Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, September 10, 1881, Image 4

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T. torn, Hay, DES LBR IN v r Oats, Meat, Meal, Etc., Etc, BRUNSWICK, Or A . Sole Agent for Welch, Wight. Wilson & Co.’s Pure Port Sausage, Storage and Office at Littlefield & Tlson’s Warehouse. SlHIIIH, FlOIIU ill W«TBI RilLWiT. WHOLE* W.KAXD MtTAtL HARDWARE It* a ml 150 Congrea*. 119 aud 131 HI. JuliAU it*. SAVANNAH, GA. HAH CONSTANTLY OS HASP A FULL bUPI’LV jewelry, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments axn's, PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Will give - Rock Bottom” Price, for any of ttoabove on application. Terms Cash, or City Factor.’ Acceptance. II. L. HARRIS Watoimialier cfc Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA., "STAR" SPECTACLES. Agricultural Implements. FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S l'LOWS. RRINLY’S FLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FLOW STOCKS, SWEEF SHOVELS, HEEL FINS, ORASS RODS. Patent Wach Regulator. Can be applied in 5 Minutes THY t§^p? IT! (Eulargcd Twice.) Enables anyone to rcgulato liis own Wutcb with oertninty. Hewing Machines, Needles & Attachments All goods will 1m, sold lit the very lowest market price. a how goods. No trouble to jc5-ly Paint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, Uioat and 1! Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Loch. Sash-Weights. Cord, Hinges, Shews, Etc., Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cement, Rubber and Leather BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARFENTERS’ TOOLS, • DLACKSM1THS TOOLS, GUNS AND FISTOLS. FISHING TACKLE The Ladies Store •o* I MRS. M. C. ROWE Attain invite* tlie attention »f her friend*. ami the u,,n~t.MtrOir-„i AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Millinery Goods, standard Scales And to the NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with whlrb ahr has enriched her EMBOWERED FASHIONAEL RESORT! Arrive at Callahan Arrlva at Jackaonville Leave Jarkaonvillo Leave Callahan Oxxxbal MAHAOia'a Omen, i tuvanuH, Jnno 90, ini. f f)N AMD AFTER SDXDAT. Jane 95, Pmaaengef w traina on thla Road will run aa follow*: FAST MAIL. Laava Savannah dally accept Sunday at.... 1.90 p. M Leave Jawp •• 3.40 P. M LeaveTebaauviUe *• SUSP. M •7.41PM .«.40 PM .7M A M .8.49 AM 11.10 AM - . ** 13.33 1* M Arrive at Savannah •• S.ooFM Paaaeugera from Savannah for firnnswick take thla train, arriving at Bnuuwick CBO p, m. Kaasengcrs leave Brunswick at 9:90 am., arrtv. log at Savannah 3:30 p. m. Paaaangera for Darien take thla traiu. Pasaenjara leaving Macon at 7:09 a. m. («lall> m- eluding Sunday) connect at Joaup with this train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jcsup with .train arriving in Macon at 7:43 r. M (daily Including Sunday.) • JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Lcavo Savannah •• loNtopM UaMimp - •• Mm Leave Telwanville •* 4:33 AM Arrivv at Ualtahan •• 7.11AM Arrive at Jackaonville •• ft.lOAM Arrive at Llvo Oak dally (exceptSunday).. 10:IS % M Leave Live Oak ilaily (except Sumtay) 2:90 p if Leave Jacksonville dally at. S:1S P M Leave Callahan ilally at fl:23 P M Leave Tcbeaville daily at 0:10 1*M Arrive Jcaup daily at llajftp M Arrive at Savannah dally at 9 A) A M Palace Mecplng cara on this train daily Ixf ween Savannah and Jacksonville. Charleston nm1 Jackson ville. and Macon and Jacksonvillo. up with this train for Florida dally. lhuiaenger* from Florida bv thla t Jewt.p with train arriviog at Macon 7M a m dally. (( -TIIH MOTTO OF- - mm f. nuuu & to, W1IOLHSAL1-: DKALliHS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED. HAY, Etc. GENERAL COMMISSION MERHANTS ! (■nods bought and sold oil closest fig ures. ('oiisignmcnts solicited. MV Mean Business! And hope by a study of the wants of our customers not only to keep those we now’ have hut to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. OK BE!It* SOLICITED. She I* constantly receiving the latent agonic* trull the Man<tant emporium* of larhion. ami eolilhleiill; aaauro* her friends that her beautiful -cicitioua i HATS, SONNETS, BUTS, BUHONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES A TRIMMINGS I'suimt Ih- excelled in thla or any other city. ®BE8S MMJBft, A *|>eelalty. and j*erfoct fit* guirauteed. Good* flrat efcnw. and price* n the m w«**t ni»dc* NO 5, WHITAKER 8TUKKT, O-A- O’CONNOR & WENZ, lDILLON S OLD STAND. NEWCASTLE ST.) Brunswick, Georgia, KEEF A FULL LINK OF FIRST-CLASH Hr y Moolis 4&G roecrics. lowest cash fkicks guaranteed 8avo Your Money ! t m yin** tiik JUST RECEIVED A FIRE STOCK OF Clocks, Watches ana welhy, Accordcons, Harmonicas, Violin and (Juilar String*. AI*o. 5 and 10c Counter Goods riSM) iiumeroiia to mention, to which I invito the 1. attention ol m.v friemla and the puhllc gt-mr- ally. Old gold and allvrr bought or taken in uxeluuigu. Wan In hi, clock* and jewelry repaired *ml warrant ed to glvo perlcet *atl*i*rtioU. O. J. DOKRFLIXUKR. Watchmaker and Jeweler, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER. • Together with « lull lim- "t Slivtl llnrilwarr, fur -wlr »i llw l.-w- *t ciihIi prices. FALMKIt IIKOTIIKKX. »l 7-1V Paanengera from Havannah lor Oalneavllle, Cedar cy* and Florida Trauait Road take thla train, l’aaaengnra from Savannah for Vadlaon, Monticel- Mice. Mm. lo Tall.thaaaec and Quincy take thla traiu. ALBANY F.XPRBS8. Leave muah’daily at 4:13 p in Leave Jcaup dally at 7.-09 p in Heave Tebeanvlllo daily at !*;:t0 p m Leave I>U|>out dally at 11:45 p m Arrive atThomaaville daily at S:«|a hi Arrive at Italnbridgc daily at 8:00 a in Arrive at Albany dally at H:4Aani Leave A litany dally at 4:43 p iu Leave ltalnbridge dally at 3:18 p m LeaveThntnaavllle dally at H:43 pm Arrive at Dupont daily at 1:43 a m Arrive at Tebeauville dally at 4:03 a in Arrive at Joaup daily at (1:23 a in Arrive at Savannah dally at 9.15 a in sleeping c and Albany without rhauge. Connect at Albany with Paanangrr traina both M ill steamer leave* Raiuhridge for Apalachicola 1 and Colntubna every Tuesday and Hatumay. l iere connection at Jacksonville daily (Hunday* epted) for Orocu Cove Hpringa, St augnstiue, atka »ml Enterprise, and * ‘ “ John* river. west, at 11:37 a. m., and for llrtius wick at 4.40 p. I ! daily, exrept Sunday. % 1 h rough Tleketa sold ami Nh-eplug Cat Berth* *•-. i 7 T |h \T 1/ If I cured at Bren’s Ticket Ofllee, Ko. 32 Bull street, ami \I JiV 7 lilt at Savannah, Florida and Western liailway Pssm-u- PuUlka »ml Enterprise, and all landiuga < H. li. leave Jnnction, gotn- r adjoining till 1'ost < '111. i II. S. MAINKS. General Htii>erhitendent W T. H as ojK-msI the i in liruiiMwick Stationery, Book, Brunswick mil Albany Rail Road Compan* j MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT ALSU A Circulating Library, OmiMuiMing IwHik* lr« •**» the bout author*, and i.pos.hy prompt and rl«**e attention to luisine**. i.millM, <l with iiioilerate clinrgu*. together with careful study of the *|h-« lal rc<|*iin nieiit* of In- ivhlual rmloiurr*. W. T. O. will Im, in a po*i- loll to give complete iMtiahM Mull to III* Iriullda ■id the public generally. g^-i^ail an.l m e W. T tdov* r’* choice acleelloti Bay Street, limns*lek, • MIL I NliW YORK STOItli, When* they have just nxeivutl a full supjtly t»l l>ry (sootls, IVotions, (Jciit’s, Ladies' ami Children’s lluts. C< )NSTANTI.Y RKCKI VINO FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES, MALLORY’S Mil YORK a Hill Wi ll'll Steamship Line. Ft lit SALK—The Northern oiie-thir.t of «ald I*, laud, In (tlynii Conniy. Georgia, at the m-nith of llrui'awtrk harlair. The Inland ahoumla in gi»nn- of all kln-l*. .md lor any «>m desiring * healthy and valuable Inland on the Georgia eoaat. thin off-wa superior Imlii.cmont*. E«»r i-artUuUm aud term* ol sale, apply to OINXINGIIAM k LAWTON. Attorney* at law. Savannah, (is. lb*; it VV. A. JOHNSON, Hoot cVSIioe Maker. runted to lust us long us that of uny other Workman in this section. Alrr'ftr. y ’June ill nhort notice nl NEXT DOOll TO J. F. NELSON OX THE BAY. Travelers Ins. Co., HARTFORD. CONN. Life nail A eei, I out Insurance. J.M.Dexter,Insurance Ag’t, Itrprvwmts the alatve Co. at Bmnnwick, Ua. ASSETS - - •■ $5,500,000 | IKK an.l aceid-nt policies OltGUTNETTE ! Picture I-’niniing Itmic on the .Shortcut Notice ! Note Hit- AilrllTitw \nl III.' l*oitl (iniir, BRUNSWICK,GEORGIA. I jur/J-ly THE BEST! The Jewelry Headquarters —OK— W. F. DOERFLINGER Change of Schedule. <V PKIUJITEH DEKT** OKK1CE , lluunswica, <»a. July lutli ls7!». j / \N ,itnl after Thnrwlay July 10th. 1H7'.'. isxncuge trail.* on this lload will run aa follows WK8T1VA1II) BOUND., DAILY. aUNDAV KXCKFTKD. Leave* llruuawh k ".(Rta.n • • Way Urtias 11.47 Poaraoii. (Kating Uouac),p.m Alappalia, . Alford ..3-431*.! • -fillp.1 . .h.inj p.i Levvea Albany. •• Alford... • • Ala|-|-aha . .... • ■ l'eairce (Kating liousc).. • • Way Cm** Arrive at Brunvwick It. L. Vlltl'M: A*n|aLint Hii|>eriut*ndent. W.B.Mell&Co., Whole-ah- and lh-tail Dealer* lu S ADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AN1) Leather Belting, KRK.Nt II AND AMK.HD’AN CALK HKIXM, sol.f. i, lilUl-LK, AM) PATENT I.KATII- HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES. Etc. Hl ITAllI.K Ft »R MILL MKN AN1* TURPENTINE MANUKACTUREBB, A Specialty. WRITE FOR PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. U the Ikal Hall- ol the Kllid, li. ever) fenjivt, I JiArj 1> x:tr to-wit. H. II. p. AI.I. and etaiiiiin ht» large amt U autifnlly *e- | THEPOPULAR V* |e»-t*il *tock of JK " l ' :! '« v ,,rm.x -Liver Medicine! Etc., Kte.,1 - * —i HILL’S HEPATIC PANACEA IIa* a'taiiKil tinpr*wcd«*»tnd *urnwa lu relieving ICepMlrn ol all Itllt.l*«lo»*r •'» nhwri Nullrr j Wild *uilnfu« il«»* 4iui»n»i*ier«l. the prevalent dlwirdi-r* of the IJv-r. It* tjTBo-*’ Patent of stiff, mil Wk Watrhca | •' to th* iWvfrrromt it receive. IK)KUFI.IN<IEU. Agi lit. ink ntreet, new hotel building, .•bMy BrniiMwii-k, Giorgla. j iua>|e a *j>oelaUy Mi nk * ! -’ll other LIVKll MKBK IXES. l, al exaiulnation rv«|ulnil. ^-oVr'- l« lh ly Foreign mill Bomesle ADDRESS, AUGUSTUS F. FRANKLIN & CO, Finney’s BuntUng. Day Street, • * • • Brunswick, Ga . ' Apntys: Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, .D.GslLE* I.CXJAI. DENTIST, Brunswick, - - Georgia. O r i Hit. reel * F. WARNKE, MEIUTIANT TAILOU, Brunswick, Georgia. H- Ii» would r wpii'tftdly mviie in* menu* ti. CAI I. ANI) EXAMINE. ■ t *1* e»t itdirhliu’l.t, .li o.-l »tand o! K. Ji>e- liaordi r-*d l.iv 50 CENTS T" try it, and v..« will i-vrtaitilv >>•• nh-awd with the ru*n|t. ».,r •:*!*: by J. »f .H tUDKN. ABSTBAIT OF TITLE BOOKS. •tgnil t re|**r.i| . and MiWun.-i. Boot and Shoe Shop I\SUR VNCI*’ atwtral id le- with the •• ,1. at.. ft the reVOfile, »f tHyiin ''.■king it * e-rfb|d. te -t > »ll»- t to l*o»,k T. i rt-Ulloli to the till * uMiljlit, e NOTICE. .. n e|>4iou •*! le*ik ? wvnl with btx.k T. II baa i |«i.ul a hTKAMSlItf* i pr J*arnt b» execute 1 tluu- than any WEBTEffJT TBI68. Captain HIKKU. I all i-nl.-ra inaahorter »p»» e CITY OF .I, u| .lu |). A. MOORR. CPUKMIIK. 1 IIAKDWAHK x STOVKS, Ivxfrt New Vnrk every Frida* at * I*. V arriv ing in llvunawiik every Twraday. Chwwennnectltui with all point* It. k A. and M. k II. Itailroa-t*. Tlirungh btlla lading »:gned to a*l |*’'Ut* or. ahov • _ _ _ . _ __ r ,. _ _ j ftn*. the <-kamtuition t*> be mly „f the title, and Slty J. JxL. U JZj X JZt XV, legal opir.i<>u tbereoti to tie | aid for *i*parat* ly C. I*. GOODYEAR INSURANCE AGENT, ig Kir, |n*uran< e C-uk A*M. ' 'a,5o*».«a» r...Yv.nrat : K 9*oii(h*n 7talnal,A:l.'U . lu*ar«n<-e« oiup.ot North Aui-tl i.Piiil f *.50*i,qia) i II.>ine In*uranee s. w Y,ek r...***',noo i.rtuUdetphia . . . .. 4.<xitou> Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, Freight and pwage a* low *• by any other line. * ’w’.‘»tf'tv**w;< »i. in. l.’ral Ertate a:ul In- ant tin* Agrut. ** Uw ^ tl*»«*a. , r.m A« « »ati.-n. Kliil»lei|diU .. ... 4,«»*'otm I .. . v lll'lVuU Il'L’ II Packet *M»ak, A lump *tar Fire In-nrajj. <• fitupany, N Y iri.OOn i I>.\ l M., * - I»Ii L »» ll^lY, I »A. JL T .L|. Slatarra Manhattan Ktre iaauranee Co. N Y laio.ou) . „ . , _ * TMblr *•!*»*• Watertown Kim Dianrauei C. mp.N Y.. Hefereucea. Havamoh ILnk and Tm*» CompMiy* 4‘wllrry, 1’imp*. Kerwalne Cotumt>na Insurance cv < oluiobn».Mi*w ito.taai rtr*t National iv-nk Ma/ on. Oa. Tl«w*ir. lrwckr»y. >\ l.ani III!, j M< reliant* n Meehantea In*. C*». of Va.. Vki.mi ( W.i.t-d t»- • \chaeg it j pr»*pefty « fat •*•!* by • U- L. *J H'JITA (l>. ;;t.T j.-l lx** 1 1 iwA - Ely. l-i s~d ■ a*iy22-a