Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 08, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1881. NUMBER 14. The Advertiser and Appeal, rUBLttlUO EVERT AATUPDAY AT BRUNSWICK, GA., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono copy one ye»r $3 00 I Ouo copy aix months.. AdYortisemmts from rc«ponalblo partieawilll let published until ordered out, when the time aot Mtocifiori, and payment exacted accord' icationa fur individual bcncAt,' All lettera and coram unleatlona should be ad« •Ireaaed to the undersigned. T. U.STACY, Brunswick, Georgl*. City Directory. TOCCOA FALLS. and in France eryoneof which has givon per fect satis* faction, and has rformed cure ton Umo if nscdlaccord* ing to directions. I We now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that wa will pay tho above reward lor a single case of Li A TVTTH I That the pad falla to cure. This great remedy will ... permanently cure Lumbago. Lame cialica. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's of the kidnoya. Incontinence and Retention of the Urine, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh avvw-w.. , t. 110 Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in Urn „-..nnen- A. T. Putnam, W. W. Watkins. J. J Back. Bide or Loins, Xerrona Weakness, Cut Kpcars, D. T. Dunn, J.P. Harvey, 8. C. Little disorders of tho Bladder and Urinary Organa, held, V. 3. Docrfllagcr. whether contracted br private disease or otherwise. , i.n,™ irmi.t.m LADIEfl, if you are suffering from female Jj.. ' 1 °“ W«k,„. Uucorrb«..or.i,y,ll.c l E,« u ! 111. kid. Vktef Martial— U. A. talim. I neya. Bladder or Urinary Orgaua, Auittant Martial—3. L. Beach. YOU CAN BE CURED / l\tlieem<n—W. II. Balney, T. W. Bolt. I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply A«**r of Guard Home and Clnk <f Market-D. wearing A.M«me. I P * OP ' OUILMETTE’8 ibrl I'kptieian-O L SchUttor. Jr. M. D | Fr OllCll KlHtlfly Pftd WHICH CURLS BY ABSORPTION. {or PROP - OUILMETTE'8 . FRENCH KIDNEY PAD. and take no other. If he has not got it. send $2.00. and you will receive th City I’kyrician—L li Davis, M- D. Harbor Mcuter-O 3 Hall. I'urt lt’srdnu—Matthew Shannon, Thos O'Con- tor, Jr, and A V Putnam. st A5 i>ixo comcirrxxs or council. Finance—Couper, Watkins and Dunn. . . K n. Wiikin, I BUCHANAN, J. P„ Lawyer, Toledo, O., Htukutm, Drains * RatnoKs—Dunn ; Watkins ..... oa*of p r «f. GuilniniU'a French Kidney and Littlefield. J Pads cored mn of Lumbago in throo woek Sexton Whits Cemetery—C O Moors. Sexton Colored Cemetery—Jackie While. Town ooMMOxa—Harvey, Cooper and 8pears. I "GEORGE* VETTER, f, P., Toledo, O.' says: Crmetxries—Spears, Deorflinger and Couper. ^ “ “*■ - • ~ I pad by return matt. TESTIHOLIALS FUOMTHE PEOPLE: ryer, Toledo. i French Kidney - - — - „ <o week's time.— ; - •had boen given up by the best doctors as Incurable. During all this lime I snfferrd nntold agony and paid out lam sums of money.*' GEORGE VETTER, J. P.. Toledo. O., Buffered for three years with Sciatica and Kid net Uaudor—Littlefield, Spears and Putnam. I 21^fS?. h * d t0 «?.» bou * ®° rru » ch “ | Disease, and often had to go about on rrutchea. ** I a entirely and permanently cured after wearing of. Onilmctte's rrench Kidney Pa«l four weeks." 'SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvan la, O.. writes: Education—Putnam, Spears and Dunn. unablo to get out of bed: took barrels of medicine, CttaaiTT—Pntnam, Littlefield ana Doerfllngcr. !?l , L th 5 Jr „ R *! e ,u * only temporary rellof. I wore two m 3i.'.r«,I'uti.*m .nd H.rU | * U 1 Police-Putnam, Dunn, and Watkins. UNITED STATES OFFICER8. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. iR-j'Uty—II.T. Dunn. Collector Internal Revenue—D. T. Dunn. Deputy Marshal—O. J. Hall. Postmaster—Linus North. Commissioner- C. It. Dexter. Shipping Commissioner—G. J. Hail. SEAPORT LOME, No. R. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, Findlay, O., Meets every Tuesday night at eight W. W. WATKINS, X II. PIERCE, V. O. JAS. E. LAMDRIOHT, P. k R. Secretary. COURT HE8SIONS IN THE BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. CLINCH—1st Monday In March and September. APPLINO—8d Monday in March and September. WAYNE—4th Monday in March and September. PIERCE— 1st Monday in April and October. ■ WARE—3d Monday in April and October. ^COFFEE—'Tuesday after Itb Monday lu April ■ Id Monday in May and PROF. GUILMETTE S FRENCH LIVER PAD. Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague, Aguo Cake, Dlllloua Fever, Jaundioo, Dyspepsia, a: * all diseaass of tho Llvor. Stomach and Blood. I'rk 1 fl.nomail. Baud for Prof. Onllmottes Treatise idneys and Liver, free by mall. Addrci FRENCH PAD CO,. GLYNN—4th Monday In May and November. JosILainbriglit JACOB COHEN Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thanks tho public through this medium for tin beha/opeued hls < 8PRING < n<POM , A , ^ONoifgooda ALSOGN HAND A FULL AND WELL AS- [Country Produce In all grades, and placed Lis low prices on them, I which causes a rush by everybody tb|t Is within reach. Ho offers the same chance to all who read | this paper to avail thomaelvca of 'bo a 50c COLORED SILK8 AND SATINS THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT CASHMERE for Summer at 75c L rauey i .... found iu hla estoblishmeut. Also, the newest goods out. called NUN’S VK1UNG. for dresses, la kept lu all grades. All be asks is a call. Do not forget hie SORTED STOCK OF GUOCKKIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD. AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., i at reasonable I MEAN BUSINESS 152 BROUGHTON STREET, GEORGIA. I BRUNSWICK, Thoro is a beautiful legend that has been writton nml sung, full of the sweet imagery of a poet's nature, re counting tbo sad fate of an Indian maiden. Beautiful as au angel's dream, with the eye of a sloe, and tresses tbo bno of a ravon’s wing, she was at onco tbo object of adoration of tbe bravos of her tribe and tbo envy of tbo maidens leso fair tbau sbe. Sbe was tbe orphan of a powerful chief. From her childhood tbo tribe .bad re garded Toccoa with interest and re spect, for sbe was not only wonderful ly beautiful, bat wiso and thoughtful beyond her age. As a child, Toccoa was tbo embodiment of reckless gaie ty, but as sbo grow to womanhood she becamo silent and melancholy, ceased to join in tbe sports of tbe Indian maidons, over wandoring away from them, and sitting alono on soiuo emi nence, with bands claspod aud deep despondency in her groat black eyes, that over scorned fixed upon a terri bly fascinating object, from wbicb it was imi>ossibh> to withdraw them, and tho aged of tbo tribo would say: — “ Toccoa secs more than tbe wisest of US SCO.” Wliou thoy asked her what sbo saw, and why so grave aud thoughtful grown, sbo would shake her bead and pass out from among them to wnudor by tho banks of tbo murmuring streams to gazo up to tbe cold, pale moon, or watch tho rising of tbo fiery orb of day from somo high eminence of her mountain home. At lust her singular conduct attracted the atten tion of tho wiso and aged men of tbo tribo, and a council was culled, to which sbo was summon'd. Tiny nskod hor, “why iu. thou different from tbo maidens of .nr tvilu ? Tell us why thou dost not wear flowers and deck thyself with berries. Wo must know, for wo suspect thee of dark and evil thoughts,” and sbe an swered, ' Father, it is because I think only of tlioso things wbicb tbo Great Spirit shows mo. ' Daughter, what arc those things Answering, sbo said: “Father, thou eompcllcst me to .'peak of that wbicb I would fuiu bide from myself. Woo is mo, that I can sec more than tbo most agod of tbe tribo enn behold. I see coming ovor tbo wide waters, be yond tbe distnnt bills, great eauoes, filled with beings whoso faces arc while like tbo snow. They number more tbau tbo spirit oyes that look out of tbe skies ut night. They land on onr shores aud kill our deer and i buffalo, they turn tbo course of our ^ edgo -f a precipice, and a line of wur- riors stood beforo her, with their bows and arrows. They would bavo bound her oyes, that sbo might not seo tbo death missiles, bat Toccoa waved them away, saying: “I dio for my country 1 Lot mo dio liko n warrior 1” At a signal, tbe arrows of tbo war riors flew trno to tboir aim, and quiv ered in tbo young girl’s heart. Sbo ottered no sound, bnt sprang into tbo air, and disappeared over tbo preci pice. Long did tbe Iudiau maidens search for Toccoa's body, but it was never found; bnt before two moons bad rolled away, a clear, bright stream flowed to tbo edgo of tbo rock, and foil over tbo precipico whoro Toccoa lmd boen sacrified, and tbo maidens of tbe tribo said: “It is the spirit of onr lost companion come to prove to us that sbo is happy," and they called tbo cascade tbe Falls of Toocoa. .Such iu brief is tbe sad legend, wbicb has come down from tbe past, when proudly tbo red man, monarch of all he snrveyod, trod tbo primoval forest, wbicb is now tbo abode of tbo pale faces, tbe coming of whoso ca noes across tho wide waters saddened Toccoa’s prophetic heart. Whilo tbe logend itsolf may be mythical, still tho Falls of Toccoa, in tboir laughing beauty, are tboro to this day, gor- goons in their sotting of emerald and groon, nnd flashing dinmond-liko in tho brightness of God’s sunlight, a thing of beauty and a joy forover lo the enraptured beholder. To hoc Toccoa at its best, you want to visit it in tho frcsliucss of tbo early morning, when tbe penrly dow diupa aro yet on tbo leaves, tbe grass and the flowers, and before tho air has boon colored or stained or heat- d by the advancing day. Perhaps to en joy it most it were best to come sud denly upon it m tho boat and glare of the Dooudny snn, when yon can throw yonrsolf, tired and heated, on somo of tbo mossy rocks, bonoatb tbo urabra- goous shado of tbo overhanging trees, and looking high up to whoro the shimmering stream of silver seems to como out of tbo very sky, rest your woary limbs whilo your soul drinks in tho dreamy intoxication of its dc- TABLB ETIQUETTK. Tbero are a great many people who behave well otherwise, but at table they do tbiugs that, if not absolutely outre and eusemb/e, aro aro at least pi- airimmo and sine die. It is with viow to olovating a popular tusto that wo givo below n few bints upon oti quotte. If by writing an article of this kind we can indneo ono nan who now wipes bis bands on tbe table cloth come up and take higher ground, and wipe them on bis pants, wo sbnll fool amply repaid, If you cannot accept an invitation to dinner, do not write yonr regrets on tho back of a pool-cheek with bluo pencil. Tliia is now regarded as ricochet. A simplo note to your host, inform, iug him that yonr washerwoman ro- fusca to rolcnt, is sufficient. On ooating yourself at tbo table, draw off yonr gloVoe and put them in yonr lap nndcr your napkin. Do not put them in the gravy, as it wonld min tbo gloves and cast a gloom ovor tho gravy. If you hove just cleaned thorn with benzine, you might leave them out in tbo front yard If you happen to drop gravy on yonr knifo blade, back near the han dle, do not run tbo blade down yonr throat to remove tbo gravy, ,ia it might injnro your epiglottis, aud not considered embonpoint nnywny. Wliou you arc at dinner, do not tako up a raw oyster on your fork nnd playfully nsk your host if it is dead, Remarks about death at dinner sro in very poor taste l’ears should be held by I be stem nnd poelod gently but firmly, uot ns though yon were skinning a dead horse. It is not l*m ton. Oraugcs are held on a fork while being peeled, and the facetious styl of squirting tbo juice into the oye of your hostess is now an remir. Stones iu cherries or other fruit should uot bo placed on the table cloth, but slid quietly and iiuostunta- ciously into tbo pocket of your neigh bor, or noiselossly tossed under tbo tablo. tbe way it harrowed tbo soul of tbo urbane clerk was a sin. His habitual smilo went off on a temporary picnic, aud n frown, rnggod and sovero, crowned bis foaturos. He bold it up to gazo and determined to rid him. solf of tbe obnoxious coin upon tbo first opportunity, nnd tbo opportunity soon camo along. A colored team ster from tbe classic precincts of Cross Keys camo in and bought n dime's worth of stamps, tendering n silver dollar. You may readily surmise that tbo quarter with a bole in it was mixed up in tbo chahge be rcceivod. Country liko, however, tbo darky carefully couutcd over tbe change and paused wbon be struck tho bad coin. " Dis hero quarter's good ain't it boas ?" “Cortninly; good ns gold." Then Smith telephoned bis smile to como back, and all was happy for an hour, at tbo expiration of wbicb time small darky, who wanted a nickel’s worth of postals, enroe in. They were connted ont and pnssed over, and Men appeared tbe same old quarter, blink ing its one sorrowful eye nt Smith, ns to say, " Here I am again." " Don’t take money with boles in " Well, I guess we know bim,” said tbo Bergeant, aa be laid down hispon. " Oh, you’ll have to know bim, if bo gets in hero. He colls names aud howls and makes up faces and you'll know bim fast enough. I’d lot bim get lost all bo wanted to if I owned bim; but ma seems to kindor want bim back, and so I came to tell you. If yon have to lick bim wbilo he's here you must bend bim over a chair aud whaok bim with a horse-radish grater. Ma has tried every other way, and tbia is tbo only one that gives satisfaction.’’ .1 Wonderful cow. " Well, anyhow, yon giv' din qnar- ter ter do ole man an’ lie tolc ino to fetch it.” Tboro was no gainsaying this, and Smith was again in possession of tbo one-oyed coin. He potiently awaited another ebaueo to shove it, and final- passed it on a small boy. He got tbo boy in a good humor and inducod him, in spite of all previons moral procepts, to purchase candy, sugar cane, poanuts—anything that could bury tbe possibility of that quarter's ling its way back to tbo pcmt-office. boy wont off debating in bis mind whetbor to tnko tbo quarter home liko a good littlo boy, or spend ” for things for which bis sweet tooth hankered. Ho ovidonlly conquered all consci entious scruples, for nbout 10 o’clock Ben, tbo ponnnt man, prcaontod himself and nskod for tbo rodomption ‘ tbe coin. A season of frowns on A correspondent of tbe Waco Tele- pltone furnishes the following aoconnt of a prolifio cow, near New Hartford, Conn: Tbe history of a cow raised on tbe farm of tbe late Erogtos Ellsworth, of East Windsor Hill, is so remarkable that it is worthy of record. Tbo cow is not of any ono breed, bnt is about tbree-fonrtbs Durham, and I bardly know wbat to call tbe other qnartor. April 10,1877, she gave birth to twins, one mnlo and one female; March 18, 1878, sbo gavo birth to triplets, two males and ono female, mnking five calves in eleven months and three days; July 9,1879, sbo gave birth to twins, both males; Octobor 7, 1880, sbo gave birth to triplets, two males and ono female, making ten calves in tbreo years, five months and twenty- ono days. The calves bavo all been of good size—bealtby and handsome, nnd bnve boon raised on the farm. —* • w •— OnI> a Printer. it with tho uiit-ernckor. This., icons beauty. Approaching from ouly Hn00Btb , bu , it f , r0 ,,„, lcd toward Toccoa City, you leave tbo tho Uafr „ cerf . If you strike n *vonn in yonr fiuit, Then a bright hluii was hit up do not call attention to it by mashing 0D * ,. A °t P»n* anti team a littlo way and go np a tiny valley. It is shat in by wooded hills, so narrow that yon could toss a stono across it. It is all shado and coolnoss aud seclusion. You como to a sheer granite wall, black and yellow and brown, aud tho Toccoa, a small moun- .stream of sparkling wntor, com- riyers, and desecrate tho graves of * u o from the mountain, arrives at the SAVANNAH, feW-Iy EORGIA. Harnett Honsej^ Insurance! b.»e«im»GK (FORMERLY PLANTER V HOTEL), Market Square, (COMPOSED or THE GERMANIA AND m. l. harnett & co J BRITISH AMERICA M R’E CO. RATES, FKOPlIIBTORa, - - $2.00 PER DAY. I ivorltn faniiljr Hofei, under Ita new roaua^c- « rt-coiiuncoded for tbe excelleuco of ita CUISINE, homelike comfort*. PROMPT ATTEN., ■prills-1 y TION AND MODERATE RATES. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. EV'DWKLLINGS AT VERY LOW RATES. City Tax Notice. in ilw :h« . itjrofDrir.-'vIckO! pd/able ai ts„. of 1 onr fathers. Ob, father, does not tho mother more dearly love the child when she knows there is moored bo* foro tho door the phantom bark that bears our dead to tho hunting groutidg of the Great Spirit, and it is waiting for the loved one she holds to hor breast? Yes, father, you, and this is why I love my country more thau all our tribe—because I see the evil that is coming upon us." Then tho wise men of the tribe counseled together and decided that Toccoa was |M>s80sscd by the spoil of an Evil Eye, which had looked u|>on her, and that Rho must die. When informed of this decision, she said: 1 Fathers of tuy tribe, I would dio verge of this wall and drops ovor it, one hundred nnd eighty-six feet. JThero is no roar, no jnr, no rising cloud of spray, no whirlpools, no rushing rapids. All nt once, tho wa ter comes to tho wall, spriugs lightly into tho air aud drops down into n little pool as clear as crystal. First, water, then snowy foam, thon still wa ter again. A great mass of rock has fallen, and tho lower part of tho cas cade is hidden by it. Tho fall is slightly parted by a shelving rock at the top, and so seems in two divis ions. From the pool at the bottom, the depth of which popular tradition says has never been fnthomed the lit tle stream glides away and on adowu Books tor tbe rcceptfc>n of retnrna aud tin- coliec- Pxaav, Hocxtox County. Oa. ’ lion of the Aral quarterly payment ot taxe* are now I We bare known -swift’• Syphilitic Specific- l»N open, and will be cloned oa the Slat day of March, | in bundreda ut caxee «f Sypbilla. Mercurial Rhea* lssT, when execution* will be lamed fur the •■ntire I mat Uni, Scrofula, etc. It made the Boat perfect amd mint of taxe* due for the year agalnM rn. h and f permanent emrra in neryett*. . - . . — Hcoh L. DrwxAno. S*i* D. Killfu, Judge Co Ct. {J. L. Wabjus, of 3. W. Lalbrop ft Co., Karaunah, Office heart from 9 a. K. to 1 r. *.. and from 9 to Ed. Jaouon. Dap't Clerk Superior Ct, W* Burn I mm. Eu Wabxkx. 3. W. Wimbkult. J. C. OtLomr. JAMES HOUSTON. Clerk aud Treeearer. DrupyUt, J. W. Manx. Co. Treaa., Wm. D. Pines, Sheriff, C. C. Drxeav, Day k Ooanox. I am aepi tinted with the pnprietora. aud pf the yentlemet: wheer •li!t>*tatM uipu I f'-rrptAng certificate. They are oi lu*h rharac- ter and atendiuff. a. if. COLQt I fT. Oovirn..r of Gcir»la. niE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Fr»|»rlHr,i nnryswicK, a zonal a. I si. J, C8QVMTT, attorney at law, a .U.v*aTJ«tA ami Aiiui buLAUiff. Men’* Friend.' ...... i tho meadows and between the rugged myriads of times to save my country, i bnt tuy death will not avert the doom I of ray people. I hear tho steady com-1 ing steps of tbo snow-faced |>eople; onward, onward they come, over our plains, by our rivers, and up our mountains. I hears tho mighty pines crashing to the ground, and our love ly oaks groaning benenth the stroke of their great tomahawks, and you, ray people, will surely flee ltefore them into a distant laud. I alone will rctnaiu to keep watch where onr council fires have burned, and my spirit that yon havedoemd tin woman ly will mingle with the race that shall displace ours, to kindle in then hem ta a love for my countr; Ai*! and they will love it, father ns Toccon has loved it. Their women will be fair aud gcutln in times of )xmcc; when tbe war-whoop rings around tbuir wigwams the spirit of Toccoa will be come as the lienrts of warriors. They will place bows and arrows in tbe hands of their boys, and bid them fight for the lands they have wrested from the re 1 man.” They took Toccoa to a high moun tain. The tuuideu stood upon the ! Fidelity. Never forsake a friend. When en emies gather around, when sickness falls on the heart, when the world is dark and cheerless—is tho tirao to try a truo friendship. They who turn from the scene of distress betray their hypocrisy aud prove that interest moves them. If yon have a friend who loves yon, who has studiod yonr interest and happiness, besuro to sus tain him in adversity. Let bim feel that his former kindness is appreciat ed, him! th i? his hm was not thrown iv. He'd fidelity may be rare, but • toes exist They only deny its wortii sud power who Luvo never loved a friend ur labored to make ono happy. Tho good and tbe kind, tho aiToctionate and the virtuous, seo nnd foel the heavenly principle. a A man iu Jersey City died tbo oth er day from hydrophobia eleveu years after a dog bad bitten bim. The uext thing somebody will be taken sick of colic because Eve ate an apple.—Ruf- fjlu Courier. ingly vice ver Macaroni should be cut into small pioccs, and oaten with an oven grace ful motion, not absorbed by the yard. In drinking wine, when yon got to tho bottom of your glass do not throw yonr head back and draw iu yonr breath liko the exhaust of a bath tub, iu order to get the lost drop, as it en genders a feeling of tho most depress ing melancholy among tbe guests. After eating a considerable amount, do not rise and unbuckle your strap in order to got more room, us it is exceedingly au fait and <li*halnlle. If, by mistake, you drink out of your finger bowl, laugh hoartily nnd mako somo facetious remark which will chango the course of conversation and renow tho frioudly feeling among tho members of tho party. Ladies should tako but one glass of wine at dinner. Otherwise there might be diflicnlty in steering tho mnlo portion of the procession home. Do not make remarks about the amount yonr companion has eaten. If tho lady who is yonr companion at table, whether she bo your wife or the wifo of some one else, should cat quite heartily, do not offer to pay your host for his loss, or say to her: “ Great Scott! I hope you will not kill your self becanso yon have tho opportuni ty;" but bo polite nnd gcutleiuunly, even though the food supply should bo cut off for n week. If one of the gentlemen should drop a raw oyster into his bosom, and he should bavo trouble in fishing it ont, do uot mako facetious remarks about it, but assist bim to find it, laughing hoartily all iho time. The % ntU n or m Perforated Coin. T« and Mwaamo-r Homo misekievious wsg, jooUirday, circulated tko report tbut tke post-of fice was receiving mutilated coin at par. A flood of clipped, perforated and otberwiso damagod coin waa pre sented to Smith, tbe delivery clerk, only to be firmly, yet politely, refused. By somo mysterious chance, however, a twenty-five cent piece, with a ga|>- ing wound under tbo eagle's nose, found its way into Smith’s till, aud pencil marks mado Hint quarter look perfectly hunllliy nnd sound. I’rotty soon n bnuk boy enrae along nnd wnntod a lot of silver ebango. In went tbo coin, but ns bo Imndrd it over tbe counter it waa tbo only pieco to fall on tbo floor. When picked up tbo bole waa aa plainly viaiblo os a froali comet. Utterly disgusted with this effort, .Smith offorod tbo coiu at twenty cents, fifteen centa, ten cents, and dually tried to givo it away.— Then ho inclosed it in an onvolope and addressed it lo tbo beatbon on the Fiji Islands. Tli, l.oai Hor’o Itroth.r Tliu other day a hoy about ton years of nge entered tho Twelfth street po- lico station nnd informed tbo sergeant in charge that his litttlo brother was lost. " How uld is be ?” asked tbe officer, lie prepared to write out a descrip tion. How old? Why, I never nskod bim Itotv old lie was," was tbo oaton- iabod reply. “ Well, what do you think ?” " I guess lie’s moru'n half ns big as am, and ion saya she'll tan bis jack et good and stout for getting lost." “ What is Ibe color of bis hair ?' "Hair? Let’s see! I don't believe ovor took notice, bnt I’ve beard tbe boys call him ‘rial bend go to bed.’" " I’ll put it dowu red, thou. How aro bis oyos ?” “One of tbeiu squints, but t’other oue is all right." " Aro they bine?” " I don’t know; this is tbe first time be over got lost." “ Did he wear a list or cap ? " I don’t kuow. He generally goes nroHud bareheaded, an I ma says del! get -nn .truck yet.” How was bo dressed ?" I know be bad on some clothes,” was the bestatiug reply. “ Does be wear coat* ?" " Sometimes." “And pnnta?” “ Yea.” “ Waa be barefooted ?” “ I guess so." “ And wbat is his name ?" " He’s got Iota of names; but 1 guess lua calls bim Jimmy most of anything.” The following tribute to tbe uoblo preservative art wo find in n contem porary, uti l wo commend its strong contra::! to tbe intelligent reader.— Ho was only u printer.” Such was a sneering remark of a leader of aris tocracy. Who was tbo Earl of Stan- kopo ? Ho waa only a printer. Who is Prince Frederick William—married to tbo Princess Royal of England ?— He, too, wna only n printer. Who was William Caxton, tbo father of lit erature ? Ha was only a printor. Who were N. P. Norris, N. P. Willis, J. Qalos, C. Richardson, Horace Grcely, Bayard Taylor, 'Charles Diokons, •Theirs, Jorold, George D. Prentice and Senators Dix, Cameron and Nilos? Thoy, too, worn printers.— What waa Bonjamin Franklin ? Ho also, was a printer. Every ono can not bo a printer—brains aro nocca- sary. Every man of honor bos a loathing for a low thing. • eie » Utnott, Stewart Co., (la. I tried Neurotic with good effect for nervonsusee, wakefulness and dyspopaia, and oordially recommend it to all who saffer from those troubles. Yonrs respectfully, L. F. Hcimxie Cramp Headache. Jackson Co.. Oa., Jan. 15, 1880. My wife has suffered greatly for years with cramp in the lower limbs, wbleh latterly had extended np tbe body. Sbo nsed a little of yonr Nenrotic, which gavo her speedy reliof, snd sbo has not bad any retarn ot tbo pain since. It has given equal satisfaction when nsed for headache. Wo think it the greatest rem edy for pain in the world. Yonrs tmly, W. 8. WnrrxniAD. Atlanta, Oa., Nov. 7, 1879. Dn. C. J. Motffit—Dear Sir—I can not too strongly recommend yonrToetb- ina (Teething Powders) to mothers os one of tbe best medicines they cm obtain for their fUbililuted and sickly infants. I have nsed it with very satisfactory re sults tbe past summer with my own child, nnd whilo we havo heretofore lost s child or two from teething nndcr other reme dies, onr present ebild that baa taken Tcetldna is a fine, bealtby boy. Its merit ie certain to make it a standard family madicino for this eonntry for the irritaiious of teething and bowel disor ders of children of all ages. Iam, very respectfully, M. P. IIsown, M. D. (brother Senator Joseph E. Brown ) OHS Who Knows Mays: Rankin's compound Fluid Extract of Bnelm and Juniper ia tbe most pleas ant sud effective remedy for all diseases of tbo bladder or kidneys that bos boen offered to tho public. Mild and pleas ant in it- action, it stimulates and (nvig orates the secretions, and given health and lone to the prostiato or diseased or gans. I’ain in the bladder, gravel, pros tration, non-retenion of the urine, brick dost deposit—in fact nil disonses of Iht bladder or kidneys try cured by it. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin A La mar, druggist, Atlanta, Os., tod for ante ANTtoaT^mir Co., Os.. July 4, T9, Ism one of the anfAttnnate snfferera from gravel or dimrne of tbn Udneye, and find mors end speedier ,*Unf bom Rankin's Buehn and JnniMr than any thing I hnvn ever tried. I esteem it -<> highly wees then baton* bottle b tbo Id I would willingly giv* 4100, or ‘ tt. I any amount, for it. ' 1 recommend it above all similar preparations. angle 2m eow T, K. tVniN. 1