! Luck, Criterion. Hnlbl Com ft ter*’ Dc-JlKht. Three Dai* 10 famotia ltald Head*, it cigar*. In *11 ]<tbraud> tcthei with i wlen Pipe*, r totcli, Railroad li: My c. p See advertisement of Spanish wine for sale by R. Meyers at $1 50 per gallon. Improvements are the order cf the day along Bay street, from Chess, Carloy & Co.’s to Duck k Co '« —a brand-new freight platform the whole way. Judge M. L. Mention aud family rotnrned this week from White Sul phur Springs, in Florida, where they have been rusticating for some lime past. Mr. Leo Davis, son of Dr. L. B. Duvis is on a short visit to our city for his health. 1I< is engaged in tbe dru& business in our sister city, Fer- uaudina. Larrnbce * fancy cracker* at Moore A McCrary'*. Prof. McLees arrivi il on yesterday, ready for duty. The Bcbools will open on Monday. Let every scholar be on hand promptly, aud begin the year all abn-ust. Messrs. Cook, Bros. A Co. cleared bark Frauk Marion, Captain Dichson, for Montevideo, on the 6th iust., with cargo consisting of 431,829 feet pitch pine lumber, valued at $7,125. We have two interesting letters this week from our absent subscribers— one from upper Georgia and one from Massachusetts. Do so agaiu, friends, aud let otlierv follow the example. Messrs. Minelmn Culuati are mov ing ahead with their contract in good shape. The extension will bo pushed forward just as fust as possible, and they are are just the men to do it. News reached us yesterday of the death of Mr. Sydnoy Lanier, one of Georgia’s gifted sons. Mr. Lanier was raised in Macon, and is a brother- in-law of Mr. II. C. Day, of this city. Messrs. Green & Co. eleured Spau ish bark Clementina, Capt. Domenccb, on the 7th iust., for Valencia, Spain, with a cargo consisting of 223,803 feet pitch pine lumber valued ut $3,468. Georgia Land and Lumber Compn- cleared, ou the 9th iust., for Bue- >s Ayres, German bark Diana, Capt. T. Ilcycken, with a cargo consisting of 272,175 foot pitch line lumber, vul ued at $4,763. Our youug friend Howard Hinc re turned from a short trip North a few days since, with just uiue extra pounds avoirdupois to show how he has been c ued for. His family will romniu North for a mouth or more. Mr. Wui. Noubuuer, the popular .Monk streot shoemaker, left this week for a short trip North, whither he has gone to buy his fall stock of leather aud other material. When he returns he witHfb prepared to fill all orders in his lino. During his nbsouco Mr. Ar|>eu is in cbnrgo of the shop. Bov. I. W. Waddell preuchcd in the Prcsbyteriuu church of this city last Sabbath to largo congregations, par ticularly so at the night service. Wo are requested to auuouncu thut ho will preach again the coming Sabbath (to morrow) in the nbove named church at 11a. m. and 8 i*. m. Seats free- public invited. Lust Tuesday was observed by our people ns a day of prayer for the res toration of President Garfield. Ser- e held in the Episcopal and | Methodist churches (the Baptist, | Presbyterian and Methodist bolding union services), and also in some of the colored churches. Oue noticeable feature in tho services was the total absence of all political lines. Wo learn that a change will be made in the agency of the M. k B. K. It. at this point on the 1st proximo. Wo hear regrets expressed on every baud. Mr. Day has tilled thut re sponsible position for the lust uiue years, and his host of friends are pained to learn of the cbnngo. We trust, however, that he will find it to his iutcrcst to coutinne his home among us. Macon Telvgraph it Mem'ngvr: llev. A. J. Battle brought to this oilice yes terday an octopus, or Cuttlefish which had been forwarded to him by Rev, A. C. Ward, Bruuswick. Tho fish, as its name signifies, is [losscssodof eight legs or and each provided with j hundreds of little suction cups by which it attaches itself to its prey.— Its body is provided with eyes aud a IxMik, nml it is said to possess the fac ulty of discharging a dark liquid to discolor the water when pursued.— This is a monster similar to that so L.L.f'AltMt l.LL. graphically described by Victor Hu- j “Toilers of the Sea.” J list a year ago we published a sim ilar statement to that below, showing the naval store business of the ya»r previous. To-day we present ft tab ular statement showing wbat has been done within the lost twelve months, comparing the same with that of the previous year, and just here let us call tbe reader's attention to the slight (?) improvement of shipments between the two years. For instance, for the year ending September 1st, 1880, wo find the foreign shipments amounted to $30,600 for tho year ending Sep tember 1st, 1881, $119,160, a little over three times as much, with prices ruugiug lower. Here is the statement which speaks for itself: council proceedings. I sum of fifty cents for placing the Hcs.ilnr M<witinaT~Settt 7th. 1881.1 Health Officer on board of vessels ly ing in the stream in front of tho city. mm Hi! C s "i lislsss I 'B I • s s I ’§ Si i Oil 1 h i s -s,g * I g § 1 sgSSis g gS . 5 S s I i •; li Is 3 si P ) BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient to Business, the Railroad* sun! the Steamboats, Furniture New, Table Good | * W. ff, BEVK <£• m PROPRIETORS. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT I-AW. r-ir.. or sts-el, I iiKUSaWiCJL UX Rend ttUt collector Tinou has to say to tho tax payers in this issuo.— Take notico of his appointments and be on hand at the right time. It is but duo our enterprising na val store dealer, Mr. A. V. Wood, to stato that to him belongs the honor of handling by far tho largest portion of the above naval stores. The foreign shipments of $119,150 are all his. The interior shipments are by Messrs. Chess, Carloy «fc Co., who have recent ly begun business lioro aud, who, so far, have only done an iuterior trade. Auotber year, wo may unturully ex pect a tremeudons increase ou the fig ures, as Mr. Wood is incrensiug his business daily, aud Messrs. Chess, Curley & Co. will handle an immense amount of stock in the next twelve months. The truth is our imvnl store business is no menu thing, aud illus trates clearly what can be done by u singte individual. We await future results with p.easing emotious, trust ing no untoward circumstance will tervene to prevent the realization of our grandest hoped. Tlnw Exhibit*. We again call attention of our j pie to the request of Maj. O’Brien, General Superintendent of tho E. T., A O., for exhibits from our people for tho Macon and Bruuswick division of his liue, at tho Cotton Kxbibition. Old Glynn should bo represented— why not make tho effort? Good specimens of either or all of the fol lowing are asked for, to-writ: Corn, cotton, syrup, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, rice, pounuts, oranges and lem ons, chains, millet, bard woods, white oak, poplar, magnolia, yellow pine, cy press, turpentine aud rosin, gophers aud alligators! The M. A B. division will bnve a separate department at the Exposition, aud each article will be labelled with name and residence of the contributor. Parties willing to contribute can notify us or communicate direct with Siip4'i'iuteudcut J. M. Edwards, at Mucou. The time is drawing to a clone, so hurry up, as Oct. 5th will soon Is? here. That Ni'W Etitori»H*«*. Our young friend Fulton Good- bread is out again this week in a new advertisement of his business. He has just added to his stock quite an array of new goods, to which he in vites your uUcutiou. lie makes a specially of smokers’ wants, nud cor- tninly merits favor at the bauds of the pnblic. Don’t forget the place— two doors from the Post Office and next to the bank—the store .vith the fancy painted window. t in Shop. Stovpis Et«*. We invito attention to card of Messrs. 0. H McIntosh A Go., to be found in this issue. Mr. McIntosh is well kuown to our people, having been for yours in the employ of Messrs. Hoyt A Co. His work s|>eaks for it self, aud we lies}teak for the new firm a liberal patronage. All orders left at the new shop, two doors above Bluin’s drug store, will receive prompt attention. quarterly Meeting Wo are requested by Rev. H. P. Myers, pastor of the Blethodist church' of this city, to announce that the Fourth Quarterly meeting of tbe year 1881 drill embrace to-day aud to-iuor- row (Saturday and Sunday). Sorvie- at the Blethodist church, both morning aud evening of each day.— Tito public invited. Council met. Present—His Honor, J. F. Nolson, Mayor, and Aldermen Watkius, Putnam, Harvey, Doerfliu- ger, Spears aud Doerflinger. Absent Aldermen Dann aud Copper, f Tbe minutes ot tbe fast regular and special meetings were read and confirmed. Read a communication from B. A. Falun, Chief Marshal, asking Council to rent a place suitable for police headquarters, and as a station house for the confineraeut of persons found on the streets at a late hour of the night, nud who are not violating any ordinance of the city; that the only place for the tsuusactiou of police bus- ines was a room furnished by tho po lice at a rent of $4 per month, and therefore praying that the matter bo taken into consideration, and some relief granted, which was received and referred to the Committee ou Police. Head a joiut communication from tho Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges, asking Council to have the hall occu pied by them kalsomined aud re- paintod, or allow them to do so and deduct the expense, not to exceed twenty , dollars, from tho rental paid by them, which was received aud the two orders permitted to have the work dono and deduct the amount, not to exceed twenty dollars, from the rent. Read a communication from Peter Krnnss, asking permission to replace tbe pinzza attached to bis residence, on Oglethorpe street, with a now one, which was received and granted. Read a communication from L. W. Harris, stating that ho sold, in tho year 1873, to the Blayor and Conncil, tho property known as Cedar Ham mock, for tho sum of $400.00; that the purchase was made by the city for the purpose of securing a site for # a quar antine station, and for the purposo of using n large quantity of shells then on tbe property in shelling Newcastle street; that the deed was executed and submitted to the City Attorney, but that before ho could make a satisfac tory examination of the deed, Council concluded that the city was not able to make tbe purchase, uud declined to do so, after carrying off and using the shells on the property; that it was then understood ami agreed between himself and some of the members of Council that he should be paid $100 for the shells, which sum ho was forced to lose wheu he* afterward* sold the property to Blr. S. Blutuford, for the reason that the shells bad been carried off and used by the city; that ho had never received any portion of the amount; thut the said amount was justly due him, and that lit* prayed Council to tuko such action in tho premises as should be proper and right, and that he referred to Messrs. C. G. Moore uud U. Dart, Jr., for in formation as to tlie facts of tho case. Referred to the Committee on Streets, Drains and Bridges. Read a communication from tbe Board of Education, asking Council for a reconsideration of their action in the matter of the Icoao of Dennis’ Folly, etc., which was received and referred to a special committee con sisting u{ Messrs. Watkins, Spears amt Harvey. Thu Hurbor Blaster submitted bis report of tho arrival of vessels during tbt) month of August, which was re ceived and -ordered to bo placed on file. Alderman Spears submitted nu or* finance entitled “tin ordinance to ro- peal an ordinance to define tbe fire limits of tbe city of Brunswick, and for other purposes therein mentioned, passed in Council Aug. 3, 1881," which was read the first, uud objec tions being Hindi* to u second reading, the saint) was laid over the next regu lar meeting. By. AM. Watkins: AVse/m/, Tlmt nu more trash or rubbish he hauled or plait'd "it Qkihui Square, tim ing the remainder of the year 1881. The rr solution, being seconded, was unanimously adopted. Council proceeded to take up the application uf G. W. Wimberley for license to retail spirituous liquors in tho building recently occupied by Mrs. A. Heins on Bay street, nud objections thereto being matte by G. J. Hall, B. II. Daniels and George Chandler, tbe license was ordered to be granted when section 295 of tho Code of Ordi nances should have been complied with. lb .id an applicatiou. from G. W. Wimbfriy for a license to sell spiritu ous liquors iu the building next door to A. K. Heins, on Buy street, accom panied by the written consent of A. E. Heins, which was received.and the license grunted. Council then took up tbe charge preferred against J. L. Beach, Assis tant Marshal, for conduct nu becoming an officer, on the 23d day of July, 1881, aud Hfter hearing a statement from Blr. Beach, the* charge war. dis missed. G. J. Hall, Hart*or Bluster, was, on uioUeii ut AM. Wtitkius, thv during the year 1881, The Clerk and Treasurer was in, structed to pay tbe bills against the city when examined and fouqd correct by the Finance Committee, and report samo to Conncil nt the next regular meeting. Conncil then adjourned. . J. F. Nelson, Attest: Mayor. James Houston, Clerk Conncil. Duok It Co. This now firm has a word to say this week through our columns. We invito attention to their advertise- inent. These gentlemen hnvo ample means, aud can compelo successfully with any aud all. Give thorn a call, and examine goods and prices. Mr, Rodriguez (pronounced Rodrigetb) the gentleman in charge, will tako groat pleasure iu showiug goods. Wo commend this house especially to per- sons visiting our city by water, as it is so convenient for them, being right on the wharf. Arm liroken Mr. Jesse Wilder met with a pain ful accident last Saturday afternoon whilst going out to his turpontino farm. His horse became unmanage* able and ran away, throwing both Mr. Wilder and another party who with him out and breaking tbe arm of the former, at the same time de molishing the vehicle. Mr. Wilder was brought into tho city that even ing ou the B. A A. train. At this writing tho broken arm is doing os well ns could be expected. Newcastle street presented a stir ring sccno last Thursday afternoon ns “Old Fok,” a noted livery stable horse, waltzed around with a wagon behind him. Result—the wagon needs re pairs, and “Old Fox,’’ attached to an other wagon, is hauling around town to-day with a countenance tho very picture of innocence. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Duck & Co, SHIP CHANDLERS AND DEALERS IN Oils, Paints BRUNSWICK MARKET. Middling Fair Oooil Middling ij;.* Middling 11 Low Middling 10>,' Good Ordinary «i, Ordinary ntry.. NAVAL STORES, isa—D f 1.80, E 43.00, V 42.00.« |2 12*4. II 42.14. 13.00, K flXfllg • • Rlaaa 44.12','. SriBiT* Turn r. ular», N)c. SUPPLIES. U 43.13 «317«. wludow key*. 40- ;iyr- NIC—Oil* General Provisions. We call special attention to our Lubricating and Painters’ Oils, Wkipli will be of the BEST MATERIAL LOWEST FIGURES. We Will Not be Undersold. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT Will bo our motto. Store on Collin's wharf, Bay Street Brunswick. Ga. •Jt—Cl*** ham*, lflc; ch ar, 10Jic; Miouldi y *alt« oulder*, 1 -white 0 »W«*. 13>*r; Hear rib Drugstore DIXON'S NEW BUILDING. 1 nthy 41.20(441.3.*. family, 48 W $H UKgfM 75. Hide*, Wo* Vi® II Hd-I l’<c; koua and tut*. 1 40 Wi#A 2.1; extra, $< fancy, f!i 00010 00j I dry flint, 1.1 »i< ■ *- of bu - 27»*28l,c; burry wool, lOrtilHn. Tallot . 3iT; door akina, JJ.V; otter *hin*. 2.V<rf 45 to. NAVAL STORKS FIIEIOIITH. if—Koala and *|.IHta, 3a. 9d.<@3«. M. to Unllwl Kingdom or ivutincid dirrcl; to New Terk. 4IL- on roaln, to: on *piril*. Abeam—To Raw York, roaln U‘c. aoirita flllc; »•• Philadelphia, roaln 30c, anlril* **; to Daltlinnrc, roain 40c, k]*lriU 75c: to Huaton, ro»in 45c, aplrit* Shipping Intelligence. YOU THE POUT OP II RUNS WICK. FOR THE WEEK KNDivo si;i'Ti:\im:u ti-th, ihh. auuTvalr ~ Mv T Mor*c, . Boaton matin a, —— , iSonton. i Willi. McLaren, Mr.Lar.-n DKPaUTUUKM. Hep 1—Me E A Haytm. Wail, New York 8«l» ft—Il« A 11 Bachcldor, Hteelman, P Hei* <>—Hark Prank Marion, Dl. haoii, M. Iman, Philadelphia. *iao», Montevideo, i. Port-in.mill Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga. hi* PltUO STORE to the almro location. »nd la ready toVrrc hit md the public generally with a freah supply of Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, AN A.OT e the Superior t’onrt Calendar for all tin i-a ri.rupoaing tho flrmiRwick Judicial Ihr id for other purpoaea: .» ».- Re it enacted by the Abhciu bly of the State ot Georgia. •ie Superior Court* in the ruuawick Judicial Circuit it: CLINCH—Pint Monday* in March and October APPLING—Second Mmi.1*:* Iu March and <A-tol*er WAVNE—Third Moadeya ut March and October. PI RUCK— Fourth Monday a in March and October. Kir»t Monday* In April and Novctnb COFFEE—Tuewlajr after *rcotid Jlondry I id Novelidier. CHARLTON -Tnemlay after third Mood.) CAMDEN !i Moti lay iu April * ictng *m the Unit Jt*uela' or a* h>ng a* the may rcunlre. r enacted by the autbori- . pr»-ci|ica, aumaiona. or- .. .. „a returnable to the raid Courta, prior to the pa**ago ut the ad, *full be held and coiietderet* wt rduruable t** tb** term* herein fite.1 and preacribwd, and the Grand aisl Tr»r«t*a iun-n» drawn lorUiatarmaaa preacrievd prior to the |«aaagu of thla a*% *hail be r*-|«lted to atietwl and *crve ». juror* at th* time fixed tor the term* aa prcaciibcd iu * MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, BUIST’S FRESH AND GENUINE FINE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, o mention, and uanally kept In a firxbclaaa Drag Store. Physicians’ Proscriptions Accurately componndei Untoii and MauvAald *lreet*. ill cheerfully atlrml any cwlla for mcdlcium, if iMilflMi fit hla Wltoci, eorner JAMES T. SLAIN, DRUGGIST. Cl less, Carley & Co, -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- FAIR, AT MACON, fingiiiitiiig i 17. rontiiiniDg «H‘ > week. e Arte. Machluary,« P*»mtry, Field Crop*. aebix Puraea for Trotting and Ui E. C. URfCR, Secretary. H A. KEN RICK, UcnlENtato • Land Agent, BRUNSWICK, • GEORGIA. OILS OF ALL KINDS, ! “ * * “ • NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORES SUPPLIES, -TOGETHER WirH- ; . i U. Ooeluo, Atlanta, Ga.i i olUxtor Poet of UrunawIck, au^iMUu Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. Highest Market Rate* paid for Naval Store*. Supplies fu- uisheu at Closest Figures. :