Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 29, 1881, Image 1
I1UWKK AIlfEItTISIll All m * VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 188] NUMBER 17. The Advertiser and Appeal, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, AT BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, BY T. G. STACY. Subscription Hates. One copy one year... published until ordered out, when the time1 i* jot specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Communications for individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisements. Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding lour linos, solicted for publication. When ex* cooling that apace, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad* dressed to the undersigned. T. tt, STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. AUlemm- A. T. Putnam, *f. W. Watkins, J. 3 Bpears, D. T. Dunn, 3. P. Harvoy, 8. C. Little field, P. J. Docrfiinger. Keeper of Guard House and Clerk of Market—V. , Moore. Pert Physician—C L Schlatter, 3r, M. D. City Ihytician-L U Davis, M. D. Harbor Master—a 3 Hall. JosILainbriglit Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN STANDING COMMlTmsOt COUNCIL. riNANCE—Conpcr, Watkins and Dunn. 8TRKXTS, Drains k Ratoon—Dunn, Watkins Dd Littlefield. Sexton Whits Cemetery—C O Moore. C km me Hi n—Spears, Deorflinger and Oonper. Habbob—Littlefield, Bi*ears and Putnam ItAiLBOADs—Doerninger.Harvt Education—Putnai “ CitABirr—Pa tnars, Pi HI DEPARTMENT— I’oUcB - Putnam, Dunn, and Watkins. UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. 'Deputy—II. T. Dunn. Collector Internal Revenue—D. T. Dunn. Deputy Marshal—6. J. llall. Postmaster—Llnua North. SEAPORT LODGE, No. 68, 1. 0. 0. F.. Meets every Tuesday ulght at eight o’clock. JA8. E. LAMDRIOUT, 1 gbtat eigbi W. W. WATKINS. N O. H. PIERCE, V. O. k R. Secretary. COURT SESSIONS IN THE BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT. CLINCH—1st Monday In Mar. !, and September. APPLING—fid Motidnplu March and September. WAYNE—4th Monday In March and Scptemlwt. PIERCE—1st Monday In April and October. WARE—2d Monday in April and October. COFFEE—Tuesday after 4th Monday in April and ■ 2d Monday in May and Country Produce KEEPS ALSO oy HAND A FULL AND WELL AS SORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, oTANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc.,. >f which are offered for cash at reaaouablo I MEAN BUSINESS! Store corner Newcastle and Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. -THE FIRM OF W. T. GLOVER & CO, MALLORY’S V YORK & Steamship Line (SUCCESSORS TO W. T. OLOVEB) Itcports or Officer* of (he City of llmiMWJck, for Hie Month or February-* 1881# REPORT OF CLERK AND TREASURER. Amount on hand $5,213 1G G W Wimberly & Co, license.. .35 00 P Jos DoeriliDger M .... 35 00 J E Rnssell, license 35 00 O’Connor&.Wenz, license 35 00 Dixon’s New Building, Where the pnbiic can be supplied, at wholraalo or retail, with everything in the liuo of • STATIONERY, lis ' .Too Wndn Books, Pictures, Etc, Deceived dally and for sale a Captain RISK. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, Captain HINES, rk evrnr Friday i Brunawtck every Tuesday. Close connection with all poiuta on B. k A. and M. k 11. Railroad*. Through bills lading Mgni-d to all points on abovi MMge aa low aa by any other liuo. and*! For passenger and state r J BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient to Bogiuess, the Railroads and the Steamboats. Furniture New, Table Good W. (7. JtE€K <£• €Q., PROPRIETORS. augjuiy Harnett House, (FORMERLY PLANTERS’ UOT>X). Market Square, • • Savannal Janet-lj K. W. SOUT1 iYiWui I41K, Act, Urmwwici. Ga BEST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. IIVISTS GENUINE NEW CHOP GARDEN SEED M. L. HARNETT & CO., FIIOPIIIBTOIIN, RATES, - - $2.00 PER DAY. This favorite family Hotel, under II meat, la recommend * * CUISINE, bome-like i recommended fur the cxrollenee of I Fire Insurance! N.V.lINDERWItlTliltS’.UJRMV. [COMPOSED OF TOE GERMANIA AND HANOVER INSURANCE CO.'HI AND BRITISH HiiiKlffltt’li tO. THESE FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES RET RESENT ED IN BRUNSWICK BY T. O’CONNOR, Jr. trDWELLINOH AT VERY LOW RATE*, feb Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, Seal Estate and Ioannao! Aevnt. B.\YST., - • BRUNSWICK, Ga. Reference*; Savannah Bank and Trust Company, ONION SETS. nnoiCE c.hewing <t- smoking TOO AC CO. The nest 5 uent Cigars. For sale at ■»t*23*tf Ille%IN’» DIUO BTURK. City Tax Notice. xo* due the cily ofRninawlck on real ne* rovrii'oiita, and every spreR s of peraotutl for the year 1*81, are payablo as follows: Kt oa or before 31st day of March, 1NN1. * 3l)th •• •• Juno, 3*1 30 th •• •• Hept., 4th .'loth • •• Nov., Rooka for the reception of returns and the * Hon or the first quarterly PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. jr Palmer Brothers WHOLESALE AND BXTAIL HARDWARE, i«, improvn operty for " I quarter < •pen, and will be r HHI, when exectui* ._ ivery person who (ail OIDc* hour* from 0 a. i the Slut day of March, payment aa abovi H., and from 3 to JAMES HOUSTON. Clerk and Treasurer. CITY BARBER SHOP, J. II. CARTER, Proprietor. ■tyle. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S IIAIR CUTTING . SPECIALTY. ^SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I C E3 ! —hr— Wholesale and Retail. Retail lee House *>u Newcastle street. SUNDAY HOURS:—15 to 10 a. Pi to 2 and 5 to . M. Sunday customers pleant) take notice. A. M. HAYWOOD. 148 and 150 Congrotia. l«U and 151 St. Julian *' SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. Agricultural Implements, FAN MILLS, G BAIN CRADLES, AVERY'S PLOWS. BRINLY'S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. AOENTS tOK PAIUIIASKS' Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, The Ladies’Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Millinery Goods. And to the NEW STYLES. NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which sb* haa enriched h. r EMBOWERED FASHfONIBL RESORT! Geo Chandler, ngt Benj Hirsch Friedhmder A Co Michelson li Bro Kniscr k Bro Mrs R Meyers J M Madden W P Golden H H Hoard Charlos Henry Samuel Morris Tatnnll Jenkins Jns Wndo J F Nelson k Sons C H Dexter Columbus Hibbard Thomas Campbell Tliomns Monroe Austin Mimsio T G Clark Junius Carter J A Sapp k Co W W Watkins Geo Wheeler B C Hodgo E R T Mundy U M Sawyer Henry Bowser Jos Grant J M Dexter 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 25 00 3 00 300 3 00 3 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 ......10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 500 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 51 10 3 12 Angnstas Adams " A liorelmrdt " John Armstrong " Alfred Johnson " Wallace troupe “ Albert Carpenter " M Mincban and wife, taxes Mrs Fannie Uurgny “ J L Robnrls, tins " ... I! S6 Prime Piles “ ... . 3 05 Burrell Jackson " . . 1 50 W F Symons, Iras, lease 0 00 G J Hall, taxes 8 GO Jackie White “ 1 1 10 A E Wattles " 12 15 us" 12 76 V R Mitchell •• !) 12 MrsERSymons" 41 43 Lang Bryant “ 2 85 Sol Maxwell “ 2 53 Lake Polite “ 3 30 Dennison Armstrong, toxos.... 2 10 Wymnu troupe, license 5 00 M Shannon, wharfage 30 00 Miss J Spraker, taxes 175 J A Crotwoll 11 • 30 75 Micbelsnn k Bro, license 5 00 Horaeo Dart, taxes 18 17 Mrs P Minehau * Wm Ashe " J B Cannon " Jack Burroughs" Jacob Fonda " J M Flint) “ Mrs CM Spears" M:ty Turner, lieenso. 3 Of . 1 75 . 2 35 . 2 95 . 5 00 .10 80 . 3 25 . 5 00 J M Madden, coupons 24 GO M k B Railroad, charity 2 85 W M Heyward, costs 20 00 Cosh to balanco 5,147 58 $0,581 59 Examined and fouud correct. James M. Coupeh, Chairman Finance Com. REPORT OF H. A. FAUU, IfARMHAL. Capt Juo Hancock, fine. John Johnson, fine $4 00 I 00 Jerry Minoban, fine 2 00 John Mastron, fine 25 E G Wright, fine 25 John Convicto, fiuo 25 Harry Williams, fine... 2 00 Goo Cadone, fine 2 00 Milb'e Gillinrd, fine .... 2 00 J W Webster, fine 5 00 J W Webster, fine 2 00 Thos Dorillion, lino 2 00 Mrs Frank Prner, fine... 1 00 Richard Brigga, fine Lnla Mallory, fine 2 00 Fannio Thomas, fine 3 00 Tarra Commodore, lino.. 3 00 Gus Adams, fino 5 00 David Dovidson, fine 2 00 Wm Stovona, fino 3 00 $4G 75 By amount turned ovor to Clerk Hetty Marvin. and Treasurer on Ones $40 75 Correct. James Hoeantx, Clerk and Treasurer. tub iiim vs. sciekit:. W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OF NA VAL STORES, C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Over Mlchel4oo'a Pruviaion Store, Oloocea ter Street, BRUNSWICK, GA. D. D. ATKINSON, DENTIST, la constantly receiving the latest a, the standard em|mrioni* of fai-Iilmi. ami aaaurca her frfettda that li-r beauUft.l • HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES &TRIMMINOS Cannot be excelled In tbla or any other city. &ress Mimxm k •peciatty, and perfoct fits in the u<w>'nt modi» guaranteed. Goods first class, and price* r> aaonsbte. ABSTRACT OrfITLE BOOKS. The undersigned prepared. In 1870-1, an abstract of all title* from the Record* of Olynn county, dat ing Irum 17f*and »ub*«-«jm-uUy brongbt raid bonk up to 1874, making it a complete abstract to book T, the present record book o| the county, with lb* ex ception of |wo l»ooks» Rend h, which abstract*, sine# th« recent deatrnctio.i <A tho record*, ere the ’ Glynn county * uk». t tbstlnij named, with the which was saved with book T. Ha has opened office, and will k*-«p itop*-b for eiaminsiinn of titles for cash compensation, a* per schwiuUof tars in of- fie. tbs examination to b» only < f the title, and aay BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. I "** 1 ’p’gOODy'eAR Offlee up atair* In Crovatt'# new building. jy*n | j i4-Iy. J M Madden “ ....25 00 •Sinnu<•! Ward “ .... r> vi Wilson Lloyd, InxoH .... 2 It I, T Dupree •• .... « 50 J (J Green, lieoiiBO 5 01 So Kxprenh (jo “ ....25 00 A .1 Knight ■■ .... 35 00 ltobt ArniHtrong, taxen.. . . .... 3 70 1) (i Hi-lev, tax oh ...17 15 j L T Dupree '• .... not Atwel) Braxton, Jieoimo.. . .... 5 Ot .1 M D-xter 10 00 “ "... ...25 0(1 1 " "... ....10 Ot .I'll Dexter .... 10 00 j Mih Jere C’iihcv, taxes. . . .... 8 10 |J A Vincent ' .... .... Hi oo W II Whaley, lease .... r. oo J M Column “ .... 0 00 J M Dexter “ l no Mr* J Minelmn" .... 0 00 Mrs Jno Brooks” .... 4 50 R Armstrong " .... 1 IK) Mary Grant “ .... 1 00 DIHDUR8KMEKTH. J F Neluoti, Hillary Jus Houston " $6,681 59 ...$25 00 ....72 16 J C Norman “ .... 835 J L Beach* “ ....48 55 J It Robins “ .... 4 15 T G Stacy “ .... 10 05 Jackie White “ .... 0 25 Li A Fid mi “ ....52 00 W H Rainey " ....39 00 T W " ....39 00 L B Davis “ .. ..... ....20 85 W B Burroughs, coupons.. io no D A Moore, guard house.. .. ..91 30 A T Putnam, stroots. .. . Marion Lundy " ....... . .. 8 00 J J Spears " ... i r,o A V Putnam, charity . .. 14 25 Jackie White " .... 3 00 M A B Railroad” .... 170 S M Gleganer “ ... 00 G H Nichols, printing ....12 50 T G Stacy, printing .... 500 G J Hall, quarantine ....1100 L J Leavy ct ul, police L W Hani» el nl, g'recta.. .... 4 50 ....09 00 J I) Gill, street* .. .83 33 SI Shannon, quarantine ...35 00 A Green, charity 11 1J Goodbread, charity... ....12 00 .... 3 00 B M Cnrgylo, coupon* 54 25 Mrs O A tjeap., interest ...5H7B Bill Kye, in Laramie Boomerang. Dear redder, did yon ever wrestlo with a hen that lmd a wild anti un controllable desire to incubate ? Did on over struggle on, day nftor day, trying to conviuco her that her mis sion was to furnish eggs for your ta ble, instead of hovering all day on a door-knob, trying to batch out a lit ter of front doors ? Wm. H. Root, of this place, who who has made the hou a study, both in her home life and while lyiug in tho ombrnco of death, baa struck upon au argument to wbicb the average hen will pay more atteutiou than any other ho has discovered in his re searches. Ho says tho modern hen ignores almost everything when sho ouco gets a notiou that she lias re ceived a call to incubate. You can take tbo eggs out of tho nest and put blooded bulldog on a nest of new- laid bumble-bees in placo of them, and sho will hover uver them as nssidous ly as she did beforo. Mr. Root's hen had shown somo of this mania, so he took out the eggs aud let her try her incubator on a horse-rake awhile, just sho could taper oft gradually, and not have her mind shattered. Thun he tried her nt hatching out four- tined forks, and nt last her taste got itiated that she took tho contract to furnish tho conutry with bust lew by batching out an old boop-xkirt that had gouu to seed. Mr. Root then made an experiment. \V« were one of n board of scientists who assisted in tho consultation. The owner «»f tho hen got a strip of red Haiturl ami tied it around her tail. The lien seemed aunoyed ns soon as she dis covered it. No hen cares to have a sash hung on her system that does not match her complexion. A*goal brown hen with a r«*d flan m l polo- naiso doesn't seem to hartuoniise verv much, and she is aware of it as much and anybody is. Tho hen wemed to think of something all at once that had esenped her mind before, and si she went away. She *t ep|*ed about nine feet at a lick on the start, and gained time i»h she pro cocded. AVhen she bumped her nose against the corner of the stable she changed her mind about the direc tion. She altered her conr>*o a little, but continued her rapid atyl#* of move ment. Her eye began to h»ok wild.— She seemed to be losing her reason. She got so, pretty soon, that she did not recognize the face* of her friends. She passed Mr. Rout without b«iug able to distinguish him from a total stranger. These jieciilirtr movements wore kept tip during the entire after noon, till the lien got «o fatigued that she crawled into a length of old stove pipe, and the committee retinal to prepare a report. It is the opinion of tho press that this is a triumph of genius iu the line of hen culture. It in not severe though firm iu its treat mi nt, and while it of course annoys and unmans the hen temporarily, it is salutary in ita result*, and at the same time it furnishes a pleasant lit tle matinee for the spectators. We say to those npou whoso hands time bangs heavily these long days that there is nothing that soothes the ruf fled mind and fills the soul with a glad thrill of pleasure like the erratic inovcinc-uts of a decorated hen. It may be a high order of cujoynumt, but it nffords a great deal of laughter to those who tue not- wry accom plished, and those who laugh nt things and then consider its propriety after- Wben the British and Tories at tacked New London, Connecticnt, in 17—, and set a price on the bead of Governor Griswold, tho latter flod to the town of L—, where his oonsin, Mrs. Marvin, bid him for some days in a secluded farm house. But at length the subtle foe discovered bis retreat, nnd one Sunday afternoon in May he was routed from his- hiding- place by tho tidings that a band of horsemen were approaching to capt ure him. His only chanco of escape was to reach tho mouth of a little creek which emptied itself into the Connecticut river, just above tho ontrnuce o[ tho latter into Long Island Sound. There be had n boat stationed, with two faithful attendants bidden beneath tho high banks of tho croek. Tho distance from the farm house to tbo boat was two miles of the usu ally traveled rood. Bnt a little path across tho farm**’* orchard would bring him to the road, only a milo from the boat, and save a quartet’s length of bis fearful ran for life. Just whore the narrow path from the orchard opened into the road, Hetty Marvin sat bleaching her house hold linen. The long web of forty yards or more, which was diligently spuu and woven daring the long win ter months was whitened in May, and thus made ready for use. The business of bleaching was well economized, being nsnnlly done by the younger daughters of the family, who wero not old enongh to spin or strong enongh for the heavier work of the kitchen or tho dairy. The roll of linen was taken by the farmer or bis stout “help” to a grassy plot beside a spring or meadow.— There it was thoroughly wetted aud spread npou the green turf, to take the best beat of the sun by day and tho dew by night. The little maiden who tended it would sit near it. Thus sat Hetty Marvin, the - young daughter of Governor Griswold’s cousin, when her bunted friend sprang past her iuto the road to cscapo his pursuers. . Hetty was a tiruid child of about twelve yours, yet thoughtful and wise beyond any of her elders. Sho whs frightened by the headlong hasto with which tho Governor rushed across the meadow. But sho quickly comprehended the scene, nnd instnnt- ly quieted her faithful Towner, who though a friend of the family guests, thought it becoming to bark loudly at his bin rled steps. Her winf*b•rethought arrested the Governor's notice, ami suggested n scheme to delude his pursuers. '* Hetty,” he said, “I ntu flying tor my life, and unless I can roach my IhMit lu-fore I am overtaken, 1 am l.i*t iimn. Yon see the road* fork here. Rut you must toll those who urn chasing me that I have gone up the road to enteli Hie mail wagon, which will soon be along, you know. Then they will turn off the other ■'Oh, c-*ni*m!” *sid the little girl, ail agony of distress. I eannot tell ie, why did jon toll which way yon weru going ?” “ Hetty, child, surely you would uot betray me to my death ? Hark l Thoy are coming—I hear the click of their horse's feet. Oil, Hetty, tell them I have gone up the road instead of down, and heaven will bless you.” .“ Heaviat never blessed those who speak falsely cousin. Rut I will not tell them tthieli way you go, even if they kill me; so run as quickly as pos sible.” it’s of no use. Unless I enn de ceive tin m, I am a dead mull.'' ' CoiiNiu, cousin, hide under tuy web ofeloih; they’d never think of look ing here for yon. Come, get down as swiftly us you can, and I'll cover yon, K? stand sprinkling my hoeti.” Angry that their expected prey had escaped from the house where they hoped to secure him, the six mounted Tories, beaded by a British officer, dashed along the road iu a swift pur suit. At sigbt of the girl iu the mead ow, the leader of the party paused. "Child,” he said, sternly, “bare you seen a man running hereabout " Yes, air,” replied Hetty, trembling ami flushing. Which w«y did he go?” t I promised not to tell, sir.” But you must ti ll, or take the con- ward*. ■rqiiencctt. “I said I would not tell if you killed me,” sobbed the frigbtend girl. “I’ll have it out of her 1" Exclaimed the furious officer, with en oath. “ Let me speak to her,” said his Tory guide, “I know the child, I be lieve. Isn't your name Hetty Mar vin?” be asked pleasantly. “ Yes sir.” " And tbis man that ran by you a few minutes ago was your tnothor’s cousin, wasn’t ho ?” "Yes, sir, he was.” " Well, we are friends. What did be any to you when be came long ?” " He—told me—that be was flying • for bis life. 1 ’ ‘ Jast so, Hetty; that was very true. I boptf* be won’t have to fly for.— Where was he going to bide? You see, I could help him if I know his plans.” Now Hetty was not a whit deceived by tbis smooth speech. But sho was willing to tell as much of tho troth os would consist with bis safety, and she judged that her frankness would serve her kinsman bettor than her silence,, so she answered her questioner can- eidly: “My cousin said be was going down to the river, whore he had a boat, and wanted roe to tell tho men that were chasing him that bo had gone the other way to catch the mail wagon.” m " Why didn’t yon do as be told you, then, when I askod you where he had gone?” thundered the officer, fierco- iy- I could not tell n lio, sir,'' was tbo tearful answer. " Hetty,” nguiu began tbo smooth- tongne Tory, “yon nre a nice child, v Everybody knows yon are a girl of truth. Wbat did your cousin say when yon told him you oonld not tell a falsehood ? He said he eboiildn’t think I’d betray him to biB death." “And then yon' promised him thut you wouldn't tell wbieh way be went if yon were killed for it." " Yes, sir.” “That was brave; and laupposohe thanked you for it, and ran down tbo road as quickly aa posaiblo “I promiaod not to toll where ho wont, air.” 'Ob, yoa, I forgot. Well, toll ua bia last words, and wo won't trouble yon any more.” Hia lost worda wero: 'Il’a my only chance, child, and I'll get down as you any.” And overcome with fright and tbo acnao of bar kinaman'a danger should they rightly interpret tbo langaago wbicb abe bad reported, abe sobbed aloud and bid her (ace from eight. Her tormonton did not atny long to nootbo or qneation her They all immediately pushed rapidly on down to the rivor. Now the Governor bad arranged a signal with bia boatmen that a wbito cloth by day, or a light by night, dis played from the attia wiudow of bia biding place, which wae jnit visible ' at the month of tbe river, ebould in form them if be were iu trouble, and put them on tbo alurt to help him. Aa «oon, therefore, ua bo startod from hia conain’a, it floated from tbo window to warn them. And when they saw tbo punning party doth wildly down the road to tbe river, and recognized tbe British uniform of tbo lender, they pulled swiftly ont to eeo. Tbe boraemeu reached tbe (boro only in time to eeo a boat with two men in it nearly ont of eight, and enppoemg tbeir destined prey bad escaped, re linquished tbe pnnu-t. Meanwhile tbe victim lay safe and quiet where tbe ibrewdnese of bis lit tle eonaiu bad bidden bim, nntil tbe time for her return for sapper. Thon lie bade her go aa itanal to her home, telling her to nak her mother to placo Uie signal lamp in tbe window as soon as it grew dark for tbe boatmen, and Hcnd him there aome supper, with hia valise, wbicb, in the harry of bis de parture, be bad left behind. Tbe signal recalled tbe boat, which after twilight bad ventured in eight of abore nnd the farm boaee, and tbe Governor qnietly made hit way to Ibo river iu safety. When bo rejoined hia family in * secure borne, be named bia infant daughter, wbieh bad been born in bia obeenoe, "Hetty Marvin,” that be might be daily reminded of tbe little cousin whoso Irntii and shrewdness saved Jiis life. ' —** I’m saddest when X swing.—< luiteau