Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 22, 1881, Image 1
BRUNSWICK AIIVlItTISiR ill VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1881. Tlic Advertiser ami Appeal, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. AT BRUNSWICK, • GEORGIA, by T. O. STACY. Subacrlptloii Itatcn, One ropy ono year.., .*2 03 he published until ordered out, when the time 1« 3<>t •pocillod, aud payment exacted accordingly. Communications tor Individual beueflt.or or a personal character, charged as advertisements. Marriages and obituary notices notexcoodlng lour lines, toileted for publication. When ex- r(Hiding tliat space, charged as advortlaements. All letters and communications should be ad- * Oeorgia. Brunswick, city officers. Mayor- J. y. Nelson. A mermen- A. T. Putnam, W. W. Watkins. J. J Hpoars, D. T. Dunn, J. P. Harvey, H. C. Little Held, F. J. Doerfiinger. Clerk if Trraturrr—James Houston. Chi*/ JfariW—B. A. Fahm. Auulant Martk'H—1. L. Beach. I'olicemen-V. 11. Ralnoy, T. W. Bolt. Kteyex of Ouard /fosse and Clerk of Market—D. A. Moore. r»rt 1‘hytician—C L Sclilatt. r. Jr, M. D. rtljr J’fcyeieia/i—L B Davis, M. D. Jr, and A’V Putnam. sTAxmxo coxxrmtwor council.. Finance—Oouper, Watkins and Dunn. 8TBKKTH, Drain* As Umwirs-Dunn, Wat id Littlefield. Hex ton White Cemetery—C O Moore. Sexton Colored Cemetery—Jackie While. Town common*—llarvey, Don per and Bpeai t'CMKTKbxxs—Kpcars, Iheorfiluger aud Coup Hariior—Littlefield, Hpcsrs and Putnam. I’triiLio buildings—Watkina, Docrfitngor and Railroad*- DovrHHigcr,Harvey and Ltttleflald CHARITY* JoslLambright Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN jahitt—:Putnam, Littlefield aim Docrfilnyer* Kims i>Kr\«niEXT—Rpcars.Putaani and Harvey 1’oLici- Putnam, Dunn, and Watkins. UNITED HTATEH OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. SKAI’OKT LODOK, Xo. 6S, I. 0. 0. P. Meets every Tuesday night at eight o'clock. W. W. WATKINH. N if. PIERCE, V. (». •I AH. E. LAMBRIOilT. 1*. Ac R. Hocn-tary. COURT SESSIONS VI THE BR' NHWICK CirtCUIT. CLINCH—I*t Monday mi Va-<-h ami Sept, ml Al’l’LINO—lid M-.mla.- In March i ml Sept-m WAYNE—4Ui Mon 'ay in Mar h And Sentemli 1TER0E—1st Monday in Apr'! and October WARE—<M Monday m April and «>• fob.r COFFEK-Tucsds.v aR.-r 4th Monday in April and tVtob CAI November. OHARLT' OLYNK—Mb Monday CAMDF.N—Tuesd >> alter V. Mm ovember. CHARLTON—:»d Monday In May a i M ay and » May am! November. HAY STRMKT. BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient to Business, the Railroads ami the Steamboats. Furniture New, Table Good w. c. m'm&eQ: PROPRIETORS. Harnett House, (FORMERLY PLANTERS HOTEL), M. L. HARNETT & 00., pmuMin-rroiiM, $2.00 PER DAY. write family Hotel, under Ita now n commundo.1 for the exrellcnco of CUISINE, homo-!Ike comforts, PROMPT ATTEN. aprtm-ly TION AND MODEUATE KATES. Fire Insurance I u.ipwitmv. (COMPOSED OF THE GERMANIA AND HANOVER INSURANCE CO.'Hl AND IIIIITISIID'lillltl tuinriiio. THESE FllUPP-CLAMS COMPANIES RIP1K4KXT- ED IN BUI NH'AU K »Y T. O* CONNOR, Jr. Hr-DWELLING* AT VEST LOW* R V ! ES Mb Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, Rod Estate an,1 Insurant* Sfc-ent. BAY 81’.. - - BRUNSWICK, On. Country Produce KEXrS ALSO ON HAND A NULL AXt> WELL AS. BOKTED STOCK OK CrROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., I MEAN BUSINESS! Store corner Ncwra*t!c and Monk Street*. BUUNSWICK, GEORGIA. MALLORY’S iw votiK & mmwn Steamship Line. Acnntiia’s Comedy. Captain RISK. « CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, • Net.- Yorl Irunawiek< It all poll.! ‘ilironKh bill* lading rtgn ptalu HINES. every Friday at A P. M.. ari vivTu nday. Clowe-moect i.d M. A ll. Rr Broads. igbt and paaaage »« b>w a* by »"y other i’.fat. ■ paNHciii'er ami *tate room* apply to II. W. SOUTH WICK, Act, Jnnel-ly Bruuawick, Ua. BEST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. HUlSrS GENUINE NEW CHOP GARDEN tiKEI) ONION SETS. CHOICE CHEW I NO ,I• SMOKING TOBACCO. The Jsest 5 cent Cigars, For ulu at •Xt-Xbtf HLAIN’N D»UU NTORK. City Tux Notice. The taxoa due the city of Brunt wick on real • ito, improvement*, and every speclea of pareotial ropnrty for the year 18HI. am payable a* follow*: it quarter ou or before 31at day of March, 11*1. Undoubtedly Mr. Clabaugh ought to havo been wiser, after twenty-nine years’ knowledge of his nephew, than to have boon at all aunoyed or impa tient because that nephew was Into to broakfast. But Mr. Glabangh had important business on hand, and was oager to transact it. “Does Jasper think that I tele graphed to him to journey 500 miles to meet mo here to-day without a mo tive ? Has tho boy uo curiosity ?’ muttered he to himself, as ho slowly stirred his third cup of codec. Tho long dining room of tho Boa good Hotel was quite deserted, suvo by Mr. Clabaugh and ono or two wai ters, when Mr. Jasper Surridge event ually mode his appearauco. “I seem to bo a little late,” .Jasper coolly remnrkod, after exchanging salutations with his uncle; “I am sor ry you waited.” 'If you knew why I desired to aieet you here, what my business with you is, you would not wonder that I wait ed. I hiuk I was the first porson to sit down to brenkfnst, mid now the room is deserted.” “So it appears—has quite the air of a 'banquet hall deserted.’ But that is the bettor for us if you are anxious to discuss business at once; there will bo no envesdroppers.” “Quito true,” remarked Mr. Cla baugh. “I think my news will give additional delicacy cveu to these ten der chops. You remember hearing mo speak of that eccentric old Phillip EJliflb, for whom I have made ho many wills?” ‘The man who lived in Merton ?” “Yes, tho same. Well, ho’* dead.” “Who has got his money and pi«.p- urty, ono of the old maid consuls or n hospital?" “Neither. A person of whoso exist ence I never heard until I made his last will—bis only grandchild, Acaii- tba Edliffe.” “What an outlandish name! 1 thought lie whs n bachelor." “So did I, but he was married in his young days and had one son, whom he drove from home by hi.s ill- temper and his miserly ways. Thin son married and died, leming one daughter, Acantha. As this girl is his legal heir, uone of tho many aspi rants can oven claim the property.” “Curious! But why telegraph for me?" “This girl in young, rich and—un married.” “All, I understand! I, too, am young and unmarried, but, alas, not rich. You think there are possibili ties for me ?” “Certainly l c!u! You ure good- j girl without knowing who she is;thcu no ono can ever nccusd you of having married her for her money. Do you understand ?" “Oh, yes! But will not she, or sumo oue, smell a rat. My appearanco in Clarendon just as she becomes uu heiress—” “Sho will not know sho is an heir ess uutil I see tit to tell her. I intond to give you from one to threo weoks start. I am not well; my physician has ordered mo to*tho mountains to rccoporate; how can I uttond to busi ness now ?” I see ’ I must make hay before tho sun shines. Mina Acnntha will have first a lover, thou a fortune; which is rather reversing the usual order of things.” “You are serious, Jasper ? Yon will try to win this young lady ?” “ I am seriously—very seriously- in want of monoy, and ns for trying to win this rnral damsel (for Claron- don is hardly more than a village) well, I think I can do it,” answered Juspor Surridge, complacently, ns ho rose from tho table and snuntcrod out to the hotel steps. Young Surridge hail good grounds for his confidence in his own attrac tions. Ho was tall, handsome, grace ful aud deovted to ludies’ society; ;onld quote poetry or utter dolicato compliments by tho hour, aud some of his half-envious admirers declared that he had been stern enough to re fuse two oilers of marriage from rich willows. W lieu he made liis appearance in liurcli the morning after his arrival u Clarendon, there was a tin tier among not a few of tlu* tender young hearts, and at least a score of bright eyes looked the question “ who u that handsome tutin V" With hm mind concent "uted upon! the unknown heiress, Jasper carefully annoyed the congregation and sighed for some fairy to whisper to him, “This is she.” Presently the organ ]nmlod forth and a dear, sweet, mezzo-soprano voice, sang an autheiu, “Como unto Me all ye that labor.” Regardless of the place, .Surridge turned to his next neighbor and whis pered: “Who ia that charming sing- Acauthn’s conduct in this matter caused plenty of talk; Lnttrell himself was tho only silent one. When some vontursorao person tried to interview him on the subject ho simply set his teeth together and muttored “Fop!” But foppery or not .Surridge com pletely distanced Lnttrell in two weeks. At the expiration of that pe riod ho might havo been heard whis pering to Acantha: “Oh, my darling, if yon know how much I loved you, you would not be so coy; you would, at least, try to love me iu return!” “Perhaps I may try,” whispored sho, hesitatingly; but quickly added, warding oflf a threatened embrace “ But how can I bo suro that you are true! You have known mo so short a timo?” “ Fourtoen long days! After all, what is time to thoso who love ? The moinont I saw yon I know that you, and you alone, must bo my wife!” Which was truo, but not us he would havo Acantha understand it. “ Yon have loved before of course—” “ Never! Never! I may have had my passing fnneios, but you are the first lady whom I havo wished to mar- your own good—to touch yon ' I was uot," Mr. Clabaugh retort- Yes you wore. I was an nntio* tiecd listener to part of your convor* your diliatoriness, Mr. Surridge, was the startling .Miss EJliflt 1 reply. The directory bud already showed him there was but one family of that name in the town- “Mrs. Jane Ed- liflfe, 1” Willow street; Acantha Kd- liffe, school teacher, 17 Willow street” evidently Huh was the heiress. What does she look like?” was his next thought. So he turned around and took a good long look at the Rooks fur the on of tho flrsf op«>o, and will •monnt of uxcm p«raon who bth otli.-n hoars from 9 *. Miou of returns and Um cullec- >nt of isxossra now 3!st d»j» of March, lBMl, when etscut ‘ * * Ins for th® rest payment ta above m . and from J to JAMES HOUSTON, CU-rk and Treasurer. CITY BARBER SHOP, J. M. CARTER, Propi ietor. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ICE! BY Wholesale and Retail. M. HAYWOOD. i(»f»renrr«; Havaimxh Bank on.l Truat Company, Tint Nation*' Bank Macon. Oo. Wan tad t,* nctianpi- for .-ify property or land near the dly, *cvt r»l araall faru» and *torr hutiw.» In Usuotai cuuulv. Buyll-U W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OK NA VAL STORKS, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA . tbut I linvc just coin* fnml-lm*te C. P. GOODYEAR, Dublin. Du k'ivi n fdlmv time to brirntb* " "I proaumc » fuiv huurs' tlday will do tut lmnn, *n w« will suy to-morrow. When you ranch Clarendon l<K>k in the directory for the name of Kdlilfe —it ia not a cumuion one—and innbe Acaatbu’a ac(|Uaintunce un well sa you looking— I singer; resuming bis mental couvor- "I inherit my looks from my mol It- j aiitiuu, be sniil, “Uedimu heiglitb, or; tho Clnbnnghiaro alt prewntnlile." dark eyes um! buir, gmal immploxiou, “Nonnemtebut tlie uncle was decently though plainly drosaud; she tiattured. "You have always Iteeu | will do !" very succcasful witli womoii But, by j To make sure I but tbis wuu the por- thc way,” iiud Mr. Clubangh'H tone i son lie sought, lie discreetly followed changed from complacency to anxiety, I her home, ami w hen be saw her en- "i« there any entanglement between liter 17 Willow streel, he was satisfied, yon ami Lottie?” : He delivered one of bis letters of iu- "Ob, no, nothing serious, only a j troduetioii the next morning and as llirtiition. 1 have not committed my- soon as heeould lie la gan to rave over self." I the "eX‘|iiisite voice, the most delightful ‘‘That is lucky. It wouldn't do, , voice," he had heard iu the church, yon know, for my nephew to lie | aud innocently asked the strsugor's caught iu anything dishonorable; it i name; then finding that his new would injure both of us. " j friend knew Imr, he begged him to "Don’t you worry, uncle! Isrntoo'present him to her widc-uwnkc to leap before I look.-- Chuckling at liis good luck, lie he* Lottie is very sweet, and if she were B*u to make definite but assiduous old Edliflo's heiress there would Imi love to Miss Acantha, and was sonic sense iii my wooing her. How- I to find tlmt sbe did not rc- cvcr, sliu is almost as |ioor ns I am, pulse him; on the contrary, after a so that match will not lie made lint few days she seemed to give him some about Miss Kdlifl'c is she at ail pass | liltle.eiicourageuicnt, not boldly, how- able ?" ! ever, but timidly aud innocently, ‘Of her bulks I know nothing; hut | Mrs. Edliffe was not so cordial aa she lias been a timelier in one of I be eouid have wished, but still aba tho (Hitirding schools at Clarendon fnV \ was uot actually inimical, and there the laat two years, she must have was no one else to interfere—at least, some sort of an education. Now my \ no one of whom he knew anything, plan is that yon start for Clarendon I ‘‘Aeaiitha Kdliff'a couduet ia really to-night—" | disgusting I" whispered the gossips, “Nil, no, to-morrow. You forget Nvimiu a week after Siirridgu'a arrival “But I am poor aud insignificant." “ Not tho latter, my sweetheart.— And as to poverty, do yon suppose I euro for that? We will tnanngo to live I assure yotr." * ' “You know nothing of my family." “ Your mother, yon say, is your on ly relative. I am sure she would grace any stntion." Dear mother,T am sure she would 1 If I should consent to—to try and like you, you must promise and not listen lo any nonsense about Mr. Lnttrell. 1 did love him, really love him, I thought, until—until- " " My darling I Your sweet coiifc,.- on 1ms entranced inu!" " No, no! I havo confessed nothing ' (iivo me until to-morrow to think of it; and mamma’s consent must be gaiiiod.” Of course Surridge promised to do anything Acuutbn desired; mid when he returned to Ids hotel tlmt evening he teleg-aphed Us uncle; " Conic at ouce. The fates are pro pitious." Tho fates me proverbially erven■ trie; so .Surridge realized when, call ing at 17 Willow street, he wus told that Acuntlm was toe ill with ucrvnuu headache to see any one. In the inean- tiino Mr. Clabaugh arrived and con gratulated his nephew warmly on Uis success; hut also, in tile meantime, si- inultanoonily with Mr. Clulmugh's ar rival, camo the rnmur of old Mr. Ed- lifiu's death, and the next morning it announced iu the local newspa pers, witli the addition This gentleman was unknown to our townsmen; nevertheless ids large lortuuu is to come to ns, Miss Anne tint Edliffe teacher in Oak .ti' et ^ j. grammar school) being liis heiress." i Wiley Abbott " “The fat is in tbe lire now," woa,MraDCHswkiiis" Jasper'a savage exclamation when lie ^ 1 * l —■ " Wind isissesMisli . \ * oor ' ' 1 A (Inrpenter a hendiirne lust j >s 1!llr| „ aud Hilbert ns to my plan. Perhaps you romombsr tlmt tbe waiters at that hotol wore all young ladies; several of ns schoolteachers needed both money and change of air, so wo engaged our* selves during the mention ns waiters at tlie Pcngood Hotel, and gained some money, plenty of exercise, moun tain air anil n little fun. In addition, I gained material for a pnrlor come- dy, in which you, Mr. Surridge, have ndinirnhly performed tho part of first villain. King down the curtain.” llvperlN or om, rrs or I hr city or Itrunswlrk, for the month or Jiiliinirr, last. iiKPoirr or ci.riix axii Timsvuy. Amount on linnd tG,94li 40 H B Uoodbreoil, trns, taxes... 4 75 Alfred Groon, taxes 9 98 B H Daniels “ H 33 A Green, agent “ ... 8 92 Jackie White “ 7 00 Mrs K 3 Buffo " 4 18 J C Normnu, fines aud street . .20 45 It S Clnbb, trns, taxes 4 25 Mrs B Hnr-lehurst “ 5 00 G • i Ilnzlohurst “ 7 2" J ( Gkeoufield, rent 8 00 Mntthow Slinnnun, wharjngr. . . 4 90 NUMBER i6„ o Abram Mungin, licenso 12 50 r SMGlogauer “ . 1000 W H Harrison “ ....20 00 R M Sawyer “ . Ml Blain, sales ...12 50 .... 510 t A Borcbardt “ 2 Wiley Bugg “ , Goo Chandler “ ... .... 110 .... 1-60 L B Davis “ ’ J M Doxtcr “ ....... .... 45 D J Dillon ■' .... 400 C J Doorfliugor" .... 2 10 WFDoorfllngor" S M Glogaucr “ ....12 00 H L Harris “ .... 200 A E Heins “ .... 7 20 Benj Hirsch " .... 6 40 L D’ Hoyt k Co" ....24 05 Prod Joorger “ .... 480 A Kaiser A; Bro“ WBBurrougha“ .... 80 Mrs R Mojors “ .... 900 Micbolson&Bro-' ... 3100 Mooro & McCrary, soles... AT Putnam, Bales .... 830 Mrs M 0 Itowo “ J K Hnssell “ .... 70 Miss Ilcttio Williams, sales. C H WimborlCy “ . 285 LWoiss " . .. 2 80 O'Connor k Wcnz “ . ... 480 Sapp & Co “ . G Carbana “ . ... GO ... 05 A Borcbardt, taxes WFDoerflingor" ........ S M Glogaucr “ ...1100 ... 3 00 Fred Joergor " ... 7G8 J E Mooro “ ... 2 50 Moorc&McCrary" Samuel Wiggins" ... 45 ... 100 C W Wobor ... 710 A Braxton “ 27,996 90 DIHDURSKUKNT8. J F Nwlsun, ealary Jiis HoiiHton “ ...225 0 ...60 00 J U Noriunn “ ...50 00 J L Beach " ...4105’ W S l’ittman " ...40 00 J R Robins “ ...25 00 C G Mooro " ... 5 00 Osborn Mnson “ T G K 1 ae* “ ... 8 33 J M Pfxtor, coupons .... ...59 50 A Grueu, charity. ... 3 50 Osbm u Mason Mrs Minnie Mills, louse James Hyland, licenso. T Mahoney, Inxes K Bricseuick “ “ sales Jas Cnliian, taxes Mrs H B Welles, bouil 9 10 W A Hneketl,tuxes 2 50 J C Nornnin, li fa.... H (! Miiiulv, luxes... E B T Mniidy “ .... Tlios Hackett “ .... T 0 Clark “ ... E Solomon, miles. . . J W Boboris. tuxes.. J C Hutch “ ... N W Bell, sales ... L C Marlin " .... . Murk Swuetwilic, taxes. J A Clubli, trustee “ Jndgo Harrington “ 2 55 NW Bell, rent 22 50 383 ... 50 .... 2 00 .... 7 03 .... 8 30 12 20 10 43 .. 0 71 .. 0 50 .. 8 55 .. file .. (1 85 .. 3 10 3 55 .13 20 . 1 00 . 3 80 125 15 23 streets. J Mitbunk, luxes J B Dart V Dart, Jr ' W II King " M B Holland, tr W it Burroughs Mrs I, L Way J (,' Norman, li fa road those lines, the girl to hn night 1" " No mutter. You are virtually ae- cepted. You cull still make a good point. Show her I he notice, and say that of course she will not want you now that nhe is rich; that von cannot submit to bo called mercenary; Hint will fetch her." The uncle ami nephew culled to gether that morning, and after the former hud told Acantha of her grand- father's beipiest, the latter ruefully withdrew bis pro|XMud. “Ob, Mr. Surridge, whnl opinion you must have of in, you think that I wealth of the Imliei me and the unit* I 1 man ever weighs b ey.” Jus Palmer Philip IMi “ D A Mis,re, lease . Buddy Moran, licnuau. . W II Dart, taxes Mrs C W Brinks, tuxes.. Mrs C E Brinks “ .. William Jackson, lease. G W Stock well, tnxes. . . Mrs J Baumgartner" .750 37 ..24 38 .28 75 1G0 ...20 00 . .23 20 ...3 13 . . .Hi 51 39 50 4 57 .. 5 50 . 705 . 5 92 140 1 48 21 35 .2 00 7 02 . II20 4 00 .22 25 .. 9 00 70 200 .. 100 .. 5 73 500 360 13 50 1 75 " “ 175 D A Moore, guard house 48 80 T G Stacy, printing 12 50 JD Gill, streets 33 33 A T Putnam “ : 9 80 Osborn Mason, charity 3 00 Thos Wilson, quarantine 15 00 Thos Bosse, cemetery 2 00 E C P Dart, eleotion 3 00 G H Hazlehurst, coupons 8 75 C W Styles, printing 4 15 Mary Gnodbrcad, charity 25 35 W A Holland, quarantine 3 00 Mrs Fitzgerald, coupons 17 60 Bourd of Edar-ation “ 297 50 A T Putnam, itreetf. 58 00 " “ 12 60 J C Greenfield et al, extra police. .40 50 L J Lcavy, incidental 3 00 Siunuel Borcbardt, incidental... 3 00 Mrs H B Welles, coupons..... .35 00 HE Lucas •• 14 00 L W Harris et ul, streets. 44 00 T B Guodbroad, sanitation 40 00 J W Heberts, incidental. 3 00 H A Kcnrick, Scc'y, education. 125 43 Mrs E D Nightengale, conpons.,.17 50 II P Gray A Co, quarantine 15 23 Seaborn Hall, coupon! 129 50 Jsiues Houston, compromise. ...12 80 " public buildings.24 00 W B Burroughs, obsritv 12 00 “ “ 10 00 J M Dexter, coupons 21 00 J B JoluiHton “ 55125 W F Stewart, streets 125 Fnodliindor k Co, contains 42 00 “ streets and G H..19 28 Thus Wilson, quarantine...... ,23 00 J J Cisco k Hon, coupons 093 00 Cash to balance 6,213 IS PO Nail, luxe* 1 85 A M Cohen ‘ 15 S3 Max Cohen, lii-eimc 100 AM Cohen “ 12 50 Arthur Washington,taxes.?.... 57 Osborn Mason “ 2 50 l HI * ,r jMra F A It Grady " 24 43 • of mi.: DojPL Hslev, licenie 375 iiid iterant the H K Bar m*H " . 5 00 imnie lietweeu JJ Lof* 1 '/ 5? • N “' n, ‘' - rales 185 II Allies " 93 I Mrs Kmiiiii Wnlkor, ti»x«*H. ArronxEY at law. 0»*’r Ulckcbon'a Fr ivialouMtoro, Glocrt imUNsSWICK, OA. D. I). ATKINSON, DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Oftog Uj‘ »uiii U. Cj yrtp -• ta * V’AlUIiUj : yTJ-; 'lur«f»»-l “ iL furu l ho strmtf'cr mi^bt c§ HulKjrt I.ut-* Hi*r»* tr« !!’** iitli iitiffiis tvitli nvidir^, but now hhr« ignores bilu.” ‘ He hfisu’t Ihjou to Willow street since Inst Snmlny,” reijkomled unoth- or gossip, “while this Mr. eSnrricIgo is tin lh iiwrj* evening, fnkt*s Acuntlm ... out for n drive every Mfteruooii nml letters of introilnetion •«***•«* »*'•«> *>•»*'••* v' "ry ruing. Well, lie’s rich iprobably), and to three of my friends, hnt don’t use them if you cun help it; it will las bet ter for you ty fall in luvu with the ‘ Mies Edliffe, you overwhelm me You are nobler—" sttiiuinensl Jasper. " Nobler tiiun you are?" -'Oil Aesit- tlia, sarenstically, witli a snddeit cbsnge in voiee and insi.iier. ' 1 be that,gentlemen," «>i.- sltiwly, ii|teiiiiig be ,hsir Bval Jenkins j Mrs D B Stnllings “ W P I'eliniliinn, lieelise . . C Williams “ . ... Thus Dorinim* •• ... Jus Gallagher “ Charles l>av. taxes Hi Day ' •• B E Hint “ G Frietllandttr “ G Frisdlnnder k Co, taxes lilt Mra M M Barkuhai “ G Frisitland-r k Co, sales.. D J Holloway, taxea . J R Artojte “ was |sa>l anil to whom I was man led 1 O J Hollow al '• this uioriiiug !" JC O Minire.trns" The two potters g.isjsal and hirne'd | Henry Moldeti " pale. Jasper was the first to rivuverjC G jiiajre, license himself. Ho exclaimed: “Miss Is I- “ “ very stylish, while poor Hubert is net-1 tiffs, your condnet Iiiib been unwu- j Moorn k Met,'rary. license.. ther.” uiuuly' You encouraged me—" j CII Wiuiberley “ ... that led into the hull, and laying her bund within the arm of Hulairt Lilt- trull, who stood there with a smile on his face, "let me preaent to you my husband, he who loved me when I 27,995 96 nneoiiT or n. a. fahm, iussoxl. Charlie Christie, floe. 21 00 Frank Taylor, fine. 2 00 Harry Bowen “ 5 00 Lewia.Hiimly “ 5 00 John McTurner" — 3 00 Charlie Christie" 5 00 Fannie Walburg and Sallio Lott 2 00 Daniel Foley, fine 100 E V Lancaster “ 50 Turner '• 3 00 Geo Adams " 5 00 Goutrand Etny" 1 00 Horaee Codono" 10 Sea Captain Gus Adams B SI Cassidy “ Frank Holland ” John Cross “ stbxu tax or 1881. Lewis Loren . 7 20 . 1 90 .14 00 5 00 5 (HI .20 00 20 (HI, 51 7n i Henry Svmons .2 7. 7 55 . .00 95 .45 75 . 4102 ... 893 ... 4 75 ... 4 05 ... 480 ...28 53 ... 3 15 ...20 00 ...20 00 .5 00 ... 5 001 J Wheeler. Jndson Minor 400 200 3 00 . 3 00 3 00 300 . 200 200 200 100 100 100 289 00 By amount turned over to Clerk and Treasureron fine* 248 00 By amount on street tax 1100 Correct. Benj Austin. Daniel Clark... Cbaa Wuldburg. Jambi Hovmtux, Clerk and Treasurer.