Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 08, 1881, Image 2

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ATTKXTIOK, 1MIIHTEUK. Since the oonroli<Ution of tb# Ad vertise# »sn Appeal, I bnvo been wil ing off surplus material, and have some fan* articles left, which I siu of fering low—very low—to-wit: 1 Liberty press, 13x19, 00 pounds long primer, 60 ponnds nonpareil, * 1 font long primer italic, 1 font bourgeois italic, 1 font nonpareil italic, 1 font nonpareil title, Column rules, Besides a few job fonts. Apply to T. G. Stact, Brunswick, Ga. Tho Queen of England wants Oar- lie-id's photograph. Tbo Grand Jury of tbo District of Columbia has indicted Guitoan. Georgia has ♦">,142,070 invested in cotton factories. She should have ten times that amount. ■ Atlanta is annoyed by a horse dis ease called "pink cyo." Scores of horses kavo died from it. Demosthenes wrote, "Oratory is de livery—delivery—delivery," and do- livery is killed by tbo use of manu script. In other words, a speakor loses half bis force when be confines himself to his paper. There are said to be about $6,000 bauds at work on tho Atlanta Exten sion of tliu M. A IS. ltoad and they do say that the Bond will be through to Macon by January first. This is mere conjecture however. Dr. P. H. Mell, Chimccllor of the Univsrsiiy of Georgia, announces Hint hereafter tbero will lie no tuition charges for undi r-graduates in that institution. A matriculation fee of ♦10 and a library fee of $6 is all that is required besides board 111 an altercation betweeu two ne groes at Wayncsvdle, both got shot, one in tho bowels. In the melee, a stray bullet from ono of thoir pistols struck Mr O'Quino, the telegraph op erator, under the arm, iullictiug a se vere though not dangerous wound. October 6th Was President Arthur's birthday. The Tdojrnph and JA«*n- 'j'-r of that date remarked: "To-day is Mr. Arthur's birthday. He was born just fifty-ono years ago. If lie inteaks acting the gentleman to the South, wo wish him man returns. If not, not." UAMUHN COUNTY. Our Correspomlrnt Dishes up it few Hpiuy Items from thnt Purt ot tho Country. 8*ni.i.t Bu rr, Camdxx Co., Ga., October 4th, 1881. Etlitvr Adirrlmr and Appeal: Editor* say “write anything that la rcadnblo and interesting, but in this part of Camden county little trails- pires that would interest the outside world. Wo arc, however, compara tively happy, and enjoy our full pro- |>orliou of this world’s comfort, with out its churches, schools, society, etc., uf which wo havo none. Wo live alone, yet wo uro in full sympathy with .Shakspeuro's deposed duke when exiled i n the forost of Arden, for we can say with him:— ‘•Are not the#* wood* mofo fret from peril than the court environ* 7 Her* reel w* not tli* penalty of Ad*m. And Utl* oar life, exempt from public haunt, Kind* tongue* introo*. book* In the running brook*. H< rmoni in atone*. and food In everythin*.” The penalty of Adam was probably earning his living by tho sweat of bis brow. Therein wo disngreo, but in all else wo aro in full accord. But our church, although not built, is in n fair way of of becoming n part of tho history of Camden county, thnnks to the indefatigable exertions of a fow of our ladies (some of whom you nro acquainted with), slid whom r am turo God and the poople will surely bless for thoir endeavors, for tbo obstaclos appear to tho writor yet insnrmountablo, for with so littlo as sistance and still less money it really npjienra to be all “up hill work.” We have much of the material on hand, tho doors and windows providod for, but tho labor must bo paid in cseb, and "there's tbo rub.” Wo havo it not, bnt wo nro all behovera in "Campbell's Pleasures of Hope.” Tho loss of tbo stenmor Centennial, me time ago, shuts US Out complete ly, from the world, and the planters and mill mou on tho river nro driven to nlmost desperate straights to know how to keep tho country supplied with "grits and bocou." Ono roliof, however, has been found (thanks to our provident law-makers), for we aro no lougor in want of venison and wild tllrkoys—nud here tho nigger aud tho cracker is auporlitivo. Tho shooting season commenced last Sat urday, anil before 10 a. u. wo had a doer offered, skinned, dressed and cold, just ready to cook—killed, of course, very early that same morning!' This last, however, wo didn't iuquiro into, but cinbrncod the offer, and af terwards embraced (lie deer The season lias favored our rico- tlmt tho ‘'Clement Attachment” is do ing so much good and earning such handsome returns to the investors.— This mil) is tho euterpriso of a yonng Mr. J. V. Stribling, who induced bis father and two neighbors to enter a stock company with him. Thu ca pacity is six or eight borne |>owor.— Tho building is n cheap frame, un dressed two stories and a basement. The machinery the same as in other cotton factories, with tho addition of the "Clemunt Attachment," which spins the cotton direct from tho seed. Tho building cost $700, water dam and fixtures, ♦300; machinery com plete, ♦S.&OO. Total cost, $3,SOO. Cost to run it, ono superintendent, one boy and six country girls. Average cost por day, {7 00—the hands food themselves. Hera are tho figures for tho Grst year fro/n tho owners: LIABILITIES, lfti.nrjn pounds rood cotton at IS emit*.... f t, It’ Ofl Oporalitm and contlnf< nt »ip*n*<*# 1,500 ( 5,MS ( KKSOUHCKM. 4.HW poiiml* yarn at 15 e*nf* # tt*M-0 waste* at 4 cent* .. 141 U) 3,0UObuah«l cotton sued. < Set profit U» Of* It is claimed fur the now cotton procoa, First—That it will do swny with tho gin honse cotton packing, bag ging, sowing, much binding, etc. Second—That it will dispense with tho many clippings of middle men, sack ns speculators, weighing and marking, storage, insnrnnco, commis sions, etc., etc. Third—Tho groat margins (botween tho raw material and tbo fabrics) which has enriched tho North, will be saved and apent at homo. Fotirtb—That it will employ a large nnmber of women and children whose labor otherw iso is valnclcflit. Fifth—That it will increase our population, circulate inure money and afford better schools. Sixth—That it will incroaHotbo val ue of our real cstnte nud bring into market tho products of our country. Soveutb—That it will briug capital and machinery from the North, East and West. That the "down-trodden South” will bo no longer "bowers of wood and drawers of water” for others, bnt will ontcr upon a now era of wealth and prosperity uncqnalod before by this or any other country. Wherever there is a grist mill, plan- ing or saw mill, a yaru factory can bo added without an iucroasu of power PROCEEDINGS OF CO VSOI L liptfulnr Mmtiinii. October 6th, 1881. Council met. Present, His Honor, J. F. Nelson, Mayor, and Aldermen Harvey, Littlefield, S|»earB and Wat kins. Absent, Aldermen Dunn, Doer- tlingor Cooper and Putnam. Tbo minntes of tbo last regular and and special meetings were read and confirmed. Tho appeal case of W. J. Williams was continued to the uoxt regular meeting. Head a communication from O'Con nor A Wen/., stating that they did, on the fifth day of May, 1881, pay $35.00 for a license to retail spirituous liq nors at thoir store on tho corner of Bay aud Mansfield streets, for the quarter ending July 31st; that their store was unfortunately destroyed by fire on the night of the 25th of May, when they saflored a vory considera ble loss; and, therefore, praying Coun cil to refund them tho amount paid fur the licenso after the said 25th of May, which was received and tho Clerk and Treasurer instructed to re fund them two-thirds of tho nmouut paid for tho license Read n communication from I>. A. Moore, Keeper of tho Guard House, stating that he could not, owing to the great advance in the price* of pro visions, feed the city prisoners for the sum id forty cents per day. and, there fore, asking Council to pay him such sum for tho feeding ns would give him something beyond nctual exj>ense iu enrred by him, which was received nud thon referred to tho committee on streets, drains and bridges. Head a communication from G. W. Wimberly, stating that bo did, on the first day of Slay, 1881, pay the sum of $35.00 for a license to retail spiritn oils liquors at his saloon oq Newcas tle street for tbo quarter ending tho 31st day of July; that tho building was, very unfortunately, for biiu, de stroyed by firo on tho night of the 22d of Juno, and, therefore, asking Council to refund him one-half of the amount paid for such license, which was received arid tho Clerk and Treas urer instructed to refund one-half of the said $35 00. Head a com muni tut ion from W. F. Doerllingcr A Co., making application for a lieouso to retail spirituous liq uors in the new building ou the South side of Monk street, accompanied by the written consent of the nearest neighbors, which was received aud tho license granted. The Finance Couuuitto submitted porta of the Clerk and Treasur Glynn County Sheriff Sales First Tuesday in November, 1881. anoRorA—oltyv cowt. Will be sold before tbo Court House door In (be city of Brunswick. Glynn county. Qcorgi*, on tb** first Tuesday in November. 1881, between 10 o’clock *. u. and 4 o’clock ». *. of that day. *t public out* cry, to the hlgb—t and beat Udder, tbo following ‘■SS’ffi- improvement* in ono-balf ot that certain lot of land In tbo city of Urn&awtck, said coonly aod State, known and deaenbed in the plan o! aald city, aa Town Common*. No. 37. between Stonewall and Lea afreet*. Levied on aa the property of Win. If. Italney, under and by virtue of two tax tt fa* la* sued by It. If. Ttfoa, Tax Collector of Glrnn coun- tv vs. Wm. II. Italney, for tafea due the State of Georgia and Olynn county for the year 1880. No tice given Principal. |5 &3; cost $7 70. JUBKPli IS. 1 Sheriff O. C. Ga. GEORGIA-GLftfl COOKTT. Tuesday in November. 1881, between 10 o’cli and 4 o’clock r.M., of that day, at public o tb* highest and beat bidder, the following j»roj*erty All that certain lot of land *nd improvement* thereon, aituate lying and being in that portion «*f the rity of Brunswick* aald county am) state, known aa Dixvtile. said lot known and dc*crtt>*d in tbo plan of axtd city a* Dixvtile lot No. a. East (4 Stone, wall, botween George and London afreet*. Levied on aa the property of W. r. I'eunlman aud by virtue of two tax A lias, Imued by K. M. Ttaon, Tax fob unty, agalnat W. F. p " i of Georgia and Olyu ' Amount ox taxes, (8 41; cowt, 17 70. JOS GKoHGlA—Olyxx Covert. Tuesday in November, MSI, between 111 o’clock and 4 o’clock r. u. ct that day, at i>uf ’ *— the bigbeat and beat bidder the foil in pryorty to-wit Sew Grocery Store! ’lowing described panel* of land HAVING PURCHASED THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT OF MESSRS. Dunn & Co.’s Establishment, THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS OF provementa thereon situate lying and lx log in the city of Drutnwlck, Olynn county, Ga., and known and described a* section one and two of Old Town let N<>. sixty-one (fll). aa the property Watkina'a« administrator of tho e*t»te of R. r. williams u der and by vtrtn# of a n fs isauol out of tbo County Court of Glynn in favor of A. T. Putnam vs. W. W. Watkins, as adminUtntor of tbo cam* of K. F. William*, to satisfy the said fl /*-- L*\y made ani returned to me by L. J. Loavy. Con stable pith district. G. M.. Olynn county, Ga. Principal, #7 (*>; Interest. 56; cost #11 OU JOS. K. LAM It RIGHT. GEORGIA—Oltn* CotJRTT. Will In* sold In-fora tha Court House door, in Hi* city of Brunswick. Olynn county, Georgia. <>n tn<> first Tuesday In Novamber. 1881, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 4 o’clock r. u. ot that dsv. at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit: All that certain lot or parcel ol land, with im provement* tberron, containing on* acre, more »,r less, situate, lying and being In the 35th District (4. M , Glynn county,Ga.. on 8t. (Unions Island, on the north east side of the Hamilton road, and being a K rt of tha posted place, aald property known »• hn Taylor’* place. Leriod en ** the property ol John Taylor, under au:l by virtnaof a ft fnlsaued out of tb# office of the N, P. aud ex-officio J. P., In and for the Wtb District G. M„ Ulynn county, Georgia, in fkvor of Jacob B. Dart va. John Taylor, to BAtlsfy the aald fi fa. Levy made and returned ry. Constable 2 THAT THEY INTEND TO KEEP A FULL LINE OF FANCY i STAPLE GROCERIES. JUS. E. LAMBRIGHT, .Sheriff O. V . Ga OEOROIA—GtTNX CotTXTY. Will be sold before the court bouse door iu tli city of Uruaawick, Glynn county. Georgia, l>e»wt*ci the hour* of teu o’clock a. x. and four o’clock r. m. i find Tuesday In November, IhnI. to the high nd bent bidder Ihc following dcscrib***! prop to-wit; that certain lot of land, with improvement o . jit.-.ate, iylsj aud Icing in the nltyu Brunswick, aald county aud Ktate. and knowu thirty-three, levie, Clark, uml« r an l by virme by R. M. Tlsou, Tax Collet and a very amall iucrenno of coat Wo liopo that tho day is not far the m l*l* y j ,),antcr8 0,1 l fj i8 rivcr * auJ ovor nu ftV ‘ I diHtant when Georgia will havo these 0 r and Marshal examined nud found . _ j urago crop will be gathered, tho bar-) factories in full operation in ovory (correct, which were received nud or An exchange says: " A postal card ) vosting of which is already well ad-1 cotton county iu tho State, with a pocket attachment to cucloboa’ vauced, and with gootl weather, will . S T ow York dcalora hiiv that threadH file. Inscribed a* Old Town lot (3J3) Ihm thlriy-tbree Clark, uudi i by h. agninsl rty levied ou and A 1 <r*vy, Constabl* 26th District O Tax fl J5; coat #7 70. JOO. K. LAMBRIGHT, ti geOUgia-Olthh Covirrv. a Con nn c< lh8l. between leu of that day. to tin ildor, the following property, t o«l of land, lying au.l bv£r- aEO^aE tat* | Prop. found I. •*! tin* f'< ml-1, roady to -wait on !iis old r pare*! of h mnts thereon, aim i District O. M„ Oljynn couni by tho Dou rhall tract, and oast by Buffalo swamp, a-id known as “Anfftillla." Ix-vicd on under ami by virtue of tw. tax fl fas ta.ued *»y it. M. T rot.. T.ix Colin tor ot Olynn county, ra. F. W’. If«iJeb»r»t. atainp for a reply in the latest idea.— | ho couq»lotcd iu from two to three Tho next great invention should bo n i nooks. |K>btnl card with n bay window an- j Our mill meu are all shut down fur noxod, into which a man can crawl and travel uti) where iu the country for one cent.” The people of Blooiuiugtou, III., socui to think n» they do in Georgia, that "justice and the courts are a farce." They took a murderer from tho jail nud hung him, iu upon day, with tho Sheriff, Marnlml aud |HXiHe fighting thorn, aud tho tiro engine drenching them with water »>■> -- Charleston negroes have been try ing their hands the past Week on a wtrike. It in thu old ntory of "labor vs. capital, and will end, iih it nlwuyit does, in favoi uf capital. Tho rice field hands, too, have been indulging iu tho same M^rt of iq*ort, but with |»oor success. Tho organization of the Souato en gages the attoutiun just uuw of the whole country. The l>omucrats have the majority and can elect the tqnmk* er. Meanwhile the K« publieunH find they are about to louo thut houor, are talking comprumitM>, but the guuernl opinion scorns to bo that thero w ill Iw no compromise. Many mu the predictions of what Arthur will do. It m-oms pretty well settled that Hunt end James will re main iu his cabinet, if they desire, but the rest, like the poor loan Indian, must go. Who their successor* will bo has not yet been settled, oral least, made public. The nutiou awaits with | his example brouthlehs hileuce to sec tho policy of tho new chief magistrate. The tide uf mi migration coutinue* to flow with increasing force Him* j Jaimury 3, 328,050 men, women and ) children have tun landed at Custle| Garden, 5,000 more than during the j barno period in lb>i. aud 2,000 no than arrived during September of lord year. The Comtuis-1 repairs, preparatory to nu exi>cctaut hwty Nvasou. Tho old mill at tho Lower Bluff, formerly tho Norwich Lumber Co.’s mill, is hoiug robuilt by Mr. Sweat, formorly with Mr. Jaa. W. Bailey. Ho cx|>ecbt fo commonco op- orntioUH by Xmas or before, and, nt the Name place, tho turpontino still of McKinnon Bros., iu charge of Mr uindo by this new process chiKS high- tiered to Lk> published and placed on i ’i f jC v.c,7‘tIa ai\he"j.crty'u^ssufr*'w. > »'i*^! Tho harl>ur master submitted his cr aud command bettor prices than I report of the arrival of vessels, which made from coniprcHHod cotton. Much inoro is claimed fur this At- fy tin- coat #* 70.' JOS. E. LAMBRIGHT.; t G. < tnchinent timu I have mentioned. In haste, yours, Walter Tho Kx|Mwi(iuii r V'X utrry, t<» the t n the court ll- l! > (in con utj ml ter. lw*l,» •k r. M. of that Jay, a lid beat bldil-r. Hi a of la.ul Aii ordinnneo to repeal au ordi nance, outitlod an ordinance to dcliue thu fire limits of the city of Brunswick and for other ptir|H>seH therein men tioned, passed iu Council August 3d, j 55JJJtt # E!idwtti 0D As > D<i < iMin Tbc AlUutn Kxpoxition o|x>ue,l ou j 1H.S1, w,.a reiui tbo wo,ml tin..., ! t°»o -?■ Ibu 5tb iiiHt. with Krunil nml im|M>«-1 mi ilB piuwag0 i, )Bt . ' ' Aid. Harvey submit tho ground next week iu person and i nance entitled an ordinance t«* amend Brn K#L1?SMITH & CO. <H'|'3l-ly Brunswick and Albany R.R. TUbOZHS TABLE. Tukcs Elloct Mumliiy, Ootolicr 3d, 1S81. ■M! trains going west. I Nnp*riur Court of said county . 'curort, aa admlniatra Tkomaa K. Davruport. lato BRUNSWICK MARKET. Siuitb, In-ini; in full blast, lumia a | will favor onr rcailora with a alight' „„ nniinanco ontitlwl nu onliimtiro t„ busy prosjurt to all our surroundings, i sketch of w lmt wo may wmi and hear. Wo huvo hut few births, marriages 1 or 'leatliH to record, nud, on to acci-1 douts or outrages, tho first that comes I to my recollection for tho lust eight months occurred to-day, when a son j Middling Fair, of Arnold AriuHtrong ^colored), unity, tlccraaed. a DarL Hentor, a* trustee fur hi* » if*. K. children. Frojwrty pointed out (•> rtu-y. and Irvtwl u|*oa a* th« proper- Id defendant, to eatUfy ff »»•— .1 n hi #.v»( U); prtnctral debtiutereal judgment, to-wit. February. I**!, )er for Messrs, lliltou A Foster, was aceideutly shot by his half brother, through the careless handling of fire arms. Your mitrnotiiiig parties from Bruns wick should select Camden couuty for fishing excursions. No better places can be found in Georgia for fish and oysters than tho former residence of Gen. Chas. K. Floyd, at Fairfield, aud of his brother at Uelleviow, both opening on St. Andrews sound—no plnces which would feed the reflective mind writh more interest, or prrhnps sorrowful reflections. Do, my dour editor, let thu world kuow that we are trying to build a church, nud that we are in earnest, and that if all the world are not Fca- bodys, let Us have some that emulate I Middlim. .. Ml.ldilm; Low Mkldllna... late la«t aforraald, a . Notice i.lvi’U Urbatiu* Dart ewaid. IOSEFH K. LAMI1UIGHT. s • biRbcat and beat biddti ktUchI prii|tt-My, t- K #3.75. M »J 35, N M.M. • tw Te»rrvria* -Oil* and wrklal SUPPLIES. Umtw dry i r rib ctaar rib a|.|ea, ; l**»u oat*. 57 Hat-Northern. #1 2UA<1 3'; K**t. clear. lP,c; aliouldrrw. Oaai*—Com—whit, t 60; bran. |1.X5. thy #i :«5. 1.4*0—111 ib rcwa. I3t,c; tcj» a* l luow. lic. Fuivo—Sn|wrfln<*. fa 5ik46 7-': cxlra. #7 jfWaa «*•: Suntlr. Jp_^**n* ou; lancy, f 10 UK* In 60; bakrrs'. Uidra. dry Slut. I O,c; salted #8 VW#J X\. IIIi*r “ iota. 37m Wool I’n ‘.c. burn -I* . r aklua. tv« #5 r naval stokes krhoiith. »la aud aptuU. 3a. DJ.hV :M. I' •XU- on ai.uita m-To Srm fork DlXIl. I III*. fl.FMKNT AITAC'IIMFNT. .ies^stsz of Bruuawrick, and known and described it. of aald city, tuads by Grom* R. Bal.lwi Doariol IM7, aa old Towa Iota uumbera .TJH, 379. SKI. Trj, 404, 405. fi30. l'jl and 1'. l>rojw*rty lovtad ou by tha under-itroM. a* of aai-t couuly, aa lb* proparty of L’rl>aun< I as truatre for Itla wifa. K. K. Itart. and hrr' ■n.t«r and by vtrtnc of a fl ta u*u>-d from tl rur Court of **ld c.nnty In f»vor of K. V a* rtirviring copartner of T. M. Majii against ->»ld I'rbanua part. Sr., aa trurti wtf-. F. IL Dart, and b*r cbiblran. Fr»p*rt Shipping intelligence. >\CmV,HaBUisUAMC«b,Ga., I t September 21, ISM. ) ! ► | Editor Adixrtinr and Apjx'al; Dt-ts Sir - Uettirning from that ! lovely spot, Forter Springs, thci|uetiu | •>f thu Blue Kidgc mouutniiiH, by way 'a7firet VU b»Vf"of|'’? ““ioew'dle via Rielmion.l A Dun- villa* llailsoid, we stopped st this, bioucra contiuuu to report that the 1 thriving little city, t .f fiOO souls, that j immigrants rro o( • better elw, »► n I .t<-riv<-H iu n»mu from Uioae grtad old , rule, than ever bofor", and that ocarlv I . • , . .? . 1 - — — 1 every one brings s little capital, flu- 1 ]" ! ‘ ' 8 tb w crc 0 y* TTTCrti UVPTh t 1 result of economy practiced in the old , *“ ib uu ‘* which pooU of.cj UOl IYajvXiX V £il," • j country. _ past agea have written and sung. ONE CASK OF I Hubdrcds of men, women aud chil- tt,t * ^ Ull ^’“ ^ roiu Atlanta, live I . YvTTCTI fP n T5T T? drod reacufid from beds of pain, sick- unles from th«* South Carolina liue W* siTlXwXl laiJjLJu W liNiJ, |ess and almost death, and made! and fiftwui iutli« from Weatmunstur, WtOT ’ Tm.i TIIK PORT OF BRUNSWICK I'ORTHE W LKK LND1NG iB lUUERUh. i"M. AUHIVAlJ* \ \ BkSyrs. IMtlngah-, Ida Janeiro i t—Sc Sarah L Pavla, Rny«*r«. lMiial , J-tV X. Lie Grant. Jonlau. New V .rk •*— Hk Ivnan.*. Towna.>n>l. N^w York. I 7—Nor Lk Yorkalurw. Ja.. I-**.. Moub «id>f UK P.«liTt*RfX 1 Hr hk Mallncbr. ku kUuu. Ili.' ww Ayr*#. I Ba- Bilan II. Muur»«v Whitaker. PlilU.1 I I -S< tvdro A Grail. Build PhlUdrli hu. 4—Sc Nellie Grant. I.T.lai.. M. UmtoMIi . . I iletiuo the fire limits of the city of BriiUMwick, ami for other purposes ! therein muutioucd, pabsod in Coiiticil I August 3, 1881, which was read the | first time, thru takci j moils consent, rua«l a seeoml time by j sections and passed, i By Aid. Watkins: I lietoldd, Thut the Clerk aud Tretts- j urer bo retjuirud to furiiish Council | with a statement of thu amount ex- |M-iided from the city treasury on the | Fair Grounds of the Glynn County Agricultural Association during the year 1881. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The Clerk was instructed to employ an assistant during the time of regis tration, thu pay not to exceed the sum of $50 00. Thu Finance Committee *uhiu bills amounting to $500 Of. which f were ordered paid The bill of D. C. Bacon A C< amounting to $80 00 for lumber fur- J oished the Glynn County Fair win re- j 1). (J# ltlSLEY, Proprietor furred to a sja ci tl committee consist- j ing of Messrs, llarvey, Littlefield and j ‘ 0: h|H*ars. K’KiVB'i MANUFAClt’RUD 11V HANK, W Thu bills of G. A. Hanson fur pre j uf Rnmui guadi.s-r lice service for W. H. Uuiney and T. W. Bolt, w hilo sick, were ordertnl to be paid by the said NY. 11. K iiiu-v ami r. w. Bolt. Council then udjourced. J. F. Nelson, Mayor. Attest: Jamls IIuustu • property of tb# #al<l defrodaut. to aatiafy • iM ». Amoant of aald fl tk, #5,‘>(7 *t pnii( ij>#1. in. cat up to February »l. !*t|, #J.UM with a.>- ic| iut#r«-at. ami |W M oral of antt. N> t:> - gl> to t’. Dart, Sr., truatic a# aforuaabl, tenant in M JOSKHI K. LAMBRIGHT, Sheriff G. C. G*. vtobwr !#t, 1*41. .-CIGAR FACTOIiY BRUNSWICK, GA.. FRKItillT NO. 3. I’ASHKN- GKH NO. 1 i.Rave. STATIONS. K J 5? [ i s PASMEN- OKB NO. 1. I.KAVK. FREIGHT NO. 4. IL. 5:00 ak 0810 A M IlilUiNSWICK 17 1 A. 0:45 A. 7:15 ; I.OdM 0:50 10 JAMAICA 15 » G:00 1.0:20 i,.r,::»7 10:22 25 WAY N ESW'I LLE... 1IC 5:32 I. 5:43 1.7:10 10:40 32 I.ULATON 130! 5 00 || I. 5:10 ! 1.8:10 11:2U 15 HOBOKEN 120 4:20 L. 4:10 L. 8:37 11:41 50 SCH I.AT’RVILLE.. 12ll 1:13 I. 3:50 ! I. 0:50 12:20 I'M 00 WAY CROSS ill! 3:43 I. 3:05 I. 10-i'! 12: It 07 WARES BORO 101 3:15 L. 2:00 1. 11 1" 1 it * 78 MILLWOOD 03 2:13 Ll:ll I..UII 2:10 t 00 i’EAKSO.V 8 1 2:10 t 1.12:10 1 1. 1 » Z I'M 2: JO 93 KIRKLAND 7 1:35 L. 11.18 l.i 10 '>A 7 101 WB.LIOOOCIIKK.. 70, 1:10 5 I. 11:00 I. 2:14 3:23 112 ALAPPA1IA 5£ 12:32 pm I. 10:15 I. 2:6(1 3:50 122 BROOKFIELD 4£ . 11:52 r. 0:22 1. 3:35 1:21 130 TI ETON 41 11:27 I. 8:40 L. 3:52 1:35 133 RIVERSIDE 38 11:10 L. 8:15 i. 4:21 1:53 130 TYTY 32 10:53 I. 7:41 I. 4:50 5:12 145 ALFORD 20 10:34 1. 5:37 5215 V 151 ISABELLA 20 10:15 I. 0:20 r, o-2ii O.O! 101 DAVIS 10 0:35 I* 5:35 A. 7810 A. 0-30 17DEAST ALBANY 0:00 A M I. 5:00 am TRAINS GOING EAST. Iiud vnraM.| R. D. MKADER, Suiierintendcnt A|n>rov<xi: CHARLES I- SCHLATTER, Ocnl Manager. BUST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. ; Itcisrs (3EXUIXE XEW CllOl' GARDEN SEED ONION SETS. Pure Havana Tobacco, \ r MALLORY'S NEW YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. CONNOR* WIINZ. It VKVl llS liOTKL. WiMUKRLV U. J. J Kt’SSLI.L HutJCKNDuUF MATH US. iili UI.i.AON A into TOBACCO. ^tiThe nest 5 uent Cigars. ■LAhtlUKllR RTOKK. j U.I Ill'll SI Y. Your'Orders ore Solicited. IWliriW FOPYMIN PUP, JOE SALE. organd h«rtj by P.rtaf. Gi 0 «rl s . c uunr wblch . uu Cboctoo, onie are the best cr.demvu in tho -A FINE— •bd*n»-r M.Hxlay nr»t I will k*r|> | By K.»u..U Bark el* mwntiua. «n.l l., •*:• at j ‘ n B “ l * ’ 5J1.J30IPOX* : Fresh Fish and Oysters Two story Residence, world nf iu atrriiDg uoilb. Y«« ou> I “ J** 11 «•««"««« | —»v— I. J J Iiud tbow in every coumauitv.—1'inl. 11 »riti> U> try nml lutorvat every eot- o Ut'VCiK NL t> in 4' I ■ •. ■ i, 11..,. Sue ■dvertiwaiKi.l. ’ U>u t.rrner ,i. Gu,r ; ;ra. It i.« | * Llt ‘ ’ - IU| ' 1 U ' ,,UUCr ’ ; at my Flak Mark, t on l.uiDfitld aod Ti% ““ * 'a* any ••» Ibr iUj - LL.t.tltSWCU. s yiag i >*o* aod wUMkrw*. pnJOct'Off all.ting* from Are, and adant* ST1.VM8H1P8 WJTSTMBJV ym Coptaii. KiNLs. CITT OF 9sM£,m Captain RISK. *1 Lrarra New York *very Friday at 3 P. If.. arrtv. ing to Brunswick every Tneaday. Ctoa# roonretloo wltb all poihU oo B. k A. aod M. k U. UailrootU. ’lbrough bill* lading aijmed to ail point* on abovo rood*. Freight and pa*row# aa low a* by any other line. For |w«cnger and iUu rooms apply to II. W. BOVTUWirK, A alt Jam My Brunswick, Go. X a E3 ! BY Wholesale and Retail. to t mat 5 to 7 A. SL HAYWOOD.