Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 15, 1881, Image 4

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tuns i. hlqi & co, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HEAVY 'GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. GENEEAL COMMISSION MERHANTS ! Goods bought and sold on closest fig ures. Consignments solicited. We Mean Business! And hope by a study of the wants of our customers not only to keep those hc now have but to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. The Ladies Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Again invite* lit* attention of her friende. an4 the Ladle. generally. to her anpwb taaortMaatt of Millinery Goods. . M»»tM NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which she baa enriched her EMBOWERED FiSHIOMBLRESORT! She la conatautly receiving the lateat agonic* frejn ie standard emporiums of fashion, ami confident!; Minna her friends that her beautiful .election. t HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES &TRIMMINOS ot l>e excelled In thla or any other city. Dress Muring . specialty, and perfect file in tho neweat modus uaranteed. Gooda find elsaa, and prlcea reasonable. Yew Croeery Store! HAVING PURCHASED TIIE GROCERY DEPARTMENT OF MESSRS. Dunn & Co.’s Establishment, THE UNDERSIGNED REG LEA VE TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS OF A. E. HEINS, linker & Confectioner, -ALSO DEALER IN- ORDERS SOLICITED. ADDRESS, AUGUSTUS F. FRANKLIN & CO, Finney’s Building. Hay Street,* Brunswick, Ga. Faint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, Steamboat (inti llil! Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty : Varnishes & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Locks, Sash-Weights, Ctrl, Hinges, Scows. Etc., Plaster, Hair & cement. Lime, NO. 5, WHITAKER STREET, GhA~ Fancy Groceries TOBACCO, CIGARS uud FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars •A SPECIALTY. HOODS DELIVERED FREE. THAT THEY INTEND TO KEEP A FULL LINE OF FANCY i STAPLE GROCERIES. Glynn County Sheriff Sales First Tuesday in Novcmbn', 1881 GEORGIA—Gltk* Cmrmr. Will be sold before the Court Honac door In city of Brunswick. Glynn county. Georgia, on the flrat Tuesday In November. 1881. between 10 o'clock a. n. and 4 o'clock r. m. of that day, at public out* cry. to the highest and best Udder, the following property, to* wit: All the improvement! in one-half of that certain lot of laud In the city of Brunswick, asld county and State, known and described In the plan of arid ey, aued by B. M. Tl«on. Tax Colloc4ot of Qlynn coun ty va. Wm. n. Rainey, for taxc-e dne the State of ’ -aid Glynn county for the year 1880. Georgia am Principal, JOSEPH E- LAMURIGHT, ■ipal, $8 83; cost $7 70. JOSEPH k Sheriff O. C. Ga. GEORGIA—ULYXX COCXTT. Will be void before the court house city of Brunswick. Glynn county, Oa.. luesday in November, 1881, between 10 and t o’clock p.w.. of that day, at public outcry to the highest and beat bidder, the following property tho city of Brunaw that portion of as I>ixvl!lf. Bald lotknownand'described In the plan of said city as Dixvillo lot No. 2, East of Stone, wall, between George and London streets. Levied on m th<rproj>crty of W. r. Penulman and by rirtne of two tax II flas, iMued by R. M. Ttaon, Tax Col* ’dor of Glyuu county, against W. F. Ponulman lor xes duo the Htate of Georgia aud Glynn county for io year 1 8*>. Amount of taxes, «8 48; coat. f7 70. JOS. E. LAMDRIQHT. Sheriff O.C.Ua, GEORGIA—Oktxx County, Wil •ityo Tuesdayi i md 4 o'cl< tite liighei pr-iKTiy to-wit All those . swlck, Glynn county, . . .. ty. Oa.. ruber. 1881, between 10 o’clock A. X. i. of that day, at public outcry t< id best bidder the following described its or panels of land with Ira* situate lying and being ity of Brunswick, Glynn rnd desc-rllx-d ns section one aud two oi uiu Town lot No. sixty-ono (6 1). Levied on as tho property of W. W. Watkins os administrator of tho estate of R. V. Williams n dcr and by virtue of a fl fa Issued t of Glynn iu Isvor of i ettirnbd to lue by L. J. Lcavy, Con* itable 26th district, O. 81., OP- - * " I'rinoipsl, #7 . Alyan ; interest, #26 i. JUS. E. LAMBRIGIIT. *11 00. iuaHT Sheriff G. Co. Oa. GEORGIA—Olynx ConcTT. i November, 1881, botv :rlbed property, to*wll; ilnato, lying aud being in the 25th District O. 1) nn couuty, Ga., on 8t. Simons Island, on the north-cast side of the Hamilton road, aud being E, IIlilNN, bo happy to serve you. ‘obaflly II. II. 1». THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! iiiLi/s innm fmmi m attained unprocedeutvd snr- -ss in roll, viu prevalent dtaordem of the Liver. Its nierll ly entitle It to tho preferment It receives ov* ther LIVER MEDICINES. 2v£r. GKE30IE3GKE! John Taylor, John Taylor, under an.l by virtue • “ theN.P • District . . . f Jacob i to satisfy the said ft fa. Levy made aud returned to mo by L. J. Ltavj Glynn ’ Job. E. LAMDRIGIIT. Sheriff O. C., Ga. OEOKGIA-Glyxm County. Will be cold before the court house door in tkc city of Brunswick, Glyuu couuty. Georgia, between tho hours of ten o’clock a. m. and four o clock v. x., on tho tint Tuesday In Noveiubar, 1881. to the high* cat and l»est bidder the following described prop* SmiiiH, Ftoiiot in Wisthi Ruurir. AN AND AFTER SUNDAY, Jane 95, Paaeengor v trains on tola Road will run as follows: s FACT MAIL. Leave Savannah daily except Sunday a*.... p. u Leave Jackaon villa Leave Ccllahan ,.11.10 AM ..12.35 PM ..3.00 PM (dally li thla train, arriving at Brunawick C.00 p Passengers leave Brunswick at 9:301 lag at Savannah 3:60 p. m. Paaeengcra tor Darien taka thla train. Passengers leaving Macon at 7:00 a. u. eluding Sunday) connect at Jeanp with thta train for Florida. Paaaengeia from Florida by thla train connect at Jeanp with train arriving in Macon at 7:45 r. m (dally including Sunday.) JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah •• icuiOPM Laave Jeanp •• 9:40 AM 4:38 AM 7:11AM 8.10 A M Leave Tebeanville Arrive at Callahan Arrive a t Jacksonville Arrive at Live Oak dally (exceptSunday).. 10:18 » M Leave Live Oak daily (except Sunday). 9:30 P M Leave Jackaonvlllo dally at. 8:28 P M Leave Jacksonville dally a.. Leave Callahan dally at 0:23 p M Leave Tebeavilie daily at onoPM Arrive Jceup dally at 11:03 PM - anjlh 2DIA It Ing cars on thle train dally between Jacksonville. Charleston and Jackson* Savannah daily at 2DIA 3 Palace sleeping care on this train dally between Savannah and Jacksonville. Chariest tillo, and Macon and Jackaonvlllo. No change of ears between Savannah and Jackson, villa and Macanand Jacksonville. Passengers It fling Macon 7:30 p m connect at Jos* up with (hit train for Florida daily. Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jeanp with train arriving at Macon 7*» a m dally. " * " *■ “r Gainesville, Cedar 15 pa .8:45 pt Will Iriomls. found I■■ -111n-1 Uiu Uumilc, rotulv to " i' 1 -m In* old GOLDSMITH & Co* 50 To try It, and you CENTS Inly In- pleased with . VIA DDE agaiunt Daub Georgia md < urty levied « Lcavy. Count. Tax i\ 35; coat 17 7*1. JOS. E. LAMDRIGIIT, I GEORGIA—Otvxx County. : property of Daniel ■ of Glyuu county, a due the State of lie vaur 188<>. Prop* u by L. J. d county. icriff G. C„ Ga Will In door. in tho u the Aral lonrt Hoi dty of Urunnwick, Glynn county, Tuoaday in November, 1881. belweei m. and 4 o'clock i*. m. of that day. aud best bidder, Ail that certain tract or parcel of unit, witn im provements thereon, situate, lying and being In the27th Dlatrict G. M.. Glvnn county, Ga.. contain* ad bounded on the 2,000 l lorth iy tho Dovcrball 1880. levied by lamia ol L. W. Uazlohntet, II tract, and cast by lluffalo swamp, Anguilla.” Levied on under and by two tax U fai issued by It. M. Tb«on, Tax of Glynn county, vs. F. W. IDsloburat j <*f P. A. Haalohurat, for taxes duo the >ud Glynn county for the year Leave Joaup dally at fcfis _ _ Eeavo TebeanriUa dally at *30 p ni Leave Dupont daily at 11;48 p m Arrive at Ybonaas villa dally at 5:00 a m Arrive at Bainhrlilge daily at 8:00 a m Arrive at Albany dally at 8:48 am Leave Albany dally at 4:48 p in Lost# Rain bridge daily at "•* oinaavllle dally at Dupont dally at Tebeativille dally at 4:08 a m Arrivo at Jeanp dally at C:25 a m Arrive at Savannah dally at 9.15 a m Sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah id Albany, and Jacksonville and Montgomery without change. Connect aft Albany with Passenger trains both rays on Sooth west era Railroad to and from Mo* uu, Zufsula, Montgomery. Mobile, New Orlraua, te. Mail steamer leaves Cambridge for Apalachicola and Columbus every Tuesday and Saturoav. Civee connection at Jacksonville daily'(Sundays excepted) for Green Cove Springs, St auguatlnv, Palatka and Enterprise, and all landings on St. Johns river. Trains on B. and A. It. R. laave Junction, golu* west, at 11:37 a. in., and for Brunswick at 4.40 p. m. dally, exoept Sunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Derilis se cured at Bren’s Ticket Office, No. 29 Bull street, and Mavanuah, Florida and Western Railway Pemcd* General Superintendent CIGAR FACTORY IJRUNSWICK, OA. 1). «. ItISLEY, Proprietor. CK-MtS SMKttPACTimKO Bt HAND, AND OS TUE SIXCST OllAOCSOf Pure Havana Tobacco, the property o^aald F. W. Ha lo jf P. A. Baalehurat to ratla- Notice given to F. W. Haslehurst and 1 the SHIP CHANDLERS, Amount of taxes due #44 U7; *JOS. E. LAMDRIGIIT. Sheriff O. C., Ga, OF.oRGlA-Gi.Ty* C« will be sold before - tty of Brunswick, < Ilrst Tuesday lu Novc A M. ami four o'cio- outcry, to the highest mg property, to-wlt; All tltoso certain lot . jonuty, * r. 1881. tietween 1" o’clock . of tliat day, at publio bidder, the follow* j satisfy any and all. TbraoCigai be Lad of tho following firms li MOORE A McCR.VRT, It. MEYERS, JUS. E. LAM BRIGHT, HOTEL. R. F. GOODDREAD, WIMBERLY k HEINS, POST OFFICE, V. J. DOKitFLINUER, W. T. GLOVER, O'CONNOR k WEN/., COOK BROS, k CO.. TOY (Chinaman), ASA BURNEY, E. SOLOMON. Y°ur n P r den are Solicited. AND DKALKllS IN RAY STREET. BRUNSWICK. - GA.! CollVL'Illl'Ilt to U-IMIIOS till- RuilrosuUt tut.I tli«- Sti'iunliouts. General Provisions. arty levied oil by th county, i * 14’J, 177, l by vti lofoaid ai ailmlnlatrat* 1837, J prop- liguitl, an Sheriff of oaid , 190; • ol a tl fa it pUiumr« w, o. . lor upon the cat E. Davenport, late of aaid couuty, dect tuna Dart. Senior, oa truatue for his wife, E. It. Dart, and children. Property pointed out by y, aud levied upon as the proper* d fondant, to «ati*ry raid fi fa.- it of uru-l il fa #3oi) 00; principal debtintcreat date or Judgment, to-wlt, February, 1»»1, l: with thi accruing intcreat to day of salt ft-- !.•%-1 afort eald, and the mini -.1 ft8 50, cue . Notice given l'rl>aniia Dart. Mr., aa triutei JOSEPH E. LAMDRIGIIT, Sheriff O. C., Oa t Till Mbit ud fa hlglMM county. Georgia, lhet, betwcu the hut t that -lay, at publico II the dtscrilied p Ail thoo.- cortatn iota u State au-1 county, and In the Old To or Rnuuwlck, and known and - of eat-t city, made by Georgt 378, 375, 1837. ae Old low the following laud, situated l in the map idwin. Anno ra 3*0, 332. icrty 1«< . E.h.i Furniture New, Table Good Wo call >pocial attention to our Fr. C. BECK <t (10. rnorniKTOHs. Chess, Cariey 4 Co., Sir. David Clark Lubricating and Painters’ Oils, Which will ho ot* tho i>aiin» Dart. Mr., id ho» children fro m the Hupo t E. V. Or;li-th, »*y plaint O'»ti -rney, and levtwi upon I 1 «!• teudaut, to oatiaiy aal t, #3,‘Ju7 83 principal; u 1. 1»<1, <2.103 30; With Ai . LAM BRIGHT, fiucriff O. C., Ga. W.B.Mell&Co., Wholesale and 1 IBEST MATERIAL -WHOLESAI.K UKALKIU* IN SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. am; at SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE PIPE, Tin Ware, Plumbing, Pumps & Pump Driving. All Jobbing neatly d 0£jL& OF ALL MINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, bUl’NBWtCK KVLUY AMKRIOAX C-^LV HKIXK. SOLE. A'illPSs AN 1*1.E, AND PATENT LEATH- IjOWEHT FIGURES. HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc, UETl'UNINU. K BRUNSWICK ' Tuesday § Friday evening) roll SAVANNA We WiU Not be Undersold. , SUITABLE FOR MILL MEN AND TURPENTINE MANLT ACTL'RERS, A Spoolalty. WHITE I’OR PRICES. Foreign ami Domes! c Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, mn'mra,wuicK.iM. April30-I2m IBSfRiiT OF TW BOOKS. of all UUce from the li< together with Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. Highest Market Rates paid for Naval Stores Dished at Close.-t figures. Mip, Freight* at lo»«**t rat—• l »r. ul through freight ••Care Steamer l»avtd Clara.” C. WILLIAMS. Agent. *pr;II*v-1iu brnumatek. on the dock. G. H. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, lllll ktWIi K, 41KOI44.I A. I aiu *.re;«rr l t.> -to ail km-U w«rk n my line ltc«ni«ucv'>u New-w»tte «t>wt. near tho C-ty Hall J. MivLeL^u A U'O . X EaUct 1 Liu QUICK SALES AYD SMALL (■eoi’uia. Will Ik- m;r niottu ■'lore on Collin's whart' Bay Street Brunswick, Ga. ; lng trom 17a*,aiidaabM«)senUy brought aai.Ib.N k I n I* 1S74, making it a complete abstra t to book T, I Ge prvaent rreord book ot the cor.oty, with Ihe ex’* 01 ,WO K ,u,,, 8 * wh * ch kbatracta , alnr* the recent deatrncUoa of the recnnl*. am tl... (only .UU In relation to the title, ol Glynn county i LIn.k tlm,! u>ra f*L »1G» the exception of book X, I which »« raved with book T. He baa opened at. i office, and will keep it open for examination of Utica ( f' rcaah comittnaation, a* per acb.HlnUof f*ra tn of. ; Bee. the examination to b* only of the title *ud * U v j legal opinion thereon to b« ja;d t<r M-pant. ly I C.T. GOODYEAR FOR HALE—The Northern oncthlrd ot aaid la- l ;4 -ly. I* I. •ituated In Glvnn U* uniy, Georgia, at th* i -M m “Tr Cgoyhtt. i* • tr—r» •uj* rior ludncemenbi. For portlcuUn ATTORNEY AT LAW, SSiSl j WmWIQK, GEORGIA. j 0*»r. * %a ! *r Vt»YX«Y»X« avB An-fcU. l otidteg. Savannah, mars ly ra