Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 22, 1881, Image 2

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Atlanta is soon to have still anoth er doily. T?ho trial ofGuiteau begins Novem ber the seventh. Several coses of diptheria in East man, bat no deaths. There nro ono hundred and fifty car-loads of exhibits yet to orrivo for the Exposition at Atlanta. The Savannah Daily Times dishes up "Captain Jack’s Matinee” (May or’s court) in amusing style. Copt. D. G. Purse has been elected ’ President of the Savannah Dank and Trust Co., to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the death of Mr. Charles Green. ^ ^ ^ Hudson, the murderer of the Loc family, in Terrill county, paid the ex treme penalty of the law on the 14th inst. Between five and oight thou sand people witnessed tho affair. The old Chathams were honored with the distinction of firing the cen tennial salute at Yorktown. General Hancock furnished them with horses and ammunition for tho grand parade. Tho Macon Telegraph Bays Jadgo Simmons has granted a temporary in junction restraining tho Macon and Brunswick Railroad from proceeding with their work inside tho cemotcry limits. There are about 4,000 childron in attendance upon thb public schools of tho city of Atlanta. There aro em ployed in theso schools sixty-five teachers, at nn aggregate cost of $4,- 178.50 per month. Atlanta will no longor bo a military post. Tho removal of the Fedoral soldiers moans a loss to that city of $50,000 por annum, besides what tho government pays out there. Judge Fleming has resigned tho Judgeship of tho Eastoru Circuit.— Tho infirmitios of age is his reason for this step. Ho is oighty years of ago. Of him it can truthfully bo said, "Ho was an impartial Judge. Sorgcaut Harvey, who was wound ed a short time sinco by the Savannah rioters, died this weok from tbo effects of tho wound. A handsome purse will bo made up for his widow and orphans by tho gouerons citizens of that city. It took four pages of tho register to contain the arrivals at tho Harnett House of Savannah on Monday last. We aro glad to note this evidenco of success, as wo advertise the house.— Uniform rates and straight-forward management is bound to succeed. The rumor about Colo and tho L. A N. Railroad uniting, etc., was a mere bubble. Oil aujl water don’t ofteu mix, nor will Cole and tho Lou- isvillo A Nashville mix. King Colo will not so easily forget tho treatment received ut their hands last year. We wore plume‘d to note at tho Ex position in Atlanta that some of the finest exhibits of machinery wore of Southern make. Noticeable among these was the Pratt gin, from Ala bama. It whs the finest piece of ma chinery of the kind on exhibition.— We cun thus] score one, at lonnt, for Southern competition. Guitean’s bullet cost the country, besides a good President uud weeks of busponse, ubout $150,000, us fol lows: Expenses of funeral, $250,000; ex|>em>fcs at Washington between the time of wounding and death of Gar field, $100,000, of which the doctors’ bills amounted to over $50,000; and now it is estimated that it will cost about $10,000 to try and hang the murderer. Add to this tho fund raised for Mrs. Garfield and you lmve about $750,000 sum total. A Bloomington iIHA eurrespoinb cut, writing of Judge David Davis, tbo now President pro tom of the U. S. Senate, immediately after his elec tion as Senator, said: "Judge Davis can safely be set down as the most extensive land owner in central Illinois, uud his total THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. What Wo Haw and Hoard. In our lost we promised our read ers a brief summary of what wo saw and beard in tbo Gate City during our recent visit to tbo Cotton Expo sition. But wbero to begin and where to end is moro than wo can deter mine. To go into detail would be folly; yon, more than folly. Fifty-two issues of tbo Advebtiseb and Appeal would not bo enough to describe in telligently what wo did see and hear. A few passing comments, therefore, is all wo shall attempt. To begin then we shall say that, notwithstanding the Exposition is not ready, nor will it be before tbo sec ond weok in November, wo aro forced, as was tboQuoon of Sheba, tooxclaim, “The half had not been told us.” To sny tho Exposition will boa big thing when iu full blast, but feebly expresses onr sentiments. If all we saw was placod in tho main buildiug and we were told, “Behold the Exposition,” wo would havo thought wo had soon the perfection of all exhibits, but when wo saw unpacked boxes by tho thousand and lcarnod that thoro woro car loads more cn routo, and saw building af ter building ns big ns "all out of doors” still unfinished, wo came to tho conclusion that wo had only had half tho value of our froo tickot. We say to every reader of tho Advertiser and Appeal don't fail to seo Georgia’s greatest show, tho Cotton Exposition of Atluutu, if within the raugo of pos sibilities. Tuko at least tbroo days for it, and dout go through in a hur ry, but study oaoh exhibit as you go along, and whon you aro through you will bo compelled to acknowlodgo yon have bnd tho valuo of your money. A LITTLE ADVICE. Don’t fail to register your nnroo at tbo front ontranco and bo presented with a stick of nico candy by a smil ing maiden; nor to seo tbo two old women, from Pickens county, weav ing cloth on a loom, which they told the writer was “well nigh on to fifty yoars old,” und tbo mountain maiden spinning thread on tho old fashioned wbocl ns earnestly as though sho was preparing tho saino for "mammy to dye aud weave into cloth for dud’s brcccboH,” nil in juxtaposition to the handsome nickel plated machinery of the Williumantic Thread Cotnpnuy, operated by u dozen buxom Now Eng land lasses arrayed iu tbo latest fush- iouu; nor the girl that sticks the la bels on to tho spools of tho Clark O. N. T. by feeding thorn into hor mouth on one side with one hand and taking them out with tho other nud pasting on to tho spools as fast ns yon can count; nor to seo the culmination of agricultural exhibits in tho grain dis play of Kansas and tho Topeka It. II.—ft is simply wonderful; uortosce tho forty-throo and one-lmlf pounds clipping of wool from one Texas sheep; nor to take a free drink of the celebrated He No ton from the Chi- Colifederato bonds are* now boiug bought up by foreign sj peculators at $2.50 per thousand. Two ittiuors are afloat as roasonu for this demand. One is that a request will bo made to the several Confederate States to set tle these bonds by giving in lieu thereof State bonds. The other is that, aft there nro $7,000,000 in the Bank of England deposited by tho Confederates tates, and as no one is authorized to collect the samo» those bonds, the only thing that represent the Confederacy, are to bo used in securing tin’s money. It seems to us that tbo sevoral Statos compris ing the Confederacy aro tho proper owners of this money, und that nono others should bo allowed to get the same, but us to bow the States ure to secure it wo cannot suggest.' THE STATE HA IB Has provon a grand success, finan cially and otherwise. It was feared that the existence of the Cotton Ex position at the same time with the fair would bo a serious drawback, but such has proven not to be the ease.— The two great shows have proven of mutual bonofit to each other. TRAINS GOING WEST. TRAINS GOING EAST. - (BEAD trrWAODM.) FREIGHT NO. 3. PAfiBEN- GER NO. 1 LEAVE. £ STATIONS. MILKS. | PASSEN GER NO. 1. LEAVE- FREIGHT NO. 4. L. 5:00 ak 94»ah BRUNSWICK 171 A. 6:45 A. 7:15 L G:00 9:50 If JAMAICA 155 6:00 L. 6:20 L. 0:37 10:22 25 WAYNESWILLE... 140 5:32 L. 5:43 L 7:10 10:40 32 LULATON 139 5 06 || L. 5:10 L 8:10 11:26 45 HOBOKEN 120 4:29 L. 4:10 L. 8:37 11:41 5C SCH LAT’RVILLK.. 121 4:13 L. 3:50 L. 9:50 12:20 r m Of WAY CROSS 111 8:43 L. 3:05 L. 10:23 12:41 07 WARES BOKO 104 3:15 L. 2:00 L. 11:12 1:14 * 7f MILLWOOD 93 2:43 L. 1:14 L. 12:10 2:101 9C PEARSON 81 2:10 J I.. 12:10 L. 12:27 I'M 2:20 9S KIRKLAND 78 1:35 L. 11:48 L.] :10 2:47 101 WILLICOOCHKK. 7(1 1:10 S I* 11:00 L. 2:14 3:23 112 ALAPPAIIA 59 12:32 r >t L. 10:15 L. 2:50 3:50 122 BROOKFIELD 49 11:52 L. 0:22 L. 3:35 4:21 13C TIFTON 41 11:27 L. 8:40 L. 3:52 4:35 13S RIVERSIDE 38 11:16 L. 8:15 L. 4:21 4:53 13f TYTY 32 10:53 L. 7:44 L. 4:50 5:12 145 ALFORD 2G 10:34 L. 5:37 5:35 \ 151 ISABELLA 20 10:15 L. 0:20 L. 0:20 6:01 161 DAVIS 10 0:35 L. 5:35 A. 74X) A. 0:30 171 EAST ALBANY 9:00 A M L 5:00 am Fernaudina Express: "Colonel J. C. Rood is driving an artesian well near bis saw mill at Old Town, which has already attained a depth of 235 feet. Tho water now rises to within four feet of the top, uud u few moro iu depth will cause it to flow over. Iu boring, tbo water was alternately salt and sulphur, and fresh water was not obtained until a depth of ICO feet rcachod.” Tlioiiftaud* tf*e It, why Ilmltutc. Jov to the Would 1 Woman is Free! Among tho many discoveries looking to the happiness aud amelioration of tbo human race, none is entitled to higher consideration tnnu Dr. J. Brad- field’s Fenmlo Regulator, "Woman’s best Friend.” By it woman is eman cipated from numberless ills pcculiur to her sox. Before its magic, power all irregularities of tho womb vanish. It cares "whiles,” suppression of the “mouses,” and romoves uterine ob structions. It cures constipation and Btrongthous tbo system, braces the norvos and purifies the blood. It nev er fuils, as thousands of women will testify. Prepared by Dr. J. Brudiicld, At lanta, Uu., price $1.50 per bottle.— Sold by all druggist. Thomahville Ua., Juno 28, 1877. I havo boon selling Bradtield’s Fe male Regulator for years, and it still continues popular—an evidence of its boing nil claimed for it. I can recall instances iu which it afforded relief af ter nil tho usual remedies lmd failed. S. J. Cashelh, Druggist, llt’Mdut lir, NcttralKln, Kit. From Capt. I. S. Boyd, of the well- known firm of Walker A Boyd, General Iusuranco Agents: Atlanta, Jan. 13, 1871). I have used Nourotie in my family for headache, neuralgia, etc., with prompt relief in every case, and cor dially recommend it as tho most valu able rernody I have over used. Last uight 1 was suffering with severe cold . and neuralgia, and one application re- no8o pavillion; uor to smoke u free | lj OV od me in teu minutes, cigarette i roiu the celebrated "Duke \ octl5-lm Isaac H. Boyn. f Durham" manufactory; nor to see Brunswick&AlbaiiyEailr’d TIME TABLE. Takes Effect Monday, October 3d, 1S81- K. I). MKADER, Superintendent Approve.!: CHARLES L. SCHLATTER, Gen’l Manager. Palmer Brothers WIIOl.r.-M.E AKI> RETAIL HARDWARE, lit und 190 Congrej SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA Agricultural Implements, FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S FLOWS. DIUNLY’S FLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FLOW STOCKS, SWEEF SHOVELS, HEEL FINS, GRASS RODS. RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CAUFENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE AGENT. roll PA1HUAKXS' Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, Together with a full line of HI!ELF IIAUDWAKK 1 for Mle at the lowed caah |>rlr*t. PALMER BROTHERS. Pkiiry, Houhtox Co., Ga., Jan. !W, 1880. In 1871 thero were two necroes confined In J; badly afflicted with 8y|thilia. In my official capacd ty I employed C. T. Swia to “ * ” “Syphilitic Hpoclflt f*iy. Ho adm I felt ul of the county treasury, ■■ ho A. s!'HlLES?Ordlnary > Uoitatoa co.. Ga Chattanooga, Ton., Feb. 14, W.». 4. is giving pood » tue bighu. told by all druggist.*. Call for a copy of "Young The Ladies’Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Again invites the attention of her friends, nn Ladles generally. to her superb asflnr^>cnt of Millinery Goods. And to the NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, Hth which she has tho silos iu which gicou forage food being packed for winter use; and coming nearer homo, don't fail to ex amine the exhibit of our townsfolk, Mortars. Chess, Curley »V Co., uud take poop iuto that looking glass so ar- ruyod witli mirrors and rclloctors that you imagine you see a well u thou sand feet, yards or miles deep, wo huvo forgotten which; aud above all things, bo sure and seo tho exhibit of the K. T. V. & G. Kuilroud, particu larly that represented by Glynn and Mclutosb counties, that is, we tuouu, what is to be as soon as it can be put in shape. Blit why attempt to enumerate ? — You should see everything from tho ponderous Corliss ongiuo that drives tho machinery, to the smallest needle of tho ucodlo exhibit iu art hnll.uot for getting to take a (Missing (Jeep at uil the pretty factory girls who manipulate the machinery Lastly.—Avoid that plaee in the; North-west corner of tho gronuds where they sell what some folks call buttermilk ’ The people of Dooly county will vote on the whiskey question next Monday. An old citizen thus appeals to tho voters of tbut county through the Dopotch. ' Our op(H>iientK admit it is the great allh, | e vil of the day, and yet they offer ns Lily at all; all tho evils result- Hundreds of men, women and cliil-! dred rescued from bods of pain, siek- uchs and almost death, ami made strong and hearty by Barker’s Ginger Tonic are the best evidences iu the world of its sterling worth. You can tiud theso in every community. — /W. Seo advertisement. octl-liu h EMBOWERED FASH1QKABL RESORT! She Ia constantly receiving tho latent agotik-n fron. «uroM her friend* that Lor bcantifnl rolcetbiu* o HATS, BONNETS, BEITS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINGS SriinsnitkEaiwiinii DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, ^AIMES’ FOfflSHfllB GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. J. MICHELSON & BROTHER LAD Y a oi uoouit btw u, nj for Youraolrca, and v r atock. Our CLERKS DRESS GOODS, uUdloiiM, and at price* not to b cd. We offer beautiful Novelty Goods for Over-Dresses and Trimmings, Surah Silks and Satins of all shades, Dress Goods of every color and variety. t the time*, A flue aiciurtruent o PASSEMENTERIE AND PLUSII TRIMMING, Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels, A CHOICE STOCK OF DRESS BTJTTOITG, AND A NICE LOT OF LADIES’tfeCHILDREN’S HATS - Trimmed and untrimmod. with NOTIONS of all dcacripMooa. Ladies* and Children's Boots and Shoes OF ALL SORTS. IN THE MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, SHIRTS, UNDEBBUIHTd AND DRAWERS. HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Gents’s White Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece way diaaatUfted. BRUNSWlCKJdARKET, OFFICE ADVERTISER AND APPEAL. I Middling Fair.. O.x.d Middling Middling laiW Middling. Rough . i n • $10 la eas. m fa.7.v.afj h7>„ n »J.a TirwrsTisa-om aud whukeya. **c; r» «• SUPPLIES. Baron—Clear rib aldea, l’-V; nbmildef, kina, !*••; dry **lte«t clear rib aide*. l»V; long ear. 10 V; •houhUrn.itV. (Hum-Corn bit" os*’, mixed stic; oat*. CO; rau, 11.30. IIat-Northern. fl.»VCHEa-t.m, fi.JI; gU». U ulara, 90c Lvk lu t f f 1.3 . 13 .. -‘rfiiMJ. tu 9 Ira. f7 2 »•* 5*k4«'J as. Ilinr.M,, Etc. Huhw. dry tbut. IU.*; aalt^l totaTlTfc' burrywool/lOemlii-. Tallow. ttc^wax sa" dwr aktna, IV : otter *ktu». »V« t ft on NAV\L MTOHE8 FKY1UHTH. Soil- Uomo aud *|itrtU. 3. ml n.%4 *1. »•> Uultad Kingdom or Cunthmut dimt; t<. N. w X. rX tu on Ptilla>V!phia.*roiilt! Me, *j>»rll* soc: to IkUtnimr". ! REGISTRATION NOTICE. -THE FIRM OF — W. T. GLOVER & CO., -SUCCESSORS TO Dixon’s New Building, STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS & MAGAZINES Fire Insurance! J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT, tore DIXON’S NEW BUILDING. Newcastle St., - - Brunswick, Ga. Dr. A.D.GALE, LOCAL DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. ro:E3 SALE. PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Florcston Cologne. A New, Delightful and Fashionable Perfume. Exceedingly Fragrant, Lasting M 14«freaking. 6sU ky UnnUlA mU fancy go»b d**Ur*. Uincox Sc Co., Chemists, If* Y. paaaaamnaaiaBiaB | I offer u omauting $2,000,000. Tho hinount of tuxes paid j. . . . umm.illy I»v him in UrLvau i" i ,u « “'"'l 1 * ‘ u vu.mnuu iu- m*: ueurly *0,1X10, wlnlt, tlm total nmom,i 1 Jofinilvly, nn.l to cuntinuu to iuunmwi; d ,u>.. ut hi. UiXL. wili not full fur -hot i u! -u- they b-ivn -lunu fur tl-u Iuut ton vji *27,000 yearly. , ^ t , lir6 H (,„[ w ||! (he cvnoeijaenaw ? i . l ,V , l u ^ These itmriler. ure still to f(u un, tb, Hwlilin^s, Limulmgu, luw cults, jail fee., court expeunea, bankruptcies, Speaking of tile l air ut Macon this Week, tho Tdi'jraph bays: “In Freminni Hall there was a sight to make a dyspeptic smile. A perfect ocean of tho enrth'a product* lay then exposed, and it doe* seem a pity that tho whole cannot be rained, transport ed and laid at the entrance to Castle Garden. It would turn southward the stream of emigration, beyond a doubt, quicker than all tbe pamphlet*, agent* and low rate* in the laud. Tbe agricultural display, so far from Iwing meagre, is generous indeed, and cer tainly exceeds in quality anything ev er seen in Central City Park.” khlUtoly iTci vdiug. 1 ». i. is domestic troubles, public de- ii.oi aiization, ignorance, crime and pauperism ail to continue and to in crease an whiiikc}' whops multiply.— Does this need no remedy V Lit me argo npon you, my fellow citizens, to lay all else aside on Monday’, the 24th day of Octt>lH*r, and let us rid our selves of the worst of all evils. Ye neutral men, ponder well the matter, and turn out and aid the cause that promote* good order, jx.ncc m.d j>rya- peritjr. I) Frrcll V 'otl\rub\ • of th*XH“ dMiriDK t<> r#Ki» J.\M1> HOUSTON, D. w. h. parsons, PAINTER. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING, DEc»iTiit,Ku:oMiiiiis,fiacoiisA6uiiiii( lT"Bi|it!r etaenU-l In tUr Ut«»« »'jrU*. Giagcr, Backit Mandrake, Stllllagla and many other of the beat medicine* known are com bined *o lkilUully in I’Antcra'a Gimcxi Tonic m to nuke it the groote*! Blood Pnriler aui the Best Health aad Strength Restorer aver used. KaBiMr*’- UriMn,0r »~; If jrott an wasting away with Cansamptioo or anjrdiseaM.ttMthe Tonic today. Nomaturwhat your symDtotns Bsy be. it will sorely help you. Retnetnber! This Tonic cures drunkenness,, »the Boot Family MadidM over nude^entirely. diflewtnt from lluten^Gtaeet Prefuranucj and dWTmitfc^tswihaiinMaamtwtTO- cities of aR. Hoy a socbottleof yowdnttKut. “ : — without our signature on outside gcox^COj^Sgnkt^feu^Taek. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM ££j'£iS£; MEIDIOIIVBS ruK tux cdbx or FEVERS, PILES, DYSPEPSIA. SCROFULA, Cancer, Colds and Coughs, Mtmifa. lurid Ir m Vcnetablw Matter ..ulj. an.1 tor Dr. L. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, GA MS'Ntrt*‘t, t «b«r. tr»m Uut*-I « v-4« itlng of two a. ■fuct> (fitru r >bUlhUn|,M, JUIIX KITZ-IEKALD. CITATION. BTATi: OF GEORGIA—C. .Lrty of^tiMte L 1C1IICS Hair, IVail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, un thU iKt. b . i J’OONNOR, in., G. H. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, IIMI NWWIl’K, UEOIIUA. 1 am prepar. >1 to do all klrula of work in my Renblenwoo New. a*Ue cteret. near the City itvfprcttee*: J Micht Don A Dro.. A. Kalm.r A MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, BUIST'S FRESH AND GENUINE FINE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, Ahtl 'Utor artl.’Ie* too tmmerou- t 0 mention, «n<l tr*n«fiy kryi m a tln-Lrlwa Drug store. Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. I'm"; Lw S’AVmu“» t ‘"‘ *. tl ««.,1 .. l.l. ,r,IJ. „„U,, JAMES T. BLAIN, .*riiMv DRUGGIST. Two story Residence. With right rtx-mi OWL. IaA'JUxIU) v«ii!c* the kitehfi Au Onlinnncc, tend a ” An Onlinance to f Brunawkk, "F ’ iu tho fir»t acettou then-of. sa l juat-rtlnn Gib ' wor>b klofik, Richtuond and (ilou.-r»t"r iu Il-u ASSKTJt, .TIIHELEIIS IBlinSOi 1(1, HARTFORD. CONN. Life und Accident Insurance. day of Auguat, 1W|. hrx.*riox I. The Mayor and Council of tbe city of ! X ¥; DEXTEB . INSURANCE AGT, .i- M *fc«gei«l, ^ Rr ye old* Bitd R«I>rvM.nU the abert Co. at Rruti*wlc.k. Oa. *0,0 00,000 ihort notice- Monk * Glim • auction *ha!l i ' *outb, Richmond atrret oi r»-et on the north, and Day • orilaiunl. That alio, irdiuaurtwin rt hlfU t with t. are hereby reitealad. :r5th, !*•!. J. t N Kl^t »« AMKfi HOVST'JN. t'lrrt ef CcucdL ' Alien I accident poltcte* written o.. inanrance tieketa ao|,i. No nodical i minirrsl. des-l»iy Notice.