Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 22, 1881, Image 4

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iUST-PROOF SEED OATS! RUST-PROOF. SEED OATS! Glynn County Sheriff Sales] Smiim, fioim iid Wester* Biiiwh. Firxt Tuesday in Novnnk'r, 1881. i feed oats, feed oats, feed oats. MEAT. MEAT. MEAT. MEATljg A_T_. I I 2v£IE-£h.Xj! I SIIH FLOUR [all grades], HAMS, LARD, SALT, GRIST, and all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will he sold as cheap as the cheapest. Coimmmieat addressed to tne at Albany or Brunswick will bo answered promptly. J. R. FORRESTER. J 2S.. INTIGHTEtN’G AXjE!, Agent at Brunswick. "cH-tl.VC.Ht fell? 3 mil S g I ~ rA ggas ** 2 -■ Ini 2osh * noj^ 5J« ME flSK W.©£ © rrt ©=> aCS Q O Q s8iiis H pg§8j^ 8 fc § § ©r- - = - a . . .. © . XT > ~t *—• s*- *■* c I'S ^SKS M Sf-ga e.-JS a 3 *»» x Sffi ►> r Ji > 2 / - - qs ’/j * "J HJ © J - 1=2 E"“* O s F 00 3 1 —< - C C fp $ c O CX2 g 1 - =5 “ els M fa ^ S' ^ §.».. S'* 3 *-6.a 2 8 ^ • &J a ff “ * I—• ft) t-H 5* sfjrgg t=j § * 1 c^- 00 S'Jg.H ~'S> o f ~ _ 3 S. Ta r? o c? ss sLo?<T * .log ?- S-§: s "ifiF H. L. HARRIS, A. E. HEINS,l DIJCK & COMPANY, I Watolunalier dfc Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GrA-., Fancy Groceries H AS CONSTANTLY ON H AND A FULL SUPPLY WatGhes, clocks, "STAR” SPECTACLES, TXS^ZItJI-.IFL'Sr. SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments &XU 8FMNfG8, PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. Patent Wach Regulator. Uim be applied in 5 Minutes try\ (Enlarged Twice.) tiaubleu anyone to regulate his own >Vatoh with cortaiuty All gooils will be sold »t Urn very lowest market price. No trouble to show goods. jc5-ly Paint and Oil Store! SHIP CHANDLERS TOBACCO, CIGAIiS and FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobaceo and Cigars A SPECIALTY. AND DKALKliS IN AND- t*OODS DELIVERED FREE. (live mo • call, at either my afore on the Hay <>r Tile Best Place! THE JEWELRY HEAIXjUAU- ! TEItS OF W. F. DOERFLINGER U the Ih-at litter of the Kind, in every rrapf-t. , X3ST TOTXTXTJ General Previsions. We cull special attention to our Liil)ricaliii!> anil Painters’ Oils, Winch will In* of tli eu C,. Ott. “3KS& urty. to-wif: All that c.'tUin lot of thirty-throe. levied on an the property ol Da I.. orpin Mill ( county tor f 1.0 y»»r It'S*). Prop- orty levl.-d ou and « fa returned to me * “ Leary. U'lirtaMo »tb VMrtst «. M., Mid C l. lU o'clock v. st. and tour o'clock r. m. of tlmt .lay, fct pnhllo uitcry, to the high«i>t and lx-at bidder. tho follow- ty^if'd SUL famish ‘tl/u etty o'f*^UtHnawH-k'and tnowii and dnacrtln d on tin- map of *anl city, made ■y • leor^r R, L'ttlilwlu, Anno Domino D«37. as Old rty lev ubvrx i» by the nty. un.h r and by v rsinuc . Shot BEST MATERIAL RAILROAD, Steamboat and Mill Supplies,t—s JEWELRY. WATCHES, Etc., Etc., i -AND AT nty In (uvut ut* W™! M>rt, a. admlui.trater upon the c-aUte of * K. Davrnport, lato of .aid cotinty, docoaaed, laiiii. Dart, .Senior, as truitee for hi. wife, K. t, and children. Property pointed out by V» attorney, am lh vied n pm. •. the prom-r- tlu- .aid d' b.ndant, to .ati.fy nai.l A fa.- t -<r .aid il fa f.Vyl uo. principal d< ‘ ‘ Febr , 1««I, dr.y of h •HJSEPH K LAMimiGHT, : . V. POKUH.I.Vt>U(. Attcf Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Leeks, Sa*h-Weights. Cord, Hinges. Series, Etc.. Lime, Plaster, Hair & cement. 1 uvuu imty, <i«-orjfta, on tho Si. ht twen th* hour, ■at day. at public out bidder, tin- following H. H. F. THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! iiiu/s iiiinni rum LOWEST FIGURES. We Will Not be Undersold. ;l|f§§; QUICK SAI.ES AND SMALL I'HOFiTSiisiiSsi v ! the pro|x>rty „t the »*id d-f-ndaut. to .aid tally (Sunday■ “ anguatfup, Inga on St. Unnaral Huporlntcndcnt CIGAR'FACTOBY BRUNSWICK, GA.. I). G. ItISLEY, Proprietor. CIU.UIS MAWJFACiriWII IIV HA Ml*. **■> Ok THLUNrdfT OllADEHOr Pure Havana Tobacco, Your Orders are Solicited. TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE PIPE, Tin Ware, Plumtdiii;, Pumps & Pump Driving. bed in the map and l'.*5. Wild j All jobbing ni-atly dou ,ed. a. Sheriff, Give ua a call. Will be our motto. j*ft>i*e ou Collin's wharf. I ti fa. fV.w7 im pr Up to February Vi-l. l«sl, }5.103 3u; wuu ar- |I0 >k» eo.t of Milt. NotlcegiV-j JOhEl II K LAJILUIGUT, t NO. 6. WHITAKER STREET - O-ufiw.! WHITMAN'S FOUNTAIN PIMP. 50 CENTS •uli ’ V»rV»l- by J .' dl*"dl A T»lA!V.' Bay Street - Brunswick Ga. W.B.Mell&Co., Chess, Carley k Co,, DEALEli IN Foreign mid Domes!<• Wines, Liquors, WHUf.tiS.lLK Uti.lLtiKS IS— WhoU-eaic and K« UiI Dealer SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting! and cigars, .IStr. David Clark FRKbVH AND AMERICAN CALF HKINM, HULK. 1IARNKH8.111111*1.K. AND PATENT LK VTH- I KB. WHIPS) AM -jADL'LELY WAUL. , auffl. Fresh Fish and Oysters- o*ui^u/m7oDnucwi^ ^......L, r !savannah&'Brunswick. ^ IHURS g A ' Y AFTE ^ 0 'o N •e, Steves, Plows,. H . A . KENRICK,, urn,™*.,^wu-h Heal Estate i Land Agent, 1 Tuesday g Friday vening K til.MlNL aM> LALlf uIL, BRUNSWICK. ■ GEORGIA.! OULS OF ALL KIYM « KSl *» tt srrrMJi.i; for mill men and turpentine jA. Ssiacs'Olo.ity.; WHITE FOB 1-KICKS Apritkbl.'m IWIlirrOF TITLE HOOKS. itr r-ignrd pn jsired. in W7H 1, i *• from tho It is-, in la «»f Glynn <» nti, brought htttd !r>ok Hard Win l*OC«t* AM. TABLE CUTLET.Y TINWARE. IHXJUM. tUHli. ULAhW, H «hi, t BOCKERY. KAMI'S AM) L.KWP rilTrBEs, FOR SAVANNA L. ir D. HOYT & Co. ^g^ATITNTlON uIVKN TO COLLECTION OF J l-hiia.blj.b:a. lUltci liehiconr; (wU. hLh li. (Miluh, ArUWa, U.„ , lion. John T- CotUL*- UoUoWT Port of Rruiwalck, j ua aa^jOfiin j iprUie-Rb NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, ^--*- ^Wmmm TOGCTHER WITH Hay, Srain, Provisions, Etc. is Iligbesf Market Rates paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur- lushed at Closest Figures. haLE—Jh^ Northern ..n.-th:rd «» utho UmJZdkB&Tril SS2S ir.dut-vm.-ii!-. for |e,rtlcnb ;-pir CI'NNINOHaM .v LAWTU?: r> k only of th# title, and any i;| J% CaovarT, i|attorney at law, ) HRVSSWICK, GEORGIA. : f>flItr as**, to »p ahui luL'diEg.